Issue 02- September 18. 2013

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Issue 2 Volume 30 First Copy Free

Prescott, Arizona Since 1984

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Sky Wasn’t the Limit FLAVIU CIOBANU Correspondent

“Well, space is there, and we’re going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God’s blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked.” John F. Kennedy uttered these words on May 25, 1961 in front of Congress and to the American people to declare the nation’s intent of a successful American landing on the moon before the end of the decade. The nation was then propelled into an unprecedented era of engineering innovations and breakthroughs. On July 20, 1969 the dream became a reality as the Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin triumphantly planted the American flag on the surface of the moon; thus securing the technological supremacy of the United States. Wednesday, September 11, 2013 in the Davis Learning Center (DLC), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University offered an engaging presentation on the Apollo program. This presentation see APOLLO page A4

Photos by Navneet Singh / Horizons Newspaper

Professor Sean Jeralds presents on the Apollo 11 mission in the DLC

Embry-Riddle Prescott Signs Collaborative Memo with Temasek Polytechnic JAKE SUSS On-line Editor

On Sept. 6, representatives from Temasek Polytechnic, a technical university based in Singapore, came to visit Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott Campus and sign a “memorandum of understanding”

What’s Inside News








Amelia Earhart: Women’s Hero Newest Library Staff SGA Of�icers Bio’s

WOW Wing Eating Contest Album Review: Ember Fx Attitude Indicator

Jet Dragster: World Premiere Softball Fundraiser It’s Raining Women Chinese Corner

elaborating possible avenues of collaboration between the two universities. The Temasek delegation, headed by Principal and CEO Mr. Boo Kheng Hua, toured the campus and jointly signed the memo with Dr. Frank Ayers, Chancellor of the Prescott Campus. Temasek Polytechnic is a three-year university in Singapore with approximately 15,000 students. They offer 51 full-time diplomas in areas including business, engineering, information and IT, and applied sciences. The memo included possibilities of student exchanges, allowing Embry-Riddle students to study abroad in Singapore, and Temasek students to study in Prescott. Additionally ERAU and Temasek are interested in faculty exchanges, which would allow continued professional development for both schools’ professors. Already this summer, five students accompanied by business professor Dr. Javad Gorjidooz studied abroad at Temasek. Dr. Gorjidooz and the students enjoyed being able to experience a different view of aviation and took many tours provided by Temasek to see TEMASEK page A2

Remembering the Fallen A2

Jason Chong / Horizons Newspaper Dr. Frank Ayers and Mr. Boo Kheng Hua shake over a newly signed collaborative memo.

Activity Fair


Study Abroad: Jordan Center Fold



Remembering the Fallen Eli Olson Correspondent

Flags were at half-staff Wednesday, Sept. 11 as the ROTC assembled to formally retreat the colors and hold a ceremony in honor of the victims of the Sept. 11 attacks of 2001. While the cadets stood at attention the flag was raised to the top of the pole and lowered to be folded. Immediately afterwards Professor Deanna Austin spoke about her time in the Pentagon and her experience during the terrorist attacks. Austin, a former intelligence analyst, talked about how she had received a phone call from a friend asking for information on the World Trade Center attacks not too long before the Pentagon was struck and how she followed the attacks on the radio. She also told about how her strong windows shook from the energy and noise of the jet so that it seemed as if they would shatter and how moments before the attack she had been composing talking points for the Pentagon’s

efforts to obtain more counterterrorism funding. She dryly noted that these notes did not end up being necessary. Austin then told about her immediate reaction after the crash, when her thoughts went to a class of 35 that were meeting in an office nearby. After finding them she and all the other staff in the building, military or civilian, evacuated.

Though given the option to stay home the next day, Austin reported to work. Despite potential dangers from the recent damage to the building, Austin volunteered to go into the wreckage to retrieve classified information. At the end of her speech, Austin spoke of the healing environment of Arizona and its benefits. She also mentioned a temporary me-

morial in Prescott Valley in honor of the victims of the 2001 attacks as well as the Granite Mountain Hotshots who died this summer. The ceremony was part of an annual tradition by ROTC units every Sept. 11. Though flags are raised and lowered daily, there is a ceremonial reveille to raise the flag and a ceremonial retreat to lower it once each semester.

Jake Suss / Horizons Newspaper The Honor Guard folds the US flag during the Sept. 11 ceremony.

Amelia Earhart: Women’s Hero Lynda Roberts

Student Life Correspondent

A name that has been solidified in history as daring and courageous, Amelia Earhart exemplifies everything that Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University stands for. By pushing the envelope and challenging the standards of her day, Earhart forever changed and shaped the aeronautic world. Back when it was particularly rare for women to venture past an expected domestic life of raising a family, Amelia Earhart led the way for women to valiantly break the mold and grab some of the fun from the boys. Earhart seized the moment, made history and became a legend still very much in the forefront of aviation annals. Much has been written about Earhart and many theories abound surrounding her extraordinary last flight. According to Earhart’s official website, after graduating high school in 1915 and spending nearly two years in college, she left to become a nurse’s aide in a military hospital in Canada

during WWI. At this point, Earhart had already caught the flying bug and six months after her first flying lesson in 1921, she managed to purchase a used, bright yellow Kinner Airster biplane that she christened “Canary.” Earhart and her yellow bird set the first women’s aviation record by rising to an altitude of 14,000 feet. This would be the first of lofty achievements accomplished by the pilot. Imagine her trying to peer through a foggy windshield searching for land with only a scratchy radio as her contact to the world. Imagine her thoughts when there was no solid ground to touch down on and no fuel left in her beloved Electra. Imagine. On May 15, 1923 Earhart became the 16th woman to be issued a pilot’s license by the Federation Aeronautique Intenationale. The FAI was founded in 1905 and was the governing body of aeronautics establishing rules, regulations and records of the air sport. Earhart earned many accolades for flying and strove for more. President Herbert Hoover presented Earhart with the pres-

Leading the way for women in aviation: Amelia Earhart

tigious Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery after crossing the Atlantic solo, flying from Newfoundland to Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Struggling with bad weather and mechanical problems during her flight, Earhart famously landed in a cow pasture much to the amazement of the farmer. Earhart was the first female to win the Distinguished Flying Cross and only a handful of women to do so. In 1935, Earhart became the first person to fly from Hawaii to the United States mainland. This feat allowed her to be the first person to solo anywhere in the Pacific, but also the first person to solo both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Earhart was one of the founding members of The Ninety-Nines, an international organization of women pilots, and was the first elected president of the organization in 1931. The Ninety-Nines remain a purposeful instrument for women in flight. It is extraordinary to imagine Earhart flying without the support of technology pilots now routinely depend on. However, Earhart continued to break aviation records and set her goal on the big prize, a 29,000 mile around-the-world flight. Departing on June 1, 1937, Earhart and Noonan were plagued with inaccurate maps and cloud cover obscuring Noonan’s celestial navigation. Along with rough weather, they had only 7,000 miles left in their journey and were headed for Howland Island in the Pacific Ocean to refuel. Ships had surrounded the island with every light burning, attempting to show Earhart and her Lockheed Electra the way to reprieve. Imagine her trying to peer through a foggy windshield searching for land with only a scratchy radio as her

contact to the world. Imagine her thoughts when there was no solid ground to touch down on and no fuel left in her beloved Electra. They never made it. Earhart’s last radio transmission was, “We are running north and south.” Four million dollars and 250,000 square miles later, on July 19th, the extensive search and rescue proved futile and was called off. In 1938, a lighthouse was constructed on Howland Island in Earhart’s memory. Earhart was declared legally dead in 1939, two years after her and Noonan’s disappearance. In a letter to her husband, George Putnam, written in case a dangerous flight proved to be her last, Earhart wrote, “Please know I am quite aware of the hazards. I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others.” Seventy-six years ago in July of 1937, Earhart and her navigator Fred Noonan vanished into the Pacific without a trace. Just this last summer, two such hopeful discoveries surfaced once again, eager to finally put Earhart’s disappearance to rest. Unfortunately, neither one of these theories could be proven. The mystery of Earhart and her Electra is still an unknown riddle to the despair of many history buffs. Enormous sacrifices by Earhart paved the way for aviators to continue to explore, soar and slip the surly bonds of earth. As a tribute to her legacy, EmbryRiddle has christened the dining hall Earhart’s. It serves a reminder the leaps and bounds she took to advance the aviation world and humbles us to the fact if it was not for Amelia’s contributions, we might not be pursuing the paths we are today.

Sept. 18, 2013

Library Room Reservations Kirstin Wolfe Correspondent

As you may have heard, the process for reserving rooms in the Hazy Library and Learning Center at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has changed this school year. To reserve a study or presentation room in the library, you must now follow some online steps; instead of signing up for a room at the front desk like in years past, you must reserve rooms through the Hazy Library website. To navigate to the library’s website, type “library” into the Internet browser search bar on any school computer. If on a personal computer, the library webpage can be found through an Internet search engine or Embry-Riddle’s school webpage under “Services”. Make sure to access the Hazy Library webpage (Daytona Beach’s campus houses Hunt Library). On the Hazy Library website, the link to reserve a study or presentation room can be found on the left-hand list titled “Services.” The link to “Reserve a Room” is listed three items up from the bottom. This link takes you to a floor plan of the library’s second level with rooms available for sign-up highlighted in orange. After selecting one of the three groups of rooms available, you will see a gridded schedule for each room for the day. Blue boxes indicate a room already reserved for

Temasek Continued from A1 places like the Singapore Air Traffic Control Center and Singapore International Airport. Each student was assigned a student “buddy,” and took culture and language classes to enhance the experience abroad. Dr. Gorjidooz says it was a “great experience thanks to the Temasek staff.” With the signing of the memo of understanding, Dr. Ayers hopes to see more summer programs like this in the coming years. Dr. Ron Madler, Dean of the College of Engineering also visited Temasek to explore the possibility of collaborative research. With specialized programs including Clean Energy and Infocomm and Network Engineering, this could afford Embry-Riddle students unique opportunities to expand upon the courses offered in Prescott.

