April 2023 Outreach Newsletter

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In the Heart of Naples with the Love of God: we worship, we love, we grow, we serve
Rev. Craig Goodrich 3 Worship and Music 4 Finance 5 Missions 6 Church Leadership 8 Stephen Ministry 9 Preschool 10 Presbyterian Women 11 Intergenerational CE 12 Church News 17 Membership 18 236.262.1311 Phone Extensions Ministers Rev. Craig Goodrich, Senior Pastor 2035 craigg@fpcnaples.org Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor 2027 rexc@fpcnaples.org Worship & Music Dr. Brice Gerlach, Director of Music Ministries 2039 briceg@fpcnaples.org David Fister, Audio-Visual Technician 2044 davidf@fpcnaples.org Caitlin Hancock, Sound and Video Operator Christian Education Jack Fogelman, Kidz Lab Teacher Audrey Gordon, Childcare Provider Ashley Hancock, Christian Education Assistant 2012 ashley.hancock@fpcnaples.org Nancy Van Fleet, Director of Children and Youth 2029 nancyv@fpcnaples.org Office Sandy Knight, Office Assistant/Receptionist 2000 sandyk@fpcnaples.org Kathleen Law, Director of Publications and Social Media kathleenl@fpcnaples.org 2013 Sharman Pfaus, Executive Office Manager 2036 sharmanp@fpcnaples.org Susan Pratt, Assistant for Caring Ministries 2037 susanp@fpcnaples.org Debbie Savage, Director of Finance 2042 debbies@fpcnaples.org Facilities Lisa Ethier, Custodian 2016 lisae@fpcnaples.org Eduardo Martinez, Maintenance 2014 eduardom@fpcnaples.org Sandy Poore, Director of Facilities 2028 sandyp@fpcnaples.org Preschool Ashley Houk, Preschool Director 2009 ashleyh@fpcnaples.org Lindsay Clarke, Assistant Preschool Director 2038 lindsayw@fpcnaples.org STAFF LISTING TABLE OF CONTENTS

Rev. Craig Goodrich, Senior Pastor,

Well, it’s April already. Can you believe it? The Season is coming to an end, and for all who are heading back north, we wish you traveling mercies and grace. And we hope you will stay in touch.

But there is another season that is ending and that is the season of Lent. In fact, by the time you read this we will be in Holy Week. We will gather on Maundy Thursday evening for handwashing and communion and again on Good Friday at noon to remember the Crucifixion. And then Sunday to celebrate Easter and the resurrection of Jesus.

Of course, we know there could be no resurrection without the crucifixion and that is the pattern of the Christian life. Jesus said we find our lives by losing them. We die to self and ego, only to find our true selves.

Our four gospels contain numerous stories of the appearances of Jesus, though interestingly there is no description of the actual resurrection itself. But we do see the risen Jesus meeting Mary Magdalene in the garden. We see him in the upper room with the disciples and encountering Thomas who missed his first appearance. We see him on the road to Emmaus with two forlorn disciples and on the shore of the Sea of Galilee preparing breakfast for his friends.

We will be looking at all of these stories during our Easter Season as we celebrate and hope for resurrection in our own lives.

I love what the late Presbyterian writer Frederick Buechner wrote about resurrection:

“The earliest reference to the Resurrection is Saint Paul’s, and he makes no mention of an empty tomb at all. But the fact of the matter is that in a way it hardly matters how the body of Jesus came to be missing because in the last analysis what convinced the people that he had risen from the dead was not the absence of his corpse but his living presence. And so it has been ever since…”

He continues, “[b]ut the proclamation of Easter Day is that all is well…Love is the victor. Death is not the end. The end is life. His life and our lives through him, in him. Existence has greater depths of beauty, mystery, and benediction than the wildest visionary has ever dared to dream. Christ our Lord has risen.”

And we say “He is risen indeed!”

A Blessed Easter to you and yours.

Faithfully and Gratefully,


April 2

Palm/Passion Sunday

Rev. Rex Childs

“Donkey and Colt”

April 6

Maundy Thursday

7 p.m. worship

April 7

Good Friday

12 noon worship

April 9

Easter Sunday

7:30 a.m. Courtyard Worship

8:30 and 10:15 a.m.

