GAMA Newsletter December 2016

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Greater Austin Malayalee Association

Newsletter December 2016

Wish you all Happy New Year !

Newsletter Team Lisa Thomas

Sreevidhya Ajayan

Mini Thomas

Renju Raj

Sabarish Nair

President’s Note Dear All GAMA wishes you all a very happy and prosperous New Year. Looking back GAMA had a very successful year in 2016. We played a record 12 movies this year. We had a nine-hour onstage competition for SaReGAMA, had a fun filled GAMA Picnic featuring "Thattu Kada" with record number of participation. GAMA Onam 2016, may be one of the best in GAMA's history was inaugurated by Dr. Don Davis, Associate Professor, Department of Asian Studies at UT Austin and our chief guest for the event was Shri. Babu Antony, veteran and versatile actor of Malayalam movie industry. Our greatest satisfaction about Onam 2016 was that we could deliver a delicious Ona Sadya - the best in recent years. We introduced GAMA Cricket Tournament for the first time. Also we had a successful Game day and Christmas event. We are conducting Malayalam Class for our kids to learn the language and culture of our mother land. GAMA also helped our youth to excel in leadership and voluntary activities through GAMA Youth Group. Apart from routine celebrations and events done every year, we had other achievements too. GAMA became a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization this year. GAMA celebrated the 80th Birth Day of Dr. Rodney Moag, Associate Prof Emeritus and the first Head of the Department of Faculty of Malayalam Language at the Department of Asian Studies at UT Austin. One of our greatest achievements this year was to associate GAMA with Department of Asian Studies at UT Austin to enable our kids to receive language course credits through the intermediate level by formal placement exam conducted by Malayalam Department at UT Austin. If students receive a mark of 90% or higher on the exam, they will be granted credit for MAL 506, 507, 312K, and 312L. Students who receive a mark in the range of 70-90% will be given credit for MAL 506 and 507. Marks above 60% may also be considered for credit for MAL 506, at the discretion of the examiner. In our GAMA Christmas/ New Year celebration and Annual meeting 2016, Dr. Darsana Manayath Sasi, head of the department of Malayalam Faculty at UT Austin, handed over the official document from UT Austin, authorizing GAMA to conduct the classes to prepare the students for the credits mentioned above

GAMA got a mandate and approval from the annual meeting to form an advisory team who can work with GAMA board members which will help to execute GAMA events better. Board of 2017 is entrusted with the responsibility to layout the guidelines and constitute the team. Let us welcome new directors to the GAMA board Anu Mahesh, Arif Rasheed, Bhagheerathy Balakrishnan, Binu Babu, Kamal

Vijayakumar, Remesh Chandra,

Sankarnath Pangapattu and Suresh Venukuttan who were approved by the GAMA annual meeting to serve the community for the next two years. We eight directors, Karmachandran Gopalakrishnan, Mahesh Nair, Mini Thomas, Molly Joseph, Roy Olekengal, Sabarish S Nair, Santhosh Karuthethil and Sreejaya Girish are retiring from GAMA board after two years of service to the community.

BIpin Ravi, Bijoy James,

Jayaprakash Pattanakandi, Lisa Thomas, Renju Raj, Shankar Chandramohan and Sivaprasad Valappil will be continuing their services as directors for another year. Rony Joy had to retire after serving GAMA for one year due to personal commitments. We could execute all activities of GAMA in 2016 by the selfless services of our directors and volunteers from the community and well-wishers. We are thankful to each and every person who worked hard with GAMA to make all activities of 2016 a grand success. Wishing you all again a very Happy and Prosperous New Year. Yours Sincerely Karmachandran Gopalakrishnan President, GAMA 2016.

