重庆蜻蜓监测和识别手册Chongqing Dragonfly Monitoring and ID Handbook

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重庆蜻蜓监测与识别手册 Chongqing Dragonfly Monitoring and ID Handbook

编写:E. Bowen-Jones 翻译:唐金伦 校订:张颖溢 洪兆春 李丹 中国 - 欧盟生物多样性项目 重庆生物多样性主流化与能力建设项目 二○一一年 EU-China Biodiversity Programme Chongqing Field Project 2011

重庆蜻蜓监测与识别手册 Chongqing Dragonfly Monitoring and ID Handbook

编写:E. Bowen-Jones 翻译:唐金伦 校订:张颖溢 洪兆春 李丹 中国 - 欧盟生物多样性项目 重庆生物多样性主流化与能力建设项目 二○一一年 EU-China Biodiversity Programme Chongqing Field Project 2011

目录 contents

鸣谢 Acknowledgements ...................................... 4 缩略语和术语 Acronyms & glossary....................... 6 一、 手册制作背景及导言 Background And Introduction To This Handbook 8 二、 蜻蜓监测方法 Dragonfly Monitoring Methods............................... 20 三、 本底调查结果 Baseline Survey Results.............................................. 40 四、 蜻蜓识别指南 Identification Guide.................................................. 62

差翅亚目 - 蜻蜓 Anisoptera - Dragonflies...................................... 66 蜓科 Aeschniidae....................................... 67 大蜓科 Cordulegastridae .............................. 80 伪蜻科 Corduliidae....................................... 84 蜻科 Libellulidae........................................ 90 裂唇蜓科 Chlorogomphida.............................. 156 春蜓科 Gomphidae ....................................... 160 束翅亚目 - 豆娘 Zygoptera - Damselflies....................................... 176 色蟌科 Calopterygidae ................................. 178 隼蟌科 Chlorocyphidae................................ 198 蟌科 Coenagrionidae................................. 204 扇蟌科 Platycnemididae................................ 234 原蟌科 Protoneuridae................................... 250 昔蟌科 Diphlebiidae...................................... 256 腹鳃蟌科 Euphaeidae........................................ 260 山蟌科 Megapodagrionidae.......................... 268 综蟌科 Synlestidae......................................... 284 丝蟌科 Lestidae.............................................. 290 附录 Appendix......................................................... 300



首先,我要感谢 2010 重庆蜻蜓野外调查的组织赞助 方 - 中欧生物多样性项目重庆示范项目,以及与我并肩参 与野外工作的两位同仁:洪兆春和唐金伦女士;其次我要 感谢重庆市环保局和野生动植物保护国际的工作人员们, 特别是重庆市环保局自然生态处陈盛樑处长和野生动植物 保护国际中国项目主任张颖溢女士;再次我要感谢那些不 辞辛劳帮助我辨识所拍蜻蜓照片的国际蜻蜓专家们,他们 是:Matti Hamalainen、Vincent Kalkman、 Oleg Kosterin、 Elena Malikova、Keith Wilson、Kevin Seo 和 Henri Dumont Hamalainen。 另外特别感谢于昕和张浩淼,他们分别审核 了重庆豆娘和蜻蜓的识别部分;最后,感谢所有允许我在 本手册中使用他们照片的摄影师们,其中不少是以上已 提 到 的 同 仁, 此 外 还 有:Dennis Farrell、Kwang-Su Jung、 Jinsuk Kim、Sin Syue Li、Kenneth Leung、Graham Reels、 Wong and Zhou ZH 。


First and foremost I must thank the other members of the ECBP Chongqing dragonfly survey monitoring team: Mrs Zhaochung Hong and Jaylene Tang. Next I must extend my gratitude to the EPB & FFI staff – principal amongst them Shengliang Chen and Yingyi Zhang; then I must express my appreciation to the various international dragonfly experts whom I have consulted at various stages during post-field data analysis, and who have so generously given their time in helping me identify my ‘photographic specimens’. These experts are: Matti Hamalainen, Vincent Kalkman, Oleg Kosterin, Elena Malikova, Keith Wilson, Kevin Seo and Henri Dumont.

In addition, special thanks go to Xin Yu

and Haomiao Zhang who reviewed the draft version of the damselfly and dragonfly identification sections respectively. And finally thanks are due to others who have allowed me to use their photos in this handbook including many of the above plus Dennis Farrell, Kwang-Su Jung, Jinsuk Kim, Sin Syue Li, Kenneth Leung, Graham Reels, Wong and Zhou Z-H.


缩略语和术语 Acronyms & glossary EPB



中国 - 欧盟生物多样性项目 - 重庆生物多样性 主流化与能力建设项目




蜻蜓或豆娘身体的后部,从前到后共有 10 节, 腹长(含肛附器长度)是蜻蜓大小的重要衡量 指标。





头部正前面 蜻蜓或豆娘的“脸”。 后翅

蜻蜓或豆娘的后一对翅膀,后翅长是蜻蜓大小 的重要衡量指标。




位于复眼后的小斑点,具体位置不固定,可位 于某些蜻蜓物种的头顶。


蜻蜓成熟个体身体多个部位都可能出现的或灰 或蓝的着色。



初羽化成虫 刚刚蜕壳羽化的“新鲜”蜻蜓成虫,柔软有光泽, 体色较淡,还未像标准成虫那样完全着色。 胸部




Environmental Protection Bureau


the back section of a damselfly or dragonfly,

EU-China Biodiversity Programme Fauna & Flora International

it’s individual segments counted from the head-end as 1 to 10, measured [including anal appendages] as an indicator of size.

Anal appendages

the protrusions at the end of a dragonflies abdomen, used during mating.

Ante-humeral stripe the strip on the ‘shoulder’ or upper margin of an odonate’s thorax

Frons Hind wings

the ‘face’ of a dragonfly or damselfly the back two wings of a dragonfly or damselfly, measured as an indicator of overall size.

Odonata/ odonates dragonflies and damseflies Post-occular spots the spots behind the eyes, on top of the head of some odonates.

Pruinosity/ pruinosed/ pruinescence

a waxy grey or bluish bloom that develops on various parts of the body as the dragonfly

Pterostigma Teneral

matures the spots on the tip of some odonate wings a newly emerged ‘fresh’ adult dragonfly, soft and shiny without the full coloration of the mature adult”


the section of the dragonfly between the head and abdomen.


一、 手册制作背景及导言


1. 指导方针 本手册致力于协助重庆市环保局启动一项新事业:从 少数物种入手,逐步推动全方位的重庆市生物多样性监测 体系的建立。 鉴于目前重庆市环保局的环境监测人员多无 生物学背景,更缺乏生物多样性监测的经验,本手册尽可 能遵循如下方针: 简洁 – 用最简洁通俗的文字介绍关键术语 频繁使用图片 – 图片往往胜过千言万语 物种均以拉丁名命名 – 便于国际交流 囊括所有笔者已知的信息,作为未来监测工作的本底 资料

2. 为何选择监测蜻蜓 2.1. 主要原因 在中欧生物多样性项目重庆示范项目的支持和参与下, 重庆市环保局已经开始探索建立以蜻蜓作为模型的、全方 位的市级生物多样性监测体系。以蜻蜓为初始物种开展生 物多样性监测具有如下优势: 1. 重庆地区蜻蜓物种并不多,在蜻蜓出没的季节也常 能观察到,监测起来相对容易。 2. 凡是有水的地方几乎都能观察到蜻蜓。 3. 某些蜻蜓和豆娘具有极强的生境选择性(如河流、 水塘、沟渠等),这些物种的存在与生境类型和质量有一 定相关性。 4. 水质量监测一直是环保系统的核心工作之一。鉴于 蜻蜓物种的类型和数量与生境的水质相关,蜻蜓监测可作 为现有水质量监测工作的重要补充。


1.PRINCIPLES BEHIND THE HANDBOOK Given that this document represents the start of something: the monitoring of a selected taxonomic group as part of Chongqing’s planned multi-faceted biodiversity monitoring system, and given that it is most likely to be used by EPB staff with little experience in ecology or monitoring the basis of this handbook is to keep things: simple - concise with brief text in simple language whilst introducing critical technical vocabulary well illustrated – following the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words basing all identification scientific names – as per international good practice and introducing the information gleaned so far as the basis for gathering more

2.WHY DRAGONFLIES Basic rationale Chongqing EPB has been using dragonflies as a model to test approaches for the broader biodiversity monitoring that it hopes to carry out across the Province. EPB decided to begin its biodiversity monitoring by focusing on this group of insects since: 1.they are relatively easy to monitor because there aren’t too many different species and they are often quite obvious when they are present 2.they can be found almost anywhere where there is water 3.some dragonflies and damselflies show close associations to specific aquatic habitats [rivers, ponds, ditches, etc.] 4.and, EPB monitors water quality as part of its core focus on pollution and therefore this taxa is a close fit to its existing work


蜻蜓监测还有以下意义: 作为生物多样性监测范例 - 如用于物种鉴定的培训。 帮助人们更深入地了解生物多样性及其重要性。 有效展示物种与生境类型和质量之间的高度关联性。 蜻蜓监测可为重庆各区县物种丰富度的评估提供参 考数据 无论是局部环境因素,如水质和植被变化引起的区 域性生境改变,还是如全球变暖这样大尺度的环境变化,蜻 蜓监测都能提供预警信息。 作为监测的示范物种,蜻蜓的监测在国际上不乏先例且 运用灵活。例如从保护角度,蜻蜓监测可作为综合性湿地评 价的一部分 1。

2.2. 蜻蜓生态学概要 蜻蜓的生态学内容很丰富,在此仅简单介绍一部分,旨 在展现蜻蜓与其水栖和陆地生境的内在联系。 蜻蜓生命周期 [ 见下图 ]:所有蜻蜓繁殖均依赖于水


1 见由 Oliver Springate-Baginski, David Allen 和 William Darwall 所著的《综合 性 湿 地 评 价 工 具 - 好 做 法 指 南》 一 书,http://cmsdata.iucn.org/downloads/ iwa_toolkit_contents_intro_lowres.pdf

EPB therefore decided that dragonflies could be used to: • teach biodiversity monitoring techniques and principles – such as species identification • provide a more in-depth understanding of biodiversity • demonstrate associations between different species, habitats and habitat quality • start gathering data on the number of different species in different areas across Chongqing [as one measure of relative species richness] • act as a future indicator of environmental change both locally e.g. due to habitat change through alteration in vegetation cover or water quality, and at a larger scale e.g. due to future climate change. Many of the above reasons for using dragonflies at local level reflect their growing use at international levels as model ecological organisms including, from a conservation angle, as part of integrated wetland assessments 1. Dragonfly ecology There are many other good sources of information on dragonfly ecology so this is a brief over-view to demonstrate the intrinsic link that dragonflies have to both aquatic and terrestrial habitats: Lifecycle [see diagram left]: all dragonflies are reliant on water for breeding.


