H&f magazine nov dec 2014

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Holiday FITNESS The Easy Way PAGE 18


7 Twelve (Workout) Days of FIT-MAS 14 Where Are We Headed? 22

Scared about Ebola? Turn Fear Into Action




e all could use some old-time ways to make fruits and vegetables last longer.

Here are some methods found on the internet that might actually do that: 1. Wrap onions individually in nylon pantyhose so they look like hanging Christmas tree garland. Place a knot in between each onion. This could extend their life by 8 months. (www.seriouseats.com) 2. Tired of letting green onions go to waste before using them? Dice them and add to plastic water bottle, then freeze. (www.lunchinabox.net) 3. Sprouted potatoes are toxic, especially when there’s a green hue near or on the sprout. Store your potatoes with apples to inhibit sprouting. (www.homesteadsurvival.blogspot.com) 4. How often does your cheese dry out in the refrigerator? Take out a stick of butter, let soften at room temperature, and spread a dab onto the side of the cheese most likely to dry out. (www.thedailymeal.com) 5. Wondering what to do with those fresh garden herbs in late summer or fall? Slice them, mix them with olive oil, and make herbal ice cubes. Then when you need flavor in a recipe, pop out the cube and use in your entree. Hint: Don’t use this with dill, basil or mint, but it works well for sage, oregano, rosemary, and thyme. (www.thekitchn.com)

7. Want to keep mushrooms longer? Don’t use plastic bags; use paper bags instead and store them in a dry place or in the refrigerator. (www.123rf. com) 8. Food distributors won’t stop using harmful ethylene gas to ripen fruits but you can purchase ethylene gas absorbers to avoid the toxic exposure. Here’s a list of fruits that may produce ethylene gas, or are gassed: • bananas • cantaloupes • pears



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6. Store vegetables in mason jars in the refrigerator, not plastic jars. You’ll avoid the BPA in the plastic, and remember what’s in the refrigerator, too. This method extends the life of the vegetables. (www. easyst2.blogspot.com)




• plums • tomatoes • apricots

THE COMFORT ZONE 426 Folsom Road, Roseville 916-773-AHHH (2444) FOUNTAIN OF HEALTH 2820 T Street Sacramento 916-456-4600 www.fountainofhealth.com SALON 701 701 Howe Avenue, A-25 Sacramento SKIN CARE & MAKEUP BY MONICA COLOMY 7411 Winding Way, Suite F Fair Oaks 916-961-3894 www.monicasminerals.com THERAPEUTIC BODY CARE 2545 East Bidwell Street, Suite 155 Folsom 916-608-8830 www.therapeuticbodycare.net MASSAGE BY BONNIE DAY SPA 5961 West Oaks Boulevard Rocklin (Sunset & West Oaks) 916-367-3668

• avocados • honeydew melons • nectarines

• kiwis • papayas • mangoes

Besides this list, there’s another list of fruits and veggies that are sensitive to ethylene gas: • watermelons • summer squash • asparagus • apples • potatoes • green beans • carrots • eggplant • lettuces & leafy greens • cucumbers • broccoli (www.realsimple.com/food-recipes/avoid-premature-spoiling-fruits-vegetables and www.amazon.com/dp/B000MQ8SS8/?tag=buzz0f-20 and www.savvysugar.com) H&F

The Paleo Diet Meal Plan For Athletes By Ashton Permewan

Stage 4: Eating For Extended Recovery: For the next couple of hours continue to focus your diet on carbohydrates. This would be the time to eat non-optimal foods such as pasta, bread, bagels, rice, corn and other foods rich in glucose.This is necessary for the carbohydrate recovery process. Raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes and yams would also be a good choice.

The Paleolithic Diet, popularly referred to as the Caveman Diet, is a nutritional plan based on the presumed ancient diet of wild plants and animals that the human species consumed during the Paleolithic era - a period of about 2.5 million years duration that ended nearly 10,000 years ago with the introduction of agriculture. Based upon commonly available modern foods, the modern Paleo Diet consists mainly of meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, roots, and nuts, and excludes grains, legumes, dairy products, salt, refined sugar, and processed oils. The Paleo Diet was first popularized in the mid 1970’s by gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin, and has been promoted and adapted by numerous authors and researchers in several books and academic journals. Paleolithic nutrition comes from the premise that modern humans are genetically adapted to the diet of their ancestors, and that since human genetics hasn’t really changed since the introduction of agriculture, that an ideal diet for human health and well-being is one that mirrors this ancestral diet. The Paleolithic Diet is a modern dietary regimen that seeks to copy the diet of hunter-gatherers of the pre-agricultural era. The Paleo Diet consists of foods that can be hunted or fished, such as meat and seafood, and can be gathered, such as eggs, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables, just to name a few. Foods to be avoided include grains like wheat, corn and oats; vegetable oils and margarines; legumes like soy, peanuts, and lentils; sodas, sugar, and fruit juices; dairy products; and processed foods and preservatives. For the most competitive athletes, however; they need to slightly bend the rules of the Paleo Diet. After all, they are placing demands on their bodies that our caveman ancestors never even dreamed of. High sustained energy output, followed by

the need for quick recovery, requires some latitude. The latitude needed can be outlined while describing the athlete’s 5 stages of eating as related to exercising. Stage 1: Eating Before Exercising: We would like athletes to eat low to moderate Glycemic Index carbohydrates at the very least a couple of hours prior to a strenuous or long workout or race. Some fat and protein may be consumed in this meal. All foods should be low in fiber. Take in 200 to 300 calories for each hour remaining until exercise begins. Stage 2: Eating During Exercising: If you are participating in long or hard workouts and races, taking in high Glycemic Index carbs through fluids is what we recommend. Sports drinks are excellent for this. Anything that will last less than an hour you’re better off just drinking water. When deciding how much to consume, 200 to 400 calories per hour is a good starting point. Stage 3: Eating Immediately After: The first 30 minutes post workout and post race is the most critical for recovery. This should be your highest priority at the conclusion of your physical activity. As such, a recovery drink that contains both carbohydrate and protein in a 4-5:1 ratio is recommended. Sixteen ounces of fruit juice with a

Stage 5: Eating For Long Term: You should return to eating a Paleo diet by focusing on optimal foods to recover for the remainder of the day. The Paleo Diet is a natural, very simple way of eating that promotes dramatic health benefits and weight loss results you will never achieve from any other diet, weight loss program or fad diet you may or may not heard about. Following this diet you could achieve the best health of your life, be in the best shape in your life, and experience more energy than ever before! However, this dietary approach is not without controversy. Some nutritionists and anthropologists suggest that this may be a fad diet. Some researchers dispute the underlying evolutionary logic. They have also disputed certain dietary recommendations and restrictions on the grounds that they provide no health benefits and may actually pose health risks. Did you find the Paleo Diet meal plan for athletes useful? You can read a review of a popular Paleo recipe cookbook by going to http://www.paleorecipecookbook.com Editor’s Notes: Check out the Learning Exchange for local classes on the Paleo Diet at www.learningexchange.com .H&F NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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banana, 3 to 5 tablespoons of glucose, about 3 tablespoons of protein powder, and 2 pinches of salt would be ideal.

he Paleo Diet meal plan for athletes is a plan based on foods that make up the Paleolithic Diet, with a few minor changes. But first, we should cover what the Paleo Diet is all about.


THE NEXT GENERATION FROM HELL TO WELL. Written by Randall Hicks, D.C., NRCME, 1st edition, 2014. By Dr. Donna


ou go to work for a good company, get on a good health insurance plan, and regularly attend classes at their wellness program. That’s enough, right? Wrong, says Dr. Randall Hicks, chiropractor and author of the new book, Workplace Wellness. The Next Generation from Hell to Well. “Instead of a healthier workforce, the theory-based programs that were once designed to reduce employee absenteeism, increase employee production and cut healthcare costs are increasing time off, reducing productivity, and forcing costs to boom for companies in the United States,” he states in the book.

The real problem, he continues, is that workplace wellness programs don’t focus on evidence-based health for the INDIVIDUAL plus they are focusing on drugs and health screens instead of fixing nutrient depletions, toxin accumulation, and the physical condition of the individual. Interestingly, the World Health Organization lists these four causes as the leading causes of chronic disease: 1) environmental toxin exposure, 2) poor diet, 3) poor nutrition, and 4) lack of exercise. Employees are exposed to chemical substances such as gases, vapors, mist, fumes and fibers that can cause breathing problems, asthma,

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emphysema and other diseases including cancer. The toxins will end up winning the battle. In one instance, 9000 office workers in Europe suffered from sick building syndrome from stagnant air. Air filters solved all their symptoms; it was that simple. Other toxins are the result of bad lifestyle choices and include caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. By 2025, it is estimated that chronic diseases will affect more than 164 million Americans. “Instead of establishing programs that promote important concepts like self-care and proper diet, these companies focus on giving their workforce access to designer drugs so they can dope their symptoms away... For too long, companies have labored under the false idea that access to drugs and doctors is the same thing as access to health because it results in lower costs,” he said. In a recent study, wellness programs were found to only save costs 2% of the time. Dr. Hicks isn’t just complaining about the situation in the book. He has a real solution that he has used for a few years now. By focusing on health, diet, exercise

and self care, a wellness program can statistically and methodically prove to result in goals the company wants to achieve. Dr. Hicks’ deep conviction and plan is a way he will start the fight to take back the health of an entire nation, and it has already begun. Every business that wants to stay in business must read this enlightening book that offers a real solution! Don’t wait on this one; your health is at risk now! Health & Fitness Magazine Book Rating: Very high. This book will help you piece together your own health if you are not a business owner or wellness coordinator. H&F


EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Dr. Donna Schwontkowski drdonna@fastermac.net EDITORIAL Erin Weisz, Editorial Assistant Melba Phillips, Editorial Assistant STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER Susan Svensson shespiesphoto@yahoo.com CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Melanie Weir, Megan White Grandmaster Clint Robinson ADVERTISING EXECUTIVES Bob Adams: (916) 428-3787 healthandfitnessads@gmail.com The opinions and views of Health & Fitness Magazine belong solely to the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official position of this publication. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement. All items in Health & Fitness Magazine are protected under copyright to ensure the protection of its contributors. Unsolicited manuscripts will not be returned without SASE. Letters are welcomed. Health & Fitness Magazine reserves the right to edit all letters for grammar, spelling, length, libelous content, and other $#&%^!

