FSH Annual Report 2012-2013

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Annual Report |

July 1, 2012 - June 30, 2013

The Friends School Haverford Annual Report is published yearly for the alumni, parents, and friends of FSH. We welcome your comments to the editor: astauffer@friendshaverford.org Head of School Michael Zimmerman Editor Angela Whalen Stauffer Director of Admission & Development Andrea Dominic Business Manager Cheryl Hammond Hopewell 851 Buck Lane | Haverford, PA 19041 610-642-2334 | www.friendshaverford.org

Letter from the Head of School Dear Members of the Friends School Haverford Family, I feel as if I am standing at an auspicious spot on the trend line of Friends School Haverford history. Initiatives reflecting the values and innovation of this marvelous school are tipping that trend line up. One must lean forward to keep one’s balance as teachers develop and implement ever more exciting and worthwhile activities and curricula. Here are just a few . . . Program Initiatives: Our first seventh and eighth grade students since before World War II (when for a brief time we had these grades) began the Friends School Haverford middle school adventure this September. We acquired Tr. Chris McCann, who has experience teaching mathematics through calculus, and provides opportunities for our middle school students to understand, speak, read, and write the language of mathematics with unprecedented fluency. In seventh grade history, students explored the origins of democratic government in the civilizations of Ancient Greece and Rome. The birth of American democracy was examined and culminated in a week long trip to Williamsburg and Washington, DC. In eighth grade, students will examine such subjects as the history of the US Civil War, the Women’s Suffrage Movement, and the founding of the Religious Society of Friends. The Quakerism study will culminate in a trip to England, an extraordinary capstone experience. We hired a chef to pilot our school lunch program, nourishing our students with a healthy balanced lunch. Students help determine menus and provide feedback about the food. Food waste is composted and leftovers donated to a local food pantry. This school year, students will be treated twice a week to a nutritious, delicious, locally sourced, and organic where possible, family style meal. In addition to being a professional marimba player and recording artist with 12 years experience teaching general music, Tr. Ed Nardi pioneered Kwaya Marimba during his first year of teaching music at FSH. In this group, our students excel as performers, and have the opportunity to collaborate as songwriters. I am excited about the growth of our instrumental and ensemble music programs under Ed’s stewardship. Business as Unusual: It is not just extraordinary program initiatives that have me feeling wonderful about Friends School Haverford. Faculty cooperation and curricular continuity are hallmarks of our evolving curricula. In pairs, clusters, committees, and as a unified faculty we enhance the power of an exciting program by

developing a shared understanding of how we teach across grades and across the curriculum. Our expanding middle school has prompted the availability of several enthralling after school activities (ASA’s), such as horseback riding, fencing, cycling, field hockey, bowling, and ice skating. Students may also participate in our newly established seasonal interscholastic sports teams; soccer, basketball, softball, and tennis. Physical enhancement: With the addition of the eighth grade class this year, some classrooms have shifted locations to allocate space more appropriately. Lockers have been moved upstairs, closer to classrooms in order to create a better flow for middle school students. We have also created a middle school student lounge so friends have a comfortable place to study, collaborate, and converse with each other. New LED lighting and a refinished floor adorned with our logo on center court have much improved the appearance our gymnasium. The purchase of 833 Buck Lane: Last summer the property at 833 Buck Lane became available. Adjacent on two sides, we saw the wonderful potential of the additional space and the School Committee worked quickly, and with help from some very generous friends of the School, we were able to purchase the property. We began working with faculty, staff, trustees, parents, and students to determine a strategic vision of the School and to translate that vision into bricks, mortar and outdoor space. After a careful search, KSK Architects was chosen to design the campus master plan. I am excited about the possibilities for programmatic and space enhancements. Up, up, up: Enrollment continues to trend up. Last year we enrolled more students than the year before and we will do the same for next year. This past year we had 142 students enrolled, up from 111. We currently have 158 students enrolled for the 2013-2014 school year. We are looking forward to what promises to be an outstanding 2013–2014 school year. Thank you for being an important part of our community. Sincerely,

Michael Zimmerman 1

Maywood: 833 buck lane details You may have driven down Buck Lane for years and not noticed the expansive property at 833 Buck Lane adjacent to Friends School Haverford. Lushly overgrown hedges and trees mask the 1.25acre property that has been piquing the curiosity and imaginations of the School and the Meeting for generations. When the property became available in late 2011, there was no doubt that this was a “once in a lifetime� opportunity for Friends School Haverford. The School Committee worked quickly to develop a plan and to raise the necessary funds to move ahead with the acquisition. A small group of generous donors stepped forward to make the opportunity a reality, and in August of 2012, the transaction was complete. The purchase of 833 Buck Lane, or Maywood, as it was named at the turn of the 20th century, has opened up numerous possibilities for the campus of Friends School Haverford. The property is adjacent to FSH on two sides and the acquisition enhances the footprint of the school in a most natural way. Following the acquisition, and the necessary rezoning process, the school was ready to begin considering how to best use the property to enhance our PS – 8 program. A strategic planning process was conducted in the spring, working with all stakeholders, to produce an educational vision for the school and to consider how the facilities should support this vision. We have hired the firm of KSK Architects Planners Historians, Inc. of Philadelphia to work with us to develop a comprehensive campus master plan. They will assess the condition of Maywood and our existing facilities and work with us to envision capital improvements that will support our educational program. We are

assessing the capacities of Maywood and the alternative costs for how to use the property and house to benefit the school. The cost of the campus master plan was generously underwritten by a group of longtime friends of the School.

Maywood: Circa 1911

The Master Planning Task Force, comprised of faculty, staff as well as current and former parents, has been working with KSK since early June. The work of assessing and evaluating our facilities, and aligning the goals and vision for the program, is producing many interesting possibilities. From the beginning, easing traffic flow and improving campus safety has been an important consideration. The faculty and staff are looking 5-10 years out, considering trends in education and how FSH can use all the facilities to deliver the highest quality educational program for our students. This includes trends in science and math and the arts as well as technology, humanities and Early Childhood Education. Sustainability and outdoor spaces are also important considerations. As we continue the work into the fall, KSK will deliver a variety of scenarios for the Task Force to consider. These options will be assessed for feasibility and to ensure that they are in service to the mission and philosophy of the School. The final plan will be a multiyear, phased development project that will involve our entire school community. We look forward to sharing news of the project and the campaign and they unfold.

- Susan Callahan School Commitee member and Clerk of the Master Planning Task Force


Middle School sports & activities This past year was an exciting time for our budding athletes. With the debut of our FSH soccer, basketball, softball, and tennis teams, we literally hit the ground running. Students enjoyed the camaraderie of being on a team together, and displayed incredible sportsmanship towards their opponents. The basketball and softball teams also put their skills to the test with a hilariously fun Faculty vs. Students game at the end of their respective seasons. Exercise also came in the form of an array of wonderful new After School Activities, or ASA’s, for our middle school students. With options like field hockey (which our third and fourth graders participated in, as well), bowling, fencing, ice skating, cycling, and horseback riding, there was an intriguing venture for everyone! We look forward to expanding our list of adventurous activities in the upcoming year.