that time; green boxes show rooms available for you to reserve. To select a later date, use the calendar to the left. Rooms can be reserved up to two weeks in advance. To view a picture of a room or find more information about its features, hover over the blue information bubble to the right of the room’s name. This information bubble will display a snapshot of the room and information such as seating, Internet connectivity, and power sources. When you have selected a room and time, click the green box to reserve. You will be prompted to enter your name, ERAU e-mail address, and the name of your reservation or group. To finish booking your room, click “Submit my Booking.” Room reservations are for one-hour periods but may be booked for multiple one-hour periods if your study group or activity requires more time. Do you want to learn more about the rooms? Rooms 204 and 207 are presentation-style rooms with projectors and whiteboards; seating twenty-four and twelve people respectively. Most of the rooms are for small study groups: rooms 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218 comfortably seat four to six people. Rooms 219 and 248 are collaboration rooms and each seat 12 people. Do you still have questions about the online process for reserving rooms at Hazy Library? Contact [] or call 928.777.3817. Temasek already has collaborative partnerships with over 100 other colleges and universities, including Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University – Asia, headed by Dr. Graham Hunt. Additional collaboration with the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus would allow Prescott students additional opportunities to expand education abroad. When asked about the visit from Temasek, Dr. Ayers described the Temasek delegation as extremely professional and interested in cooperating with Embry-Riddle. He is happy that “word of Embry-Riddle’s prowess has reached Singapore” and looks forward to an enlarged presence in the Pacific Rim. “Singapore is a burgeoning economic city-state with great education and aviation opportunities,” says Ayers. “Embry-Riddle’s cooperation in Singapore should not surprise anyone, and working with Temasek Polytechnic will provide both of our schools with outstanding opportunities to grow and diversify our education.”


Sept. 18, 2013

Flight Operations:

The Gateway to the Sky Gary lOPEZ Special to Horizons

One could say that Flight Operations, located in building F3 at the Flight Department off Airpark Drive, is the control center for the operational side of the Flight Department. Flight Operations is staffed by a flight supervisor, one or two student dispatchers, and a student shuttle driver. The primary responsibilities of dispatchers are to dispatch aircraft and FTD simulators, monitor and track flights, and provide shuttle service from the flight department to campus. The flight supervisor and dispatchers coordinate with maintenance, scheduling, the simulation lab, management personnel, instructional management personnel, and the safety department to provide a safe and efficient operation. The flight supervisor is responsible for supervising the daily flight operations, dispatch, and shuttle service. The flight supervisor represents the chief flight instructor and re-

ports directly to the flight department chair. The flight supervisor makes the decision if the flights are to commence or stay grounded based on the weather and other safety issues. The flight supervisor also approves and tracks solo flights. To provide the best customer service in a timely manner, it is recommended that students arrive 30 minutes to an hour prior to their activity with a government picture ID and their Eagle Card in hand. Students should also have with them all of the items required in the Flight Operations Manual (see FOM 7.5, 7.9, 9.2). The best advice we can give to a new flight student is to read and study the Flight Operations Manual prior to checking in for their first flight. For the long commercial flights to LA Basin, it is advised and to use KPSP, Palm Springs as an intermediate stop. In the event the weather along the coast (CMA or CRQ) does not clear up, then the flight can be diverted to another inland airport that meets the FAR requirements. Remember that a cross-

country student must check in with the flight supervisor with two skeleton flight plans in hand planned in different directions (see FOM 9.2). Dispatch can provide, on a limited basis, seat cushions, handheld radios to practice listening to ATC, and headsets. It is recommended that flight students purchase their own headset that should last through their instruction years and beyond. In the event a student forgets their headset, or if their headset is in need of repairs, the flight department rents headsets. The rental fees are used to replace and repair headsets as needed. Since flight operations acts as the control center at the flight line, students will find that the dispatchers and flight supervisor can help with questions about procedures, rules, policies and other issues that they may need help with. If we do not a have an answer we can steer the student in the right direction to meet their needs. Have fun, enjoy your learning experience, and strive to be the best you can be.

the fact that the ERAU student branch was chosen for this award, is testament to the excellence of the students from this branch of a worldwide organization. The award recognizes student chapters that show a high activity in their branch, region and community. Last semester, the students of the Embry-Riddle branch attended the spring regional meeting for Region 6 in Las Vegas and organized speakers for the club and university. They were also active in the Super Science Rocket Day and were able to meet the chairman of the board for IEEE. The IEEE is the world’s largest professional association focused on the advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity. Members of IEEE work together to inspire people to innovate within communities all over the world. This award rec-

ognizes at a high level, that the ERAU IEEE student branch is on the right track to uphold this standard and to continue to make an impact in the community. This coming semester, the ERAU branch plans to host the Student Professional Awareness Committee (S-PAC), to get more exposure within the organization. They want to form a team for the Xtreme Programming Competition and build a micromouse robot. The branch has scheduled tours of Honeywell and Cobham Aerospace to let members become familiar with some of the companies they may be working for in the future. The branch has about 14 to 30 members in a semester, and they are always looking for more members of any major to join this excellent professional organization. The next meeting should take place sometime in October.

IEEE Takes Top Award

MiCaEla stEWart Copy Editor

On Aug. 24, the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott Campus Student Branch of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) has received the award for Outstanding Small IEEE Student Branch for the Region 6 Southwest Area. The award was presented to the Chair and Vice-Chair of the ERAU IEEE, Lisa Ferguson and Emily Davy. It was was presented by the IEEE Southwest Area Awards Chair, Mark Frankfurth, at the Region 6 Southwest Area meeting at the Phoenix Airport Hilton. The Southwest Area includes branches in California, Nevada, Arizona, and New Mexico. This is a vast area that includes many prominent universities, and


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creating beautiful smiles Hazy Library’s Newest Staff Kirstin WOlfE Correspondent

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has found another experienced and unique faculty member in the recent hire of Dr. Akos Delneky. His parents emigrated from Hungary to the United States during the 1960s and taught Dr. Akos to speak fluent Hungarian. An activity that Dr. Akos enjoyed as a young boy was fencing, which his father taught him at a young age. Dr. Akos’ father was a talent-

ed fencer and won an Olympic gold medal in fencing. The list of places Dr. Akos has visited includes Kenya, Egypt, and several countries in Europe. Although Dr. Akos was born in the bustling home of O’Hare International Airport, he has spent his last several years residing in Florida, the location of Embry-Riddle’s other campus. Dr. Akos chose Embry-Riddle in Prescott for the excellent teamwork and collaboration between faculty and students that he heard about during research for his doctorate degree.

Even though Dr. Akos has traveled in his free time, his first trip to the state of Arizona was his interview here at Embry-Riddle. Before landing his current job at Riddle, Dr. Akos earned his Master’s degree in Library Specialties from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. He later held a Library Director position at the Osceola Campus of Valencia College in Orlando, Fla. When the time came to continue his education, Dr. Akos decided that he wanted to learn more about education than see LIBRARY page A4

W W illow illowR RR idge idgeA AApartments partments partments––A Affordable ffordable ffordable~ Mileto toERAU! ERAU! W illow idge ~~111Mile Mile to ERAU! ERAU ERAU DISCOUNT DISCOUNT forfor Students Students and and Faculty Faculty FREE FREE FREEWi-Fi Wi-Fi Wi-Fi » » »ERAU DISCOUNT for Students and Faculty  » » PRIVATE PRIVATERooms Roomswith withPrivate PrivateBath Bathstart start atat only only …… !! !*** *** $398/mo $398/mo » PRIVATE Rooms with Private Bath start at only…$398/mo *** /mo) /mo) (*** (***ALL ALLUtilities Utilities&& Cable Cable Included Included for foronly only$25 $25 (*** ALL Utilities & Cable Included for only $25/mo) » » SPACIOUS SPACIOUS 1-Bd/1-Ba 1-Bd/1-Ba with with built-in built-in desks desks start start atat only… only… !! $598/mo $598/mo » SPACIOUS 1-Bd/1-Ba with built-in desks start at only…$598/mo ! » » LUX LUX2-Bd 2-Bdwith…2-Full with…2-FullBaths Bathsstart startatatonly only …… !! $658/mo $658/mo » LUX 2-Bd with…2-Full Baths start at only…$658/mo ! » » PET-FRIENDLY PET-FRIENDLYwith withPark-like Park-likegrounds, grounds,walk/bike walk/biketotoshops shops&&restaurants restaurants » PET-FRIENDLY with Park-like grounds, walk/bike to shops & restaurants » » HUGE HUGEbalconies/patios balconies/patioswith withlockable lockablestorage, storage,assigned assignedparking parking » HUGE balconies/patios with lockable storage, assigned parking Pics/ Pics/ Map/Appl: Map/Appl: Tel. Tel. (928) (928) 445 445 - 6646 - 6646 Pics/ Map/Appl: Tel. (928) 445 - 6646



Sept. 18, 2013

Joshua Bailey

Troy Killgore

Katelyn Sonntag

Marti Araquisatain

Shelby Bates

Position: President Year: Senior M a j o r : Av i a t i o n B u s i n e s s Administration Intrests: Flying, running, camping and off-roading.

Position: Vice President Year: Senior Major: Mechanical Engineering Intrests: Sunsets, walks on the beach, SGA hosted events, wrestling, Cribbage and Thrusties.

Position: Treasurer Year: Senior Major: Mechanical Engineering Intrests:Playing tennis and volleyball.

Position: Secretary Year: Junior Major: Aerospace/Electrical Engineering Interests: CAM, Task Force One.

Position: College of Engineering Representative Year: Senior Major: Aerospace Engineering Astro Intrests: BCA, hiking, kayaking, and golf.

Paige Johnson

Marc Nicholes

Kameron SarantoMercado

Arely Silva

Tyler Schulz

Position: College of Aviation Representative Year: Sophomore Major: Air Traffic Management Interests: Tennis, running, and organizing things.

Position: College of Arts and Sciences Year: Junior Major: GSIS Chinese track Intrests: Climbing, riding dirt bikes, camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, , snorkeling, surfing, and visiting his dad.

Position: Student Representative Year: Junior Major: GSIS Intrests:Anything outdoors, sports.

Position: Representative at Large Year: Junior Major: Aerospace Engineering Interests: Alpha Xi Delta.