Subscriptions for Health & Fitness Magazine can be obtained by sending a check for $20 to the address below.

P.O. Box 19311 Sacramento, CA 95819 Phone: 916-233-8825 www.healthfitness.us

HEALTH-WELLNESS & NUTRITION 8 Ways to Make Groceries Last Longer


The Paleo Diet Meal Plan For Athletes


Review: Workplace Wellness. 4 The Next Generation From Hell to Well The Future of Gluten Free in Sacramento


Scared About Ebola? Turn Your Fear Into Action


Terpenes – The Common Connection Between Cannabis, Grapes, Black Pepper & Perfume


Toxic Water in California Reported


The Spinal Decompression Study Neurologists Don’t Know About and Don’t Want You to Know About


Where Are We Headed?


EECP & Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Now Offered At The Same State of the Facility


Interesting & Shocking Health & Fitness Statistics



PUBLISHER Gary G. Burns publisher@healthfitness.us



Decrease Stress from Bill Collectors


How to Silence the Voice of Doubt

THE HOLIDAYS Gluten-Free Snacks for the Upcoming Holidays


Decrease Stress from Bill Collectors This Holiday Season


Heritage Meat for the Holidays – The Taste is Unbeatable


Twelve (Workout) Days of FIT – MAS


How to Cook a Turkey – Three Popular Cooking Methods


EECP & Hyperbaric Oxygen Now Offered at The Same Facility

How to Silence the Voice of Doubt



Chiropractors Help Judo Athletes


Choosing Your Friends!





PETS Finally There’s a Solution for Critter Control That Makes Sense


10 Things to Give a Dog Lover for Christmas










30-31 35

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By Melanie Weir


n the last 6 years, Sacramento has come a long way in serving the needs of the gluten free community. Gluten Free menus and options are popping up at restaurants throughout midtown and into the suburbs. Gluten Free food options are also easier to find at grocery chains. Even drug stores have options that are labeled gluten free. Does this mean that Sacramento no longer needs a gluten free store? Out of the first 10 gluten free stores in California, only 3 remain: Gluten Free Specialty, Orange Bite & Stella Lucy (7 have closed). THE HISTORY OF GLUTEN FREE SPECIALTY In May of 2008, Gluten Free Specialty opened in a neurology clinic in East Sacramento, moved to a retail space in 2008 and expanded twice in 2010. The second expansion, alongside a grocery recession and recession, left GFS in debt. It was paying off debt until 2014 highway closures cut sales in half during the Spring and Summer (Out of towners more than 50% of the business, were unable to get here.) In October of 2014, we accepted a small loan and are hoping that this will get us through the holiday season.

OBSTACLES GFS IS FACING The primary failure of the model “Gluten Free Specialty” is that it caters mainly to celiacs. Celiacs need to be taken care of; they have a medical condition that requires a gluten free diet with a safety level of less than 5ppm of gluten (which is less than 1/6th of a bread crumb). Our store caters to celiacs, but it does not cater to local midtowners looking for a bite to eat or something quick to grab. Additional obstacles we face include not having coffee, tea, deli bar options and ready-to-eat foods for Celiacs and midtowners. Many supermarket chains, deli bars and restaurants have increased their selection of gluten free options, but not all gluten free labeled products are safe for celiacs (See Gluten Free Watchdog). GFS 2.0 To reinvigorate GFS we are upgrading our model. Imagine (1) a dining area, (2) a coffee bar, tea, flavored water and kombucha bar, (3) quieter and more efficient fridges and freezers, (4) kitchen prep area, (5) bulk bins, (6) creative cooking classes and educational coaching, (7) online ordering, (8) website upgrade with living gluten

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free information. We are excited. UPGRADING TO GFS 2.0 To upgrade our model we need to raise a large sum of funds. To make this happen, we are stepping out into the community and asking for help. Up to date, we have raised $485 in funds to upgrade our facility. According to our budget sheets, we have a way to go. To fully remodel our store and make it a destination point for midtowners and celiacs alike, we need to raise $150,000 at the least. OUR PLAN We are launching a crowd funding campaign through Indie GoGo to help us re-vamp and create our 7 year dream. The launch date will be Tuesday, December 2nd, the week after Thanksgiving and will run for 60 days. If successful, we will begin renovations around Valentine’s Day. We are hoping to complete the project within 6-8 months, so it is able to serve the community by the next year. GLUTEN FREE IN SACRAMENTO FROM 2008 TO 2014 When Gluten Free Specialty opened in 2008, there were very few gluten free options available in the community. Since opening, gluten free options have skyrocketed. Many grocers like the Sacramento Food Coop, Safeway on 19th street, Corti Brother’s, Comptons and Grocery Outlet all sell a larger selection of gluten free items. Gluten Free options have also increased at local coffee shops and restaurants. Gluten free facilities and bakeshops have emerged (though some have closed or are struggling) In 2012, Gluten Free Sacramento, guided by Melanie of Gluten Free Specialty, interviewed and reported on multiple gluten free menu options from restaurants in Sacramento and created bookmarks as a gratitude project for customers that had supported the store over the first 5

years. The project consisted of a 5 bookmark series and some bookmarks are still available. Information on the restaurants can be seen at: http://gfsacramento.wordpress.com/ From 2012 until 2014, the number of gluten free menus in Sacramento has increased drastically. WHY YOU SHOULD SUPPORT GFS •T o increase resources for celiacs, gluten sensitive and the food allergic community •T o have a locally based coffee option with locally roasted coffee beans at 26th & J •T o increase midtown traffic looking for gluten free options and local shops •T o support local businesses (GFS offers hundreds of locally sourced products) •T o support family owned businesses (GFS supports family owned businesses first) •B ecause you like foods free from GMOs, food dyes, sugar, ect... •Y ou have dietary restrictions and want creative solutions •T o have quick grab and go options that are fresh and healthy •T o learn creative ideas that will invigorate your cooking and baking (gf or not) •T o have an awesome place to take your friends • Because you are amazing • Because you like hugs Melanie Weir owns Gluten Free Specialty Grocery in Midtown Sacramento which celebrated its 6th birthday on July 16th of this year. After 6 years of experience in the grocery industry, Melanie is stepping out of her comfort zone and developing a new model, a Midtown Collective Café & Grocery. Funding has begun on the new project and an online Indie Go Go Campaign is set to launch forward Dec. 2nd of 2014. For more information on the project, go to: www.gfspecialty.wordpress.com or connect with Melanie online at: www. facebook.com/melaniegfs. H&F


1. Eat at least four fruits daily. These will provide beta-carotene, vitamin A, and vitamin C. 2. Eat two quarts vegetables daily. This could be divided as follows: 1 quart mixed veggies for salads, four ½ cup servings cooked vegetables. This will provide your body with enough fiber to keep your bowel cleaner, plus it will also fill you with phytonutrients that affect every organ. 3. Eat a handful of raw nuts or seeds three or four times a week. Nuts and seeds contain vitamin E.

Remember that taking only a few of them ends up depleting others so take your vitamin and mineral capsule as well as a B complex.

microbes blow out over you and circulate in the air. Hepa air filters are the best. 6. Consider getting an air ionizer. If you can also find an ozonator, use this too. However, remember that ozone should only be used in a home when there is nothing living in the home – no pets, plants or humans. Turn them on when you are not home, and leave a door or window open to quickly enter to turn them off when you get home. Then allow the ozone to dissipate for about 10 minutes before you enter the home again.

4. Daily eat plenty of protein; it’s a natural way to beat infections. If you don’t know how much protein you need, calculate 1.2 grams protein per kilogram (2.2 pounds) body weight. If you lift weights, raise the protein level to 1.5 grams protein per kilogram.

7. Get an aromatherapy diffuser or a few of them if you have a large home. Diffuse antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal essential oils into the air daily. This will purify the air in your home. Some essential oils that have these properties include basil, peppermint, lavender, rose, oregano, and citrus essential oils.

5. Change the air filters in your home. Air filters trap bacteria and microbes but when you turn on the heat, these

8. Get plenty of sleep each night. If you miss one night of sleep, catch up within a few days.

11. Stay connected with others to find out what’s happening and who has been exposed and/or is showing symptoms. Share these tips with everyone in your workplace so that all of you can stay healthy. Discuss the idea about diffusing essential oils into the air at work. 12. Make sure that your children are following these guidelines, too, and be vigilant about classmates who are showing symptoms. Consider keeping your child home from school once you find out other children are sick.

9. Kick the sugar habit once and for all. Sugar paralyzes the white blood cells and they can’t fight against infection. 10. Take your supplements, especially selenium (200 mcg daily) and vitamin C (1000 mg twice daily or more.

Remember that everyone who develops Ebola does not die from it! Vaccines won’t help you since they are created from last year’s Ebola viruses, not current mutated ones. Your immune system is the magical factor that keeps you safe from Ebola. Your body has been programmed to overcome microbes but you must help it by doing the right things for your immune system. Commit to make changes today. H&F



his issue brings you many more ideas to improve your health, fitness and life. It’s a good year to have one of the biggest holiday get-togethers you’ve had yet – this issue will provide you with new ideas for food for these special days. Check out our new ideas for meats and turkey brine sure to please large crowds. Keep up your healthy holiday thinking when purchasing gifts for Christmas. Megan White has quite a few ideas in the cover story on page 18-19. And as always, let us know what you’re thinking and the types of topics you’d like to find out more about. Happy Holidays from us all here at Health & Fitness Magazine! Happy reading! Dr. Donna, Editor NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

2O14 7



our lifestyle habits make a big difference in your susceptibility to get infections of any kind, including Ebola. Here are 12 suggestions that can raise your resistance towards any infection. How many of them are you doing right now?




oliday season is upon us. It’s time to plan parties and prepare the menu ideas. Check out these gluten free snacks and appetizers. They are quick and easy to make no matter what culinary level you are on. Think about the group you will be serving and increase or decrease the serving sizes to suit your needs.