An Integrated Wetland Assessment Toolkit. A guide to good practice. Edited by Oliver Springate-Baginski, David Allen and William Darwall. http://cmsdata. iucn.org/downloads/iwa_toolkit_contents_intro_lowres.pdf


蜻蜓和豆娘幼虫也称为水虿,生活在水中,和成虫一 样是捕食者,主要捕食小的水生无脊椎动物,大型蜻蛉目 的水虿也捕食蝌蚪或小鱼等脊椎动物。大多数蜻蜓每年完 成一次生命周期,少数大型蜻蜓的水虿期可超过一年。 水虿成熟后爬出水面,常依附在植物的茎上蜕去外壳, 直到翅膀完全舒展,才羽化为成虫,可以展翅飞翔。 蜕去的水虿外壳叫蜻蜓蜕 - 蜻蜓蜕的计数也是估算某 监测点蜻蜓数量的一种方法。 蜻蜓、豆娘的成虫性成熟的时间不一,一般需两周左 右。成熟的雄性会选择适宜繁殖的水环境建立自己的领地, 一面吸引雌性,一面提防其他雄性的入侵。 蜻蜓交配时,雌雄相互钩住形成轮状,而后雄性给雌 性授精。授精后,雄性往往要么仍抓着雌性不放,要么紧 跟着保驾护航,直到雌性产下受精卵。 雌性将卵产在水中或近水之处,如浮出水面的植物或 水边的朽木上。 在雌虫产卵的水体中,卵孵化成幼小的水虿。大多数 蜻蜓物种在缓流的水体如小溪流中繁殖,因此这些水体的 蜻蜓物种多样性较丰富。但有时候,蓄水的朽木洞和滴水 的岩壁也是蜻蜓幼虫的栖身之所。 水虿生活的小生境多种多样:有些物种的水虿傍着水 生植物;有些钻入水塘的淤泥里;还有些生活在流速稍快 的河流中,常紧紧附在河床的岩石上。 水虿定期蜕壳,越长越大,直到长成成熟水虿,才完 成水生周期,羽化成成虫,脱离水环境。 有些蜻蜓、豆娘栖息于农耕区的水体如稻田中;有些


Dragonfly and damselfly larvae are aquatic and they, like the adults, are active hunters of organisms like small invertebrates or even, in the case of large Odonate species, small vertebrates like tadpoles or fish. The larval stage can last over a year in larger species, whereas many smaller species complete their lifecycle annually. When the larvae are fully grown they emerge from the water – often using a stem of a plant – shed their skin, and expand their wings to become adult dragonflies capable of flight. The shed skin is known as an exuvia – and counting exuviae can be one way of monitoring numbers of dragonflies at a particular site. Adult dragonflies and damselflies take varying amounts of time to reach sexual maturity, which they reach within a couple of weeks. Males establish territories in suitable breeding habitat that they guard from other males whilst they try to attract females. Mating involves the male and female grasping hold of one another and exchanging a package of sperm. The male will then often guard the female from other males [either still attached to her, or by staying close by] whilst she lays the eggs that she has fertilised. The female lays her eggs in, or very close, to water – sometimes in emergent vegetation, or rotting wood at the edge of the water. When the eggs hatch the young [small] larvae emerge into the water that the adult has selected. In most species the sorts of water bodies involved are slow flowing streams or rivers – the most diverse habitat for Odonata – but small amounts of water collecting in hollows of rotting trees, or small trickles of water on cliffs can also provide breeding habitat.


则偏好无太多植被覆盖的溪流;但也有挑剔的,只有在森 林里才能生存。对生境的选择是为了满足各自幼虫生长的 需要,而反映到我们眼中的则是各种蜻蜓在生境上的选择 性。另外,交配或领域行为也是该物种在附近水体中繁殖 的证据。

2.3. 蜻蜓生境 - 附所观察到的重要生境的记录 水塘:无论天然的还是人工的,水塘都是蜻蜓的栖息之所。 天然的水塘养分适宜(人工水塘常因禽畜粪便污染而富营 养化),周边杂草树木等植被丰富,泥岸坡度自然而非陡 直的混凝土岸,因此承载的蜻蜓种类也较多。

武隆仙女山上的一处极 佳生境:为人为 干扰较 少的天然水塘,周边芦 苇高大密集, 非常适宜 蜻蜓幼虫蜕壳(芦苇上 可见蜻蜓蜕)。 A pond at Fairy Mountain, Wulong, very good habitat due to low disturbance and tall surrounding vegetation [perfect for emerging dragonflies]

同 样 在 仙 女 山 上, 这 个位于放牧区的生境 相 比 却 差 了 许 多, 植 被覆盖也不尽如人意。 Quite a poor pond in the same area -grazing means that there is little vegetation


The larvae live in a variety of niches within these aquatic habitats, some species using aquatic plants or weeds, others burrowing into the mud or silt at the bottom of a pond, whist the larvae of other species cling to the bottom of rocks in faster flowing rivers. These larvae shed their skins at regular intervals and in doing so grow larger, until they reach the stage where they complete the cycle, leaving their aquatic habitat and emerging as adults. The adult dragonflies themselves establish territories around water within agricultural areas such as rice paddies, others favouring streams with little vegetation on their banks, and still others that only survive in forest conditions. Much of this variation is probably related to the needs of their young, but as a result one can talk about the habitat preferences of adult Odonata, and one can also use mating or territorial behaviour near to a particular water source as evidence that the species concerned is breeding nearby.

Dragonfly habitats – with notes on potentially important sites in Chongqing Ponds: natural & artificial offer dragonfly habitat but they tend to support more species the more natural they are e.g. lower nutrient levels [from run-off or livestock]; more surrounding vegetation [whether reeds or trees]; and sloping earth edges as opposed to steep concrete 丰都县境内一 个较好的人工 水塘


沼泽 : 在重庆境内,比其他类型的生境罕见。好的沼泽生境, 所承载的蜻蜓种类和数量都较多。 Marshes: quite a rare habitat in comparison to others, in Chongqing capable of supporting quite a high diversity and abundance of different species if in good condition.

长寿湖旁的一片沼泽 : 由长寿湖径流(上图远处隐约可见)形成。可能因 为人类放牧干扰有限,仍是个较好的蜻蜓生境。 Changshou marshes: formed by the run-off from the reservoir [visible in the distance of the up-hand photo], and probably being maintained in good condition by lowlevel grazing [which can be highly beneficial].


小溪流 : 水流速度缓 、沿岸有天然植被覆盖的溪流,一般 来说总是比流速快、沿岸植被少的溪流更适宜蜻蜓栖息。 Streams & Rivers: slow flowing streams with native vegetation on their banks tend to be better for dragonflies than fast-flowing rivers with little vegetation on their banks.

调查中的观察发现:岩石河床、植被覆盖少的溪流所观察到的蜻蜓、豆娘 的种类和数量都相当有限。 Rocky rivers with limited vegetation hold a limited number of species of dragonfly and damselfly in Chongqing.


水库 : 一般不适宜蜻蛉目昆虫栖息。 Reservoirs: are not generally very good habitat for Odonata

长寿湖水库主体一角:因为水较深,浅 滩 少,不适宜蜻蜓繁殖。 Changshou main reservoir – not very goodhabitat because of its sharply sloping sides and deep water

巫溪红池坝 – 尽管是个人造蓄水池, 但因水较浅,池底泥沙淤积,相比深水 库更适宜蜻蜓生活。 Hongchiba lake – slightly better despite being effectively a small reservoir, because it is currently quite shallow and silty

农耕区 : 年代较久的鱼塘和未使用杀虫剂的稻田,都不失 为较好的蜻蜓生境,所见蜻蜓的种类和数量都很可观。 Agricultural areas: old fish ponds or paddies without too much insecticide input can be quite 石柱黄水镇大片的莼菜田,水污染少, 是相 当不错的蜻蜓生境。 Shizu contains large areas of vegetable paddies with very clean water, that are excellent dragonfly habitat.

在这片较高海拔的稻田 - 鱼塘农业区, 发现的蜻蜓种类 不算多。但有一个物 种在我们此次调查中只记录到一次 。 This upland paddy and pond complex did not hold a high diversity of species but did include one not found anywhere else.

荷塘也能见到不少蜻蜓,然而种类有限。 Lotus ponds can also support a high abundance of a limited range of species.


沁润和径流:重庆的一些山间小涧,岩石经水冲刷沁润, 加上密集植被的覆盖,也是蜻蜓的理想家园。这类生境承 载的物种数量虽然不多,但往往是别处见不到的特殊物种。 这些物种仅在这类生境中生息繁衍,分布和数量都很有限, 有些物种如扇山蟌属(见后文第 276 页),仅见于某一山系, 极具保护价值。 Seepages/ run-offs: areas where water runs over steep rock – particularly these sites are covered in vegetation – make good dragonfly habitat in Chonqing. They don’t support lots of species, but they can support unusual species that aren’t found elsewhere. These are the species of potential conservation importance since there are only a limited number of places that they can breed, and they tend to have limited overall distribution e.g. some might only be found in one mountain range. An example is the genus Rhipidolestes [see page 276].

沁润和径流生境示例 A range of seepages and run-offs that support different species of Odonata.


