Focus of Virginia

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Designer VA's Newest

Gear Up

Season for the


CHROMALIGHT display with long-lasting luminescence - White lacquered, snailed pink gold small seconds counter






FO CM a g a z i n e

24 Publisher: Focus Magazine of SWFL Creative Director: Darryl Jones


Cover Photography: Ray Raisedana Cover Model: Danette Makaila

Contributors: Tania Jain, Dr. Joseph Barr, Laurie Gardner, Gina L. Battle, Mai Yomioto, Ginny Grimsley, Darryl Jones, Christina White, Lisa Giddings, Kristy Whershaw, Rosie Tamer, Terri Profetto

Focus of Virginia is published Bimonthly. Articles do not necessarily reflect Focus of Virginia policy. Š 2010 Focus Magazine of SWFL, All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole without permission is prohibited. Postmaster: Send all remittances and correspondences about subscriptions, undelivered copies and address changes to: Focus Magazine of SWFL at 105 Triple Diamond Blvd, Suite 101, Venice, FL 34275. Editorial, publishing and advertising offices.

8 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

of V i r g i n i a

13 Love Your Heart 15 Healthier Future Today 16 Get Healthy 19 Restful Retreat 22 Romance 30 Tempted to Touch 33 SJP Collection 35 Crazy About Wine 36 Spa-Like Beauty at Home 38 Designer Katie Fong 39 Ageless Jewelry 40 The Richmond Jazz Festival 45 Breast Cancer 46 Achieving Harmony 48 Staples for Youth & Vitality 49 Health Awareness 52 Keep Connected 54 Designer Alfredo Villalba 64 The Power 66 Seeing Back to School Success 67 Transform Your Kids' Room 68 Technology 69 Super Snacks 70 Tip for Women


Feel the Impulse

doo.ri for Impulse Exclusively at select Macy's and at

Love Your Heart

Tips for heart-healthy living FAMILY FEATURES

Eating healthy foods low in cholesterol, trans fats and saturated fats, as well as foods that are high in fiber, can help keep cholesterol levels in check. Another way to help control cholesterol levels is by incorporating soy protein into your healthy diet. An extensive body of research has shown that soy-based diets can reduce LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides, and raise HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol).

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One of the key components in soy’s cholesterol lowering properties is something called lunasin, a naturally occurring soy peptide. Research on lunasin was so promising that scientists found a way to extract lunasin from soybeans so that it could be made available in a pure form. For example, LunaRich soy powder delivers the lunasin equivalent of 25 grams of soy protein. To get that same amount from other foods, you would need to drink approximately 32 ounces of soy milk, or eat approximately 12 ounces of tofu.

It beats about 100,000 times a day, 35 million times a year. It pumps blood through the body three times every minute, taking that blood on the equivalent of a 12,000 mile trek every 24 hours. Even at rest, it works twice as hard as the leg muscles of a person running. The heart is a remarkable, vital muscle that warrants great care and maintenance. Yet 1 in every 4 deaths is due to heart disease. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can start making changes today that will help make your heart healthier in the long run. Three Changes You Can Make 1. Eat Better Eating a wide variety of foods that are low in fat, cholesterol and salt, but rich in nutrients can help protect your heart. Instead of thinking about a healthy diet in terms of what you can’t eat, think about it in terms of what you can eat. Add more: a. Fruits and vegetables — about 4 1/2 cups a day b. Whole grain foods — at least three 1-ounce servings a day c. Fish — at least two 3 1/2-ounce servings a week d. Nuts, legumes and seeds — at least four servings a week

2. Get Moving Moderate exercise can help you lose weight, reduce your chances of stroke, diabetes and heart disease complications, lower your blood pressure and prevent other serious medical complications. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate activity a day, five times per week. Here are some easy ways to get moving: a. Start walking —Try taking brisk, 10-minute walks throughout the day. Park farther away from your destination. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Walk the dog after dinner or walk to a neighborhood destination instead of driving. b. Do chores — Outdoor chores like gardening, raking leaves and washing the car are good ways to get moving. Cleaning house does it, too. Try turning on some music and dancing while doing chores. 3. Lose Weight Extra weight puts more burden on your heart, lungs, blood vessels and bones. Being overweight increases the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, as well. a. Talk to your doctor — Find out your body mass index (BMI), which is your body weight relative to your height. Find out what your BMI should be, and find out what your calorie intake should be for someone of your age, gender and level of physical activity. b. Keep track of what you eat — This will tell you a lot about your eating habits and help you make smart decisions, like controlling portion sizes and choosing nutrient-rich foods. c. Set reasonable goals — Don’t go for fad diets that claim you’ll lose 10 pounds in a week. Slow and steady weight loss is more likely to stay off, and you’ll be healthier in the long run.

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Healthier Future Today When it comes to losing weight and getting into shape, good intentions are never quite enough. And there’s not a quick-fix solution, either. It takes a well-balanced approach and a commitment to making healthy, long-term changes. According to Dr. Marc Sorenson, people who succeed in losing weight and keeping it off have several things in common in three important areas: • Nutrition – They eat a low-fat, low-sugar diet with lots of vegetables and fruit, and they do not count calories. • Exercise – They are physically active and commit to making exercise the first thing they do every day. • Education – They self-monitor with weigh-ins. Understanding what is going on inside you backed with innovative and ground breaking educational course gives you the advantage you need to succeed. “Anyone trying to lose weight and regain their health needs to pay attention to these factors,” said Sorenson, founder and director of the National Institute of Health and Fitness (NIHF), which is hosted at the Zermatt and Homestead Resorts in Midway, Utah. “You need to focus your efforts on fitness and nutrition, and you need to educate yourself on techniques for maintaining your slimmer, healthier body.” Eating Better Many people have found it helpful to keep track of what they eat, especially in the beginning. They are often surprised at their own eating habits once they see it in black and white. Food diaries can help you see where you need to be cutting back and making changes. “Many people fear they have to go hungry in order to lose weight,” said Dr. Sorenson. “But it’s a simple fact that you don’t need to starve yourself. At NIHF, we have a first-rate nutritional program that is guided by scientific research. And the meals are delicious and satisfying, so you can enjoy eating healthfully.” Getting Active While you might be able to lose weight simply by cutting back on calories, you won’t be able to keep the weight off.


Before starting a fitness program, you need to know your starting place. Talk to your doctor to find out your body mass index (BMI), weight and blood pressure, and to get recommendations on what kinds of activities are safe for you to begin. “With our activity programs at NIHF,” said Sorenson’s wife, Vicki, “we take a detailed physical assessment to tailor the activities to individuals. This ensures safety while allowing them to achieve maximum results.” It can be very helpful to have an exercise buddy, or even a group. Not only will it help you be more accountable to sticking to your plan, a friend can make exercising much more fun. Making the Commitment Taking care of your body isn’t about fitting into a small sized pair of jeans or a smaller special-occasion dress. It’s about making a long-term commitment to your health. Some people have found that a helpful way to get started on the right track is to go to a health and fitness resort. Expert teams can not only help people begin the weight loss process, but give the education and support needed to maintain their efforts once they leave. “Understanding what is going on inside you, and being properly educated on how to take care of yourself, gives you the advantages you need to succeed,” said Dr. Sorenson. Sorenson says that when choosing a health and fitness resort, make sure it matches your personal goals. “Do you want a militaristic approach, or a more supportive and nurturing environment? We believe it’s important to treat our guests with respect and to nurture them so they are equipped to take what they have learned home with them and apply it to the rest of their lives.” Your health is too important to ignore. Take steps today to help ensure you’ll have a healthier and happier future. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 15

Get Healthy and In Shape FAMILY FEATURES

Swimsuit season is here so it’s time to tone up, slim down and get ready for summer. Building lean muscle, burning fat and eating right is easier when you know what steps to take. Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine can provide long-term results, according to two experts from Curves, Nadia Rodman, director of nutrition, and Katie Mitchell, director of exercise. Here are six tips to get you started on the path to better health:

Tip #6 Have a Coach: It helps to have a coach or workout buddy

for accountability and motivation. It’s always more fun to work out with a partner and the added support will help keep you on track. Look for a gym or club that offers a coach that is hands-on and will meet with you on a regular basis.

Tip #1 Make Over Your Breakfast: A higher protein breakfast turns up your satiety signal and helps you fight cravings throughout the day. Consider a parfait made with fresh fruit and low-fat Greek yogurt that can add as much as 30 grams of protein to your day. Try this easy recipe: Combine 1 cup plain, low-fat Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup almonds, 1 cup strawberries and 1/2 cup blueberries or another favorite fruit. Tip #2 Add Some Flavor to Your Water: Try flavor-

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ing your water naturally with fresh fruit and herbs, such as berries, orange slices, mint and lemon or lime slices. Simply fill a large pitcher with water or carbonated water, fruit, and/or herbs of your choice. Store in the refrigerator for about 3 hours. Pour water over ice and enjoy.

Tip #3

Keep Healthy Snacks Handy: Be prepared when a snack craving hits. Snacks packed with protein help keep your energy level even so you don’t hit a sugar low in the afternoon. Good options to keep handy or in a desk drawer include a handful of almonds, a piece of beef jerky or dried pumpkin seeds.

Tip #4 Add Strength Training: Be sure to incorporate resistance training into your exercise program. Resistance training helps build lean muscle, which builds your strength, creating a firm and toned appearance – plus it boosts your metabolism. Weight bearing exercise also helps build up bone density. Tip #5

Add Cardiovascular Exercise: While resistance training helps us build lean muscle, cardio activity will strengthen your heart and burn body fat. Look for a workout that includes both strength training and cardio exercise, such as Curves. Also look for activities the whole family can enjoy, such as charitable walks or runs in your community.

16 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

Restful Retreat Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Every woman knows it can be hard to work in a little personal time.


A recent survey conducted with women found that two-thirds of respondents wished they had a special place to treat themselves and indulge in a little luxury. While many men have their own private “man cave” section of the house, many women long for their own place for a little “me-time.” “I know that women have the desire to make their own special place at home. I have a passion for creating simple and comfortable spaces,” said Melissa Michaels, blogger of “The Inspired Room,” who is partnering with the Skinny Cow® brand to help women create their own lady lair or WoCavé. You can turn any space into your own little nook by incorporating a few personal touches: • Entertainment Reserve – Every girl loves a little rest and relaxation with her favorite movies, television shows and music. Whether you love sentimental “chick flicks” or action-packed movies, keep your place stocked with your favorite movies and shows to catch-up on at the end of a long day. Also, make sure you have access to your favorite songs to enjoy while lounging. • Girlfriend-Worthy Nook – Everyone knows sharing is always more fun, so include comfortable seating for visiting girlfriends. Move nice furniture from other corners of your home or purchase second hand furniture and jazz it up with a sassy sofa cover and chic decorative pillows.

