Gulf Coast Family - February 2020

Page 32

The Most Romantic Gift — Keep a lifelong fascination with your spouse by Dr. Greg Smalley American couples spend billions each Valentine’s Day. Romantic cards, candy, flowers, candlelit dinners and even expensive jewelry — are these what true romance is all about? I’m not knocking such gestures, and this year I’ll likely buy some items on that list. But these things are mere romantic tokens. Gifts and dinner dates can enhance romance, but they do not define romance. Some couples fail to understand its essence and have instead replaced the heart of romance with symbolic tokens and obligatory outings. Proverbs 5:18-19 aptly describes the heart of romance: “Rejoice in the wife of your youth….May you always be captivated by her love”. True romance is more about being captivated by your spouse than buying flowers or chocolate.

Captivation is all about curiosity and interest – being allured by your spouse.

Intentional Connection When I was first dating Erin, getting to know her was fascinating. We spent hours talking about her feelings, thoughts, beliefs, opinions, fears, desires, needs, hopes and dreams. However, after we’d been married for a few years, we encountered a romance buster – we became accustomed to each other. We gradually stopped asking questions and started believing that we knew everything there was to know about each other.

Every marriage has areas that are working well and areas that could use improvement. In order to have a healthy marriage, it’s important to evaluate these areas and give them the attention they need. Here’s the great news: Romance and passion don’t have to naturally fade. I learned to nurture romance by renewing my mindset daily. I changed my attitude from seeking comfort in the familiar to remaining curious. When I pursue staying current with Erin’s inner world, I’m captivated by her feelings, needs, fears, hopes and dreams, which is the very stuff that I spent hours learning about during our dating, engagement and early marriage years.

Learn how to live before you learn how to make a living

Lifelong fascination True romance is a deep, lifelong fascination with your mate. As you renew your curiosity, your wife or husband will seem even more alluring. Your spouse and your marriage relationship are always changing; there’s something new to discover every day. Being a lifelong student of your spouse and learning all you can about her or him is the most romantic gift you will ever give on any day of the year. Dr. Greg Smalley is vice president of Marriage and Family Formation at Focus on the Family and the author of several books, including Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage.

this is motherhood

We build circles of women who love each other like family, because raising humans is beautiful and hard, and having each other to lean on is life-giving.

Those two years are still the best years of my life, and I would never trade them for the world. – Benjamin Ward Jack Wyrtzen Center New York Campus

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32 • February 2020

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Articles inside


pages 46-48

February 2020 Events

pages 42-45

Focus on the Family

pages 34-36

Species Spotlight: Perfectly Pigmy

page 29

The Most Romantic Gift–Keep a Lifelong Fascination With Your Spouse

pages 32-33

And They Lived Happily Ever After

pages 30-31

Math Success Begins With Algebra

page 40

Kids in the Kitchen

pages 26-27

Building Community

page 37

Education Spotlight

page 41

20 Questions to Get to Know Him Better

pages 19-23

All Pro Dad: Valentine’s Day, It’s Not About You

page 16

Dungy Diaries: 11 Keys for Loving Your Family

page 18

Leave This World With Memories, Not Dreams

page 17

Heart Gallery

page 15

Is Your Child Ready for Kindergarten?

page 14

Movie Night

page 7

Parent to Parent

page 6

This February We Recommend That You

page 5

The Young and the Young at Heart

page 11

Florida Minor Settlements: Allen v. Montalyan

pages 12-13

It’s Great to Create

page 9

February Fun Facts

page 8

Reader Photos of the Month

page 10
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