HealthSpectra Magazine May 2021

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JUNE 2021





New Delta Plus Variant

What You Must Know About the New Variant WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM



HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note A new edition from the magazine comes with must know health updates and reminders for your well being. We are missing a heart beat with every COVID-19 while regulating the current pandemic condition. The world is shaken with the discovery of a new variant- Delta Plus. Getting carried away with the fear is not good but gaining awareness is important. So, we briefed about the new variant in our cover story for you to give it a read. Further, you will be amazed to see habits that are associated with long life. We spilled beans on other significant health topics like preventing diabetes, ayurvedic treatment for respiratory issues. You might want to gain more insight on testerone hormone levels in men, and need some guidance for safe labor. All these topics are covered to improve your health and to be more mindful even while living a hustle bustle life. Sit back on the couch and have a good read of the edition. Hope you will find it informative and we would be more than happy to listen to you about how you liked our work. Stay safe, stay home and stay tuned with us for more health updates.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.



Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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Tuberculosis Symptoms, Causes and Prevention


8 BEAUTY 10 Common Skin Care Mistakes That May Affect Your Skin Quality


12 WOMEN HEALTH 5 Tips That Help An Expectant Mother for Safe Labor


5 Healthy Drinks To Help You Lose Weight

18 COVER STORY COVID-19: What You Must Know About the New Delta Plus Variant?

20 DIABETES 5 Effective and Proven Ways To Prevent Diabetes




5 Sports That Help You Stay Physically Fit


How to eat smaller meals without starving?


10 Ways to Remove Toxicity From Your Life








Ayurvedic Treatment At Home For Respiratory Diseases


Recent Study: Poor Oral Health Is Associated To Muscle Loss and Diabetes



7 Beautiful Intimate Things Couples Can Do Besides Sex


Signs of low Testosterone in males Ways to Boost It


Nutty Chicken Strips- Flavoursome Starter



3 Powerful Yoga Poses To Improve Cognitive Function


5 Workable Tips To Improve Air Quality At Home


5 Beneficial Habits Associated With Long Living


Gout - Causes, Symptoms & Treatment





SYMPTOMS, CAUSES AND PREVENTION There are several contiguous diseases and tuberculosis is one among them. This disease affects the lung function reducing the ability to fight the infection and later it infects the spine and brain. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


The infection is caused by a bacteria termed as “Mycobacterium tuberculosis”. Tuberculosis was a leading cause for deaths in the US back in the 20th century but presently it is cured with antibiotics. The medication takes at least 6-9 months to cure the infection. To prevent the infection, you must have awareness of the risk factors, symptoms and treatment. Tuberculosis is classified into two typeslatent TB and active TB. Latent TB doesn’t make you sick as your immune system fights against the infection. This type of TB is not contagious and won’t come with symptoms but the infection will be active still. There is a risk of infection increasing at any time for which you need to consult your doctor. Another type is active TB where you experience the symptoms and it is also contagious. Here, the harmful microorganisms multiply which shows it actively.

Tuberculosis signs and symptoms If you are seeing any of these symptoms persistently then you need to check with your doctor and detect it. Never ignore chest pain as it is a most common symptom. Cough persistent more than 3 weeks Pain in chest Coughing up blood Night sweats


Constant tiredness Chills, fever Loss of appetite Weight loss

Risk factors of Tuberculosis Transmission of TB from someone If you are a resident or have traveled to countries (Russia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean) where TB is more active If you are health worker for TB patients If you are a smoker A person’s strong immunity can fight against the infection. Similarly people with weaker immune systems may not be able to fight the infection. If you have certain diseases then it is tough to fend off TB. Some of the diseases that are risk factors that add to your low immunity are HIV/AIDS, diabetes, severe kidney disease, head and neck cancer, cancer treatment, low body weight, organ transplants and drugs that treat other health conditions.

Treatment for Tuberculosis For latent TB, doctors will give medication to kill the bacteria to stop infection from becoming active. Your doctor may prescribe the medicines isoniazid, rifapentine, or rifampin, either alone or together. These combinations are also given to treat active TB which you need to take for 6 to 12 months. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


10 Common Skin Care Mistakes That May Affect Your Skin Quality WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021

Having a skincare routine is a must but what’s the use if you are not doing it right. In fact, you might be causing more harm to your skin with harsh treatment. And you are not intentionally committing those skin care blunders. Only if you realize, you will stop it. So, we are listing the possible and biggest skin care mistakes that many commit.


Sleeping with makeup One of the biggest mistakes is to sleep with makeup on. Wearing makeup is your choice but removing it before sleep is an ultimate thing to do. Makeup products are formulated with chemicals that may irritate your skin, increase bad bacteria. There is a possibility of dehydration of your skin as well. So never sleep with makeup!

Applying moisture in dry skin Are you applying the moisture everyday? But when applying the moisture over damp skin is good. It helps blending into your skin effectively. Also it prevents dust on your skin and works as a protective layer.

Washing your face with dirty hands This is a mistake many don’t realize even till the moment. You feel it’s fine to take dust filled hands in the face but it’s the cause for many skin issues like irritation, increased acne and itchiness. We advise you to clean your hands before washing or applying other skin care products on your face.

Are You Committing These Skin Care Mistakes?


Rubbing your face with a harsh towel After a gentle face wash, you pat and rub your face with a towel and that too harshly. So, the way you rub and the towel you use are the biggest skin care mistakes.


BEAUTY Always use a soft towel and just pat dry your face with it. Don’t be harsh with your skin as it strips off the natural oils, peels sensitive skin.