YIELDS: 10 SERVINGS Ingredients 2 cups vanilla yogurt 1 tsp ground cinnamon 10 strawberries 2 kiwis, skinned and cut into chunks ½ cantaloupe, chunks 2 bananas, peeled, cut into chunks 2 apples, cut into chunks 1 bunch of grapes (50 grapes) 10 skewers



DIRECTIONS FOR SKEWERS 1. Take about 15-20 minutes to safely peel and cut your fruit into chunks or desired shape. Keep each type of fruit in a separate container. 2. Get skewers and thread each type of fruit onto the skewer. 3. Cover the skewer leaving about an inch of space free for holding. 4. Serve with yogurt dip as an option.


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(AVOCADO MIX) YIELDS: 12 SERVINGS Ingredients 6 eggs, boiled, cooled, peeled, and cut in half 1 large avocado, mashed 1 tbsp jalapeno, finely diced 1 tbsp red onion, finely diced 2 tbsp diced tomato 1 tbsp lime juice 1 tbsp cilantro, chopped salt, pepper and cayenne to taste pinch chili powder (for garnish)

In a small serving bowl, combine the cinnamon and vanilla yogurt. Mix well and refrigerate.



YIELDS: 8-10 CUPS Ingredients 1cup popcorn kernels 1 tbsp ground cinnamon 1 tbsp ground nutmeg 2 tbsp unsalted butter, melted 2 tbsp light brown sugar 1/8 tsp salt DIRECTIONS 1. Put popcorn kernels in 2-1/2 quart microwave safe bowl and cover with a vented lid or microwave safe plate. 2. Microwave on high for approximately 4 minutes and 45 seconds or until the popping slows down. 3. Using something to protect your hands, remove the plate or lid from the bowl. Be careful to avoid the steam coming from the bowl. Next remove the bowl. 4. In a small separate bowl combine brown sugar, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg and salt and set it aside. 5. Drizzle the melted butter over the popcorn. 6. Sprinkle the seasoning mixture over the popcorn and toss.

DIRECTIONS 1. Put all 6 eggs in medium pot and cover with water. Cook on the stove over moderately high heat for 10 minutes. Once done, run cold water over the eggs until they remain cool to the touch. 2. Peel and cut eggs in half. Remove the yolk from the middle. In a medium bowl crush the yolk. Add the avocado and continue to mash the 2 ingredients. 3. Add the jalapeno, lime juice tomato, cilantro and onion into the mix. Season everything with salt, pepper and cayenne until the desired flavor is achieved. 4. Begin to fill the middle of the eggs with the new mixture. Sprinkle a pinch of chili powder on each egg for a beautiful finish. Make all of these recipes part of you appetizer repertoire. They are colorful and festive and very pleasing to the eye. The fruit are crispy and the popcorn gives a subtle satisfying crunch when your guests bite into it. Most of all, each dish tastes great. The more senses you incorporate into an eating experience, the more people savor your food. It debunks the myth that healthy food is dull and tasteless. Don’t be surprised if your family and friends want to add these snacks to their list of everyday favorites. Healthy Holidays! H&F



our stomach is quivering; you have a slight headache. Perhaps you are irritated with your spouse and children for no apparent reason. A looming anxiety keeps interrupting your focus. Your mind is racing a mile a minute and not one constructive thought is being produced. In fact, all you can really seem to think about is the high bill laying on your table, waiting for your undivided attention. Yet you keep resisting; finding everything else more important. You are experiencing stress from the mere thought of dealing with the customer service department from your service provider or utility company. Avoiding the issue is making matters worse. Since the bill can’t evaporate into thin air, you might as well face it. Bills show up every month like clockwork. Even if the bill is floating around in the mail, you know it is due. You know at some point you will have to call customer service to dispute charges and make a change, Bills are becoming such an entity in themselves that we often have to make a decision of whether or not to pay a light bill or buy food for our families. Don’t worry; there are a few tips in place that may help with managing those monthly uninvited guests.

Embrace the Automated System This tool has become a staple in the quest to provide customer service these days. The nice robotic voice greets you yet does not understand a word your say. If that is not aggravating enough, she then proceeds to route you to the wrong department sending you off into a virtual labyrinth where no human being seems to exist. At that point the descriptive words you have for the customer service representative are endless. Before calling in take a deep breath. If you have followed the other tips up to this point you will be fine. Make Peace Not War Believing you are against the whole company and no one understands what you are going through is such an isolated way of thinking. This puts you in a constant defensive position which is stressful in itself. When asking someone for help with your billing you come off as attacking the person and the representative is eager to get you off their line. They give you just enough information to get you to the next phase of resolving your issue; no more no less. A healthy level of stress keeps you on your toes, keeps you thinking and problem solving. Prolonged stress is what can be damaging to your overall health. Examine which areas of your financial life bring you the most stress and manage them, starting with your monthly bills. Use a few or all of the tips, whichever ones will get you to a Zen-like state with your expenses. H&F H a i r ∙ S k i n ∙ n at u r a l n a i l S

Get a Notebook Designate a notebook for your bills only. Use the first few pages to write down the account number for every billing account you have. This ensures you have the information on hand when the customer service representative asks for it. You will spend less time hunting down a bill hidden in a pile of papers. This notebook will also become your call log. Whenever you speak with customer service, log the date and time you called, along with their name and location. Also write down your reason for calling, and any questions you have. Do not leave anything to memory. Document the call and any instructions the representative told you. If you have to do a follow up call, you will already have your ducks in a row. Allow Time for Negotiation In addition to getting a notebook, also make sure whenever you are calling to discuss your bill, you are giving yourself ample time to do so. Calling on lunch or during break seems like a good way to multi-task but in the end it only makes you feel rushed. This can also put pressure on the representative resulting in omitted or incomplete information. Utilize Bill Management Online Even if you are not a person who has the best relationship with technology an online account can save you time and can be accessed from a computer; a wonderful feature if you are someone who travels nationally or globally. An online

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2O14 9


by J.Q. Griffin

account also provides historic billing information, historic payment transactions and some systems allow you to make account changes or set appointments. Companies may seem heartless but they put tons of information online to encourage your participation. Questions you may have could be answered simply by logging into your online account to review your bill.


TERPENES: THE CONNECTION BETWEEN CANNABIS, GRAPES, BLACKPEPPER & PERFUME Merriam-Webster online dictionary, terpenes are “any of various isomeric hydrocarbons C10H16 found present in essential oils (as from conifers) and used especially as solvents and in organic synthesis; broadly: any of numerous hydrocarbons (C5H8) found especially in essential oils, resins, and balsams.” That is for the science buffs out there. For everyone else, terpenes are the scent molecules naturally occurring in essential oils of citrus, herbs, pine, black pepper, hops, grapes, and yes cannabis. Each terpene has a distinct smell and causes different effects on the body’s chemistry.

By Kimberly Cargile


o you find the smell of lavender relaxing or pine invigorating? Well, many people do. This is because the molecules that you are smelling in lavender and pine actually produce pharmacological effects on your body. These molecules are terpenes. According to the

A 1997 study by the Swiss Federal Research Station for Agroecology and Agriculture entitled “Essential oil of Cannabis sativa L. strains” distinguished 16 terpenoid compounds in the essential oil of different cannabis strains. The most common of these terpenes are: pinene, myrcene, limonene,

beta-caryophyllene and linalool. These same molecules are found in a variety of other plants, flowers, fruits and herbs. They are widely used as additives in perfumes, cosmetics and foods. They provide scent, flavor and color as well as medicinal effects. Pinene has a pine smell as its name implies. It is found in conifers, rosemary, basil, parsley and dill. It provides an invigorating effect on the body producing a feeling of alertness. Michael Backes the genius author of Cannabis Pharmacy, The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana writes about its effects on enzyme inhibition in the brain which helps counteract short term memory loss, a negative side effect of THC. Pinene also provides relief of asthma by way of bronchial dilation and is used as an antiseptic. Myrcene is the most common terpene in cannabis. It emits a musky, earthy and herbal smell with notes of tropical fruit. It is present in found in mangos, lemongrass, thyme and hops. Myrcene is found in vary high levels in cannabis indica and produces sedating effects. It helps patients relax and is good relief for muscle tension. The Complete Guide to Natural Healing website providing expert advice on alternative medicine, health, fitness and beauty provides evidence that myrcene is the most important terpene for treating insomnia. Limonene has a citrus aroma. It naturally occurs in fruit rinds, rosemary, juniper, peppermint, a variety of flowers and of course cannabis. Its effects provide mood elevation and stress relief. It has been found to have antifungal, anti-bacterial and anti-carcinogenic properties. Steephill Laboratory’s website states, “Limonenes have antidepressant, anxiety-relief, immunostimulant (similar to garlic), anti-tumor, and anti-fungal/bacterial properties, and also aid in treating gastric reflux including treatment of esophageal ulcers.”





Beta-Caryophyllene has a pungent pepper and clove smell. It originates in black pepper, cloves and cotton and again cannabis. It is spicy and woody. It has been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects and is helpful in treating arthritis and gastrointestinal complications. It is also a Federal Drug Administration approved food additive. This and more information on this terpene’s medicinal effects can be found at www.medicaljane.com. Linalool is floral and sweet with hints of citrus. It is found in lavender and cannabis. It provides the same effects of relaxation and anxiety relief in each of these herbs. Linalool is one of the most widely researched terpenes because of its use in aromatherapy. You can find a large wealth of information about linalool online including it’s role in cannabis at www.alchimiaweb.com. Each strain of cannabis has its own unique terpene profile, providing for the variety of unique smells that cannabis emits. Terpenes work in conjunction with the cannabinoids, the main active molecules in cannabis, to provide relief from a wide variety of symptoms. A study published in August of 2011 in the British Journal of Pharmacology titled, “Taming THC: potential cannabis synergy and phytocannabinoid-terpenoid entourage effects” explores the idea that the terpenes and cannabinoids work together to produce the large variety of symptom relieving effects associated with the use of cannabis as a medicine. With the most recent advances in cannabis laboratory testing your local dispensary can now find out the percentages of each terpene within each strain of cannabis tested. Because the different terpenes cause different pharmacological effects on the patient, this testing helps dispensary staff to tailor a cannabis medication for a patient. Whether you love the smell of cannabis or hate it, now you know why it smells. For more information about this article contact Kimberly Cargile, A Therapeutic Alternative, atafrontdesk@gmail.com

TOXIC WATER IN CALIFORNIA REPORTED arsenic in drinking water can compromise the immune system’s ability to fight illness.

