Spider Web 2015: Environmental Elements

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I am delighted that our seventh and eighth grade students have taken on the editing of the Friends School Haverford's literary magazine "Spider Web." This year, each student's work is categorized by theme, the elements are: air, earth, fire, and water. I am also pleased to say each student was able to create a poem and/or piece of artwork to be displayed proudly in the magazine. Spider Web will now be distributed in full color online for free, with color printed and bound copies available for a modest fee. Enjoy! Shaylyn Westmoreland Editor in Chief

Editor-in-Chief ​

​Art Editor

Shaylyn Westmoreland Emily Grace

Assistant Editor-in-Chief

​Assistant Art Editor

Nzinga Suluki-Bey Morgan Donato

Copy Editor ​

​Assistant Copy Editor

Ralph Mitchell Chloe Wheeler *Special Thanks to Sarah Eckstein Indik who helped with artwork in this edition of Spider Web*

In Memoriam If the amount of time you have is short Engage in the activities that matter most If the amount of time you have is short Spend your time carefully, frugally, thoughtfully If the amount of time you have is short Connect with people—friends and neighbors, new and old If the amount of time you have is short Fill your life with joyous things I am honored that Morgan Donato thought we mattered, valued us, and shared with us her persistent joy-- in time that was too short. -- Michael Zimmerman

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Amara - Kindergarten

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Caroline - 3rd Grade

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Nick- 3rd grade

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Ella - 3rd Grade

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Who am I? By: London Starr - 5th Grade Who am I? I can be a whisper or I can be a blizzard Who am I? I can move leaves or I can shift sand Who am I? I can be gentle and calm or I can roar like a locomotive Who am I? I am the wind.

wind blowing hard and soft leaves falling trees swaying left and right -Corey, grade 6

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Rooted in Integrity Ever expanding and reaching extreme depths, roots provide stability. Unseen from the surface, they nurture the structure as a whole. An established system will enrich in a seemingly unlimited fashion; naturally, systematically, effortlessly. Inner beauty and strength stem from a solid base. Just as the earth provides for countless trees, allowing them to flourish during their lifecycle, the knowledge and values absorbed while attending Friends School Haverford enable students to thrive throughout the future. Tr. Angela Stauffer

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1st Grade

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2nd Grade

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Save the Chimps by Reily

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3rd Grade

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Hail My hamster gnawing on a sunflower seed his little paws moving as fast as lightning and thunder hearing it is as loud as hail beating on the ground like one hundred little foot steps marching one by one in a row but the sound is louder than one hundred little foot steps it’s like 50 giants marching in a row the sound could be anything it could be one hundred deers prancing 10 elegants stomping 15 dogs running and barking cats chasing each other the sound of hail could be anything Jacie Thomas - Grade 4 A Bee Story A bee flies to a flower pollinating it Back to the hive bee goes He helps the queen The queen lays eggs Bees take care of the eggs He wiggles to the north east south west to tell other bees where flowers are Daniella Standridge- Grade 4

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Summer Flowers and heat rays from the sun Fire burning Exhausting me Making me sweat Bees buzzing Minding their own business Getting nectar The sky is blue like water A refreshing drink Cooling me off Puffy clouds above Pull thoughts from my imagination The joy of outside is as sweet as a lollipop Jared Hoffman

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______________________________________________________________________________________ Spring Bees will buzz, hungry for honey, to fill up their storage for winter Dandelions dancing in the breeze, swinging gracefully under cherry trees A tree sprouts buds like a flower opening to a new life The new soft moss soft and cooling under my feet, I sit beside a running stream with a beautiful breeze No wonder people call this paradise A smell of life is in the air, Sweet smell of pollen, flowers, new buds, and sweet grass with the wonderful music of humming bees, soft cooing of a morning dove in a chorus with a pair of robins, and a dove Life is everywhere, but you can’t see it It’s like mother nature playing hide-and-go-seek The land stretches bare, but suddenly, spring is in the air, a stream runs by, gurgling ”goodbye” and birds come back singing “It is spring, sweet spring” The river is frozen, the river is deep, but suddenly, it melts at my feet, it starts to rise, forming a lake, reflecting the periwinkle blue sky and the beautiful delicate white and pink cherryblossoms As I watch, a sparrow flies, over the periwinkle blue peaceful face of the once running river, now coming to rest at my feet The sand is cooling under my feet, and in the shade, it is 20 degrees the hot, the cold, so good together, they make a perfect warm weather, perfect for me, perfect whatsoever The earth was cold, now it’s warm, the air is as sweet as a Halloween day, the geese come back from far, far away They stop by a lake to take a drop to drink and a crumb of bread, and they are back on their way. Suddenly, smoke is in the air, geese take off, frightened, as a great fire unfolds, swallowing the forest hole, then turns around, hungry for more Planes swoop gracefully over fire, choking it, until it has gone away The geese come back, searching the ruins, and they find a new redwood tree, opening to a new life Mia Jeftic- Grade 4

