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Brief 3

Precious Board 1/3

Precious is an art collective, borne out of frustration with the excessively delicate and constrained atmosphere of the art school. Comprised of 12 young art students in Leeds Precious believes in a sense of community and freedom from elitism in art, expressed through an emphasis on entertainment and involvement with their audience and advancing links within the Leeds artistic community. At present the group is still young, having only just been founded this year. Precious have a light hearted approach to what they do and that is what needed to come through in their branding. They didn’t want their identity to be changed too much but it needed to be updated and finished to a more professional standard as they are attending more events and meeting other creatives they need to promote and present themselves well. The exhibition design was also ment to be a part of this brief however Precious had to put their latest exhibition on hold so that part of the brief is going to be taken on to FMP.

Francesca Pecqueur Graphic Design OUGD301

Brief 3

Precious Board 2/3

Precious had a logo and business cards as their branding but had taken it no further, I took the already existing logo and tried out some other variations but it came back to the orginal logo with a few slight changes to some of the letter forms and angles. Applying the logo to a range of stationary that Precious could use was the requirement of this brief.

1 This is a compliment slip that Precious can send out to clients and people that they may work with. The gold foiling is something that has been applied across the whole of the branding as Precious’ colour scheme is pink and gold and they didn’t want to loose that in their re-branding. The foiling is applied to all the text on the front of the compliment slip on the baby pink stock and then the whole of the reverse side is also foiled.


2-3 The letterhead is similar to the compliment slip, the text is all foiled in gold, with the back being completely foiled. There is also pink envelopes that are gold on the inside which can be seen the whole range shot on the first board. The use of the pink and gold is to reflect Precious’ message of breaking the conventions of what is seen as art, making it more fun and accessible. 4 The business card is printed onto the same pink stock as the letterheads with the gold foil over the logo. The backs of the business cards are printed onto mountboard which makes them durable and makes them seem less disposable and less likely to dismiss. Logo typeface- Edwardian Script Body copy typeface- Georgia




Francesca Pecqueur Graphic Design OUGD301

Brief 3

Precious Board 3/3

As well as having the business cards and letterheads that Precious can hand out and send out to clients they also need to promote themselves to a wider audience and in a way that reflects their fun image. 1 The pencils are something that Precious can hand out at events and exhibitions they host or attend. They are a fun product that can be mass produced and something that people will take home with them and keep, hopefully people will use the pencils and have a reminder of Precious. 2 The t-shirts are promotional material for Precious, each member of Precious has one that they can wear to events they attend, even in their day to day lives. The t-shirts are also something that people have been interested in and asked about, so at exhibitions Precious host the t-shirts along with the pencils and other promotional material such as bags and badges could be sold as Precious merchandise.


2 Francesca Pecqueur Graphic Design OUGD301

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