Florian, dale16, FinalCrit

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Florian Härle DALE noreg remote place(s) Inverted Spaces A chance for Dale to transform spring 2016

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The nicely corresponding 3 houses x: Dale Core a: Dalsfjorden b: Dalsfjordbrua Just by walking towards it, the arrangement of the three houses to each other appeared interesting. Coming closer to the plot, coming closer to the Fjord and these 3 barns, it was strange to see buidlings with that few openings in it. So even when sneaking around, it was not possible to figure out what was going on inside. The facades of the buidlings were cladded in white wooden boards and waved steel plates. Its condition were not in the best shape, but still not rotten. It must be in use still. The small road passing by in front of it leads to the Byggeriet, which means that most of the traffic entering this road will just roll by the small white houses. The question is, why was the arrangement of these houses appealing? Was it the small roads passing by instead of being surrounded by wide roads? Was it the close relation to the Fjord and the hills around? The disconnection and autark layout of the buildings is playing an important role. Its frame is the Fjord and the dark water.

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Dale, the perfect city for artists! As we heard in the presentation of Dales representative for planning, the village wants to attract artists. Thinking about this fact there is another coincidence responding to this request. In the northern part of the world architects are usually used to build the buildings facing the sun in the southern side. But in the case of Dale it is exactly the other way round considering the buildings in / or close to the city center and eastern parts. The huge hill in the southern side blocks most of the sunlight and the most beautiful view is towards north ...with the Mount Fløyen and the Dalsfjord, as well as the new Dalsfjordbrua. To create perfect spaces with constant daylight but no direct sunfall, the studio for artists should be designed so that the daylight enters from the north. Dale is therefore just the perfect village for artists, combining view and ideal daylight from the north.

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The City Core of Dale - As Subjective Impression Due to the unhuman scale of the street width and the large areas sealed by asphalt, Dale is in need of a center to feel comfortable in - as a human. The only spot that comes up is the Café that we also visited during our stay.In front is a one way street and the opposite plot is a green mawn with huge pine trees. Towards the church there is a narrow pedestrian street connecting the center with the western part. During a visit in the ‘Gamle Bergen’ I realized that the place found there - this center plaza where people can meet and exchange - is missing in Dale. And thats definitely due to the width of the streets and the presence of car infrastructure. When you enter the central plaza in ‘Gamle Bergen’ you will also realize that the buildings are having a having a good relation to the people. It feels sheltered instead of lost to move in between the buildings.

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Immense presence of asphalt surface (build for car use) in the situation today

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As a consequence of the huge amount of wide roads and car presence in the village, the circulation by car will be cut off piece by piece to achieve a pedestrian zone and strenghten the feeling of a core in Dale. Further investigations of defining the center are based on this proposal.

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Non Circulating Effects of the three Phases would be the non-circulating core, which means that the cars are not able to cross through or circle around.

No Carshortcuts Another benefit, related to the non-circulation, is the fact, that other transportation means than the car reach the center in shorter distance. This could serve as motivator to leave the car in the garage more often.

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There is no coincidence!

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Inverted Materiality



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Creating a

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carfree center

Connecting village and forest

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In the plan of building volumes, the loose structure of the village is visible. The Inversion focusses on the principal of transforming the houses with garden around

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Into a collection of houses - forming the village structure - with nature around. To achieve the inversion and as critizism towards the plan of the kommune, to enlarge the village area to house more people, existing buildings in Dale will be ‘thrown’ together into the new defined heart of Dale.

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Inside becomes outside

Instead of light and shade, this facade creates transitions of brightness

The biggest building will be flooded with light and open instead of enclosed.

Oustide becomes inside, a new skin simplifies the volume.

A roof that collects water instead of guiging it away from the building.

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A House shaped garden to let in instead of keeping out

A room that plays with sound created by raindrops - random melodies

A groundfloor that doesn’t shut itself from the public, but invites them for a game

Facade that interacts with the weather instead of isolating from it.

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Room of Rai



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Rethinking the context of the building next to the former ferry port The Site is categorized by very clear borders of inside, outside / asphalt, water, neighbouring buildings. The public space is undefined and usused, allthough the site offers a rich scenery and atmospheric potentials. A shy try to install a wooden bench gives a hint of some citizens trying to use the space. As an important site in Dale this plot and building serve as further example of using the inversion trying to make the space more attractive.

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Example of inverted facade

Nickisch Sano Walder Architekten

The strategy for the Ferry Building

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House in House principal. Just inverted. Given the chance to clarify the volumetric language of the harbour most representative on the Fjordfront, this storage barn gets a second skin. While the facade of the existing buidling will be used as its outter appereance the order of inside outside changes. What would be former outside is now the only inside space. The former inside transform to inside - but open - space. Its the inverted distancing from dales citizens and will turn the hostage upside down and inside up.

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Private houses appear as islands in the urban context - disconnected from the public. In a rethought village structure this isolation is no longer part of the identity.

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Come in...and then try to find a way out again. The house that doesn’t want anyone inside - just inverted Former Houses along the Riksvei 57 in the center of Dale had a public/commercial ground floor and housing in the upper one. This seems not too much present in the houses of Dale Center ... fences are dominating the picture of the inner structure and the houses shut themselves off. This is a feature to be inverted. With a playful invitation this inversion aims to transform the ground floor of connected houses into a labirynth. Army of fences turn into houses with playfull openness. Besides, the flow in the city has been undefined and very wide open. This inversion channels the paths and redirects the public flow in a sharp gesture.

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The site - largest roof in Dale As the industry left the village, the former storage and production halls along the Fjord stood empty. The usage of today is mainly focussed on storing items. This closed off volume serves as example of inverting the buidling into a transluzent space. Various activities could take place in its interior. The 30x30 meter large and dry suggestion opens up for communities use, while keeping the industrial touch in its static layout.

A clear gesture towards south gives the building a head and shelters a public bench. Instead of turning the back to the pedestrians it creates a human scale atmosphere, based on interactions on walking speed and face to face conversation. During the first days of the studytrip, in the youthhostel in Vrin, there was a similar typology towards the village - offering a sheltered bench and creating a semi public transition space.


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Thoughts about inverting the storage space

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Precipitation Bergen Dale

2300mm per year 2500mm per year (private weatherstation Riksvei 57)

Even if this measurements would not be exact, its obviously raining a lot! in Dale. The rain makes everything grey, the people move inside and the streets become empty car dominated corridors. Is there any chance to enjoy the rain? Watching or experiencing rain from a sheltered place is a very good feeling. It makes one feel cozy. Usually roofs are constructured to protect from rain and not to make it enjoyable. Falling raindrops touch the ground in a random pattern. There is thick and very tiny ones, fast showers and almost standing water particles. During the videoworkshop with Daniel Liss I discovered joy in inverting annoying things into features that enhance the daily life. In one of the lumiere videos the spokes of my bike started playing the sound of Bergens rain ... unrhytmical but very calming. So how would it be to make rain a enjoyable feauture of Dale? How would be the effect of the Rain playing a melody for restless souls to calm down?

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of Rain

Peter Zumthor - Serpentine Pavillon

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of Rain

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of Rain

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of Rain

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of Rain

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Examples of Inverted Spaces A chance for Dale to transform

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