Skipping sunscreen or never using it You feel that sunscreen is only for the people who expose their skin to sun and another myth is sunscreens are only for summers. Both these are the myths that deteriorate your skin condition.

Applying products with irritants It could be already high time that you have awareness of the chemical skin products and their effects on skin. Using beauty and skin care products with skin irritants can be a direct cause for breakouts, rashes, allergy and infections. So, check the ingredient list before buying a skincare product.

Ditch skin moisturizer Sunscreen is also to protect your skin from artificial sunlight and even during winter or monsoons. It is just that SPF varies with the heat intensity but sunscreen is a must for everyone. Pick a product that is perfect for your skin type or it becomes another big mistake.

Over Washing your face Washing your face too much can remove the natural oils on your skin. This leads to dryness, scaly patches, itchiness to your skin. Wash your face when it gets oily, sticky or greasy. Washing twice a day is well recommended and thrice a day is good too if you are sweating a lot or oil prone skin.

Washing your face with hot water Using hot water is a blunder. Neither too cold is good for your skin. You must use lukewarm or moderate temperate water to wash your face. Hot water can burn your skin and cold water can dry it out. Keep a check before splashing water on your face. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021

Ditching a skin care moisturizer is a major mistake believing the myths. You might think that moisturizers are the culprits for breakouts and clogged pores. And oily skin people generally curse moisturizers. The skincare fact is moisturizing is a must for all skin types. But be mindful of the type of product you are choosing for your skin. Not using moisturizer can affect your skin texture, glow. So, consider it as a must follow in your skin care routine.

Popping acne Popping acne is a habit for many to get rid of pain, inflammation. But then you don’t realize you are hurting your skin and causing pain, spiking the inflammation. Bacteria spread from the pimples multiplies them and it leaves a dark spot on your skin. The best way to treat acne is to leave it to heal, let your skin breathe and feel better. And don’t touch your skin! 10



5 Tips That Help An

Expectant Mother for Safe Labor



A mom handles herself with extra care as it’s not one life but two. As a mother, you are excited to see your healthy baby out. New habits, care and a changed lifestyle. These changes stay with not only till the baby is delivered but even after that. But how about the moment of birth? You may choose for a vaginal birth or C section but labor preparation is a must. Start prepping your mind and body for a healthy and safe labor. There are tips that help your and your baby to stay healthy during labor. Sadly, many mothers lack awareness of care during labor and the preparation. In some cases, the complications can result in a critical condition of the mother or baby or even both even after taking care rightly. But such cases must panic you as there are countless successful stories too. Let your pregnancy phase be an empowering phase of life with these helpful tips and care.

Labor Care Tips For Mother To Be

Educate yourself but don’t panic An expectant mother must have awareness about childbirth and pregnancy to make the right decisions. The information you are knowing should be educating you, empower but not freak you out. If too



WOMEN HEALTH much awareness triggers anxiety and stress then you must give it a break. There are several positive things around you to divert your focus from panicking facts about childbirth. Make sure that you learn the basics of labor, safe management. Also know and practice everything that aids for a positive labor experience. If you have come across any pain related information then ask your doctor rather than just relating to the situation.

Make sure you are physically active Keep your daily physical workout moderate throughout pregnancy and till labor. Being physically active gives you less stress, anxiety compared to not doing it. And it also helps you to gain less weight and maintain a healthy weight. You can choose simple exercises with stretch movements, walking a short distance. You can attend prenatal exercise classes or yoga for easy labor. Exercises can contribute to expanding your pelvic region which results in healthy labor. But it is extremely important to choose safe and gentle exercises depending on the trimester. You can ask your doctor to suggest exercises that are effective for a healthy labor or even hire a personal trainer as per your convenience.

They can handle other things on behalf of you during the labor. You must be ready to tolerate the pain, have positive thoughts and

Don’t compare your labor with other moms Once you hear the news of pregnancy to your people, you get to hear experiences from them. It is natural to compare your experiences with their stories. But it is not going to be the same experience or condition as it differs from mother to mother. Don’t worry or sense wrong about your labor and childbirth considering others experiences which can give you mental stress. It is good to be practical and be prepared but not relate to the same. So, don’t compare unless you actually know your condition. You can always reach out to your doctor to know about your condition, care and seek help right away.

Choose your labor support people

Be mentally prepared

During birth time, you may want emotional support, courage to go ahead. So, see that you are surrounded with people you trust, feel empowered and strong. It could be a parent, partner, friend or a doula.

It is important for an expectant mother to be prepared for labor. It is better to know what type of labor you want, you must be able to make the right decisions. And also keep your partner or people around you informed about your decisions for safety.

You can seek help from your caretakers and explore the options of labor and childbirth without any hurry. Many pregnant women are comfortable working with midwife care. They are able to provide personalized care and an easy labor experience.









5 Healthy Drinks To Help You

Lose Weight

We are listing the drinks that help you lose weight loss as they improve metabolism rate, aid to detox your body. If you are considering fruit juices for your weight loss then you are committing a big mistake. So, how to replace fruit juices and milkshakes with other beverages for weight loss is here. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


Including a beverage to your routine diet can boost its effect for weight loss. Not just the diet but you must be focused with your regular workout. A healthy lifestyle along with diet is definitely a win win for your weight trials.

Which Are The Best Drinks For Weight Loss?

Water Not a surprise but water is truly a healthy drink for weight loss. It is advised to drink a glass of water 30 minutes prior to your meal so that it keeps you filled and suppresses hunger. It also helps in burning calories while you are exercising. It is also recommended to drink cold water as it increases resting energy expenditure which means the number of calories you burn when you are resting. Drinking water is a natural way to raise your metabolism rate.


