Решебник (ГДЗ) по английскому языку - учебник Spotlight (Книга для учителя) - 11 класс

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Hamlet Key Episode 9 1 A country’s well-being is affected by those who govern it. Whether the people are going to live in prosperity or misery highly depends on those in power. Claudius is a corrupted ruler, and, as a result, Denmark is corrupted too. This corruption is illustrated by a series of ominous events that create a darkened atmosphere throughout the episode. The first signs of corruption are visible in Ophelia’s madness, which is caused by two other gloomy events: Hamlet’s exile and Polonius’ death, followed by a secret burial, another sign that indicates corruption. The darkened atmosphere is heightened by the common people’s reaction to all these events. Everyone in the country feels disturbed and they are whispering and murmuring among themselves. As a result, Laertes’ return is accompanied by a short rebellion of the people. Another event that signifies corruption is Claudius’ evil plan to kill Hamlet, but the most tragic event in the episode is Ophelia’s drowning. 2 Throughout the play, Laertes’ character is sharply contrasted to Hamlet’s. Although they have both lost a father and want revenge, they are very different characters. Hamlet is reflective and has difficulty acting. Even when he is given the opportunity to kill Claudius, he has second thoughts believing it is not the right moment to act. Laertes, on the other hand, is active and has no time for thought. The moment he hears about his father’s death, he comes back from France swearing revenge. It is only when the King assures him of his innocence that Laertes calms down, but, still, he cannot remain inactive. He wants the guilty one to be punished. His desire for revenge is so strong that he doesn’t hesitate to become Claudius’ accomplice in his plan to kill Hamlet. 3 It has already been demonstrated how dependent on men Ophelia is. She suppresses her feelings for Hamlet out of respect for her father and brother. After Polonius’ sudden death and Hamlet’s exile she finds herself without the men she loves most. This abrupt loss literally drives her mad, as she loses her support and guidance in life. She is too innocent and too pure to face life on her own and she now feels unstable. Her madness is due to external pressures. She does not pretend to be mad in order to achieve an end, which is what differentiates her


insanity from Hamlet’s. Hamlet pretends to be mad in order to plot against Claudius. Therefore his insanity is different from Ophelia’s. Episode 10 1 The two gravediggers represent a humourous type of character found in Shakespeare’s plays. They are typical examples of common people whose wit acts as a foil to the language of their superiors. Their jokes and clever language set a comic tone in the episode and lighten the atmosphere. However, they are also macabre since the action takes place in a cemetery, a place associated with death. More importantly, the topics raised in this episode are of extreme seriousness. Ophelia has drowned but it is questionable whether she is entitled to a proper burial, and Hamlet is concerned about death and physical decay. All this sets a tragic tone in the episode. 2 From an early stage in the play, Hamlet seems preoccupied with death. What troubles him initially is the afterlife. He thinks that it is our fear for the unknown that makes us live and bear our miseries. This time, he is concerned with physical decay and the inevitability of death. He is shocked when he sees Yorick’s skull and remembers the King’s jester. He imagines physical characteristics, such as lips, that have now decayed and vanished. The thought that everyone’s body sooner or later will decompose appals him. No one can escape decay, no matter how important or noble they are. On the whole, Hamlet appears very respectful towards the dead. 3 There is a dilemma posed in this episode that signifies a matter of religious and moral importance. It is not clear whether Ophelia should be given a proper burial since it is not clear whether she committed suicide or she accidentally drowned. If she has willingly killed herself, she is not allowed to be given a proper burial as this would be unholy for the dead. Suicide is considered a sin; therefore the one committing it must be punished. Instead of having prayers read to them, they must be hit with stones. In Ophelia’s case, however, such things have been overlooked due to her position in the court. Being the daughter of Polonius, the King’s chief advisor, she is being treated with leniency. As a result, Ophelia is being taken to her resting place with a funeral service.

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