• Snack Stash – No personal space would be complete without a stash of indulgent, tasty treats, such as ice cream, candy and salty snacks. In fact, more than 57 percent of the women surveyed said they would include a candy bowl in their special room and nearly half would decorate their space with a freezer to keep their indulgent ice cream on hand, such as delicious Skinny Cow ice cream. • Fabulous Reads – An assortment of magazines and books are also a must for this space. Surround yourself with your favorite reading materials and bask in the peace and quiet. Be sure to keep these favorites organized with a stylish magazine holder tote or bookcase. These items can be found at thrift or craft stores and decorated to fit your flair for the room. • Beauty Parlor – It can be hard to find time to treat yourself to a little beauty, so have a small stockpile of beauty tools for manicures, pedicures and makeovers. Invite girlfriends over for a night of nails, noshing and quality girl time. You’re sure to pick up some of their beauty tips as well. For more details on Skinny Cow ice cream and candies, visit www.

FOCUS of Virginia 2014 19

"Embellish:" The New Fragrance Line from Chicago Native Marilyn Jones Who Branded the catchy yet uniquely identifiable Brand “ME" Marilyn’s creative passion to design her own fragrance was birthed decades ago. Marilyn, the eleventh child born of twelve says, “It was Awesome growing up with a huge Family; there was never a dull moment in our household”. Salted throughout plenty of exciting childhood moments, was a fair share of unimaginable sad moments. When Marilyn was five years old, she lost her Mom to the fight of Breast Cancer. Because she was so young, she had to rely on the memories of her older siblings to remember her mom. But, one thing Marilyn had for herself was her Mom’s smell, something she never forgot. That was the blueprint for Marilyn to create a memorable scent for other little girls as something they could always be connected to. “I believe each and every one of us have the ability and talents to make an imprint and impact the world.” I wasn’t left with a manual on how to get through life from my Mom. But, what she did leave me with was a drive and an unveiling Blueprint which afforded me the opportunity to start my own Business. We dream big, but as time passes and life happens, our dreams and hopes soon take a back seat and soon can only be seen far away in the rear view mirror of life. Yes, the road is hard, and the sacrifices are ultimate. Marilyn became discouraged during the preliminary stages after receiving countless No’s. However, she says, “I stayed focus and with my perseverance approach, and the No’s soon became my motivation to push harder. After countless No’s, sleepless nights, rejections, and many tears, I received my ‘Yes,’ and soon, I saw light at the end of the tunnel.”

The Signature Scent “Embellish” takes on a classy, romantic, and glamorous scent: all characteristics of style. An indulgent light fragrance, Embellish infuses sparkling notes of apple and peach with a splash of citron. Tranquil notes of jasmine and honeysuckle balance the base of soft amber and sandalwood. B Fragranced LLC branded the creative process of making what "you" wear the pinnacle of a two letter word: “ME”. B Fragranced LLC believes that "your" personal signature should be emphasized and when asked the question, “What’s the name of the fragrance you’re wearing?” "You" would simply respond “ME.” The selected fragrance should be at the core of your mood, whether that echoes Sexy, Sophisticated, Classy, Romantic, or Glamorous. B Fragranced LLC’s philosophy is simple: Create quality products at affordable prices that will enrich "your" appearance and accentuate "your" personal aroma and style. Each scent becomes yours and differentiates "you" from others. We have a passion for selfbeautification through fragrances, fashion, style, and accessories. "Your" scent and accessory should be the epitome of who "you" are without saying much at all. Through passion, perseverance, and dedication, the rest is history. B Fragranced LLC aims to provide a one of kind Fragrance and Accessory line that represents the inner and outermost beauty of individuality. Embracing individuality, coupled with a passion for style, was the inspiration for B Fragranced LLC. For more information about B Fragranced LLC, and to receive exclusive offers and updates on the latest products visit

In 2014, Marilyn developed her first fragrance line and B Fragranced LLC was born. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 21

Romance Ultimate Gift of

Tiffany heart-shaped solitaire diamond ring in platinum.

Tiffany Enchant™ heart earrings in Rubedo™ metal Tiffany Enchant Keys (clockwise from top): primrose key pendant of diamonds in platinum and 18 karat rose gold; quatra heart pendant with pink and white diamonds in platinum and 18 karat rose gold; primrose key pendant of diamonds in platinum; scallop key pendant with yellow and white diamonds in platinum and 18 karat gold. Chain sold separately.

Tiffany Enchant™ pendant in Rubedo™ metal

The Tiffany Enchant™ collection also includes a scroll pendant in Rubedo® metal. With its radiant glow, the metal recalls the opulence of formal gardens and reflects the poetic spirit that flourishes in such beautiful settings.

The jeweler for life’s most important moments, creates the perfect Valentines of legendary style, handcrafted with over 175 years of design excellence.

Iconic Tiffany Keys are designed in motifs from the Tiffany Enchant™ jewelry collection, with white, pink and yellow diamonds in platinum and 18k yellow and rose gold. Among them are the primrose key pendant, quatra heart pendant and scallop key pendant. Each of these sparkling keys sends a message that life is an inspired journey filled with brilliant possibilities.

Tiffany designers shape a wide bangle featuring a 74.27-carat oval morganite, named after the financier and Tiffany patron J.P. Morgan. A gem of such size, quality and saturated color is a rare occurrence and reflects Tiffany’s heritage of acquiring the finest stones. The dazzling masterpiece is lined with 18K rose gold that shimmers through an overlay of diamonds and platinum in an intricate leaf motif. The heart is the universal symbol of love. Tiffany defines it in the most elegant ways, such as heart-shaped earrings from the Tiffany Enchant™ collection inspired by fanciful gates that surround sumptuous gardens and grand estates. The earrings are created with luminous and rosy Rubedo® metal, Tiffany’s latest innovation in a legacy that set the American standard for sterling silver in 1851 and platinum in 1926. 22 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

Tiffany bangle with an oval morganite set in diamonds and platinum, from the 2013 Blue Book Collection.

Renowned as the premier jeweler of diamonds and true love, Tiffany creates an engagement ring with a heart-shaped diamond of impeccable beauty and style. The exquisite stone is cut and mounted in platinum by masters of the jeweler’s art. Each brilliant Tiffany Valentine is presented in the Tiffany Blue Box®, the ultimate symbol of style and luxury that makes hearts beat faster the world over.

FOCUS of Virginia 2014 23

Amy Adams in Paloma Picasso速 Olive Leaf earrings of quartz and diamonds - Photo by Lester Cohen

Fashion & Style

Ivanka Trump


A Collection inspired by passion & a sense of tradition. 4







1. Aberdeen Bracelet with Diamonds in 18tk White Gold 2. Metropolis Bracelet with Diamonds in 18kt Yellow Gold 3. Patras Necklace with Aquamarine and Diamonds in 18kt White Gold 4. Patras Earrings with Diamonds in 18kt White Gold 5. Metropolis Cuff with Diamonds in 18kt Yellow Gold 6. Patras Ring with Aquamarine and Diamonds in 18kt White Gold 7. Patras Ring with Blue Sapphire and Diamonds in 18kt White Gold 8. Patras Earrings with Aquamarine and Diamonds in 18kt White Gold

24 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

FOCUS of Virginia 2014 25

Fashion & Style

PJ LUXE Collection

Chic style and comfort, a modern sophisticated approach to timeless pajamas & loungewear dressing.

Merging chic style and unparalleled comfort, PJ LUXE takes a modern sophisticated approach to timeless pajamas and loungewear dressing with a heightened level of refinement. The collection consists of sand-washed silk separates in beautiful modern prints and vibrant colors as well as super soft modal pajamas and an array of easy layering pieces like sweater knits and fine jersey tops.

Available at Nordstrom, Bloomingdales and online 26 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

Fashion & Style

This season will be all about cool neutrals and trendy basics taking style to the next level for any office. Combining updated silhouettes and proportions, timeless neutrals and versatile pieces with a twist, Ann Taylor’s Fall A-List celebrates the dualities of the modern woman. Perfectly combining classics that every woman needs from skirts and pants to dresses and topper coats, the Ann Taylor collection plays on runway trends by adding sheer fabrics, piped lines and stripes in slate grays, creams, navy and black tones. "I like to mix different prints or textures within a color family so you can create this high-low look within your outfit. I think this love affair that we're having with blush instantly modernizes and feminizes old classics like black and navy," Creative Director Lisa Axelson says of the new Fall Collection.

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By Rosie Tamer

Photography by Papandth Ritsomboon and Sutasnan Pitakwong

30 FOCUS of Virginia 2014


e’re not sure why limited edition products hold so much appeal. But they somehow always manage to pop up on our radar. Maybe, It is because there’re so good? Are they too precious a resource to waste on anyone but the aficionados? Whatever the reason there’s no denying the irresistible pull of something that is exclusive. The brand Paemisa, was launched in January 2012 by Paemisa Swatphakdi. She having worked previously as a buyer for luxury brands, created a unique line for women to not only show off their strength, but inner beauty; “I've always had a passion for lingerie” states Paemisa. I believe every woman should have the best of both worlds when it comes to lingerie - quality and price. My objective is to create an affordable line that is accessible to all women who love designs, colors, and comfort to fit their personality. The design is my take on modern lingerie created for modern women. Our esthetic shows through in the use of quality fabrics, hardware, youthful play on shapes and colors. Every piece in the collection is made in-house and is exclusive and limited. It's all about incorporating new pieces into your wardrobe, mixing and matching, and having fun.

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32 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

SJP Collection Exclusively at Nordstrom, the SJP Collection by Sarah Jessica Parker is a new collection of shoes crafted by artisans in Italy and imported handbags, reflecting Sarah Jessica’s personal looks and feminine style. The line will also feature the “Manhattan” trench coat to complement the collection as a whole. “I’ve taken inspiration from things in my life such as the grosgrain ribbons I tied in my hair as a girl, to the flower accents from the Sex and the City wardrobe, to references to classic styles from the late 70's and early 80's. I’m a firm believer in quality and timelessness and have created this collection with the hopes that women will love wearing it for years to come,” said Sarah Jessica Parker, President SJP USA LLC. As a reflection of Sarah Jessica’s childhood, grosgrain ribbon detail is intricately featured on each shoe, emphasizing the feminine design of the collection. With a story behind the name of each shoe, the collection is infused with fashion influences of Sarah Jessica’s life – from “Carrie”, understandably so, after her acclaimed character on Sex and the City to “Maud”, named after legendary designer Maud Frizon. Colors, as Sarah Jessica has often said are “the new neutral” and can be seen in the collection ranging from her spring favorites such as coral, mint, teal and pink, to classic colors including purple, red and navy. With a wide variety of heel heights, the collection of twenty-five shoes reinvigorates the classic single sole with a range of silhouettes that fit the styles and personalities of women of all ages. The shoe prices range from $195 to just under $500. The entire shoe collection is made in Italy from high quality leathers and materials. The SJP handbags are functional pieces but with a fun and fashionable twist. They can be carried by the everyday woman on the go and transition easily to night out. Parker continued her tradition of naming shoes in the SJP Collection after women and men who inspire her. Highlights from the fall collection include: The Blythe Pump, – “Named for the great Blythe Danner, this beautiful shoe exudes a sort of sophistication. A metropolitan personality. I’m thrilled with the inky blue and the shoe’s proud silhouette.” The Pat Boot, – “This is my sexy boot. Try getting it off me! I’ll find a reason to wear it as often as possible. Named for Pat Field, who has been an enormous influence on me and millions of others. Without her contributions, Carrie Bradshaw would have been incomplete.” The Serge bootie, – “Named for Serge Normant, [the hair stylist] with whom I’ve worked for 14 years. This style joins the first collection of SJP Collection booties. I love the suede/color combination and how it sits on the leg. And I think it’s very modern.” The Rachel pump, – “Named for my sister. I think this is an exquisite shoe. A great version of a slingback that is wickedly sexy but still ladylike.” “We’re honored that Sarah Jessica chose to work with Nordstrom to launch the SJP Collection. It has been a true collaboration and a pleasure working together. Sarah Jessica’s aesthetic and style is so inspiring to so many women, and this collection reflects her unique point of view. We can’t wait for customers to see the line. There’s something for every shoe lover and we think they’re going to respond really well,” said Scott Meden, Nordstrom EVP and GMM of Shoes. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 33