Tests Find Elevated Arsenic, Thallium Levels in Nearby Water Wells The documents also reveal that Central Valley Water Board testing found high levels of arsenic, thallium and nitrates — contaminants sometimes found in oil industry wastewater — in water-supply wells near these waste-disposal operations.

The Center obtained a letter from the State Water Resources Control Board to the Environmental Protection Agency. The letter says that the Central Valley Regional Water Board has confirmed that injection wells have been dumping oil industry waste into aquifers that are legally protected under the federal Safe Drinking Water Act. The state Water Board also concedes that another 19 wells may also have contaminated protected aquifers, and dozens more have been injecting waste into aquifers of unknown quality. The Central Valley Water Board tested eight water-supply wells out of more than 100 in the vicinity of these injection wells. Arsenic, nitrate and thallium exceeded the maximum contaminant level in half the water samples.

“Clean water is one of California’s most crucial resources, and these documents make it clear that state regulators have utterly failed to protect our water from oil industry pollution,” said Hollin Kretzmann, a Center attorney. “Much more testing is needed to gauge the full extent of water pollution and the threat to public health. But Governor Brown should move quickly to halt fracking to ward off a surge in oil industry wastewater that California simply isn’t prepared to dispose of safely.” The state’s Water Board confirmed beyond doubt that at least nine wastewater disposal wells have been injecting waste into aquifers that contain high-quality water that is supposed to be protected under federal and state law. Thallium is an extremely toxic chemical commonly used in rat poison. Arsenic is a toxic chemical that can cause cancer. Some studies show that even low-level exposure to

“Arsenic and thallium are extremely dangerous chemicals,” said Timothy Krantz, a professor of environmental studies at the University of Redlands. “The fact that high concentrations are showing up in multiple water wells close to wastewater injection sites raises major concerns about the health and safety of nearby residents.”

In July the state’s Division of Oil, Gas and Geothermal Resources shut down 11 Kern County oil field injection wells and began scrutinizing almost 100 others that were potentially contaminating protected groundwater. The Environmental Protection Agency, which has ultimate legal authority over underground injection, ordered state officials to provide an assessment of the water-contamination risk within 60 days, and the letter from the state Water Board confirms that illegal contamination has occurred at multiple sites. California’s oil and gas fields produce billions of gallons of contaminated

wastewater each year, and much of this contaminated fluid is injected underground. California has an estimated 2,583 wastewater injections wells, of which 1,552 are currently active. Wastewater injection wells are located throughout the state, from the Chico area in Northern California to Los Angeles in the south, and even include offshore wells near Santa Barbara. The Center for Biological Diversity is a national, nonprofit conservation organization with more than 775,000 members and online activists dedicated to the protection of endangered species and wild places. For more information, contact Hollin Kretzmann at 415-4369683 x 333 or via email at hkretzmann@

While the current extent of contamination is cause for grave concern, the long-term threat posed by the unlawful wastewater disposal may be even more devastating. Benzene, toluene and other harmful chemicals used in fracking fluid are routinely found in flowback water coming out of oil wells in California, often at levels hundreds of times higher than what is considered safe, and this flowback fluid is sent to wastewater disposal wells. Underground migration of chemicals like benzene can take years. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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lmost 3 billion gallons of oil industry wastewater have been illegally dumped into central California aquifers that supply drinking water and farming irrigation, according to state documents obtained by the Center for Biological Diversity. The wastewater entered the aquifers through at least nine injection disposal wells used by the oil industry to dispose of waste contaminated with fracking fluids and other pollutants.


By Dr. Donna


f you’re looking for a brand new taste experience this holiday season, the only way to go is with heritage meats. These are meats from animals and poultry with sound genetics that are raised humanely and more importantly, they are chickens, turkeys, goats, ducks, geese, cattle, and pigs raised for certain traits but raised to be healthy, strong, able to reproduce, forage and live a long life. Only natural mating is encouraged and there is no artificial insemination of the animals. No antibiotics or hormones are used during the lives of the heritage animals and poultry. How do these meats and poultry taste? According to fine dining restaurant chefs, they have the very best flavor. For example, the taste of a

heritage chicken might be described as balanced, dynamic, juicy, wellrounded, rich, duck-like, buttery, velvet, delicate, yeasty, clover, floral and earthy. The taste of goat meat might be described as light, grassy, clean, green, lean and smooth with a bouncy texture. Heritage turkeys are described as intense, dark and rich with a steakish, balanced flavor and distinctive finish. There’s a world of difference between true heritage turkeys and chickens and ones claimed to be grown naturally and without hormones. Poultry may be raised naturally and without hormones, but if the bird has been genetically bred commercially in factory farms, you’re getting the equivalency of a monocrop of fruit or vegetable that seriously limits the

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medicinal constituents. When you increase the genetic diversity of the foods you are eating, you may experience a health transformation. You’ll have to taste them to find out that difference.

Try Your Hand at Your Own Seasoning Mix What else can you do that’s special for your holiday meats? You might also try a blend of your favorite herbs such as this recipe below.

Find out more at http://heritagefoodsusa.com

Homemade Turkey Seasoning Mix • 1 teaspoon oregano • 1 teaspoon basil • 1 teaspoon thyme • 1 teaspoon savory • 1 teaspoon red crushed peppers • 1 teaspoon sea salt • 1 teaspoon mint • 1 teaspoon garlic • 1 teaspoon minced onions • ½ teaspoon kelp granules • ½ teaspoon black peppercorns • ½ teaspoon ginger

Whey-Brined Turkey: A New Concept to Make Turkey Moist Got any holiday guests coming over who have high blood pressure? Consider using whey as a way to brine turkeys. Whey is the easiest and simplest brine to use. It’s a one-step process and the whey is filled with probiotics and calcium. You simply dunk the turkey into the whey, leave it for 24 hours and then cook the turkey. For a 14-16 pound turkey, you’ll need about 2 gallons of whey, a few cloves garlic and crushed peppercorns. Butter may also be added to the turkey after brining. You get a turkey that is super juicy, somewhat salty but not overly salty, and the cooking is the same as with other turkeys you’ve cooked in the past.

Mix all ingredients together and sprinkle over the top of the turkey prior to cooking. Bake as usual, basting once an hour. For more info, listen to the radio show interview here: www. heritageradionetwork.com/category_ posts/915-Whey-Brined-Turkey H&F


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By Karen L. Talavera


o you go into the kitchen on Thanksgiving morning dreading dry turkey? Have you ever wished you could discover how to cook a turkey perfectly? Then you’re reading the right article. The first thing nervous cooks need to understand is that there are 101 ways to cook a turkey - from traditional to cutting-edge culinary techniques. You do not have to be a master cook to make a good-tasting bird, but knowing what options are available helps greatly. Ready to learn more about how to cook a turkey?

Three Methods for Cooking a Moist Turkey 1. Roasting The most traditional method for how to cook a turkey is roasting. The average recipe calls for an oven temperature of 325 degrees. To prepare a turkey for roasting you want to rinse it thoroughly, season it inside and out with flavors your family enjoys, then put it in a roasting pan with water in the bottom. The water keeps the drippings from burning (you’ll want those for gravy). Loosely cover the turkey with aluminum foil. For every four pounds of unstuffed turkey you’ll need about one hour cooking time. If you have a kitchen thermometer, place it in the thickest part of the turkey breast. The meat needs to be 165 degrees to be safe for consumption. Additionally,

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experts recommend that you keep the stuffing outside the bird (mix and put in an oven proof container, placed in the oven about 1 hour before the turkey is done). This is also a good moment to remove the aluminum foil so you get a nice crunchy skin. Finally, the key to a good roast turkey is resting time. When you pull the turkey out of the oven let it sit untouched for about 20-30 minutes before carving. This keeps the turkey moist.

2. Oven-Bag Roasted Turkey In deciding how to cook a turkey, turkey oven bags are a great alternative to traditional roasting. Supermarkets carry plastic cooking bags safe for oven use. The temperature for your oven is now 350 degrees F. Note that your baking pan must contain the bird and the cooking bag completely - the bag expands during cooking and if it touches any part of the oven it will melt. As with a roast turkey you should season your bird before placing it in the bag. Consider adding some onions, a peeled orange and other flavorful aromatics to the cavity of the turkey to give it even more flavor from inside out. Cook according to the directions on the cooking bag packaging. The alternative to the oven bag is a good quality plastic wrap. You can premarinate the turkey, brine it, put butter and seasonings under the skin and/or season it then wrap the bird in plastic wrap. Follow with aluminum foil completely covering the bird. Now you can cook the turkey one of two ways. Turn the oven up to about 375 if you want a steamed turkey or you can turn the temperature down to 250 degrees and slow cook the turkey (about 2 hours per four pounds of whole bird). In either case, you can remove the wrappings on your turkey 30 minutes before serving if you want crispy skin. If using the slow-cook method turn up the heat to 375 for that last amount of cooking time.

3. Oven Braising Oven braising is similar to using an oven bag or wrap in that you’re steaming the turkey. Your oven should be preheated to about 340 degrees. Place the turkey in a covered roaster (stuff the bird with vegetables or aromatics as with method 2). The time required for cooking is similar to traditional roasting. There are certainly many other options as to how to cook a turkey. These options include deep frying, grilling / rotisserie style turkey, marinated or brined, and smoked turkey. Each one creates a slightly different flavor profile and moisture level so a lot depends on personal tastes. Experiment throughout the year then use your favorite method come Thanksgiving (or Christmas, or... whenever!). You’ll find actual recipes for all of the ways to cook turkey at Divine Dinner Party’s Holiday Turkey Guide at www.divinedinnerparty.com/how-to-cook-aturkey.html. It has everything you need! H&F Karen Talavera writes about turkey and Thanksgiving food at www.divinedinnerparty.com/thanksgiving-dinner-recipes.html because she loves to eat turkey!





Happy Holidays, Mitch! We’re raising our children with a consciousness of gratitude and giving. Every year we volunteer at events to help the less fortunate, and we participate in every church and school drive. Our family feels very fortunate, and we teach our children to give unconditionally even when it’s not easy.

