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FIJIISUN MACRH/APR 2018. 510 677 4488



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DR. BILL QUCK AND DR. SLAHELDIN AT INTER FAITH MIXER: PATHWAYS TO PEACE Dr. Bill Quirk (CA Assemblyman) and Prof. Dr. Salaheldin Sallam address Interfaith America members at Mughal Restaurant in Hayward. The event Based on the World Crisis and Pathway to Peace, a collection of Friday Khutbahs and letters to all world leaders, by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, fifth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Prof. Dr. Salaheldin, former professor of Khartoum University, spoke on justice and peace in Islam. He was followed by Imam Khalid Khan who elaborated on the theme. At around 7,20 PM California Assembly Dr. Bill Quirk rook the stage and spoke on his role in the peace process, immigration issues and told the audience he and several community leaders had initiated Muslim Day at the Capital Mall in Sacramento.





PATHWAYS TO PEACE resonated With “WORLD CRISIS AND PATHWAY TO PEACE “ By Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

Interfaith America co-founder Rev. Mark Denny grace the event Pictured here on left with the editor, Rev. Mark Denny, interfaith director with Bay Area Family Church, had teamed up some ten years ago to help found Interfaith America. It began with “The Blessings of Prayers of Abraham” an idea mooted by Rev. Mark Denny and first hosted at his Bay Area Family Church. The Abrahamic theme is continued as part of the Muslim Eid Adha Celebration by Interfaith America where three faith-traditions Jews, Christians and Muslims join to commemorate the blessings of the sacred Abrahamic prayers.





Mangal launches own brand of Garam Masala It is nice to notice that Mangal has recently introduced their own brand of Garam Masala amid a large variety of Masala India and Pakistan masala packages inundate the market. Afghan community also released some of their own meat Masalas into what seems like an already saturating market. However, there are some FDA requirements about the content and ingredients that must be printed on the label of the package for public or consumer information.

Mangal’s customer count redoubled since taking to radio AD A dire-hard Mangal loyalist recently told us that customer count at Mangal doubled since they dropped the print media and took Radio advertising with Din Mani Show. “I was surprised the customer line extended all the way out to the north end of the East 14th Street,” the loyalist bragged. After Din Mani approached Mangal for his radio ad, Mangal not only stopped advertising in the print media but also stopped interacting with the Fijisun USA. In declining to advertise with FIJISUN USA, Mangal said their major Australian suppliers advised them to stop print media advertising. When contacted, the Australian supplies denied issuing such a directive. The Fiji retailers have been for years complaining about Mangal’s wholesale and retail pricing system given their monopoly over some key products where the retailers get very narrow margin for profit or must raise the retail price at their sales counter. Consumers feel being burned out due to the monopoly and are forced to pay a much higher price to the retailers. In USA, monopoly is a serious issue. Companies like AT&T and some media outlets faced severe litigations and were forced to release their grip on monopoly in the interest of consumers. FIJI AMMERICAN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE is also looking into the pricing practices to ensure fairness to the consumers.





In an international show of confidence in the Fijian Government’s sugarcane industry reforms, the Indian Government today presented Prime Minister and Minister for Sugar Voreqe Bainimarama a grant for nearly FJD2.2 million to be earmarked for the purchase of new cane farming machines and equipment. The Indian High Commissioner to Fiji, His Excellency Mr. Vishvas Sapkal, presented Hon. Prime Minister with a cheque for FJD2,172,576.35 at the Office of the Prime Minister in Suva. Prime Minister Bainimarama, in thanking the Indian Government for the grant, said it was reflective of the strong relations shared between the two countries, and of India’s confidence in the Fijian Government’s reforms and the overall direction of Fiji’s sugarcane industry. “All the machines that Fiji purchases through this grant will help our cane farmers become more efficient, and in effect, better adapt to both a changing economy and climate,” Prime Minister Bainimarama said. “This grant is about more than just machinery, and more than just dollars and cents. It is a sign that the reform program that we are carrying out within the Fijian sugarcane industry is attracting support from the international community, and that it is worth investing in. The future is bright for Fiji’s sugarcane industry, and this grant is proof.” “I also want to thank the Government of India, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi, for their enduring support, and for the friendship that India continues to share with Fiji,” he added. High Commissioner Sapkal said India would continue to assist Fiji in development cooperation. “Fiji and India have special relations and we share a close bond. We are partners in a development process, and we give a lot of importance for agriculture sector cooperation,” High Commissioner Sapkal said. He added a team from India was also working with sugar stakeholders here to “provide all possible support in the rail network development”. Ministry of Sugar Permanent Secretary, Yogesh Karan said the assistance would go a long way in boosting cane production through mechanization of the sugar industry. “We already have Mahindra tractors available here and we will purchase more Indian products with this grant,” said Permanent Secretary Karan. “The Fiji Sugar Corporation will also decide on what other machinery is needed. We will make these purchases quickly because we want to capitalize on the current planting season.” The machines will be distributed for use in the cane belt areas in the Western and Northern divisions