Crazy About Wine

By Kristy Whershaw

Gwen Hurt knows a lot about the Entrepreneurial growing pains of starting a small business from scratch. Her wine company, Shoe Crazy Wine, began in 2006 in the kitchen of her home after receiving a wine-making kit for Christmas. Soon after, she parted ways with a company where she had spent 17 years working diligently. With a lifestyle to maintain, three kids to raise, and out of work after a car accident that took nearly a year to recover, she made the decision during her rehabilitation to fight back the depression and pain. While searching for the right job opportunity, she became fed up with the idea of working for another company. Taking a chance of the same thing happening to her was unbearable, so she decided that if it was going to happen, it would by her own terms. She wanted to build a company she could be proud of and, most importantly, passionate about. While sitting with her daughter tossing around a few ideas, it finally it hit her: Being a lover of shoes and great tasting wine, why not create a great tasting wine and start a wine company. All they needed was a name; low and behold, she thought to name it after the two things she loved the most, shoes and wine.

dedication, resilience, and passion to succeed at becoming an entrepreneur with respectable business as a wine connoisseur. After searching for weeks, Gwen landed a partner who allowed her the avenue to enter the wine business. Shoe Crazy Wine launched very quietly in Chesterfield, Virginia as a private label Vintner. The wine is made from superior grapes in optimum conditions. The company creates signature and proprietary blends that are beautifully balanced wines. From vineyard to bottle, nothing is taken for granted. These wines truly pleasing to the palate and provide an unforgettable drinking experience. The company’s future plans are to be on shelves in retail outlets and on the menus of restaurants as the company expands its global reach.

As passionate as she was about starting a wine company and having a business of her own, coming from an executive in business, she knew nothing about making a wine. Several failed taste-test attempts in her kitchen, countless research, numerous asked questions, traveling, and studying the wine business consumed a great deal of her time and all of her personal finances; it nearly bankrupted her before she could even get the business off the ground. However, her remaining little to no savings didn’t sway her FOCUS of Virginia 2014 35

Feeling like you’ve booked a weekend at a luxurious spa resort doesn’t have to cost a fortune, nor does it require an appointment. You can create that magically refreshed feeling at home with a few simple pantry staples and a quick visit to your local drug store. Here are some ideas for pampering yourself without breaking your budget. Skin Rejuvenation For smooth, radiant skin that feels nourished and refreshed, give yourself a gentle scrub. Make a paste of 2 cups ground coffee, 1/2 cup raw sugar and 3 tablespoons olive oil. Rub in a gentle circular motion to exfoliate skin and remove dead skin cells. Rinse clean with warm water. Follow your scrub with a rich cleansing gel to rejuvenate and add moisture to your skin. Capture the illusion of a spa getaway with tropical-scented cleansers such as Softsoap Coconut Island Quench Body Wash, which is enriched with coconut oil extract to leave skin feeling soft and supple, or Softsoap Acai Berry and Tropical Water Body Wash, infused with antioxidant-rich acai berry extract and moisturizing beads to invigorate both body and mind.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Spa-Like Beauty at Home


Perfect Pedicure To get your feet feeling smooth and clean, blend 2 tablespoons sea salt in a basin of warm water. For an extra spa-like experience, add a few drops of lavender oil. After a nice soak, make a scrub using 3 parts salt and 1 part water. If more exfoliation is needed, add 1 part brown sugar to the scrub. Rinse. Use a nail brush and cuticle pusher to freshen up your nails. Finish with a rich moisturizer and a warm towel foot wrap. Let sit for 5 to 10 minutes, then add your favorite nail polish and a protective top coat. Banishing Bags For tired, puffy eyes, brew a large mug of tea using two tea bags. Let them cool to a comfortable temperature, then place one bag over each eye. To reduce an extreme case of puffiness, cool bags completely in the refrigerator and apply as cold compresses. Turn on some soft music and lay back to relax. Hair Care Help Baking soda helps remove the residue that styling products leave behind. To get rid of product buildup and leave your hair cleaner and more manageable, sprinkle a quarter-size amount of baking soda into your palm along with your favorite shampoo. Shampoo as usual and rinse thoroughly.


Add some sizzle and spark when you head out this summer; from colorful yet elegant day wear to glamorous pieces suitable for dinner and drinks with friends or a dazzling red carpet event, maybe even your wedding. Who is this minx designer? More than a newbie in the fashion world, yet she worked and trained with the best. Inspired by the artisan traditions of the great American and European ateliers and a bucolic yet enlightened childhood in Greenwich, Connecticut, a dynamic young visionary, Katie Fong, designs meant for the most discerning woman. The real beginning of the Katie Fong story was an adored grandmother and a little girl who drew pictures of evening gowns cared for by her family’s dry cleaning establishment.

Katie Fong

Many elements of The Katie Fong CollectionTM are based on techniques studied at The Fashion Institute of Technology and Oscar De La Renta which have been further refined in Ms. Fong’s thriving madeto-measure business. The Collection will be manufactured in New York City and focus on integrating unique designs with the finest fabrics, laces and embroidery to give women around the world a sense of confidence and playfulness as they celebrate the notion of timeless elegance. “I was first introduced to Katie last summer by a mutual friend in Greenwich. I was immediately impressed by her maturity, personality and poise, as well as her passion to support and give back to the community she grew up in. Shortly thereafter, Katie invited me to a showing of her new collection. I immediately fell in love with her design aesthetic – from the delicacy of the lace and intricate beading, to the beautiful tailoring and femininity.” Geri Corrigan, Director of Marketing for Saks Fifth Avenue Greenwich “We are delighted to have a partnership with Katie Fong to provide custom design services for our clients. Katie provides an environment where client’s vision come to life. She has a sophisticated, elegant sensibility executed with couture workmanship. Katie makes women feel beautiful.” Linda Mitchell, Vice President of Women’s Merchandise for Mitchells Family of Stores “I met Katie Fong through her sketches, an unusual introduction, but one that speaks volumes to her talent. In getting to know Katie personally I am equally impressed by her as a person- she is wonderful to be around and her commitment to her work (and excellence of) is driven by pure passion. She clearly loves what she does and that joy shows through in the details of her work- from sketching to the final product. I marvel at her precision, elegance, and overall talent. I would steal her away for my brand if I wasn’t so excited to watch the greatness she’ll certainly accomplish on her own!” Nicole Hanley Mellon, Hanley Mellon Katie Fong’s collection has everything you need for the season, ravishing dresses that prove both timeless and timely.. Distinguished by her impeccable quality, the collection speaks of romance and mystery while being utterly modern and accessible. Immerse yourself in colors that pop alongside lilacs, purples, teals and greens. Details abound from hand embroidery, layering, beading, fringe and illusion surfaces. More and more women are discovering their inner fashionista with Katie’s beautiful dresses. Katie Fong’s collection is a favorite among modern women who gravitate toward its unbridled romanticism and sophistication.

38 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

Ageless Jewelry

By Lisa Giddings

When it comes to timeless jewelry, we often think of diamonds and pearls as being the only alternative. However, not everyone can afford such luxuries. And since fashion trends and styles are constantly changing, it can be difficult to accessorize especially when you are on a budget. The good news is that classic pieces of jewelry can grow with your wardrobe and last for several years to come. The key to selecting timeless pieces that will stand the test of time is choosing ones that are handcrafted by experienced artisans. Factory-spewed and mass-produced jewelry is a thing of the past. These days, the latest trends in jewelry have everything to do with the handmade marketplace. The latest trends in handmade designer jewelry include polished natural stones, sea glass and colored crystals. You can purchase a timeless piece of jewelry to accentuate just about any outfit. Elegant Earrings Dazzling designer earrings crafted with semi-precious stones and sterling silver is just one style of timeless jewelry trends that are popular today. The lengths of the earrings can vary from studs to chandelier earrings that dangle below the jaw line. The hottest color trends include pastel palettes featuring sea greens and cool blues. Paired with a cocktail dress or even jeans and a t-shirt, a pair of elegant earrings can give any outfit a polished look. The Statement Necklace The statement necklace is made out of a wide variety of materials from large stones to sea glass and even fabric. These striking pieces can turn even the most ordinary outfit into something extraordinary. No wonder many celebrities gracing the red carpet choose a statement necklace to pull their look together. The timeless nature of a statement necklace makes it the perfect companion for your wardrobe. Mix and match it with different outfits, regardless of the season, to turn heads all year long!

“Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art.�

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

Bountiful Bracelets Chunky beaded bracelets and sterling silver charm bracelets are the most popular bracelets available in the handmade marketplace. The uniqueness of certain bracelets is what makes them timeless. Vintage charms, found objects and antique buttons are just a few of the materials used in quality crafted designer bracelets. Paired with new chains and findings, these timeless bracelets are worthy enough to grace the arm of Hollywood’s latest starlet. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 39

& The ts n e ev rs

It’s about 7:00am in the morning, and the Richmond Jazz Festival was about two weeks ago. I’m lying in bed looking up at the ceiling, and for some reason a strong feeling came over me and I began to think about all of the great people I met at the festival from the artists to the audience. As the Creative Director of Focus Magazine of Virginia, I attended the festival as a photographer covering the event up close and personal. But, this morning was different; as I looked over the photos of the event, I had an opportunity to really understand what the music was truly all about. It amazes me that after thirty years of taking photos, I’m still in awe when I learn something new. It’s been said that a picture is worth a 1000 words; this is one of those moments that the pictures spoke to me as I looked at the photos of the audience.

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Richmond Jazz Festival

by Darryl Jones

This is how the world should be; thousands upon thousands of people from every culture, every walk of life you can imagine, gathered in one place listening to some of the greatest musicians and artists speak to us through their work. You can see the hope in their hearts as they reminisced about a time past, where they were and what they were doing when they first heard the song. Vendors lined up along the pathway selling their wares, and painters painting and selling art work as they put their passion and hearts on display. A festival where people loved people and communicated with each other while enjoying themselves; some of us didn’t even know one another, we just struck up conversations. It was all about the feeling of hope, love, and peace. It was something these artists have always known, and that is why they have lots of love for the music and want to share it with the world. The Richmond Jazz Festival accomplished something more than just bringing people together. It created harmony, it brought out passion, and it placed new faces in front of other new faces. It brought cities and states together, and communities, and personalities; it created new friendships. The Richmond Jazz festival made you feel something. It made you feel alive.

