HealthSpectra Magazine January 2021

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COVID-19 Protocols Can Prevent

Flu and Common Cold




HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.



Editor Note This time we explained the importance of COVID protocols at any time. We have given alarming health updates on Ischemic heart disease, breast cancer in women, diabetes foot problems and lung cancer in men. You can be informed about the symptoms, causes and prevention of these life-threatening diseases. Yoga and Ayurveda are the best alternatives for health and well-being. Thus, we have shared a bit of information that is a must-know for everyone. By the way, we cautioned you not to use hair dyes. If you are looking for a recipe from us, then try out the healthy and yummy spinach and broccoli enchiladas. There are a few more health-related facts, updates that can’t be missed. Also refer to the tips on improving sex life, qualities for a happy life and many more in the order. We made a sincere attempt to keep our readers focused on health like we always do. It is great being a health information source for you. Share your thoughts with us about our monthly magazine.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.



Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


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06 HEALTH Science-Based Benefits of Omega 3 Fatty Acids


10 BEAUTY Hair Dye Effects That You Must Know Before Styling


12 WOMEN HEALTH Overview Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment


5 Best Ways to Maintain Healthy Weight Post weight loss

18 COVER STORY COVID-19 Protocols Can Prevent Flu and Common Cold

20 DIABETES Know About Common Diabetic Foot Problems




How to get rid of sore muscles after exercising?


Are Egg Yolks Bad For Your Health?


4 Ideal Qualities That Lead to A Happy Life








Is Ayurveda An Effective Treatment For Kidney Disease?


Study: Researchers Explains the Biological Mechanism That Causes Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)



5 Workable Ways to Improve Sex Life


Lung Cancer in Men


Healthy Recipe of Spinach and Broccoli Enchiladas



A Gui Neti Kriya Yoga Benefits, nstructions and Precautions


Everything You Need To Know About A Planned Home Birth


8 Natural Ways To Treat Nausea Under Different Conditions


Ischemic Heart Disease - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention



SCIENCEBASED BENEFITS OF OMEGA 3 FATTY ACIDS Grab a bite for your overall well-being! What’s that one aspect of your daily routine that you cannot afford missing out on? It is your breakfast! Do you eat your breakfast regularly? or are you up with too many excuses to religiously eating your breakfast every morning. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021


We all need that boosting fuel to kick start our day and none other than having your breakfast is that fuel. It gives your body necessary nutrients as well as helps you get on with your day fruitfully, will you agree? When you read through the ill-effects of not having your breakfast, you are surely going to eat your breakfast every day. Science says, breakfast is the first and most important meal of the day and if you don’t eat it like a king, you are sure to experience health concerns, what are those? Here you go!

It comes from the first meal you eat during the day. These blood sugar levels mix in the blood and improve the energy in your organs and cells. By chance if your body miserably fails to get its glucose, you are at a risk of experiencing tiredness, weakness and this exhaustion will cause frustration. Thus, don’t spoil your mood as your day begins.

No 2 - You Might Put On Weight Whether you are in a hurry or you don’t feel like eating breakfast early in the morning, don’t skip breakfast! It is not good to skip breakfast. Even if you plan on not eating, just grab a fruit or eat some dry fruits. Don’t begin your day empty stomach. The logic behind you putting on weight and getting obese is that skipping your breakfast will trigger hunger and you might resort to over-eating and to fulfill your cravings you might start to eat junk, this is neither good for your health nor does your body look nice as you go out of proportion.

No 3 - Hits On Your Metabolism No 1 - Brings Down Sugar Levels


Skipping your breakfast drastically affects your body’s metabolism. Are you aware of that?

It is quintessential to keep a check on the blood sugar levels in your body. By chance, if your body experiences a disturbance with the blood sugar levels, you could end up with a risk of Type-2 diabetes and heart diseases.

Not eating your necessary meals in the morning leads to starvation and while this happens, your body starts to store calories and uses them when you are starving. Further, this affects the calorieburning muscle and the rate of metabolism decreases in your body.

Where does this blood sugar come from?

Therefore, don’t skip your breakfast and WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021

stick to this habit so that your metabolism is not impacted.

No 6 - Stress Attacks You

No 4 - Slows Down Brain Functioning

When the glucose levels fluctuate due to starving with no breakfast in the morning it causes frustration and can make you stressed.

Whenever you starve in the morning and do the opposite of what you are supposed to do, it hits on the way your brain functions.

Since you are already going through enough stress every day, is it worth adding on to your stress by starving?

How? Whenever you get into the starvation mode, your brain utilizes the metabolized glucose, this is not a good sign as it impacts the cognitive functions as well as weakens ones memory.

You lose the ability to think right and handle your emotions if you don’t get the necessary nutrition in the morning. Thus, a bad mood automatically becomes stressful.

This effect on the brain can decrease a person’s productivity in carrying out his/ her day to day activities and tasks.

Don’t add on to your stress, eat your breakfast on time, have enough protein and fiber in your meal so that you are mentally as well as physically healthy throughout.

No 5 - Hair Starts To Weaken And Fall It is scary to lose hair for skipping breakfast, unbelievable right? But, yes this happens! If you take care of the keratin in your hair, you won’t lose hair. In order to monitor the keratin levels, it is important for you to eat enough protein while having your breakfast and stop skipping your breakfast meal. What happens is, when you miss breakfast, besides the keratin in your hair getting impacted, rest of the nourishment that needs to happen stops and your hair follicles get weaker. Thus, start eating breakfast to avoid hair fall problems.


No 7 - May Cause Type II Diabetes When you don’t eat breakfast in the morning your mind and body is at stake. You are at risk of being a victim to Type II diabetes as one hormone that can control your blood sugar levels gets imbalanced. Having said, while you are starving, your blood sugar levels go out of control and this leads to the excess fat being produced that triggers type II Diabetes. The reason this happens is that your insulin levels are not in check.