Green tea

drinking fruit juice, you can opt vegetable juices which help you detox the toxins and impurities in your body. Vegetable juice increases the vegetable foods consumption while it keeps your carb cravings low. Not only that but you need to eat whole vegetables to intake fiber as it is lost in the process of juice.

Green tea is another supportive drink for weight loss as it contains catechins and antioxidants which promotes fat burning with a boost in metabolism. You can choose matcha which is a type of green tea with a high level of catechins compared to loose green leaves. A study found that consumption of 3 grams green tea during exercise can spike up the chance of If you are striving to burning fat. maintain healthy weight then intake protein drinks. High amount of protein is capable of curbing appetite and makes you A study found that ginger feel full. A study found tea can reduce weight that 90 overweight adult loss to a good extent. The participants consumed rats were given a high fat 56 grams of whey protein diet along with 5% ginger daily consecutively and powder for four weeks lost 5 pounds compared and it resulted in weight to the group of adults loss. Although the study who didn’t consume whey added ginger powder protein. supplement, another study in humans found You can even drink apple that ginger tea reduces cider vinegar which appetite. Lower appetite equally shows the positive and increased calorie results in weight loss. expenditure can help you Black tea, coffee are well put down the weight. known beverages to lose weight. But a healthy diet, physical workout and lifestyle can only give you real results. You must have asked you to replace note that these drinks fruit juice with other alone are less effective in drinks as it can contribute promoting weight loss. to weight gain. Instead of

Protein drinks

Ginger tea

Vegetable juice



COVID-19: What You Must Know About the New Delta Plus Variant? There is a new COVID variant while deadly coronavirus is still active globally. The new mutant of COVID-19 is delta plus which is getting stubborn in the regions where there are more positive cases persistently. There are pieces of information circulating about delta plus variants which are backed with research and few are unclear yet but are being studied. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


surveillance. but became noticeable in public from June. On June 7, a report was published by Public Health England stating that 63 genomes were found with mutation K417N. Initially, there were 36 cases in England and was also found in Nepal.

What is the Delta Plus Variant? New delta plus variant is a result of mutation in the delta or 1.617.2 variant. The mutation is caused after the spike in protein called K417N resulting in an AY.1 variant. This mutation of Sars-COV-2 allows the virus to enter and infect the human cells. Health experts found that this new variant delta plus is highly infectious but yet to study how severe it is.

From The Delta Virus Started? Delta virus is a COVID variant found first in Europe in March and since then it was under 19

Symptoms Of New Delta Plus Variant India’s top most virologist said that delta plus variant shows the symptoms including cough, diarrhea, fever, headache, skin rash, discoloration of fingers and toes, chest pain, and shortness of breath. The secondary symptoms are stomach pain, nausea and loss of appetite.

Is it a dreadful COVID variant compared to other variants? For now, WHO is considering this variant as a delta variant. The organization says delta and other variants are a matter of concern as

there is an increased transmission which can turn out to be a bigger health risk. Scientists are still studying how effectively COVID vaccines can work against the new delta virus. There was i formation circulating that COVID so far is not that effective to protect the vaccinated population from delta virus. But there is also evidence saying that vaccines can safeguard the people after two doses. Again there it is found that Pfizer and BioNTech shots were six times lower in case of delta variant when compared to original COVID. Meanwhile, the team Sputnik tweeted stating that the vaccine is the most effective to protect from new delta variants so far. The experts say, increase in virus transmission results in higher mutation and then leads to other new variants. Nevertheless, with the effectiveness of vaccines or newly effective variants of COVID, the population must follow the strict protocols like wearing a mask, sanitizing and social distance. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021




Prevent Diabetes WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


Diabetes is a leading health concern with various complications. Certain complications of diabetes make you conscious to prevent it in advance. The measure of preventing diabetes is a good upgrade to your health and wellbeing so don’t hesitate being that health conscious. You must be knowing the symptoms to diagnose diabetes. People suspect diabetes and freak out with reduction of sugar eating, check the symptkms. But how can you actually prevent it matters. However, you are never late to be careful with diabetes prevention. These are tips that may reduce blood sugar- diabetes.

Who should start taking measures to prevent diabetes? Type 2 diabetes is the most common diabetes that you must try to prevent. And it is important even more for people who may




have the risk of diabetes in near future- obese individuals, someone with family history of diabetse.

Focusing on physical activity You gain overall health with everyday physical activity. Exercising helps you lose weight and maintain healthy weight which reduces the risk of diabetes. In other way, it helps lower the blood sugar by boosting insulin sensitivity which eventually. There are studies showing that aerobic training and strength training lowers the risk of diabetes. You can join the program that includes these workouts for effectiveness.

Eat meals loaded with fiber An ultimate goal is to control the blood sugar and it is possible


with plenty of fiber consumption. As you feel full with fiber food, you will gain less weight which also prevents diabetes. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and whole

grains to add fiber to your routine diet.

Lose excess weight 22

fat diets You may lose weight with fad diets initially but the results are not sustainable. And there is no evidence that shows fad diets helping with prevention of diabetes. Restricting the group of foods can cause carb and sugar craving later which is not a healthy diet at any cost. Instead of such a diet, follow a mindful eating and make healthier choices, try to have portion control on your food.

Your weight loss might be a small difference but still it matters. Every pound you lose contributes to your health. People who are taking a healthy diet along with physical activity reduce weight 23

which decreases the risk of diabetes by 60%. This is a massive result proven in a study.

