Geneva Magazine Summer 2011

Page 15

Jonathan encourages his fifth-grade students at Gwyn-Nor Elementary to be active learners.

“Last time, we spent four days on physics,” Jonathan says.“We had meeting after meeting on how we can make physics in the classroom better and more effective. It’s great because you get not only the Merck science side, but you also get to talk to teachers from other districts about what they’re doing differently.” Working for Merck, teaching innovatively, building relationships with students and families—oh, and serving as the school’s director of data management. It all adds up to some pretty long days for Jonathan Winkle. But he views excellence as an ongoing process, and that means making the most of every opportunity that comes his way.

he says.“You only live once; you only have a shot at being a teacher once; you only have these kids once, so you’ve got to do it right. These kids are relying on you. You’re their hope for a better future.” That excellence in education that Jonathan received at Geneva and wants to pass along to a new generation? Sounds like he’s doing it. G Jonathan holds a master’s in educational leadership from Villanova University and hopes to become a school principal in the future. He lives in Bucks County, Pennsylvania with his wife Ellen and his children, Mason and Calla.

“As a public educator, everything is in your job description,”



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