No 8 - May Cause Heart Diseases Skipping breakfast may cause problems in your heart. If you don’t want to be a victim, start to eat your breakfast regularly. 8

When you starve, there are chances for your arteries to get blocked as the heart doesn’t get enough blood to pump well. Besides, your heart muscles tend to weaken, the rate of heartbeat slows down. Thus, there is a potential risk of suffering from heart disease if you regularly continue to skip your breakfast. Take care of your cardiovascular health by eating well and on time.

No 9 - It Will Trigger Migraine Have you ever noticed, whenever you miss your meals and starve for long it causes headaches? The same logic applies to skip when you skin your breakfast. It is true that it causes a headache. Why does hunger cause migraines? By starving your blood sugar levels come down and you experience tension in your muscles. So, to compensate for low blood sugar levels, your body releases certain hormones that end up making you go through a bad headache.

care of her health by not just exercising or living a healthy lifestyle, but, eating necessary nutrients regularly is the most important of all. Skipping breakfast is depriving the body of those necessary nutrients.

Final Word To summarize everything about the harmful effects of skipping breakfast, it is your physical as well as mental well-being that is targeted at the end of the day. Neither do you feel mentally alert nor are you safe from physical health problems in the future Therefore, it is always good to care for your body and eat a minimal meal for breakfast even if you are not hungry or in a hurry instead of facing bad consequences of putting your health in stake.

No 10 - Disturbs Menstrual Cycle A woman feels the healthiest when her menstrual cycle is not targeted and if you are one of those women who skips her breakfast then you immediately need to stop yourself as it can do bad to you. It causes problems such as premenstrual pain, anorexia and severe periods cramps. A woman should be alert and take good 9



Hair Dye Effects That You Must Know Before Styling WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021

Hair coloring has become a part of the beauty regime for many. The most popular hair styling is coloring and changing the texture. Twisting your hair from straight to curls makes you look gorgeous. The shades of hair with beautiful undertones are vogue. The sad thing is, these beautifying ways are damaging your hair. Not only hair but it is even affecting your health. Dying your hair is harmful for your hair and health. We shared the information that is undeniable and must know facts about hair dying on health. When you are styling your hair with colors, you must take the specific measures. Be a savior of your own health and hair by gaining the awareness of your favorite hair styling. 10

What are the effects of hair color? A few effects of hair color are dreadful if you are neglecting the measures. Some of the effects of hair color worsen the current health condition. These are the possible effects of hair color.

Hair damage

The toxic chemicals from the hair dyes can cause respiratory problems. Most of the dyes included sulfites trigger asthma. Often use of colors can infect the lungs, severe cough. It may cause respiratory problems like chest congestion, breathing difficulty. When you see these symptoms of respiratory problems you must consult your doctor. These conditions caused by hair dyes need early cure.

Skin problems

The hair colors that contain ammonia and peroxide strip off the natural pigment of your hair. In later stages, it results in hair fall. The best alternate safe way to color your hair is henna leaves, coffee beans. These can add the pigment that covers your gray hair. If you can try the natural hair colors which are formulated with organic ingredients. The natural hair colors in the market are less chemical. They are formulated with less chemicals combined with natural agents like herbal tea, leaves, coffee beans. Before relying on a natural hair color go through about the product and then pick it.

Respiratory problems


The chemicals in hair dyes can cause allergies. Normal people may experience rashes, redness, itchiness on skin as an allergic reaction of chemicals in dye products. Common allergic reaction with hair colors is dermatitis on eyes, ears and face. It can also worsen the conditions like eczema and psoriasis. Hence, people with these skin problems must ditch the hair colors forever. Others must follow the measures like covering the face, not let the color droop on the face. Check about the hair color before using it on your hair directly. If yours is sensitive skin then you must be cautious of using the chemical hair colors as it affects your skin badly. Try to use less colors for your hair. If you still want to style your hair with colors frequently then give utmost care and attention post doing it. Remember that color treated hair needs even more attention than normal hair.



Breast Cancer - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment



Breast cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the cells of the breast. It is one of the leading causes of death of women after lung cancer. Breast cancer is potent in men and women but became most common in women. Awareness of breast cancer helped bring the advanced diagnosis and treatment. According to the records, the survival of breast cancer has increased and there is a decline in the death rate. The factors like earlier detection of diseases, new technology for treatment and awareness made it possible.

Symptoms of Breast Cancer As breast cancer is a common disease, it is important to know the symptoms. When your breast feels abnormal in shape or size, you can ignore it. You must go through a medical checkup which must be timely and earlier to avoid the severity. These are the symptoms of breast cancerl Lump in breast or thicken tissues that you can feel l Breast size and shape changes l Inverted or a sunken nipple l Skin around breast or nipple starts peeling, flaking, scaling l Rash around the breast or one of the nipple l Pain in armpits and breast that persists even after the monthly cycle l Swell in breast l Lump or swelling under the arm

What Causes Breast Cancer? Breast cancer is caused when the cells in the breast begin to grow and multiply. In fact, these cancer-causing cells grow faster



WOMEN HEALTH compared to healthy cells which form like lumps. Cells are outgrown through the breast to lymph nodes or and in some cases to other body parts.

RISK FACTORS OF BREAST CANCER Dense breast tissue is a risk as it becomes hard to detect the disease. The dense breast tissue makes it difficult for mammograms to read which may increase the risk of breast cancer. It includes many other risk factors of breast cancer including lifestyle, diet as well. The possible risk factors are listed-

AGE Invasive breast cancer is more found in women above age 55. The abnormal changes in the cells are more likely to occur as people age. So, age is the most common risk factor of the disease.

GENETICS If the older generations are diagnosed with breast cancer then it is carried to the younger generations. The well-known mutations that increase the risk of genetic breast cancer are BRCA1 and BRCA2.