Letter from the CLERK of the school committee My middle name is Ethan “My middle name is Ethan” he whispered as he tugged on my sleeve. I was a little surprised because I was standing at the podium at graduation reading the names of the graduates as he reached up and pointed to his name on the program. He whispered again “It’s not printed in the program, but my middle name is Ethan.” Then I realized what he meant. I had been reading the full names of all the graduates – as we usually do – and this young man recognized that I would not read his full name because his middle name was not printed in the program. So he told me. A minute or two later when it came his turn I announced his full name like all the others, and he walked slowly to receive his certificate and returned quietly to his seat as if he did it every day. Later I thought of the poise and confidence that required; to realize what was going on and to whisper to the speaker, someone he had never met, to correct this oversight and to have the sense of timing to do it between the reading of other names so as not to interrupt the proceedings. A twelve year old boy with that kind of awareness, confidence and poise seems unusual. But at Friends School Haverford it is not unusual; it is common and it is impressive. When you observe an FSH graduation you realize that all of these students exhibit these qualities. I was reminded of this recently when our son was visiting at home with a number of his FSH friends. They are all out of college now and although they attended different colleges they all have similar qualities: they are kind and friendly, articulate and funny, confident and thoughtful; they have strong values and peaceful minds. Just like older versions of the students I saw at graduation.

Thanks to the 2012-2013 School Committee for your generous commitment to Friends School Haverford: Susan Callahan Tom Caramanico Grace Sharples Cooke Sandy Dean Kate deRiel Janet Frazer Douglas Keith Benjamin Lloyd Richard Lytton


Cindy McKeever Joyce Platfoot Martha Sharples Chris Strawbridge Jonathan Weiss Roderick Wolfson Michael Zimmerman Christopher Zurek-Toton

We all want our children to be successful adults. We see their elementary school education as preparation for a great college one day, where they will learn, grow, and be a success in their profession and in their lives. We expect the right college will give them the education they need; the tools to be successful. They’ll be scientists, engineers, doctors, lawyers, teachers – or whatever they want to be. We think the right school is a stepping stone to the best colleges. And FSH is just such a school. But I have come to understand that this school does more. FSH instills in students a sense of themselves and a confidence in their own ability that is extraordinary. And it is something that not only makes them successful applicants to great colleges; but it makes them great people for the world. I see it in our twenty-something son and his FSH friends, and I saw it at graduation, when in front of a crowded room, in the middle of an intimidating and formal ceremony, a young boy whispered to me, “My middle name is Ethan.” Thank you to all the faculty and staff who make this school what it is, to the parents who entrust their students to us, to the graduates who show the world the value of an FSH education.

- Tom Caramanico

Getting to know our ancestors Fourth Grade Research Project into the History of our Cemetery By Gretchen Dykstra ’60

Fourth Grade students researched the lives and accomplishments of the storied Quakers interred in the Haverford Monthly Meeting Burial Grounds. Five students wrote and recorded their research in the recording studio.


ot long after the Ice Age, my two sisters and I used to walk to Haverford Friends every morning from our house on Panmure Road. We’d slip behind the Lloyd’s house and through their wooden gate, up the college path, around the burial grounds, and into the schoolhouse. I never thought much about the graveyard. It did not scare me or sadden me or, in truth, much interest me; its inhabitants were just there, like old neighbors unavailable for play. But I loved Haverford Friends and have stayed in touch ever since, seeking ways to reconnect. When I first met Michael Zimmerman, we got to talking about lots of things, including a recent article I had written about the Pennsylvania roots of cremation in America. That’s when it dawned on us. Wouldn’t it be fun if the kids got to know those old neighbors in the burial grounds? Teacher Lee and his feisty fourth graders were the perfect group to make the introductions. All year long they had studied communities around the state, integrating reading and writing with social studies, art and geography. They could turn their eyes and hearts to the people behind the stone walls and under the green ivy.

and a poet; Calvin Schwabe, the academic explorer who ate bugs and worms; and Howard Wood, the color blind doctor who loved orchids. Six dead people, ten willing students, five teams. The students first explored the burial ground, mapping it and drawing it, and talking about graveyards in general. Meredith Swift visited, talking about the burial grounds. Tippy Schwabe and Anne Wood, two of the widows, also came to visit on separate occasions, bringing stories, maps, picture albums and their loving enthusiasm. The kids then conducted research on the internet and poured over copies of documents Teacher Lee acquired from the Quaker Collection at the Haverford College library; they extracted the key elements of the lives and then, in their respective teams, they wrote and edited and finalized obituaries that captured the facts and the spirits of their special people. They read the obituaries aloud to the class, sometimes several times, working on their diction and their composure, introducing their people to one another and practicing for podcast recordings. They drew portraits of their new friends and they wrote epitaphs, distilling into a few words the essence of their person.

Meredith Swift from the Haverford Monthly Meeting suggested six people whom she thought would interest and inspire the kids. She chose well. So Teacher Lee, the students and I set about to bring those six back to life: William Garrigues, a relative of the donor of the land and someone who, although a Quaker, loved hymns; Wallace Collett, the pacifist candy man; Rufus Jones, the famous Quaker philosopher; his daughter, Mary Hoxie Jones, a writer

TOP: Gretchen Dykstra in the burial grounds with FSH student (Celeste Funari-Muse) and John Muse. BOTTOM: 2011-12 Fourth Grade class participants.


Graduation list Class of 2006 Colleges

Class of 2007 Colleges

Tanner Bowes: Drexel University Samuel Brodfuehrer: Washington University in St. Louis Mattock Callahan: Boston College Christopher Camerata: Washington & Lee Jeremy Comer: Washington University in St. Louis Nicholas DeFina: University of Pennsylvania Antonia DiLuca: Goucher College Kyle Evans: Drexel University Steven Green* Jaimeson Henning-Krasner: University of North Florida Kashi Inskeep: Skidmore College Charlie Kinzig: Yale University Sean Lynch: University of Pennsylvania Kaitlin Mulholland: Highpoint University Ilias Storti: Drexel University Isabel Terres: Yale University David Zager: Oberlin College

Mary Cain* Francis Doyle* Lindsay Freed* Chelsey Gaskins: West Chester University Hana Giangiacomo-Tannenbaum: Drexel University Sophie Grimaldi* Grace Heard: University of Rochester Dara Holt: University of Richmond Isaiah Jones: California College of the Arts Kenneth Lassiter: Syracuse University Haley Mankin: Villanova University Chirstopher McDougall* Grace McKenzie-Smith: Bowdoin College Jared Ominsky* Alessandra Patrizio* Vincent Patrizio: Elon University Aqeel Phillips: Princeton University Samantha Pincus: College of Charleston Margaret Reynolds* Natalie Schade: Lehigh University Patrick Torphy: Emerson College Robin Weeks*

* We’d love to hear more – if you’re in touch with this friend, please give us an update!