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Danette Makaila Amb i t i o n t o Ac c o m p lis h

By Christina White

"Dream bigger, sparkle more, and shine brighter than ever before."

– Danette Makaila

A very wise woman once said, go confidently in the direction of your dreams and CREATE the life you want to live – and as the 16-year-old CEO of Danette Makaila International – those very words were used to form a solid foundation for the journey to success as a designer of clothing and accessories for teen girls; as well as being a speaker, author, model, and actress. The fruit of which can be seen in awards received such as the; the 2010 Entrepreneurs Success Builders Network “Youth Entrepreneur” Award, 2011 “EmpowHERed Entrepreneurs” Award, the 2012 “Teen Fashion Design Challenge” Award, the 2013 Barbizon “Model Magic Magazine” Award, and the 2014 ACHI Magazine “Young Entrepreneur” Award. Although the desire to start a business came at the age of fiveyears-old, the readiness to be an entrepreneur was not born until after a few years of working to develop a strong business plan. Finally, at the age of nine-years-old, Princess Jewels launched - selling custom made sterling silver jewelry for kids. Favorite memories are often difficult to choose; but the honor of designing a one of a kind sterling silver bracelet for Judge Hatchet - at age nine and then a second bracelet for her at age 11, certainly tops the list. So impressed and inspired by the ambition of such a young person, Judge Hatchet even took time to send a thank-you letter. Not just a card but an amazing hand written note which continues to be a huge inspiration – to this day.

Photography by Ray Raisedana

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For five jam-packed exciting years, custom jewelry was being sold to girls all over the world - but just as the business grew such had the dreams of a now 14-year-old entrepreneur. So after a year off to really dig deep and discover those new dreams, at age 15, Princess Jewels was rebranded into PJ Style - a designer clothing and accessory boutique for teen girls. Looking back at all the Barbie doll clothes, drawings of lopsided dresses, and tiny masterpieces created on Harumika mannequins - the interest in fashion design was clearly there at age 6. Yet, the true realization of the passion for fashion came after competing and wining a teen fashion design competition in 2012. Imagine the joy of having your first piece ever designed - placed on display at the National Democratic Convention in Charlotte, NC. In that moment, fashion replaced the love of jewelry and in 2014; the first official clothing line for teen girls was launched at Metro Style Fashion Show in Columbia SC. The PJ Style clothing line has come to be known for its mix between a sophisticated fashionista and a princess in training with a lot of bright fun colors and designs that really challenge the meaning of fashion and encourage uniqueness. In two years – seeing all those designs go from paper to runways such as Charlotte Fashion Week, New York Fashion Week, and Virginia Full Figured Fashion Week – is simply unforgettable. With the incredible gift of fashion design also came a love for modeling and acting. After years of running around the house dramatically acting out every commercial that appeared on TV, acting classes seemed like the next logical step – and graduating top of class from Barbizon Academy in 2013 made both interests a reality. Yet also high on the dream board remained becoming an author - so at age 13, Success Is a Decision, was published as a 365 day journal that helps teens establish daily goals to reach success. Teens and parents alike enjoyed the book so much, the inspiration was sparked to expand the concepts in the first book and introduce the next level of youth success. So at age 16, the second book, Success Takes Action, was published as a fully interactive action guide where teens not only learn traits of successful people but also take steps to reach success themselves. Without a doubt, authoring a book is an amazing experience - as are the many honors of being featured in numerous magazines and books.

The third and final step is to Just Believe It! This step is not at all about believing in your work or what you have produced, but more importantly believing in yourself. The path to success in any field can at times be rough, discouraging, and even just plain exhausting. The best way to survive and cope with these hard times is to have a good support system around you - but you also need that same amount of strength within you. Think about this; if you don’t believe in yourself, why should others believe in you? One of the biggest mistakes you can make in any situation is failing to realize your awesomeness. When you don’t have the power to believe in yourself is when others try to walk all over you. Instead of you defining your awesomeness they do it for you. There will always be dream killers in your life - those people who try to trample your dreams or maybe even people that just don’t like you. So, how do you beat the odds? Well, first you have to define your worth and then take that self-belief and focus on the people who love and support you. The hardest part about success will always be just making the decision to succeed. So develop your dream, take action, and always remember to never stop believing. Sharing this “Diamond Blueprint” with teens is important because sadly not everyone gets the support they need at home to know the importance of not only being successful in life, but also having a heart that gives back to the community and the world around you. Because leading by example is important, Children’s Hospital is the charity of choice for Danette Makaila International - with all proceeds from the Believe Hair Bow collection being donated along with personal time spent visiting the kids.

“Nothing is impossible when you dream with your eyes wide open.”

As awesome as the last seven years have been, the greatest reward of being an entrepreneur is getting to travel the globe sharing a message of success with other teens through speaking, as well as virtually via videos and radio interviews. All the shyness from childhood does not stand in the way when it comes to inspiring kids around the world - so speaking was an added part of the journey from a very early age. What began as a workshop helper at age seven-years-old moved to teaching solo sessions, which progressed to now being a highly sought after national “youth empowerment” speaker. Sharing stories that awaken a young person’s dreams; planting seeds to motivate a young person’s actions; and spreading star dust to empower them to believe – makes the sometimes long journey, worth every step.

– Danette Makaila

Sure, a lot has been accomplished in seven years and people keep saying a 16-year-old has their whole life ahead of them, but they can’t see all the dreams and the sheer ambition to accomplish every single one of those endeavors. The future includes, but is certainly not limited to, founding a school where the course of education in America is redefined; growing Danette Makaila International into an in-store and online boutique; and building an amusement park for the conservation and rescue of dolphins all over the world. There are so many dreams and more just keep coming. Even though many have used the words “young mogul”, at the end of it all, the goal is to be happy, live life, accomplish those dreams, and leave a legacy that empowers young people to succeed and nurture the environment for those to come.

The “Diamond Blueprint” is a message designed to help young people develop the mindset for success – in three simple steps. When the principles are applied to your everyday life it will have a lasting and immediate effect. The first step is to Just Dream It! Pretty simple right? You have to have a dream or vision of where you want your life to go - before you can get there. As long as you are doing something positive there really is no wrong answer. So whatever your dream is - go for it, just remember this is your life so do what makes you happy. The second step is to Just Do It! One of the biggest lessons an entrepreneur learns is that no matter how much you love what you do or how fun it is, there are always things about your craft you won’t enjoy. Just like in your normal everyday life there are things you love and things you don’t - but contrary to how you feel about them - they still have to be done. The only way to Just do it, is to practice doing things you don’t enjoy - after a while it will become part of your normal routine and you will find fun ways to cope with them.

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Breast Cancer

What You Need to Know FAMILY FEATURES

Thirty years ago, a diagnosis of breast cancer was thought of as a virtual death sentence for many women, but since that time significant progress has been made in the fight against breast cancer. Reduced mortality, less invasive treatments, an increased number of survivors and other advancements have their roots in breast cancer research – more than $790 million of it funded by Susan G. Komen, the world’s largest breast cancer organization.

Myth: Only women with a family history of breast cancer get the disease. Fact: Most women who get breast cancer have no family history of the disease. However, a woman whose mother, sister or daughter had breast cancer has an increased risk. Myth: If I don’t have a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene, I won’t get breast cancer. Fact: You can still get breast cancer, even without a gene mutation. About 90 to 95 percent of women who get breast cancer do not have this mutation.

Photos courtesy of Getty Images

Myth: Women with more than one known risk factor get breast cancer. Fact: Most women with breast cancer have no known risk factors except being a woman and getting older. All women are at risk. Myth: You can prevent breast cancer. Fact: Because the causes of breast cancer are not yet fully known, there is no way to prevent it. Actions to Reduce Your Risk

However, the reality is that breast cancer is still a serious disease. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, held each October, brings awareness to the disease and empowers women to take charge of their own breast health. This year, about 200,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed among women in the U.S. and nearly 40,000 women will die from it. Globally, 1.6 million people will be diagnosed, and 400,000 will die. Despite the increased awareness of breast cancer, major myths still abound. Women must remain vigilant against this disease by learning the facts and understanding how they may be able to reduce their risk. The Myths and Facts on Breast Cancer Myth: I’m only 35. Breast cancer happens only in older women. Fact: While the risk increases with age, all women are at risk for getting breast cancer.

Breast cancer can’t be prevented; however, research has shown that there are actions women can take to reduce their risk of developing breast cancer. • Maintain a Healthy Weight – Postmenopausal women who are overweight have a 30 to 60 percent higher breast cancer risk than those who are lean. • Add Exercise into Your Routine – Women who get regular physical activity may have a lower risk of breast cancer by about 10 to 20 percent, particularly in postmenopausal women. • Limit Alcohol Intake – Research has found that women who had two to three alcoholic drinks per day had a 20 percent higher risk of breast cancer. • Breastfeed, if you can – Research has shown that mothers who breastfed for a lifetime total of one year (combined duration of breastfeeding for all children) were slightly less likely to get breast cancer than those who never breastfed.

1-877-GO-KOMEN FOCUS of Virginia 2014 45

Achieving Harmony

by Christina White

Mental health is very important. As human beings we do not attend to the mental facet of ourselves enough. Nutrition plays a vital role in how we care for ourselves mentally. You see what we eat balances and stabilizes us internally. The nutrients from the foods we eat have the task of balancing us chemically from within. When we do not eat with a balance we are not as chemically stable inside and we exhibit that outwardly. This gives new meaning to the phrase “you are what you eat”, because literally we are. Physical health is often taken for granted and abused. Our society often does not advocate preserving our physical body enough. As a result of this neglect we age prematurely due to the stress that this creates. We tend to associate this with the aging process, but in fact, this is not true. There is an array of scientific research and case studies that prove we have many options to take control of preserving our health. These options work best when we start early in our youth. It is a fact that the body can suffer from some dis-eases as it ages and this is why preservation is an absolute MUST! Dr. Karen Hinton is a native of Chesapeake, Virginia. She has served both her country as well as her state in the Virginia Army National Guard as a Personnel Actions Specialist and Officer Candidate. Her education is in the following fields of study Criminal Justice, Bachelor Degree in Human Nutrition from Virginia State University, Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling, Doctorate in Philosophy in Religion from G.A.W.M Bible College and she is currently pursuing a Masters in Human Services with a focus in Marriage and Family Counseling. Dr. Hinton has dedicated over 20 years of her life to the study, research and advocacy of human nutrition, bariatric weight loss, health care education, counseling, supplement awareness and pharmaceutical and nutraceutical drug interaction. Since early childhood Dr. Hinton has been interested in business, she is a natural born entrepreneur and visionary. Dr. Hinton founded Couture Wellness and Beauty in 1996. The mission of the center is to help individuals achieve complete harmony within the human body by way of nutrition wellness and spiritual development.

