Wire~News 1999 August-Sept.

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this and that Toni's on the mend A while ago, we told you about Toni Bravo, a member of the GWPCA and the Northern California club and her being stricken with Gullian Barre disease. The good news is that Toni is up and about, but not totally back to normal yet. She has been working for a couple of hours a week and seems to be on the road to recovery. Good luck Toni, keep up the good work and get better fast!

More best wishes Our best wishes to Gina and Frankie McCain who became the proud parents of a little girl. Unfotunately, the baby was recently hospitlzed with hepatitis, but from all accounts is back home and doing well. Our thoughts are with you.

It's decision time The black and white GWP has again become a hot topic of conversation on the internet. There are those who want the severe penalty removed, there are those who want a disqualification added and there are those who want to leave the standard as is. This latest round of discussions came about when a black and white dog was given a Group 1 at a show this summer. These conversations have led to a petition being circulated to change our breed standard. 20% of the memberhsip must sign this peitition and then it must be sent to the Secretary of the club. Whether you decide to sign this petition or not is up to you, but if the standard is opened for change please remember that last time our standard was changed (1984) it took the committee and the membership 3 years to come to agreement. I am sure we will be hearing more on this in the future.

'99 Nationals Two things for the '99 Nationals- If you will be needing to rent a horse for the field events, please call Will Langley (810) 724-3426. The other wrangler that was previously advertised has decided not tq supply horses. Will only plans to bring a certain number of horses, so you better not delay! The other item eroneously reported was that there is no camping on the show grounds. Wrong! There will be space for motorhomes and campers at the fairgrounds, so c'mon and join in on the fun!

Rueger's Home Afterhours Baron Von Rueger UD, NA, NAJ owned by Chris & Bob Fangman recently took an unscheduled leave of absence. On the way home from an agility trial, Chris unfortunately got into a car accident. Rueger escaped and spent a couple of weeks on the run. The good news is he is safe and home again, a couple of pounds lighter, a bit sorefooted, but safe! And Chris is okay also.

Breeder Referral We a new Breeder Referral- Temple Watson of South Carolina has agreed to step in and take over the recently vacated position. Temple can be reached at (803) 524-2312. If you have an upcoming litter, please let her know so she can pass the information along to puppy buyers.

1997 & 1998 Yearbooks Don'f forget to get your photos and pedigrees in by October 1 for the 97 & 98 Yearbook!!! Every single GWP who has received a title in those years is invited to be included! All the pertinent information is in this newsletter, get it together now before you forget!!!!!

Puppy pictures I am out of puppy pictures! Send more. Remember to put your name and address on them so I can return them to you.

Thats about it, next deadline will be September

1st!!! Talk to you then.

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