IF ALREADY BREAST CANCER DIAGNOSED The people who were diagnosed and treated for breast cancer in one breast are highly at risk of developing it in another breast or in different parts of the body.

HIGH ESTROGEN LEVELS High estrogen levels are seen as a risk WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021

of breast cancer. Puberty before 12 or menopause that’s too late is the times when women have a higher level of estrogen. High estrogen that comes with obesity in women may also increase the possibility of breast cancer. It is also observed that breastfeeding over a year can reduce estrogen levels and prevent breast cancer.

ALCOHOL CONSUMPTION Overconsumption of alcohol can increase the risk of breast cancer. The researchers say even moderate alcohol intake has been linked with a 30-50% risk of breast cancer.

HORMONE-RELATED TREATMENTS Women who go through the hormone treatment of menopausal symptoms and signs are at risk of developing breast risk. This is because the treatment includes the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

PREGNANCY AT AN OLDER AGE It is said that women who have their first child after 35 age are to be affected by breast cancer. Studies also found that women who become have a decreased risk of breast cancer.

Treatment of Breast Cancer The available and effective treatments for breast cancer are a technology developed. The timely detection of breast cancer can be treated with advanced treatment. The medications and therapies are working 14

on saving the patients from further breast cancer as well.


placed inside the breast to give radiation.


The foremost treatment for breast cancer patients is surgery to eliminate the tumor. The operation termed lumpectomy eliminates only part cancer affected part of the breast. Another type of operation is mastectomy which removes the whole breast.

Chemotherapy is the treatment that works when breast cancer patients take the drugs to kill cancer cells. Mostly, the drugs are given to the people who undergo the surgeries to kill the remaining cancer cells. Chemotherapy is effective in killing cancer cells but it can also show side effects on healthy cells.



The treatment uses the high energy of radiation to kills the cancer cells. It is the advanced treatment after surgery. If the surgery leaves behind the cancer cells then radiation treatment helps to remove those cells to prevent breast cancer for the second time. Radiation is given through a machine externally or the tiny seeds are

Hormone therapy is when the hormones that cause breast cancer are reduced or prevented. Estrogen is one of the hormones that increase the risk of breast cancer. The types of this therapy restrict the ovary from making the hormones. It is probably stopped through medication or surgery.

TARGETED THERAPY The medicines of this therapy trigger the body’s immune system which eventually destroys the cancer cells.

IMMUNOTHERAPY This treatment focuses on the immune system to cure breast cancer. Certain drugs are approved to treat triple-negative breast cancer which spreads.




5 Best Ways to Maintain Healthy Weight Post

Sweating out and holding all the cravings back during the weight loss journey is a big effort. It is worth rewarding yourself a good treat. But are you going to feed your body full of treats again? There you are dumping all your efforts of weight loss. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021


Treat yourself to healthy food, a balanced diet and more workout sessions. One cheat day a week is good enough. Are you looking for some more tips to maintain a healthy weight after weight loss? You have the best ways to keep in mind for healthy weight maintenance after losing your extra weight. These are the tips that you must habituate in your lifestyle.

1. Continue to exercise You must exercise every day even after weight loss. Exercising can maintain your weight without fat accumulation. Let your calories burn on daily basis to continue the same weight. In fact, you must go for strength training you haven’t done it before. Lifting weights can improve muscle mass. The low muscle mass can again affect weight gain.

2. Eat breakfast every day The studies prove the 17

people who don’t skip are successful in maintaining weight goals. As you eat breakfast, you don’t crave carbs that result in extra calorie gain. Having your morning meal can boost your exercise performance. If you are often skipping your breakfast after weight loss then you will automatically see weight gain. You unknowingly let your body for unhealthy eating habits. So, set it right to stay fit as you are now.

3. Have a regular check on your weight \What keeps you motivated during your weight loss? The reduction of extra pounds keeps you going. It is helpful to check weight not only during the practice but also post that. It makes you conscious about your lifestyle, eating habits. You will know the weight fluctuations which can be controlled accordingly. You better invest in a weight machine.

4. Manage stress If you want to keep control of your weight then also control your stress levels. Binge eating is an effect of stress that puts on the extra calories. It is believed that stress widens your belly fat with overeating.

5. Enough of sleep Adequate sleep is one of the requirements to maintain that healthy weight. Also, note the sleeplessness can be a cause of weight gain. Lack of sleep heightens the levels of a hormone called ghrelin. It is the hunger hormone that keeps you craving for more food. These are not the only ways to maintain a healthy weight post weight loss. You must follow healthy rules like avoiding excess processed food, eat loads of fruits, veggies and stay hydrated. These are the simple and achievable habits to reach your weight loss goals and stay consistent. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021


COVID-19 Protocols Can Prevent Flu and Common Cold WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021

Are you going to stop following the COVID protocols once it eases? It is not a good idea. We all want to get rid of the masks and sanitizers. But did you realize that the COVID protocols can protect you from the other viral flu and cold?


Wearing a mask, maintaining hygiene and social distance is a mustfollow even after COVID reduces. The health experts say, Taiwan saw a 75% decline in influenza by following the safety measures like wearing masks, social distancing. How COVID Prevention Measures Are Important Any Time?

Wearing Masks

If you haven’t realized it yet then know the importance of the COVID prevention rules. Experts explain the safety measures of coronavirus can also prevent other health issues like cold and flu which are common at any time. It is because the flu and cold also transmit through the droplets. 19

The rule of wearing a mask must be followed like a habit to prevent COVID and other illnesses. By wearing a mask, you are safeguarding your face from the contact of droplets of an infected person. It is good to wear the mask whenever and wherever you are in public. Even you are helping others for their health and well being. Flu and the common cold are don’t show are mostly symptomatic. But at early stages, an infected person seems normal. So, there it is important to wear a mask as you are doing now.