Dr. Karen Hinton is a native of Chesapeake, Virginia. She has served both her country as well as her state in the Virginia Army National Guard as a Personnel Actions Specialist and Officer Candidate. Her education is in the following fields of study Criminal Justice, Bachelor Degree in Human Nutrition from Virginia State University, Master’s Degree in Christian Counseling, Doctorate in Philosophy in Religion from G.A.W.M Bible College and she is currently pursuing a Masters in Human Services with a focus in Marriage and Family Counseling. Dr. Hinton has dedicated over 20 years of her life to the study, research and advocacy of human nutrition, bariatric weight loss, health care education, counseling, supplement awareness and pharmaceutical and nutraceutical drug interaction.

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Some of the most nutrition-packed foods not only taste great, they’re readily available at the grocery store and easy to prepare, Harry says. “The more you eat, the more you’ll crave them.” Here are five food combos for shoppers with healthy eating on their minds: • Tomato, garlic, chicken and almonds: Tomatoes contain one of the world’s most concentrated sources of cancer-fighting lycopene, which is best absorbed from tomatoes that are cooked. Garlic has been used for centuries for various health purposes and is a known free-radical destroyer. Nuts help to lose weight, maintain healthy blood pressure and support moods; almond crumbs are a great substitute for bread crumbs on chicken. Pair these goodies with whole wheat couscous for a full dinner. • Pomegranate-Balsamic tempeh: With its high protein, fiber and isoflavones content, and meaty texture, tempeh is heavily utilized by vegetarians. It’s made from soybeans processed in a manner similar to cheese making. Like tofu, tempeh takes on the flavors with which it is cooked or marinated, including zesty-tangy balsamic vinegar – perfect for accentuating salads.

Staples for Youth & Vitality By Ginny Grimsley

It’s the question we ask ourselves almost every day: What’s for dinner? Entwined in this daily dialogue is wondering whether we’ll need to dash into the grocery store on the way home from work. The next time we make one of those supermarket pit stops, Dr. Eudene Harry, author of “Live Younger in 8 Simple Steps,”, would like us to veer in a new direction. “When people shop on the go, they tend to gravitate toward old standbys and foods they can multipurpose with – usually not the most nutritious choices possible. But by substituting a few items on your list, you can not only look and feel more youthful, you’ll boost your resistance to certain cancers and other illnesses.”

• Mashed cauliflower gone Greek: Not only does the “original” yogurt have a thicker texture and richer taste, it’s also denser in lactobacilli, the healthy bacteria that may delay the onset of cancer. And yogurt is low in fat and high in protein, which is essential for many body functions, including building and repairing muscle tissue, organs, bones and connective tissue. Rather than add fatty, cholesterol-filled butter and sour cream to starchy potatoes that stick to your ribs, why not pair two healthy options with mashed cauliflower with Greek yogurt and fresh black pepper for simple goodness? • Sushi – wild salmon, minced cucumbers, shredded carrots, kelp, sesame seeds and rice: A sushi roll is much more filling and satisfying than a non-sushi eater would think. Many grocery chains offer ready-made rolls, but they are also fairly easy to make. A bamboo roller is a great start; place a sheet of nutrient-dense kelp as the first thing on the roller, and add, lengthwise, desired ingredients. Your first try is not likely to be perfect, but the tasty and healthy ingredients will be there. • Fruit salad for dessert: Bring together chopped apples, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon and pineapple with blueberries and grapes for a sweet and juicy post-dinner palate-cleanser. Lemon juice prevents fruits from bruising. If that’s not enough, combine the salad with Greek yogurt – perhaps blended with vanilla or almond extract – and fiberfilled granola for a parfait.

Dr. Eudene Harry holds a bachelor’s in biology from New York University and completed both her medical degree and residency training at Thomas Jefferson University. Currently the medical director for the integrative and holistic Oasis Wellness and Rejuvenation Center, she has practiced medicine for nearly 20 years, is board certified in both emergency and holistic medicine, and for more than a decade practiced emergency medicine as an attending physician in Level II trauma centers. In 2005 she opened Oasis for Optimal Health, a private practice focused on integrative, holistic wellness and empowering and educating the patient. 48 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

Health Awareness

Learn The Facts About How To Detect And Manage Glaucoma

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. Millions of Americans are living with the condition, and many more may not know they have it. Over the next several years, the number of people with glaucoma is expected to rise. Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases. In most cases, it is associated with increased pressure within the eye. Often called a “silent” disease, glaucoma may progress without symptoms until irreversible damage is done. However, early detection and proper management may help prevent the potentially serious outcomes of glaucoma. But today, the condition continues to be underdiagnosed and often overlooked. Many patients who have been diagnosed with glaucoma do not stay on track with their personal treatment plan. There are many things you can do to help become a better advocate for your eye health. Leading eye care and aging experts have joined for the TAKE on Glaucoma campaign (Take Action to Know your Eyes), to help educate Americans about understanding and managing glaucoma. “As a practicing ophthalmologist, I see firsthand from my patients just how important and challenging it can be to make glaucoma a priority,” said James C. Tsai, M.D., chairman, Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, Yale University and TAKE on Glaucoma spokesperson. “There are many things in life that we must juggle, but taking the time to monitor your eye health and manage glaucoma should not be ignored.” The TAKE on Glaucoma campaign has useful tips that you can use—whether you have glaucoma, are at risk for the condition or know someone who has it. Understand the Risk Factors for Glaucoma Many Americans may be unaware of the risk factors for glaucoma. The most common risk factors include family history, ethnicity (African American or Hispanic), age (greater than age 40 in African Americans or above age 60 in the general population), nearsightedness (also called myopia) and pressure in the eye. There are other possible risk factors such as low central cornea thickness, diabetes, hypertension, eye trauma and use of steroids.

Schedule Regular Comprehensive Eye Exams It is important to visit your eye doctor for regular, comprehensive eye exams to evaluate and help maintain your eye health. Depending on your age and risk factors, it is recommended that you have an eye exam every one to two years. Do you know when you last had one? During your eye exam, it is important that your eye doctor dilates your eyes and also checks the pressure in your eye. These are critical steps to monitor for potential signs of glaucoma symptoms or disease progression. Create a Disease Management Plan That Works for You If you are diagnosed with glaucoma, work with your eye doctor to create a disease management plan that best fits your lifestyle and routine. Your eye doctor may recommend prescription eye drops, laser treatment or other types of surgery as part of your plan. While these treatments may help reduce high pressure in your eye, they do not improve sight already lost because of glaucoma. This is why it is important that you act now. If you believe you’ll have trouble staying on track with your treatment plan or taking your medication correctly, tell your eye doctor. He or she can help address these challenges. Family and close friends can also be good sources of support with reminders or other ways to help you follow your treatment plan. Did You Know ?

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness. The condition affects more than 2 million people in the U.S. today, and the number is expected to rise by 50 percent to more than 3 million by 2020. Early detection and proper management can help prevent the potential serious outcomes of the disease. Learn how you can be your best advocate for your eye health by going to

TAKE on Glaucoma is an educational program developed, in partnership, by The Glaucoma Foundation, the Alliance for Aging Research and Merck, and is funded by Merck. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 49

Effortless Performance The S65 AMG Coupe is the new twelve-cylinder top-of-therange model in the S-Class Coupe series. Unique drive comfort, benchmark performance and exquisite appointments are all hallmarks of this stunning new two-door. The irresistible contours of the V12 Coupe are accentuated by a host of expressive design elements in high-sheen chrome. The AMG 6.0- liter V12 biturbo engine, with an output of 621 hp and 738 lb-ft of torque, is unique in its segment, as is the AMG sports suspension, based on MAGIC BODY CONTROL with curve tilting function and ROAD SURFACE SCAN. Coupe, Sedan and Roadster: following the S65 AMG and the SL 65 AMG, the new S65 AMG Coupe is the third AMG high-performance car with a V12 engine to come to the United States market. Globally, no other car manufacturer in the world offers such a wide portfolio of twelve-cylinder vehicles as Mercedes-AMG. In 2003, the performance brand of Mercedes-Benz presented a coupe with a powerful V12 biturbo engine in the form of the CL65 AMG (C215 model series). Its successor, the CL65 AMG (C216 model series) was available between 2007 and 2014 and was the direct predecessor to the new S65 AMG Coupe. Tobias Moers, Chairman of the Board of Management of Mercedes-AMG GmbH: "There are AMG fans for whom our V12 biturbo engine is the measure of all things. For this clientele we have developed a unique car in the form of the new S65 AMG Coupe. From driving dynamics to comfort and equipment – our new twelve-cylinder coupe surpasses even the highest of expectations." Twelve-cylinder engines are still considered the pinnacle of engine design. Among connoisseurs the AMG 6.0-litre V12 biturbo engine in particular is seen as an outstanding example of its type. Open the hood of the S65 AMG Coupe, and it is immediately obvious why. The exclusive carbon fiber/aluminum engine 50 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

by Mai Yomioto

cover is synonymous with the exceptional strengths of the V12 engine that is built in Affalterbach according to the "one man, one engine" principle. Apart from serving as an AMG hallmark confirming superlative precision and production quality, the AMG engine plate bearing the master engine builder's signature is also a clear testament to the peerless DNA of Mercedes-Benz's high-performance brand. Supreme sportiness combined with the sensual clarity typical of Mercedes-Benz – the irresistible contours of the S65 AMG Coupe are a captivating sight. V12- specific features include the countless design elements in high-sheen chrome at the front, sides and rear which are particularly effective in conjunction with dark paintwork. The large central Mercedes star on the front apron, the "twin blade" radiator grille, all of the air intake grilles, the trim strip on the "A-wing", the side flics (air deflector elements) and the front splitter are chromed-trimmed. The three-dimensional front splitter increases downforce at the front axle, while the gap above the front splitter ensures an effective flow of air to the separate engine oil cooler behind it.

At the side, the eye is drawn to the "V12 BITURBO" lettering on the wings and the high-sheen chrome inserts in the side skirts which harmonize perfectly with the high-sheen polished forged wheels. The rear view is also unmistakable. The AMG sports exhaust system's two chromed twin tailpipes in V12 design are integrated into the rear apron. Above the distinctive diffuser insert, painted in high-gloss black, the trim element forms an effective contrast. It echoes the design of the "A-wings" on the front apron and is finished in high-sheen chrome. On bends the vehicle leans into the turn automatically and continuously in fractions of a second – depending on the curve radius and vehicle speed. The innovative suspension system detects curves using both a stereo camera behind the windscreen, registering the curvature of the road up to approximately 50 feet ahead, and an additional lateral acceleration sensor. The curve tilting function is making its United States debut in the S65 AMG Coupe.

The AMG V12 delivers a peak output of 621 hp and a maximum torque of 738 lb-ft – The S65 AMG feels effortless to drive and remains very silent at speed, but when needed provides a sensational and refreshing rush. If you must know, the S65 AMG Coupe accelerates from 0-60 mph in 4.0 seconds and has a top speed of 186 mph (electronically limited). In other respects, the AMG 6.0-litre V12 biturbo engine assures a sensational drive. Stylish drive & comfort, tremendous pulling power and effortless power delivery in all speed ranges are coupled with refined engine running characteristics and the distinctive typical sound of the AMG V12. Need I say more… Marked for launch at Mercedes-Benz sales outlets and authorized dealerships, planned for the end of 2014.