In memoriam

We have recently lost four special members of our Friends School Haverford Community: Joan Carroll Garner was a long-term attender of the school and graduated in the ‘40’s. Her daughter, Marjorie, also attended Friends School Haverford. Janet Hays Austin, another graduate in the ‘40’s, was a very talented artist and a good friend to many. Anne Bryan ‘01 and Mary Simpson ‘01 were both vibrant, artistic young women who had been best friends since they met in third grade.

Please join us in holding these friends in the light. Our hearts go out to their friends and family.


Alumni notes

Eric Ring '78 has opened an office in Darby, Pennsylvania. He has his MLB in tax law and also does accounting. John Partridge '83-'85 and his wife, Carly, are now the proud parents of Robert Quinn Partridge, born last July. Matthew Press '82 is now a lawyer, working in NYC. He is married to Atosisa Leoni and has a young son, Paul, born on Thanksgiving day in 2010. Jenny Schanbacher '93 found success in her early years at Germantown Friends School and Princeton University, and the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, where she got her M.A. in Theatre. She is now living in Los Angeles where she is currently playing “God” in the stage production of “Dark Side of the Moon,” by Pink Floyd. Jeff Block '95 was married last fall in Pasadena, California. Mike Schanbacher '96 is a very talented artist and musician and is “Mike” of “The Pete & Mike Band,” and they are very well-known in some select areas, especially in New England. Mike has also become a producer, and has his own studio, which he calls, “Attic Jam Studio.” Pete & Mike have put out six CD’s of their own. All tracks are, of course, available PICTURED BELOW: TOP LEFT: Eddie McCann and Eric Denbin, class of '09 TOP RIGHT: Callie Wasson, Sarah Wing, Mekiyah Coney, and Gabrielle Ciccone, class of '09 BOTTOM LEFT: Sean Lynch, Mattock Callahan, Ilias Storti, and Antonia DiLuca, class of '09 BOTTOM RIGHT: Emma Lewis '11

Share your stories with Friends School Haverford! Send an email to: communications@friendshaverford.org We look forward to hearing from you!

on I-Tunes. The title track, “Afloat,” by the way, was just used as the opening music for a TV movie on the Lifetime Network called “Sexting in Suburbia.” Notwithstanding the relatively salacious title, it was a serious movie about cyber-bullying and teen suicide, based on that terrible case in Massachusetts a few years ago. Mike’s real “career” will involve 3D computer animation, which he has found a true passion for after creating his own music video. He has recently graduated after pursuing this field of study. Aliya Solomon '99 graduated from Drexel University with a Bachelor of Science in graphic design. Kory Calicat-Wayns '09 won the Cappies Spirit Award for The Haverford School. Isaiah Jones '09 was the cover of Haverford School Today, featuring the methods he uses to create 3-D prototypes for his industrial designs. Emma Lewis '11 took the National Spanish Exam and walked away with a Nacional - Mencion Honorifica - National Honorable Mention of Achievement in Spanish. She was also top ranked regionally. Emma also took the National Latin Exam, which is given internationally, and received the 7th Grade - Latin Achievement Award - equivalent to The National Silver Medal. She also won the Philadelphia Classical Society Honorable Mention for her art project, a watercolor of Romulus and Remus suckling a wolf. She was honored at a luncheon in Philadelphia.


Gifts to friends school haverford We gratefully acknowledge the following 2012-2013 donors whose generosity supported a wide range of needs, including Annual Fund Gifts, endowment, planned gifts and much more. Your thoughtfulness is deeply appreciated. Partners $10,000 and Above

Centennial Quilt $500-$999

Anonymous (1) Alan and Kathy Bleznak Tom and Anne Caramanico Day & Zimmerman Peter and Ellen Evans John Templeton Foundation John and Sarah '76 Schmader Sharon and Harold Yoh

Eduard Aliakseyenka and Amy Cooper Jim and Nancy Caccamo Teresa Burt Carnell '76 Larry Carter '59 William Daniels and Martha Sharples Howard and Lenore Denbin Kim and Kate deRiel Mrs. Alice C. Dorrance Nick and Linda Eiteljorg Gunst Family Foundation Beth and Bob Krick Bill McVail and Katy Ruckdeschel Sacha Page and Volnie Whyte John S. Price Mark and Nancy Radomile Scott and Barbara D. Renninger Mark Rupp and Nancy Levitt Patricia and Howard Silverstein Paul Smith Arthur R.G. and Julia Solmssen, Jr. Drs. Robert and Andrea Solomon Jack and Ruth Solomon Mark Stein and Carol Baker Chris Strawbridge and Wendy Eiteljorg Brian and Erin Tessler

Heritage $5000-$9999

Anonymous (1) Bryn Mawr Trust Company Merritt T. and Grace S. Cooke Anne Janson Brook and Connie McCann Michael and Cynthia McKeever Philadelphia Contributionship The Robinson Foundation Waste Management & Processors Inc.

Founders $2500-$4999 Sally Cooper Bleznak Sandy Dean Wayne Giles '73 Marion Mann Mark and Paula Solomon Barbara Stanley Eric Zager and Marirosa Colon

Climbing Tree $250-$499

Benjamin Armstrong '79 David and Anne Baker James and Elisabeth Browning Jacklyn Brunt Martha and Harry Bryans Christian and Alice Bullitt Jeffrey Butcher and Janine Barsoum Barbara Hunter Chaffee '61 Rayenne Chen Coho Partners Andrea Dominic Thomas and Valerie Foley Andrew and Lauren Forbes Mrs. Elizabeth S. Harper '48 Cheryl Hammond Hopewell Frank Iguodala and Rebecca Proudfoot Robert and Nancy Jeffrey Ann Klotz William '72 and Meg W. Lloyd Alice Biddle Lloyd '67 Elizabeth E. Manlove '69 Ursula and Gerd Muehllehner Elizabeth Muse

Second Century $1000-$2499

Tom and Betsy Balderston Bill and Laura Buck Lin and Jim Buck Susan and Matt Callahan Doug and Cassie Keith Michael C. Kelly and Joan Mazzotti Stephen J. Kron '73 Richard and Margaret Lytton Margaret and Francis R. Manlove Suzy Miller and Howard Sklaroff Gerry and Sandra Parrotto Gary and Monique Silvi Micah and Vandy Solomon Tad Sperry and Ellen Harvey Stratton Limited Templetown Realty D Drs. George E. Weaver and Mary Hediger Lawrence Wells and Bernadette Wheeler Michael Zimmerman and Debra Fox

Giving to the annual

fund is the way to show our appreciation to a loving and nurturing place. It also shows that we respect Quaker values of equality, service, community, and peaceful problem solving. – Laila & Tony Alidjani FSH Parents