Our son asked us the other day, “Mom, we still have to help everyone, right?”, as he listened to us discuss our dwindling bank account. My husband and I read your column religiously because you clearly are very conscious about how you live your life. How would you handle our dilemma? We actually LOVE giving; it’s very rewarding! However, we also have to watch out budget very closely these days. Obviously, there’s SOME right time to say, “Sorry, we can’t”! When is that, Mitch? Thank you for all you do, Love Giving Elk Grove, California ~~~ Hey Giving, “There’s no such thing as a ‘Bad Day’ when you gave to others.” ~ My quote! I guess I should add, “...as long as it doesn’t get you in trouble.” I’m absolutely right with you, and I highly respect your commitment to a conscious, charitable life! I don’t have to tell you how much you and your family will benefit emotionally, mentally and spiritually from giving to others, and even more, from a greater consciousness as to why you are giving! Yes, there absolutely ARE times to say, “No, I can’t”! However, WHEN is a very fluid, subjective dynamic that a conscious person will wrestle with. A couple of intellectual/practical points to start with:

** The axiom, “Charity begins at home” means one has to love self and family primarily to be strong to give to others. Eroding your financial and/or emotional foundation is NOT what’s best for your family. And you don’t want to teach your children to disregard themselves all in service to others. ** If you’re teaching your children to appreciate life’s little things, then it’s totally appropriate to recognize that many of those considered to be less fortunate also have the little things, and if you can’t give to them, you can simply hope or pray they too can appreciate.

VIEWPOINT INSPIRED * You and your Husband would benefit from setting some of your OWN Giving Guidelines. What is your Giving Budget? If you set a dollar amount for the year and/or per month, then you can say no when you simply have exhausted your Giving Budget. What is your Giving Community? Can you set some boundaries? Some people choose to give only to charities their family and/or friends are involved with. Some give only to charities that, for example, research methods to end illnesses, or those that help Senior Citizens! Another example of a Giving Community might be children who are severely traumatized by cancer, homelessness, home fire, new handicap, or whatever. In Sacramento, the League of Heroes Inspired collects gifts for all traumatized children (find them on Facebook)! If you have boundaries, it’s easier to know when to say yes or no. Do you have any concern about the percentage of donations that provide services vs. being used toward overhead and administration costs? Major organizations’ information is available @ http:// www.guidestar.org, though our local Cub Scout Troop or school carnival won’t be listed. Note: Picking our battles often means not taking the time to investigate a group. However, there is a LOT of abuse and misuse of funds, even by major organizations. At least, considering what you can learn about an organization can help with

** Discussing your giving over the years (or even over the past year) can lend perspective. That holiday-time deluge of giving opportunities, while generally well-meant, are just as valid next year sometime. ** Charitable giving is laden with stories ~ What’s “good”, “enough”, and “needed”. I recommend identifying your family’s stories, so you can be released from subjective beliefs and shoulds, and give more powerfully from an intuitive base. ** Meanwhile, I’m amazed at the people who don’t tip me when I perform Inspiration Weddings, noting they’re broke. While I’m not a charity, I recognize that some of us think we don’t have enough but $10 can make someone’s day or their budget! Protect, yet give from your heart... Namaste’ — Mitch H&F

Mitch Darnell, MS, OSM, CRC Twitter: @InspiredMD Certified Relationship Coach 916/247.1655 www.ForeverInspired.net NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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Mitch, the holiday seasons and giving have ironically become challenging for us. My husband and I lost our jobs a few years ago, and now work for much lower salaries. As Christmas arrives, so do the charity pleas and they keep coming and coming!

giving decisions. All intellectual considerations aside…









ailed back surgery is still quite common, yet neurologists may not even know about the spinal decompression technique that chiropractors use that often prevents back surgery. The medical profession has its own form of spinal decompression, which is done during surgery. However, chiropractors use a natural form of spinal decompression that involves lying down on a specialized table with no surgery whatsoever.

Are There Any Studies on Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Great Results That Were Unexpected The patients received spinal decompression treatments for four to ten weeks. Of the 20 patients, two had very large disc herniations and needed about 40 treatments, but all the others only received 20 treatments over 4 to 5 weeks. The researchers were surprised at what happened because the results were nothing like the usual results people get when they take pain-killing medications. Studies imply that taking medica-

In 1998, researchers at the St. Louis University School of Medicine studied the chiropractors’ spinal decompression method, which at that time was a new and innovative chiropractic tool called the DRS decompression table system.

How Does Spinal Decompression Work? Once a patient is on this chiropractic decompression table, the mechanical part of the machine slowly pulls or distracts the lumbar spine with weights by a pelvic harness. The distraction may also be used on the cervical spine if there are spinal health problems in the neck and upper back. The spinal decompression system is unlike traction devices because it pulls the spine, then allows the spine to relax, and repeats the process again and again. The DRS decompression table system is the same type of system used at Dr. Zorich’s chiropractic clinic in Roseville, CA.



Here’s an example of what happened to one of the patients in the study: A 67-year-old man with a disc herniation and shooting pains in his back and leg was completely healed after 20 treatments within a month. Another patient, a 40-year-old dog groomer with disc herniation symptoms, who was unable to pick up even small dogs, recovered about 90%. He returned to work after the spinal decompression treatment that lasted 10 weeks. MRI tests confirmed these patients’ recovery.

Pain Relief Makes A Big Difference in How You Function Daily

The researchers tested 20 patients with back pain, using the DRS decompression table system. Fourteen of the patients had confirmed disc protrusions up to 10 mm in size. Some of them had a disc protrusion plus/or minus spinal stenosis, or facet syndrome where the facet part of the vertebrae is inflamed. All patients had pain that spread into the buttocks or down the back of their leg.


the large disc herniation were reduced 90 to 100% after treatment. Imagine how you might feel if you experienced a 50 to 100% reduction in your disk herniation pain.

tions contribute very little for the actual healing of a herniated disk. Steroid injections may stop the pain but they may also predispose someone to injuring the ailing disk more because pain is lessened and the person believes they are okay. Surgery may remove the disc that’s herniated but fuse the upper and lower vertebrae together, resulting in less movement in the spine. Unfortunately, there really is no medical treatment to ‘save’ the disc that is crying out for help.

Disk Herniations Disappeared with the Natural Method Ten of the 14 patients with disc herniations in this spinal decompression study had a significant reduction in the size of the herniation. In fact, six herniations were reduced by 50 to 100% while four were reduced by 25 to 50%. Three of


Seventeen patients experienced pain relief from spinal decompression treatment. They could now move again and their muscles were strong. Life could go on as usual. Ten patients improved 90% in their pain levels and disability ratings. The others improved between 20% and 50%. Four of the six patients with stenosis improved 75 to 100% in their pain levels and one patient’s pain reduced by 50%. Only one patient was sent for surgery because of little relief. This study gives hope to you if you have a disc herniation and/or stenosis. But more than hope, it gives you a plan. Call Dr. Zorich’s chiropractic office at (916) 7849584 today and schedule a consultation to see whether or not spinal decompression treatment can help you. This phone call could easily start you on a journey to transform your life. H&F Source: Eyerman, Edward. 21st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Neuroimaging 1998 Paper Presentation. MRI Evidence of Nonsurgical, Mechanical Reduction, Rehydration and Repair of the Herniated Lumbar Disc. J of Neuroimaging, April ‘98, Vol. 8, No. 2.



This has worked for me many times... I often start a run feeling bad and say “Just do a mile” and then “Just do 15 minutes” until I can finish a training run.


o you bought your shoes at Fleet Feet, you are wearing your cotton-free running outfit, and you decide on a training program. At the starting line of your first race, you have your gels, your water, and you can do this. You are ready! Right? One thing we never count on is the voice of doubt in our heads. That little, evil voice that tells you to quit, give up, stop running, and says “You can’t do this” in the loudest voice possible.

• Take a body scan – Sometimes when you feel like quitting, there is something physically wrong. Are you out of energy at mile 10? That isn’t normal. Think about how many electrolytes you have taken and take some more. Between mile 10 and 14 of my last marathon, I felt so bad, like I couldn’t run anymore and I had no energy. I thought – I can’t

At the starting line of

Everyone will tell you about “The Wall” when you do a race. For me, it happens at mile 23 or 24 of a marathon. I just want to quit. I’m tired and my feet hurt, and I see a medical van off to the side of the course and I am so tempted to just get in the van. Sometimes it happens earlier… you just have this feeling of quitting, getting back into bed, and giving up. Even if you have one more mile, you just cannot do it. So how do you deal with the inner demons of doubt?

your first race, you have your gels, your water,

• Focus on the people – There are so many great people that make a race successful. Like volunteers and police officers. I will say “Thank you” when I pass them. This always makes me feel good, and it distracts me from anything that might be going on. Overall, you have to clear your mind and just not think about anything. Some people listen to music, but I find I like to hear everything going on around me. I just space out during a long run, and when my inner voice starts talking to me, I try to quiet it using the techniques I described. I think it will help you during your next run! Upcoming Races – Fall and Winter are great times for races because the weather is nice. But it might rain… just think of it as an adventure! 10/25/2014 - Run for a Safe Haven 11/2/2014 - Apple Hill Harvest Run 8.5M/3.5M

and you can do this.

11/22/2014 - Davis Turkey Trot 5K/10K/Half Marathon/Relay

You are ready! Right?

12/7/2014 - California International Marathon

• Have a mantra – I have a few of these phrases that I will repeat to myself, either in my head or out loud. Here are mine: “One foot in front of the other,” or “Just one more beep” (My watch beeps when it’s time to walk or run). Sometimes I just say “You can do this. You have done it before. You will do it again.” Not only does talking to yourself help silence The Voice, but it also distracts you from what you are doing.

do this for 16 more miles. I realized I wasn’t taking my electrolytes because all the aid stations were out of Gatorade. I remembered I had S-Caps in my pocket and took 2. Felt better in 10 minutes. • Focus on a landmark – If you know the course, you can say “Just get to the bridge!” and then after that it’s “Just get to the Starbucks” and so forth.

11/27/2014 - Run To Feed The Hungry 5K/10K 12/14/2014 - Fleet Feet FREE Holiday Classic 5K Check out her article in each issue of Health and Fitness for upcoming events, motivation, and tips on how to get active. H&F Heather West has been running for the last four years. She currently writes for Active.com and has completed 3 Marathons, 9 1/2 marathons, and 1 triathlon (so far). NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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By Gary S. Rinzler, MD-MPH, FABPMR


ere you part of the disastrous sign up to join the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare and the Covered California Program)?

for their individual policies? That’s like the IRS assigning their new tax saving program to HR Block to sign people up. What a short-sighted decision, and a very costly mistake.