Exclusively developed AMG sports seats ensure optimal long-distance comfort. Electric adjustment, memory function, seat heating and climate control are standard features. More contoured seat cushions and backrests improve lateral support when cornering at speed. High-quality AMG badges are prominently displayed on all four backrests, and the AMG crest is embossed on the front centre console. Other features of the exclusive package include the Nappa leather roof liner, a leather-lined dashboard, door center panels in a diamond-pattern design, leather-clad roof grab handles, chromed door pins and AMG stainless steel door sill panels illuminated in white. Customers ordering designo AMG Exclusive Nappa leather upholstery are able to choose between black, porcelain/espresso brown, saddle brown/black and crystal grey/ black. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 51

Keep Connected Photo courtesy of Getty Images

When Away from Home


Whether your international travel is for business or pleasure, chances are you’d like to remain connected. Your wireless phone or tablet is a likely solution, but not all wireless services are created equal. When U.S. customers use their phones abroad the way they normally do at home, their costs can total $1,000 a day or more. According to a study by T-Mobile, more than 40 percent of customers turn off data roaming completely to avoid those fees, and another 20 percent say they would if they knew how. “Wireless customers face a hard choice — use their phone when they need it and pay the price, or cut off communications to contain costs,” said Desmond Smith, senior product manager at T-Mobile. “In reality, with a little pre-planning, customers can find the right carrier and service plan that meets their travel needs, significantly reducing, or even eliminating, travel-related wireless charges.” Before you pack your bags and begin your travel adventure, spend some time researching the best wireless company, device and data plan to fit your needs and check that you have the right accessories too, including an international power converter. Choosing a Carrier With so many wireless service providers available, it’s difficult to know which one to choose. Especially if you will be traveling internationally, choosing the right data plan is not only about ensuring you have freedom and peace of mind (so you don’t come home to bill shock) — it’s also about making sure you choose a phone company that focuses on customer service and provides flexibility and choice. 52 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

• Ditch the burdensome contract — Several providers offer no-contract wireless service that gives you freedom and flexibility without being locked into a service agreement for a year or more. • Make the world your network — Look for carriers, such as T-Mobile, that provide unlimited data and texting worldwide, freeing you from worrying about coming home to bill shock from outrageous roaming fees. • Don’t break the bank — Some providers offer programs to help manage the out-of-pocket costs associated with purchasing new devices. • Device upgrades — If you’re accident prone, likely to break or lose devices while circling the globe or just like to upgrade your phone frequently, look for protection and upgrade options such as T-Mobile’s JUMP! program. For $10 per month, you can protect your device and have the option to upgrade twice per year to the latest phone. • Explore the extras — Prepaid international calling cards may also be available through your wireless provider. If your travels keep you in the States but your wireless needs take you beyond, some carriers offer plans that allow you to talk with friends, family or business associates across the globe. The Right Device Shopping for a smartphone or tablet doesn’t have to be stressful or complicated. Selecting the right device is simply a matter of asking the right questions and talking to the experts. A sales associate can help you select a phone that will best meet your needs. Several new options are now available, and one in high demand is Google Nexus 5. When combined with a nationwide 4G LTE network, Google Nexus 5’s stunning, lightweight design, speedy processor and LTE capabilities offer users the best experience for staying connected.

When making your purchase, consider: • Device compatibility abroad • Shape/size • Display • Keyboard size and form These and additional tips for staying connected when traveling internationally can be found at

Worry-free Wireless Travel Abroad Follow a few tips from the experts at T-Mobile and help keep your travels on track and free of complications: 1. Pack the essentials, including portable chargers, an international power converter and MicroSD cards to give you added storage space for photos and more. 2. Get insured. If you don’t already have one, now is the time to secure an insurance plan to protect yourself in case your device is damaged, lost or stolen. 3. Check your coverage before you travel, including network specifications and international data rates, and make adjustments if necessary to avoid costly surprises in your bill when you return. 4. Travel safe with features such as Bluetooth for hands-free driving while navigating the twists and turns of unfamiliar roads, or applications like T-Mobile’s DriveSmart Plus, which silences incoming notifications, sending callers to voicemail and auto-responds to incoming text messages. 5. Pack light by bringing a multi-function smartphone that allows you to access entertainment with videos and games, mobile music player, GPS navigator, high quality digital camera, and in some cases, even a mobile hotspot.

Best Apps for Travel

Check out these leading apps to help you navigate a successful journey: Unit Conversion Free, Currency (iOS, but others are available for most platforms): Converts temperature, distance, weight, volume, speed and more, including currency in real time Where (iOS, Android, BlackBerry): Collects the location-specific information you can find in a number of other, more specialized apps into one uber-app — making it easy to find a restaurant or other location nearby Expedia (Android, iOS): Travel search, information and hotel/flight booking, with the opportunity to uncover mobile-exclusive discounts on last-minute hotel bookings GateGuru (Android, iOS, Windows Phone): View your TripIt and Kayak itineraries, as well as view/post airport security wait times and see a structured list of airport food, shops and services iStone (iOS): Translation app designed for international travelers without any great linguistic skills; records and translates into 12 languages and provides more than 300 useful phrases Image It (iOS): Translates a picture into the actual word of the object with more than 450 pictograms in categories such as food, emergencies, accommodation and transport Waze (iOS, Android, BlackBerry, Windows Phone) Navigational map system that is constantly updated in real time using drivers’ GPS points with automatic alerts on traffic jams, fender-benders, detours and even police traps SeatGuru (Android, iOS): Provides crucial in-flight information — from seat pitch to the proximity to the toilet to the likeliness to be bumped JetLag Genie (iOS): Helps reduce the effects of jet lag by providing customized action plans based on your flight info and personal sleep patterns FOCUS of Virginia 2014 53


Alfredo Villalba The delicate treatment of structuring the base model is performed using the technique of moulage; directly over a mannequin, afterwards decimated motifs of other Haute Couture fabrics are applied by hand on the model. Subsequently are added details of rhinestones, metals or Swarovski crystals also sewn by hand, one by one. Finally each model is thoroughly inspected, the seams are hidden and ultimate adjustments are made. Each Haute Couture model by ALFREDO VILLALBA entails between 150 and 300 hours of work in its confection and is accomplished entirely by skilled petite mains in the Atelier of the luxury brand in Madrid. Exclusive models that comprise the Haute Couture Collection by ALFREDO VILLALBA SS 14, the luxury brand Made in Spain that redefines the aesthetic concepts related to Haute Couture. Seven unique dresses, fashion jewels inspired by a floral metalica. Antagonistic concepts, seal of the Couture House, flowers and metal come together in a fashion collage. Portraits that enhance the shape of women, veiled by transparencies, of tulle, of lace. Long dresses spread kissing the floor, short dresses bloom into subtle leggings that render shoes covered with delicate floral motifs. Metal mesh, guipure metallic thread, rhinestones, pearls and ostrich feathers, a textile nature enriched,metalica in a botanical garden. Tenuous colors, natural, silver, blue, raised embroidery, sensorial dresses that spin 360ยบ, in search of the sun, in search of the moon, arriving at the reflection of beauty.

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PANDORA’s collection of outstanding jewelry features raw, elegant designs inspired by rock style with a hint of vintage and a bit of attitude. PANDORA bracelets give women the freedom to capture the unforgettable moments that make life extraordinary and the new charms of the fall season offer a twist on what has become the hallmark of the PANDORA brand. Two elegant sterling silver bracelets are also new–one is designed to hold one traditional or new decorative clip, the other as many as five. Mix, match and combine the clips and bracelets in any combination, creating pieces that are unique to your personal style. It’s an idea inspired by PANDORA’s popular charm bracelet. Create and combine looks with other new additions to the PANDORA universe, including a line of 14k solid gold earrings, pendants and dangle charms with intricate lace details and diamonds; and large cocktail rings, featuring amethyst or grey moonstone, that are perfect for stacking. Stunning earrings inspired by delicate lace patterns in 14K gold with freshwater pearls and diamonds can be worn on their own, layered or combined with other pieces from the Compose collection. Rings in 14K gold, sterling and black oxidized silver have florally inspired designs with an unpredictable twist that is raw yet feminine. Large cocktail rings in amethyst or grey moonstone are perfect for stacking with this season’s more delicate pieces. New LovePod rings in white, yellow and rose 18K gold with brilliant-cut diamonds or colorful gemstones work beautifully with other pieces of PANDORA jewelry and interlock when stacked together. The spirit of nostalgic rock infuses the collection, especially our new sterling silver decorative clips in raw, sculptural shapes. The other standouts include a star-shaped pendant and charm in black oxidized silver, an alluring finish that runs through the collection.

Beauty's Only Skin Deep

By Gina L. Battle

If you have yet to meet the newest cast member of the BRAVO TV Network franchise, “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills�, Season 4, which premiered November, 2013, then you haven't met Joyce Giraud. This lovely, accomplished actress, producer, director, and philanthropist, is a beauty queen, wife and mother.

Photographer: Siul Martinez Make up and Hair: Paul Anthony Dress: Gustavo Arango Accessories: David Yurman

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Most young girls dream of being swept off their feet, whisked away to adventures unknown, or daydream about living a glamorous lifestyle derived from Hans Christian Anderson fairy-tales. One would think Joyce is living out her childhood dreams. Oh, quite the contrary. In Puerto Rico, at age 16, this once upon a time, self proclaimed, 'dangly and awkward' teenager was “discovered,” plucked from obscurity at the drive-thru window of her fast food job at a KFC restaurant. Asked on the spot of the fast food chain if she wanted to be a model, Joyce was naturally hesitant. “I don't model. I'm too skinny.” The mans persistence eventually paid off. “He offered me $500 to come to a test shoot. I showed up with my entire family for protection, because I didn't know... I'd heard all kinds of stories about different models. Initially, I thought, 'No, no!' Eventually, I went with my mother, and my uncle, and another uncle, and a cousin. I was very lucky, right after that came a whole lot of other opportunities, and they were very lucrative.” Joyce was in disbelief. “I get paid to feel pretty. It's not so bad. Let's do this! Why not?” After graduating high school at 16, then paying for her college education with the substantial amount of money she made from modeling, the path actually started to take shape. That's when Joyce determined she would acquire dual Bachelor's degrees, acquiring them by age 19. It made perfect sense that taking advantage of furthering her education was ideal. Pursuing university degrees would undoubtedly have been an incredible financial burden on her family. “I was able to pay for school and was able to help my mother a little bit.”