二、 蜻蜓监测方法 DRAGONFLY MONITORING METHODS 能识别物种,并以一种标准的、被普遍接纳的方式记 录和传达信息,是进行生物监测的前提。因此本手册严格 遵循林奈发明的国际科学命名法,以避免各国各地物种俗 名的不一致所引起的困惑。

1.科学命名法 生物的科学命名,即拉丁名,由两部分组成:前部是 属名,如 Orthetrum;后部是种名,如 melania;两部分组 成的全名 Orthetrum melania ,是下文图上所示的那个就是 蜻蜓的唯一学名。 科学命名总是写成斜体,属名首字母大写,种名所有 字母都小写,如 Orthetrum melania 就是一个物种的全名。 科学命名法也有效显示了物种间的亲疏关系。属名相 同的两物种亲缘关系一定近,乍看往往也很像。下两图显 示两个同属的蜻蜓物种:


In order to monitor any living organisms one needs to be able to identify them and share this information in a standard, universally understandable manner. This handbook therefore follows the international scientific nomenclature invented by Linnaeus because common names are locally specific, are therefore not unique to a given organism, and can be very confusing:

1.SCIENTIFIC NAMES Scientific names for all living things are composed of two parts. The first is the ‘genus’ e.g. Orthetrum and the second the ‘species’ melania giving a whole name of Orthetrum melania [pictured in the top left photo below]. Together they make a name that is only associated with the dragonfly shown. Such names are always written in italics, the ‘Genus’ part is with a capital letter, and the species element in lower case: Orthetrum melania. The naming system also helps convey similarity i.e. how closely related two organisms are. Two species in the same Genus are closely related [and often look similar]:pictures on page 20. whereas those in different Genera are less closely related [and often look quite different]:pictures on page 22.


反之属名不同,亲缘关系则远,外观也大相径庭。见 下两图:

2. 蜻蜓识别入门及解剖 分布在重庆的蜻蛉目昆虫分差翅亚目和均翅亚目两大 类。差翅亚目即俗语所说的蜻蜓,均翅亚目即豆娘。 差翅亚目(ANISOPTERA):蜻蜓较强壮,飞行快速, 具以下外形特征: - 停落时后翅舒展成 180度角 - 前翅与后翅形状各异 - 复眼一般在头顶相连(有例外) 春蜓科的蜻蜓是例外,不符合复眼相连这一特征。但 如下文图中所示,尽管它们的复眼不相连,仍占据了头顶 一大部分。 蜻蜓的复眼相当灵敏,由多达 3万只小眼构成 ,能感 知不同范围的光谱并能辨色,使得它们能准确定位,即使 在飞行中也能发现猎物。


♂ 异色灰蜻 Orthetrum melanurum 展示典型的 蜻蜓特征:停落时双翅 平展成 180 度角。 A typical dragonfly wings held flat at 180 degrees: ♂ Orthetrum melanurum

2.BASIC IDENTIFICATION AND ANATOMY ANISOPTERA [DRAGONFLIES] are robust insects with powerful flight. • their wings are held at 180 degrees at rest • their front and hind wings are different shapes • whilst their eyes usually touch on top of their head. One group provides an exception to this last rule [GOMPHIDS and CHLOROGOMPHIDS], but as can be seen below, even in this case the eyes cover a large part of the top of the head. Dragonfly eyes are highly sensitive and composed of up to 30,000 individual lenses that are sensitive to different spectrums of light. This gives them excellent movement detection together with colour vision and the ability to spot their prey against the sky when they are hunting.

一只蜻蜓 (Gynacantha sp.) 的前后翅,可见前翅较窄,后翅较宽。 Wings of a dragonfly [Gynacantha sp], showing how the front wing is narrower, and the hind wing is broader.


典型的蜻蜓复眼,在头顶相连。(红蜻 春蜓的复眼不相连,但仍位于头顶。 Crocothemis servilia) Eyes of Gomphid dragonflies are spaced Compound eyes of typical dragonfly apart but still on top of head. [Crocothemis servilia]

均翅亚目(ZYGOPTERA): 豆娘一般较细小,不如蜻 蜓健壮有力,飞行能力较弱。 “典型”的豆娘停落时双翅 合拢,但少数双翅展开成 X 形(注意不是像蜻蜓那样平展)。 下两张图片展示了豆娘停落的这两种姿势。. 所有豆娘的共同特征: - 后翅形状相同 - 复眼远远分开,分别位于头部两侧

左图:综蟌科(褐尾绿综蟌 Megalestes distans)停落是双翅展开成 X 形 右图:雄性短尾黄蟌(Coenagrion melanurum)展示典型的豆娘停落姿势:双翅 合拢与地面垂直 lift: Lestid damselfly [Megalestes distans], wings spread in ‘x’ shape right: A typical damselfly, wings flat at 90 degrees together male Coenagrion melanurum


ZYGOPTERA: DAMSELFLIES are usually smaller and less robust than dragonflies, with a weak flight. ‘Typical’ damselflies hold their wings together, although some hold them apart in an X [not flat like a dragonfly] – the photos below show both types of damselfly. All damselflies have: • front and hind wings that are the same shape • eyes are widely separated and located on the sides of their head

上图:豆娘(Megalestes distans)的复眼:远远分开居于头部两侧。 下图:豆娘的前后翅形状相同 – 相对较长较窄。 up: Widely spaced eyes of damselfly [Megalestes distans] on the side of it head down: Damselfly front and hind wings are the same shape – relatively narrow and long.


无论是幼虫还是成虫,蜻蜓和豆娘都是活跃的猎手, 起着调节田间地头常见小型昆虫(如蚊子、蠓)数量的重 要作用。蜻蜓和豆娘身体的解剖结构很相似,主要构造见 下图: 典型蜻蜓(竖眉赤蜻 Sympetrum eroticans) a typical dragonfly [Sympetrum eroticans]:

典型豆娘 ( 杯斑小蟌 Agriocnemis femina) a typical damselfly [Agriocnemis femina]

蜻蜓的解剖结构非常复杂。以上标注出的部位,足以 帮助读者阅读和使用本手册,特别是物种识别部分。


Dragonflies and damselflies are active hunters [both as larvae and adults] that may play an important part in moderating smaller insect populations [including those of mosquitoes and midges in areas such as paddy fields]. Their anatomy is very similar and key features are shown below: As with all organisms the detailed anatomy is much more complicated, but the features labelled above should suffice in terms of using this handbook, and refer to those identification characteristics referred to under each species description later on in this document.


蜻蜓识别的复杂性 合格的野外手册,应当基于对某地区某类群详尽深入 的了解、缜密的分类并罗列已有记录的物种。手册使用者 在做野外物种识别时,只需将所见物种一系列的主要特征 与已知的物种进行对照、对号入座。 然而笔者对重庆的蜻 蜓了解得远不够详尽,本手册的印制只是向这一目标迈近 了一步而已。读者请勿将手册中所列的物种视为最新最准 确的重庆蜻蜓名录,而是以此为起点,收集更深更全的信息, 促成一本货真价实的重庆蜻蜓野外工作手册问世。本手册 所列物种的鉴定,大部分是通过在野外观察物种特征并排 除误差后即刻完成的。凡野外识别有困难的,也都已征求 过国内外专家意见,其中不少还是中国的首次记录。 本手册尽量收录物种的雌雄两性,以展示两性间的差 异(同种异形性),这在某些蜻蜓物种中表现得相当显著(参 见第 96 页的异色多纹蜻示例)。 此外,蜻蜓成虫在成熟的过程中颜色常会发生变化。 已经观察到的变化将在相应物种的描述部分提及。很遗憾 我们目前还无法将所有物种的所有变异都呈现给读者。


COMPLICATIONS OF IDENTIFICATION Field guides are usually based on thorough knowledge of the species to be found in the area concerned. Establishing what those species are has been done through in-depth taxonomy, and this list of known species allows comparison between the established species using a set of simplified field characters. In the case of Chongqing, we don’t have this thorough knowledge, but are building towards it. Therefore this identification element of the handbook should not be regarded as providing a definitive list of species present, but more as a guide towards gathering enough information that will allow an eventual comprehensive field guide. This ID chapter has been put together using field characters for the more obvious species where there are only a limited set of possible similar species, and specialist taxonomic input [both Chinese and international] to establish the identity of less obvious species – many of which weren’t known to exist in the Country prior to this work. Bearing this in mind the guide tries to show both males and females of each species – where possible – to illustrate an differences [dimorphism] between the sexes, which can sometimes be considerable [seeDeielia phaon on page 96 as an example] It cannot, however, show all variation that can occur due to aging for each species, although wherever known such differences are mentioned in the text description of each species.


重要相关术语包括: 初羽化成虫:刚刚蜕壳羽化的“新鲜”蜻蜓成虫,柔 软有光泽,体色较淡,还未像标准成虫那样完全着色。 着色:蜻蜓成熟个体身体多个部位都可能出现的蜡样 或灰或蓝的着色。2 总之读者对蜻蜓的这些颜色的变化要心中有数。在识 别时若有疑问,可遵循这个程序:1)先将物种鉴别到科, 分科不涉及颜色变异;2)再细分到属;3)确定属的时候, 考虑所有的可能性。观察周边还有哪些其他物种,综合判 断手上的蜻蜓个体的“年龄段”,是刚刚羽化的,还是完 全成熟的。 实际上,有些蜻蜓的初羽化成虫的识别向来就是个难 题。而监测工作并不要求识别所有这些特殊个体。如果你 轻易识别了三种不同的灰蜻后,发现一只疑似灰蜻的初羽 化成虫,那它应该就是其中一种,具体是哪一种并不重要。 同理,对难以识别的雌性个体(雌性通常比雄性更难识别) 也不必过分纠结。 密切监测该点,这些问题常会迎刃而解。 只要留意,你甚至能观察到成虫初羽化到完全成熟着色的 整个过程。一下子无法识别的,无论是因为个体颜色变异 还是确实是新种,应该马上拍照并记录,更新本手册的信息, 使之日臻完善。



由 Dijkstra 于 2006 定义,见《英国和欧洲蜻蜓野外手册》

Important terms include: Teneral defined as “a newly emerged ‘fresh’ adult dragonfly, soft and shiny without the full coloration of the mature adult” Pruinosity/ pruinosed/ pruinescence which is “a waxy grey or bluish bloom that develops on various parts of the body as the dragonfly matures” .2 Therefore, people using this guide should be aware of these possible variations in colour, and if in doubt as to what a given dragonfly or damselfly is they should work out a) what family the species that they are trying to identify is – since these characteristics do not vary in colour, b) narrow down to genus, and c) compare all the possible species, as well as noting what other species are present in the area concerned, to try and work out what the possibilities might be in terms of younger/ older individuals. Equally, it should be noted that some young/ teneral dragonflies are well known as difficult to identify to species. However, monitoring work does not require all such individuals to be identified. If there are juvenile Orthetrum in an area where there are 3 identifiable adult Orthetrum species, it is likely to be one of the 3 and therefore it is unimportant which one. The same applies to unknown females [which are usually more difficult to identify than males]. On monitoring a site closely such issues are often solved i.e. by watching as young adults mature and take on adult colouration, and therefore careful observation can help address this sort of problem. Such colour variations and changes [even in unknown individuals] should therefore be photographed/ recorded, so that the information in this guide can be updated and improved over time.