Rev. Craig Goodrich


April 16

Rev. Craig Goodrich


April 23

Earth Sunday

Rev. Rex Childs

April 30

Rev. Craig Goodrich



Saint John’s Bible Products for Purchase

FPCN members are given the opportunity to order TheSaintJohn’sBiblebooks, notecards and prints with a 20% discount through April 20. You may purchase your products by visiting www.litpress.org/sjb and include the discount code of NAPLES20 when checking out. A list of the products that are available can be picked up in the church office or in Spencer Hall. For questions, please contact Elizabeth Owens at eowens@litpress.org or calling her at 1.800.858.5450 ext. 2059.

20% off Discount Code: NAPLES20

Good only until April 20, 2023

Here are just a few of the items available to order. Please visit the website for more items.


The Palms Society


Family Love Letter

Sunday, April 30, 2023

Following the 8:30 and 10:15 a.m. services

No one wants to be a burden on their loved ones. Join us to find out how to be organized and ready for the unexpected. We will also talk about how to be prepared to handle the hurdles of the first year of being a widow/widower or being alone.

This informal session will be led by Linda Gadkowski, Certified Financial Planner™ Professional, and Amy Manley, Certified Financial Planner™ Professional, Financial Advisor. Please e-mail or call Amy Manley to register, aag34@icloud.com or 239.272.6821.

Generosity Campaign Update

Thank you to everyone who has joined us in ‘Growing and turned in your pledges. We are so grateful for your support of First Presbyterian Church of Naples and its mission, programs, and outreach! As of the end of March, we have received 230 pledges totaling $1,212,117.

We are truly excited to watch God at work through First Presbyterian Church of Naples! As we are wrapping up our 2023 Generosity Campaign, it would be helpful for those who wanted to participate by pledging this year but who haven’t yet turned in their pledge, to do so as soon as possible. We are still accepting pledges, so it’s not too late to turn one in by placing the card in the offering plate, bringing or mailing it to the church office, or filling in the card online through our website. Please feel free to contact Debbie Savage, Director of Finance, should you have

Finance 5
Finance, debbies@fpcnaples.org
Doug Jensen, Committee Chair, d50.jensen@gmail.com Debbie Savage, Director of

Our group of thirteen that worked on March 10 at Misión Peniel:

Front row: Desma Borland, Cari Rieder, Lee Ryan, Pat Nordbrock

Middle Row: Susan Kogan, Kathy Ickes, Donna Estler, Barbara Beach, Lois

Almquist, Alexia Kinney, Heather Cartwright

Back Row: Terry Almquist, Doug Borland


We’re going to Cuba!

Fifteen Presbyterians from five Peace River Presbytery churches are heading to Cuba in May! The purpose of the trip is to renew our Presbytery-to-Presbytery partnership as well as for each of the five churches to renew their church-to-church partnerships. Rev. Rex Childs, Amy Manley, Sarah Nichols and Pat Nordbrock will spend time with our partner church, Central Reformed, in Matanzas. We are looking forward to re-connecting with their pastors, their congregation, and to learn more about their ministries, their community, and their hopes and goals for the future.

Cuba is facing increased shortages of just about everything. We will each take the maximum number of suitcases filled with items like solar lights, hygiene supplies, medications and food. There will be an opportunity closer to our departure date if you’d like to help us fill those bags. Watch the bulletin for more details!

This is the first building and they have great faith that there will be 16 families, who today live in squalor and unhealthy homes, moving into a safe, affordable place to live by years end. reach of being able to start the second building. hardworking families of Immokalee. contribution of FPCN, Presbyterian Women, and many individual donors. This is affordable housing done right!

Missions Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org

Feed the 5,000


This month we are helping to restock the food pantry of Helps Outreach.

Ushers will have a list available as you leave the Sanctuary the second Sunday of April. Food donations will be collected at the 6th Street church entrance on the third Sunday of the month, April 16.

If you prefer, monetary donations can be made online at www.fpcnaples.org/give or checks may be made payable to "First Presbyterian Church" with the memo marked

"Feed the 5,000" and placed in the collection plate.

Suggested items are:

Pasta & Pasta sauce

Canned tuna and chicken

Canned soups and stews

Canned vegetables

Dried beans


Jam or jelly

Canned milk

Join our work crew on Thursday, April 13 at 7:30 a.m. and ride the bus to our worksite.

We will return to church by 12:30 p.m. Sign up in Spencer Hall at the Missions table or contact Yancey Brame at 239.331.7731 or jybrame@gmail.com.

L to R: Jeanne Perkins, Scott Macdonough, Susan Neal, Tom Tichenor, Susan Kogan, Bob Guyett, Doug Borland, Yancey Brame. Present but not pictured: Don Merz.