Veronica '47 and Robert Petersen Philip Rosenau Company, Inc John and Jeanne Polidori Brad and Christie Reed Priscilla Longstreth Roche '40 Jay and Regina Rothe Miriam K. Rothenberg Tippy Schwabe Tuesday Vanstory Daniel Weiser '70 Bertram and Lorle Wolfson


Robin Abell and Jonathan Doh Gordon and Jennifer Adams Matthew and Mary Adams Brigitte Solmitz Alexander '43 Phil Apostol and Nicole Trentacoste Hossein Alidjani and Laila Rajabi Asia Alderson Bennett '46 Fred and Valerie Block Bud Bretschneider Fraser and Kate Brown Larry and Wendy A. Brown Steve and Carolyn Clingman Robert Cryan '36 John and Kathleen Dabagian Letty Lee Dahme-Berkowitz Charles and Suzanne H. Davis Elizabeth Geary Davison Linda Dunn '67 and John Croll Jean Dykstra Gretchen Dykstra '60 Carol and Chuck Egoville Abdulbari Farooqi and Saeba Husain Irma M. Feldman J. Michael & Daphne Fell Aaron '79 and Tanja Fischer Edward and Jane I. Foster Janet and Evan Frazer Susan M. Getze '58 Doris Gluck Jami Godfrey and Jessica Jones Leslie Goehl and Fred Eisenberg Ame Goldman Daniel and Jacqueline Goldstein Betsy Griffith-Smith Richard Hamilton '55 Frank and Joan Harrison Lawrence Indik and Sharon Eckstein Ryakkia Johnson

Richard and Kay Kerr William Landes and Rani Isenberg Michael Langham and Jennifer Mosher Owen and Beth Lefkon Sharon and Bruce Livingston Lallie B. Lloyd '64 Lahcen Loudini and Nawal Elhindi Janice Lower '65 and Paul Berger Charlie and Betsy MacIntosh Charles Manlove '66 Daniel and Melanie Marein-Efron Mrs. Henrietta Harrison Marshall '36 Elizabeth A. Martin '53 Eleanor Earle Mascheroni '67 Barbara McClelland Eleanor Tenney Miller '71 Mark and Laura Mulholland Edward Nardi Tim and Ellen O'Connell Torie Osborn '62 Marlisa Parker Drs. Bruce Partridge and Jane Widseth Henry Pitney Jason Rash and Allison Neuhaus Richard and Susan S. Ravenscroft Joan Curtis Reese '49 John and Anne Rusk Walter and Nan W. Schanbacher Peter Schwartzman '74 J. Irving Bird Scott '61 Edward '36 and Skip Shakespeare Eugene and Valerie Singletary Lorraine Smith John J. Stetzer, III Margaret Roberts Stevenson '39 David Strawbridge Robert and Meredith Swift Mary Wallace Talbot Ann and Ed Ward Marvin and Dorothy Weisbord Rick and Mollie Wheeler Ken and Ruth Willman Rod H. Wolfson '70 and Beth Varcoe Sara Wood

It is scary the first time a child goes to school.

Our fears and, most importantly, those of our child $1-$99

Anonymous (1) Mary and Borden Ayers Caleb C. Balderston '00 Gerald Beyer and Anna Feliksik Susan Bodley Lori and Edmund Brennan Peter Bromley '69 Lorraine Brown Benjamin Bull William and Sheryl Bullitt James Caccamo and Joyce Platfoot Ulf and Kristin Cahn von Seelen Carl and Janet M. Campbell, Jr. Donald and Winnie E. Carver Elizabeth Cary Dixie Chapman '53 Sally Clingman Susan Cody Dr. Norman and Sheila H. Cohen Jay Cohen and Bonnie McClintock Cohen Annie Coughlin and Walter Harlos Kenneth Crown '72 Alan and Susan B. Daroff Margaret Dawson Robert and Annie Duggan Robert and Elizabeth Duggan Mary Kaye Edwards Nancy Ely Newlin James R. Epstein Isabella Erickson David and Mary Farrow Mrs. Marjorie Ferry Newell and Ruth Fischer Frederick '59 and Suzy Fletcher Babs McCabe Friel '47 Michael and Donya Geagan Kate Gerhart Joan Giresi Indira Goings Gary and Angela Greene DuPont and Sarah Guerry Bart Harrison Betsy Havens Neil and Carole Hecht Kathleen Hellberg Bob and Carole Henegar Jack and Carol Henn Alonzo and Lorretta Hughes Felicia Humer '47 Holland and Helen Hunter Christine M. Hunter '64 and Lou Venech Timothy and Anne Hunter '67 Nancy Hurley Patricia Isenberg Mrs. Stefanie Hetzel Johnston Rabbi Louis Kaplan Anna Kent William T. Kirk, Jr. '34 Dr. Elizabeth Korn '71 Lee Kowalski and Jean Hurd Rita and Edward Kravitz Jessica Krick Stanton '92 Elmer and Florence Laffey Wendell and Florence Lednum Tracy Bodine Lee '70 JP and Kathleen Lefebvre Margaret Leidy Jeffrey and Jennifer Lilgendahl John and Mary Pat Lynch

Sandra and Jeffrey Lynch Phebe '69 and Martin J. Mack Rebecca Madsen '80 Samuel and Deanne Marein-Efron Gertrude Marshall Margaret Marshall '59 Edward Marshall III '62 and Joanna Bassert Frank and Jeanne-Marie J. McCall Geoffrey McConnell '59 Eric and Emily Moody Jennifer Nates William S. Newlin, Jr. Mr. Frederick Y. Peters '32 Peter and Irina Pfund '44 John & Laurie Poole Gerald and Judith Porter Christine Quigley Eddie Rame and Elizabeth Turner Byford and Jessie Reed Virginia Ligget Reinhardt '34 Katherine and Matt Renninger Nancy '58 and J. Permar Richards Charles and Deborah Rose '64 Douglas and Jerilynn Ross AbdelKrim and Diane Rouine Janiel Ruffin Lori Ryals Terence and Victoria Ryan Leonard and Leah Samuels Nancy B. Savage Jennifer Schanbacher '93 Michael W. Schanbacher '96 Christopher and Stacy Schanno Diane Schetky Wendy Schwartz Woodhall Mary '65 and Robert Sickles Paul and Ellen Skilton-Sylvester Brian and Alyson Solomon Roger Standridge and Brooke Lillehaugen Angela Whalen Stauffer Sharon and Rick Stewart Chris and Mary Strasser Trudi Goheen Swain Julia Tarquinio Karen Teel Ron and Beth Thiemann Pearline Thomas Robert Thomas and Caroline Lenel Wade Tomlinson and Allison Monaco Frederick and Mary A. Tucker John Tull and Diane Gentry Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Tara Tyler Anne H. Van Arkel Mark and Dolores Verdeur Mrs. Elizabeth Severinghaus Warner '41 William H. Wassell '56 Robert and Dawn Weisbord Lois and William West Antoinette Whaley Troy and Sheronda Wheeler William and Olivia D. White '57 Herbert and Ruth Wilf John and Barbara Wille '69 Charlotte L. Williams Barry and Elaine Wisler William and Molly P. Wood, Jr. '64 Stephen V. Yarnell and Barbara Porter Paul and Pilar Yeakel

were alleviated the moment we all visit Haverford Friends School. We knew she would receive the care and attention we wanted for her. She just thought it was super cool. She bounded into school the first day. Although we knew we were entrusting her to great people, we still cried. After her first year we couldn’t be happier.