Definitions from Dijkstra 2006. Field guide to the dragonflies of Britain & Europe


3. 监测方法 监测方法灵活多样,最终由项目目标决定,但任何监 测都必须以本底资料为基础。只有将监测结果与本底资料 对照,才能发现监测前后的变化,预测未来的趋势。笔者 参与的 2010 年重庆蜻蜓本底调查,目的正是要更新和收集 重庆蜻蜓多样性的本底资料。

3.1. 本底调查的设计 2010 年 6-7 月的重庆蜻蜓本底调查为期 30 余天。鉴于 当时重庆缺乏有据可查、定位准确的全市蜻蛉目物种分布 资料,调查的目标定为初步确认重庆蜻蜓物种名录和分布。 调查计划在一个月内尽量多地涵盖重庆境内的重要生 态区或热点区域。这些热点区域由重庆本地专家推荐,多 数也是天然植被 3 保存最好的地区,不少已被划为保护区。 为了覆盖更多样的生境,调查小组也深入了农耕区和其他 已被人类活动改变的残余蜻蜓栖息地。 此外,调查小组特意将多样的地形地貌纳入调查路线。 既调查了偏北、海拔偏高、气温偏低的地区,也涉及了偏南、 海拔偏低、气温偏高的地区。 大多数蜻蜓分布于温暖的低海拔区域。但也有一组是 仅见于高山环境 4 的狭布种,丰富了重庆蜻蜓的多样性。 虽未能获得详尽的地图(地形图或卫星图)帮助我们 高效地锁定优质的蜻蜓生境开展调查,调查小组采取的“公 路沿途断面法”,多少弥补了这一缺憾。遵循这个方法, 调查小组沿着山路在保护区内外及不同海拔都取点进行了 调查。做到不遗漏每种微型生境,并逐一记录各点观察到 的所有物种。


自然生境总是比人为改变过的生境的生物多样性高 据报道在中亚地区(含天山山脉),共有 24 种高山狭布蜻蜓种类 ( 占 总数的 31% ) 仅见于海拔 600-800m 以上,甚至有的延至海拔 3000m; 另有 18 种低海拔物种 – 仅见于海拔 600-800m 以下;还有 34 种广布 种,在该区域各个海拔都有。




Monitoring methods vary depending on the objective of the work being carried out, but all rely on baseline data against which changes can be measured and trends over time can be identified. The 2010 surveys were designed to start to provide such a baseline for the Odonata of Chongqing.

Baseline survey design The 2010 baseline survey was carried out over 30 days in June/ July 2010. The survey’s primary objective was to address the lack of a well documented, geographically specific information on the species of Odonata occurring in Chongqing, and their distribution within the Province i.e. what dragonflies are present and where they can be found. The survey was planned to cover as many of the most important ecological zones in the Province as possible within a month. These ‘hotspots’ had been identified by local experts, and overlapped with the best areas of remaining natural vegetation3 : most being designated reserves. However, the team was careful to survey in areas outside around these areas to see what species inhabit the broader landscape, included in altered habitats with possible relict dragonfly habitat e.g. agricultural areas such as paddy fields. Care was also taken to visit a broad geographic area of the province, including more northerly, higher altitude [and therefore colder] sites, as well as lower altitude, more southerly [and therefore warmer] sites. A suite of specialist dragonflies found in mountain environments4 , that need to be counted to work out the overall species richness for the Province, although the bulk of species are likely to be found in warmer lowland areas. 3

Areas of natural habitat tending to have higher biodiversity than human modified landscapes. In Central Asia, including Tien Shan, there are reportedly 24 specialist mountain species (31% of the total number of species present) only found above 6-800m (some extending up to 3000m); 18 lower altitude species - only found below 6-800m; whilst 34 less specialized species can be found at various altitudes across this boundary.



通过预先设计的数据记录表,调查小组以标准的方式 (见第 38 页背页)不仅描述了各个生境的细节,还记录了 每个监测点见到的所有物种,以及每个物种的粗略计数 – 籍此得到各蜻蜓、豆娘相对多度的初步印象。

3.2. 未来的监测工作 监测的实质就是遵循标准的方法长期重复地调查, 以进行前后数据的比较。因此,未来的蜻蜓监测就可以在 2010 年重庆蜻蜓本底调查的基础上,用 GPS 定位回到原来 的调查地点,调查这些生境的实际情况是否与之前描述的 情况相符,是否 2010 年调查时发现的某种潜在威胁,此时 已改变了这里的生境。同时,还要观察和记录现有蜻蜓的 种类及其相对的数量多少。我们也可以用同样的方法去调 查其他区域,从而不断添加数据量。

上图显示了选择监测样点(新的也好,已监测过的也 好)以及寻找和记录蜻蜓的一种基本方法。 一个监测样点 就是一个蜻蜓的生境,任意两个样点之间都应至少相距 50 米。样点的大小需根据各个生境的自然特征灵活界定,可


A second major issue was the lack of detailed maps [topographic or satellite] to locate specific areas with high potential for good dragonfly populations Obtaining these would enhance the efficiency of future surveys, but the team compensated for this by carrying out ‘road transects’. These allowed the team to working its way out of a protected area, through the surrounds, and up or down altitudinal slopes. This maximized the chances of finding different micro-habitats in different sites, and recording as many of the species present as possible. Data was recorded on pre-designed data sheets that allowed the team to record the habitat details of the site they were surveying in a standardized way [as illustrated overleaf on page 38], as well as the species present, and an estimated number of each species that they saw – to gain an initial idea of relative abundance of the different types of dragonflies and damselflies.

Future monitoring Monitoring essentially consists of repeat surveys in a standard manner to enable comparison over time. In this instance future dragonfly monitoring would be based upon comparing 2010 baseline survey data on the basis of using the GPS coordinates to relocate the site in question, and seeing if it corresponds with the description and habitat given – or whether, for instance, one of the potential threats mentioned in the description has altered the habitat – and then recording both the species present and their relative abundance. The same protocol could also be followed to investigate other sites in other areas and thereby increase the baseline data set. The basic technique used for finding and recording dragonflies at a given site [whether new or old] is illustrated above. A site is classified as an area of suitable dragonfly habitat more than


以是整个湖面,也可以是条小溪流,总之请参考下文的生 境描述如实记录。然后借助高倍聚焦望远镜或捕虫网来识 别和记录所看到的每种蜻蜓(的确,有些蜻蜓飞得很快又 非常警惕,只有捉住了才能看仔细)。 熟能生巧。有经验的监测人员常能一眼识别常见种, 而只把精力集中在较特殊罕见的物种上,监测效率较高。 然而经验需要长期反复的练习才能积累,新手初出野外时 要安排充裕的时间,耐心观察、识别和记录。

3.3 摄影助识别 高分辨率、高质量的蜻蜓照片,可以让监测人员无论 在办公室还是家中,都能从容不迫的查看蜻蜓身上的每一 处细节并校验野外初步识别的结果。因此野外摄影是个重 要的工具,也是观察到物种的确凿证据 - 证明某物种是当 地的新分布甚或是重庆的新记录。 相信本手册中的蜻蜓名录,还未囊括所有在重庆有分 布的物种,我们期待着未来更多的发现。新发现是野外工 作中最激动人心的一刻,但同时也是一种挑战。想确认自 己是否真有新发现,不妨将你拍的照片发给专家帮助鉴定。 百忙中你很可能忘记调查现场的细节,所以拍到任何 有意义的照片时,务必立即记录下生境的现况,并给照片 编号,重要的照片还应命名,然后像处理任何重要文档一样, 存档并备份。


50 m from the next site. The size of each site can vary e.g. from an entire lake to a small stream, this is dependent upon the physical features involved which are included in each site description – see example below. Dragonflies within a site are observed, identified and recorded either by through close-focusing binoculars or, if a net is available [and they can be caught – since some are both wary and quick] in the hand. As the person doing the monitoring becomes more experienced and works out what the commoner species are, spotting those that are different and concentrating on these, the faster the monitoring will become. However, time and practice is required before reaching this stage, and initial site visits should be planned around allowing ample time to sit down and work out what you are seeing.

Photography as an identification tool Good photographs of dragonflies – such as those in this guide – taken on at high resolution so that fine details can be examined once back in the office/ at home, allow field identifications to be doublechecked at ones leisure. Therefore photography is an important tool, and one that provides firm evidence of what was seen – especially if possible new species records for the site, or even for the Province are being made. This guide does not include all of the species that are going to be discovered in Chongqing. The latter is part of the excitement of doing surveys, but is also a challenge in terms of identification, and sending photographs to experts is one way of confirming what you have found. However, to be of any use you must record where the photograph was taken so that you can refer to the right one even when you have forgotten the details of the site survey in question. Care should be take to note the photo number, and important photos should be named, filed, and backed-up just like any other important data.