As a physician for 30 years, an M.D., I can share my observations with at least 9 months accuracy… but I’m not sure you’ll like it. I do not identify myself as a Democrat or Republican, just a doctor, so I’m all for what will work. I’m used to the rules changing in trying to deliver medicine, since that’s the norm for any big, government-administered enterprise.

SECOND MISTAKE: BIG PROMISES Many were promised at least several hundred dollars savings over the cost of their private insurance. The reality is higher monthly premiums and in most cases, less coverage.

FIRST MISTAKE: BAD ROLLOUT Why in the world did they assign Kaiser Permanente to distribute the program and register the masses

In many cases, people cannot qualify for the insurance they enjoyed over the years. For example, my small business, a medical practice, no longer met the criteria for a business policy under ACA so I was forced to tell my employees and their families they are now on their own. The



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policy we ended up with is more expensive with higher copays, lower limits, and less coverage. THIRD MISTAKE: CHAOS AROUND SIGNUPS Why can’t the sign up process be brought to the workplace where a single individual works with one employee at a time to be sure they are getting the best fit? The website was overwhelming if you were lucky enough to get on, and the phone lines kept us on hold for hours, notified we were #384 in the cue, and reliably disconnected when down to #383. Employees could have been trained to work low income areas, business centers, shopping malls, and homeless shelters, instead of one person randomly having assigned a certain # people by alphabet, etc.

vary basically on your usage and risk, just like insurance for your house and car, just like your electric, gas, and water bills, so before gathering angry mobs to burn the newspaper down, think it through.

In many cases, people cannot qualify for the insurance they enjoyed over the years.

To this day, the membership and coverage specialists, now 9 months into my policy, still can’t figure out some of the details around pharmacy, eyeglasses, and dental for the kids, and it’s the same organization I’ve been insured by for 15 years, never once having this happen before now. Many doctors have opted out of any ACA policy, the payments are so much lower, and the complicated formula too difficult to work with, about half my friends will not accept any policy under the ACA. BUT here’s where the good can come from. Let’s call it the “I’m Covering California Act” and the premiums are not fixed but are adjustable and can

If someone watches their diet, exercises regularly, keeps their blood pressure down, decides not to smoke, and drinks alcohol in moderation, why should their policy for health coverage cost the same as someone morbidly obese, disinterested in learning how to eat healthy with the same budget, refuses to exercise (except for maybe crawling to find the remote), smokes a pack a day, and drinks half a bottle vodka a day not interested in help, and with blood pressures double what they should be. Clearly, one person has given up some of life’s pleasures to be healthy, the other will end up needing far more medical care much sooner costing many times that of the healthy member. Why don’t we give discounts to people who make the effort to save their plan money? Let’s say 5% off for good blood pressures, maintaining weight below the obese mark, nicotine free urines, and cholesterol and lipid panels below a certain cutoff?

I think its time we paid for our passage, agree to pay for them. The life insurance and disability insurance industry has been doing this for years and nobody’s complained. If you’re a smoker, you know your premium may be triple a non smoker’s same age, all else being equal, but it’s your choice, and we Americans don’t like being told what to do, so we’ll smoke our Marlboro reds, and pay the higher premium. Well, it beats me why health insurance is the only insurance that defies logic, defies history, and removes choices, when every other insurance coverage we purchase has it in a formula? Some people have diseases they didn’t cause, but there’s no excuse for ignoring care because you do. Adjustments and allowances can be made, but until we Americans take control of our health, and stop

So next time you’re biting into that triple cheeseburger with 6 bacon strips and double mayo, downing it with a Vanilla shake, and you notice the “Veggy head” in running gear drinking water and chomping down a grilled chicken sandwich with no salt, just a little catsup and mustard, no fries; think about it, is it fair he covers your open heart bypass, frequent visits for intestinal problems, plantar fasciitis, your knee replacements at age 60, and the stroke rehab you’ll need by age 65, when he won’t need those things? I think its time we paid for our passage, make choices but agree to pay for them. In my practice, I see the health nut once a year for his pilot’s physical, but the cowboy downing a 5 pound burger, he’s in my office every week with something or another going wrong, and just wants a new pill to take care of it... gotta change, folks, its gotta change. H&F


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make choices but

handing it off to someone else to worry about, expect to pay more to live longer, simple economics.


By Dr. Donna, Editor


any professional sports teams have chiropractors helping their team. You could think of this as chiropractic filling in where medical science leaves off, but the reality is that chiropractic offers benefits to the body that medicine doesn’t offer.

Now if you’re practicing judo right now, this study is excellent news because you now have a secret to outshine your competitors. More importantly, think of what chiropractic might do for you if you golf, play basketball, ice skate, play football, soccer, volleyball, or baseball. The possibilities are endless. H&F

A 2012 study where chiropractic treatment was given to judo athletes proved benefits that aren’t normally expected by most people. The study was performed on a competitive judo team in the Chicago area. The team was getting ready for an upcoming national judo tournament.

Source: Botelho, M.B. and Andrade, B.B. Effect of cervical spine manipulative therapy on judo athletes’ grip strength. J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2012 Jan; 35(1): 38-44.

Since grip strength is one of the most important skills any judo athlete needs, the researchers tested grip strength before and after chiropractic adjustments. Half of the 18-member team received three chiropractic adjustments while the other half received sham adjustments. The team members didn’t know which group they were in.

How Could Chiropractic Possibly Work on Judo Athletes? What do you think happened to the different groups? Do you think there would be an increase in grip strength or no difference at all from the chiropractic adjustments? Some people might think that because the chiropractor was working on their spines, they should not have had any change at all. Do you think that a spinal adjustment could possibly alter any other part of the body? Make your best guess. The judo athletes who received the real chiropractic treatments increased their grip strength of the right hand 6.95% on the first treatment. On the third treatment the increase was 10.53%. That’s pretty substantial, and the researchers stated it was a significant change. The researchers measured the strength of the judo athletes’ other hand as well. On the first chiropractic treatment, the grip strength improved 12.61%. On the last treatment, the increase was 24 CELEBRATING



16.81%. The judo athletes had to be feeling confident at their tournament! By the way, all the rest of the judo athletes who received sham chiropractic treatments did not increase their grip strength at all!

Why Did Chiropractic Manipulations Work? When your spine is adjusted by your chiropractor, any subluxations or misalignments of the vertebrae are corrected. The nerve transmissions flow from the spinal cord through the vertebrae to where they should go. For the judo athletes, the nerve transmission flowed from the spine all the way to their hands to give them grip strength. Chiropractic restores the nervous system influence to every part of the body. If there’s a part of your body that is supposed to get nerve flow, then that part of the body could be affected by a spinal adjustment.



• Use conscious breathing to expand sensation through the body • Be comfortable in the environment you choose. • Be loving with yourself

The Love Grotto with Grace Arielle Reflections on Love, Intimacy & Sexuality


n the last issue we delved ever so gently into the multi-faceted layers of self-pleasuring and what it means. Now let’s dive a little deeper together and focus specifically on the art of sexual selfpleasuring. If you find yourself getting uncomfortable with the topic, take a deep breath and read on. The discomfort is simply your growth edge, societally we have been conditioned to see this as taboo, that even for those who self-pleasure there is often secrecy about it, a feeling that masturbation surely should not be spoken about openly. Perhaps it is time to challenge the unspoken rule and begin an open dialogue about this intrinsic part of being human. The health benefits of masturbation are many. Orgasmic energy in general is pure life force energy and creates vitality, glow and a sense of well-being. For men, masturbating clears the pipes so to speak and wards off prostate cancer. In women, it helps the breasts to remain clear of toxins and healthy. Self-pleasuring also supports maintaining sexual awakeness whether in a relationship or not.

• Make as much noise as you like. • Use the “right” lubricant for the job; lubricants are designed for specific areas such as anal etc. • Body Positioning (get creative with yourself ) • Focus touch to include more than genitals (see your whole body is an erogenous zone)

it phallic or not? What size? Does color matter?

Stop by the G Spot and get inspired!

•H ow much do you want to spend? Do you want to order online or choose in person?

We can learn much about ourselves by examining our thoughts and feelings about masturbation and sexual pleasure. The aspects of our lives are hologramatic, kind of like looking through a kaleidoscope. As we allow more healthy sexual pleasure, we simultaneously allow more pleasure to flow everywhere in our lives. SelfDiscovery Awaits! H&F

As a woman, I used to feel some reservation about visiting an “adult store” I found I was treated oddly and they didn’t seem clean. I’m happy to say the landscape of this part of the adult industry has evolved. For instance, we now have adult boutiques like The G Spot located on J Street in midtown Sacramento. It was clear on a recent visit, that the store was created with intentionality and heart, there is a feeling of openness and non-judgment, creepy vibes are nonexistent and is very clean and orderly.

Grace Arielle of Embodied Awakenings is a somatic therapist, workshop facilitator and author lovingly devoted to supporting individuals in connecting more deeply to self-love, empowerment and the nature of the authentic self. She can be reached at 916-541-8232.

• Explore and enhance pleasuring with props or toys Many people feel weird about shopping for masturbation enhancements. This is baffling as vibrators, the most widely used enhancement were originally designed by a doctor to “relieve hysteria” in women. This doctor knew orgasm makes good medicine. If you have never purchased a toy or prop, or if you have many, I invite you to further your adventures on the journey into your very own sensuous world of pleasures. There are many factors to ponder when adding an enhancement to your play. • Do you desire inner or outer stimulation or both? • Are you sensitive to latex or other materials? • What are your fantasies? Ie: blindfolding, in a bubble bath, at a restaurant? • Does it need to be waterproof? Is

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To schedule your appointment contact Grace Arielle 916.541.8232




2O14 25


Some things to consider as you travel down the magical pathway to masturbatory mastery! • First and foremost, lose the guilt and shame, it is your body.