– Erin & Brian Tessler FSH Parents


Gifts to friends school haverford

Annual Fund

We give to the

Friends School Haverford Annual Fund because we are thankful to the faculty and staff for their dedication and generosity to their students. Our son is benefitting in many ways from the wonderful environment at FSH... academically, as well the important lessons he learns by being in a setting that values respect for others and helps him to expand his relationship with the world around him. We give so that FSH can continue to make a big impact on its students.

– Pilar & Paul Yeakel

FSH Parents


Robin Abell and Jonathan Doh Gordon and Jennifer Adams Matthew and Mary Adams Brigitte Solmitz Alexander '43 Eduard Aliakseyenka and Amy Cooper Hossein Alidjani and Laila Rajabi Anonymous (2) Phil Apostol and Nicole Trentacoste Benjamin Armstrong '79 Mary and Borden Ayers David and Anne Baker Tom and Betsy Balderston Caleb C. Balderston '00 Asia Alderson Bennett '46 Gerald Beyer and Anna Feliksik Alan and Kathy Bleznak Fred and Valerie Block Susan Bodley Lori and Edmund Brennan Bud Bretschneider Peter Bromley '69 Fraser and Kate Brown Larry and Wendy A. Brown Lorraine Brown James and Elisabeth Browning Jacklyn Brunt Martha and Harry Bryans Bill and Laura Buck Lin and Jim Buck Benjamin Bull Christian and Alice Bullitt Jeffrey Butcher and Janine Barsoum James Caccamo and Joyce Platfoot Jim and Nancy Caccamo Ulf and Kristin Cahn von Seelen Susan and Matt Callahan Carl and Janet M. Campbell, Jr. Tom and Anne Caramanico Teresa Burt Carnell '76 Larry Carter '59 Donald and Winnie E. Carver Elizabeth Cary Barbara Hunter Chaffee '61 Dixie Chapman '53 Rayenne Chen Steve and Carolyn Clingman Jay Cohen and Bonnie McClintock Cohen Dr. Norman and Sheila H. Cohen Coho Partners Merritt T. and Grace S. Cooke Annie Coughlin and Walter Harlos Kenneth Crown '72 Robert Cryan '36

John and Kathleen Dabagian Letty Lee Dahme-Berkowitz William Daniels and Martha Sharples Alan and Susan B. Daroff Charles and Suzanne H. Davis Elizabeth Geary Davison Margaret Dawson Sandy Dean Howard and Lenore Denbin Kim and Kate DeRiel Andrea Dominic Mrs. Alice C. Dorrance Robert and Annie Duggan Linda Dunn '67 and John Croll Jean Dykstra Gretchen Dykstra '60 Mary Kaye Edwards Carol and Chuck Egoville Nick and Linda Eiteljorg Nancy Ely Newlin Isabella Erickson Abdulbari Farooqi and Saeba Husain David and Mary Farrow Irma M. Feldman J. Michael & Daphne Fell Mrs. Marjorie Ferry Aaron '79 and Tanja Fischer Newell and Ruth Fischer Frederick '59 and Suzy Fletcher Thomas and Valerie Foley Andrew and Lauren Forbes Edward and Jane I. Foster Janet and Evan Frazer Babs McCabe Friel '47 Michael and Donya Geagan Kate Gerhart Susan M. Getze '58 Wayne Giles '73 Joan Giresi Doris Gluck Jami Godfrey and Jessica Jones Leslie Goehl and Fred Eisenberg Indira Goings Ame Goldman Daniel and Jacqueline Goldstein Gary and Angela Greene Betsy Griffith-Smith DuPont and Sarah Guerry Gunst Family Foundation Richard Hamilton '55 Mrs. Elizabeth S. Harper '48 Bart Harrison Frank and Joan Harrison

Betsy Havens Neil and Carole Hecht Kathleen Hellberg Jack and Carol Henn Cheryl Hammond Hopewell Felicia Humer '47 Holland and Helen Hunter Christine M. Hunter '64 and Lou Venech Timothy and Anne Hunter '67 Nancy Hurley Frank Iguodala and Rebecca Proudfoot Lawrence Indik and Sharon Eckstein Anne Janson Robert and Nancy Jeffrey John Templeton Foundation Ryakkia Johnson Mrs. Stefanie Hetzel Johnston Rabbi Louis Kaplan Doug and Cassie Keith Michael C. Kelly and Joan Mazzotti Anna Kent Richard and Kay Kerr William T. Kirk, Jr. '34 Ann Klotz Dr. Elizabeth Korn '71 Lee Kowalski and Jean Hurd Beth and Bob Krick Jessica Krick Stanton '92 Stephen J. Kron '73 William Landes and Rani Isenberg Michael Langham and Jennifer Mosher Tracy Bodine Lee '70 JP and Kathleen Lefebvre Owen and Beth Lefkon Margaret Leidy Jeffrey and Jennifer Lilgendahl Sharon and Bruce Livingston William '72 and Meg W. Lloyd Lallie B. Lloyd '64 Alice Biddle Lloyd '67 Lahcen Loudini and Nawal Elhindi Janice Lower '65 and Paul berger John and Mary Pat Lynch Sandra and Jeffrey Lynch Richard and Margaret Lytton Charlie and Betsy MacIntosh Phebe '69 and Martin J. Mack Rebecca Madsen '80 Margaret and Francis R. Manlove Charles Manlove '66 Elizabeth E. Manlove '69 Marion Mann Daniel and Melanie Marein-Efron

Gertrude Marshall Mrs. Henrietta Harrison Marshall '36 Margaret Marshall '59 Edward Marshall III '62 and Joanna Bassert Elizabeth A. Martin '53 Eleanor Earle Mascheroni '67 Frank and Jeanne-Marie J. McCall Brook and Connie McCann Barbara McClelland Geoffrey McConnell '59 Michael and Cynthia McKeever Bill McVail and Katy Ruckdeschel Suzy Miller and Howard Sklaroff Eleanor Tenney Miller '71 Eric and Emily Moody Ursula and Gerd Muehllehner Mark and Laura Mulholland Elizabeth Muse Edward Nardi Jennifer Nates William S. Newlin, Jr. Tim and Ellen O'Connell Torie Osborn '62 Sacha Page and Volnie Whyte Marlisa Parker Gerry and Sandra Parrotto Drs. Bruce Partridge and Jane Widseth Mr. Frederick Y. Peters '32 Veronica '47 and Robert Petersen Peter and Irina Pfund '44 Henry Pitney John and Jeanne Polidori John & Laurie Poole Gerald and Judith Porter John S. Price Christine Quigley

