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Florian H채rle DALE noreg remote place(s) Dale context and space(s) spring 2016

The magic of the 3 white siblings While walking along in Dale the presence of cars and carparking was even more disturbing than I thought it would be by looking from the satellite pictures. The buildings are shameful framed by asphalted areas which dont really allow them to present themselves. Buildings are neither reacting to climatic circumstances, nor are they offering bigger places to frame a public meeting area. On the other hand the surrounding hills and mountains surprisingly played a huge role in the image experienced in the center of Dale. Continuing the walk through the city, there were no recognizable specialities among the houses. By being a rainy city the roofs, provided for the public, were somehow not existing. Some older appearing houses had this typical norwegian wood house touch, heavy trucks were rolling through the middle of the small village center. Coming closer to the Bygerriet in the East end of Dale the streets get smaller and the Fjord comes closer. The view opens up to the Dalsfjordbrua. Short before arriving at the impressive building in which the Bygerriet is housed in, there is a combination of 3 houses between the Fjordedge and the left side of the road. The setting of the plot creates a nice atmosphere and mixture between buildings, water, hill of forest and the Mount Fløyen. All 3 houses are in white colour, but having different claddings and rooftypes. Recognizable is however the openings the buildings have - which was not allowing to see the inside.

I Existing Buildings

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x The nicely corresponding 3 houses x: Dale Core a: Dalsfjorden b: Dalsfjordbrua Just by walking towards it, the arrangement of the three houses to each other appeared interesting. Coming closer to the plot, coming closer to the Fjord and these 3 barns, it was strange to see buidlings with that few openings in it. So even when sneaking around, it was not possible to figure out what was going on inside. The facades of the buidlings were cladded in white wooden boards and waved steel plates. Its condition were not in the best shape, but still not rotten. It must be in use still. The small road passing by in front of it leads to the Byggeriet, which means that most of the traffic entering this road will just roll by the small white houses. The question is, why was the arrangement of these houses appealing? Was it the small roads passing by instead of being surrounded by wide roads? Was it the close relation to the Fjord and the hills around? The disconnection and autark layout of the buildings is playing an important role. Its frame is the Fjord and the dark water.

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The smallest white sibling The first thing you would propably recognize with this building is the roofshape. Usually sloped roofes are falling to the longer sides of the house, which is not the case with this one and gives it a disturbing appereance. Its window was placed that high, so that it was impossible to spy what might be inside. Its not only the outter shape which is strange but also to imagine a arrangement inside...along this tube like floorplan it might be almost impossible to store things in an efficient way

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The white M sized barn without a need of light?! No light in the interior and just one door to enter the barn. Its outter cladding is white waved steel plates which are partly starting to corrode from the salty air along the Fjord. Its also the only of the three houses, which are obviously belonging together, which is cladded in steel instead of wood. The orientation is towards the Fjord and is placed right on the edge of the water.

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The white L size house The biggest barn has 2 doors and 1 window just under the roof. Its roof is sloped and the cladding of the building is white wood. Unclear is, as with all of the buildings, what the inside space looks like. The outter window could indicate another level inside and then the question comes up where the stairs would be... The interior is dark and the buidlings seems to turn away from the Fjord. Really unusual orientation for a house to live in...propably not a house to live in.

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Eventhough the three white siblings belong to one family they have different roots. The longly, smaller barn is not connected to the ground like the others. It seems like this building just landed here and is also not marked in the Kilden Maps yet.

The biggest of the three barns has 2 door openings. Strangely they are placed right on the same corner. This was bringing up the question of how the impact would be on the interior. It is hard to imagine that they are not blocking one another.

The arrangement of the three houses in the forest. Changing the surrounding does not affect the charme of the connection. A reason could be that the Fjord surrounding is exchanged by another natural environment. This would mean one big part of the beauty of this place is based on its actual natural surrounding.

The same place of the buidlings but all with flat roofs. Surely the changing of shape influences the appereance in a slightly negative way. Despite the arrangement still shows special qualities that would attract attention and creat a feeling of harmony.

The buildings with much more openings. This makes the buildings look like any other in Dale. The unique facades are a big part of the mysterious coherence. Changing the openings from very few to what can be seen as ‘a normal amount’ is in this case unprofitable.

The 3 siblings divided by a big road intersection. This would rip every specialty apart. Just another proof of how much roads are destroying human surroundings and make this place a place of noise, dirt, salt, pollution, hectic rush, moving instead of staying.