The best way to wear a mask is- putting it over the nose, cover the chin and cheeks. Wear a mask that has three layers to prevent dreadful infections, flu and colds.

Social distancing It is another crucial protocol to prevent the flu and infections. You can protect yourself from airborne diseases that can transmit easily from an infected person. As you wouldn’t be able to detect the infected person, you must maintain physical distance from anyone in public places.

Washing hands often You must often wash your hands to protect your body from various flu and infections. While you washing hands, you are removing the microorganisms that cause the diseases. Remember not to eat or touch your face before washing your hands. You may ingest or allow the microorganisms into your body with unclean hands. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021





Diabetes causes various complications that affect the foot as well. One kind of foot problem is pain in the foot and foot infections. Both these complications can affect your health if you neglect them for a longer time. You must look for ways to treat these diabetic foot problems.

It affects the foot muscles which leads to pressure on a part of the foot. The affected people might find it tough to align their feet normally. To be clear, it impairs the foot and makes it difficult for mobility or flexibility.

4. Bunions It is an effect on the big toe of the foot. It can affect one or both feet. The big toe attached to the second toe is said to be a bunion. The area where the bunion is occured becomes harder. Bunion affected area must be protected to prevent irritation. There might be a need for surgery to separate the big toe from the other toe.

5. Diabetic ulcers

If you are suffering 2. Peripheral vascular from foot pain, disease soreness and cramps then your must check Another foot problem that is your glucose level. The caused by diabetes is poor flow in the foot. It takes higher glucose level blood a longer time for the wounds that is called “diabetes” or cuts to heal for diabetes can be the reason for patients. It is due to improper food infections as well. blood flow in the areas. Certain

The ulcer in the foot affects the skin with a deep sore and it then it becomes infected. It could be due to diabetes. These ulcers are caused by unfit shoes or any other cut. It should be treated and care is needed to heal it faster. It is reported that 10% of diabetic people are prone to foot ulcers.

We are here describing various food conditions that are affected due to diabetes. This knowledge may help diabetic patients for better treatment, care and prevent.

There are other foot problems due to diabetes that includes blisters, corns, fungal infections in nails, calluses. If you are seeing any ingrown nails and excessively dry skin like conditions then it could be due to diabetes. When you are noticing any of these diabetic food problems, you must consult the doctor immediately for treatment.

Common Foot Problems Due to Diabetes 1. Diabetic Neuropathy Diabetic neuropathy is a condition where nerves are


damaged due to the severity of diabetes. When a person is affected by this condition, they may not know the feeling of cut, cold, or pain. The ability to know the pain or cut is known as sensory diabetic neuropathy.

infections turn into ulcers due to delayed heal. This is a common and dreadful risk for diabetes affected people.

3. Athletes foot Athlete’s foot is a fungus infection with itchiness, redness as symptoms. At first, skin cracks and germs enter through the cracked skin which develops into an infection. The affected people are prescribed to use medicines to kills the germs.



How to get rid of sore muscles after exercising?



The word “exercise” is motivational for many. It gives the soreness in the body that can disturb your routine. You must not leave your workout goals as it is worth the very temporary pain. We must remember that “no pain no gain” when you are hurting your body with tough workout sessions. Keeping this in mind, try out the simple tips after your first time workout day. Practice the exercises and these remedies to have a healthy workout experience.

Tips to Treat Muscle Soreness Post Workout 1. STRETCH

After a high impact workout stretch your muscles. Perform a few simple stretches after the workout and throughout the day. Walking slowly and lifting up your arms and legs can treat the soreness. You are allowing your muscles to have some relief after lifting, punching and hard movements. Do this daily to experience less painful post exercise. 2. TAKE A WARM BATH A warm bath can help to lose the muscles after a vigorous workout. Let your body soak in warm water to improve circulation. This boosts your muscle to 23



cope up sooner after a workout. You can take a warm bath everyday after exercising. You may feel less pain comparatively than not having a warm bath. 3. AN EFFECTIVE MASSAGE

It reduces the swell and releases the pain after a few minutes. Icepack can soothe muscle pain. It improves blood circulation after a 15 minutes application. Be gentle while applying the cold compress and keep rubbing it on the area. You may feel better after some time. 5. FOOT SOAK If you suffer from sore feet after exercising then soak it in warm water. Take a tub of water and add Epsom salt to the water. Let the salt dissolve completely and soak your foot in for 15 minutes.

If there is severe pain in your muscles then you can go for an oil massage. It treats the soreness in your loosening the tight muscles. A good massage can stimulate blood circulation that activates the muscles.

If you have access to a bathtub then go for a whole body soak for 20 minutes. It releases you from soreness.

Make sure you find good spa services for an everyday body massage after your high intensity workout. 4. COLD COMPRESS If you are seeing any kind of swell then you need to try cold compress. Wrap a few ice cubes in a cloth and apply it on the affected area.











Egg Yolks Bad For Your Health?



Many people trash egg yolks to achieve fitness goals or to not risk high cholesterol. Do you think egg yolks are rightly blamed for weight gain or high cholesterol? Firstly, is it a health risk or a benefit eating it? There is a lot to know about egg yolks before consuming the whole egg. Even before just eliminating it from your diet. Get the facts about how egg yolks are associated with health risks.

How can egg yolks risk your health? The very reason behind people blaming egg yolks is the high cholesterol in it. High levels of cholesterol are associated with heart diseases. Yolk is seen as an unhealthy food after the studies have shown that cholesterol can increase the risk of heart attack. Egg white is a complete protein food. Whereas egg yolk consists of multiple nutrients like folate, iron and other vitamins. You gain the most essential nutrients from egg yolks.Two large eggs are equal to 400 mg cholesterol.