Position:Representative at Large Year: Sophomore Major: Electrical Engineering Intrests: Hiking, airsofting, playing the drums, listening to good music, and eating a lot of food.


As a civilian-partnered organization to the Air Force and the Arnold Air Society, Silver Wings was created to develop leaders of the future. We do so by giving our members the opportunity to develop their professional skills, be more familiar with the operations of the military, and serve in their local communities. the Steven M. Scherp chapter, established in 1994 on the embry-Riddle prescott campus, does just that by holding professional development sessions, Air Force briefings, and having members volunteer in the community. Silver Wings hosts events like highway cleanups, social events, and a shootout. If you are interested in becoming a part of a highly recognized group of individuals, please contact eddie Owiti at We also encourage you to like us on facebook: https://www.facebook. com/erausilverwings

Apollo Continued from A1 examined the intriguing and lesser-known aspects of the Apollo program. In particular, communication loops recorded during the Apollo 11 landing, several critical split-second decisions made by crews and controllers of various flights, and the key designs of the spacecraft were highlighted. The presentation was enthusiastically hosted by Professor Sean Jeralds from the College of Aviation. When he was a graduate student, Professor Jeralds worked in the Department of Space History at the Smithsonian Institution’s National Air and Space Museum under a graduate scholarship, where he was surrounded by the artifacts and stories of Apollo. There were also members in the audience that had contributed to the Apollo program, working under the companies of North American Aviation, Rocketdyne, and Rockwell. The presentation began with an analysis of the colossal Saturn V rocket. To this day, it remains the most powerful rocket ever launched into space. Fully fueled, the Saturn V weighed a staggering 6.5 million pounds with a peak thrust of at least 7,650,000 pounds. There were several launch videos shown, glorifying the monumental power of the rocket. Professor Jeralds then discussed the Apollo 11 mission. One of the most impressive features of this mission is that

all the computers in the Apollo mission combined had significantly less processing power than a modern day smartphone. In addition, a graph was shown of both astronauts’ heart rates over the course of the ordeal to show how they reacted under pressure. Another anecdote shared was of how Apollo 11’s lunar lander, the Eagle, piloted by Neil Armstrong, almost ran out of fuel during the search for a proper landing zone. A little known fact about the Apollo 12 mission is that lightning struck the rocket during the first minutes of the launch and the electrical surge temporarily knocked the spacecraft’s fuel cells and put the navigational system off-line. However, the impeccably-trained crew quickly recovered and brought everything back online. The presentation continued with video clips of other Apollo missions and conversations between the astronauts and ground crew. For all the foolish and inept conspiracy theorists that propose the moon landing was a hoax, there were several pictures shown of the Apollo landing sites taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2009. The images contained the marks of the work done by the astronauts as they explored the lunar surface as well as the final resting spot of the lunar rover. At the end of the presentation, an audience member asked about the possibility of returning to the moon with a manned-mission again. Hopefully, we’ll return soon, and in greater numbers.

Library Continued from A3 just library operations. The decision to work more with education led him towards a Doctorate degree at another university in Florida. While working towards his Doctorate degree, Dr. Akos balanced his busy work schedule with a blended education approach. The unique experience of online and weekend classes allowed Dr. Akos to work with students and professors from all over the world. In 2011, Dr. Akos received his Doctorate degree in Education and Organizational Leadership from Nova Southeastern University in Orlando, Fla. Hazy Library’s new Associate Director looks forward to helping students in his current position. His experience with students and professors from across the globe makes him a great resource for international students as well as students not so far from home. With only about a month’s experience on the Embry-Riddle Prescott campus, Dr. Akos hopes to become more involved with on-campus activities in the coming months. Do you have an idea for a new club or organization in need of an advisor? Contact Dr. Akos to see if he is interested. His office is located on the first floor of Hazy Library, behind and to the left of the main desk. Always looking for new opportunities to help students, Dr. Akos declares, “my door is always open.”

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Section B


Activity Fair Points to an Eventful Upcoming Year Micaela Stewart Copy Editor

The Activity Center was full to bursting on Sept. 12 at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as all the campus clubs were out in force to show off their clubs and organizations. Eighty plus organizations signed up to inform and recruit their peers in activities they were passionate about. As students first arrived they were greeted by the Department of Student Activities and BCA for passport stickers. Behind them were tables that filled the Activity Center. University affiliated organizations like the Alumni Association, Horizons Newspaper, RHA, and the Veterans Association were there to inform students of organizations within the university. In the front corner the Greek organizations were proudly sporting t-shirts with their letters. They were eager to talk and get to know potential brothers and sisters. Also represented were the various intramural and club sports teams. The Gold-

en Eagles Flight team was showing off their National Championship trophies, while nearby The Black Sheep Rugby teams and the Ice Eagles were talking to students trying to get them in the competitive spirit for the coming season. The Swim, Bike, Run club and Bowling club was also recruiting for some fun activities this semester. Some clubs at the fair were just starting up, while other clubs were restarting with new leadership and others were doing something new to attract new members. The Combatives Club, originally only for ROTC cadets, have now opened up their club to anyone who wants to learn a ground-based self-defense style based on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Combatives member Tyler Worley said they are trying to “increase the number of women in the club that are non-ROTC.” Other martial arts and self-defense groups were also there showing off some really cool moves. Zachary Spahr, a freshman, has restarted the Taekwondo club and when asked about the student interest in his club he said, “so far, so good, ev-

eryone seems down to try stuff.” Hobbies like poker, tabletop and video games, drama, ballroom dancing, and HAM radio were some of the activities represented for those who want to hang out with friends and have some fun. A familiar sight in the ERAU Activity Center was the zombie, a character for the widely popular campus game of Humans vs. Zombies. Sporting a sword to the chest and munching on a foot, the zombie had “brains” to say about the turnout at the fair. A brand new club was the Brotherhood of Steel, a gathering people who were interested in metallurgy and blacksmithing. The club is working to be one day self-sufficient through selling their creations. Cultural associations were they’re reaching out to students interested in travel and culture. The International Student Association, ISA, was looking for students who would like to participate in the International Festival in the Spring or to just hang out with other students from around see FAIR page B4

Jake Suss / Horizons Newspaper Zombie Brice Floyd casually munches on some toes while visiting everyone present at the club fair. Humans vs. Zombies will return to campus again this October.

Illusionist Mike Super Brings Magic to ERAU Campus Madison Landry Final Approach Editor

Lisanne Kippenberg / Horizons Newspaper Illusionist Mike Super uses voodoo magic on freshman KT Robele to frighten the audience.

Legendary magician and illusionist, Mike Super, performed for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University students Friday, Sept. 6 in the Activity Center. Super works the crowd into each of his shows, especially when he involves a “spiritual connection” with his spirit of choice, Desmond. Each member of the audience was asked to think of someone he or she had an emotional attachment to. He then picked another random student from the audience to go onstage. The student was instructed to focus on the person of her emotional attachment. While doing so, she was given two pieces of chalkboard with a piece of chalk in between. She simply moved the chalkboards up and down, causing the piece chalk between to move. Super asks another audience member to pick a two digit number, then multiplies it by another random two digit number, which is then divided by another random number provided by a student. The total comes out to be 379,009. The student with the chalkboard flips over the chalkboard which has “GOOGLE” written on it. The audience is confused until Super turns the board upside down and

the numbers 379009 can be read. The audience, already taken aback, goes crazy when the other chalkboard is flipped over to reveal a name, “Jacob,” the name of the student’s emotional attachment. Keti Robele, known as “KT,” was another student brought on stage for the Voodoo doll part of the performance. KT sat down in a chair in the middle of the stage, while Super circled around him. This process was to “link the doll’s aura to KT’s.” Super then touched the doll’s shoulder twice, KT felt it as well. KT balled his hands into fists out in front of him, Super lit the doll’s hands on fire and when KT opened his fists there were black spots from the flames. The “Convincer,” as Super called it, was the most shocking of all. Super stabbed the Voodoo doll in the stomach with a needle. Almost instantaneously, KT jumped out of his seat and sprinted off the stage while touching his stomach. KT was quoted after the show saying, “The show was insane. The tricks felt real like magic. I was freaking out when the audience told me Mike hadn’t laid a finger on my shoulder and only on the Voodoo puppet. I was literally blown off the stage in the end.” The show opened with the song “Don’t Stop Believing” which is a big belief of Super’s. At the end of the show, Super explains how he was told he

could never make it. It was his mother who told him to never give up on his dream. She supported him throughout his life, and each show he performs is to honor her memory. Some of Super’s other tricks included linking rings, making napkins float, predicting the future in a game of C.L.U.E., doing card tricks, and many more. Super commented, “Most people think I travel with twenty people and place them in the audience for me to choose, but it is not like that. That is why it is great when people know the students who come on stage, like tonight with KT. People knew KT so they knew it was real.” This event was put on by Embr y-Riddle’s Board of Campus Activities, BCA. If you missed your chance to get your very own “I’m Lavenous” t-shirt, you can buy it online on his website. There, you can also check upcoming performances, watch videos, see pictures from the show, and much more. Check it out at using the following QR code, or go to [].



Movie Review



“ We ’ r e Th e M i l l e r s ” carSen cooPer Diversions Editor

With school cranking up again, stress levels among students are already on the rise. Tears over upcoming tests and failed papers are beginning to form. Engineering students in the gauntlet or in prelim or detail are already scouting out the area’s tallest buildings. But rest assured! You can now sleep a little more soundly knowing that there’s a terribly funny movie currently playing in theaters that can relieve you of your misery for even just a couple of hours. “We’re The Millers,” starring Jason Sudeikis, Jennifer Aniston, Emma Roberts, and others, tells the story of a small-time drug dealer who is forced to go on a big-time smuggling mission to Mexico to bring back a metric crap-ton of marijuana to his supplier. Realizing the only way to get past the border unsuspected with his entire stash is in a giant RV, David assembles a group of misfits to pretend to be his wife and children, creating a “normal” family to travel with. However, as it is apparent from the beginning, this road trip flick goes on to a show a family anything but the norm. “We’re The Millers” is downright hysterical. During most scenes the film’s jokes are raunchy

and vulgar, leaving audience members gasping for air between shrieks of laughter. Jennifer Aniston, a stripper named Rose who pretends to be David’s wife, is particularly hilarious, probably mostly due to the fact that this is such an unusual role for the actress to play. David and Rose’s “son,” played by Will Poulter, gets the blunt end of most jokes and his character has an integral role in keeping the comedy going. As much as the movie is funny, “We’re The Millers” does have an equal share of lowlights. Overall, the mediocre plot itself works fine and could stand on its own. But the lengths of some jokes go to get a few chuckles occasionally detracts from the storyline, leaving the movie-goer feeling somewhat lost regarding how they got up to that point after the laugh has passed. Thankfully, it is the actors that pull the film together with their excellent comedic timing and cohesiveness. If you are a politically correct or sensitive person, then this is probably not the film for you. Under 17? Then this is also not the film for you, considering this comedy scored an “R” rating. But, if you are stressed out, in need of a good couple hours of laughs, or you’re just a downright vulgar person, then “We’re The Millers” will probably be a perfect fit for you.