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Winter Snow is like a white (as paper), soft (as a pillow), cold (like ice), blanket. Super comfy, crystal-y, cozy too! Cold air blowing on your face with crystals. Ice covering the pond. Feeling cold on the outside, but warm on the inside. Now, covering what you see in fall leaves, spring flowers, and summer steam. When it’s spring, the warm sun will come out, melting the snow, the ice melting, dripping off the end, snow melting, steam rising from the snow. This is nature’s life. Joey Clarke, Grade 4 Thunder Clouds gathering, lefts blowing Thunder in the distance coming closer BOOM! more thunder coming down the road Zoe C., Grade 5

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Tale of 11 By Michael J- Grade 7 Eleven brave soldiers, the finest of men, A killer was among them, and then there were ten. Ten brave soldiers, one started to whine, One failed to be brave, and then there were nine. Nine brave soldiers, unsure of the date, One was lost to wonder, then there were eight. Eight brave soldiers, one was blamed for Evan, One was out witted, then there were seven. Seven brave soldiers, one played with sticks, One disturbed nature, then there were six. Six brave soldiers, still barely alive, One was silenced by death, then there were five. Five brave soldiers, one’s heart was feeling sore, Liquid became air, then there were four. Four brave soldiers, one took an arrow to the knee, the killer, and then there were three. One was ​ NOT​ Three brave soldiers, one wasn't truly true, One was left behind, and then there were two. Two brave soldiers, there quest was nearly done, One was killed by their partner, then there was one. One soldier left, they were in for a surprise, The puppet was killed, and the killer claimed their prize.

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Emily Grace- Eighth Grade

Clean Sea remembers better days. It immerses you in it’s dark wonderland, a kind of a calm found nowhere else. A beautiful, shining sun can be found overhead, but it’s beauty is lost underwater. You have two options- sink or swim. The choice is yours. Moon guides you to your decision. The sun sets eventually. Like clockwork, it’s consistent, yet so intricate it scares you. The moon rises and illuminates the lapping waves, spreading it’s eerie glow throughout the coming fog. The once crystal water is now a dark blue, almost black. Waves lie, hiding your worst nightmares underneath them. They cascade in silver undulations, concealing the dangers that lie beneath them. The once peaceful atmosphere is now a horrifying dream you can’t wake up from. Stars cry tears of knowledge. They are fully aware of what your choice will be, as the choice has been made by so many others. They can only watch. They would do anything to change the inevitable, but you’ve made up your mind by this point. It’s all moving in slow motion now. Currents sweep you to the answer you’ve been looking for. They engulf you in their magnificence. It’s an acquired taste, darkness. It takes a certain person to understand it’s true beauty. The fast pace of the water is too powerful for you to fight- so you let it win. Lungs fill, cleaned out by your sudden submersion. A vague light can be seen, but you aren’t sure if it’s your imagination. You let yourself sink, just to feel the bliss of floating one last time. You’re well aware what fate has lead you to, but you cannot escape at this point. You thrash around at the realization you can’t change your mind, but you know you made the right choice. So you float, motionless, in the cool, smooth tide. You float, a puppet, and the waves your puppet master. Freedom is a few seconds away. You are finally clean.

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The Stone watches The stone watches always, watching the rises and falls of the world The stone listens to the laughs, and cries of our children I am the stone, the motionless breathless all seeing stone I am the earth - Ralph Mitchell, grade 8 Melancholy Storm water is an element of sadness clouds cry every so often they bring gentle or tremendous tears of rain these drops plummet to the ground in a mellow steady rhythm which can lull you, whose own face is wet, into a peaceful, dreamless slumber although a restless sleep, you always hear the lullaby of the heartbroken rain thunder, strong, powerful, can startle you out of this serene rest but the dull pitter-patter of the rain is still constant just like the ache in your heart -Sarah E. I, grade 8