You may think that cholesterol is accumulated with the diet. But the fact is cholesterol is produced by the liver which is crucial for all the cells. If you are not consuming sufficient amounts of cholesterol the liver produces more cholesterol. If you eat a good amount of cholesterol then liver produces less of it. Also know that cholesterol is the vital component that your body needs and it’s not unhealthy. Cholesterol is needed so the egg yolks are. It is not yet proven the high cholesterol in diet increases the cholesterol in blood. Still people remain to follow the constraint of dietary cholesterol intake. But the maximum daily intake of cholesterol is capped to 300 mg per day and lesser for patients with heart diseases. The US Dietary guidelines of 2016 did not mention any upper daily limit for dietary cholesterol. We can wrap up saying that eating egg yolks don’t increase the risk of heart diseases. People need not trash it completely from their diet as it is potent with nutritional values. One whole egg can make your diet healthier.





Living and letting others live is the mantra for a harmonious environment. Again it takes the ideal qualities to live or let others live happily. Besides setting a vision for life and panning for the future are the practical needs for a happy life. There is something beyond these which must be from within. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021




The one who stands for self is happier as there will be no expectations.Being a self reliant person can make you a stronger person. As you learn to take a stand for yourself, no opinion or words can affect your mental peace.

The first mantra for a happy living is to focus on the present moment. The time passed is to learn lessons and not repeat the mistakes but not to be stuck in life. Far future is not predictable all the time. Then, what’s remaining for you when it’s not past or future? Isn’t it present?

Standing for yourself


Optimism Never be a pessimist as there is no happiness being it. Be an optimistic person that leads with hopes and ambitions. You may have several big goals in life but hope is the fuel to succeed.

We must change our mindset to live a happy life. You can practice it bit by bit to become a complete person. See what are those essential qualities that you need for a happy life.


If you are leading a hopeless life then not to worry. Believe in being optimistic and keep telling positive things to yourself. And yes, it is tough to be optimistic after continuous failures. But what if there is something great in store for you. To find that out, you must keep leading your life with optimism. It ultimately leads you to a happy life.

Living in the moment

Live in the moment while you prepare yourself for the future. Overthinking can ruin your present happiness.


Patience Another ideal quality that leads to you a happy life is patience. When you are failing to reach a point or ambition then have patience to retry it. Losing patience is losing hopes and then letting your dream go. You can’t quit your dreams just because it failed once or twice and not to regret it if you are quitting. These are the important things that you must remember to be happy.



Is Ayurveda An Effective Treatment For

Kidney Disease?


Kidney disease is one of the major universal health concerns. Kidneys are responsible for the urination function in our body. So, there is a need to promote kidney health and go for an effective treatment.


In ayurvedic terms, urination goes through the Mutravaha srotas. When there is a blockage in these srotas it causes kidney disease or renal problems. Ideally, the fluids that you intake are received by the srotas. When the srotas are blocked it shrink the kidneys and not allowed. The blockage is on the outer side srotas then urine keeps flowing and swells. As the toxins are not cleared from the body, it causes multiple health issues. Kidney disease is also associated with other health complications. Ayurveda is the best treatment to cure kidney disease. It has the treatment for different stages of the disease. Moreover, each patient with kidney disease has different causes, risk factors. All these are taken into the consideration before giving the treatment to patients.

Herbal treatment of Ayurveda For Kidney Disease

helps to cure kidney disease. The foot and joints swell due to fluid accumulation. Treatment with punarnava treats the swell that caused the disease. It aids in balancing the fluids in the body and it keeps the urine flow normally.

2. Varun Varun herb is beneficial for health in many ways. One of the chronic kidney diseases is stones n the kidneys. This herb is potent in the components that prevent stone formation in the kidney. It can cure the conditions like intestinal bleeding, intestinal worm infection and migraines.

3. Kaasni Kaansi is another effective ayurvedic herb that treats various kinds of kidney disorders. The kidney problems cause inflammation that weakens the immunity of the affected person. The herb acts as

natural anti-inflammatory medicine. It can be used to treat constipation, respiratory problems and increases hemoglobin levels.

4. Palaash Palaash, the ayurvedic herb that makes the renal functioning normal. Improper functioning of the liver can be a direct cause of kidney diseases. This herb especially promotes liver function. It has antiseptic elements that cure remove the parasite and intestinal worms from the gut. You can chew the leaves of palaash to treat sore throat and cold.

5. Gokshur Gokshur is a herb with cooling properties that relieves inflammation and also treats chronic kidney disease. The properties of the herb are powerful to fight inflammation. It promotes the immunity of the body.

1. Punarnava The herb has the nature of anti-inflammatory which




Study: Researchers Expla the Biological Mechanism That


Irritable Bowel Syndrom 32

The researchers have found the mechanism that causes irritable bowel syndrome. The research has been conducted on mice and humans. Few people suffer from abdominal pain after eating certain foods. The study is based on the causes that trigger food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome. It helps to make effective medicine and treatment for IBS.

ains Causes


me (IBS) 33

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common health condition. 20% of the population globally experience IBS. It can be a disturbance to the healthy living and well-being of the affected person. It condition causes pain stomach and uneasiness until there is a relief.

What Study Says? According to His Team’s laboratory and clinical studies, certain foods activate the cells to release histamine and it eventually results in

stomach pain and discomfort. The previous study by Professor Boeckxstaens and his team revealed that blocking of histamine which is an essential component in the immune system can relieve the symptoms of IBS. If the intestine is healthy then the immune system doesn’t react to the foods a person intakes. Understanding this point, the researchers made an attempt to know what is breaking down the tolerance of intestines. Since the IBS patients mostly complain about food poisoning and gastrointestinal infection. So, this gave a lead that the infection is caused when certain foods in the gut might sensitize the immune system to the particular food. There is a pending clinical trial on the antihistamine treatment. But it is the cells that are releasing histamine which causes IBS. But then the cells not only release histamine. They release various other mediators than just histamine. So, there is a need of blocking these culprit cells first to make the IBS therapy more efficient.



