2 minute read

Faculty of Health Sciences

Goal 1: Integrate EDI into our institutional culture so that all members of the UFV community can thrive in their education, career, and leadership roles at UFV

3. Incorporate EDI goals into strategic planning and review processes of every unit, with each unit developing its own statement of commitment to EDI.

 Kinesiology (KIN) is in the process of developing a statement of commitment to EDI in the School and adding an EDI lens to the Faculty Standards revision process.

4. Develop EDI Champion program to create a greater EDI knowledge base, foster awareness, and to encourage those who wish to take a lead at the grassroots level of EDI.

 In KIN, a departmental EDI Task Force was formed in Fall 2020. The Task Force meets regularly and has taken the role of building the KIN EDI knowledge base, fostering EDI awareness, and assisting with EDIrelated learning/training opportunities for KIN faculty. As part of this, the Task Force creates and circulates a monthly e-newsletter.

6. Expand opportunities for employees and students to engage in dialogue and action around EDI.

 At each KIN School meeting, time is taken to discuss issues related to the semester. These discussions are usually centered on EDI-related topics. This dialogue is informal and usually part of the "warm-up" for each meeting.  In 2020, the School of Health Sciences (SHS) connected with the Canadian Nursing Student Association group, and initiated student dialogue in response to Black Lives Matter.

7. Hold gatherings that have the purpose of building awareness and a deeper knowledge around diversity.

 13 KIN faculty members (as a cohort) will be participating in an Educator’s Journey Towards Reconciliation and Weaving Knowledge Systems workshops.  The SHS is currently setting up the Educator’s Journey Towards Reconciliation and Weaving Knowledge Systems workshops for the School.  The SHS funded the opportunity for faculty to complete the San'yas Cultural Sensitivity training and are now planning for Dr. Colleen Varcoe and Dr. Helen Brown to provide nursing specific workshops related to Weaving Knowledge Systems and Educator’s Journey.

Goal 2: Integrate inclusive excellence throughout UFV in teaching, research, service and community engagement

15. Develop a statement regarding pronouns to be used in all courses.

 At the start of the Fall 2020 semester, all KIN instructors, for each course they teach, were asked to include the UFV’s pronoun statement within Blackboard.

Goal 3: Embed the principles of EDI within the policies and processes at UFV

26. Conduct a review of international student recruitment and retention tools and methods examining with an EDI lens.

 Currently, there are 7 international students in the KIN program. The School is in the process of surveying (or holding a focus group) with these students to learn about their experiences and challenges as they relate to being in the KIN program.

30. Conduct a review of faculty workload: teaching, service, and scholarly activity to identify inequitable workload conditions or patterns.

 In the SHS, a Workload Task Force has been struck to examine equity in workload in the School. Data has been collated from other similar schools across BC.

Goal 4: Develop data collection and reporting mechanisms to measure initiatives and progress, maintain transparency and accountability, and acknowledge success

36. Develop and implement an EDI data collection plan.

 A KIN EDI Task Force goal is to collect EDI related data from students, faculty and staff in KIN. The Task Force will be meeting with the Director, EDI for guidance on this.