SEPT. 18, 2013

EMBER FX ALBUM REVIEW BRAndon dUrHaM Correspondent

Ember Fx is the newest up and coming sensation with a wicked new vibe. Their newest album “Lights & Action” shows off just how unique their music is; from the complex techno sound to soothing melodies, this album brings out the best of Ember Fx. The album starts out strong with the song “What Aren’t We Going to Do.” The song’s first measures are a smooth metronome beat before it transitions into the band’s signature electronic style. The song makes various quirky references to Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. The title track “Lights & Action” begins with a simple piano rift. It then leads into a smooth vocal from Michael, and slowly builds into the impressive blend of vocals, piano, and drums, albeit a bit excess on the electronica. “Lights & Action” shows the band’s true talent with their instruments and vocals.

The album then takes a stroll through the different stylings of Ember Fx, showing off Michael’s vocals and the band’s unique sound. It then leads up to “Time of Your Life” which is one of the band’s stronger songs on this album. It provides a perfect blend of vocals and just the right amount of electronica. It starts off with a symphonic melody that is soothing to the ears. It is then followed by Michael singing the first verse, along with a new synth to help show the strength of his voice. Then the chorus hits with a great melody and lyrics to build upon it. The song as a whole flows very well and is an excellent midpoint for the album. The album then goes into a more light and airy vibe of techno and electronica. Playing higher tunes and singing in a higher octave, the album almost has a sense of just having fun and being happy about life. The album then introduces two remixes of the songs “Play Now” and “Lights & Action.” The first one, “Play Now”, was remixed by Tractor A. For

those that care for a faster pace, this remix provides a more up tempo version of “Play Now.” The remix allows a different look at this track, showing that sometimes a simple change of tempo or melody can bring out the best in an already great song. “Lights & Action” was remixed by a DJ called Velo. This edited version also brings a different twist to the song, but it definitely cannot compare to the original. It brings way too much techno to a song that had just the right amount to begin with. While the remix of “Lights & Action” could never replace the original, as an addi-

tive track it represents an interesting change of pace. The album “Lights & Action” provides a breath of fresh air from a music industry that seems to turn out the same old stuff day in and day out. As a band still in its beginning stages, they have a slight tendency to mask their instrumental and vocal talents with excess electronica that is not always necessary. However, Ember Fx has a lot to bring to the table and it is very clear the amount of heart that was put into this album. Like great artists before them, they still have room to grow, but they’re off to a great start.

G���� L��� G��� F�� � S��� eli olSon Correspondent

A swarm of fraternities headed to the pool on Saturday, Sept. 7, 2013 to take part in the annual Tau Plunge. Organized by the sorority Alpha Sigma Tau, the plunge is both a competition for the fraternities and a fundraiser for the Pine Mountain Settlement School. About $200 was raised to support the school which serves the children of Kentucky by teaching them valuable life skills like cooking and farming and provides support to lo-

cal schools through environmental education programs. Even before the events started there was a feeling of camaraderie in the air as the brothers and sisters joked amongst themselves. The day started out at 11 a.m. with the first entry in the swimsuit contest and synchronized swimming. Pi Kappa Phi opened with costumes inspired by the minions of “Despicable Me.” They faced competition in the costuming category however from Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s competitors. Once the races began then Sigma Chi and Theta Xi began to put the pressure on the other two teams.

The teams first had to search for color coded anchors in each part of the pool. Sigma Chi won that event through some fast swimming. For the next event they raced to dress their teammate in various items floating in and around the pool before the others and some teams were delayed trying to find buried sunglasses to finish the event. In the end, Theta Xi was the first to dress their teammate. The last event was a relay race where among other events, teams had to move a rubber duck back and forth across the pool without touching it and try to succeed in a three legged swim,

the total of the events’ scores gave the times for the relay race. Finally the awards were given out, Pi Kappa Phi was named the best dressed for their “Despicable Me” costumes and given the FashionisTAU Award as well as victory in the swimsuit competition and synchronized swimming. Sigma Alpha Epsilon was named the most spirited for their classy ensembles and given the Anchored Award. Overall Pi Kappa Phi pulled of an impressive victory supported by their victories in both the more entertainment based portions of the competition and their victory in the final relay race.


On the twelfth anniversary evening of Sept. 11, 2001, ten hungry male students embarked on a mission to devour as many World of Wings Cafe hot wings as possible. It was a feat that even required a contract to be signed for liability reasons. The contestants had an eight minute time limit to consume as much of the two pound box of hot wings that they were given. These wings were drenched in the specialty sauce that WOW claims to be the hottest they have to offer. As the countdown began, students were cheering on the contestants as they waited to face

the heat. When the eight minutes started, contestants began wolfing down their hot wings as fast as they possibly could. Sweat was dripping and tears were rolling, but the competition continued. What seemed like a short time for observers was long and grueling for the contestants who ate as if it was their first meal in days. Soon enough it was over, and contestants were fleeing to the restroom and reaching for their large cups of water. The manager of WOW, acting as the judge, collected the remaining wings of each contestant and deducted it from the original two pounds. After a few minutes of simple arithmetic, a winner had emerged.

Contestant Yonatan Mikre claimed victory by consuming just over one pound (1.1 pounds to be exact) of wings. By achieving victory over his competitors, Yonatan received his picture on the WOW wall of fame next to the two previous victors of the competition. This event is hosted every semester, with $25 in dining dollars as first prize. After being announced as the victor, the only thing he could say was “It was hot.” The two runner-ups of the competition were each granted $10 dining dollars and a miserable burning sensation in their mouths. If you missed the event, there’s no need to worry since it will be hosted again next semester, where a new winner will emerge.

Mike Gallante / Horizons Newspaper Two lucky contestants chow down on flaming hot wings during WOW’s open house.


SEPT. 18, 2013

LEMON BARS by Sofia Newton aSHley RA MireZ

Crust Ingredients: 2 cups all-purpose flour ½ cup granulated sugar ½ teaspoon salt 1 ½ sticks (12 tablespoons) cold unsalted butter, cut into ½ inch pieces Filling Ingredients: 3 large eggs ½ cup granulated sugar 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons heavy cream 1 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest ¼ cup fresh lemon juice 1/8 teaspoon salt Confectioners’ sugar for sprinkling This is an easy recipe of an old favorite treat. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Make the crust by mixing together flour, sugar and salt. Add butter and stir until the mixture resembles sugar crumbs. Press dough onto the bottom of an ungreased nine inch square pan. Make sure to make the crust is even, it will help when

spreading the lemon filling. After the dough is spread, bake it until golden brown, about 20 minutes. Now on to the filling: whisk together eggs, sugar, flour, heavy whipping cream, zest, juice and salt. When the crust is baked, pour the filling onto the crust. Bake until just set, about 16 minutes. After the bars are ready, refrigerate, covered for four hours. Before serving, cut into bars and sprinkle with a thick layer of confectioner’s sugar. The recipe makes about 18 bars. When baking the bars, make sure to not burn the crust by making the corners uneven. When I made this dessert, it went by pretty fast. Everyone likes lemon bars and this recipe was a success. The bars were a little rich and I wouldn’t recommend eating too many of them at one time, but they are delicious. A great way to complement them is black tea. Although lemon bars are good at any time of the day, they are a fantastic breakfast food. The filling turned out just right and the crust was perfect.

Copy Editor

In 2004 Embr y-R idd le Aeronautical University ’s Prescott campus introduced a new degree, Applied Meteorology. During the same year, Dr. Dorothea Ivanova started a new club to appeal to this new degree. The new club started was Weather Club. Weather Club was put together to appeal to the new, unique students on the ERAU


Prescott campus. Do not be fooled by the name though, anyone with an interest in weather can join. Every semester Weather Club takes a hike with the Applied Meteorology professors. This is a bonding event and gives the members a chance to get to know their professors outside the classroom. Last year the club had a chance to go to Red Rock in Sedona, Ariz. After the hike the club had a chance to go to Flagstaff, Ariz. and tour the Lowell Observatory, which is where Pluto was discovered. This semester, the hike is set for Oct. 26, and the location is yet to be determined. Annually, Weather Club does a number of things: travel to Flagstaff, Ariz. to the National Weather Center and inform people about the applied meteorology department at ERAU Prescott, work with WX420 to

by: Ryan O’Hara The Samsung Galaxy S4 has been the most hotly anticipated smartphone in Samsung’s history, and with its surfeit supply of new state of the art features, it is the most powerful and efficient device that Samsung has ever released. The thing that really impressed me about this phone compared to its predecessor is how well it fits in the palm of your hand. The Galaxy enters at 5.38 x 2.75 x 0.31 inches, essentially meaning that there is no struggle trying to work the phone in your palm. Four years ago, a television with full HD resolution would cost about $1500. This phone is a five inch display with full HD resolution and now for just $99 or more you can have that same technology riding around in your pocket. Keep in mind, you can always add more storage to the phone, but you will have to pay more depending on which carrier you already are with. The construction of the phone has greatly improved since the S3. Many critics described the S3 as feeling, “cheap in the hand.” Samsung answered those critics by bringing on board a much more solid build and construction process. The faux metal from the S3 is still there, but the quality of the

faux metal is far more superior. Also, the predecessor had an issue with the chassis flexing too often when a person would hold the phone too tightly. It’s very difficult to cause the chassis to flex with this improvement. The infrared blaster located at the top of the phone has the capability to control your television and even your air conditioner. However, this isn’t a new feature. The feature wasn’t mentioned during the pre-hype for the Samsung Galaxy 3 because it was merely an experimental thing and they did their homework to ensure the customers were happy. Finally, Samsung moved buttons around a bit. For example, the volume button was shifted further down the side and the power button shifted slightly to the right because it would be too easy to bump. Overall, I highly recommend this device. However, don’t buy the phone until you have seen it and tested it for yourself. You should pick one up and see how well it fits in your hand and what features really attract you to this device. Over the next couple years, I predict technology will look drastically different from how it looks at this very moment, but for now this phone is the cream of the crop.

