2013 report platform for youth sustainability

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01.02.2014 Skopje, Macedonia

R E P O R T 2013 Go Green Skopje, Citizens association for sustainable development and environmental protection (www.gogreen.mk) Project name: Platform for youth sustainability Realization period: April – July 2013 The goal of the project is to connect, educate and activate young people around the issues of sustainable development and environmental protection. The Platform serves as a space for young people to learn together and take an active role in the society through the member organizations. The activities realized from the Platform, agreed and supported by the Embassy, were the following: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Press conference – April 18 Seminar “Youth participation and environment” – April 20 (Earth Day) Workshop and a debate – June 5 (UN World Environment Day) Official opening, panel discussion - June 24 (EU sustainable energy week) 5. “Bidi Zelen” magazine for young people 1. Press conference, 18th April The purpose was to promote the importance of the project and announce the agreed activities of the “Platform for youth sustainability” (PYS) for the next period, as well as share the views on the topic “The role of young people in creating a sustainable society”. Speakers of the press conference were, H.E. Mrs. Laurence Auer (Ambassador), Antonio Jovanovski, (President of Go Green) and Elena Andonovska (President of AIESEC). The press conference took place at the French Institute and was covered by 4 TV stations (Sitel, ERA, MTV1, Alfa), the national news station (MIA), and the internet portal “Puls 24”. Here are the links from the published media articles: http://sitel.com.mk/mk/lorens-or-predizvikot-za-zachuvuvanje-na-zhivotnatasredina-ne-obvrzuva-site http://www.mia.mk/en/Inside/RenderSingleNews/363/105278325 http://www.mia.mk/en/Inside/RenderSingleGalleryTest/1307/13?month=4&year =2013&day=18&desc=1 http://puls24.mk/home/macedonia/news/23883

www.gogreen.mk тел: 3122 546 | e-маил: info@bidizelen.org Јане Сандански 25-2/9, 1000 Скопје

2. Youth seminar, 20th April (Earth Day) The marking of the Earth Day took place at the “University of Tourism and Management” in Skopje. The target group was young people, age 14 – 24. We received 134 applications. 102 young people participated on the event that came from 7 cities. The goals of the event were:  Participants to understand their role in society and believe that their activism can make changes  Participants to learn about the global and local challenges and understand the need for sustainable development  Participants to know how to become active citizens and involve in the Platform’s activities  Expand the Platform with 2 more organizations The agenda and topics on the seminar were:  Official opening speeches and welcoming new members H.E. Mrs. Laurence Auers, Ambassador of France Antonio Jovanovski, Go Green Goran Hristovski, Eko-Tim-Istok

Lecture: Youth participation for a sustainable society Jovan Bliznakovski, Union of Scouts

Lecture: Global warming and climate change Iskra Stojkovska, Front 21/42

Workshop: Pollution and water management Frane Jovanovski, Go Green

Workshop: Democracy and youth Gojran Slavkovski, Youth Can

Workshop: Local activism and waste management Kiril Shentevski, Lets-do-it-Macedonia

Workshop: Youth questions and concerns

Filip Unevski, Union of Scouts

Open debate and conclusions Marko Sokolovski, Go Green

The youth environmental NGOs, Bujrum and Eko-Tim-Istok, officially joined the Platform on this event and the network has increased to 10 members with an outreach in 28 municipalities. The media that published articles about the event: http://www.radiomof.mk/seminar-mladinsko-uchestvo-i-zhivotna-sredina/ http://a1on.mk/wordpress/archives/138160 http://m.idividi.com.mk/News.aspx?IDNews=844220 http://maxim.mk/lorens-or-predizvikot-za-zachuvuvanje-na-zhivotnata-sredinane-obvrzuva-site www.gogreen.mk тел: 3122 546 | e-маил: info@bidizelen.org Јане Сандански 25-2/9, 1000 Скопје