Never missing a beat, Joyce continued modeling while working in social work for a year in Puerto Rico. “My practice was my own, and it was beautiful. It was an experience that I will never forget. I love when people asked, 'Why did you study that and you're not going to work in it?' She's firm with her answer, “I think social work is something that I can use on a daily basis in general.” Joyce reiterates, “For me, it was such a beautiful career path and I have no regrets." After leaving her respectable practice, one thing led to the next and she became immersed in modeling reaching the pinnacle of being an international top model. Commercials would soon follow, 'with countless national and international magazine covers' and campaigns to her credits. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 59

While on assignment on a photo shoot, she was encouraged to enter a pageant. Once again, she declined not realizing this would be a natural fit. Little did she realize that when she did agree, it would turn the tide, becoming the first of many pageants, and taking home the crown. Joyce's pageant titles/wins include: Aguas Buenas, Puerto Rico Titles: • Miss Mundo de Puerto Rico (1994) • Miss Aguas Buenas Universe (1998) • Miss Universe Puerto Rico (1998) (Runner-Up) Major Competition: • Miss World (1994) (Winner) This would certainly become the platform she needed to exercise her own voice, to go further, work with different charities, to ignite her career. Additionally, this would be the time she would also “discover her love for acting.” As a young child, it hadn't crossed her mind to act. As it happened, according to the actress, after the Miss Universe competition, she was called for an audition. The enchanting beauty queen, with a sense of humor, poking fun at herself, candidly revealed a story of her naivety during the first film audition of her career. Joyce was frequently receiving calls from a local director. Confiding in her mother, she asked what he wanted? Her mother said, “I don't know.” The beauty queen was unfamiliar with his request to come in to 'read'. Not realizing it was an audition, she thought, why would I need to prove to him that I can read? I am a woman holding two Bachelor's degrees! Does he think I can't read, just because I'm a beauty queen?” Nevertheless, she went – still unaware this was an audition for a part in a film. As it happened, she was touched by the character's predicament, which made her cry at just the right time. Cut! You have the part.” said the director. “What?!” Joyce couldn't believe it. Understandably, as an untrained actress she was overwhelmed and excited, and asked the director for his help and guidance. He told her all she had to do was learn her lines; she wouldn't need his help. He told her that she would do great! “Because other people believed in me, I felt I would be able to deliver.” Joyce said. Well, it shouldn't be a surprise to read, Joyce won an award for that performance. At that point she was hooked. “I think I like this acting thing.” Of course, this would catapult her into Hollywood where she would have opportunities to pursue her new passion. Again, Joyce felt blessed. There was never any doubt, she would immerse herself in studying acting – given the chance. It would prove to be a key component before making the final decision to go all the way to becoming a Hollywood actress. This meant taking every style of acting class available. That doesn't come cheap. So how would she accomplish this goal? An opportunity, similar to a 'Star Search' show, in Hawaii, came up that her agency told her about, that would provide either great exposure or the top prize. Either way it would be a win-win. Was there any doubt, Joyce did win the substantial top prize. Now with her golden ticket in hand, off to Hollywood she went to take the desired classes and has been a working-actress, working along side great actors ever since. “I'm very happy being a working actress.”

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Some of the roles from television and film include, but are not limited to, “Baywatch: Hawaii” with David Hasselhoff, Tyler Perry's “House of Payne,” she's had a role in David Fincher's THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO/Daniel Craig & Mara Rooney, MISS CASTAWAY/Eric Roberts & Michael Jackson, Disney's “The Suite Life of Zach & Cody,” playing Matt LeBlanc's girlfriend on the show “Joey.” Joyce Giraud, is just like any of us 'real housewives of... (name your city),' with a few perks. She's beautiful, intelligent, entrepreneurial, spiritually grounded, and she's a multifaceted talent. As an example, Joyce and her husband, Michael O'Hoven, Academy Award nominated producer, named Hollywood's “Most Prolific Producer, by 'Hollywood Reporter', share portions of their life together on the TV screen in front of millions of viewers. In addition, they work side-by-side on various entertainment projects. She's the lead in the NBC faux-reality scripted drama “Siberia” Season 1, which they both produced. When asked if being together constantly is ever a concern of hers, Joyce doesn't hesitate to say, “I am happily married to my soul-mate. We love being together.” Considering all of Joyce's accolades, gushingly, she concedes her most impressive accomplishment is having met and married “the man of my dreams, and our two beautiful children, so I'm a mommy and that's the most important thing.” Joyce doesn't seem to have any trouble balancing her career and family. They love and support each others desires and life's purpose. They take their little boys Leonardo (4) and Valentino (2) everywhere, each gathering one. Reflecting back on her life, Joyce has to pinch herself and says, “Thank you, God!” because she has such a blessed life. As a result, of the happiness she exudes, some people wonder if the happiness is real or faux. Can it be that Joyce is just enjoying the benefits of sharing and loving? “If you're happy, you don't let negativity bring you down. When you look around at the rest of the world, where there might be plenty to complain about, our complaining might just be petty. Why should I complain? I just thank God and pray that I can continue to be happy. If you're happy, you want others to be happy too.” Joyce is proud of the rise to her successes. “At this stage of my life, I feel the most fulfilled.” No one can argue, there's no fear when it comes to challenging herself to exceed expectations. Joyce is a mentor, who currently utilizes her expertise in beauty pageants to cultivate leadership for young women globally.

“Life is such a gift, such a joy”

Photographer: Fadil Berisha

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Unfortunately, Joyce was teased a lot during her formidable teen years. Perhaps, that's where she derived some of her vision of “giving a voice to the voiceless." This progressive forward-thinking lady has managed to change the face of beauty pageants with the inception of the international pageant Queen of the Universe. Joyce is elated to say prior contestants call her to share they've opened up their individual charities. Are you wondering how this pageant differs from others? Queen of the Universe, 'provides women across the globe, regardless of marital status, motherhood or sexuality, with an opportunity to promote their charity work while providing a platform to materialize their dreams' – just like the creator of the organization has done for herself. “One very important thing to know is that the women must have a charity based platform. In my case, mine is UNESCO. United Nations Education Science & Culture Organization (UNESCO) promotes education within impoverished areas. I'm on a show ('RHOBH'), that besides all the drama, I'm able to have a voice to promote our children's charity. When asked about how Joyce feels about the other cast members' of the 'RHOBH'? Joyce was surprised after meeting some of the cast members. “I had no idea what the rest would be like. Kyle, I really like her; she's a good dear friend. As an audience member, I didn't think I was going to like Kyle. But, she's a very sweet girl. Lisa is great. Kim is great. However, my relationship with some of the others ladies... I admire all of the ladies, they’re all good at what they do. They're all strong women, and I admire strong women in general. I don't admire when people lie. I don't like arrogance and trying to act as though they're above the rest of the world. So unfortunately, these are qualities I've seen in some of the other ladies I didn't mention. I won't name names. I can't lie to the audience and say 'Oh yeah, she's wonderful. Some of these ladies I thought I would like, as an audience member. It was a tough reality when they were entirely different from what I watched on the show. Honesty is what you get with this RHOBH cast member. Naturally, it is ones inclination to suggest such a success story can only happen to a select few. One might think, it's not something that is destined to happen to the normal everyday person. Joyce would counter that with “We must try our hardest.” She goes on to say, "Have I told the inner self that I love her today? If the answer is yes, than I'm okay. If the answer is no, then I have to fix my life.” Advice from Joyce: A. Study your craft B. Remain true to yourself – you're you! C. Do what you love, and you will never work a day in your life. Photographer: Siul Martinez Make up and Hair: Paul Anthony

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By Laurie Gardner

We’ve all heard the expressions about the importance of attitude: “Check yourself before you wreck yourself” . . . “Mind over matter” . . . “A smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks” . . . But is attitude adjustment really possible? If so, does it last? Recent brain research shows that we can literally rewire our brains by choosing to view things in a more positive way. When we react to external situations by focusing on what’s wrong, we trigger a negative emotional response, like anger, frustration, self-pity, or blame. If we instead choose a sunnier interpretation, we not only feel better in the moment, but we also create new neural pathways that help us to react more positively in the future. Last week, I had a chance to practice this skill when I dropped a full pitcher of water by my fridge. In the past, my first reaction would have been, “Oh man, I don’t feel like dealing with this right now!” Instead, I just mopped it up and laughed, “Well, that’s one way to clean the floor.” Meanwhile, for those of us who are used to making things happen, trying to stay positive can be very difficult when we’re not in control. I find this to be especially true when I experience an unpleasant or unexpected life change or when I’m waiting to hear back about something important. A couple of suggestions from my “How to Be Happy Even When Life is Crappy: 32 Tips & Quips to Get You There”: • Think like a Spaniard. In Spanish, the word esperar means both to wait and to hope. Instead of clinging to specific outcomes and timing, have faith in “this or something better.” • Correction, not rejection. When things don’t work out, its just not where you belong. When I was a teenager, I used to watch my older sister get ready to go out. One evening, she had a fight with her boyfriend and slammed down the phone. Without another word, she put on a stylish outfit, smiled at herself in the mirror, then strutted out of the room. She turned around and winked, “It’s all in the ‘tude.” Attitude. If I’d only known then how important it is. Recently, I presented a seminar in Longboat Key. While we were talking about the power of positive thinking, a woman in the audience raised her hand and asked, “But how is it possible when really bad things happen in our lives? It just doesn’t seem realistic in more challenging circumstances.” 64 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

I told her about my favorite aunt. After working for twenty-five years in a stressful, high-powered law firm, Brenda had just retired and was looking forward to some well-deserved vacation and leisure. Two weeks later, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I visited her in New York when she was in the throes of radiation and chemo, going through continuous rounds of brutal, draining treatments that would knock anyone down in the dumps. Instead, the whole time we were together, she laughed and joked, happier than I’d ever seen her. When I asked her how she could possibly be so cheerful given all that she was going through, she said, “Laurie, I could go any day now. And I sure as heck am not going out in a bad mood.” Ten years later, while her doctors use the word “remission,” Brenda triumphantly tells people that she “survived.” In my opinion, she more than survived. She’s a shining example of how changing your attitude changes your life. One last story from my new book, The Road to Shine. Navigating through fifty countries and forty states, extreme wilderness adventures, and life’s normal ups and downs, I learned again and again the power of adjusting my attitude. My biggest a-ha occurred in Italy: “Che brutto giorno!” (“What an ugly day!”) exclaimed the hotel maid, dragging on her cigarette as she looked out at the pouring rain. Rosario and I disagreed. Laughing as we splashed through the puddles, we jumped from doorstep to doorstep, stopping to embrace and kiss under each dry alcove. We arrived at his car, cranked up the stereo, and danced and sang while the storm crashed all around us. An ugly day? Not at all. That was one of the best days I’d had in a while.

Ever since we met, I was struck by how happy Rosario is. Rowing a boat across the beautiful turquoise bay, he told me how much he enjoyed his job, appreciated his family, and loved living by the sea. He could view his life differently: “I’m almost thirty and still single, and my job takes me away from family and friends.” Instead, he sighed contentedly, “Il mio cuore è veramente pieno di gioia.” (“My heart is truly full of joy.”) At first, I thought he might just be simple-minded: How could someone be so upbeat all the time? But as I got to know him, I realized that his happiness is genuine. He lives fully in each moment, appreciates the simple things in life (as well as the complex), and often bursts into spontaneous play. In one week, I learned more about true joy from this young Sicilian than I had in my entire life so far. The guy has simply decided his time on this planet is going to be fun. He’s not naïve to the struggles around him, nor free from struggle himself. He just chooses to approach life with a positive attitude. Somehow, we’ve convinced ourselves that joy is something we have to spend a lifetime working toward. But even by diligently chipping away at our negative habits and thoughts, we might never get a piece of that all-elusive happiness. What if it’s a lot simpler than that? What if it’s a lot more fun? What if, like Rosario, we decide that happiness is possible right now? Horrible rainstorm or private dance party? It’s our decision.