Discard the

These are the simplest and science backed ways to reduce the risk of diabetes at any age or at any stage. Not only prevents high blood sugar levels but it also reduces. A healthy lifestyle, focused on habits and diet are the best changes you can do to improve your overall health.



5 Sports That Help You Stay





Going to gym everyday can get tedious though you are a fitness freak. Instead of hitting the gym, go for a solid sport which has the similar benefits of fitness with gyming. Strengthening muscles, developing flexibility, enhancing body balance are some

Sports don’t feel like a task or target but it is fun, keeps you indulge in your loving hobby, passion. If you are not able to motivate yourself for workout then sport is an amazing idea. Not only for physical fitness but works as your stress buster. Here are some of the best sport activities to improve your fitness, health and wellbeing.

Which Sports Promote Physical Fitness?


of the perks if you are choosing sport as your physical activity.




A simple and easy sport for people who want to stay fit without workout is running. You can do this sport anywhere indoor or outdoors and that too without any equipment. Running is an exercise that lets you shed all the sweat and burn calories. Not only that but it increases strength and you can burn around 1200 calories an hour with a distance of 8 mile.

Swimming Swimming is a whole body workout that targets your upper and lower body. Definitely it is a booster for your physical and mental health. And moreover, it is

Cycling Cycling is another exercise that you can rely on if you are not a gym freak but want to stay fit. It builds up your stamina, tones the muscles and helps you lose weight as well. Most people choose cycling to reduce their mental stress and to boost their heart health. It helps you burn around 650 calories per hour.



an extra calorie burner by which you can reduce 863 calories an hour.

Badminton If you are shunning at regular exercise then looking for an alternative is never bad. You can happily hit the badminton court for 30 minutes to gain physical fitness. As you stretch your arms and legs while playing the sport, it encourages your body to strengthen and maximizes flexibility.

Boxing If you want to target muscle building then choose boxing as your activity. It keeps your arms, hands and legs engaged for a high intensity workout but doesn’t feel like an exercise. You can burn around 700 calories with 1 hour of boxing.




How to eat smaller meals without starving?


Something that is hard to do but always a wish is to eat smaller food portions.


Like overeating has a bad effect on health, eating smaller meals has its own health benefits. But it’s not as easy as you imagined. So, is reducing the food portion unhealthy for you? Actually it is not if you are doing it right.

you are not going to fall short of nutrients. Vegetables are loaded with multiple vitamins, minerals but low in calories. You can maintain a healthy weight as you are consuming less fat, carbs while increasing nutrients.

Eating light and right has multiple perks like easy digestion, preventing acid reflux and losing weight or maintaining healthy weight. And how can you delay this mindful eating that is a gain of health and well being.

A study involved the participants eating the same amount of pasta with veggies added. Participants ate an equal quantity of meal without or without vegetables as they were less calories.

If it’s sounding amazing and easy then start it from your next meal. It is not a low row to hoe as you will design and organize your meal for the day. Here is how you must make your meals smaller, healthier and happier!

5 Tips to eat less without increasing hunger Add loads of veggies to your plate The main purpose of adding veggies to feel filled is to suppress your hunger with water content and fiber. But 29

Include protein to every meal or snack Again a tip to fill your tummy with smaller portions is, eat proteins. It gives you fullness while fats and carbs are low. There are researchers who say that people who eat protein rich meals feel fuller in short and long terms compared to eating lower protein meals. You must eat lean protein foods like eggs, seafood, tofu and low fat butter.

Drink water with your meal Drinking fruit juices and soda with your meal only add calories but not make you feel fuller. The secret is to have water along with your meals which cuts down your

hunger to a greater extent. A study which involved older adults drank 2 cups of water before their breakfast and they ate 13% less compared to not drinking water with meals.

Make your meals extra spicy The best way to eat less is to add more spice to your meals. Hot peppers contain a huge amount of capsaicin, a compound that is proven to reduce appetite. You will also tend to intake less calories which helps you maintain a healthy weight and you will feel less craving for carbs as it doesn’t make you hungry. If you are heat intolerant then you can add ginger to your meals for similar result.

Eat more soluble fiber If you are looking for food options that suppress your appetite while you dont starve then choose fiber rich foods. It is always good to choose soluble fibers like oats, beans, and seeds. And you eat more fiber foods, it keeps your digestion keeping your hunger at bay. Best way to add fiber to your diet is loading chia seeds to your smoothies, snacking on flax seeds, eating wholegrain oatmeal and beans along with soups and salads. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021






It is common to have toxicity in life but what’s not right is getting carried away with it. It could be your habits, thoughts, people that you may have to remove which are toxic.


We have mentioned the possible things that you must get rid of to wash out the toxicity. As you remove the trash from your life, you will live a healthier and successful life. It also impacts your overall well being.So, implement these ways to remove toxicity from your life.

Get Rid Of Unwanted Things From Life Cut off the gossips Do you really want to remove toxicity from your life? Then cut off gossip that manipulates your thoughts, behavior and personality. Instead do the good deeds if possible or do something that progresses your life. This is the best way to divert yourself from toxicity.

Eliminate the clutter We all love to lay in bed and dump things in the corners of your rooms. But lately we realize that this clutter is toxic. Clear the clutter in your living space, organise your things and you will feel better than before. It calms your mind and gives you positive vibes.

Leave unsatisfying job Of course! Leaving your job on the spot can never be good advice. You can’t risk your bread earning but try to change it gradually. Look for a job that you love, learn the skills that make you eligible for a dream job. Who would want to continue toxicity even when they have an opportunity to quit. So create that opportunity!



How unorganized are you? You are happy to be that but someday it hits you which is a realization of toxicity. So before it’s too late, start being organized with your work at the office, home or at class which can remove half of the toxicity.