3.4 生境描述案例(共计 68 个监测点 ) 日期



酉阳 - 1

地名 [ 所在县、最近的城镇、村 庄等 ] GPS 读数 / 位置 : 海拔 : 照片编号 :

天气 [Su = 晴 , C= 多云 , W= 有 风 , St = 无风 , R = 雨 , D= 干燥 , Oc = 阴 ] 湿地生境 生境类型 [L= 湖泊 , Res = 水库 , P= 水塘 , R= 水面宽 > 5m 的河 流 , S= 水面宽﹤ 5m 的溪流,M = 沼泽 , RP = 稻田 , F = 森林 , g= 草地 ] 水流速度 [S= 静止 , FF = 快流(可 见“白色”水), SF = 缓流 ] 水底 [R = 石 , M = 泥 , S = 沙 ]

酉阳 - 泔溪 N 28° 59’40”; E 108° 59’42” 395m 6385/ 样点 1 RP & S




陆地生境 自然程度 [ 人工林 / 农耕区 / 天 然林 / 草地,等等 ] 是否能代表当地生境 ? Y=是,N=否 植被类型 [CF= 针叶林 , BF = 阔 叶林 , MF = 混交林 , B = 竹林 , S = 灌木 , G = 杂草 , NA = 不适用 ]

农耕区 Y NA

威胁 / 潜在威胁 如河道疏浚、污染、伐木毁林、 路边采石会增加径流 ; 主要威 旅游发展 胁来自杀虫剂的使用


Sample of site information collected during monitoring [for 68 sites in total] Date


Site number Youyang 1 Site name & location [County, nearYouyang county; Ganxi town, est town, and closest place] N 28 degrees 59'40"; E 108 deGPS position grees 59'42" Alitude 395m Photo number 6385/ Site 1 RP & S Weather [Su = sunny, C= cloudy, W=Windy, St = Still, R = Rainy, D= dry, Oc = Overcast] Aquatic habitat Site type [L=lake, Res = reservoir, P= pond, R= river > 5m wide, S= stream <5m wide, M = marsh, RP = rice paddy, F = forest, g= grassland Water flow [S=still, FF = fast flow i.e. white water, SF = slow flow] Substrate [R = rocky, M = muddy, S = sandy] Terrestrial habitat Naturalness [e.g. plantation or intensive agriculture, or native forest/ grassland] Representative of area? Y = yes, N = No Tree type [CF= coniferous forest, BF = broadleaf forest, MF = mixed forest, B = bamboo, S = scrub, G = grass, NA = not applicable]

OcD S; RP S SF; RP S M agricultural Y NA

quarrying by the side of the road Threats? E.g. dredging, pollution, could lead to increased run-off; clearance of forest, tourism develkey threat probably increased opment use of insecticide Threats / potential threats


三、 本底调查结果


1.重庆蜻蜓物种本底资料现状 2010 年蜻蜓调查的主要目标是补充重庆蜻蛉目的本底 资料。过去这些信息很少,即使现在也算不上完整。在中 欧生物多样性项目的支持下,重庆市环保局近年来组织开 展了重庆市生物物种资源的本底调查,其结果发布在环保 局的网络数据平台(http://www.cepb.gov.cn/ecbp/)上。从 其中的可信度可以看出这些信息的可靠性参差不齐,蜻蜓 也不例外。 历史资料的不足,使得物种过去被误识别、或用过时 的分类法命名(如:使用了后来被用来命名其它物种的名称) 的可能性很大。导致结果误差较大的其他原因可能还包括: 将非常近似的两个神秘物种归为同一种;未经系统的实地 调查就冠予的新记录;缺乏各类群在重庆的分布情况;不 明了重庆地区的生物地理界定 - 是北欧亚大陆类群还是南 中国 / 亚热带类群,或是两者兼而有之。历史资料的可信 度低,凸显出制作蜻蜓野外手册的必要性,也加大了我们 的工作量。我们不得不回归传统分类法,以确认或剔除最 初的鉴定。鉴于中国中部内陆地区的蜻蜓资料相对缺乏, 此项工作对完善全国的蜻蜓本底资料都颇具意义。 国际合作与交流也必将有助于改善这种状况。以此次 蜻蜓调查为例,笔者将识别不甚准的物种照片作为“数码 标本”发给了全球首席的蜻蛉目专家们征求意见,所获良多。


1.Status of baseline knowledge in Chongqing The key rationale for this survey work was to improve our baseline knowledge of the Odonate [dragonfly & damselfly] fauna of Chongqing. This had been, and still to some extent is, fairly low. The historical records for biodiversity in general, throughout the Province, are of highly variable quality – as can be seen by the rating system for data quality being awarded records in the evolving ECBP databank http://www.cepb.gov. cn/ecbp/ – and dragonfly data are no exception. This lack of past information meant that there was a high potential for species that had been identified wrongly, or named according to antiquated taxonomy [e.g. given a name that has subsequently been shown to equal another], cryptic species that look superficially like another and have been recorded as one taxa when there may be more than one; new records for the Province due to the lack of systematic surveys; and a lack of knowledge of the distribution of different taxa as well as the size and biogeographic limits of the Chongqing assemblage e.g. if the Province is home to north Eurasian species as well as southern Chinese/ sub-tropoical species. This all made creating good field materials a critical but complicated job that needed to be supported by traditional taxonomy in order to confirm or discount initial identifications in light of improving wider scientific knowledge on the Odonata of China – taking into account that Central China still appears to be one of the least well –studied areas nationally. International cooperation has been, and is going to continue to be, crucial in improving this situation; and photographs have proven invaluable in being able to send ‘digital specimens’ across the world to get the opinions of specialists in specific groups of dragonflies or damselflies.


一本全面的重庆蜻蜓野外手册,既要求物种的准确识 别,又需顾及各种类的完整性。当然,野外工作手册之所 以实用,也正是因为特定区域内物种的种类是相对固定的。 本书还只是一本非常初步的野外工作手册,因为其中标注 的“待定”和“疑似”的物种都需进一步鉴定;未被本书 收编的物种还亟待发现;野外物种识别所用的检索工具还 需按照非专业人员的需求进一步完善。

2.2010年蜻蜓本底调查的局限之处 2010 年 6-7 月的重庆蜻蜓本底调查是本章节的基础。 无论调查成果有多喜人,相信仍有更多物种等待发现。毕 竟我们只是一个三人的小团队,在短时间内涵盖的蜻蜓生 境数量确实很有限。 另外,调查期间天公也不作美,出人意料的又冷又湿, 不是蜻蜓们乐意抛头露面的时候。在有些地方,我们可能 正好错过了较早或较晚出现的物种。 尽管如此,本手册的编纂仍为未来的数据收集工作做 了良好的铺垫,为今后市环保局推动以蜻蜓监测为起点的 生物多样性监测工作提供了本底的资料。 本手册列出的数据还只是初步的。2010 年 6-7 月的重 庆蜻蜓调查,只证实了一些物种的存在及其相对多度,并 不排除未见物种存在的可能性。 本章节呈现给读者的只是 2010 年蜻蜓调查(以及笔者 2009 年参与的两次生物多样性监测培训)结果的要点。已 知分布、物种生境等详细信息,将在手册的野外指南部分(第 66 页)按物种逐一交待。


It is only when individual species identify has been established properly, and the rough make-up of the species assemblage of Chongqing’s Odonate fauna is known, that a comprehensive field guide to its dragonflies and damselfies. All field guides work because only a limited number of species occur in any given area. This document is the beginnings of such a field guide but it will require further finessing to confirm the identification of currently ‘unknown’ or ‘probable’ species; to include species that are discovered through further work; and to clarify which features reliably distinguish them for non-specialists working in the field.

2.Limitations of the 2010 survey

The survey on which this section of the handbook is based should have picked up a high proportion of the species that occur in Chongqing but will undoubtedly prove to be other species that have not yet been recorded. This is purely because a small team could not cover all possible dragonfly habitat in such a large area in such a limited amount of time. In addition the weather during the 2010 field surveys was atypically cold and wet – not ideal conditions for dragonflies – and in different areas of the Province late or early species may have been missed. However, what is presented here is a good starting point on which to base further data gathering and can act as a baseline for future EPB monitoring efforts focussed on Odonata, as part of the institution’s wider upcoming biodiversity monitoring across Chongqing. All of the data on which this guide is based are preliminary; the surveys that were carried out in June/ July 2010 do not prove absence of a particular species in a particular area, they only show presence and relative abundance. The ‘headline’ results of the 2010 surveys [and additional data gathered during monitoring training activities in 2009] are included in this section, whilst the more nuanced data such as current known distribution and species habitat information is given in the field guide element of the handbook [page 66] on a species-by-species basis.



ANISOPTERA 差翅亚目 AESHNOIDEA 蜓科 Gynacantha bayadera 工纹长尾蜓 Gynacantha subinterrupta 细腰长尾蜓 Gynacantha japonica 日本长尾蜓 Anax nigrofasciatus 黑纹伟蜓 Anax parthenope 碧伟蜓 Periaeschna magdalena 狭痣佩蜓 Polycanthagyna erythromelas 红褐多棘蜓 Polycanthagyna sp [prob melanic描金晏蜓(疑似) tera] CORDULEGASTRIDAE 大蜓科 Anotogaster prob. gregroyi 格氏圆臀大蜓(疑似)



 



3. 重庆已有记录的蜻蜓物种名单 非调查记录(含 2009 年培训) INCIDENTAL PROJECT RECORDINGS [including 2009 training]

   

 

重庆以往记录(含文 献查阅) PREVIOUSLY REPORTED [through ECBP literature search]


CORDULIIDAE Epophthalmia elegans Idionyx carinata LIBELLULIDAE Acisoma panorpoides Crocothemis servilia Deielia phaon Libellula melli Libuella quadrimaculata Lyriothemis pachygastra Neurothemis fulvia Orthetrum albistylum Orthetrum cancellatum Orthetrum japonicum [previously listed as O. internum] Orthetrum luzonicum Orthetrum melania Orthetrum pruinosum Orthetrum sabina Orthetrum triangulare Palpopleura sex-maculata       

吕宋蜻蜓 异色灰蜻 西里灰蜻、赤褐灰蜻 狭腹灰蜻 青灰蜻 六斑曲缘蜻

     

 


伪蜻科 闪蓝丽大蜻 突胸异蜻 蜻科 锥腹蜻 红蜻 异色多纹蜻 迷尔蜻 小斑蜻 闪绿宽腹蜻 网脉蜻 白尾灰蜻 粗灰蜻

    

  

  


GOMPHIDAE Anisogomphus forresti Anisogomphus maacki

Chlorogomphus prob tunti

Pantala flavescens Pseudothemis zonata Rhyothemis fuliginosa Sympetrum baccha Sympetrum darwinianum Sympetrum eroticum Sympetrum frequens Sympetrum infuscatum Sympetrum kunckeli Sypetrum speciosum Tramea virginia Trithemis aurora CHLOROGOMPHIDAE