Annual Report 2016

Administrational Achievements Our association is administered by the BOD which comprises a total of 16 members. We met once a month this year, with excellent attendance from the majority of the group. Membership of the director board is a demanding and time consuming job, it demands remarkable dedication from individuals who go the extra mile for their community and I wish on behalf of all members of the association to thank them for their work during the last year. I welcome all new nominees to the new board and wish to reassure them that 2017 will be no different. 2016 saw GAMA reinstating 501 (c) which allows GAMA to be exempt from some federal income taxes. This was a timely and progressive decision by our office bearers (Karmachandran G/Mahesh Nair/Molly Jehfi/ Roy Olekangal), led by President Karmachandran Gopalakrishnan and director Sabarish Nair Sponsorship The uptake of membership and sponsorship this year has been tremendous, introducing many new businesses to the sponsorship portfolio and we hope 2017 will be very different by actively and robustly applying the 501(c) leverage on sponsorship next year under the guidance of Bipin Ravi. Web / Social Media We live in a world today where if you’re not being liked, poked or shared you’re invisible. Web team as our PRO for the last few number of years has raised the profile of this association, particularly through social media. Thanks to Shankar Chandramohan /Sabarish Nair/ Sivaprasad Valappil, we are an association that celebrates and broadcasts the achievements of our members over website and social media. Movies Movies have been our main source of revenue and recently we have seen competition on it. We had to swiftly change our thinking and adapt to new marketing ideas, Bijoy James/Mahesh Nair has showcased some tremendous marketing skills which has been widely accepted among the community. GAMA ran three movies in the month of December which is widely considered as a holy month and normally there will be a lower rate of attendance, but GAMA made a profit collectively by a new movie bundling strategy.

News Letter Jayaprakash/Rony Joy/ Mini Thomas project a vibrant and competent image of our association with up to date photos, content and news in GAMA’s quarterly Newsletter. Malayalam Class This mission helps our children be able to sustain the language and culture and to instill in them the pride of belonging to Kerala. With over 30 students and 2 to 3 volunteers led by Jayaprakash we take this mission close to out heart. Sports We fielded four teams at “GCL- GAMA Cricket League” first time ever this year. We have all seen the standard in each team which is a testament to the good preparation and organization by Renju Raj. More teams have shown interest in the coming year and definitely that is another source of revenue for GAMA inviting more sponsorship in a larger scheme. The team would like to thank Renju Raj/Mahesh Nair/Santhosh K/Mini Thomas for all their support to have a successful Game Day and the different leagues. We would also like to thank PRO Lisa Thomas, who has given all her positive communications among the ladies in the community which triggered many interests for the first time. Program Team Program team is the backbone of any cultural event and it is going from strength to strength. Mostly we have a revolving team with many coming and helping for the improvement of the event, there are few names needs to be mentioned who have helped this association to excel in coordinating and scheduling the events from the front end registration through timely execution of quality programs. Particular mention must go to Sreejaya Girish/Mini Thomas. GYG Our youth section had a very busy year this year. They fielded and been tremendous contributors to many events. Our youth section is full of fantastic volunteers doing invaluable work. Thanks to all involved, particularly the office bearers Radhika Rajalal/Riya Ann Jeff/Jhanvi Girish. Venues Finding a venue has presented huge challenges to us last year and that is one area I would say we will have challenges going forward too, locking venue upfront with backups is the only option we have as an association.

Finance Current and future GAMA board will outline its plan to address the challenges to meet finical goals. However, I wish to forewarn you all that without immediate and substantial fundraising there will be little flexibility for this association. It is not the job of just the office bearers to fundraise. OB and the board will administrate and manage the operation of the various verticals of the association. They cannot do everything and I call on all the community members to get active, initiate and support any fundraising that occurs next year. I wish to thank Roy Olekangal, Treasurer 2016 for steering us through a difficult year. Roy’s financial expertise has been a huge benefit to this association and he has been instrumental in establishing our sound financial management structures. From the bottom of the heart‌ I wish to report a year of continued success for GAMA. GAMA continues to incrementally improve year on year, getting a little bit better at everything we do with the tremendous support we get from all the volunteers from the community for every event we host. GAMA will continue to provide a social outlet for our community and to facilitate the safe and healthy cultural development of our children. Mahesh Nair Secretary, GAMA 2016

Christmas 2016

What a great end to the year 2016. Gama X mas 2016 programs were a true grand finale for an exciting year for both Gama and the entire Malayalee community in Austin. Our Christmas celebrations were held on December 3rd at C.D. Fulkes Middle School. Our program started with a beautiful Malayalam prayer song, which was sung by our own little kids. It followed with the traditional lighting of lamp by our Chief guest Rev. Fr. Zachary. His relevant message about Christmas and the sharing spirit of the season enlightened the community. The program this year had a good mixture of varieties. Both adults and Kids performers managed to keep the audience rooted to the seats. Some of the programs we had were Bollywood dances, fusion dances, skit, instrumental music, songs, worship dance etc. The beautiful nativity show reminded us about the holy birth of Jesus. A general body meeting was held and new board members were elected. Our programs were completed with the visit of Santa Clause, who drove all the way from North Pole to bring candies and chocolate to our little ones. Our kids were also entertained with face paintings and glow lights, which brought smile on their little faces. We also had the traditional X mas’ food, which contained Appam, stew, fried rice, cake, vine ice cream etc. It was delicious and was filling. Gama board extends our sincere thanks and gratitude to the Mega sponsor of the event this year - Trinity travels. We also thank the other sponsors who helped Gama to grow in various aspects, with their generosity. We appreciate and thank all our volunteers, performers and food vendors. We wish the community a very happy new year and looking forward for a successful year 2017!!! Mini Thomas Director, GAMA 2016