Complain less and be thankful Replace your complaints with gratitude to get rid of toxicity in life. This is the best way you can help yourself to improve in life. Thankfulness can raise your hopes, positivity and strength. It slowly strikes

Say no to negative thoughts Are you letting in the negative thoughts that stirs up your jealousy, anger or fear then stop it right away as it is not good for your health and well being. These negative thoughts become the bin of toxicity someday so before that you must flush it away.

Don’t wake up to news Never expect the news around the world to be good as it can be an upset start of the day. Of course, updates and news is never bad but a basic thing to do. If reading news is your daily habit just forward it for noon time but not the way to kick start your fresh day. You can reduce toxicity in a day by delaying the new reading.

Stop being unorganized



away anything negative within you as you are full of goodness.

Work more talk less When you talk more, you may tend to talk your mind which is not good all the time. It can ruin your mental status, the atmosphere, and ambience. Also it doesn’t mean you have to be calm or restrict yourself to unnecessary rules. Talk when it’s needed, cheer up your peers, ve open with your family, and communicate well. This is how your words are more valuable than just talking. So ultimately you get more time to be productive and talk less which means you are away from toxicity.

Never stay idle If you are a happy being then you are not idle. You are doing something that gives you happiness and if you idle then everything tastes bitter. Fetch for a job, activities, health improving ways that keep you occupied. That doesn’t mean you have to make money but it could be learning, a new experience or exposure to new things. Anything apart from being idle the whole time which keeps you away from toxicity.

Leave unhealthy relationships


Being alone is far better than having fake people around you. If you have realized that you are surrounded by people who are jealous of you, and have bad intentions for you then stay away from them. They try to add negativity through hurting comments, comparisons. Again, all that are sweet are not your friends. So, know who your true friends and who they are not. It is fine to limit your circle rather than a bunch of fools. It’s the matter of purity over quantity.



Ayurvedic Treatment At Home For

Respiratory Diseases


Respiratory diseases interrupt your health and well being with severe symptoms like cough, inflammation, irritation, breathlessness and many other such symptoms.


If the symptoms are persistent then you must consult a doctor for early treatment. While you are on medication, you can still use ayurvedic methods at home which are safe and effective. The ayurvedic herbs and spices help you boost immunity and keep your respiratory tract away from harmful bacteria, viruses. There are few ayurvedic remedies to prevent and reduce respiratory diseases. The components in Ayurveda eases the nasal congestion, reduces cold and cough and helps control inflammation in air passages with antiinflammatory properties.

Combat Respiratory Diseases Naturally With Ayurveda

Kalmegh The root and leaf of kalmegh are known to heal respiratory diseases. It has several powerful qualities including antibacterial, antiviral, antiinflammatory. You can use a bit of it to control the symptoms of colds, flu, fever and cough.

Vasaka Vasaka is malabar nut in 35

Ayurveda terms and known popularly for healing respiratory problems. It stimulates the bronchial system which follows with clearing the excess phlegm from throat and lungs. Try preparing concoction from vasaka leaves in order to get instant relief from cold, cough and chest congestion.

Pippali Another effective ayurvedic remedy for respiratory problems is pippali. It tames the symptoms of inflammation and reduces mucus. If you are suffering from nasal congestion then boil it with milk and consume to have easy relief.

Ayurvedic ingredients. Make tea by adding a ginger piece, a steep cinnamon stick to make a cup of tea or drink peppermint tea. Turmeric is a proven remedy to cure throat infection, chest and nasal congestion. It also works as a home treatment for cough and cold. You can mix turmeric with milk and drink a cup of it. Try often adding these ingredients to your diet to stay away from infections.

Licorice Throat irritation is a symptom that causes discomfort if you have respiratory problems. The best natural cure for throat irritation is licorice by controlling the inflammation. It works as a herbal treatment to secret healthy mucus and allows the excess phlegm to unblock from nasal passage. You can chew a twig of licorice or drink the mixture to cure these signs of respiratory inflammation. If it’s hard to find the above herbs and extracts then you can even rely on handy WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021




Recent Study: Poor Oral Health Is Associated To Muscle Loss and Diabetes Previous research found that poor oral health impacts cardiovascular disease and mortality. There is a new study saying that the leftover teeth and weak chewing ability can maximize the risk of muscle loss, weakness and diabetes especially in aged people. Oral care and hygiene can prevent the risk of losing remaining teeth and less the risk of these related conditions. COVID pandemic has affected many other health concerns among which oral health is one. People are not willing to attend the dental checkups in order to avoid the infection with hospital visits and travelling. And some people are spending extra to get private dental care according to a survey of National Health Service Dentistry, United Kingdom.

What The Study Says? 37

There was a longitudinal study conducted on oral frailty linked with risk factors for physical frailty, disability, mortality. Poor oral health according to the study includes remaining teeth, chewing ability, eating difficulties and swallowing. The study was carried out by researchers in Shimane University, in Izumo Japan. The risk of oral frailty associated with other health concerns is small but significantly impacts on diabetes and sarcopenia among older people commonly. The study was done with 635 people who aged between 40 and 74 years. As part of the study, participants were asked to chew a gummy jelly with all the energy for 15 seconds without swallowing it and to spit out the remaining jelly. Then the researchers counted

the remaining pieces of jelly and then also considered the number of teeth each participant has along with skeletal muscle mass and handgrip strength. After a clear insight and study, the research team noted that participants were observed with diabetes and they tested the levels of their serum hemoglobin A1C following with analysis on participant’s detail like age, sex, BMI, smoking habit, alcohlo consumption and physcial activity habits. The analysis results showed that fewer remaining teeth and deteriorated chewing ability were notably affecting the people with weaker handgrip and it is also significantly linked to diabetes risk.