CHOOSING YOUR FRIENDS By Grandmaster Clint Robinson, Taekwondo Black Belt, 9th Dan


e often focus on the physical side of martial arts training but there is a ‘soft skills’ aspect that also is a benefit. While we have also shared the mental exercise that goes with learning new forms, practicing and testing for competence and belt advancement, I have never really expressed this particular ‘social’ skill. Friends you make. The people you will come to know as you train, creating relationships that can last for a lifetime. In case you have been training on Mars, you may not have noticed how ‘social’ media are becoming an important tool and a daily part of

more and more lives. Like the food we consume, the idea that you are ‘what you eat’ can translate to ‘you are who you know’ in this age of Facebook, Google, Instagram and other online communities. You often see pictures of martial arts training online, video of practice and accomplishment of individual techniques and families sharing their pride in achievement. This is what is at the heart of the ‘soft skills’ that come from training in Taekwondo, competing in tournaments and growing to know a wider circle of folks. People you meet in training may not always look like, sound like, or

think exactly like you do. Learning to interact with others from diverse backgrounds as you move forward in your black belt ‘journey’ is of great benefit in every aspect of life. Appreciation for difference comes from having opened your mind to new ideas, just as a martial artist must learn to recognize and counter different styles of techniques in competition. Friends are people we know, know we can rely on and offer knowledge that may eclipse our own. In many cases, friends we discover in pursuing our interests in sports, whatever that may be, are often the people we are most fond of knowing. If you play golf it may be a particular foursome, the five who go to the rim on the basketball court or those who play Soccer, Football or other sports. They may also be people who can assist us at need in finding a connection, a job or support. Like the Ghostbuster’s song ask us way back then, “Who you gonna call?” A friend is almost always first on the list. ‘Friending’ someone to share news, pictures and what’s up in our lives goes well beyond the surface of our mobile as we surf into social media. While sharing online is becoming a more important way





to communicate, it still can’t beat spending quality time over a cup of coffee, a meal or a match on the mats as sharing extends our friendships across the reality of daily life. While you may have gone ‘viral’ and have a zillion Likes, how many of those people are really your friends? So, while healthy fitness, confidence, courage, integrity, perseverance and honesty are all tools we discover in martial arts training, the ‘soft skills’ of friendship are also gained in stepping on to the mats time after time with people we know can be counted on from having shared the reality of Taekwondo training and competition. Learn more about the most taught martial art in the world by visiting us at one of our 17 regional locations. Find one and get to know us at www.robinsonstkd.com or call 1-888-249-7853. If you are willing to give it a try, commit to 5 free one-to-one orientation lessons with a Black Belt instructor I will give them to you free. Just you, your commitment to give it a shot and the spirit to try your best, we can begin improving life, health and success for you and your family. Visit my Facebook page and ‘Like’ Grandmaster Clint Robinson to learn more. Join us at the Silver Legacy Resort in Reno for the UWTA Grand Nationals at the Reno Events Center the first weekend in October. H&F

I CAN NOT SEE YOU by John Buchanan

I am not sharing the road with early morning pedestrians and cyclists, all busy about their day. But no matter how poor the visibility at that hour, I am always surprised and dismayed by how few are equipped with any type of reflective clothing or battery operated lights. I comment on this because I simply cannot see what or who I am about to hit while I am traveling down the road in a 4000# vehicle at 40 MPH. The temptation to roll down the window and shout “I CAN NOT SEE YOU!” is always resisted but oh how I wish they knew just how vulnerable one is in the dark without something to be seen by. So I have a message for those teens crossing the street on their way to

school that are not traversing a cross walk and wearing dark clothing. I would just like to mention that I CAN NOT SEE YOU! And to the mother the other day on her bike accompanying her young son on another bike at 6:30 in the morning while wearing dark clothes and with no lights, again I would simply like to mention… I…CAN…NOT…SEE…YOU!

My personal recommendations would be a rechargeable front lamp of no less than 250 lumens and a battery operated rear flashing light rather than simply a reflector. These sets typically can be found at any of your local bike shops as well as a variety of other outdoor retailers. At this output one can actually see what is directly in front of them as well as a great distance beyond with confidence inspiring clarity. These lights not only spur faith in being seen but provide safety for both the wearer and the vehicles with which we share the road. Many lights of this nature are affordable at any budget with reliable lights of this ilk found for under $50.00. These headlights offer multiple modes of use from ultra low lumen walking options to extremely bright flashing or steady modes. Most are USB compatible and can provide run times of up to

12 hours or more on a single charge. For the cyclists, anything less than this style of light, in my humble opinion, just heightens the risk of catastrophe. Pedestrians, I believe, should wear some style of reflective strips or clothing. A $10.00 flashing red battery operated light would be ideal in my estimation. It cannot be emphasized enough that without some form of lighting, the cloak of invisibility a person dons unknowingly during those early hours before dawn or after dusk is a dangerous one. If the words on this page could shout, it would scream that…I… CAN…NOT…SEE…YOU! Please for the safety of all, try not venture outdoors without something to be seen by. It is my especial hope that parents with school age children will consider at a minimum outfitting their child with reflective clothing or adhesive reflective strips. Their safety really can and does depend upon it. If these words have found resonance, but the reader is unsure where to seek advice for their lighting needs, I humbly suggest a call or visit to your local bike shop. It is there that can be found the gear as well as expertise necessary to help light a path of illumination. Happy moonlit trails. H&F

And it really is for these reasons I wish to humbly offer my opinion upon some of the following options that are available to those riding or walking and find themselves lighting deficient. So, for those whose day begins before the rising sun or after its setting, current traffic laws insist that for those traveling by bike to be equipped with a battery operated front headlamp and at a minimum, a red rear reflector. I hasten to add, that those minimum requirements barely suffice to provide the visibility necessary to ride or walk with a degree of confidence during those hours of poor light. The good news is that despite the measly NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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ore days than most, I commute to work by car. The never ending shuttling of bicycles and equipment to and from an offsite storage facility helps to keep those OPEC princes smiling while also forcing my start to the day to begin earlier and earlier. My commute begins around 6:30 in the morning and rarely a day goes by that

light output provided, the battery operated light sets meeting these requirements can be had for under $30.00. I’m not sure that this would be the time for frugality however. Indulge a bit more and be infinitely safer.


Submitted by NorCal Hyperbarics


re you someone who suffers from angina, shortness of breath, or congestive heart failure? Have you had to limit your simple daily activities such as walking to the mailbox or walking your dog to avoid having chest pain? Are you unwilling and/or unable to undergo additional invasive revascularization procedures? If you find yourself identifying with any of the above, we have just the treatment for you. EECP (Enhanced External Counter Pulsation) is an FDA approved, non-invasive, effective and safe treatment to help with angina and heart failure. A

course of EECP consists of daily, 1 hour treatments for 7 weeks (5 days per week). EECP therapy is provided to a patient as they are lying on a treatment table. Once on the table, the patient would be placed on an ECG and also have compression cuffs securely placed around their calves, thighs and buttocks. These cuffs are designed to inflate while the heart is at rest (between heartbeats) when it normally gets its supply of blood and oxygen. The heart deflate at the end of that rest period, just before the next heartbeat.

for is healing after strokes and increasing the oxygen to the brain. Stroke is a neurological deficit resulting from interruption of blood supply to the brain. It is one of the leading causes of death and

EEECP is helping people to stay active WITHOUT having chest pain. EECP is a new modality that is not well

Generally after a course of 35 treatments, patients find that their quality of life improves as they are able to resume normal daily activities and pursue recreational interests. Approximately 80% of patients who complete the 35 courses of EECP experience significant symptom relief that has the potential to last up to three years.

known, but it helps the heart and helps increase energy all with a non-invasive treatment that is approved by Medicare.

EECP is helping people to stay active WITHOUT having chest pain. EECP is a new modality that is not well known, but it helps the heart and helps increase energy all with a noninvasive treatment that is approved by Medicare.“I can finally do my gardening without chest pain.” - Nancy F. “EECP saved my life.” Another treatment that we offer at our clinic is Hyperbaric Oxygen therapy (HBOT). One of the many things that a Hyperbaric Oxygen chamber is used 28 CELEBRATING




disability and remains one of the most resistant to treatment. Stroke from either a clot or a bleed in the brain can result in problems with mobility, loss of reading and speaking ability, and the inability to complete some of the most basic tasks of daily life, such as bathing, dressing and walking. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) is a medical treatment that enhances the body’s natural healing process by inhalation of 100% oxygen in a total body chamber, where atmospheric pressure is increased and controlled. It is used for a wide variety of treatments usually as a part of an overall medical care plan. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works to helps restore brain activity by providing brain cells with a major energy boost. Of course, the brain does get oxygen from normal breathing but apparently not enough to repair brain damage. Ten times the amount of normal oxygen, via HBOT, kicks brain cells into high-gear.

In this way, extra oxygen can reach all of the damaged tissues and the body can support its own healing process. The increased oxygen greatly enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduces swelling and allows new

If you are interested in either EECP for heart issues, or HBOT for stroke symptoms or other, please call our office today at 916771-2555. We are the EECP and Hyperbaric Clinic in Roseville. Don’t delay, please call to set up your consultation and find out if insurance will help pay for your treatments. We look forward to not only meeting you, but also helping to improve your health and quality of life. We are located at 333 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 890 in Roseville, CA in the Roseville Gateway building, Aloha Entrance just off Francis Drive, just a few minutes from downtown Roseville. You’ll be so happy you did! H&F A Patient receiving EECCP therapy.

NorCal Hyperbarics of Roseville

Your Alternative Medicine Solution

Hyperharic Oxygen Therapy has helped many patients with: Autism • Stroke • Brain Injury • Dementia • Parkinson’s Lyme Disease • Wound Healing • Back Injuries • Sport Injuries:

Call now for a Health & Fitness discount (916) 771-2555 Visit our Web site at www.rosevillehbot.com 333 Sunrise Avenue, Suite 890 • Roseville • On Roseville Gateway Campus ALOHA ENTRANCE, off Francis Dr. NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

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blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas. It is a simple, non-invasive and painless treatment.

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy works as its name implies: Hyper (more of ) and baric (pressure). The treatment involves placing a patient in a chamber with higher than normal air pressure with 100% oxygen, thus delivering oxygen to rejuvenate damaged brain cells (neurons). Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body only by red blood cells. With HBOT, oxygen is dissolved into all of the body’s fluids, the plasma, the central nervous system fluids, the lymph, and the bone and can be carried to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked.




AUG 11 AUG 20 AUG 28 SEP 2


7:00 PM 5:00 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM


SEP 12 SEP 18 SEP 25 OCT 2 OCT 9 OCT 16 OCT 23 OCT 30 NOV 6 NOV 10 NOV 20 NOV 27 DEC 4 DEC 11 DEC 18 DEC 24 JAN 1


7:15 PM 10:00 AM 1:05 PM 1:15 PM 10:00 AM 1:05 PM 1:05 PM 1:05 PM 5:20 PM *10:00 AM *1:05 PM *10:00 AM *10:00 AM *1:05 PM *10:00 AM *1:15 PM

All times listed are Pacific. * Times subject to change due to flexible scheduling.