http://sitel.com.mk/mk/lorens-or-predizvikot-za-zachuvuvanje-na-zhivotnatasredina-ne-obvrzuva-site http://bidizelen.org/mk/novosti/146--qm-q.html 2 videos on-line http://alfa.mk/News.aspx?id=54848#.UubeehA1jIV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3Qqxqhqexo 3. Workshop and a debate, 5th June (UN World Environment Day) The global topic of the UN World Environment Day was “FOOD WASTE”, more concretely, “Think, eat, save” – reduce your foodprint”. Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Foundation became partner of the Plaftorm at this event. The topics covered on the workshop were: Achieve energy efficiency by food waste reduction - Frane Jovanovski, Go Green When we throw away food, we throw away... - Elizabeta Zijlstra, Lets-do-it Practical solutions for food waste reduction - Monika Stojanova, Food institute Open debate and closing conclusions - Antonio Jovanovski, Go Green The event was attended by 38 Participants that came from 8 cities. The event received 2 TV media coverage and 3 selected students to continue further learning (24 applied). The selected students gave a speech on the official opening of the EU sustainable energy week. 4. Panel discussion, June 24 (European Sustainable Energy Week) EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is Europe’s key event for promoting more sustainable energy future. It represents the largest and most popular event on sustainable energy organized in Europe. The official opening of the week in Macedonia took place at the EU Info Centre in Skopje in a form of a panel discussion on the topic: “How does the energy future of Macedonia looks like and how does the energy future of European Union looks like?” The topics that were discussed during the panel discussion were: Macedonian energy strategy 2008-2030 Current energy picture of Macedonia EU 20/20/20 goals by 2020 EU energy policies and goals in 2050 The role of citizens and young people

www.gogreen.mk тел: 3122 546 | e-маил: info@bidizelen.org Јане Сандански 25-2/9, 1000 Скопје

Key note speakers at the event were: Ms. Anja Czymmeck, Official Representative of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Mr. Antonio Jovanovski, Coordinator of the Platform for youth sustainability Panelists: Mr. Lazar Gechevski, Director of Energy Agency of Macedonia Ms. Liljana Popovska, Parliamentarian Mr. Konstantin Dimitrov, professor and MACEF representative Young people – speech: Brankica Vasileva – Orce Nikolov (high school – Skopje) Sofija Konstantinovska – Orce Nikolov (high school – Skopje) Aleksandra Filipova – Nikola Karev (high school –Skopje) Key conclusions and recommendations from the panel discussion:  Macedonia is a country with high dependence on fossil fuels – 80% from primary energy are coming from oil and coal.  Macedonia has 13,8% usage of renewable energy sources, out of which 59% is biomass  Macedonia is a country with a high level of imported energy – in the last years it gets to 50% import (mainly oil)  Macedonia has high energy intensity, 40% higher the than EU countries, and that is a consequence of the bad quality lignite, inefficient usage of energy, losses in the energy transmission and distribution and aged production capacities.  Macedonia needs a review of the energy strategy which is not aligned with EU energy strategy. The key investments in the “strategy” are focused towards coal, gas and hidrocentrals which means that in 2050 Macedonia will be highly depended on fossil fuels.  EU in 2050 aims to decarbonize the energy sector which means 0% fossil fuels. The EU countries need to implement the ETS directive (emission trading system).  Macedonia is aspiring EU member and the current energy situation of Macedonia leaves a big financial burden on the future generations because of the planned investments on fossil fuels This is a link from a media that published the conclusions from the event: http://www.radiomof.mk/potrebna-e-nova-energetska-strategija-vo-makedonija/ http://www.gogreen.mk/en/news/149-2013-06-25-08-45-29.html

www.gogreen.mk тел: 3122 546 | e-маил: info@bidizelen.org Јане Сандански 25-2/9, 1000 Скопје

5. “Bidi Zelen” magazine The magazine was published in 500 copies that were distributed in 3 high schools (Nikola Karev, Orce Nikolov and Rade Jovcevski Korcagin) and 5 primary schools (Blaze Koneski, Gjorgji Pulevski, Goce Delcev, Vera Ciriviri, 11 Oktomvri). The magazine covered the following topics:

The platform continues to be a powerful tool for connecting and activating young people that share similar values and views to the world. The membership of the Platform has an outreach in 28 municipalities. The PYS is consisted from: 1. Go Green (www.gogreen.mk) 2. Youth Educational Forum (www.mof.mk) 3. Union of Scouts in Macedonia (www.scout.org.mk) 4. AIESEC Skopje (www.aiesecskopje.org) 5. Youth Can (www.youthcan.org.mk) 6. OXO (www.oxo.org.mk) 7. Lets-do-it Macedonia (www.ajdemakedonija.mk) 8. AIESEC Prilep (www.aiesec.org.mk) 9. Bujrum, centar for rural development (www.facebook.com/bujrum) 10. Eko-tim-istok (www.facebook.com/ekotimistok)

Financial report (framework of expenses and incomes) Copies contracts and bills CD files per event (photos, snapshots, excel application forms) Copies list za evidencija (participant list)

www.gogreen.mk тел: 3122 546 | e-маил: info@bidizelen.org Јане Сандански 25-2/9, 1000 Скопје

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