US Embassy, Fiji Police Sign Agreement

Seated from right: US Embasy Regional Security Officer, Shawn Gray, Commissioner of Police Brigadier-General Sitiveni Qiliho and US Embassy Chargé d’Affaires Michael Goldman with other Senior Police officers after the signing of the agreement on Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement at the Police Headquarters in Laucala Beach, Nasinu, on April 27 2018. Photo: Fiji Police Force The Fiji Police force and the United States (US) Embassy yesterday signed an agreement on Narcotics Control and Law Enforcement at the Police Headquarters in Laucala Beach in Nasinu, Suva. The agreement signed between the US Embassy Chargé d’affaires Michael Goldman and Commissioner of Police Brigadier-General Sitiveni Qiliho is to assist in the training and deployment of Fijian Police peacekeepers to the United Nations and regional peacekeeping missions. This US sponsored training will be provided to both the Republic of Fiji’s newly formed Police units and to individual Police officers assigned to UN peacekeeping missions. Mr Goldman said for years, the United States has been a proud partner of Fiji in supporting international peacekeeping. “Fiji has contributed personnel to some UN’s most difficult missions,” Mr Goldman said. “From Iraq to Sinai, Lebanon to the Golan Heights, Fiji has stood firm when challenged. And we are proud to have stood by Fiji. “Service in peacekeeping operations has a celebrated place in Fiji, and I can think of many distinguished Fijians, in uniform and out, who have distinguished themselves through peacekeeping service. (CREDIT: FIJI SUN, FJ.)







NAFSA SOCCER BOARD meet at Moon Indian Cuisine, Hayward, to plan for the 2018 tournament to be held in Sacramento this year. Speaking to FIJIISUN USA chairperson Mukesh said that as the host the board must come up with at least $15000 budget. He expressed his gratitude that there were regular sponsors like Fiji Hon. Counsel Hon. Jay Singh who donates $5000 ever year and board member Atendra Singh $1000 and

several others are keep support and great soccer fans. They are the ones who make things happen for us. Some fourteen teams and are expected to participate this year, seven team from Canada and 7 from USA.








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Global Women Power business mixer

AIM offers free Management seminar to GWP NEWARK – A small and growing band of women in business met here April 10 at the Bombay Garden restaurant for their monthly business mixer. The founder of the Global Women Power, Ms. Alka Madan explained how her upbringing back India influenced her in founding the GWP with a view to uniting women from all communities in the Bay Area. In an exclusive interview with THE FIJI SUN USA, the editor promised how he could help GWP reach out to Fiji community and expand their work. In addition, the editor also promised to FREE Leadership for Alka’s team presented by American Institute of Management a professional fraternity led by the editor.

The Global Women Power team



PAG 15

SEIU/UHW submit voting papers for Dialysis workers at San Francisco City Hall More that eighty union mbers of SEIU-UHW converged at the downtown San Francisco City Hall to submit an overwhelming voting papers fighting for equal pay and better conditions for Dialysis workers. It is believed that many dialysis companies are underpaying an allegedly overworked qualified nurses and support staff. It is also alleged that many facicilies are not in compliance with Health laws that regualte the cleniliness and hygine practices.

Role of Union leaders at workplace While union leaders, floor stewards and officials are put in place to protect the rights of the members, they are expected to perform their duties with great people skills, sound communication and a high degree of professionalism respecting the status of and rights of the employers as well. Keeping the conflict at the minimum and presenting situation from getting worse and out of hand is the key to good leadership. The union provides training to help leaders how to be tactful and articulate and not exhibit a counterproductive demeanor instead to generate a congenial and labor-supportive environment for the total success of all.




ASIAN PACIFIC ISLANDERS CAUCUS INTERIM COMMITTEE To come up with a draft by-law for review in the next meeting

The committee has been in recent months to discuss various aspects of the caucus and finally in the April 4th meeting took a unanimous decision to come up of with drat article and by-laws for the caucus which operates under the auspices of SIEU/UHW union. API aims to collaborate with community organizations to address social, economic, environmental, immigration. Housing, working conditions, health and other issues of concern to API Community. It also aims to identify and develop community activities and leaders within the labor movement and the community.




“NO PARKING” SIGN AT ALL TIMES AFFECT CUSTOMERS AND BUSINESS AT MOON INDIAN CUISINE Police have started issuing no parking ticket at an old and “redundant” sign on Harder Street that only causes customers inconvenience and great loss of business for Moon Indian Cuisine. Customers complain that the No Parking Sign is redundant as that portion of the Harder Street is hardly use and presents no traffic hazard or danger to public. A letter addressed Hayward Coty Council is asking the city planners to remove the sign for public convenience.