Mark and Nancy Radomile Eddie Rame and Elizabeth Turner Jason Rash and Alison Neuhaus Richard and Susan S. Ravenscroft Brad and Christie Reed Joan Curtis Reese '49 Virginia Ligget Reinhardt '34 Katherine and Matt Renninger Scott and Barbara D. Renninger Nancy '58 and J. Permar Richards The Robinson Foundation Priscilla Longstreth Roche '40 Charles and Deborah Rose '64 Douglas and Jerilynn Ross Jay and Regina Rothe Miriam K. Rothenberg AbdelKrim and Diane Rouine Janiel Ruffin Mark Rupp and Nancy Levitt John and Anne Rusk Lori Ryals Terence and Victoria Ryan Leonard and Leah Samuels Nancy B. Savage Walter and Nan W. Schanbacher Jennifer Schanbacher '93 Michael W. Schanbacher '96 Christopher and Stacy Schanno Diane Schetky John and Sarah '76 Schmader Tippy Schwabe Wendy Schwartz Woodhall Peter Schwartzman '74 J. Irving Bird Scott '61 Edward '36 and Skip Shakespeare Mary '65 and Robert Sickles

Gary and Monique Silvi Eugene and Valerie Singletary Lorraine Smith Paul Smith Arthur R.G. and Julia Solmssen, Jr. Brian and Alyson Solomon Jack and Ruth Solomon Mark and Paula Solomon Micah and Vandy Solomon Drs. Robert and Andrea Solomon Tad Sperry and Ellen Harvey Roger Standridge and Brook Lillehaugen Barbara Stanley Angela Whalen Stauffer Mark Stein and Carol Baker John J. Stetzer, III Margaret Roberts Stevenson '39 Sharon and Rick Stewart Chris and Mary Strasser Chris Strawbridge and Wendy Eiteljorg David Strawbridge Trudi Goheen Swain Robert and Meredith Swift Mary Wallace Talbot Julia Tarquinio Karen Teel Brian and Erin Tessler Ron and Beth Thiemann Robert Thomas and Caroline Lenel Wade Tomlinson and Allison Monaco Frederick and Mary A. Tucker John Tull and Diane Gentry Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Tara Tyler Anne H. Van Arkel Tuesday Vanstory

Mark and Dolores Verdeur Ann and Ed Ward Mrs. Elizabeth Severinghaus Warner '41 William H. Wassell '56 Drs. George E. Weaver and Mary Hediger Marvin and Dorothy Weisbord Robert and Dawn Weisbord Daniel Weiser '70 Lawrence Wells and Bernadette Wheeler Lois and William West Antoinette Whaley Rick and Mollie Wheeler Troy and Sheronda Wheeler William and Olivia D. White '57 Herbert and Ruth Wilf John and Barbara Wille '69 Ken and Ruth Willman Bertram and Lorle Wolfson Rod H. Wolfson '70 and Beth Varcoe Sara Wood William and Molly P. Wood, Jr. '64 Paul and Pilar Yeakel Eric Zager and Marirosa Colon Michael Zimmerman and Debra Fox

Our son’s excitement in going to school every day, his passion for learning, his

curiosity that unfolds, the individuality of all of his experiences, the care and love of the teachers and staff, the opportunities and adventures that await around every corner. FSH is a diverse community full of individuals who are difficult to label apart from knowing they are all friends. It is a place that cares deeply and has helped him develop his strengths while allowing him to take risks, rewarding his successes and helping him to learn when he makes mistakes. FSH is our co-parent.

– Christie & Brad Reed

FSH Parents


Gifts to friends school haverford

Current Parents Robin Abell and Jonathan Doh Gordon and Jennifer Adams Eduard Aliakseyenka and Amy Cooper Hossein Alidjani and Laila Rajabi Phil Apostol and Nicole Trentacoste Gerald Beyer and Anna Feliksik Lorraine Brown Fraser and Kate Brown James and Elisabeth Browning Christian and Alice Bullitt Jeffrey Butcher and Janine Barsoum James Caccamo and Joyce Platfoot Steve and Carolyn Clingman Robert and Annie Duggan Abdulbari Farooqi and Seaba Husain Thomas and Valerie Foley Andrew and Lauren Forbes Joan Giresi Indira Goings Ame Goldman Daniel and Jacqueline Goldstein Betsy Havens Frank Iguodala and Rebecca Proudfoot Lawrence Indik and Sharon Eckstein Ryakkia Johnson Michael Langham and Jennifer Mosher Owen and Beth Lefkon Jeffrey and Jennifer Lilgendahl Lahcen Loudini and Nawal Elhindi Daniel and Melanie Marein-Efron Michael and Cynthia McKeever Bill McVail and Katy Ruckdeschel Suzy Miller and Howard Sklaroff

We became interested in FSH when seeking a

Eric and Emily Moody Tim and Ellen O'Connell Sacha Page and Volnie Whyte Gerry and Sandra Parrotto John and Jeanne Polidori Mark and Nancy Rupp Eddie Rame and Elizabeth Turner Jason Rash and Alison Neuhaus Brad and Christie Reed Jay and Regina Rothe AbdelKrim and Diane Rouine Janiel Ruffin Mark Rupp and Nancy Levitt Lori Ryals Terence and Victoria Ryan Leonard and Leah Samuels Christopher and Stacy Schanno Gary and Monique Silvi Eugene and Valerie Singletary Paul and Ellen Skilton-Sylvester Mark and Paula Solomon Micah and Vandy Solomon Roger Standridge and Brook Lillehaugen Chris Strawbridge and Wendy Eiteljorg Brian and Erin Tessler Robert Thomas and Caroline Lenel John Tull and Diane Gentry Tara Tyler Robert and Dawn Weisbord Lawrence Wells and Bernadette Wheeler Troy and Sheronda Wheeler Roderick Wolfson '70 and Beth Varcoe Paul and Pilar Yeakel

preschool program for our eldest daughter. I (Alison) attended a Quaker college and developed a fondness and appreciation for an educational environment that encourages equality, respect, a love of learning, and attention to one’s own inner voice. We never considered another preschool program, but we also never envisioned her staying there beyond pre-K. She is now in fourth grade and her sisters, who also started in preschool, are in first. FSH feels like more than just a school to us; it’s an extended family that provides not just excellent academic, social, and emotional enrichment to our children, but also a community for all five of us. We give to FSH because we want our children, and all children, to love learning – and learning for its own sake. We feel so good about dropping them off every morning at a place where we know their minds will be stimulated and their hearts and spirits will be valued.