എന്റെ ഇഷ്ടഗാനങ്ങൾ

ഫാസിൽ സംവിധാനം ചെയ്ത ്, മ ാഹൻലാൽ, മ പ്പധാന



ാഭന,സുമേഷ് മ ാപി എന്നിവർ




െലച്ചിപ്ര ാണ്

ണിച്ചിപ്രത്താഴ്. ഈ സിനി യിചല " വേുവാനില്ല ആേു ീ വിജന ാം ഭൂ ിയിൽ " എന്ന

ാന ാണ്, എന്ചെ ഇഷ്ട ാനങ്ങളിചല ഈ പ്പാവ

യചത്ത പ്പരിപാദ്യ

വിഷയം. ധു





ആലാപനത്തിലും േെനയിലും വളചേ ആണ്


സം ീരം




പാടിയ എം





എന്താചണന്നെിയാൻ വവൊചര

ം യും നെുലനും



വിദ് ്ധനും

ാ. സണ്ണി മജാസഫിചന ഇരിന്ചെ വസ്തുര


അപേവയക്തിരവം ബാധിച്ച


ിക്കുന്നമരാട്കൂടി െില അ ാനുഷിെ


നെുലന്ചെ ഉറ്റ സുഹൃത്തു ായ മ


െിന്താ രിയുള്ള

അമ്മാവന്ചെ വാക്കിചന അവ ണിച്ച് യുവദ്മ്പരിെളായ രങ്ങളുചട പഴയ രെവാട്ടിമലക്ക് പ്പമവ



രചന്നയാണ് ഈ ദ്ുേൂഹരക്ക് പിന്നിചലന്ന്


ം ചയ



പഴയൊല പ്പശ്നങ്ങളാണിരിന് ൊേണ ായര്. പുസ്തെങ്ങമളയും, െവിരെചളയും സ്മനഹിക്കുന്ന ഈ

ം , രന്ചെ പഴയൊലങ്ങളിമലക്ക് രിേിഞ്ഞു മനാക്കുന്നരാണ്

ാനത്തിന്ചെ ഇരിവൃത്തം.

ൊത്തിേിപ്പിന്ചെ അെിവിലും,






യാഥാർഥയ ാെില്ല




നിസ്സഹായരയു ാണ് ഈ പാട്ടിന്ചെ വേിെളിൽ പ്പെട ാക്കുന്നര്. ജീവിരത്തിന് നിെമഭദ്ങ്ങൾ ആഴങ്ങൾ

മെർക്കുന്നു, വലുരാണ്.




നാ ും,

ൊത്തിേിപ്പിന്ചെ ഇരുമപാലുള്ള

ൊത്തിേുപ്പിലൂചട െടന്നു മപാൊെുണ്​്. അമപ്പാചഴല്ലാം നാം മപാലും അെിയാചര ൊരിലാമോ








ൊത്തിേുന്നു മനാവെിഞ്ഞു മനടുന്നരു രചന്നയാണ് പ്പണയം. ആ ൊത്തിേിപ്പിന് ഒേു പ്പമരയെ സുഖ ുണ്​്. പടിവാരിൽ രുെന്നിട്ടും, രീവണ്ിയുചട െൂളം വിളിക്ക് ൊമരാർത്തും െു േിചല നാഴിെ ണി വട്ടം നമ്മൾ ൊത്തിേുന്നിട്ടുണ്​്.

ബ്ദത്തിനു ൊമരാർത്തും എപ്രമയാ

പ്പിയ ുള്ള


വേുച ന്ന







ഋരുക്കളിലും അവളും വഴിക്കണ്ണുെളു ായ് ൊത്തിേിക്കുന്നു. െിലമപ്പാചഴാചക്ക മരങ്ങിചക്കാണ്ും െിലമപ്പാൾ ഒടുവിൽ,


ധുേരേ ായ നി ിഷങ്ങചള ഓേ് ിച്ചുചൊണ്ും.