Stars Dance The stars dance across the night sky The beauty of their glistening glow As you see them passing by Once you see them you will know It will capture your eye - Gabrielle Ryals, grade 8 Dawn Takes dawn takes dawn takes the night air. dawn takes all the memories made last night elsewhere -Jonah, gr. 8

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Rocks Cry When the rocks cry you know they are broken With every unkind word spoken But maybe it is better to talk your mind than to leave everything inside. -Zak L., Grade 8 Loneliness A once beguiling, esoteric aura now proved banal and lucid much less like a dream than before but nonetheless surreal, a nightmare The vivid, coral flowers that once dangled from vines now hanged insipid and lifeless. Lightning never strikes twice But the tree it stuck will always remember Keep me in mind while you sail seas Dance on packed earth With fire in your eyes and wind in your hair - Zaynab S, grade 8


Steel Destroys Steel destroys, it smashes and slashes and mutilates anything that happens to be in its wake. Such a malleable element, It could protect, it can heal or support. Yet the greedy humans humans use it in so many horrible ways, hundreds of people dead, in just 10 days. Liam S, grade 8

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Adam - Kindergarten

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Mara, Kindergarten

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Sophie, Kindergarten

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Luca, Kindergarten

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Landon, Kindergarten

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Beatrice - Kindergarten

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Bennett - Kindergarten

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Caden - Kindergarten

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Calla - Kindergarten

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Elly - Kindergarten

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Graham - Kindergarten

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Olive - Kindergarten

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Shelby - Kindergarten

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Joanna - Kindergarten

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Grade 1

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Grade 1

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Grade 3

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Fire moves fast, like a cheetah Sprinting to catch its prey. Fire’s color is red You might think it’s orange and yellow but it’s really just red Fire will burn Fire will sizzle, snap, fizz. - Faith Blackwell Grade 4

When I think of fire I think of rage and a city drowning in fire People screaming in terror Waves of fire Ocean of fire Eyelash of fire Burning hot But fire can also be calm Like fire on a candle Really peaceful -Tremayne Dixon Grade 4 Fire A burning flare A burst of energy A helpful push - Alyssa Abel-Doh, Grade 4

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Fire Fire, a wonderful element, though deadly when uncontrollable Everyone says that earth, or water, or air is the most powerful, but fire dominates all of them. How, you ask? Or maybe why? Fire consumes air, melts ice into water, and renews earth of dead plants. Fire is powerful, fire is dangerous, and leaves scars seen and unseen on our souls, and everything else it touches. Do not make an enemy out of fire. It will come back to get you. -Ben Rothe, Grade 6 The Fire Will Always Burn The burn is painful It looks like the autumn leaves The flame is immense in the dark sky. The fire will always burn -Imran L, Gr. 6 I overhear the volcano erupt The trees are swaying back and forth I observe the hefty black rocks. -Imran L, Gr. 6 Fire is mean Fire makes his prey feel weak once you're in the fire pit there is no escape - Sal, Grade 6

Fire The bright fire light Peaceful, although destructive Hot, crackling, intense

-Ben Weissman, Grade 7

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Red Flames Grow

Flames grow before my eyes I watch colors conjoin Red and Gold Orange and White The view is so divine The danger is appealing I wish I could touch I watch with my sterile eyes My heart beating rapidly - ready to burst Waves of fire thrashing through the air Violently convulsing across the dark surface My mind goes blank - I cannot trust Soon enough, I reach out towards the burning sensation Ready to feel the intense heat against my skin -

Genesis J., Grade 7


Fire, bright light that keeps me asleep at night You keep us alive yet cause the same number to die I see you as the decider You chose who dies and why, but leave people to strive Amritpal H. Gr.8, Fire

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Grade 1

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Grade 1

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Cecilia- Grade 2

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Lina- Grade 2

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Rui Fang-Grade 2

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Tonya-Grade 2

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Aidan-Grade 3

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A.J.- Grade 3

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Alex-Grade 3

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Elias- Grade 3

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Jack- Grade 3

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James - Grade 3

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Sopia - Grade 3

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Water Cool as ice calm as still water not rippling but whispering “Come in” As the cold breeze pushes you in going in feels like an iceberg melting under you The lotus flows over the murky water The kingfisher waits patiently for fish to gather the courage to show themselves The kingfisher attacks bringing dinner to the nest Amina Rouine- Grade 4 Happiness Running and jumping into the cold arctic water Just jumping in made you think about everything The blue sparkling water The peace and quiet But it’s not as cool as you thought Anwar Alcide-grade 4