The Power Pak program provides meals/snacks for Big Cypress Elementary School students who would not otherwise have enough to eat over the weekend.

You can help support this mission by donating to the “Care Bear,” which resides on the cookie/punch table in Spencer Hall ready to receive your dollars and cents to be used to purchase food for the program. You can also help by delivering Power Paks to Big Cypress Elementary school on the designated days. For information, contact Betty Plum at bplum.790@gmail.com.

Contributions to the Power Pak program may also be made online at www.fpcnaples.org/give. Please select Mission-Power Pak Fund. Thank you for your generosity.

7 Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org

Church Leadership


Class of 2023

Pat Collins

Tedi and Gene Fraley

Lucy Koll

Eileen Malstrom

Betty Plum

Barbara and Roger Simons

Susan Sonderby

Deb & Harry Streamer

Class of 2024

Mary Armstrong

Marti Beard

Norman Brown

Pam Fisher

Amy Manley

Sylvia and Jack Marsh

Melissa McClayton

Sarah Nichols

Ali Norris

Gary Root

Liz Speake

Class of 2025

Cindy Esler

Gary Nordbrock

Karen and Roy Parker

Cari Rieder

Sue Shenk

Nancy Walkenhorst

Janice and David Witman

Janet Yanushefski

David Witman, Deacon Moderator, dpwitman@hotmail.com

Saralene Oldham, Clerk of Session, soldham@helmsbriscoe.com


Class of 2023

Teresa Doane

Francis Engelhardt

Linda Gadkowski

Roni Haggart

Bill Kearney

Class of 2024

Steve Barwick

Doug Jensen

Jim Mahon

Saralene Oldham

Barbara Weiss

Class of 2025

Janie Brown Casassa

Jacque Foust

Patty Rutzler

Martha Waddell


Christ Caring for People through People

The purpose and function of Stephen Ministry is to provide spiritual care to those who are struggling with temporary hardships and challenges in life. At these times, it is not uncommon for us not to acknowledge God’s presence even though these are the times when we need God the most. We become distracted by these hardships, and the spiritual care given by Stephen Ministers is designed to help people to see through these distractions and find the comfort and healing only God can provide.

Regularly engaging in spiritual practices is a wonderful way to focus on God’s presence in our lives. Below please find an insightful piece which may help us find the Grace and Peace we are seeking.

Daily Devotional Blog (2021)

Making time for personal devotions and getting into the habit of daily devotions are perennial challenges for any follower of Jesus. If morning is the time you feel most “with it” and energized that’s the

time to give to God. It’s easy to make personal devotions just another to-do item on your list: “Okay, I gotta read somanychapters of the Bible, pray for at least this long, and write thismuchin my journal.” However, it’s important to remember that devotions are more about purpose than a specific process. Romans 14:1-9 suggests that the mode of personal devotions is really a matter of conviction. What might work well for one person may not suit another. The point of devotions is not to check-off a list, but to be withGod.

Devotions are about inviting God’s presence into your day. You might sit quietly, with a steaming cup of coffee, to watch the sunrise, sharing the experience with God. Perhaps you choose to wake up by reading a spiritually evocative book. If so, ask God to join in and enlighten you. Maybe the quietness of your pre-sunrise household allows you to better heed the Spirit’s leading as you read God’s Word. If you need some structure, a daily devotion from a regular source or sources gets you into God’s Word, helps you reflect on his presence in your day-to-day life, and leads you into prayer. Don’t rush. Let your morning devotions take as long as is needed.

While a habit of daily devotions is good, it’s more important to let God take the lead each and every time. Habits can be so...habitual. We just want to do the same thing again and again, as though we are following an unalterable formula. We lose sight of the purpose: to actually spend time with God.

When we ask God to direct our devotions each morning, we give God the lead to set a whole different tone for the day ahead. If you’re anything like me, the issues confronting the day riot through your mind from the first moment you wake. This “noise” really hinders our ability to put the Lord first. Some sound advice I’ve heard before is to write down the thoughts that are cluttering my mind and lift them in prayer. This way, I surrender the agenda and my mind-space to God. When we let God set the agenda in those moments, his agenda becomes the foundation for the day. Early-morning devotional time lets you get ahead of everything else, and allows you to submit it all to the Lord.

Early-morning devotions give you the chance to turn the whole day over to the Lord. If you’re a morning person, you can give God your best energy. Even if you don’t care much for the morning, acknowledging God first thing, and asking him what he wants to do equips you to deal with the day’s challenges on a more solid footing.