7 Beautiful Intimate Things Couples Can Do Besides Sex A happy and healthy relationship is built with intimacy. A time of sexual intercourse is not the only quality time with your partner. It could be anything that you both do together with love. But a few things can get boring as they become too repetitive and a few things are never ever boring though it is a routine. So what are those things to do besides sex as a couple?



We have listed and briefed the ways to celebrate your relationship even without having sex. This is still lovemaking and deeply intimate that helps maintain the bond, sparkle of chemistry between you both.

What A Couple Can Do Besides Sex? 39

Cuddle for some time There would be a time that you crave for a touch of your loved one. It doesn’t have to be sex to feel the magic between you as it could be cuddling, hugs or a peck. Let the pampering last for sometime to make it a quality

time for you both. Just wrap yourself in a couch or cozy bed and add your favorite music to make your day.

Try something new together Do you want to learn a skill or attend a workshop? Then involve your partner to be in your team. Couple is a team



of love, unity and joy. So experience that new doing with your partner. Help your partner to learn it or seek help and bond over the learning time. Face the challenges together while you are doing something new or adventurous.

Design your diet chart Is your diet getting disturbed? Then it hampers your health which must be changed soon. When you are not up for sex then think of designing a diet chart with your partner.


Choose the meal options of your favorite foods that keep you fit and healthy. These are a couple goals as it is contributing to your health and well being. In fact, it is a great choice and indeed important than sex.

Goal for healthy habits Practicing healthy habits with perfection is not an easy to do thing for everyone. You may need a push from your close people or a hard trial. So, you and your partner can support each other to adopt healthy habits like organizing your work, home, physical

fitness and many more. Plan for it, make a list when you are not willing to have sex. This is a helpful way to keep your relationship alive.

Exchange your roles and responsibilities Couples have a common complaint that the roles and responsibilities are not taken care equally. But the reality is that partners skip understanding each other. So for a change, switch your roles. You can do the house chores letting your partner relax and


shop the groceries. This is an amazing idea to get into each other’s shoes. It is a crucial practice for every couple to have a healthy relationship.

helps instant relaxation and a pleasing thing that you can do for your partner. This is a precious thing to besides sex as you are giving a peaceful feeling.

Give a good head or foot massage

Time to recollect the memories

Your partner may have a long day at work. Let intimacy be something else at such time besides sex.

We all have the spots to spend time with our loved ones, we would have clicked pictures, had selfie time, insane laughter moments, relishing the food. If you have

A soothing head or foot massage can relieve stress. It


thousands of memories then share it with your partner. This is the best thing you can do with your beloved besides sex. And you will never get bored but it keeps the charm of your bond. These are attachments! So don’t keep it to yourself, rather share it. There are many others ways for a couple to do besides sex. You can prepare a fancy meal and have it together, help in accomplishing a task and many more.



Signs of low

Testosterone in males

WAYS TO BOOST IT Testerone is an important sex hormone in males but also found in smaller amounts in women. When there is a low level of testosterone, men may experience a few symptoms and notice a few signs. Now let’s learn the signs and symptoms of low testerone levels in men and ways to increase it. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


What’s the role of testosterone hormone in men? Adequate amount of testerone hormone results in developing muscles and bones. It is also responsible for changes in the voice, hair growth and other appearance related changes and for sperm production. So, what happens when they hormone level is low

Erection problems Causes drastic hair loss Lower bone and muscle mass Reduces testicle size Poor semen production Sleep deprivation Lack of sex drive Low energy levels May cause hot flashes Increase in body fat Experiences mood swings

4 Ways to improve tester one levels

Physical activities and weight lifting If you are interested in increasing testosterone levels then focus on weight lifting and other high intensity exercises. Obese men claim that testeroje levels are boosted up with exercises 43

compared to weight loss diets.

Intake protein, carbs and healthy fats Let your diet be balanced with protein, carbs and healthy fats. Don’t change your diet constantly or don’t overeat as it affects your testosterone levels. Include whole foods to your meals for a raise in this hormone.

Manage your stress A cause for decreased testosterone is high mental stress which leads to a rise in cortisol which is a stress hormone. And increased cortisol eventually decreases testosterone. This can impact your body changes like weight gain, increased food intake that ultimately affects the hormone levels too. So, manage your stress to maintain low levels of cortisol and higher male hormones.

Consume vitamin D One of the natural ways to boost testosterone levels in men is to take vitamin D or get some sun. There was a 12 month study conducted and found that 3000 IU of vitamin D3 each day results in a raise of testosterone levels. You can even take vitamin D supplements and include foods that contain the nutrient. Above are the signs and symptoms of low level testosterone in males. If you want to avoid these symptoms then start working on it. You need to make changes to your daily diet, and adapt to a healthy lifestyle that has physical activities. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


Nutty Chicken StripsFlavoursome Starter Finger licking chicken is a perfect weekend recipe. For someone who is health conscious, on mindful eating must try this easy to make dish with yummy flavors. The ingredients in the recipe are the staples in your kitchen. So, you don’t have to work up hard to prepare for it. You can serve it as a snack for evening or as a starter for your main course at lunch.

Ingredients 2 Tablespoons peanut butter 2 Garlic cloves finely grated 1 Teaspoon Madras curry powder Soya sauce 2 Teaspoons lime juice 2 Skinless chicken breast fillets Cucumber pieces Sweet chilli sauce



Steps to prepare Heat the microwave to 200C/180C and line a baking tray with non-stick paper. Add chunky peanut butter, garlic cloves, Madras curry powder, soy sauce and lime juice in a bowl.