set up a weather balloon launch, put together a weather calendar, and a select few have the opportunity to go to the annual American Meteorology Society (AMS) conference. Currently there are 22 active members in Weather Club. This year the club is run by President Travis Gaines and Vice President Matt Kibby. Together they have already put together and went on a outing at Gold Water lake where they kayaked. Weather Club is currently taking submissions for their annual calendar. If you have an awesome picture, or want to take your camera and take a

few shots of weather, Weather Club would like to take a look and consider them for their annual weather calendar. The calendar will be published and on sale for $12 at the end of November. The proceeds help fund Weather Club outings and the trip to the AMS conference. Weather Club typically meets once a month in the evening. For more information about Weather Club and to submit your weather photos please contact Travis Gains []. If you would like to see your club in the next issue, please send an email to Ashley Ramirez .at [].


What is your Opinion of Greek Life? Article by: Eli Olson

S a m s u n g G a l ax y S 4


“I would not be here if not for Greek Life. It provides me a brotherhood and support network. It was the people and friendships that kept me here, even though money and grades were an issue. Like most things in life, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it.” - Michael Hume, Senior

“It’s awesome; I’ve heard lots of fun stories. I’m thinking of joining one.” Jayanth B.M., Freshman

Photos by: Jason Yong

“I’m on the soccer team, so I don’t have time to associate myself with it. It’s not my thing; I have a good group of friends already from other activities.” - Riley Stevenson, Junior

“I just got out of the world’s largest fraternity [US Navy]. I’m not in a rush to join any more.” - Oby Borland, Freshman

Locals make sand art in front of you.

Article and Photos by Eric Maynard

Al Khazneh, known as the Treasury, stands as one of Petra’s oldest ruins, hewn into the sandstone.

Nightlife on Medina St.

A man with his horse in the city of Jerash

During the summer of 2013, I was given a unique opportunity to go on a study abroad trip to the Middle East country of Jordan. This trip was orchestrated between three different organizations; Project Global Officer (GO), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University study abroad office, and International Studies Abroad (ISA). I and other students from the ERAU Prescott campus and Daytona campus, and students from other colleges across the nation signed up for this trip. This provided us a great way to learn a new language and to travel the world. The trip consisted of spending eight weeks in Amman, Jordan to learn Arabic and immerse ourselves in the culture. Learning Arabic was challenging, but easy at the same time. The challenge was the fact that it was a completely new language to learn. However, the ease came directly from the total immersion in a primarily Arabic-speaking country. This type of learning was helpful because once we walked out of the classroom, the Arabic did not stop. Outside learning became more intense and required much more focus in order to understand the language and the local dialect, then to effectively communicate back and forth with native speakers. We used Arabic for essential communication such as purchasing food or having to give the taxi driver directions. We also tried to practice daily conversational speech. Personally, I enjoyed asking our taxi drivers where they are from and what some of their hobbies were. Aside from the use of the Arabic language there were many cultural rules that we had to learn. The Islamic culture presented social challenges that we were not used to compared to culture in America. One of the social expectations that felt unusual to follow was to be more conservative with one’s life. This expectation covers a wide variety of social norms that most people follow such as wearing pants and a nice shirt in public instead of shorts and tee shirts and no shouting or outlandish speaking especially speaking out against the king. Aside from the conforming rules, the culture was interesting and fun to partake in. There was a temptation to buy more products than we would in

America because the streets were filled with vendors and solicitors. There was always something being sold in every direction, whether it was food to get on the way to and from destinations, getting new clothes, or buying another nick-nack for the home. Somebody was always trying to sell something so it was not hard to find and buy goods. Food in Jordan was something that we all feared before we arrived, and then we came to love what was offered. One thing that was noticeable with the food was there were no preservatives used and thus it truly tasted fresh and I felt much healthier eating the food there. A couple of the most popular foods were hummus with pita bread and shawarma. These are good foods to eat however, the one dessert that was life changing for all of us was kunafa. Kunafa is a cheese pastry drowned in sugary syrup and the cheese is held together with dough or noodle threads. After adjusting to Middle Eastern life we were taken on weekend trips to a couple of Jordan’s most famous tourist attractions. The first place we ventured to was the city of Aqaba. The city rests on the coast of the Red Sea and overlooks the south tip of Israel and the east coast of Egypt. The city offered great seafood, clear water to snorkel in, and a scuba diving adventure around a sunken ship. The second excursion we went on was to the city of Petra. It was one of Jordan’s oldest cities and truly a marvel to explore. The city was built by carving stones from the top to the base. The city was in full use up until the late 1970s when the government turned it into a tourist site. The weekend trips were a completion to our whole journey to Jordan and made the trip an experience of a lifetime. Studying abroad was a great trip for all of us who went. According to student Ahrash Aleshi, “I learned to take life more slowly and enjoy new culture, become more open-minded about the world, and increase my adaptability into new regions.” I would recommend that any student take the opportunity to go and study abroad, it is a life changing experience and people will be surprised of what they learn.

El-Deir, or The Monastery, is Petra’s largest monument and was built by the Nabataeans in the second century.



Fair Continued from B1 the world. Across the way the Middle Eastern Students Association was looking for students interested in or from the middle east to join and share their experiences while practicing their Arabic. Also represented was the Hawaii Club, Eagle Eye, and others. Plenty of academic and professional organizations showed up to get students involved in organizations dedicated to professional and academic development. A few professional organizations represented were IEEE, ASA, the Society of Women Engineers, and Silver Wings. The Jet Dragster Project, VEX Robotics, the UAV Club, and NASA Space Grant covered their tables with their various projects from the past semesters hoping to draw in some new talent.

by Bryan Rhodes The Celtic Crossing Pub is located in the Prescott Gateway Shopping Center. When you first walk in you know you have entered a Irish Pub, with all the four leaf clovers with Guinness logos hanging throughout the place. There were many seating options available, from secluded cor-

Kellie Wallace from VEX Robotics said she had seen “lots of excited freshman” out there looking at the projects. An ambitious project was the Dreamscape Imagineers, who through their work will try to build and design their own light, water, and mechanical show to present to Disney. While the Innovation Club is opening up a lab for students to come by and build with other innovators whatever they want. Many more clubs were represented and everyone who passed through the Activity Center found something that caught their interest. Coordinator of Student Activities Teri Poucher said, “This is one of my favorite events of the year. I love seeing everyone’s passion and excitement about what they love.” The excitement was tangible and all the clubs and organizations were represented by members who love what they do. It was a great turnout and it will be an eventful semester with all of these organizations gearing up to do some amazing things.

ner seats for a more private area, patio seating, and of course seats at the bar itself. You don’t have to be 21 to enter; they have public seating for everyone under age. The service was wonderful overall. The menu was small, but the food was very good. The meals were a good size for the price. They had a full bar with about 10 beers on tap, with many

A “N�� S� R���� H�����” P������ S���

A new movie destination has just opened in Prescott. The Picture Show theater opened its doors this summer and already is making waves in the community. The theater, located at the Frontier Village by Prescott’s Target, is in a great place for a night out without driving all the way over to Prescott Valley. The prices for tickets are great, only $5.50 for students with their Eagle Cards and $8.00 for adult tickets. Concessions are a little bit less than what you would find at Harkins, but they are still pricey, about $4.75 for a medium popcorn. However, they do have a greater variety of

unique movietime food. Food like Angus burgers, mini corn dogs, and funnel cake fries are some of the unique items on the menu along with the classic popcorn, sodas, and candy. The theater itself hosts 10 screens with at least one 3D theater for your personal viewing pleasure. The entrance hall is very spacious and the focus is on the concessions counter, where you can buy your ticket and your food at the same time. There is a desk by the window where you can order your online tickets as well. On each side of the concessions counter there are hallways leading to the theaters, and above the entrances televisions tell you what is playing and how much time each movie has left. This is a great way for you to know when you theater

is ready and to see an approximate time for other movies you would like to see. Once you enter one of the theaters you are struck by how small yet open the floor plan is. It allows for large groups to sit together and also provides for the comfort of the individual. Each theater is outfitted with about 100 reclining chairs with plenty of room in front and behind to stretch out. No longer do you have to trip over other people’s feet to leave the theater. The chairs are really comfortable, so if you fall asleep easily in movies you might want to be wary or you will miss most of your movie in favor of a nap. The screens are slightly smaller than the ones at Harkins but that does not diminish the movies at all. The acoustics

are good and the sound is not so loud your ears hurt. All in all, this theater is great for groups and for a night off campus where you can watch a movie and eat junk food for a decent price. The staff is very friendly and the lobby is very open. The lobby has a small seating area by the window for waiting patrons. The chairs in the theaters are comfortable and fun to sit in with plenty of space for all your movie time goodies or midmovie bathroom breaks. The Picture Show has all the latest movies for you to enjoy and they stay updated with all upcoming movies. It is well worth checking out when a movie you have been waiting for premiers. Hope you take the time to check out the Picture Show for yourself this semester. See you at the movies!

of Irish origins, and a few of the main sellers in the United States. When I sat at the bar one of the first things I saw was a ton of tankards hanging on the walls and wondered what they were for. If you buy a tankard from them you can get happy hour prices every time you come in, no matter the time. Another extremely exciting thing to see was the countdown timer to Saint Patrick’s Day; it was weird seeing, but really awesome since you are in a Irish bar. The entertainment at the bar includes live bands on Friday and Saturday night. They do

have an amazing event on Sept. 20th called Halfway to St. Patty’s Day Party. Yes, this bar has a celebration every six months for the beloved day. This event will include a drawing for someone to win a trip to somewhere that the owners have a timeshare location at; the locations vary from Las Vegas to Ireland and many in between. At the bar there were also a few televisions which had the local sports going. During football season they open at 10 a.m. for Sunday football.