5 Workable Ways to Improve Sex Life The low sex drive and lack of sex in relationships are quite common. But in long run, it can lead to a detachment from your partner. If you know how to improve your sex life, you can support and understand your partner. This can be a mutual effort and a challenge to tackle. Emotional strength, physical fitness are the other factors that make your sex life happier. Here are the simple ways can come to your aid for better sex life.



1. Educate yourself You have various ways to educate yourself about sex in a relationship. You need to know various aspects of it. You must educate yourself to discover your desires, your partner’s desires. The untold wishes and likes in bed.


You must know what’s right and what’s not. There is a need to learn about safer sex, sex with pleasure before getting into action. Lack of sex education in adults can be a reason for unsatisfied sex life. So, learn it and then get started.

2. Know the difference

Few people are uncomfortable with intimacy with their partner. It could because of your past experiences. Experiences of sexual abuse can affect the person and their future relationships. If you have any kind of intimacy fear or disgusted feeling towards being touched then you must know the difference.


sexual intercourse. It is more effective for women. Kegel exercise can help improve sexual arousal with proper blood circulation. It relaxes the vaginal muscles and widens the vagina. If you can practice kegel exercise, then there is less need for lubricants.

You must know the difference between sex with your partner and sexual abuse. Forced sex or sex unless you are ready for intimacy with all your will and wish is termed as sexual abuse. You must give yourself some time. As time passes, you will find it easier to accept the reality. Then physical intimacy comes along as you feel comfortable and secure with your partner.

in your diet, use lubricants for wetness and practice exercises. These can treat vaginal dryness and make sex painless for you.

4. Kegel exercise If your last sex experience was painful then it could be due to various reasons. It is helpful for both men and women for flexibility during

5. Show affection and reciprocate Affection is the kick start for sex with your partner. The affectionate bond plays an important for happy sex life. If your partner is affectionate to you then reciprocate. And also show your affection proactively. Affection mentally and physically can is a sign of your love and lust. These can be the game changers for your sex life.

3. Treat vaginal dryness Women who have vaginal dryness may have painful sex. The fear out of painful sex keeps their sex drive low. But nothing to panic about vaginal dryness. You need to make some changes WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021





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Lung Cancer in Men Causes, Symptoms and Prevention



Lung cancer is the same for all until you know about it in detail. There are different causes of lung cancer that differ for men and women. What’s common about lung cancer in men and women is the symptoms

According to the American Cancer Society, is a leading type of cancer. The statistics of the study records 2,34,030 new cases which includes 1,21,680 males and 1,12,350 are females. It also recorded 1,54,050 deaths which includes 83,550 men and 70,500 women. It is observed the smoking increases the risk of developing lung cancer. Smoking is more common in men compared to women in the U.S. You can obtain awareness on lung cancer in men. Know how lung cancer can be detected in men, the causes and prevention along with treatment.

Lung Cancer in Men There are types of lung cancer. Men are affected more affected with squamous cell lung cancer compared to women. It affects the airways of the lungs. The main cause of this type of lung cancer is smoking.

Symptoms of lung cancer in men If you want to know if it is the particular type of lung cancer that is mostly affecting men or smokers then you must consider these symptoms. These are early symptoms of squamous cell lung cancer that is recorded to more in menl Continuous cough



MEN HEALTH Eventually, it merges with the air that you breathe. Excess radon gas levels around your home can cause lung cancer.

l Breathing problem, shortage of breath l Chest pain l Uneasy swallowing l Low appetite l Rapid weight loss l Fever l Fatigue l Blood or mucous when coughing

What are the causes of lung cancer in men? 1. SMOKING The harmful substance in cigarettes damages the cells of the lungs. The very first smoke changes the tissues of the lungs but your body has WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021

the potential to repair the mild damage caused by smoking. Later on, it loses immunity and hikes the danger of lung cancer.

2. HISTORY OF RADIATION THERAPY If a person has undergone radiation therapy for another kind of cancer then there is a chance of affecting by lung cancer. The left of cells may affect the lungs to cause cancer.

How to prevent lung cancer? 1. STOP SMOKING If you are a smoker then stop smoking and if you have never smoked then don’t start it.

3. HEREDITY If the parents, sibling or child of a person is affected with lung cancer then it can be a risk for him/her as well.

4. INHALING RADON GAS Radon gas is released when due to the breakdown of uranium in soil, rock and water.


Smoking is highly risky for your lungs. Quitting smoking at any age can lower the risk of lung cancer.

reduces the inflammation in the lungs and improves the immune system. At least try to exercise most of the days in a week if you are not able to do it daily.

2. AVOID RADON EFFECTS AT 4. INCLUDE HOME FRUITS AND You must get a check of radon at VEGETABLES IN your home to take the needed YOUR DIET measures of preventing lung cancer. You can approach the local department of public health.

3. START WORKOUT Exercising can improve pulmonary function which prevents lung cancer. It 41

The nutrients in fruits and vegetables can protect your lungs. Flavonoids in fruits and veggies are associated to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Don’t take vitamin supplements excessively as they can be harmful.



Healthy Recipe of Spinach and Broccoli Enchiladas If you are looking for a protein filled dish for breakfast or lunch then try this recipe. It is loaded with cottage cheese and low fat cheddar cheese. Broccoli and spinach is an unbeatable nutritious combo. It is specified to use olive oil for multiple health benefits. It is an easy to make healthy recipe in between a busy day.


Chopped spinach ½ teaspoon garlic powder ½ Teaspoon cumin powder

You will need the following

1 Cup cottage cheese

1 Chopped onion

1 Cup low fat cheddar cheese

1 Cup finely chopped broccoli

8 Flour tortillas

2 Teaspoons olive oil

1 Cup picante sauce



Method To Prepare

Take a ⅓ spoon of prepared stuff and add to the tortilla.