അരയധിെം ആൊംഷമയാചട, അര് ആചേന്നു മനാക്കുവാൻ ഓടിചച്ചല്ലുന്ന അവൾ ൊണുന്നമരാ, വഴി ചരറ്റി വന്ന ആ ആൾ രിേിച്ചു മപാെുന്നരാണ്. ഉത്തേം







ചരറ്റായിേുന്നു എന്ന് നാം രിേിച്ചെിയുമമ്പാൾ അര് വളചേ വവെിയിട്ടുണ്ാവും. ഈ



വേിെൾ പ്




ധുേ ാക്കചപ്പട്ട





ന ുക്കും ആസവദ്ിക്കാം . ഇരിന്ചെ വേിെളിമലക്കു ഒന്ന് െമണ്ണാടിക്കാം. Song: Varuvanillarumee Film: Manichithrathazhu Lyricist: Madhu Muttam Musician: MG.Radhakrishnan Singer: Chithra വേുവാനില്ലാേു ിചങ്ങാേുനാളു ീവഴിക്കെിയാം അചരന്നാലുച ന്നും .. പ്പിയ ുമള്ളാോളാമോ വേുവാനുചണ്ന്നു ഞാൻ ചവെുമര മ ാഹിക്കു മല്ലാ .? എന്നും ചവെുമര മ ാഹിക്കു മല്ലാ...? പലവട്ടം പൂക്കാലം വഴിചരറ്റിമപ്പായിട്ടചങ്ങാേുനാളും പൂക്കാ ാചകാമ്പിൽ അരിനായി ാപ്ര ാചയാേുമനേം ഋരു ാെി

ധു ാസ ണയാെുണ്മല്ലാ..?

വേുവാനില്ലാേു ീ വിജന ാച ൻവഴിക്കെിയാം അചരന്നാലുച ന്നും.. പടിവാരിമലാളം ചെന്നെലത്താവഴിയാമെ ിഴിപാെി നിൽക്കാെുണ്മല്ലാ..? ിഴിപാെി നിൽക്കാെുണ്മല്ലാ..? പ്പിയ ുമള്ളാോളാമോ വേുവാനുചണ്ന്നുഞാൻ ചവെുമര മ ാഹിക്കാെുണ്മല്ലാ..? വേുച ന്നു ചൊല്ലിപ്പിേിഞ്ഞുമപായില്ലാേും അെിയാം അചരന്നാലുച ന്നും.. പരിവായി ഞാചനന്ചെ പടിവാരിചലന്തിമനാ പെുരിമയ ൊോെുള്ളമല്ലാ..? പ്പിയ ുമള്ളാോളാമോ വേുവാനുചണ്ന്നുഞാൻ ചവെുമര മ ാഹിക്കു മല്ലാ

ഭം ി

വേുച ന്ന് ചൊല്ലിപിേിഞ്ഞുമപായിചല്ലാോളും അെിയാം അചരന്നാലുച ന്നും പരിവായി ഞാചനൻചെ പാടിവാരിചലന്തിമനാ പെുരിമയ ൊോെുള്ളൂ പ്പിയ ുചള്ളാോളാമോ വേുവാനുചണ്ന്നു ഞാൻ ചവെുചര മ ാഹിക്കു മല്ലാ നിനയാത്ത മനേത്തു പടിവാരിലിൽ ഒേു പദ്വിനയാസം മെട്ട മപാചല വേവായാചലാേുനാളും പിേിയാചരൻ ഒേു

ധു ാസം

ാപ്ര ചൊണ്ുവചന്നമന്നാ

ഇന്നു ഒേു

ാപ്ര ചൊണ്ുവചന്നമന്നാ

ചൊരിമയാചട ഓടിചച്ചന്നൊലചത്ത വഴിയിമലക്ക് ഇേുെണ്ണും നീട്ടുന്ന മനേം വഴി ചരറ്റി വന്നാമോ പെുരിക്കു വചച്ചന്ചെ വഴിമയ രിേിച്ചു മപാെുന്നു എന്ചെ വഴിമയ രിേിച്ചു മപാെുന്നു Mini Thomas

Our Platinum Sponsors‌

Our Sponsors…

Thank you…..

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