The Celtic Crossing will be moving to a new location at the end of October or early November. The new location is the

Outback by Target in Prescott. The pub also brings in bands each weekend. The band available was In Folk Us, and they sounded awesome.


ERAU Prescott Sept. 18 - Oct. 1

Calendar of Events

Wed 18

Thu 19

Fri 20

6-7 p.m. Apps 4 Education @ Hazy Library

12-1 p.m. LDS Institute of Religion Course @ Haas Chapel

1-2:30 p.m. Intro to Leadership Seminar @ DLC Rm 102

7 a.m.-2 p.m. Rotary Poker Run @ National Bank Parking Lot*

5-7 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs. William Jessup @ Soccer Field

7-9 p.m. Chi Alpha @ Haas Chapel

10 a.m.-2 p.m. Frontier Arizona Experience: Leisure Time @ Whipple Museum*

7-9 p.m. Gee Gershwin Concert @ Prescott Center for the Arts*

6-7 p.m. Thunder Dog: 9/11 Survivor @ DLC 7-9 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. William Jessup @ Soccer Field 6-9 p.m.Zoo by Moonlight @ Prescott Zoo*

Wed 25 12:30-4 p.m. Massage Therapist Hours @ Wellness Center 5-6:30 p.m. Intro to Leadership Seminar @ DLC Rm 102 5:30-7:30 p.m. Haven Creation 101 Workshop @ Native Garden*

SEPT. 18, 2013

7-9 p.m. The Shrine Circus @ Tim’s Toyota Center* 7-11 p.m. Women’s Center Ladies Night @ Bld 17

Sat 21

Sun 22 10-11:15 a.m. Campus Christian Fellowship Service @ Haas Chapel

4-5 p.m. Women’s Volleyball vs. South Mountain @ Activity Center

3-5 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. Concordia @ Soccer Field

9 p.m. Carpe Noctum Night Hike @ Haas Commons

3 p.m. Phoenix Symphony @ Yavapai College*

Fri 27

Sat 28

Sun 29

5-7 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. Menio @ Soccer Field 7-8 p.m. Resume Workshop and Pizza Dinner @ Bld 17 7:30- 10 p.m. “Promises, Promises” play @ Prescott Center for the Performing Arts* 6-7:30 p.m. Intro to Leadership Seminar @ DLC Rm 102

10:15-11:15 a.m. Apps 4 Education @ Hazy Library

3:30-4:30 p.m. Apps 4 Education @ Hazy Library 6-8 p.m. Women’s Soccer vs. Carroll College @ Soccer Field 4:30-7 p.m. Prescott Film Festival @ Yavapai College* 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Historic Corvette Show @ Whisky Row*

10-11:15 a.m. Campus Christian Fellowship Service @ Haas Chapel

7-9 p.m. Chi Alpha @ Haas Chapel 5 p.m. 4th Friday Art Walk @ Cortez St.*

8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m. Physician Hours @ Wellness Center

7:30-8:30 p.m. Catholic Mass @ Haas Chapel 7:45 a.m.- 5:45 p.m. Golf Co-Ed Invitational @ Talking Rock Golf Club

Tue 24 12-1 p.m. LDS Institute of Religion Course @ Haas Chapel 12-3 p.m. Chiropractor Hours @ Wellness Center

1-3 p.m. Men’s Soccer vs. Concordia @ Soccer Field

Thu 26

2-4 p.m. Muslim student Prayers @ Haas Chapel

Mon 23

8 a.m.-3 p.m. Physician Hours @ Wellness Center

Mon 30 8:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. Physician Hours @ Wellness Center 5:10-6:10 p.m. Apps 4 Education @ Hazy Library 7-10 p.m. 3 vs. 3 Basketball Tournament @ Activity Center

Tue 1 12:15-1:15 p.m. Physics Colloquium @ AC1-104 4-9 p.m. Fall Industry/ Career Expo Presentations @ Lower Hangar and DLC 8 a.m.- 2 p.m. Physician Hours @ Wellness Center 12-1 p.m. LDS Institute of Religion Course @ Haas Chapel

* Event from


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Section C

Eagles Annihilate Simpson University JAKE SUSS Online Editor

Jake Suss / Horizons Newspaper Issac Sanchez moves in for the shot as the Simpson University defender is down.

The Eagles now stand at 1-1 for the season after a decisive victory over Simpson University on Sept. 4. The Eagles had to change venues because of field maintenance at the regular Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University soccer field; instead, they played at Mountain Valley Park in Prescott Valley. Similar to the home Eagles field, the Mountain Valley field was well lit, packed with ERAU fans, and home to another Eagles victory. The game started slowly with both sides fighting for control of the ball, but within the first several minutes, The Eagles established nearly complete dominance. The ball rarely seemed to cross to the Riddle side of the center, and when it did, the defense quickly moved it back up to the offense. Fifteen minutes into the game, The Eagles scored the first point of the night with a header by Keldon Hatch. The Eagles shot a corner kick into the center and headed it towards the goal, but a Simpson player blocked it and hit it back. Hatch then headed the ball just past the Simpson goalkeeper and put The Eagles on the scoreboard. Ten minutes later, Hatch raised the score again and widened the lead. Hatch kicked in a ball from the corner and it

arced perfectly to the front of the goal. When it hit in front of the goal, it bounced off the opposing keeper and went into the goal. With this second goal, the score reached 2-0, putting The Eagles solidly in the lead. Only two minutes later, with 18 minutes remaining in the first half, Ryan Holt scored the third goal of the evening and brought the score to 3-0. Holt, usually a defender, received the ball from a bounce shortly after yet another corner kick and deftly shot the ball down towards the ground. The ball bounced up and over the opposing keeper into the goal. In a lighter moment, Nick Uzunyan lost a shoe, but he managed to get his shoe back on while still holding Simpson at bay. Just before the half, Denis Power managed to net a ball with the assistance of Thomas Busser, but the referees did not count the goal, and the first half ended with The Eagles leading by three, which allowed Coach Pearce to put in substitutes for the next half. The second half played more slowly than the first, but The Eagles continued to dominate the ball and keep it far away from their own goal. The final goal came when Isaac Sanchez adeptly swept through the Simpson defense and scored a shot that went straight past the keeper. This brought the score to 4-0, which was the final score.

Softball Fundraises to Help Community ASHLEY RA MIREZ Sports Editor

Although softball season does not start until the spring, the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Lady Eagles softball team has started to make an impact on the community. Coach Marie Thomason, the Lady Eagles softball coach, was offered a gift from Captain CrossFit Headquarters to support softball at the ERAU Prescott campus. This gift has helped tremendously with improving the softball field and helping with the cost for uniforms. At the beginning of August, Coach Thomason received an email from Captain CrossFit Headquarters asking for the Lady Eagles softball team to take part in a fundraiser being held in Prescott for the families of the 19 Hotshots firefighters who lost their lives on June 30 fighting a

wildfire in Yarnell, Ariz. Coach Tomason immediately accepted this offer. She believed this would be a great start for her team to get involved with the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics’ (NAIA) Champions of Character, “the women on my team have not had a chance to be a part of the of the NAIA until this year, so I was really excited to hear about this opportunity and start our involvement with Champions of Character.” On Aug. 31 the Lady Eagles softball team participated in the Captain CrossFit “Hotshots 19” Memorial Workout in downtown Prescott, Ariz. Each member of the team was asked to raise $10 to donate and participate in the workout. The workout was modeled after the training that is required to be a hotshot firefighter. After the memorial workout, the Lady Eagles traveled to Captain CrossFit’s Prescott, Ariz. lo-

cation to join in their fundraising workout. For this workout, each member of the team was asked to raise and donate $20. This workout was more focused on athletic training. Instead of just raising $30 each to participate in the two workouts, the Lady Eagle softball team went above and beyond to raise a total of $1,024. The team went around the ERAU Prescott campus and the Prescott community to ask for donations. All of the proceeds were donated to the Granite Mountain Hotshot Scholarship and towards Yarnell’s recovery. After these two events, the softball team instantly decided to serve the Prescott community each month and represent the NAIA’s Champions of Character. The softball team has decided that that they would like to visit Yarnell, Ariz. and help rebuild the community. Coach Thomason was very

Marie Thomason for Horizons Newspaper The Lady Eagles softball team poses for a picture in front of the ‘Hotshot 19’ memorial.

touched with her team’s decision, “These ladies were not in Prescott before or during the wildfires and these ladies want

to do everything they can to help the community.” The first opportunity to see the Lady Eagles on the field

will be on Oct. 5, during Octoberwest, they will be scrimmaging Yavapai College and Arizona Christian University.


SEPT. 18, 2013

Player Profile: BLAIR BOIES


update Prescott Jet Dragster To Debut At OctoberWest CHRIS LARSEN Special to Horizons

Lisanne Kippenberg/Horizons Newspaper

JAKE SUSS Online Editor

For the past 17 years, Blair Boies’ life has included playing on a soccer team, but as a senior, this is her last year playing competitively. Since she started playing soccer at age four, Boies has loved the sport and played in a many different positions. “I play wherever Coach puts me,” said Boies, “but it is de�initely fun to score goals.” She describes soccer as a fun way to stay �it and healthy, and a great bonding experience. “I love the friendships we develop on the team and being part of such a close group,” said Boies. “Although time management and balancing school and soccer are hard, traveling is one of my favorite parts of playing,” Boies explained. “We all work together to help each other with homework.” Boies is very proud of the Lady Eagles’ 3.48 average GPA that won the team a National Soccer Coaches Association of America Team Aca-

demic Award for the 20112012 season. When asked about her favorite memory as an ERAU athlete, Boies described a trip to California last year for a national championship banquet. “It was fun seeing everyone dressed up nice and not just in athletic clothes,” described Boies. “Traveling with soccer is like a big slumber party with all of your best friends.” Upon graduating this spring, Boies plans to pursue a master’s degree in Safety Science through Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. This past

summer, Boies interned with Southwest Airlines, working on emergency response. She enjoys working in emergency response and hopes to pursue a related career after she obtains her master’s. With graduation looming after this season, Boies describes it as bittersweet. “I’m looking forward to using all the knowledge I have learned, but I will miss playing soccer,” she said, “but I know the work ethic and teamwork I learned in soccer will be useful even after I graduate.”