Preheat the oven at 350°.

Roll the tortilla with spinach stuff. Prepare all 8 tortillas.

Place a large non-stick pan. Add oil, finely chopped onions and saute it for 2-3 minutes. Add chopped spinach, broccoli, picante sauce, garlic powder and cumin. Stir the mixture and turn off the flame. Grate cottage cheese and cheddar cheese over the mixture. 43

Place them in a baking dish and coat the rest of picante sauce over all the rolls. Cover the dish and bake for 25 minutes approx. Once tortillas are baked, grate some more cheese and bake it for another 5 minutes. Let the cheese melt before transferring into the serving plate WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021


A Gui Neti Kriya Yoga Benefits, Instructions and Precautions



Yoga poses are beneficial for physical and mental health. Now yoga became the most popular physical activity for healthy living and well-being.

If you are already into yoga practice then add neti kriya to it. It is an exercise that takes fewer minutes but has multiple health benefits. If you are new to neti kriya then do it practice it with an expert’s guidance. Neti kriya is cleansing your system removing the impurities and toxins. Before practicing neti kriya, you may know how to do it and the health benefits it. 45



What is neti kriya? Neti kriya is a yoga practice of cleaning the nasal passage letting the water from one nostril and letting it out from the other nostril. The water is poured from the neti pot into the nostrils. It is an ancient technique of yoga to clear the mucous and blockages from nasal passages.

Benefits of Neti Kriya 1. Strengthens for the respiratory system Cleaning your nasal passage can strengthen the respiratory system. It will be free from infections and inflammations with regular detox.

2. Cures asthma It clears the nostrils and helps freebreathing for asthma patients. People with asthma can follow the right instructions and practice neti kriya yoga. It is effective in reducing the symptoms of asthma like difficulty breathing and excess mucous.

3. Prevents infections As it flushes out the toxins, pollutants and allergens from the nasal it keeps you away from infections. You can prevent cold and flu symptoms with neti kriya yoga.

4. Relieves migraine

Neti kriya cools the brain as it aids in reducing overheat. The cooling effect can relieve migraine symptoms.

5. Reduces snoring If snoring is caused due to a blocked nose the neti kriya is an effective treatment. It clears the blockages and that eventually stops you from snoring in sleep.

How to practice neti kriya? You must choose the right neti pot to practice the kriya. Experts recommend using a copper net pot that comes with a long nozzle.

It is a benefit for the sufferers of migraines. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021


5. Place the end of the nozzle inside your left nostril. 6. Bend your head towards the right while pouring the water inside the nostril. 7. Adjust your head in a way the water flows from the left nostril to the right nostril and then from the right nostril. 8. Gently keep pouring the water until it empties the pot. 9. Fill the pot for the second time with saltwater and repeat the steps for the right nostril.

Precautions For Using Neti Pot Things you need l Net pot l Lukewarm water l A pinch of salt

Steps to do

You must choose a perfect neti pot which an elongated nozzle. Never use tap water to fill the neti pot. The studies say that tap water in neti pot can infect the brain with the dreadful amoeba. See that your nose becomes dry after practicing neti kriya yoga with the pot. If your nose is moist then practice Kapal Bhati pranayama.

1. Use bottled and sterilized water. 2. Add a pinch of salt to the lukewarm water. 3. Sit or stand comfortably before starting the process. 4. Bend towards the front for the water to flow out rightly.




5 Elements That Make A Home



Everyone’s peaceful place must be home. If it is not then space lacks the peaceful elements. Organizing the things, good furniture placements are included in a peaceful home. What’s beyond this is the environment, the vibe, and pleasantness. These can’t be bought but must be added with effort. Make simple efforts to make it a peaceful home for yourself and for your family.

all the time? If you want to make it a good choice for all the times then keep your decor subtle. It must make you feel relaxed as you come back home from the outdoors. It is good to coat your interior with vibrant colors and giant attractions. But at least keep your bedroom and kitchen with subtle colors and decor. Brightening up the living room is still not a bad idea.

2. Lighting

Pick these ways for a peaceful home. These are elements that are doable with fewer expenses. It doesn’t cost you much yet gives the pleasure of owning a home. We brought you these ideas as peacefulness is the most important factor for healthy and happy living. Simple Tips For A Peaceful and Pleasant Home

1. Subtle decor

Lighting must be different in different rooms. You need to install brighter lights for adequate illumination in the living room and study rooms. It is to not strain your eyes. You need task lights at the dressing table and bathrooms. When it comes to bedroom lighting, keep it dimmer for a pleasant atmosphere and good sleep. Improper lighting can affect your mood, sleep and well-being. Follow these tips as lighting is an important element for a peaceful home.

3. Greenery Your choice is the best for you! Is it the same 49

A study found the people surrounded by green space have less mental distress, less


while you indulge in the joy of music and dance. On a long day, you can just come back home and have a warm bath, sip some tea while music plays along. It calms your mind, mood and sets everything right.

5. Aromatherapy anxiety and depression. Greenery balances the cortisol levels. You can install a few houseplants at every corner of your living space. It keeps your mood more stable. It also helps for harmony at home.

4. Music Aromatherapy is one of the best treatments for various health issues. Try to inhale the fragrance of fresh flowers or essential oils like lavender, chamomile or peppermint. You can even choose the aromatherapy candles like clary sage, bergamot, or ylang-ylang.

It is completely worth investing in a music system. Music is a proven therapy for mental stress and anxiety. Studies found that music significantly reduces depression. You can sing, play and dance to the music to combat mental stress and anxiety. All the mental disturbance alleviates


A study found that clary sage reduces stress levels in women with menopause. Bergamot relieved the women from negative emotions, fatigue and dropped the salivary cortisol levels. If you inhale ylang ylang, it improves self-esteem. If you are allergic to any of the fragrances then beware of them and avoid them.


