Franchise Magazine - Mena Issue 3

Page 54


T H E TAY L O R T R A D I T I O N Since 1854, Taylor of Old Bond Street has manufactured and VROG WKH À QHVW LQ WUDGLWLRQDO DQG PRGHUQ KLJK TXDOLW\ PDOH grooming products and accessories. Today’s product offering is the result of over 150 years of UHVHDUFK DQG SURGXFW UHÀ QHPHQW 2XU XQULYDOOHG H[SHULHQFH of manufacturing specialist grooming products gave us a true LQVLJKW LQWR ZKDW LV UHTXLUHG RI WKH À QHVW VKDYLQJ FUHDPV soaps and lotions. 7D\ORU RI 2OG %RQG 6WUHHW H[HPSOLÀ HV WUDGLWLRQDO (QJOLVK

style combining it with state of the art design, up to the minute manufacturing techniques and the heritage of a long established IDPLO\ EXVLQHVV 2XU NQRZOHGJH DQG H[SHULHQFH SURYLGH WRGD\¡V man with an offering that is both sophisticated and practical. As a Taylor of Old Bond Street franchise owner you will be responsible for establishing your retail shop in an approved city location, oversee the management and development of your outlet and provide customers with quality products and H[FHOOHQW FXVWRPHU VHUYLFH

T H E F R A N C H I S E PA C K A G E To open and stock a Taylor of Old Bond Street shop you will require a total investment in the region of £130,000, depending on shop size and location. The initial payment to Taylor of Old Bond Street of £48,500 is in respect of the following: ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Franchise rights Shop premises approval and design assistance Business manuals Initial training

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2QJRLQJ VXSSRUW IURP KLJKO\ H[SHULHQFHG IUDQFKLVRU Dedicated website and email address Business stationery and marketing materials

Further investment includes initial product stock, acquisition of shop, legal advice and working capital.

B E PA R T O F A B I L L I O N P O U N D M A R K E T A recently commissioned report on the market for men’s grooming products found that: ‡

The male grooming market is currently estimated to be worth over ÂŁ14 billion and is continuing to grow year-on-year


0HQ DUH ZLGHQLQJ WKHLU WRLOHWULHV UHSHUWRLUH VLJQLĂ€ FDQWO\ in terms of quantity consumption and product range


Skincare is now accepted and increasingly popular – particularly with upcoming generations


There is abundant evidence of an upsurge in new niche product and brand launches


Today’s fashionable man typically uses eight or more different male grooming products


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Taylor of Old Bond Street occupies the prime position in WKLV UDSLGO\ H[SDQGLQJ PDUNHW DV WKH EUDQG DEOH WR PRVW HIIHFWLYHO\ H[SORLW WKHVH H[FLWLQJ IDVKLRQ DQG EHKDYLRXUDO WUHQGV :LWK WKH KHOS RI LWV QHZ H[FOXVLYH IUDQFKLVH QHWZRUN WKH FRPSDQ\ ZLOO EH DEOH WR H[SDQG DQG IXUWKHU VWUHQJWKHQ LWV brand prominence in the rich vein represented by the growing male grooming market sector. Taylor of Old Bond Street will only be establishing its UHWDLO RXWOHWV LQ LQ WKH PRVW VRSKLVWLFDWHG DQG OX[XULRXV FLWLHV throughout the UK and worldwide.

03/02/12 9:54 AM

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