Arrange the fillets on the baking sheet of the oven and bake it for 8-10 minutes. Serve the nutty chicken on a plate and add cucumber finger by side along with sweet chilli sauce.

If the consistency of the picture is too thick then add a few drops of broiler water to fix it. Once you get a good consistency, add cut the chicken fillets into strips to the mixture. 45



3 Powerful Yoga Poses To Improve

Cognitive Function WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


Yoga is an influential physical activity that simultaneously targets mental health and other body functions. One of the most significant functions we need in our daily life is memory, mindfulness, and focus. These functions revolve around your brain function which also means cognitive skills in other words.

The mental stress that stays constantly everyday is common but you can’t let it pray your brain. It is crucial to take care of your cognitive functioning with activities like yoga. In fact, yoga is the best practice that is proven to enhance cognitive skills, focus, and concentration. Yoga works wonders by polishing your cognitive skills as it stimulates the nervous system. There are a set of simple yoga poses


to start from today and make it a part of your daily routine. It may take less than 15 minutes to perform these exercises but the results are effective and help you for the long term.

Yoga For Memory and Focus Enhancement WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


Tadasana- Mountain Pose

Hold the position for 5 seconds and exhale while relaxing your body. Repeat the exercise with the same steps until you feel relaxed.

Padmasana- Lotus Pose

Tadasana is a simple pose to practice that brings body awareness and reduces stress by calming your mind. Your body will have a relaxing stretch releasing the muscle tension. So, try adding it your morning workout routine.

Steps to practice

One of the best asanas for yoga beginners is padmasana with several health benefits. You must practice to increase focus and concentration on your work along with calming the brain.

Stand upright with straight back and place your hands at hip sides pointing the fingertips down.

Steps to practice

Deeply inhale and raise your arms then interlock your fingers over the head. Raise your toes and obtain a balance where to feel the stretch from toes to fingers.


Spread a yoga mat and comfortably sit on it. Stretch out your legs, hands keeping your back straight.


Now hold your right leg in two hands and gently fold it placing on the left thigh closer to the navel.

the pose which also boosts your concentration and focus. Definitely an effective yoga pose to improve cognitive skills.

Hold your left leg I’m geo hands and gently fold it placing on the right thigh closer to the navel.

Steps to practice

Make sure that your spine is straight at this step.

Stand properly straightening your back, knees and with your feet together.

You can place both your palms together at the pelvic region or place each palm on either side of knee joints facing them upwards.

Place your arms on the sides facing the fingertips to the floor.

Once you are.comfortable with this pose, slowly focus on your breathing pattern and continue to inhale and exhale. Focus for 2-3 minutes initially and later you can increase the duration upto 15 minutes or more with practice. Most importantly don’t bend your back or head during padmasana.

Vrikshasana- Tree Pose

Lift your right foot houding your alle with both your hands. Now place your right foot on the inner left thigh as high as possible for you indicating your toes towards the floor. At this point try to balance your body on your left leg. Join your palms and fingers placing them on your left leg. Then take your hands closer to your chest for a Namaste with fingers indicating upwards. Now breathe in and lift up your arms over the head the Namaste. Stretch your whole body and balance your body still on the left leg. Breath normally holding the pose as long as you can and then lower your hands closer to your chest exhaling out.

The pose gives a good stretch to call the joints of your body which eventually helps you relax. You will experience calmness post practicing 49

Relax coming back to your initial standing pose and switch the legs repeating all the above steps. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


5 Workable Tips To Improve Air Quality At Home WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021


The culprits of outdoor air pollution are power stations, smoke from vehicles and chemicals from factories. But you must open your eyes to see that poor air quality indoors is 10 times more harmful for your health. You don’t spend more than a few hours traveling but spend more time indoors. It has become even more important to improve air quality at home as quarantine and lockdown are ongoing due to COVID pandemic.

An inexpensive way to improve air quality at home is to open the windows. You are letting in fresh air flow through windows. This may not be an easy thing to do during winter as you want to stay warm. But it is also important to get rid of toxins and inlet oxygen. See that all your rooms are ventilated especially when you are using chemical cleaning methods and adding chemical releasing décor.

2. Install an air purifier

Did you ever realize and did something about improving the air quality at home? Here are some of the tips to purify and reduce the harmfulness of indoor air that you are inhaling throughout the day.

Ways to improve air quality at home 1. Good ventilation

Dust and pollen are naked to the human eye and it’s impossible to eliminate what you can’t see. Never mind as an air purifier can catch the pollutants in order to purify the air in a closed space. It filters contaminated air and releases back purified air. You can be confident about living in cleaner and fresher rooms. There are also air purifiers that neutralize the airborne viruses and bacteria which is why you must get one for your home.

3. Dust off your house regularly If there is dust and pet hair at home then don’t



HOME & FAMILY YOGA of smoking. You need to realize that candles, incense sticks also release carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide into the air which are hazardous to health in the long term.

5. Place a few houseplants

ignore it. These are the risk factors that lead to respiratory infections and inflammation. You can invest in a good vacuum cleaner which is high in price but traps dust, pollen and pet hair. Also clean your bedding in 60 degree hot water to remove the dust mites and harmful particles.

