Council Youth Liaison

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You might wonder, first, what is a liaison? And, second, more importantly, what is a Youth Liaison? Let’s turn to the faithful Merriam Webster Online Dictionary to get an answer to the first question… Li·ai·son: 1: binding or thickening agent used in cooking (Uhm, not this one!) 2: a close bond or connection (Getting warmer!) 3: communication for establishing and maintaining mutual understanding and cooperation (Got it! This is the one we’re looking for!)

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Coun·cil Youth Li·ai·son: 1: optional volunteer representative for the local Catholic Aid Association Council for Youth and Young Adults who: • maintains a connection with the parish youth group, confirmation class, school and religious education coordinator • recruits project team leaders as needed • Acts as liaison between youth project teams and local council officers

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2: does not have to be a member of Catholic Aid Association but could be: • a high school or college aged young person, a youth minister, a faith formation director, or anyone who knows the pulse of youth in their parish 3: a communicator who establishes and maintains mutual understanding and cooperation between youth and young adults • maintains communication with the Youth Fraternal Liaison, as needed, for support or ideas. 4: an important part of the parish and council because: • the position engages the young members of the parish in council activities and community service • allows young people to learn leadership skills to apply throughout their life • they promote volunteerism and spirituality among young people in the parish and council Youth Fra·ter·nal Li·ai·son: 1: a full time representative (Heather Vargo) at Catholic Aid Association for Youth and Young Adults 2: a communicator who establishes and maintains mutual understanding and cooperation between youth, young adults and Catholic Aid Association Here’s the bottom line. Heather Vargo is here for you and available to help connect you to the resources you need. Whether you need some help finding your Newman Center or finding volunteer opportunities.

Facebook: Catholic.Aid.Youth.Liaison Blog: Web:, Click on Youth and Young Adults Email:

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