Tom Clark

Isabelle Connell

Walter Gadkowski

Andie Goodrich

Shirley Hagerson

Jack Marsh

Janeen McClure

Saralene Oldham

Karen Parker

Gary Root

David Witman

Saralene Oldham,
Ministry Co-Leader, soldham@helmsbriscoe.com
Ministry Co-
dpwitman@hotmail.com Stephen Ministry


Women have kicked off 2022 with three very successful and well attended Gatherings:

January: Author Elizabeth Hoagland discussed her book, Let’s Be Friends.

February: The Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance’s informative presentation along with a farmer’s market of fresh produce from Immokalee and a display of our “Sew and Sews” hand made quilts.

March: “Fashion with a Purpose”, a fashion show narrated by Alina Donahue from Pathways Early Education Center of Immokalee. We decided to take the month of April off allowing us to participate in all of the Lenten Services.

Our PW Circle Groups will meet in April: Grace Circle: Tuesday, April 4 at 10 a.m. Love & Friendship Circle: Wednesday, April 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Sunshine Circle: Wednesday, April 19 at 11:30 a.m.

Peace with Honor Circle: Wednesday, April 19 at 1:15 p.m. (allcirclegroupsmeetinthechurchparlorandare opentoanyonewhowishestojoinagroupfor study&fellowship)

Please join us for our next lunch and Gathering on May 3 at noon followed by a program that will pull together all that we have had the opportunity to learn through our Circle Study and/or the WOW study on our journey to celebrate the sabbath. Participation in either of these two groups is not needed to attend this Gathering. We welcome all women to join us for lunch, fellowship, and a time to glean some tips regarding Sabbath practices. Reservations can be made in Spencer Hall on April 23 or April 30.

We have been blessed with a Coordinating Team that has volunteered their time and talent to present our Gathering programs, educational opportunities for our mission outreach, fellowship opportunities for the women of our church, the knitting & sewing gifts of love, and welcoming others through our weekly hospitality outreach of cookies and punch. As we look forward to the plans for 2023-24 we are in need of volunteers to help us continue the positive and engaging

administrative abilities, hospitality outreach, program designs and/or centerpiece talents, program ideas and/or implementation, the gift of sewing and/or knitting, etc.

Please consider calling a member of our Search Committee to share where your talents could be used to continue the mission of PW.

Janet Root: 239.963.9838

Joyce Witt: 404.857.5430

Joan Norris: 239.692.9585

Carolyn Bennett, Moderator, cjosmith341@gmail.com
11 Presbyterian

Study when we'll gather for fellowship, exploration of Scripture and small group discussion. During our five week study we'll cover the last four chapters of "The Spirit-Led Heart: Living a Life of Love and Faith without Borders". In these lessons, author Suzanne Eller encourages us to pursue the gracious gifts the Spirit makes available to us in our everyday lives: advocacy and comfort, guidance and counsel, discernment and wisdom, and empowerment. With deep insight and practical wisdom, Eller affirms the loving power of the Spirit which has alreadybeen givenand is waiting to be experienced. We hope you'll join us as we gather again in the loving bonds of our faith and fellowship. Even if you didn't take part in the first half of the study last fall, come along! Each chapter stands on its own and has much to offer. And consider bringing a friend -- all are welcome!

When: Thursdays, April 27-May 25; 9-11 a.m. Where: Spencer Hall (a live morning Zoom option will also be available)

Sign-up: In Spencer Hall at the WOW table after worship on April 16 and 23 or online at fpcwomen2017@gmail.com. Please include your name and email or phone number; whether you need a study book; whether you'll participate in person or by Zoom.

Study Book: "The Spirit-Led Heart" can be purchased directly from Amazon or copies will be available in Spencer Hall at the WOW table for $9.50.

Questions?: Andie Goodrich: 404.317.5850 or andie.goodrich@gmail.com.


Women’s Ministry Bible Study

All women are invited to join us for a weekly Bible Study held on Mondays at 1 p.m. in the Parlor. Please bring your Bible. We look to covenant with each other week by week as we delve into God’s Word.

For more information contact Janeen McClure at jrmc@airmcclure.com.

A Men’s Bible Discussion Group

All men are invited and encouraged to gather with us in Spencer Hall each Thursday at noon. Bring a Bible and your lunch! If unable to attend in person, you are welcome to join the meeting via Zoom.

Please contact David Fister at davidf@fpcnaples.org for Zoom instructions and a link to the meeting.

We will continue with the topic of “Aging, Are We Prepared?” to include “What role does the church play?”

