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Two stories about King Matthias (made by Classes 2.a and 3.a) Két monda Mátyás idejéből (készítették: 2.a és 3.a osztályok)

King Matthias and Kinizsi Pรกl

A legend From the Transdanubian region

• Once upon a time King Matthias was hunting in the Bakony Hills, not far from the village, Nagyvázsony. It was very hot. He sent a message to the monastery to let the monk know he was very thirsty. The monk came immediately bringing some good wine to the king. • King Matthias didn’t even touch it. He said: • „It’s too hot to drink wine.”

• There was a mill nearby. Kinizsi Pál, a very strong miller’s apprentice was standing at the door of the mill and heard everything. He was just cutting stone to make a millstone. He ran inside for a mug of water. • When he got to the king, all the monks were teasing him: • „Hey guy, where have you left the tray?” • Well, Kinizsi ran back, picked up the millstone and served the drink on the millstone.

• King Matthias took to the guy immediately. He gave the Castle of Nagyvázsony to Kinizsi as a present. • Later, Kinizsi joined Matthias’s famous army as well. The king sent him to fight against the Ottomans. Kinizsi was always a very brave soldier in the battles. • One day King Matthias asked Kinizsi to go and see the Ottoman emperor as a messenger but Kinizsi was unwilling to take the responsibility.

• The king tried to convince him: • „If the Ottomans wanted to cut your head, I would cut 30,000 Ottomans’ heads.” • „Well, but among the 30,000 heads you wouldn’t find another one which fits on Palkó’s head as well as this one.”answered Kinizsi.

Mátyás király lustái

King Matthias and the Three Lazy Men A story about King Matthias Hunyadi by Class 2.A and „Bambi” Kindergarten group

Mátyás király három lustát látott egy fa alatt, ott hevertek, s szájukat eltátották, hogy majd a gyümölcs beleesik. Lusták voltak a fát megrázni. Azt mondja Mátyás király az inasának: No, ezeket hazavisszük, meghizlaljuk!

King Matthias saw three lazy men lying under a tree. They opened their mouths and expected some fruit falling into their mouths. They were lazy to shake the tree. King Matthias saw them, and told his servant: „Well, let’s take them home and fatten them up!”

Hazavitte, betette őket egy házba. Ott laktak. Híztak is szépen, mert Mátyás király jól tartotta őket: ettek, ittak, nem volt semmi dolguk, egész nap hevertek. Mikor már jól meghíztak, azt mondta Mátyás király az inasának, hogy most már küldje el őket, de a lusták nem mentek. Azt mondta az inas Mátyás királynak, hogy gyújtsa rájuk a házat, másképp nem szabadul tőlük! Mátyás rájuk is gyújtotta.

So they took them home, out them in a house and the three lazy men lived there. As days went by, they put on more and more weight because King Matthias kept them very well. They were eating and drinking all the time. They had nothing to do. They were having a rest all day long. When they put on lots of weight, Matthias ordered his servant to send them away but the three lazy men didn’t move. The servant suggested putting the house on fire to be able to get rid of them. So the king set fire to the house.

They were eating and having a rest all day

Mikor már javában égett a ház, azt mondja az egyik: Ég a ház! Gyerünk ki. - Majd kivetet bennünket a király, ha kellünk neki mondja a második. Azt mondja a harmadik: -Nem röstelltek beszélni? Meg se mozdultak, bent is égtek mind a hárman. Így szabadult meg tőlük Mátyás király.

When there was a big fire, one of the three men said: „The house is on fire! Let’s go out!” „The king will take us out if we need him.”answered the second lazy man. The third one added: „Why are you talking so much?” So they stopped talking, didn’t even move and burnt inside.

The three lazy men burnt inside

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