庆褐蜻 玉带蜻 黑丽翅蜻 大翅蜻 夏赤蜻 竖眉赤蜻 秋赤蜻 褐顶赤蜻 小黄赤蜻 黃基蜻蜓 大华斜痣蜻 晓褐蜻 裂唇蜓科 透翅宽套大蜓 (疑似) 春蜓科 福氏异春蜓 马奇异春蜓


   

 

非调查记录(含 2009 2010 年重庆蜻蜓调查 年培训) 记录 INCIDENTAL RECORDED DURING PROJECT 2010 PROJECT RECORDINGS SURVEYS [including 2009 training]         

 

 

   

  

重庆以往记录(含文献 查阅) PREVIOUSLY REPORTED [through ECBP literature search]


Sinietinogomphus clavatus

ZYGOPTERA 束翅亚目 CALOPTERYGIDAE 色蟌科 Calopteryx atrata 黑色蟌 Matrona basilaris 透顶单脉色蟌 Matrona oreades 神女单脉色蟌 Mnais gregoryi [originally reported as Mnais macu- 亮翅绿色蟌 lachan] Mnais tenuis 绿色蟌 Vestalis venusta 媚丽细色蟌 Vestalis smaragdina 黑角细色蟌 Archineura incarnata 赤基丽色蟌 Caliphaea consimilis 紫闪色蟌 CHLOROCYPHIDAE 隼蟌科 Rhinocypha drusilla 线纹鼻溪蟌 Aristocypha chaoi 赵氏阿鼻蟌 COENAGRIONIDAE 蟌科   

 

 

 


Onychogomphus ringens

Merogomphus paviei

 佛鲁戴春蜓  小团扇春蜓 帕 维 长 足 春 蜓, 窄 胸 春  蜓 环纹钩尾春蜓

Davidius fruhstorferi Ictinogomphus rapax

   

 

 


Agriocnemis femina 杯斑小蟌 Agriocnemis lacteola 白腹小蟌 Ceriagrion fallax 长尾黄蟌 Ceriagrion melanurum 短尾黄蟌 Ceriagrion nipponicum 日本黄蟌 Ceriagrion rubiae 褐尾黄蟌 Coenagrion aculeatum 多棘蟌 Ischnura asiatica [also reported as I. 东亚异痣蟌 lobata] Ischnura rufostigma 红痣瘦蟌 Ischnura sengalensis 褐斑异痣蟌 Paracercion barbatum 挫齿尾蟌 Paracercion calamorum 苇笛细蟌 Paracercion [prob] v-nigrum 捷尾蟌(疑似) Pseudagrion spencei 褐斑蟌 PLATYCNEMIDIDAE 扇蟌科 Calicnemia eximia 朱腹丽扇蟌



     

 

      

重庆以往记录(含文 献查阅) PREVIOUSLY REPORTED [through ECBP literature search]

非调查记录(含 2009 2010 年重庆蜻蜓调查 年培训) 记录 INCIDENTAL RECORDED DURING PROJECT 2010 PROJECT RECORDINGS SURVEYS [including 2009 training]         


Calicnemia sp. 2  (待定) Coeliccia cyanomelas  黄纹长腹蟌 Coeliccia didyma 四斑长腹蟌 Copera annulata  白狭扇蟌 Platycnemis phyllopoda [previously recorded as Platycne- 叶足扇蟌  mis foliacea] PROTONEURIDAE 原蟌科 Prodasineura sp.  (待定) DIPHLEBIIDAE 昔蟌科 粗 壮 恒 河 蟌、 粗 壮 大 丽 Philoganga robusta  蟌 腹 鳃 蟌 科、 溪 蟌 科, 幽 EUPHAEIDAE 蟌科 Anisopleura furcata 蓝斑异翅溪蟌 Bayadera bidentata  二齿尾溪蟌 Bayadera melanopteryx  巨齿尾溪蟌 SYNLESTIDAE 综蟌科 Sinolestes editus 赤条华综蟌 Megalestes distans  褐尾绿综蟌 LESTIDAE 丝蟌科 Lestes japonicus 蓝线丝蟌 

 

 

  

4.尚需查证的历史记录和报道 大蜓科 CORDULEGASTRIDAE 巨圆臀大蜓 Anotogaster gigantic 该物种在中国中部内陆地区 可能没有分布 蜻科 LIBUELLIDAE 基斑蜻 Libellula depressa

以往的报道可能是与迷尔蜻 (见上表)混淆了,后者属 欧亚大陆类群

三色宽腹蜻 Lyriothemis tricolor 历史记录称此物种在重庆各 区县都有分布,但按目前所 了解的此物种对生境的要求 来看,这一说法的可能性很 小。是否存在尚需查证。 黄翅灰蜻 Orthetrum testaceum 虽 然 以 往 有 报 道, 但 此 物

种在重庆分布的可能性不 大。极易与另一常见种红蜻 (Crocothemis servilia)混淆。

扇蟌科 PLATYCNEMIDAE 褐狭扇蟌 Copera vittata

一个热带广布种,尽管在万 州有过报道,但在重庆分布 的可能性不大。

丝蟌科 LESTIDAE 钩纹色丝蟌、三叶黄丝蟌 Sympecma paedisca

另一个欧亚大陆类群的物种, 尽管在江津有过报道,但在 重庆南部分布的可能性不大。


4.Doubtful past reports/ records CORDULEGASTRIDAE Anotogaster gigantic

this species probably doesn’t occur in central China

LIBUELLIDAE Libellula depressa

Previous reports/ records of L. depressa probably refer to L. melli [listed above] which replaces the latter Eurasian species in China

Lyriothemis tricolor

Previously reported from“every county”, which is unlikely due to recent information about its habitat requirements, and therefore still remaining to be confirmed in Chongqing.

Orthetrum testaceum

Although previously reported,

this is not a species that is very likely to be present in Chongqing; and very similar to the common Crocothemis servilia

PLATYCNEMIDAE Copera vittata

a widespread tropical species that is unlikely to occur in Chongqing despite apparently being reported from Wanzhou

LESTIDAE Sympecma paedisca

A northern Eurasian species that seems unlikely to occur in southern Chongqing [where it has apparently been reported from Jiangjin].


5. 调查结果小结 调查确认重庆目前共有 71 种蜻蛉目物种,另有 20 种 有历史记录且极可能还存在,最后还有 6 种的历史记录存 在疑点,故列入增补名录(随着蜻蜓调查和监测工作的推进, 假以时日,这些物种的存在也可能被证实)。 不计后 6 种,目前重庆共有 91 种蜻蜓和豆娘(即目前 重庆市蜻蛉目物种多样性的总计)。其中 22 种是重庆市新 记录,相信今后会发现更多。 此次调查共涉及重庆十三个区县,现将这些区县目前 蜻蛉目的相对物种丰富度总结于下文的表格和地图中。因 时间等因素限制,我们在各区县的样点数量不一,无疑是 导致各区县物种丰富度结果存在差异的原因之一,但这些 结果仍大致反映了当地交通较便利、质量较好的生境中蜻 蜓的多样性。有限的工作显然无法得出确切的论断,但我 们多少仍可从初见的端倪中得出一些参考性的结论:

各区县蜻蜓物种丰富度对照表 Table showing species richness by County 蜻蜓物种丰富度(括号内数字 = 已 确认的偶然记录) 区县 Current known species richness County [bracketed numbers = confirmed incidental records] 29 酉阳 Youyang 16 秀山 Xiushan 42 [2] 江津 Jiangjin 17 南川 Nanchuan 20 武隆 Wulong 23 丰都 Fengdu 27 石柱 Shizhu 25 长寿 Changshou 12 梁平 Liangping 11 万州 Wanzhou 16 [1] 开县 Kaixian 22 巫溪 Wuxi 14 云阳 Yunyang


调查采点计数 Sites surveyed 9 5 7 7 4 3 10 4 2 3 3 10 1

5. Summary results

71 species have been confirmed as present in Chongqing; another 20 species have been reported and seem quite likely to occur; and a further 6 species are presently regarded as doubtful additions to the list [although they too may be proven to occur in the fullness of time and on the back of further survey and monitoring work]. Discounting the latter group gives an overall figure of around 91 species of dragonflies and damselflies in Chongqing [the overall current total species diversity of Odonata in the Province] although it can be expected that more species will be found. 22 of these species are new records for the Province. The current relative species richness in each of the thirteen Counties surveyed is summarised in the table, and on the map, overleaf. Some of the variation that this shows is probably as a result of the difference in the number of sites that were visited in each County [in part reflecting timing issues] which predominantly reflected the amounts of good/ interesting and accessible habitat encountered. Thus, although firm conclusions are difficult to draw based on the limited work done so far there are some tentative conclusions that could be drawn from the pattern emerging: 各区县蜻蜓物种丰富度对比图 Map showing relative species richness across the Province


物种丰富度高的区域集中在: • 有大片保存完好的天然生境的地区 • 海拔变化幅度较大的地区 • 重庆蜻蜓种类最多样的地区很可能在西南部 以上结论多少在意料之中。毕竟,江津的常绿阔叶林 虽地处亚热带,但栖息其中的蜻蜓不少是偏南方的物种(在 其他区县都没有分布),如阿鼻蟌属(Aristocypha)和古 山蟌属(Priscagrion)。特别是四面山,有着成片的森林生 态系统,且其中的湿地生境受人类活动的干扰和威胁都相 对较少。 同样,作为重庆最大湿地的长寿湖,尽管是人工的, 应该能承载较多的蜻蜓和豆娘,尤其是边缘较自然的区域。 有意思的是,我们在重庆最北端的巫溪也发现不少物 种。巫溪地处的大巴山常绿阔叶针叶混交林生态系统,一 直是本地专家公认的生物多样性热点区域。 变化幅度较大 的海拔高度往往意味着能承载更多的物种。另外该地区也 可能受到偏北物种(如多棘蜓属 Polycanthagyna)的影响, 值得更深入研究。我们的调查时间偏早,未值当地蜻蜓出 没的旺季,相信那里还有新的物种等待发掘。 还有武隆,虽然目前只记录到 20 种蜻蜓,排名不是 最前,但仍值得一提。特别是仙女山度假区入口附近的 一个水塘,是我们在整个调查中见到的最“自然”的栖 息地,那里有一种重庆罕见的物种——小斑蜻(Libellula quadrimaculata)(见 100 页)。与仙女山所见的其他水塘 形成鲜明对照的是,这里既不见大兴土木修建酒店,也没 有家畜啃食,成为人性化管理有效保护当地重要物种的范 例。