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Seeing Back-to-School Success

By Dr. Joseph Barr

Joseph Barr, O.D., M.S., serves as VP of Medical Affairs Pharmaceuticals & Vision Care at Bausch + Lomb

As students begin preparing for the upcoming school year, parents are sometimes quick to overlook a very important back-to-school checklist item: an eye examination. Gone are the days where students passively listen to lectures and take notes. Today’s schools rely more and more on visual teaching methods, like using laptops and tablets. In fact, 80 percent of classroom learning is based on vision, according to the American Optometric Association. To help ensure vision problems don’t interfere with your student’s performance, there are a few insights all parents should know to better serve their children’s vision needs. Be on the lookout for silent symptoms Children often try to compensate for poor vision, so parents should be on the lookout for the following symptoms of vision problems: • Reading patterns, like frequently losing his or her place while reading, could indicate an astigmatism, a common vision problem that causes objects to appear distorted and blurry. • Frequent headaches can be a result of the child attempting to compensate for blurry vision, which is often a sign of farsightedness. • Head tilting can be a sign of an eye muscle imbalance or strabismus, a condition in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other.

Provide your child with “Smart-Sight” If your child does have a vision impairment, contact lenses can be a good option for students. Over the past several years, the technology and comfort behind contact lenses has improved, along with their affordability. For instance, Bausch + Lomb’s SofLens daily disposables are designed to be worn for one day, and then thrown away. This means there is no need for nightly cleaning, no concerns about losing a lens and students can also keep a spare pair in their backpack, if needed. With eyesight being such an important component of education, it’s important to monitor your child’s vision throughout the school year. If you believe your child may be experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s best to call your local eye care doctor to schedule a routine eye examination. 66 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

Transform Your Kids’ Rooms Photos courtesy of ©Disney


It’s no surprise that kids want unique, colorful bedrooms that reflect their personalities and give them a space to call their own. Parents, though, may find that overwhelming and worry about having to sacrifice cleanliness and organization. The ideas below will help you create fun, innovative rooms and make everyone in the family happy. Plus, they are easy to create. GO TEAM! One of the most enduring bedroom themes for boys and girls revolves around sports. Whether your little athlete plays or just watches soccer, football or basketball, this is an easy look to achieve. Select two shades that match their favorite team’s colors. Paint the bottom half of each wall in the darkest color then coat the top half with the other. Create a polished look by dividing the two colors with a wide, horizontal strip of paint. Posters, pennants and memorabilia complete the look. FIT FOR A PRINCE OR PRINCESS Give your little prince or princess a dreamy bedroom inspired by Disney’s most cherished icons. Select the perfect color from the new line of Disney Paint by the makers Glidden Paint ®. It comes in 112 exclusive colors designed to give kids inspiration at every stage – from infant to tween. Add matching bedding and other accessories to complete the look. For a truly show-stopping finish, put a splash of glitter on the walls. Disney Paint, “All That Glitters,” is a new clear topcoat that creates a shimmering glitter finish over any painted surface.

JUST BEACHY All it takes is the perfect color of blue paint to transform any bedroom into a tropical oasis. Carry the theme throughout the room with white curtains, bedding and furniture. Then trim the windows by draping lengths of grass skirting along the top and placing several clear jars of sea glass along one ledge. Prop a surfboard or two in the corner or hang them from the ceiling to complete the look. SPACE OUT Glow-in-the-dark paint makes it easy to create an out-of-this-world bedroom. After all, every budding young scientist should have lots of encouragement to reach for the stars. Paint the walls a deep space blue. Then create celestial bodies around the room using planetary stencils that you can see even when the lights go out. Disney Paint has five new specialty finishes, including “Ready, Set, Glow!” This translucent, ready-to use yellow paint allows any surface to glow in the dark. Use it also to stencil stars on the ceiling, turn off the lights and let your child dream up a bright future. Tips to Help Complete the Transformation • Use a room’s fifth wall – the ceiling – to help spice up a room • Stencil fun shapes, like tiaras, jewels, cars, boats, etc., to help complement your kids’ personalities • Add an extra punch to small spaces, like bathrooms or window seats, with a fun and dynamic finish • Jazz up one piece of furniture, like a nightstand, chest of drawers or wooden chair, to bring extra personality to a room Painting Supplies You’ll Need • Your paint, finishes and extra accessories – Disney Paint is only available at select Walmart stores nationwide • Painters tape at least 2” wide • Paint brushes for small or tight areas • Drop cloths • Paint trays • Rollers and roller covers To get more inspiration and helpful tips, visit You can also experiment with the virtual “Room Painter” tool or browse the gallery.

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Photo courtesy of Getty Images


Take a Break from

As access to technology increases, families may find they are spending more time on their devices and less time together. Some psychologists worry our growing attachment to technology may result in social isolation. “We’re getting used to a new way of being alone together,” said Sherry Turkle, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor, psychologist and author of “Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other.” “People want to be with each other, but also elsewhere, connected to all the different places they want to be.” In her book, “Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other,” Turkle explores the idea that this constant need for virtual connection is leading to a gap in communication between families, and a new generation of children is unable to actually communicate and relate to their peers or parents. Ready for a Tech Timeout? Foresters™, a life insurance provider committed to the well-being of families, recently launched the Tech Timeout™ challenge in response to a growing awareness that our attachment to digital devices may contribute to a sense of social isolation among families. Tech Timeout encourages families across North America to take a pledge to turn off their digital devices (including TVs, smartphones, video games and computers) for an hour each day for one week and connect with each other in a more meaningful way. The idea is not to eliminate technology, but to create awareness of the dependence on technology, and ultimately improve personal bonds within families.


Easy Ways to Unplug Carving out space and time for each other can start the channels of communication flowing. Here are some activities families can do together: • Board Game Bonanza – Break out the cards, puzzles and board games for a night of old-fashioned fun. • Get Out and Play – Find a local trail and set out on a hike together. You will have a chance to interact with your surroundings and one another and be active too. • Volunteer – Volunteering can help strengthen community connections and avoid a sense of social isolation. Find a cause your family is passionate about and volunteer with a local organization. • Cook Together – Dig out your favorite recipes and try cooking as a family. Assign each person a role in meal preparation. You will not only have plenty of time to interact, your children can pick up some valuable life skills along the way. • Take a Tech-free Holiday – Family vacations are a great time to recharge and bond with your kids, but connecting can be tough if you are each plugged into your electronic devices. Fun time together will create memories your children will cherish for years to come. • Rediscover Reading – Begin a family reading hour or book club. Starting a discussion about literature will open up communication. To take the Tech Timeout pledge, and for more tips on building stronger bonds within your family, visit and Foresters™ is the trade name and a trademark of The Independent Order of Foresters, 789 Don Mills Road, Toronto, Canada M3C 1T9; its subsidiaries are licensed to use this mark. Tech Timeout and the Tech Timeout logo are trademarks of The Independent Order of Foresters.

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Great Ways to Fuel Up After School


Crunch time for most families is the frenzied, action-packed hours between the school’s dismissal bell and dinnertime. Squeezed in between is often a flurry of homework, sports practices, dance classes, music lessons and hanging out with friends. The last thing most parents have time for is preparing snacks. Instead of unwrapping a candy bar or driving through a fast food joint, pull out a healthy treat or put together a delicious dish in a matter of moments. For more great snacking ideas, visit Farm Rich When crunched for time after school, between games or before practice, we understand that a quick and easy-to-prepare snack is a must, but you also want to feed your family wholesome, real snacks. New Crispy Dill Pickles and Toasted Ravioli are great-tasting snacks made with real ingredients and ready to eat in minutes. Farm Rich — they’re real snacks for real families. For coupons and more information, visit: Mini Babybel When planning for back-to-school, be sure to add Mini Babybel to the grocery list. Individually portioned, Mini Babybel is a little cheese with huge appeal. Rich, creamy and 100 percent natural cheese, it is the perfect choice for snack time. With 20 percent of your daily calcium needs, this nutritious cheese snack is sure to satisfy the whole family. Visit for more information and snack ideas. Popcorn For back-to-school snacking you can’t beat popcorn. Pop up a bowl and let the fun flavor creations begin — sweet, savory, or with just a dash of salt. Popcorn is a grab-n-go treat that takes minutes to make. Plus, it’s a whole grain that contains fiber to fuel the body and keep you feeling fuller longer than other snacks. This beloved treat is also economical, costing mere pennies per serving. Pop up some fun today.

Go Bananas Frozen bananas are a quick, healthy treat. Cut a banana into four pieces, spear with a toothpick and freeze for two hours. Then melt chocolate chips in the microwave, dip each frozen banana pop into the chocolate until coated, shake off excess and place on waxed paper. Have the kids help out by embellishing each pop with chopped nuts, crushed graham crackers or colorful sprinkles. Once hardened, return the pops to the freezer until ready to enjoy. FOCUS of Virginia 2014 69

TIP For Women

By Tania Jain

So beautiful ladies, come on, lets have a feel according to your body frame, skin tone and after all your level of comfort. Body Frame- Are you a plump women, if yes, try avoiding sleeveless cuts. Choose dark color clothing rather than lighter shades. Or prefer over a range of dull colors like dull blue or dirty blue. If you wear small prints and vertical line prints, you will look slimmer. If you have extra pounds in you, avoid kota sarees and cotton sarees and stick to Chiffon and Georgette Sarees. Choose beige and fawn colors, if you have a medium structure. In case of blouses, try on nets as these are of great help in disguising physical flaws. Thin women, cheer up, you will look gorgeous in all the color ranges. All the colors and shades will suits on you. You also can try on sleeveless, deep cuts and strapped blouses. Skin Tone- If you have fair complexion, gold with a blend of copper will make you cool. If you are a medium / wheatish colored, prefer mix shades of white, beige and bronzy golden. If you have dark skin, prefer to wrap yourself in golden copper shades. Personal Attitude and Level of comfort- Your attitude and level of comfort is very important along with your appearance and clothing sense. If you want to maintain a cosmopolitan outlook but do not feel very much comfortable with western wear, try Indo Western style. A blend of Indo Western style should add an extra charm to your personality. A boat necked saree with a squared necked blouse is definitely for a shy and introvert women. Bold 'n' beautiful should choose from sleeveless, deep-necked blouses and may be straps. A noted philosopher and politician Aristotle once said, women are the best creatures of god. And for 'you' creatures that are bold, beautiful, gracious and smart, wrapping and carrying yourself is of utmost importance. According to the varying shape and size or body shape and colors, etc, here are few wrapping and carrying tips i.e. Fashion Tips For Women. But before jumping into those tips to make you smarter, beautiful and bold definitely you would like to know What is Fashion for Women, especially if you are a bit extra cautious about your looks and appearance. 70 FOCUS of Virginia 2014

So no matter what your body frame and skin tone may be or how bold your personality is, fashion is for you, LADIES.

Photo by Radu Tania

Women are directly linked with fashion. It would be right to say that the word fashion is synonyms to woman. It is something more than wearing clothing. If you are an urban beauty, the fashion trend and style should go well and that too in advance with you. Few of the factors that define your fashion statement are body frame, skin tone, level of comfort and personal attitude.

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