Fundación Chile - english version

Page 27


ing the Futu uild re B d n a One of the major challenges for the salmonid feed industry is to change the sources of nutrients, replacing fish meal and oil with plant-based products. Among these products are lupin, canola (rapeseed) and soy, which are under increasing demand from the salmon feed processing industry that supplies the burgeoning salmon production industry. Fundaci贸n Chile together with the von Baer family, Schiess group and Claudio Dumont created Oleotop to produce canola oil for salmon farming. It is also investigating the use of a number of other plant inputs for salmon nutrition.

Berry Crops and Exports The program aimed to introduce new species and varieties of berries and to expand their growing zone. It also introduced production techniques recently introduced in the United States and Europe. Genetic material was imported; varieties selected; specialists in berry production and processing were brought in; and courses and seminars were offered in the southern regions.

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Plant-based Feeds in Salmon Nutrition

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