– Alison Neuhaus and Jason Rash

FSH Parents

Past Parents Anonymous (1) Mary and Borden Ayers Tom and Betsy Balderston Alan and Kathy Bleznak Sally Cooper Bleznak Fred and Valerie Block Lori and Edmund Brennan Larry and Wendy A. Brown Jacklyn Brunt Bill and Laura Buck Lin and Jim Buck Ulf and Kristin Cahn von Seelen Susan and Matt Callahan Carl and Janet M. Campbell, Jr. Tom and Anne Caramanico Donald and Winnie E. Carver Rayenne Chen Dr. Norman and Sheila H. Cohen Merritt T. and Grace S. Cooke Annie Coughlin and Walter Harlos Alan and Susan B. Daroff Charles and Suzanne H. Davis Elizabeth Geary Davison Howard and Lenore Denbin Jean Dykstra Nick and Linda Eiteljorg Isabella Erickson Peter and Ellen Evans Irma M. Feldman


J. Michael & Daphne Fell Newell and Ruth Fischer Edward and Jane I. Foster Michael and Donya Geagan Gary and Angela Greene DuPont and Sarah Guerry Neil and Carole Hecht Felicia Humer '47 Michael C. Kelly and Joan Mazzotti Richard and Kay Kerr Beth and Bob Krick William Landes and Rani Isenberg JP and Kathleen Lefebvre Sharon and Bruce Livingston John and Mary Pat Lynch Charlie and Betsy MacIntosh Margaret and Francis R. Manlove Marion Mann Gertrude Marshall Frank and Jeanne-Marie J. McCall Brook and Connie McCann Mark and Laura Mulholland Drs. Bruce Partridge and Jane Widseth Veronica '47 and Robert Petersen John & Laurie Poole Gerald and Judith Porter John S. Price Richard and Susan S. Ravenscroft Scott and Barbara D. Renninger

Priscilla Longstreth Roche '40 John and Anne Rusk Walter and Nan W. Schanbacher John and Sarah '76 Schmader Edward '36 and Skip Shakespeare Brian and Alyson Solomon Jack and Ruth Solomon Drs. Robert and Andrea Solomon Tad Sperry and Ellen Harvey Mark Stein and Carol Baker John J. Stetzer, III Chris and Mary Strasser Trudi Goheen Swain Robert and Meredith Swift Frederick and Mary A. Tucker Roman Tybinko and Helen Mangelsdorf Mark and Dolores Verdeur Ann and Ed Ward Drs. George E. Weaver and Mary Hediger Marvin and Dorothy Weisbord Antoinette Whaley Rick and Mollie Wheeler Herbert and Ruth Wilf John and Barbara Wille '69 Bertram and Lorle Wolfson Rod H. Wolfson '70 and Beth Varcoe Sara Wood Stephen V. Yarnell and Barbara Porter Eric Zager and Marirosa Colon

Alumni 1930’s

Robert Cryan '36 William Kirk, Jr. '34 Henrietta Harrison Marshall '36 Frederick Peters '32 Virginia Ligget Reinhardt '34 Edward and Skip Shakespeare '36 Margaret Roberts Stevenson '39


Brigitte Solmitz Alexander '43 Asia Alderson Bennett '46 Babs McCabe Friel '47 Elizabeth Harper '48 Felicia Humer '47 Stefanie Hetzel Johnston '47 Charlie and Betsy MacIntosh '46 Veronica and Robert Petersen '47 Peter and Irina Pfund '44 Joan Curtis Reese '49 Priscilla Longstreth Roche '40 Elizabeth Severinghaus Warner '41


Larry Carter '59 Dixie Chapman '53 Frederick and Suzy Fletcher '59 Susan Getze '58 Richard Hamilton '55 Margaret Marshall '59 Elizabeth Martin '53 Geoffrey McConnell '59 Nancy and J. Permar Richards '58 William Wassell '56 William and Olivia White '57


Peter Bromley '69 Barbara Hunter Chaffee '61 Linda Dunn '67 and John Croll Gretchen Dykstra '60 Christine Hunter '64 and Lou Venech Timothy and Anne Hunter '67 Lallie Lloyd '64

Alice Biddle Lloyd '67 Janice Lower '65 and Paul Berger Phebe and Martin Mack '69 Charles Manlove '66 Elizabeth Manlove '69 Edward Marshall III '62 and Joanna Bassert Eleanor Earle Mascheroni '67 Torie Osborn '62 Charles and Deborah Rose '64 J. Irving Bird Scott '61 Mary and Robert Sickles '65 John and Barbara Wille '69 William and Molly Wood, Jr. '64


Benjamin Armstrong '79 Teresa Burt Carnell '76 Kenneth Crown '72 Aaron and Tanja Fischer '79 Wayne Giles '73 Elizabeth Korn '71 Stephen Kron '73 Tracy Bodine Lee '70 William and Meg Lloyd '72 Eleanor Tenney Miller '71 John and Sarah '76 Schmader Peter Schwartzman '74 Arthur R.G., Jr. and Julia Solmssen '74 Brian '78 and Alyson Solomon Daniel Weiser '70 Roderick Wolfson '70 and Beth Varcoe


Betsy Havens '87 Rebecca Madsen '80 Wendy Schwartz Woodhall '84

Our girls have had such a nice start at FSH. They are happy and working hard and curious and excited and it feels like they are where they should be. Thank you. The other night, npr was on and we heard the FSH open house ad. My daughter piped up and said “Hey - that’s my school.” And then went on to say “They’re right. It’s the BEST school. It should get 100%.” On this cold and wet day in the midst of the hubbub of the school year and an admissions season, I thought you’d get a kick out of the “perfect grade” she gave FSH after just one month. She does not like change and so this is a particularly big deal. I feel like I need to also report that listening to my other daughter talk about how she helps her first grade buddy settle in Meeting For Worship is priceless. She is LOVING being the one who supports another rather than the one who is being supported (by her parents usually) and I think it is really helping her own MFW experience both at school and at our meeting.


Thank you, thank you for the work you are doing.


– FSH Parent

Jessica Krick Stanton '92 Jennifer Schanbacher '93 Michael Schanbacher '96

Caleb Balderston '00

– FSH Parents 13

Gifts to friends school haverford Grandfriends Matthew and Mary Adams David and Anne Baker Fred and Valerie Block Bud Bretschneider Willis Brown Bill and Laura Buck William and Sheryl Bullitt Jim and Nancy Caccamo Susan Cody Jay Cohen and Bonnie McClintock Cohen John and Kathleen Dabagian Letty Lee Dahme-Berkowitz Robert and Elizabeth Duggan Carol and Chuck Egoville Nick and Linda Eiteljorg Nancy Ely Newlin

James Epstein Martha S. Ferguson ‘42 Kathleen Hellberg Bob and Carole Henegar Alonzo and Lorretta Hughes Patricia Isenberg Anne Janson Robert and Nancy Jeffrey Louis Kaplan Rita and Edward Kravitz Elmer and Florence Laffey Wendell and Florence Lednum Samuel and Deanne Marein-Efron Shirley and Wally McKenzie Ursula and Gerd Muehllehner Elizabeth Muse

William Newlin, Jr. Byford and Jessie Reed Priscilla Longstreth Miriam Rothenberg Diane Schetky Jack and Ruth Solomon David Strawbridge Mary Wallace Talbot Pearline Thomas Marvin and Dorothy Weisbord Charlotte Williams Ken and Ruth Willman Barry and Elaine Wisler Bertram and Lorle Wolfson James Wright and Mary Dabney

