2021-23 Strategic Bridging Plan - Greater Victoria Public Library

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Vision, Mission, Values Vision Your place to connect, discover, and imagine.

Mission We build community and support literacy and lifelong learning by providing free access to information, space, tools, and expertise.

Values Our work is guided by the following values:

Collaboration: We engage and work in partnership to meet community needs.

Inclusiveness: We respect diversity and provide open access for all in welcoming physical and virtual spaces.

Service Excellence: We provide a high-quality library service that is responsive to the community.

Innovation: We commit to continuous improvement in library service delivery.

Intellectual Freedom: We uphold the Canadian Federation of Library Association’s position on intellectual freedom and the equitable access to and exchange of information, ideas, and creativity.

Public Accountability: We make transparent decisions that are fiscally sound and measurable.

Sustainability: We deliver reliable and relevant services and remain resilient in times of change.


Building a bridge to a better future Our 24-month plan to support inclusive, engaged, and informed communities

Libraries help us to navigate the unknown, and to prepare for the journey ahead. During the past year, we have engaged in many discussions with members of our community and beyond and a clear picture has emerged. Our Board of Trustees and staff are committed to making a positive impact on our community and to developing the partnerships and collaborations needed to inspire critical thinking, personal growth, and a passion for lifelong learning. In this Strategic Bridging Plan, we offer a blueprint for how we will continue to serve our community in the coming years. This plan establishes the foundation for strengthening a culture of equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility; transforming our digital infrastructure; and deepening our understanding of the needs of the communities we serve. It will act as an interim roadmap, guiding us over the next two years and supporting our successful evolution into a post-pandemic world. The dramatic changes brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic provided us with time and space to reassess and confirm our mission and values. The pandemic required us to rethink the strategic planning process and we have spent the last year reaffirming our commitment to supporting the social, cultural, and economic needs of our


Building a bridge to a better future

community. The world has changed, and we must evolve with it. This Strategic Bridging Plan will allow us to be responsive to social, technological, and economic challenges while remaining grounded in our enduring vision of being a place

GVPL will advance our community-inspired services for community renewal,

for our community to connect, discover, and imagine. The actions we undertake will ensure that GVPL remains a

individuals’ growth and public outcomes; and ready our capabilities to arrive

dynamic and public library service and that we continue to create opportunities to build connections, share in

in 2023 as champions, closing the digital divide and opening the magic of learning, literacies, equity, accessibility and respect for all.

collaborative action, and deepen our understanding of the communities we serve. The following plan focuses our collective efforts around four key priorities and lays out an action plan for addressing them. The lessons we learn during the coming two years will inform our future strategic plans and will ensure that we are delivering transformative experiences for the residents of Greater Victoria.

Let’s build a bridge to the future together. Andy MacKinnon Board Chair, Greater Victoria Public Library

Digital Literacy and Access We will create a new roadmap to improve our technology infrastructure as we lay the building blocks for exceptional user experience, staff productivity, and change readiness.

Transform our digital infrastructure.


Digital Literacy and Access Modern, innovative, flexible, technologically advanced, and welcoming spaces, both physical and virtual, are key to meeting our communities’ needs and to attracting and retaining both patrons and staff. We will transform our digital infrastructure so that we have the resiliency to deliver essential services and the capacity for continuous innovation.

Deliver essential services.

Create more connections between information experts and community members.

Focused Community Building We will be a nexus point of community partnerships and bridge the gap between community needs and community-led support.

Create equity-building services and programs.


Focused Community Building Meaningful collaboration informs the development of both successful services and spaces and helps ensure equitable access to resources. We will deepen our understanding of what our communities need as they rebuild and restore and address new and evolving needs with community-inspired services.

Refine our strengths and identify unmet community needs and service gaps.

Harness learnings to create stronger bridges between our resources and the community.

Making a Difference, Showing our Impact At the post-pandemic crossroads, we will adjust our structure to advance our vision.

Initiate staff training.


Making a Difference, Showing our Impact Timely and strategic assessment is fundamental to improving and enhancing library operations, services, collections, spaces, and technologies. We will initiate an organizational mindset of continuously improving and measuring the value we bring to our communities.

Track more meaningful key performance indicators (KPI).

Harness learnings to create Transform our operations. stronger bridges between our resources and the community.

Making Space for Everyone to be Safe, Respected, and Valued We will replace barriers with bridges and a true sense of belonging for everyone in our community and our staff.

Learn and live our values in the community and the workplace.


Making Space for Everyone to be Safe, Respected, and Valued

Create a culture of equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility.

Engage with the community.

Welcoming environments include both the physical and virtual spaces where people feel respected, seen, and heard. We will exemplify a culture of equity, diversity, inclusivity, and accessibility through our actions, our commitments, and our dedication to continuous learning.

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