Small group discussions will be followed with sharing of the summaries of these discussions.

For more information and questions, please contact Bill Kearney at 239.348.2871 or skearney239@comcast.net.

Roni Haggart, Committee Chair, vhaggart@gmail.com Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org

Roni Haggart, Committee Chair, vhaggart@gmail.com

Rev. Rex Childs, Associate Pastor, rexc@fpcnaples.org

Good Friday Labyrinth Walk

Friday, April 7

Following the Good Friday Service

Intergenerational CE

Nancy Van Fleet during Children’s Time at the 10:15 a.m. services

GenWe Sunday members getting tech help live and online

You are invited to join Rev. Rex Childs and Nancy Van Fleet as we continue our time in silence after the Good Friday service for a labyrinth walk.

With the help of this gentle discipline and practice, we can allow space in our lives to ponder the significance of Good Friday in our lives.

Please meet in the chapel after the service if you would like to engage in this practice.

GenWE service

Palm Sunday, April 2

Taco Bar lunch in youth room following the 10:15 a.m. service

Family Palm Sunday craft


Youth Events

Sunday, April 16

Youth Outing following worship Montreat fundraiser begins

Kidz Lab meets in the Youth Room on Sundays after the Children’s Time. On the first Sundays of the month, GenWe Sundays, children stay in the service and worship with their families.

Children in Kindergarten through grade 6 are invited to this faith formation journey based on the weekly lectionary choices. Children in Kidz Lab engage with the same lessons that their parents hear in church, which encourages family conversations after the service.

16 vhaggart@gmail.com nancyv@fpcnaples.org


All are welcome to join a "Behind the Scenes" church tour on Sunday, April 23 between the services.

Guides and guests will assemble at the front of the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. and take a 30 minute tour around the campus. We welcome you to become more familiar with the layout and activities at FPCN. Contact Sarah Nichols for additional information, sarahsnichols@gmail.com or 615.268.5407.

The Church office and Preschool will be closed on Monday,April 10 The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Sunday, April 30 following the 10:15 a.m. worship service.

Share a Meal

Please join us for stimulating conversation, good food, and warm fellowship at our next on Friday, April 14.

Hosts/Hostesses are asked to welcome attendees into their homes to share a meal for 4, 5, or 6 people. Hosts are responsible for furnishing the main entrée and soft drinks. Guests will provide side dishes. For details or if you would like to host or attend

Church News 17
14 Church News Kathleen Law, Director of Publications and Social Media, kathleenl@fpcnaples.org

Thank You

To all my wonderful friends at First Presbyterian, Many months ago I was severely impacted by Hurricane Ian with incredible damage from flooding. I was blessed in having two adult grandsons in Miami who immediately came to my rescue for two days directly following the flood. Unfortunately I lost most all of the contents of my house. Then a miracle happened! Who appears at my door but Rex with 4 able bodied men saying, “Can we help?” For many weeks those wonderful men and the ladies who wrapped all my china and fragiles plus financial help from all you wonderful members of First Pres came to help me rebuild my life. I just want to say thank you from my entire heart, not just the bottom as they say, for your shower of help both financially as well as physically. God bless you all.

Dear FPCN Family,

On March 2 FPCN hosted the Peace River Presbytery for their all day Stated meeting and worship service. Peace River is comprised of 37 churches in Southwest Florida and we had approximately 125 ministers, commissioners and visitors attending. Over 50 volunteers and staff members from our church agreed to help in various areas. There was set-up/tear down, parking attendants, three registration tables, greeters, numerous ushers and communion servers for the worship service, food ordering and preparation for breakfast and lunch and clerks to assist during the business meeting along with administrative support.

Throughout the day, there were smiles and words of kindness as people shared compliments on the beauty of the church and the friendly and warm welcome that was shown to them.

We thank every volunteer and staff member who made this such a successful day and who exhibited the hospitality that we are so well known for. Thank you all for being so special.

What a wonderful supportive church we have. So many people from the congregation came forward and loaned me a wheelchair, the iceman ice machine, which became my friend, to the delivery of a prayer shawl (which I have used every day since) and Pastor Craig’s visit at the hospital.

I had pop-in friends visit from the church, flowers delivered from the deacons, many cards, letters, texts,

and calls, which helped to let me know so many cared. Thanks to the kitchen crew that sent home with Jerry fancy sandwiches and cookies after a concert, which brought more of the churches’ love into our home away from home.

Let’s not forget God, who created all of you to help and serve, and to the professionalism of the surgeon, that performed the surgery, to the nurses and technicians and the developer of the knee replacement surgery.