What began as a dream has become reality. Nearly five years ago, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott and friends of Embry-Riddle Larsen Motorsports formed an agreement that would create a student club to target a goal never heard of before at any university. That goal? To design, build, test, and put into service a turbine-powered racing vehicle. The end product would use an afterburning turbojet engine with a power-to-weight ratio of nearly 4:1. The vehicle is projected to accelerate from a standing start to 60 mph in one second, zero to 200 mph in three seconds, and hit nearly 300 mph in a mere 5.5 seconds in a standing quarter mile. The ultralight vehicle is to weigh in at a mere 1,350 pounds. It would run using a Pratt & Whitney turbojet engine with an experimental custom afterburner, creating nearly 6,000 pounds of thrust. Despite the very fast projected speeds, the primary focus of the project was not to create a faster jet car than ever before, but rather to design new safety features such as energy-absorbing crush zones that


The weekend is here and you’re swamped after classes and your weekday workouts, but do you still have the energy to have a weekend pump? If you do, Prescott is a fantastic place to be! The city is a very outdoor-friendly environment, and there’s no problem setting down the cold iron for a couple days and going for a hike, run, bike, or swim. Having some outdoor fun rather than being stuck in the gym all week is another great way to relax after a long week of classes and other activities. Haven’t hiked that giant mountain behind campus yet?

Get out and take the challenge with some friends while it’s open and enjoy the sights and adventures. If not Granite Mountain, there is always Thumb Butte or a multitude of other trails that Prescott has to offer. If you’re privileged enough, try to get out of Prescott and go hiking in Sedona, Flagstaff, or maybe even the Grand Canyon and enjoy the natural beauty that these places have to offer. The same goes for running. Take a nice jog through the Dells across campus or any other trail that peaks your interest. If that doesn’t satisfy you, or it it gets old after a while, try searching for local races that range from five kilometers to full marathons. These events will be packed full of fun and offer a simple cardio workout for the day.

If you’re into cycling, you can do all the same things by just hopping on a bicycle and going on short, long, or daring rides. This is another fun way to get out and be active. Lastly, there’s always the campus pool that should be taken advantage of while it’s still open. If the pool is closed, it’s always worth heading down to the YMCA and getting a few laps in during the times it is available. All of these options are great ways to get a break by remaining active and having a smooth or even challenging cardio workout in the process. So instead of sleeping all weekend and playing useless video games, make sure you get out and go have an adventurous workout!

from aircraft aluminum to stringent aerodynamic standards. Structurally, critical components were computer-analyzed and then test pieces were fabricated to exact standards. Those pieces were then mechanically stressed to failure in order to ensure the absolute safety of the vehicle and its driver. Thousands of hours of design and fabrication have brought us to where we are today. The new car will debut at the annual 2013 OctoberWest event, which is only a few weeks away. The jet dragster is in its final stages of completion at Larsen Motorsports in Florida. Chris Larsen, the owner of the vehicle, said, “I want to make sure this car is unique and completely different than all of our other cars, including the past five Embry-Riddle Jet Dragsters. All I will tell you is that the paint scheme is a tribute to military aviators and carries a fighter theme. You have to wait to see the rest at the debut.” Chris Larsen and former Embry-Riddle Jet Dragster driver Elaine Larsen will arrive in Prescott with the brand new car on Friday, Oct. 4th. Watch for the OctoberWest schedule of events for more information on where to see the all-new jet dragster in person.

Lady Eagles Pulverize Simpson University JAKE SUSS Online Editor

Get Out!

dissipate energy outside of the driver’s compartment and geometry designed to deflect objects away from the driver in the event of an incident. The dream came true as a new student club was created by faculty and students at Embry- Riddle’s Prescott campus. The students would learn hands-on skills required in the actual fabrication of the vehicle. The design itself was completely based on aerospace materials, standards, and practices the students learned about in their classrooms. Fabrication accuracy was to be nothing short of perfection. Work began as chassis fixtures were designed and made and equipment was acquired and installed. From day one, the newly-created team of students and faculty were driven by passion and the fact that they were challenged to create arguably one of the highest performance vehicles ever created by any university anywhere in the world. The bare chassis, an ultra-lightweight structure fabricated from thin wall chromoly steel, weighed in at a mere 312 pounds. Composite body components were fabricated from custom one-off molds made by the students. Other body components were hand-formed

The women’s soccer team won a sound victory over Simpson University on Sept. 4. Due to construction on the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University field, the Lady Eagles played at Mountain Valley Park in Prescott Valley, but this in no way affected their ability to dominate on the field. The Lady Eagles wasted no time in gaining the lead over Simpson. Kalyn Goodenough scored a goal within the first four minutes of starting. After that, the Simpson defense began to fall apart and allowed the Lady Eagles to attempt shot after

shot on the goal. Not every shot scored, but the ball rarely made it past center field onto the Riddle side, which made goalkeeper Brenna Quinn’s job easy. Later in the first half, Carissa Frazier continued to raise the score with a beautiful header to the side netting of the goal. Assisted by Savannah Garn, she headed the ball just past the Simpson keeper to score the second goal of the game. Shortly thereafter, Garn racked up another assist by helping Amie Jepsen score the third goal of the match, bringing the score to 3-0. Jepsen scored another goal before halftime, resulting in a 4-0 score going into the half. The second half was slower paced than the first half, but the

Lady Eagles managed to net another goal regardless. Estelle Fortes managed a perfectly timed rebound shot that squeaked just out of the goalkeeper’s reach. Fortes’ goal made the score 5-0, where it remained for the rest of the game. At the end of the evening, in addition to a shutout game, the Lady Eagles boasted 27 shots on goal, while Simpson did not have even one. This feat is a testament to both the Lady Eagles’ tenacious defense and the proactive job of the offense to keep the ball on the other side of center field and put Simpson on the defense. The game was a blowout for the Lady Eagles and brought their record to 1-1.

Your Local Experts for Outdoor Gear! *Show your ERAU ID for a 10% Discount*


Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Section D


It’s Raining Women

MELANIE WILSON Special to Horizons

It is a great time to be at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University! We have more students than ever and more women students! The numbers of students of color are growing and we have a vibrant LGBTQ population on campus. Twenty-seven percent of the incoming class are women students. That is great for the school; this means fewer classes with only one or two women, a critical mass of women to populate study groups, project teams, leadership roles, and more “social” options for everyone. While it is virtually unanimous that this is a good thing, other perceptions exist. The Horizon Newspaper issued a poll about the university’s efforts to bring more women in. One quote over the issue states, “It is good to advertise the college to more women but that means less money going to the men.” While everyone has a right to their viewpoint it is important to promote critical thinking. At the heart of critical thinking is

the ability to gather and synthesize factual information. I believe this opinion is based on inaccurate information and that can be easily corrected. The fact is not one male student got a penny less. According to Bryan Dougherty, Dean of Enrollment Management, “Additional funding was appropriated by the university to support this university-wide initiative of increasing female representation on campus, mirroring a national effort of the same. Women students got extra money based on this initiative to encourage their attendance as an underrepresented demographic.” Every university in the country pursues some version of this. Athletic departments “buy” athletes. Academic programs “buy” high achievers. Specialty programs “buy” participants. Many universities “buy” legacies through children of graduates. Universities who are below, or well below, the national average of nearly sixty percent women undergraduates use their funds to try to make that ratio more equitable. With a freshman class com-

ing in with 27 percent women, our average of 21.6 percent women on campus last year has been significantly raised. However, the current average between all classes is still below our goal of 25 percent and far

Finding Balance: Yin and Yang TONY NGUYEN Correspondent

Life is in every one of us, but that does not mean we are truly living. Many people have their own lifestyles, one that works with what we do. However, do our lifestyles work for us? The ancient Chinese have adopted the concept of yin and yang, a concept born long ago and has been tested by time. Yin and yang are two seemingly opposite and opposing forces that are actually interdependent of each other and complement each other. Yin can be viewed as the “peaceful” side while yang can be viewed as the “chaotic” side. One cannot exist without the other, and they complement each other. The concept of yin and yang is used in many branches of traditional Chinese philosophy, science, and medicine. It has found its way into the traditional Chinese lifestyle, one that is successful in health and peace of mind. In simple terms, the yin yang concept is one of balance. Applying this to a goal of a happy life, we must find balance in our lives and with the people around us. Yin yang does not only mean our own happiness but also for those around us, this is a true balance. What we must come to understand is that our happi-

ness is not obtaining what we want, but what we need. When in a situation full of yang, we must respond with yin. When in an argument, we must not give in to our tendency to fight back but instead find another way to resolve the matter. For every yin there is a yang and vice versa, so we must live our lives with both in mind. When stressing our bodies and minds with our daily routine, we must take time out to just stop and relax. Meditation is one great way to relax, taking time away from our yang-centered lives for some time in yin. If we are too inactive, our bodies are experiencing too much yin and must be balanced with exercise (yang). Even when eating, we must take note of yin foods and yang foods. Yang foods include spicy foods and high sodium

foods while yin foods include most vegetables and fruits. Balancing your diet with yin and yang could possibly improve your performance. As they say, “you are what you eat.” In traditional Chinese medicine, health anomalies are caused by an imbalance in yin or yang. These imbalances are caused by lifestyle and diet. Usually illnesses are due to an overabundance of yang and must be countered by plenty of yin (rest and easy to consume foods). Traditional Chinese medicine would also call for herbal remedies that would balance the anomaly. All in all, our lives are our own, and the key to living peacefully and happily is balance. To go to an extreme in one way would cause an imbalance which would impede our goal of happiness.

below the number of women in outstanding peer schools. We have dealt with the factual error that may have contributed to the statement above. However, there may be some subtle beliefs that inform

the above quote. When I read the quote, I got the sense the speaker believes men deserve the money or it somehow “belongs” to them. Anyone else getting it takes away something that is rightfully theirs.