Book writing campaign for less than $400 Fijisun TV USA last week launched a book writing campaign encouraging all to become writers and make money. Demand for books have sky-rocketed since the advent of internet as publishing books has become much easier. You do not need a degree, permission or even great writing skills. Publishers provide full range of service from designing your book covers, to editing and proof reading as well as marking your book. They sell your book and you keep full the royalty. Books are sold on internet, social media and book outlets like Amazon 24/7 all over the world. You can write almost any subject from soccer to travel, from your memoir to law and leadership. You can also show case your collection of poems or selected writings that you think people will enjoy. There are all kinds of readers looking for books on every subject. Ghost writers! If you are not a writer, there are writer who can write for you and help you realize your dream publishing a book. For more info, please call the FIJISUN USA editor at 510 677 4488. HAYWARD POLICE MEET AND GREET AT MOON The Moon Indian Cuisine has kindly agreed to host a FREE coffee and snacks Meet and Greet Hayward Police event at their local anytime the HPD wishes to hold. The editor left a message for the Police Chief to take advantage of the offer. The HPD holds monthly Meet and Greet with public at various business locations. Pathway to Peace Mixer coming up at KAVA BAR in San Bruno Planning is underway to host a second Meet and Greet event at the Kava Bar in the near future. The first Meet and Greet was a great success. Sulesh Chand is tipped to say a few words that he couldn’t do last time due for want of time. Event will be carried alive.





CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION is a result of my more than 13 year-long career in the then Royal Fiji Police spanning from 1970 to 1984 that internal circumstances forced me to cut short. Contrary to popular thinking among Fiji citizens about police career, I found it was a most honorable job that offered great respect, good pay and job security with fringe benefits you didn’t get elsewhere. It gave me an opportunity to serve my country fighting against crime, serve humanity, and practice the values of my faith to be honest, truthful, and fair and just to all, earn great recognition, win several awards for excellence in work, wide public approval and a very reputable and secured career to fulfill my professional dreams. Up till the time I took the police career in 1970, the Fiji Police Force created in the Colonial Days, suffered from poor public image, press criticism, bad public relation and declining public support. As a result fewer qualified candidates joined the police career and it was commonly held that the police job was good only for class 8 dropouts. With Fiji’s Independence in 1970, localization of expatriate positions and an improved career package with better pay, higher education and promotional opportunities was introduced that saw an influx of qualified recruits with Fiji Junior Certificates, NZ School and University Entrance qualifications. The promotional opportunities in the police department were a big motivating factor for a lucrative career that many took to as a lifetime profession However, by this time I had gained a sound experience working in the private industry beginning as a temporary law office clerk, licensed school teacher, accounts and pay roll clerk, hardware store manager and construction site clerk. I had sort of a peak preview of Suva City, the capital of Fiji, when I moved there from my home town Lautoka as a hardware store manager with a good pay and free company car. But I gave up this job and returned to Nadi International Airport for a site clerk position. It was during this phase I was driven to a very deep analytical thinking that led me to believe that I was at the dead of the road for further progress as I felt my potential for financial growth was severely limited for want of education and qualification. In contrast, the noticeable progress some of my cousins and peers I grew up with had made put me at a great disparity. It made me feel less fortunate and despairing. But the reflections embolden me to rise and embark on a secured and meaningful career that I desperately needed. The most immediate option available for me - where I could fulfill several of my professional goals – I saw lay in the police career. Towards the end of 1970 I made a firm resolution for a determined career in the police department. Read Chapter on Dream Come True for detail. Best wishes to you all. Do write a book. If you can speak, you can write. M H Koya (JD) Superior Court, California




GOVINDA Read more about Govinda

Quietly, the controversial former CFBC chairperson Pahlaj Nihalani has slipped back into his favourite role. That of the filmmaker. In a marathon shooting spree in Karjat on the outskirts of Mumbai Nihalani got together with his favourite leading man Govinda and completed the shooting of a new film. Giving details of the project Nihalani says, “It is titled Rangeela Raja and it’s an out-and-out comedy. But comedy of a kind never attempted by Govinda before. Unlike the streetwise comic characters Govinda is famous for, he plays a very sophisticated character in Rangeela Raja.” The versatile actor has multiple roles in the film. Elaborating on Govinda’s part, Nihalani says, “He has a double role. But he slips into four different characters. Audiences who have been waiting for Govinda’s comeback will be very pleased to see what he has done in Rangeela Raja. It is almost like a rebirth of Govinda and I feel happy to be doing his comeback film.” It’s been 31 years since Nihalani launched Govinda in Ilzaam. “I feel Govinda is starting all over again with Rangeela Raja,’ says Nihalani. Three debutante heroines are being introduced with Govinda in Rangeela Raja. “Govinda has never been more suave in any of his films,” says Nihalani enthusiastically.


Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez met the Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti, who warmly welcomed the crew to shoot in Kashmir. The photo of them meeting was shared by producer Ramesh Taurani. Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez start shooting for Race 3 in Kashmir

SALMAN KHAN Read more about Salman Khan

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan and Jacqueline Fernandez met the Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti, who warmly welcomed the crew to shoot in Kashmir. The photo of them meeting was shared by producer Ramesh Taurani.

DA BANGG show is set to be a super entertainment

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