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management process that Thomas Wildlife Control uses to eliminate the critters as humanely as possible:

ysterious sounds coming from your attic? Rodent droppings in your home when you vacuum? Is your pet’s food stolen often or your garbage raided? Ever seen skunks underneath your car? If so, it’s time to start taking action.

After you call, they’ll ask you questions to carefully determine what pest you have. They’ll come out to your home, look for the pest, its nest, and evidence the pet has been around. They will arrive when the pest is most active to improve the chances of catching the critter.

“Any opening on the roof that is half an inch wide is wide enough for a rat to enter. It’s a quarter inch for mice and a little over half an inch for squirrels. Squirrels will widen the hole to get in,” said Patrick Bingham, former owner of Thomas Wildlife Control here in the Sacramento area. Patrick is still a consultant to the company and Brandon Thomas is the new owner. Many of the pest control methods used aren’t ecologically sound and they may not be ethical either, causing unnecessary suffering to the critters who set up residence in your cozy home. “In the 1970s, pest companies used chlorodane and diazinon, which had long-lasting residual effects. The accumulation of these poisons was toxic. Chemical companies would come out with something new until new guidelines came out. Most pesticides used now are applied every 60 days, and that means more cost to the homeowners.” “Twenty years later, I realized that what they were doing was profit driven, not environmentally driven. In the 1980s I changed to integrated pest management. If homeowners used this method, I wouldn’t have to spray or use pesticide as much. It made a lot of sense, and the more I researched, the more uncomfortable I felt to spray so much,” Patrick stated. “I knew there had to be a better way.” 32 CELEBRATING



You might decide to take the matter into your own hands and set out glue traps. How will you feel when the rat stuck on it is screeching for help? Will you kill it or stuff it in a plastic bag in the trash can? Or is this method even humane at all? Pest companies use poison in bait traps such as peanut butter. The problem is that the critter internally hemorrhages and will die within

Many of the pest

about 6 days, and will be so weakened that it might not make it up to the attic. Instead, it’s not uncommon to die in the walls. This unclean situation is 100 times worse than the droppings. Now you have decomposing flesh and a horrendous smell that permeates the entire house for weeks to months. “This is legal but and easy but not the right thing to do. We don’t use bait because of the aftereffects. The dead flesh brings big black flies and maggots. It’s not a good solution at all. Why put anyone through all that, especially around the holidays?” Patrick said with determination.

control methods used

aren’t ecologically sound and they may not be ethical either…


Here’s the integrated pest

Find the area of the home where the critters are entering. Button up the house physical exclusion. Set traps with a one-way out metal cage trap in case some animals are still inside. Clean up the animal droppings. Check the traps after a week. Check to make sure the repairs are still in order. “The sooner you can eliminate the pest, the easier and more economical it is,” Patrick said. The company specializes in wildlife removal of rats, mice, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, opossums, moles, bat colonies, snakes, pigeons and other animals. They offer damage and exclusion repairs, attic cleanup and decontamination and dead animal removal, too. For more information, see www. wildlifeanimalcontrol.com and give them a call at 916-500-9027.H&F

10 THINGS TO GIVE A DOG LOVER FOR CHRISTMAS By Roman Brown Jewelry or Charms: You might come across a necklace or even a set of earrings that matches the breed of dog that your dog lover loves most. They also have charms, if the person has one of those keepsakes. There are actually some very nice pieces in this category, if you look around.

Personalized Mug or Sweatshirt: We have seen kiosks in the mall do this with family photos. A variety of online retailers offer the service as well. Get a picture of your dog lover’s favorite fourlegged friends, or maybe of them with their furry family and have it placed on a mug or sweatshirt.

Toys: Sometimes, we can take a little extra time and money and buy directly for the dog. Grab an assortment of toys, or buy what you know the dog likes. When the dog gets the present, their owner will surely light up as well.

A Trainer: Particularly for those who have a new puppy in the house, a dog trainer is an excellent gift. A little more expensive than a sweatshirt, but definitely worth it if it is within your budget.

10. Doggy Day Spa: Be it a simple grooming by a professional, or one of the elaborate doggy day spas-any dog owner would appreciate the professional care and maintenance of their dog for a day. H&F

Wall Hangings: Be it a calendar, decorative plates, or paintings-there are all sorts of things to hand from our walls decorated for every breed out there. Christmas Ornaments: For some, it has long been a tradition to present ornaments for the Christmas tree as holiday gifts. If this strikes you as a worthwhile idea, look for anyone of the hundreds of varieties of Christmas ornaments shaped or painted with dogs. Figurines: Many dog lovers like to decorate their home or office with all sorts of doggy merchandise. From inexpensive miniature figurines to quite expensive and heavy statues, you are sure to find one to fit your budget and your dog loving friend’s tastes. Books: Books on training or particular breeds are always a popular gift for the holidays. You might also consider the simple coffee table dog books with a series of pictures sometimes accompanied by inspirational or funny quotes. Gift Certificates: It might seem cheesy and unthoughtful, but if you want to get something that is both for the dog lover and their dog(s), it makes perfect sense to get them a gift certificate from one of the larger pet stores that allows animals. This gives your friend or relative and their pet a reason to go out and play with the new toys and keeps you from buying something one or the other-or both-don’t really care for.

Busy pet owners will love the way our daycare will enhance the relationship with their dogs. Each day is packed with exercise and activities creating happy and healthy pets…and it can alleviate many pet behavior issues, too!

Located in beautiful East Sacramento 910 5 7th Street between H Street & J Street Phone: 916*739*6303 www.chachasdaycare.com NOVEMBER/DECEMBER

2O14 33



hristmas is fast approaching. Have you finished all of your shopping yet? If you still have a ways to go and are looking for that perfect gift for the dog lover in your life, here are 10 things to give a dog lover for Christmas that might just give you the right idea.


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ealth is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” World Health Organization, 1948 “In an in-depth report by Rand Health, work wellness programs often focus on wellness screening activities and interventions via a health plan. While claiming to have programs in place for wellness, it was found that only 2% of these companies actually reported cost savings.” Randall Hicks, D.C., Author of Workplace Wellness. The Next Generation from Hell to Well. Chronic disease claimed 35 million people’s lives in 2005—with double the total number of deaths from these conditions as infectious diseases. The WHO has predicted that this annual number will increase by 17% by 2015. According to Global Research News, 13 prescriptions were prescribed per man, woman, and child in 2013.

e email approval to her@healthfitness.us



“Poor health is not caused by something you don’t have; it’s Please check proofs very carefully before approving. caused by disturbing something Proof must be returned as is or with clearly marked that you already have. Healthy changes within 48 hours or ad is deemed correct.is not something that you need NOTE: Advertiser accepts full responsibility for accuracy and content oftothe ad.it’s something you have get, already if you don’t disturb it.” Dean Ornish ❏ Approved as is

❏ Approved with clearly marked changes According to The American ❏ Make clearly marked changes and provide new proof

Medical Association of Ethics, there are 90,000 chemicals that Signed _________________________________________ are licensed for use in America by the Environmental ProPlease check proof carefully for content. If you are viewing the proof on a monitortection or printingAgency. Six hundred thousand people needlessly die out a copy, you will not be seeing the exact, final color. The colors on the PDF will vary. each year from occupational Health & Fitness is not responsible for the color quality on supplied images. chemical exposures. According Proof is intended as an opportunity to check content only. to the World Health Organization, these exposures cause cardiovascular disease, asthma, pulmonary disease, respiratory infections, and birth defects, to name a few. Randall Hicks,




D.C., Author of Workplace Wellness. The Next Generation from Hell to Well. Painters have a 20-30% higher risk for lung cancer than anyone else because of the long-term exposure. WHO The U.S. Department of Agriculture has estimated that 9 out of 10 Americans lack potassium, 80% lack vitamin E, 70% lack calcium, and 50% lack vitamins A and C and magnesium. The CDC reports that half of the American population lacks vitamin D, too. New research from the Population Health Management journal suggests that unhealthy eating is linked with a 66% increased risk of loss of productivity, with low exercise rates causing a 50% risk in low productivity. Randall Hicks, D.C., Author of Workplace Wellness. The Next Generation from Hell to Well. Studies have proven in tests that non GMO foods vastly outstrip GMO foods when nutrient levels are compared. NonGMO corn, for example, contains 6130 ppm of calcium, while GMO contains 14. Non-GMO corn has 437 times the calcium, 56 times more magnesium, 16 times more potassium, and 7 times more manganese. Randall Hicks, D.C., Author of Workplace Wellness. The Next Generation from Hell to Well. The EPA recently announced that 1 in 12 women have enough mercury in their bodies to put them at risk of having a mentally handicapped child. H&F


2O14 35

Pain, Anxiety, Insomnia or Depression? WE HAVE THE ANSWER!

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e want to introduce you to a revolutionary device, 20 years in the making. The Fisher Wallace CES (Cranial-Electrostimulation), this simple yet advanced device, is finally FDA cleared and clinically proven by more that 60 published studies from Harvard, Columbia, and many other respected medical centers. It has become the treatment of choice among many leading specialists to effectively treat several challenging diagnoses. The Fisher Wallace CES naturally uses your own brain’s chemistry to promote healing. Dr. Rinzler has extensive experience treating his patients with this approach, having been involved since the initial design of the device almost 20 years ago. Since similar neurotransmitters in the brain are involved, ongoing research is finding this approach effective for related conditions such as: • Fibromyalgia & other fatigue related diagnoses. • Headaches (migraine and others). • Addiction & Withdrawal Symptoms. • PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The common ingredient is the loss of the naturally delicate balance of chemicals within the brain. The FW CES treatment encourages release of your brain’s own healing chemicals. Dr. Rinzler is so excited to introduce new patients to this amazing device that he is offering new patients who mention this ad, this incredible offer: The complete consultation for CES with him ($397 value) and your first treatment ($44 value) for a total of only $99 for both, and if you purchase a FW unit the visit will be totally FREE! This is over a $400 value and can be offered for a limited time only.

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