This is known as entitlement. It is based on beliefs about the relative worth or abilities of people rather than any objective criteria. For instance, if we applied objective criteria to who deserves institutional funding, it would actually be the women who deserve it because they have higher grades and scores upon entry Not to mention, women maintain higher grades and graduate at higher rates. It is important to understand these belief systems as they inform our choices and behaviors. The university is a place to critically analyze beliefs in light of the facts and within the context of all the diversity our country and world has to offer. We at Women’s and Diversity, Area 51, offer programs and ongoing conversations about the important issues of our time. Our four student associates (two women, two men) are very knowledgeable, interested, and interesting. Visit, chat, have some chocolate, watch an interesting video – Welcome to Area 51!

IT: Data Backup BARBARA CHEARNEY Special to Horizons

Students, we’ve all been there: that sad, lonely land of Lost Data…located somewhere north of “My Computer Crashed” and east of “The File Was Here!” Luckily, I have some tips to help guide you toward backing up your data, and away from that solemn place of abandonment. Before you select a data backup option, it’s important to consider a few points: the size of the files, your financial resources, your needs for accessing the files and how sensitive your information is. You may also want to ask yourself, “do I really need all of this data?” Sometimes backup time can also be a good clean-out time. USB Flash Drive – Recently, a one terabyte (TB) flash drive was unveiled, although most people will find that they have enough storage with 16 gigabytes (GB). Most new flash drives have built-in security tools to protect data if your drive is lost or stolen, but you can go online and encrypt a drive you already have with tools like TrueCrypt or BitLocker To Go. USB External Hard Drive –This is an actual hard drive just like the one that operates within your computer, but it plugs into the outside of your

computer (or another computer). The size of an external hard drive can match or exceed your computer’s hard drive. Most people use externals to back up larger amounts of data than they would with flash drives, often choosing storage capacities from 500 GB – 4 TB. Be sure to password-protect these drives, too. Network File Access – At Embry-Riddle, this consists of the Shared (S:\) and Personal (P:\) storage drives located on our network. You can store and share up to 500 megabytes (MB) of data here, and can access your files on campus computers or online. Network File Access is currently available to all residential students, faculty and staff. Blackboard Content System – This backup system enables the Embry-Riddle community to store and manage content, while increasing an opportunity for collaboration within Blackboard. The content system provides 200 MB of online storage, which is separate from any personal network drive space. Cloud Systems – Cloud services can be extremely effective methods of storing and backing up data. Cloud storage services like Dropbox, Google Drive or Copy back up data remotely and makes it available via a network, usually the Internet. Because access to data stored “in the cloud” relies on

the Internet, you should always keep a backup copy of critical files that you need handy in case your network connection is unavailable. Cloud backup services like Carbonite or CrashPlan offer full, automated, daily, offsite data backup. CrashPlan allows you to back up to the cloud and to another computer, such as a family member’s, if you wish. CDs and DVDs – Nowadays these devices may feel like a blast from the past, but they usually hold up to 700MB (CDs) or 4.5GB (DVDs) of data. And since recordable discs are inexpensive, they’re actually a cheap way to back up data. They are also great for archiving data that you don’t to refer to very often, but make sure to keep disks in a safe place away from scratches and sun. The best way to stay on the path to document safety–and out of the land of Lost Data–is to back up your files in multiple locations. The more vigilant you are in your backup habits, the better. The tools in this article are just a snapshot of ideas and opinions aimed at helping students. Be sure to contact IT support with questions about supported applications at [] or call 928-777-6990. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook: [www.] for the latest IT-related news and updates.



Integration of Church and State ELI OLSON Correspondent

Politics and religion are some of the most divisive topics in modern culture. Unfortunately the two have become massively mixed, corrupting both in the process. Just recently Justice Scalia spoke against the strong separation of church and state established in the constitution. Though over three quarters of the US population is Christian, favoring any religion is by definition unconstitutional. The history of this fault lies at least partly in the Cold War ideology attempting to separate America from the atheistic communists. Much more of the fault however lies with the American people simply accepting the way things were presented to them without looking at the documents we claim to endorse. Even more worrying than the influence of the church on politics however is the way that politics have crept into the church. The image of the church today is not groups mobilized to fight poverty or help the downtrodden; instead the church is seen as a place that oppresses and tries to eliminate thoughts and voices that differ from its own. While mi-

nor biblical topics like gay marriage are brought to the forefront, major topics like society’s treatment of prisoners are all but forgotten. The early church’s practice of forgoing individual property for the common good and living without luxuries would seem like an anathema to those who claim to follow tradition today. From these changes the image of preachers is no longer that of humble men and women serving in a soup kitchen, instead the image we see is an angry minister yelling about hellfire and brimstone. Unfortunately someone ranting about peace and forgiveness just doesn’t seem to inspire the same passion in the media. It’s not as though the Christians doing many of these actions are bad people, it’s simply that people’s attention has been put in the wrong direction and on the wrong topics. Somehow a man who spoke against money is now used to tell people they should vote for an agenda that includes commercial greed. And someone who tried to stay out of politics has been dragged deep into them. In the process a religion based on love and forgiveness became a tool for hatred and condemnation.

SEPT. 18, 2013

Chinese 天高皇帝远 Corner: JAKE SUSS Correspondent

After three months of studying in China this past summer, Global Security and Intelligence Studies/Chinese students took the last week to travel and enjoy the sights in Yunnan, China. Yunnan is in the south of China, bordering Myanmar and Laos, and consequently very far from the capital. While there, students often heard the saying, “天高皇帝远” or tiān gāo huángdì yuǎn. This directly translates to “the sky is tall and the emperor is away.” This translates roughly to the English saying, “When the cat is away, the mice will play,” and refers to the minimal imperial management of Yunnan from Beijing during China’s dynastic period.

What Happened to Religious Tolerance? JAKE SUSS Correspondent

Arizona is a bastion of Christian conservatism in the United States, and with a predominantly older, white, Christian populace, Prescott is the embodiment of this. Often in places that are so homogenous, there exists a certain amount of discrimination towards those of other faiths. Unfortunately, Prescott is no exception to this, and you can witness religious discrimination at a regrettably frequent rate. In our town, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University brings in a myriad of different cultures and religions, including students from different states and backgrounds, and even students from

countries like the United Arab Emirates and China. This means that on campus we have all manners of faiths and beliefs, from Christianity to Islam to Buddhism to Agnosticism. Nearly every religion preaches religious tolerance and peace, so what makes one group think they are better than another? Where do the religious or ethnic slurs come from? Some intolerance comes from a person’s upbringing and background. If you grow up in a religion that preaches if you follow this religion fastidiously you will go to Heaven, and all others will not, it is easy to fall into a belief that your religion makes you inherently better. Parents who encourage their children to choose friends of a similar faith or teachers who passively or ac-

tively imbue in their students their own religious beliefs can exacerbate this problem. Another root cause of religious intolerance comes from an “us versus them” mentality, which a homogenous group dynamic can often perpetuate. Especially because Embry-Riddle is such a small school, which forces students into very close social groups. When one person voices an intolerant view, others will often agree out of a desire to maintain acceptance in the group. To me, the most perturbing cause of religious intolerance comes from a simple misunderstanding or lack of knowledge about others’ religions. Most Christians can easily recite the Ten Commandments, but cannot differentiate between a Sunni Muslim’s beliefs

and a Shiite Muslim’s beliefs. This obliviousness results in ignorant comments that stem from disliking what people perceive as the truth about a religion, not its actuality. How can you criticize something that you do not understand? That is like demeaning a cat for having a tail, simply because you do not have one and do not understand why it should. So what does this mean for you? It is simple: regardless of your faith or beliefs, be tolerant of others! At the most basic level, we are all human beings on this planet, working for the same essential needs. Take a few minutes to learn about other religions; talk to someone who believes differently than you do. What you find may surprise you.

Counseling Corner

with Julia Weinberg, PhD, LAC

The Embr y-Riddle Aeronautical University Wellness Center promotes healthy emotional and physical health. As the new semester is well on its way, we may find ourselves challenged. Prevention and resources can be invaluable! Just a reminder that the Wellness Center has available over the counter medicine and doctors to provide support for your

physical health needs. Visit the Wellness Center on Monday to Friday, 8:00 A.M. – 4:00 P.M. or call Extension: 6653 to make an appointment. Also, keep in mind that stress and anxiety can challenge your immune system, distracting your focus and disrupting your sleep. Challenging yourself to find time each day to relax, laugh, and slow down has been shown to increase our ability to focus and achieve optimal performance.

A study of 500 college students (Roberts and DanoffBurg, 2010) found that relaxation promotes physical and mental health by decreasing stress. Consciously relaxing stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, commonly known as P.N.S. The P.N.S. calms us and reduces our feelings of stress - heart rate decreases, breathing slows and deepens, blood pressure decreases, digestion is enhanced, and even vision improves - all

strengthening our physical and emotional well-being needed for the rigors of ERAU! How are you relaxing each day? Some people experiencing relaxation with walking and running, some relax when spending time with friends laughing and dreaming, some people relax by slowing down or enjoying a good meal. If you are not finding time or an activity where you are able to relax, struggling to focus on your studies, struggling to sleep rest-

fully, or struggling with other life challenges, you may want to consider scheduling an appointment with a counselor at the wellness center to develop a plan for reducing stress and relaxing! Don’t forget that ERAU Counseling Services is available for all students here at ERAU for free! You can stop by for no charge whatsoever.

Counseling Services is located at the Wellness Center, Building 73, in Haas Commons. Making an appointment to see a counselor on campus is easy! Just stop by or call the Wellness Center at (928) 777 - 6653. Don’t forget to “LIKE US” on Facebook! Use the QR code below.

Scan the QR code to “LIKE” us on Facebook.


SEPT. 18, 2013


How to Prevent Theft 1. Never Leave your doors unlocked. 2. Never leave personal items in jointuse areas or lying in plain sight. 3. Copy down serial numbers.

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Patrick Reber


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