4. Stop smoking at home

Smoking in enclosed areas has been illegal since 2007 which was established to avoid second hand smoking. Cigar releases over 7000 chemicals which are not only life threatening for the smokers but also people around them. To improve air quality at home, you must promote smoke free space. Don’t add up the smoke to reduce the harm WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021

Another and easy way to purify air at home is to get houseplants. It may take 10 to 1000 houseplants per square meter of area to purify the polluted air. Accompanied with houseplants, you must open a couple of windows. You will need a lot of houseplants depending on the air quality of your house. If there is proper ventilation then you may need less houseplants and a lot are needed where there is no good ventilation.

There are other measures that must be taken to improve air quality like installing second hand furniture to reduce chemicals, using non toxic paints, use non chemical cleaning products. These tips along with the above can improve the air quality so your health and well being. 52

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5 Beneficial Habits Associated With

Long Living



We all are unsure if long living is healthy living but healthy living leads to long living. What it takes to live healthy and longer is again a deal. Of course, you must be a little health conscious and certain habits which are science baked with long life. If you haven’t known how your lifestyle, diet, habits can contribute to your long life then here is what you must check out. However, most of them are known but taken lightly due to busy schedules or negligence. Hope you will correct the way of living. These are the habits linked to a healthier and long life.

Science Backed Habits to live longer

Avoid overeating Eating mindfully is more beneficial than overeating. Eating too much can result in belly fat, body weight which are clearly linked to premature death. See that your diet is well balanced and it is not good to over eat any kind of food. Again over eating is cause for improper digestion, heart problems too. Eating wisely and staying healthy is an important policy for a longer life.\

Practice physical fitness Physical fitness is beneficial in every way and even to increase your lifespan. If you can exercise for 15 minutes everyday then it may decrease the 4% death risk and it may also add 3 years of long life. A few studies linked longer life to vigorous physical activities when compared to lower or medium intensity activities.

Quit smoking and take moderate alcohol Most common and familiar causes for death are smoking and over consumption of alcohol. It is reported that smokers may lose 10 years of their lifespan which means premature death. Get medical support and proven ways to quit smoking which can contribute to your longer life. And if you are not a smoker at all then that’s a benefit for you. Over consumption of alcohol is associated with liver, heart diseases and also increased risk of death. Taking moderate alcohol is fine but heavy intake is injurious to health more than you imagined.

Try to manage your Eat loads of plant foods chronic stress Plants are potent of nutrients and antioxidants including polyphenols, folate, vitamin C. These crucial components can reduce the risk of cancer, heart problems, depression, brain health risks and metabolic syndrome. Hence, add loads of fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and wholegrains to your everyday diet.


The two culprits that may decrease your lifespan are stress and anxiety. There are surveys saying that women with chronic stress and anxiety are two times at risk of heart disease, stroke or lung cancer. It is likely noticed that, may cause premature death in men. The ways to manage your stress are laughter and positive thinking. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JUNE 2021



- Causes, Symptoms & Treatment Accumulated uric acid showing its ill-effects on your feet is known as Gout. It is inflammatory arthritis and painful. It starts to affect one joint at a time.


The big toe is usually swollen and this causes a strong burning sensation on your foot. This swelling doesn’t get permanently cured but from time to time it can be treated and taken care of. Symptoms of gout getting worse is known as flares. Read through its causes, symptoms, risk involved, ways to deal with gout, and a method of treatment. 56

Signs And Symptoms

l Causes heat

insulin resistance No 4 - Heart failure

l Gout glares stay on the foot for weeks together

It is unsafe to leave gout untreated. It can form lumps in your joints and destroy them

l While another flare forms, it doesn’t show any symptoms

Risk Factors

l gout doesn’t form in a group, it targets a particular joint

Listed below are risks that might make you suffer from gout. Take a look!

l A gout is usually formed on a big toe, if not on the ankle, knee or joints l It becomes red l Swelling


No 1 - If you are overweight No 2 - It commonly affects middle-aged men or postmenopausal women No 3 - If you are suffering from

No 5 - hypertension No 6 - if you are diabetic No 7 - Problem in the kidneys No 8 - Metabolic syndrome No 9 - Excessive consumption of diuretics No 10 - Consuming alcohol excessively No 11 - Eating or drinking foods that contain too much fructose



No 12 - Eating too much red meat, seafood, and organ meat No 13 - Thyroid diseases No 14 - Sleep Apnea

How Is Gout Diagnosed? Gout is diagnosed in two stages

Ways To Prevent Gout Listed below are a few points on how to prevent gout. Take a look! l Reduce your alcohol intake l Don’t binge eat foods such as shellfish, lamb, beef and pork l Eat a veggie-rich diet

l Medical history

l Avoid eating dairy food excessively

l Physical exam

l Work on losing weight

l Test to check the build-up of uric acid in the joints

l Quit smoking

l X-ray of the joint

l Drink water as much as you can

Further, your problem will be understood based on

l Exercise often

l How you describe the joint pain

Take a look at these simple and effective ways to treat gouts. This is what your doctor might ask you to do

l The exact period from when you are suffering l Based on how red or swollen is the area


l Consult a doctor to discuss the best things you can do to lower the risk of gouts


and colchicine is used. 2. Changing your lifestyle and habits will help. You can follow what is mentioned in ways to prevent gouts. 3. If you have chronic gout or acute flares, you can try therapy to reduce uric acid levels in the blood with the help of effective drugs. Besides, getting yourself treated medically, you can try self-management strategies to manage your health and stay good. Here are a few ways to help yourself. Take a look! i. Eat a healthy diet. Ii. Enroll yourself for classes that focus on self-help or self-management. Different people who have the same problem of gouts end up finding their solution. Iii. Have a one-one conversation with the doctor and seek for advice

1. To treat flares, nonsteroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, steroids,





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