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The relation of the white 3 concerning openings and daylight. The few openings of the three white houses could be seen as eyes watching over the frontyard. With their viewfield they can cover the entrance area fully and don’t seem to appear suspicious. Anybody passing by won’t notice that the only windows in the buildings are pointing towards the frontyard. > there is no coincidences! Analyzing the movement of the shadow on the plot doesn’t show any specific unnormalities. Eventhough also in this picture the small long cabin seems separated from the others. This could strengthen the 007 theory. Inside the buildings the natural light conditions are very bad. The interior is almost fully dark and would request more daylight to house people in it. At least to fullfill the norm for daylight income in living spaces.

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Dale, the perfect city for artists! As we heard in the presentation of Dales representative for planning, the village wants to attract artists. Thinking about this fact there is another coincidence responding to this request. In the northern part of the world architects are usually used to build the buildings facing the sun in the southern side. But in the case of Dale it is exactly the other way round considering the buildings in / or close to the city center and eastern parts. The huge hill in the southern side blocks most of the sunlight and the most beautiful view is towards north ...with the Mount Fløyen and the Dalsfjord, as well as the new Dalsfjordbrua. To create perfect spaces with constant daylight but no direct sunfall, the studio for artists should be designed so that the daylight enters from the north. Dale is therefore just the perfect village for artists, combining view and ideal daylight from the north.

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Opening up towards North Dale wants to be a city for artists - and it has the perfect conditions - if the buildings would be adapted. The example shows a radical approach, in which the north facing facade including the roof slope are opened. This keeps the face of the 3 white buildings unchanged towards the street but opens up a fantastic window for artist studios. The interior would be full of light during all the day and the inhabitants could enjoy a feeling of sitting in the middle of the Fjord.

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Huge chimneys for the 3 white siblings As the buidlings are almost without openings, how would it be to open them - but in an unusual way ? What happens to interior and atmosphere? In the case shown there is a huge chimney for daylight on the roof slopes. Through this chimney there is daylight and rain entering the houses. The opening towards the sky changes the orientation of the buildings completely. Inside, the focus would be on light/ shadow relations. The wooden boards show their contures in the breaking shadows and the floor mirrors the weather conditions. In contrast to the fully closed barns the chimney activates the interior of the barns. Besides the effects in the inside, the exterior shape is drasticly changed - but nevertheless keeps the minimal touch.

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Dales 007 hideout As the barns are hiding their interior there is several possibilities what could lay underneath. One option would be that the one is some kind of James Bond and uses the ‘normal’ looking barns as entrances to a huge underground storage, with underwater exit and possibility to store secret agent gear. The entrance through the long narrow house is the only interior inside of the three. The bigger two white houses are empty and are just there for the distraction. The secret agent owning this ground did not avoid any money or effort to build the whole underground lab in total secrecy. He managed to transport the digged out soil into the fjord from underwater.

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Inside might be... The layout of the long, narrow cabin is so unpractical for storing things, it might be used just to store dried wood. On the wall there is a picture of a lonely tree haning besides the only and small window of the hut. a) In the large barn the rectangular window in the front attic facade lets in just a few light. In the middle of the building there might be a chair standing. To sit down and enjyo the loneliness for a while. When a room is dark like this the focus of the eye is fixed to the one bright opening in the facade. This gives the interior if the barn a orientation, a direction. b) In the middle sized barn there is no daylight entering. The only source of light might be a huge industrial lamp, bright enough to fill the volume with golden light. c) All the houses can be accessed only by small sized doors. This makes it impossible to get larger things into them. Good that the owner is only collecting tiny things in them and attaches them with ropes to the ceiling. d) If you turn of the light in the medium sized barn - you can have a decent rest in the oversized spider net that the owner hang in the back of the room.

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“Its all about the interior here�, Henrik (owner) There is a reason why the barns are fully closed. The interior is filled in bright and flashy colours. Just in contrast to its exterior the owner is celebrating the separation of interior - exterior rainbow like - greyish colours inviting - few exiting and reminds of the typical scandinavian culture, where the interior is the more attractive place to spend the most time. In the harsh weather conditions the homes are welcoming and cosy, with candles and campfire. Out of the need for a good interior the scandinavian homes are famous for good taste.

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Projecting to the inside what is outside Good, that the interior is almost sealed from daylight. The artist working in this 3 studios depends on dark light conditions to get a clear projection of the outside panorama into the houses. The walls are presenting in a turned way, what lays behing the walls of the room. With the orientation of the houses the artist intendeds to catch attractive views in the valley of Dale. As the work is still in progress none of the neighbours has ever seen the outcome of the endless seeming project.