These are that species richness is highest in: • areas with the greatest remaining extensions of natural habitat • those areas with high altitudinal variation • and, that there the most species diverse area of the Province is likely to be in the south-west None of the above are particularly surprising given that Jiangjin is within the “evergreen broadleaf forest ecosystem”, which is subtropical by nature and influenced by southern China in terms of the Odonate species that reside there [and don’t appear to be found elsewhere] e.g. Aristocypha or Priscagrion spp. Simian Shan in particular has large areas of good forest habitat with relatively low disturbance and theats to aquatic habitat. Equally the Changshou Lake area, as one of the largest ‘wetland’ [albeit man-made] habitats in the area could be expected to hold relatively high numbers of dragonflies and damselflies – especially in the more natural areas around its margin. More interesting in a way, is the relatively high number of species found at the northern tip of the Province in Wuxi. This sits within the “Daba mountain evergreen broadleaf & needleaf forest” ecozone, which has already been identified as a ‘hotspot’ by local experts. Its altitudinal variation and the opportunities for that this creates, as well as the potential influence of more northerly species like Polycanthagyna spp. make this an area of great interest, as does the fact that additional species probably await to be discovered/ recorded there [since the survey visited the area too early in the season]. Finally, Wulong, despite being a little further down the list, with 20 species so far recorded, deserves a special mention. Of particular note is the pond near the entrance to Fairy Mountain, which is the


调查所见,彰显了保护措施的必要性:不仅因为蜻蜓 们正面临着种种威胁,还因为有些物种(如几个扇山蟌科 Rhipidolestes 的物种)分布地域很窄、数量十分有限。建议 各级政府相关职能部门对调查圈点出的部分重要敏感生境 加以重视,给予格外保护。生境质量是否得到很好的维护, 只要持续进行蜻蜓监测(或覆盖面更广的生物多样性监测) 便知。

6. 面临的威胁 一系列的因素正影响着重庆的淡水生境和那些栖息其 中的、包括蜻蜓在内的水生生物。 下文将展示的 2010 年蜻蜓生境调查结果,望能为环保 部门的环境监测工作,特别是水环境监测提供参考。 虽然蜻蜓具较强的流动性,有的可轻易迁到新的适宜 生境建立家园;但也有的,比如那些只能在植被茂密的森 林里繁殖的物种,因飞行能力较弱、生境选择性较强等原 因适应能力较差。 同样,如果发现过去调查过的某个地区的蜻蜓物种和 数量发生了变化,那么这往往意味着该地区的水环境或沿 岸环境有所改变,而这些变化都会影响到其他的动植物物 种。及早获悉类似的变化和趋势,是进行生物多样性监测 的意义之一。


best ‘natural’ pond that the survey team encountered, and contains at least one scarce species for Chongqing [Libellula quadrimaculata]. This pond illustrates how sympathetic management could conserve locally important dragonfly populations when contrasted with other ponds in the same area [see page 100]. It, unlike surrounding pools, isn’t under current threat from either hotel development or overgrazing from introduced stock. As better information is collected, and it becomes obvious where there are specific conservation needs are: related both to the threats detailed below, and to limited distribution species like some of the Rhipidolestes, it may be that EPB or an allied agency can start to use dragonfly data at sensitive sites to instigate localized management actions and then use dragonfly [and broader biodiversity monitoring] to check that habitat quality is maintained.


As mentioned above, there are a variety of threats that are affecting freshwater habitats and the species that rely upon them, including dragonflies, in Chongqing. The page opposite illustrates some of these, and the site data that was collected during the 2010 surveys provides a snapshot of dragonfly habitat that can be used as the basis for monitoring the condition of the freshwater environment when built into EPB’s wider monitoring framework. Although dragonflies are highly mobile and some can colonise new, suitable habitat relatively easily, other species are weaker fliers and less adaptable – having more specific habitat requirements e.g. forest species that only breed in well-vegetated areas. Similarly, any local variation in the number or abundance of Odonate species in the sites that were surveyed could indicate that something has changed in the aquatic or riparian environment that could be affecting other species of animal and plant. These are the kinds of trends and changes that EPBs biodiversity monitoring system will be able to detect.


7. 重庆水生生物(含蜻蜓)面临的威胁 : Threats to freshwater biodiversity [including dragonflies] in Chongqing 1)筑坝与疏浚 Dams & Dredging 拦河筑坝屡见不鲜,对很多蜻蜓物种 来说可谓喜忧参半。水流速度减慢也 许算是好事,然而上升的水位、变陡 的河岸和淹没的自然植被,对许多蜻 蜓、豆娘的幼虫都不利。 Damming of rivers is widespread and probably a mixed blessing for many Odonate species – flow speed is reduced which could be positive; but water-levels are raised losing bank-side vegetation and creating steeper sides that aren’t favored by many dragonfly or damselfly larvae.

小规模的河道疏浚,与筑坝常有因果 联系,但对栖息在河床上的蜻蜓幼虫 来说可不是好消息。疏浚对蜻蜓的影 响总体还是不及筑坝。 Equally, small-scale dredging – which is often linked to dams – is also not likely to be particularly good for species whose larvae live in the river beds although this effect is probably less than the species lost due to the dams.

2)发展与建设 Development & infrastructure 这个武隆仙女山上的人工水塘是为发 展旅游而建造的,其中的蜻蜓寥寥无 几。类似的建设项目四处可见,常常 导致沿岸自然植被丧失或造成局部污 染。. Tourism development in Fairy Mountain, Wulong has here created a pond that supports a limited array of dragonfly species, but in other locations similar developments are causing the loss of bankside vegetation and localized pollution.


3)伐木毁林 Localised clearance of vegetation 开县某河岸一边的树林已被毁,可想 而知这里不会有依赖森林栖息的蜻蜓 物种。如果砍掉的正好是片罕见物种 栖息的林子,或毁林面积过大,那造 成的后果就可令人扼腕叹息了。 Localised clearance of riparian vegetation in Kaixian: something likely to change the Odonate fauna in this locality away from a forest species assemblage. This is unlikely to be a significant threat unless it directly impacts the habitat of a particularly rare species, or unless it is widespread over large areas [which it may be in certain Counties of Chongqing].

4)污染 Pollution 四 面 山 的 一 条 蜻 蜓 出 没 较 多的主河 流,因修建宾馆致使 河床泥土淤积。 施工者未采取任何缓解措施。 Siltation of a prime dragonfly river in Simian Shan as hotels are developed – no mitigation measures seemed to be in place.

一条位于酉阳的沟渠源自田间地头, 明显已受农药等化学物质的污染,它 直接流入当地一条已被设为湿 地保护 区的河流,河上可见捕鱼船。 This river in Youyang is running out of paddy fields and into a reservoir and was obviously contaminated by various types of chemical waste and effluent. This is also an area where people fish for food.

另一条位于酉阳的小河,理论上应是 蜻蜓的栖息之地,却连一只蜻蜓也没 找到。建议有关部门对河水进行化学 有毒物测试。 Another site in Youyang where there should have been lots of Odonate species and where the river was completely devoid of life – a prime example of where water testing is required to find out whether there are toxins/ pollutants in the water due to activities upstream.


5)开矿采石 Quarrying/ extractive industries 四面山飞龙庙启动不久的社区采石 场,不幸成为了一个小规模环境破 坏活动摧毁当地物种的反面案例。 笔者 2009 年在同一地点做培训时, 曾在那里看到为数不少的赵氏阿鼻 蟌(Aristocypha chaoi,很可能也是 个狭布种),2010 年去调查 时却再 未见到。 Local community quarrying enterprise, Feilong village, Simian Shan, Jiangjin – an example of where a local environmental impact has altered the Odonate community: Aristocypha chaoi [possibly quite a limited distribution species] seemingly absent in 2010 where it had been quite common in 2009.

酉阳境内一条进入采石场的使用中 的公路,不仅破坏了一侧河岸,而 且使河床变窄水流增快, 降低了河 流承载某些物种的能力。 A commercial quarry access road in Youyang, which has destroyed the river bank, narrowing the river and increasing its flow – which thereby also reduces itsabiliy to support certain species.

6)农业活动 Agriculture 秀山太阳山自然保护区内的农业生 产活动:主河道两岸及整个山谷的 森林已消失。只有些山间支流还保 留着较好的沿岸植被,其中生活着 一种别处没有的扇山蟌(Ripidolestes sp. 2,待定)。 Agriculture around dwellings within Taiyang Forest Reserve, Xiushan leading to deforestation of the valley right up to the river bank, only leaving the side streams intact with their bank-side vegetation[this being the only location where Ripidolestes sp. 2has been found to date].


可能是因为大量使用农药,因此 这里大片的稻田几乎看不到什么 蜻蜓。 An intensive rice paddy where there were almost no Odonate species present due, probably, to application of pesticides.

放牧对蜻蜓生境既是威胁也是机遇。 水塘周边的芦苇及其他野草对生境的维 护非常重要,特别经不起牲畜的啃食和 踩踏。此外,过多的动物粪便排入静止 的水塘,会导致水富营养化。 然而,轻度的放牧有助于维持如沼 泽这样的湿地生境。如果没有动物的啃 食,大自然的力量会令植被不断向水中 入侵,直至整个沼泽消失变成陆地。 因此,对生物多样性高的重要湿地 生境,有必要通过适度放牧进行干预和 维持。监测当地蜻蜓,便知放牧的强度 是否合适。 And, finally, grazing represents both a threat and an opportunity to certain habitats. Ponds are vulnerable to over-grazing and trampling which can both reduce important vegetation such as reeds. At the same time high livestock numbers in certain situations can also lead to ‘eutrophication’ whereby the nutrient levels in the water [due to cow dung, for instance] are too high. However, in other instances – as previously mentioned – light grazing can be important for maintaining marshes as open habitats and preventing them from being lost due to natural succession whereby they will eventually become terrestrialised [nonmarshy habitat]. Thus, grazing has to be managed in areas that are deemed important for dragonflies [and other biodiversity], and the level of grazing can be monitored via its impact on Odonate populations.


