Full Throttle Magazine November issue 2023

Page 7


By Cindy BlantonB

I do not recommend having state minimums because what if you cause a life threatening or death accident? And if you do not have enough coverage, those individuals can come after your personally for any remaining balance. That could cause a huge financial impact. At least go with 50/100/25. Having higher limits on the bodily injury part will get you a better level of protection. The next thing you need to look at is the underinsured and uninsured. These two are optional but I highly recommend having them on your motorcycle policy. Those number typically match the bodily injury numbers you have on the liability portion of your policy. If you were involved in an accident that was not your fault and the other driver did not have any insurance or enough insurance, you can have your policy kick in and pick up the slack as the secondary policy. People ask me if they need to have collision or comprehensive coverage on their policy’s. There are several factors to look at when making that decision. These two coverages are to protect you from having to deal with added expensive if your bike was damage in any capacity. The collision is pretty self-explanatory. If you were in an ‘At Fault” accident and your bike was damaged, your only out of pocket expense is your deductible. Which that amount is up to you, you can go as little as $100 up to $2000 depending on the carrier. Some may not want to carry collision because their bike is not worth enough and the insurance company may just total it out. BUUUUTTT! I do HIGHLY recommend carrying comprehensive. This can also be referred to as “other than collision”. You can carry the same deductible as your collision or carry a different deductible amount. This covers everything from fire, wind, water, theft, vandalism and even if you hit an animal while you are riding. This is a very valuable thing to have on your policy. The next coverage options is one that many don’t fully comprehend. That is Medical. Medical coverage is very important to a motorcycle rider. If there was an accident your fault or not, that medical coverage can be the difference of having that financial strain or a huge piece of mind. What is Medical coverage? This coverage is designed to offer financial assistant for any immediate medical expenses such as urgent care, emergency room, ambulance etc. THIS COVERAGE IS FOR YOU! This will also cover your passenger. Medical coverage is more than just medical. It can cover the cost of prescription drugs, funeral cost, dental care, home health care, deductibles etc. www.FullThrottle-Magazine.com Page


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