5 minute read

Christ Caring for People through People

The purpose and function of Stephen Ministry is to provide spiritual care to those who are struggling with temporary hardships and challenges in life. At these times, it is not uncommon for us not to acknowledge God’s presence even though these are the times when we need God the most. We become distracted by these hardships, and the spiritual care given by Stephen Ministers is designed to help people to see through these distractions and find the comfort and healing only God can provide.

Regularly engaging in spiritual practices is a wonderful way to focus on God’s presence in our lives. Below please find an insightful piece which may help us find the Grace and Peace we are seeking.


Christopher Hunt, Communications Manager for Reframe Ministries

Daily Devotional Blog (2021)

Making time for personal devotions and getting into the habit of daily devotions are perennial challenges for any follower of Jesus. If morning is the time you feel most “with it” and energized that’s the time to give to God. It’s easy to make personal devotions just another to-do item on your list: “Okay, I gotta read somanychapters of the Bible, pray for at least this long, and write thismuchin my journal.” However, it’s important to remember that devotions are more about purpose than a specific process. Romans 14:1-9 suggests that the mode of personal devotions is really a matter of conviction. What might work well for one person may not suit another. The point of devotions is not to check-off a list, but to be withGod.

Devotions are about inviting God’s presence into your day. You might sit quietly, with a steaming cup of coffee, to watch the sunrise, sharing the experience with God. Perhaps you choose to wake up by reading a spiritually evocative book. If so, ask God to join in and enlighten you. Maybe the quietness of your pre-sunrise household allows you to better heed the Spirit’s leading as you read God’s Word. If you need some structure, a daily devotion from a regular source or sources gets you into God’s Word, helps you reflect on his presence in your day-to-day life, and leads you into prayer. Don’t rush. Let your morning devotions take as long as is needed.

While a habit of daily devotions is good, it’s more important to let God take the lead each and every time. Habits can be so...habitual. We just want to do the same thing again and again, as though we are following an unalterable formula. We lose sight of the purpose: to actually spend time with God.

When we ask God to direct our devotions each morning, we give God the lead to set a whole different tone for the day ahead. If you’re anything like me, the issues confronting the day riot through your mind from the first moment you wake. This “noise” really hinders our ability to put the Lord first. Some sound advice I’ve heard before is to write down the thoughts that are cluttering my mind and lift them in prayer. This way, I surrender the agenda and my mind-space to God. When we let God set the agenda in those moments, his agenda becomes the foundation for the day. Early-morning devotional time lets you get ahead of everything else, and allows you to submit it all to the Lord.

Early-morning devotions give you the chance to turn the whole day over to the Lord. If you’re a morning person, you can give God your best energy. Even if you don’t care much for the morning, acknowledging God first thing, and asking him what he wants to do equips you to deal with the day’s challenges on a more solid footing.

Stephen Ministers

Tom Clark

Isabelle Connell

Walter Gadkowski

Andie Goodrich

Shirley Hagerson

Jack Marsh

Janeen McClure

Saralene Oldham

Karen Parker

Gary Root

David Witman


Women have kicked off 2022 with three very successful and well attended Gatherings:

January: Author Elizabeth Hoagland discussed her book, Let’s Be Friends.

February: The Immokalee Fair Housing Alliance’s informative presentation along with a farmer’s market of fresh produce from Immokalee and a display of our “Sew and Sews” hand made quilts.

March: “Fashion with a Purpose”, a fashion show narrated by Alina Donahue from Pathways Early Education Center of Immokalee. We decided to take the month of April off allowing us to participate in all of the Lenten Services.

Our PW Circle Groups will meet in April: Grace Circle: Tuesday, April 4 at 10 a.m. Love & Friendship Circle: Wednesday, April 19 at 9:30 a.m.

Sunshine Circle: Wednesday, April 19 at 11:30 a.m.

Peace with Honor Circle: Wednesday, April 19 at 1:15 p.m. (allcirclegroupsmeetinthechurchparlorandare opentoanyonewhowishestojoinagroupfor study&fellowship)

Please join us for our next lunch and Gathering on May 3 at noon followed by a program that will pull together all that we have had the opportunity to learn through our Circle Study and/or the WOW study on our journey to celebrate the sabbath. Participation in either of these two groups is not needed to attend this Gathering. We welcome all women to join us for lunch, fellowship, and a time to glean some tips regarding Sabbath practices. Reservations can be made in Spencer Hall on April 23 or April 30.

We have been blessed with a Coordinating Team that has volunteered their time and talent to present our Gathering programs, educational opportunities for our mission outreach, fellowship opportunities for the women of our church, the knitting & sewing gifts of love, and welcoming others through our weekly hospitality outreach of cookies and punch. As we look forward to the plans for 2023-24 we are in need of volunteers to help us continue the positive and engaging administrative abilities, hospitality outreach, program designs and/or centerpiece talents, program ideas and/or implementation, the gift of sewing and/or knitting, etc.

Please consider calling a member of our Search Committee to share where your talents could be used to continue the mission of PW.

Janet Root: 239.963.9838

Joyce Witt: 404.857.5430

Joan Norris: 239.692.9585

Carolyn Bennett, Moderator

Study when we'll gather for fellowship, exploration of Scripture and small group discussion. During our five week study we'll cover the last four chapters of "The Spirit-Led Heart: Living a Life of Love and Faith without Borders". In these lessons, author Suzanne Eller encourages us to pursue the gracious gifts the Spirit makes available to us in our everyday lives: advocacy and comfort, guidance and counsel, discernment and wisdom, and empowerment. With deep insight and practical wisdom, Eller affirms the loving power of the Spirit which has alreadybeen givenand is waiting to be experienced. We hope you'll join us as we gather again in the loving bonds of our faith and fellowship. Even if you didn't take part in the first half of the study last fall, come along! Each chapter stands on its own and has much to offer. And consider bringing a friend -- all are welcome!

When: Thursdays, April 27-May 25; 9-11 a.m. Where: Spencer Hall (a live morning Zoom option will also be available)

Sign-up: In Spencer Hall at the WOW table after worship on April 16 and 23 or online at fpcwomen2017@gmail.com. Please include your name and email or phone number; whether you need a study book; whether you'll participate in person or by Zoom.

Study Book: "The Spirit-Led Heart" can be purchased directly from Amazon or copies will be available in Spencer Hall at the WOW table for $9.50.

Questions?: Andie Goodrich: 404.317.5850 or andie.goodrich@gmail.com.