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8 Natural Ways To Treat

Nausea Under Different Conditions WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021


1. Eat ginger

Ginger is a well-known way to prevent nausea. It work to treat vomiting and nausea during pregnancy, It has anti-nausea properties which show the effect instantly in controlling the uneasy feeling.

Nausea is a sensation that can make a person feel ill and unhealthy. Everyone would have been through this condition without a known reason. The main cause can be the foods, fluids for nausea. Not only this, even mental state plays a major role in triggering nausea. And certain health conditions may show nauseousness as a symptom.

You can take a piece of dry ginger and consume it. You can have plain ginger tea or eat some grated ginger strips.

2. Citrus smells

Many experience it as motion sickness. You lose control over the vomiting sensation and nauseousness. When you are feeling it, you must know the ways to get rid of it as soon as it triggers. You can even prevent nausea and vomiting with the remedies.

When you feel nauseous, you can smell citrus fruits like lemon or sweet lemon. A study found the citrus smell relieves nausea. 40% of women felt less nauseous with aromatherapy of lemon. You can take a slice of lemon and smell it when you feel nauseous.

You can know the natural ways to treat nausea and implement it from now. Along with it, look take an overview of preventing ways.

3. Aromatherapy with





soothes the nauseous feeling.

6. Avoid hard smells Some of the hard smells may trigger nausea. It worsens the condition, especially during pregnancy. You must avoid the hard smelling perfumes and any other kind of smells that you are sensitive to.

If you are accessible to peppermint oil then you can inhale it. It is an alternative natural remedy that aids in reducing nauseousness. A study found that aromatherapy with peppermint for nausea is 57% effective. It can even help women who experience nausea during pregnancy. If you are nauseous soon C section delivery, then peppermint can give you relief.

7. Limit the fatty foods Eating fatty foods can make you nauseous. Also, avoid the oil foods as they make you feel heavy. The heaviness makes you feel fullness which may also lead to nausea. Eat lighter food and smaller meals to avoid triggering nausea.

8. Controlled breathing

4. Take in some fresh air When you feel nausea due to motion sickness, take some fresh air. Keep yourself packed in the vehicle can worsen the condition. Due to the sickening orders, you may experience nausea. Fresh air eases the odors that triggered nausea.

5. Spices consumption You can consume the spices to treat severe nausea. The spices like fennel, cinnamon and cumin have natural anti-inflammatory properties. These properties help to fight the bacteria and inflammation that cause nausea. It flushes out the toxins in the body and


Controlled breathing is another way that can ease nauseous feeling. You can try inhaling through your nose once and exhale through your nose thrice. In a study, this helped the participants in relieving nausea. It can instantly calm the condition and make you feel better. These are the natural remedies to treat and prevent nausea. See that you have at least one alternate remedy to ease the nauseous feeling. Otherwise, fresh air, breathing patterns are there to get rid of it.


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Ischemic Heart Disease - Symptoms, Causes, Prevention Ischemic heart disease affects a person when the heart doesn’t receive enough blood. The heart cannot receive blood due to narrow blood vessels and consequently leads to the risk of this disease. It is also known as Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021

It is the deadliest disease in the world. In Europe, this condition is causing nearly 4 million deaths a year which is equal to 47% of all the deaths. But according to the medical records, it is noticed that mortality rates in many European countries are lowered. The reason for the decline in the death rate might be the healthcare, awareness of the disease. 56

What Are The Symptoms of Ischemic Heart Disease?

l Swell in the abdomen region

The symptoms of ischemic heart disease may not occur at an early stage. When there is a block that stops blood flow then the health conditions change. You may see the abnormal functioning which can show these symptoms-

l Increase in weight

l Shortness of breath

l Pressure and pain in the chest

There are various risk factors that cause heart disease. It revolves around your lifestyle, diet and in a few cases, it can be carried as heredity. Below mentioned are the possible causes for ischemic heart disease-

l Heart palpitations

l Hypertension

l Swell in legs and feet as well

l High level of cholesterol

l Dizziness and fainting


l Cough and congestion due to fluid in lungs l Sleeplessness

Causes of Ischemic Heart Disease



l Overweight l Diabetes Mellitus l Kidney disease l Tobacco smoking l Excess alcohol consumption and drug abuse

How Can You Prevent From Risk of Ischemic Heart Disease? 1. Check and regulate the blood pressure and cholesterol levels Due to high cholesterol levels, it accumulates fat around the arteries. It makes the arteries narrow and lowers the blood supply. The high blood pressure condition increases the risk of heart disease as it strains the coronary arteries. Hence, you must always have a check on these two conditions to control the complications.

2. Mindful eating works


It is important to keep your diet healthy. Eat foods that are low in saturated fats, cholesterol levels. It is good to take sodium moderately as it is a risk factor of coronary artery disease.

3. Quit smoking People who smoke are noticed to have higher

risk four times higher risk compared to people who don’t smoke. Each cigarette forms plaque in the blood vessels which includes fat, cholesterol. Moreover, the chemicals in tobacco thicken the blood and form clots inside the veins and vessels.

4. Maintain a healthy weight 58

Weight gain is not only a sign of heart disease risk it is also a cause. It is learned that obese people need more blood to carry oxygen to the body. And this eventually results in blood pressure which also makes it difficult for blood flow. This makes the disease highly common in overweight people. So, weight plays a major role in ischemic heart disease. 59

You must work on your fitness if you are overweight to lower the complications.

5. 30-minute daily workout We are always asked to focus on physical activity to prevent heart disease. It is because exercises make the muscles and arteries flexible. It helps

in regulating healthy blood pressure as well. Exercise is the best way to live healthier and stronger. Be focused on your heart health to prevent ischemic heart disease. Adapt the habits that improve your heart health. Timely health check ups and considering the symptoms can keep you away from the risk of the disease. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | JANUARY 2021










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