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Pirates in the Sea Pirates have tastes for the sea plundering ships Their swashbuckling crew making people walk the plank to the never ending sea Fish swimming The deep ocean moving just like pirates sailing their ship with their pirate-y ways Continuing to plunder the puny humans in their path Raising sunken ships in the deep sea where the wood is rotting with water But then water got back at them for polluting the water and started to rock them back and forth like wind blowing All water creatures wanted to know what the great water spirit was doing All the water surged and crashed That crew was a good one, q very good one They thought they knew what was being thrown at them But truthfully they didn’t know After a while the storm was through The water thought that pirates had been taught Soon after the storm cleared They docked at the nearest lake town Wyatt E. Strawbridge- Grade 4

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The salty ocean water Meets with the sand Washing away faded footprints -

Madeline L, Grade 6 Water

I feel the water crawling up toward my feet Feeling the wetness when it comes toward me I start to dream that the water is carrying me And letting myself go, feeling alive! -Chloe W.- 7th grade Life is to a Drop of Water Drip drop… Drip drop… A drop of water is like a human life The longer one is around, the less there is remaining Drip… Drip… Overtime it dries up and disappears Drip… Devin O’C- 7th Grade

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Shaylyn W Grade 8 Startling Poem The tale of water Have you ever heard the tale of the water? It remembers everything The tears that cried beside it The reflection of many people The splashes of young children It remembers everything Running through the rivers and streams Cascading down waterfalls The dancing of different fish Lilypads floating above them Water remembers everything flowing with the branches in sync Watching the sun rise and fall listening to the people around them It remembers everything

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Vivienne - Grade 1

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Eduardo - 1st Grade

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Allison - Grade 3

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______________________________________________________________________________________ Fire Fire has a fierce appetite, devouring anything it touches Once it starts, it’s hard to stop With the heat of the sun it annihilates anything it touches but once it is tamed it can do amazing things Water Rushing, glistening, flowing. Moving like the wind down streams. Leaping, splashing, running, With water the world is never dry. It cascades down like it was held back and then released. Snow Like silk covering the earth Pouring from the sky like a bag of flour cut open Coming down like shredded paper Earth A round ball moving through the galaxy, slowly moving around a circular track, never stopping movement, jumping down a circular ramp, slowly moving around the sun, heating up. The Elements Without ​ Earth​ , men would fall into a bottomless void, falling down and never coming up. Without ​ fire​ , humans would eat their food raw, and their houses would be weak, crumbling at the edges. Without ​ air​ , we would die and the earth would turn dark and wither. Without ​ water​ , creatures throats would be dry and the world would wrinkle up. ​ Earth​ , ​ water​ , ​ fire​ , ​ air Without them the world would disappear. ​ Ben - Grade 4

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The Elements Earth Earth is a home to many things. The ground is a city to the little creatures of the forest. The cracks in the ground are little doors of opportunity and wonder. Water Water is an everlasting stream. It goes in every direction. It helps wherever it goes. The journey never stops. Air Air blows everything around. It can never stop moving. The breeze is not hot or cold, It’s just right. Fire Fire is very hot. It burns everything in its path. Fire is a raging bull, ready to charge. Eric - Grade 4

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The Elements Water Water splashes, gushes, gurgles all day long But at night it quiets As if it knows that people are sleeping Earth Earth splits Volcano rises Earth pushes to get away Fire Fwoosh, Crackle! Fire spits out mud in its mouth Beginning to roar to life Air Twirling, Swooping, Leaping, Sliding Doing it’s best to keep us alive The elements are alive They channel their glowing, golden energy To keep the earth alive

Lindsay - Grade 4

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Snow Snow looks like bunches of paper towels landing safely quietly peacefully to the ground Sometimes when angry turns into a big furious rude windy wild snowstorm Sometimes has a light uplifting positive really good attitude and will be calm and will entertain you in many ways Megan - Grade 4

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Winter’s Art An enormous sheet of white paper, flawless, pristine, pure… To draw snowmen, snow art galore For the only thing you can do out there, is to see how far your mind will go Oliver - Grade 4

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​ THE ELEMENTS AIR The frigid winter air. The air that brings clouds. And out of the cloud sacks comes dust. Snow dust. White dust. Frozen ash. And the snow comes down to our ground. FIRE The deadly, flickering fire. It destroys all. Hot fire. Burning fire. Lethal fire. It burns everything. EARTH A green and blue ball that is half dark, half light. The galaxy rotates the planet round and round. Green Earth. Round Earth, live planet. The earth is always half awake, half asleep. Christian Fras - Grade 4

