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Office of the Secretariat

Goal 3: Embed the principles of EDI within the policies and processes at UFV

21. Conduct a review of all policies examining with an EDI lens.

 While the Office of the Secretariat waits for the EDI Lens Working Group to finish their work which will assist with a comprehensive review of all UFV policy, some current policy reviews attempt to address obvious EDI issues. For example, in some policies, pronoun usage has been updated to be more inclusive. Further, in the case of Board and Senate, their bylaws related to elections have been updated to include an invitation to nominees to include a statement of how their involvement in Senate or Board will contribute to EDI at UFV. The Board also added an overarching statement in its "Purpose/Philosophy" section to note the importance of EDI with respect to membership. Finally, Senate added an Indigenous territorial acknowledgment to their bylaws and a recommendation to begin Senate and standing committee meetings with the same. Links: https://www.ufv.ca/media/assets/board-governors/board-bylaws/BGB-110.07_BrdApptElec.pdf https://www.ufv.ca/media/assets/senate/resources/Senate-Approved-Bylaws.pdf (Appendix C, pp. 11ff).

22. Conduct a review of UFV Policy 18 (Discrimination, Bullying, and Harassment Protection).

 This work is slated to be started in the second half of 2021. Human Resources (HR) has already identified the need to separate "discrimination" into a separate policy as it is governed by human rights legislation. Review will be led by HR with consultation with various stakeholder groups.

35. Develop and implement a mandatory learning series for UFV’s Board of Governors and Senate.

 The Office of the Secretariat has identified two main ways to implement this: all incoming Governors and Senators will have EDI training as a part of their orientation; second, an annual learning opportunity will be provided as a part of a regular meeting of each governing body. The orientation piece is in development as a part of an overall update to orientation materials; the second piece will be developed in consultation with the Director, EDI, and potentially delivered by them.