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The vertical Treetrunks and a reimagined rasterized Order If the Valley would be imagined as a territory that once was fully covered by trees and the forest would be strong enough to win back its territory - the plot of the three houses would be dominated by vertical structures. To reimagine this verticallity and transform it to horizontallity could be used to rasterize the buildings in their existing positions. Furthermore, how would the buildings be looking like in a rectangular order? The proportions of the three togther connected in horizontal stripes appears to create harmony in the setting. The volumes are still communicating - but only if they stay connected by the horizontal structures.

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The Rocks and the Forest Dominant surroundings in Dale. As the city of the dale is situated in a valley, the surrounding mountains have a huge impact. The everyday perspective of Dales inhabitants is to look from the village up to the massive creatures. Enjoying spare time in the natural ressources and enjoying to get a different appreciation of the elements that shaped the place since longer than any other building had been there before.

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II The Forest Cabin

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The house situation and the relation to its outside The Cabin is meant to soack in the people. In the enclosed space within the trees (mainly birch) stands an extracted, typical dale shaped building. The area it is placed basicly requires dense trees and a viewpoint. It seems like the lonely brother is hiding from its family down in the dale valley.

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A homely space to find shelter a: b: c: d:

Forest Cabin Entrance zone Rainfall

Searching for the cabin. The forest around Dale is thick and doesnt allow a lot of view through its leaves and trunks. The idea of an enclosed space surrounding the cabin - but being close to points where the forest opens up to the forest - is more like a hideout than a showoff. People hiking to this shelter are searching for enjoying the distance to the village for some time...alone or with friends. As lots of rain is falling in the Dalsfjord, the cabin is prepared to welcome the guests with a dry entry area and enough space to change shoes. Therefore a zone is provided to change between outdoor and indoor - to change between rough, wet, dirty, fresh to cosy, warm, dry, the ancient smell of feeling home

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A homely space to find shelter in a: Forest b: Cabin c: Chimney Searching for the cabin. The forest around Dale is thick and doesnt allow a lot of view through its leaves and trunks. The idea of an enclosed space surrounding the cabin - but being close to points where the forest opens up to the forest is more like a hideout than a showoff. People hiking to this shelter are searching for enjoying the distance to the village for some time...alone or with friends. As lots of rain is falling in the Dalsfjord, the cabin is prepared to welcome the guests with a dry entry area and enough space to change shoes. Therefore a zone is provided to change between outdoor and indoor to change between rough, wet, dirty, fresh to cosy, warm, dry and the ancient smell of feeling home

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A combination of wishes Rough ideas about how to have a forest cabin that can host people of dale (+people in general) and provide them with a pleasant stay in dales forest. Which is luckily not a commercial one

Zone of stay, cooking, sitting down, resting, playing cards, eating, observing the forest in warm surrounding. (> panoramic view window) Zone of arrival and drying. Its also used to fire the chimney and propably the warmest corner in the cabin Zone of entrance, observing the forest with a roof, placing your snowshoes, storing wood Zone of sleeping, layers of beds, view to the sky Zone of chimney, center of heat - source of flames it makes the water boil, the clothes dry, the space cosy

III The Mountain Cabin

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Cabin on the rocks Placed up on the roof of the Mount Fløyen the mountain cabin is meant to project from inside out and seeing the surrounding in various angles. The tube cutting the volume in 2 is framing a clear view towards a special scenery. At the same time it provides a rainproof public space to have a rest. As the peak of the Fløyen is propably a regular visited natural site, the cabin shouldnt disturb the harmony. The house is more over trying to stay away from frequent visited trails and spots.

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The floorplan and shape of the MC Using proportions of the biggest of the white siblings, the mountain cabin breaks the volume with a huge telescope, deviding the main room from a small sauna. As in the forest cabin the central role of the floorplan is the fireplace and the organization rounds around it.

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Nothing but view a: Imagined framing on Fløyen b: Framing test - South East Askøy and Fjord The telescope is an important feature in the mountain cabin. Mountains are, in case the weather is good, viewpoints to its surroundings and give you a different feeling of scale. Resting and sitting in a tube which is opened on both sides frames its both ends in the scenery of the Fløyen. There is nothing more offered than a place to sit and the view. Besides its the connection between sauna and main entrance.

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Lightpollution Map West Norway


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The Troll of Dale

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