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Look at the waves splashing at the shore The water is cold, I'm pretty sure The earth is shaking and I dont know why Its a earthquake, I won't cry Lightning bolts are falling from the sky But what bothers me is I don't know why I walk into a room and its filled with fire It looks like it burned the computer wire The wind is blowing my hair Why is there so much air? The fire warms my cold skin Its so warm my hands are drying My fingers feel so thin Oh no the fires dying Fishes splashing in the pond I put my hand into the wet water Basim - Grade 5

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It Flutters and Flickers It burns everything in sight That thing is fire The river flows as it slides across the stones opening in to a lake They water droplets expand in many directions freezing and becoming snowflakes The wind blows through my hair almost whisking me away with its gustes It Rumbles And Crumbles It is strong Earth The wind blows the leaves In a spiral like a mini tornado The fire Flickers in the harth Warming the cabin The ground rumbles under the young shepherds feet Making an earthquake Brie - Grade 5

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WATER cold water trickles onto my hands quickly it rushes through my fingers then it runs away WIND and WATER fresh pines ripen in the spring air wind rushing through my hair walking through the damp grass Ella - Grade 5

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Earth I look at the earth It looks beautiful flowers birds trees I wonder what will grow next There in the meadow a sunflower just blossomed. Air I feel the gentle breeze as it blows all the leafs The wind in my hair feels soothing Then it stops and then does the same thing Fire Fire is so beautiful That even the busiest of people stop to see it Then it dies down Water I see the ocean SPLISH SPLASH Someone is swimming CRASH somebody dived in Then I decide to dive in myself Jylil - Grade 5

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WIND DANCE A brisk wind blows The trees sway in an elegant way The birds sing along with the wind making a song STILL AIR Everything is silent and the air is still Houses are crumbling after the hurricane The street is empty FIRE The flames rage upward It burns, it kills, it destroys Fire Kolby - Grade 5

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Air Air is what we need to breathe Air is invisible, we can’t see it, but we know it’s there Air is something invisible that we can depend on Waterfalls Water rushes down the mountain I feel it splashing on my face as I get close to it The water looks like a clear, blue stream falling out of the sky Fire The fire crackles in the fireplace The warm bits of fire heat up my face as I stand over it The warmth of the fire reminds me of my mother’s hugs Earth The earth is a beautiful place It has crystal blue waters and lush green fields Every time I think about the earth, I think of how happy I am to live here Madison - Grade 5

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Water The cool water splashed Fish swim Leaves flow away in the current Fire Crackling fire burns wood The heat from the fire place Water falls extinguishing the flame Earth Soft soil Small seed sprout Flower Air Leaves dance Swirling wind Swaying grass Sophie - Grade 5

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Wind trees tremble in terror as the wicked wind whirls through the woods trunks groan misery Dead leaves dancing in wind, it whips my hair, crinkle underneath my feet Scratching at the windows like a dog wanting to come in wind howls outside leaves flutter off trees swept into a mad craze Fire sparks lick wood a dancing flame springs to life warmth to the world Water a gurgling stream tickling the banks of the quiet land the rhythmic falling of the rain splash of water giving life and fertility Julia - Grade 5

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The water swirls The waves crash And carry me to sea The flames rise higher The smoke swirls Everything is dark The seagull cries As the wind fills the mast And we glide the waves From seed to sprout From bud to blossom From beginning to end The life of a flower The life of me Ada Jo - Grade 6

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Mud The soil in my hands is soft It’s was created by me It created by the water and earth Calling Wind it’s calling the wind roars my name It’ s whispering the secrets of the land Water Water is the meaning of life it waters the plants to make them grow it entertains the people to keep them happy Ada S. - Grade 6

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Wind The howling wind roars knocking down tree by tree over and over again Water the calm water peacefully swaying back and forth and back and forth slowly rocking you to sleep

Autumn - Grade 6

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The Four Elements Float to Earth (Air) Autumn breeze blow Detaching old memories Leaf learn to fly The Hearth (Fire) Burnt, Calloused, Scars Nurturing flames like babies Strong hands tending fire Time Changes (Earth) Present turns past Earth spins, memories shift Future now reality Raindrop (Water) Pure liquid silver Rushing from the sky So small, so many Celeste - Grade 6

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Fire Orange and red flames jump near It feels warm outside Roasting marshmallows at night Earth Between these two trees looking at their long branches Which one should I climb Imirah - Grade 6

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Water waters every water is fun in the spring water is my life Lightning Boom!!, I hear the thunder and I see the lightning. I am so scared and I hide under my covers. I try to call my parents name but they don't hear me.