I wanted to tell you what a pleasure it was to visit Sam’s school. I had accepted the invitation to GrandFriends’ Day because I wanted to support Sam and his school. I did not expect it to be the great pleasure it was. The teachers and staff were not just kind and inclusive; I saw today they were highly intelligent and that the program there is really impressive. I, for one, cannot tell you how the height of the ball’s bounce relates to the ball; but I’m impressed that fourth graders are asked to consider such questions... not to mention questions about Odysseus and I forget what else... the range reflected in the headmaster’s remarks was... well, remarkable. And throughout the day there was a sense of caring and individual attention and diversity! I loved the music, and Sam’s classroom, and the library, and the silence in the meeting, and the remarks. What a wonderful place. And btw, I knew Sam could read, but I didn’t know he could read aloud at such a rapid pace that we had trouble keeping up with him! I think he was pleased to have us there. Please let him know how pleased I was to be included. Pam Wilford - FSH Grandfriend

Faculty Mary Ayers Susan Bodley Benjamin Bull Andrea Dominic Kate Gerhart Doris Gluck Leslie Goehl Cheryl Hammond Hopewell Nancy Hurley Lee Kowalski Margaret Liedy Sharon Livingston Allie Monaco Edward Nardi Jennifer Nates Ruth Solomon Angela Whalen Stauffer Sharon Stewart Julia Tarquinio Karen Teel Wade Tomlinson Tuesday Vanstory Ann Ward Michael Zimmerman


On the morning of October 4, I had the treat of being one of the members of Haverford Monthly Meeting to visit our school for Morning with Friends. This morning, I recognized during Meeting for Worship that everything I had observed from Teacher Wade, from two sets of students (6th-7th and 5th graders), and even from everything in the classroom was about “where I am in the world and what I am responsible for doing in it.” It was not about “where I am in the world” because his teaching was about maps and a map of the Middle East or even about history but because everything that everyone did and everything that everyone talked about was really about learning how to understand where and how they fit into their world - right down to the fifth grader who beautifully answered Teacher Wade’s question about what a “craft is”. The boy said it is when somebody does something with great care and detail; and Wade added “and with pride”. (Most literally this was about the craft of mapmaking - but let us not interpret this too literally.) I also saw it during Meeting for Worship when I saw a little boy sitting very close to an older boy (his brother?) leaning against him with the older boy’s arm around him. Clearly this was one illustration of how they see where they fit into their world-and a way of finding the joy, comfort, and Love that we all seek during Meeting for Worship. Many thanks for my visit. Dick Lytton Member of Haverford Monthly Meeting

Meeting Members William Daniels and Martha Sharples Margaret Dawson Kim and Kate deRiel Janet and Evan Frazer Betsy Griffith-Smith Bart Harrison Holland and Helen Hunter Doug and Cassie Keith Richard and Margaret Lytton Tippy Schwabe Paul Smith Anne H. Van Arkel

Friends Martha and Harry Bryans Elizabeth Cary Charles and Suzanne Davis Sandy Dean Alice Dorrance Mary Kaye Edwards David and Mary Farrow Marjorie Ferry Frank and Joan Harrison Jack and Carol Henn Anna Kent Ann Klotz Beth and Bob Krick Sandra and Jeffrey Lynch Marlisa Parker Henry Pitney Christine Quigley Katherine and Matt Renninger Douglas and Jerilynn Ross Nancy Savage Patricia and Howard Silverstein Lorraine Smith Barbara Stanley Ron and Beth Thiemann Lois and William West Sharon and Harol Yoh


Gifts to friends school haverford

Purchase of 833 Buck Lane Anonymous (1) Sally Cooper Bleznak Susan and Matt Callahan Tom and Anne Caramanico Merritt T. and Grace S. Cooke Peter and Ellen Evans Doug and Cassie Keith John and Sarah '76 Schmader Sharon and Harold Yoh

EITC Bryn Mawr Trust Company Day & Zimmerman Philadelphia Contributionship Philip Rosenau Company, Inc Stratton Limited Templetown Realty D Waste Management & Processors Inc.

Foundations Anonymous (1) Gunst Family Foundation John Templeton Foundation Robinson Foundation

Financial Aid Paul and Ellen Skilton-Sylvester Stephen Yarnell and Barbara Porter

Race Sponsor American Wedding Group Commons & Commons, LLP Rainstorm Media Group The Miller-Sklaroff Family The Schmader Family Wheeler/Wells Family Race Benefactor The McCann Family Race Patron Bryn Mawr Trust Tom & Anne Caramanico Expedition Self The Sparveys


Race Stepper James Branch Cleaning Service Inc. Radomile Family Commercial Snow & Ice LLC Cuffco Inc. John & Jeanne Polidori Jon & Kate DeRiel Radomile Family Dental Care RLC Construction

Dear School Committee, I had a wonderful adventure last Friday morning when I visited school. Everyone was so welcoming beginning the moment I walked up the driveway and met Grace who introduced me to a parent, then Andrea walked by and said she wanted to share something very exciting. Cheryl said hello while helping a little guy settle in with a book, Joanne and Sharon helped me find my way. Michael and I spent some time together discussing the planning process. Most of this occurring even before I made my way to the classrooms. I was struck by the relative calm and cleanliness of the school and noticed exciting artwork on the walls. Although for the most part, I just stepped into the classrooms for a short time not wanting to disrupt the learning, I witnessed amazing teaching and learning. There was the second grade economy explained by several enthusiastic students who noticed me reading the work on the wall. As I moved around I heard about research on castles in Spain with the Spanish teacher, all kinds of nouns in the fifth grade, preparation for the storytelling festival in fourth, study of ancient Greece and the Maya civilization and poetry in Middle School. In Heritage House I saw happy three year olds with Tuesday and Chris anxiously waiting to hear a story. I saw many examples of caring; in the first grade a young girl was being consoled by Susan Bodley when another student at the lunch table asked the unhappy child if she would join them at her lunch table. Students seeing me in the hall said hello, smiled, and excused themselves as they passed. They chatted quietly as they moved from class to class or on their way to recess. A student in seventh grade noticed a classmate having difficulty finding a solid writing surface and brought her a clipboard without having been asked to do so. One of my favorite moments occurred while observing Marcia Kravis teaching Robert Frost’s poem, The Road Not Taken with half of the 6th and 7th grades. Marcia asked the group to think about who was speaking and what the poem was about while she read the poem aloud. Moments after she finished a student raised her hand, “Why that is a metaphor for life!" Teachers Karen and Marcia beamed with pleasure at this insightful comment. All of this is to say, if you want to experience real education, both of intellect and character, and to feel optimistic about future generations that attend FSH, spend a few hours walking the halls and popping into classrooms. - Sandy Dean December 9, 2012 17

Costa Rica Study Tour 2013


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