Healing takes time and patience, which you must learn. Patience is a learned trait that does not come easy. As each day passes, I notice a different area of healing and progress being made, which reminds me It takes time to heal.

The Love of God was once again at work as we looked around Spencer Hall on Saturday, March 25. In just two hours the 96 volunteers cheerfully packed 36,096 nutritional meals for Meals of Hope. You may wonder if there is much hunger in our affluent community. One measure of need is that about 70% of our school population is on the free or reduced lunch program.

The Mission Committee wants to express how very grateful we are to all those who were involved. The Christmas Eve offering financed the purchase of the food to pack. Our office and staff participated by preparing announcements and handling phone calls. The custodians cheerfully provided all the furniture needed to set up the tables and they remained smiling as we messed up the normally spotless Spencer Hall.

Young people from Naples High Interact Club were on hand and were able to enthusiastically provide all the supplies we needed and handling the heavy lifting. Thank you for all of our adult church members and guests, some of whom donated Friday afternoon for setup, and to all who donated their Saturday morning to pack and clean up.

Kathleen Law, Director of Publications and Social Media, kathleenl@fpcnaples.org
15 Church News

April Birthdays

April 1

Edie Smallwood

Cathy Batcher

April 2

Doug Johnson

Jeanie Weigel

April 3

Judith Herb

William Colville

April 4

Mary Armstrong

April 5

Pam Fisher

Lindsay Clarke

Martha Autera

April 6

Gregory Georgieff

Patty Rutzler

Milton Wetherington

April 7

Thomas Decker

April 8

John Marshall

Martin Hudtloff

Les Kasten

Susan Robertson

Susan Wetherington

April 9

Macey Scerba

April 10

Barbara Laswell

Liz Psota

April 11

Sue Shenk

Ruth Klementik

Deborah Wight

April 12

Lucy Koll

Ronald Malstrom

April 13

Donna Fiala

April 14

Tom Gahagan

Donna Tincu

Joan Wilson

Linda Moreno

Susan McComsey

April 15

Bonita Krauss

April 17

Mary Gahagan

Kathleen Law

April 18

Bob Race

Carolyn Lee

Sheila Johnson

April 19

Michael Hulsen

Kim Wilmore

Rusty Batcher

April 20

Bud Elliot

Alison Lovingood

April 21

Barbara Shineman

Steve Magennis

April 22

Pat Collins

Cari Rieder

Deon Van Vuuren

April 23

Gerald Lanz

Gary Sissel

April 24

David Witman

April 26

Marge Martin

Carolyn Mollers

April 27

Deborah Wiswell

Keith Gahagan

April 28

Patrick Fraley

April 29

Kathy Brennan

April 30

Robert Benson

Linda Byrd

18 In Memoriam
Casassa, Committee Chair, jbyellowrose@gmail.com Kathleen Law, Dir. of Publications and Social Media, kathleenl@fpcnaples.org

AWarm Welcome to our New Members

Seekers & Joiners Class

Do you want to know more about our faith, this congregation and how to become a member of our dynamic church? We want to encourage you in your journey of faith. A Seekers and Joiners class will be held in the Parlor on Sunday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m.

Information packets are available at the exit doors or at the class. Please register by calling the church office at 239.262.1311 or by e-mailing Sandy Knight at sandyk@fpcnaples.org.

Janie Casassa, Committee Chair, jbyellowrose@gmail.com Kathleen Law, Dir. of Publications and Social Media, kathleenl@fpcnaples.org 19 Membership
Heather Cartwright CJ Cartwright Doug and Desma Borland Stephanie Hayes Diane Pauling Steve and Laura Richards Barbara Davis Frank and Barbara Westover Suzanne Zelinka Not pictured: Mike and Cheryl Del Campo Jayne and Al Hilde, Jr.

Holy Week

April 2, Palm Sunday

8:30 and 10:15 a.m.

Rev. Rex Childs

“Donkey and Colt”

April 6, Maundy Thursday

Rev. Craig Goodrich

7 p.m.

April 7, Good Friday

Rev. Rex Childs

12 noon

April 9, Easter Sunday

7:30 a.m. Courtyard Service

8:30 and 10:15 a.m.

Rev. Craig Goodrich

“Running on Easter”

Easter Egg Hunt following the 10:15 a.m. service

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First Presbyterian Church of Naples 250 Sixth Street South Naples, FL 34102 www.fpcnaples.org 239.262.1311
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