Jamie - Grade 6

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Wind This is what we breath it’s full of freshness and life they carry many thoughts and voices soon yet to be discovered Sea The sounds of the waves they are truly relaxing they run many emotions both soothing and competitive Rain I hear the water tinkling on the roof it’s so quiet yet so loud I hear peace and nature afterwards Fire Fire is a wonderful yet frightful thing They give us light and help us but they also give us pain and suffering

Kevin - Grade 6

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Fire: It brings heat and light It is warm all the time especially in winter Water: It can be warm or cool We use it to cook and in nice drinks. Air: It is what we breathe We need it to live But it can be poisonous. Earth: It is what we stand on We do use it to grow food And worms dig through it Mohammed - Grade 6

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Fire Blazing in the dark Bringing light to the moonless night illuminating the sky with sparks of red Water falling from the sky in droplets of joy seeping through my T - shirt sounds of laughter echo in my ears Natalie - Grade 6

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Fire Brightly colored flames illuminate our faces They bring light to the sky as we roast golden marshmallows Earth The land that hold life A land that holds the dead A land that makes us human Wind It frees our souls It follows our steps It gives us a new path to take Water It gives nutrients to animals It gave us an idea of art It washes off the fear Eve - Grade 6

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Four elements constantly fighting each other for dominance. yearning for their full power, churning in our core. Everlasting, never sleeping the earth is the mother giving life, taking death. No blow is hard enough to kill the Gaia. Everlasting, never sleeping The sky is the husband, father of the rest. Breathing toxins, ever changing. Everlasting, never sleeping. Fire is dying, yet ever burning. Fed by all, stopped by none. Not living, not dying. Everlasting, never sleeping Water is willed and patient Waiting an eternity, never finished. Ever churning, ever waiting Everlasting, never sleeping. Alejandro - Grade 7

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Fire dances across the field, beautiful and destructive. I run, thinking no one knows, but the mountains see and the stones remember. The stars glide through the night sky, night turning to day. My legs collapse beneath me and I crawl under a nearby tree, hoping I am far enough away. The onset of dawn and then realization. Fire, alluring yet appalling, amazing yet terrible. Nature’s paradox. Isaac - Grade 8

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​ The Story Of the Four Elements Fire, Water, Earth, Air They stand with earth Being watched by us Wondering How far we will hurt them How brief we will stay on a land we don’t belong Fire, Water, Earth, Air Together they show the power of Mother Earth Taring away homes Creating destruction for the fun of it Fire, Water, Earth, Air They tell a story A story of Death. Life. Love. The story of there life We shall never Know Fire, Water, Earth, Air A part of earth They were together But now they stand alone One by One They Disappear Two by Two They Fall Three by Three They Devour life Four by Four They take Earth Hostage Fire, Water, Earth, Air Created Earth Fell from Earth Then made Humans We must protect what we want But not what we took Earth isn’t our’s its theirs

Nzinga - Grade 8

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Lightning remembers Everywhere, everyone, but, He never strikes twice Wind responds always, Whistling and whispering Throughout the whole year Magma bides his time He is a deadly surprise Just waiting, waiting Sam - 8th Grade

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Fire Fire dances Fire hurts Fire teaches Fire remembers Fire glides Fire loves Fire dies

Nightfall At nightfall, the sun leaves. The moon shines The sky talks The stars dances And the mind sleeps David - Grade 8 Vivere, Sta, Desfair, Sacrificium, Conquer To live, to stand, to defy, to sacrifice, to conquer. What are these words? Maybe these words are the very philosophy of life. We all live for a creed or follow something to guide us through life. As we stay loyal to that we stand for what we believe in and defend it against others. We travel down a road shrouded with darkness. But continue to walk it. We defy empires who try to bring us down, and other people who do not believe. We say my way is better... your way is wrong. But will there ever be proof of that being so? We sacrifice, for our ways. But we pay for what we’ve done. To sacrifice something so precious for the future of mankind is an ultimate sacrifice. So. . . Vivere, Sta, Desfair, Sacrificium. Live, Stand, Defy, Sacrifice, Conquer.

Amir - Grade 8

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Cover Art by: Emily Grace Grade 8

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