四、 蜻蜓识别指南


1. 使用注意事项 1) 物种分布图显示了各物种在重庆市的分布情况, 具体到区县,且仅显示已经通过野外照片或标本证实存在 的物种。 2) 本手册也收录了 2010 年调查前已有历史记录(见 第 44 页物种清单)、可能存在但未能在调查中证实的物种, 识别时请格外留意。 3) 为帮助读者区分亲缘相近或外观相似的物种,在 物种描述中特别提及了它们各自的标志性特征。 4) 每组(如一个新的科)蜻蜓具有的共同特征,在 每组开篇均有归纳。 5) 本指南并不简单按分类学或字母顺序排列,而是 依据个体醒目的外观特征,分成蜻蜓和豆娘两大类(仅有 的例外在豆娘开篇就标注出来了),然后在这大类别下分科, 并按属和物种名的字母顺序排列。


1.Using the guide 1. Only species that are confirmed – through definite photographic or specimen data – are given distribution maps [all of which are provisional and only show which Counties records have been made, not the specific sites]. 2. Others species are included because they have been reported prior to the survey [as per the Checklist on page 44] or are possible species occurring in Chongqing, and should therefore be borne in mind when trying to identify a given dragonfly or damselfly. 3. Descriptions giving key characteristics to separate closely related or similar looking species from one another are given, where possible, under each species entry. 4. The key features of major groups of dragonflies are given in the field guide at the beginning of each section [e.g. where a new family is being described] 5. Finally, the identification guide is not laid out purely taxonomically or alphabetically. Both dragonflies and damselflies are split into two groups that share a major difference that can be seen in the field [with a single exception that is clearly flagged at the beginning of the damselfly section]. Within these groupings, and under the families that lie therein, genera and then species are listed alphabetically.


2. 物种描述用语解析 •“大小”– 均以毫米为单位:Ab = 腹长(含肛附器); HW = 后翅长 ;– 测量数据来源见每页的脚注。 • “文献分布” = 源于重庆市蜻蜓物种资源本底资料, 该资料在 ECBP 重庆示范项目资助下于 2007-08 年整理 , 主要问题是可信度较低。如有的根本未提物种分布的具体 地点,有的虽说已采集标本,但未提标本目前存放于何处 而无从查实。 •“确认分布”= 来源于 2009 年蜻蜓监测培训和 2010 年蜻蜓野外本底调查,含物种存在地点和生境的详细信息、 并有相应的野外照片或标本为佐证。 • “可能分布”= 来源于 2009 年蜻蜓监测培训和 2010 年蜻蜓调查,虽有物种存在地点和生境信息,但无照片和 标本为证,也无从肯定当时野外识别的正确性。 • i.o.( 初步推论 ) = 通过观察蜻蜓外观及生态学行为所 得的初步结果,但尚需证实。


2.Using the guide • Sizes – all in millimetres: Ab = abdomen [including anal appendages]; HW = hind wing – source of measurements is stated in the footnotes on each page. • ‘Reported presence’ = previous records assembled by the ECBP team. The issue here is that many of these are not related to verifiable data, either because there is no precise record data e.g. location, or because specimens were taken but are not in publically accessible collections. • ‘Confirmed presence’ = records from 2010 survey [or training sessions in 2009], with precise site details taken, and photographs or specimens of the species concerned having been taken in at least one site, in order to/ to be able to verify initial field identification to species level. • ‘Potential presence’ = records from 2010 survey without photographs or specimens being taken, and therefore no material/ insufficient information available to confirm field identification. These records are, however, still associated with precise [geo-referenced] site data. • i.o./ initial observation – this indicates a probable inference, but that one which is still to be proven e.g. in terms of ecology or behaviour witnessed.


3. 差翅亚目 (ANISOPTERA) - 蜻蜓 DRAGONFLIES 复眼在头顶相连的蜻蜓 1) 蜓科(AESCHNIIDAE,见下文) 2) 伪蜻科(CORDULEGASTRIDAE,见第 84 页) 3) 蜻科(LIBELLULIDAE,见第 90 页) Dragonflies with eyes that touch on top of their heads 1.AESCHNIIDAE [below] 2.CORDULEGASTRIDAE [page 84] 3.LIBELLULIDAE [page 90]

66 66


身体直而细长的大型蜻蜓,复眼全线相连于头顶, 像戴了副宽大的太阳镜。捕食时像鹰一样直升直降 . Large dragonflies with long, thin straight bodies and eyes touching completely along their length, like wrap-around sunglasses over the top of the head. They hunt by 'hawking' up and down.

3.1.1. 长尾蜒属(Gynacantha) 此属多数腹部第一节膨大,肛附器较长。 因为它们一般在傍晚出行和捕食,不易观察记录到。5 Gynacantha A genus of dragonflies that fly and hunt in the evening. Usually identified by the swollen top segment to the abdomen, and very long appendages at its tip. Their behaviour seems to mean that they are only rarely recorded . 5


韦敬辉在其《香港蜻蜓图鉴》一书中也提到 As indicated by the number of specimens and observations in Wilson’s Hong Kong work


工纹长尾蜓(Gynacantha bayadera)


蜓科 @ Oleg Kosterin

长尾蜓属中较小的绿色物种,腹部第一节不膨大。 small, green Gynacantha species, without swollen top to abdomen.

大小 Size HW 37-416

分布 Distribution 2010 年蜻蜓本底调查中未见,但在万州有历史记录。 not recorded during the 2010 baseline survey, but listed as present from reports in Wahzhou.

备注 Notes 竹林是其较可能出现的生境之一,白天一般潜伏在林中。 habitat likely to include bamboo groves where adults may rest during the day.




细腰长尾蜓(Gynacantha subinterrupta)


雄性细腰长尾蜓,注意观察它肛附器的末 端如何延展呈扁平状 male G. subinterrupta, showing how the anal appendages expand towards their tip

@ Dennis Farrell

大而细长,色泽单调,胸腹部均有蓝色斑点。与日本长尾蜓的 区别见上图 Large but slender species, dull coloured with blue spots on thorax and abdomen. Features used for separation from G. japonica are given in the description below, and the notes beneath the photo.

Size 大小 雄性 male: Ab 50,HW 46; 雌性 female: Ab 50, HW 467

Distribution 分布 2010 年蜻蜓本底调查中未见,但在万州有历史记录。 not recorded during baseline survey, previously reported from Wanzhou.

Notes 备注 白天多躲在竹林阴暗处。 apparently rests during the day in dark bamboo thickets. 7

见韦敬辉所著《香港蜻蜓图鉴》一书 Wilson’s Field Guide to Dragonflies of Hong Kong



日本长尾蜓(Gynacantha japonica)


蜓科 图中可见头部正前,复眼之上的 T 形纹路 photo showing thick ‘T’ mark on frons above eyes

大而细长,较细腰长尾蜓颜色鲜艳(右图中的雄性个体还 未完全成熟,颜色较成熟个体晦暗)。 与细腰长尾蜓的主 要区别在于: 日本长尾蜓头部正前方的 T 形纹路较短较粗, 另外它的肛附器不像细腰长尾蜓那样延展呈扁平状(见上 图)。 Large but slender species, more brightly coloured than G. subinterrupta [the individuals photographed is an immature male, and therefore duller than mature adults]. Differentated from G. subinterrupta by T mark on the top of the frons being shorter armed and thicker; and anal appendages not being expanded at their tip like those of the above species [see photos on right].


Size 大小 雄性 male: Ab 48.5-49.5 HW 45-47; 雌性 female: Ab 48.5 HW 45 8

Distribution 分布 调查中仅在开县有记录 – 该 物种活跃的季节可能稍晚些。 only recorded once during baseline survey in Kaixian – may be late season species. 确认的日本长尾蜓的分布区 Gynacantha subinterrupta confirmed presence

Notes 备注 调查中见到的个体具有趋光性 – 与该属喜欢在黎明和傍晚 活动的特点相符。 single individual found during survey was attracted to light – fitting with it being active at dawn & dusk.

未成熟的雄性日本长尾蜓,注意观察右图较直的肛附器。 immature male Gynacantha japonica, distinctive straight anal appendages on right

8 8

见 Keith Wilson 所著《香港蜻蜓图鉴》一书 Wilson’s Field Guide to Dragonflies of Hong Kong


3.1.2. 伟蜓属(Anax) 黑纹伟蜓(Anax nigrofasciatus )


蜓科 ♂ 黑纹伟蜓侧面观

Lateral view of A. nigrofasciatus male

外观特征明显,即使在飞行中也能识别的大型蜻蜓。雄性 腹部黑色有蓝色斑点,胸部绿色有条纹。雌性颜色偏棕偏黄, 易与其他雌性伟蜓属物种混淆。 Large species. Male with the combination of blue spots on the side of a dark abdomen and a striped green thorax make this species easy to identify, even in flight. The female is brown and yellow, and potentially confusable with other Anax spp. females.


Size 大小 雄性 male: Ab 54-59 HW 44-49; 雌性 female: Ab 52-58; HW 44-49

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中在 7 个区县都 有记录,历史记录在万州有 分布。 found during survey in 7 Counties; previously reported 确认的黑纹伟蜓的分布区 Anax nigrofasciatus confirmed presence

from Wanzhou.

Notes 备注 在夏季中至夏季末活跃。2010 年 6-7 月调查自始自终都见 到雌性产卵,不同地点都观察到蜕壳羽化现象。 single seems to be a mid-late summer species, females seen laying eggs during June/ July 2010 as well as others emerging at various sites.

雌性黑纹伟蜓在产卵 A. nigrofasciatus female laying eggs


碧伟蜓(Anax parthenope)


蜓科 飞行中的碧纹伟蜓 Anax parthanope in flight

© Kevin Seo

雄性腹部侧面无斑点,胸部绿色但无斑纹。 male without spots on side of abdomen, and plain green sides to the thorax.

大小 Size Ab 46-53 HW 44-51 9


9 9

见 Dijikstra 2006 所著《欧洲及英国蜻蜓野外手册》 Dijikstra 2006, Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain & Europe

分布 Distribution 历史记录在北碚有分布。 previously reported from 北碚 , Beibei.

碧纹伟蜓的可能分布区 unconfirmed presence of A.


Notes 备注 江津也可能有分布。此物种要么不如黑纹伟蜓常见,要 么出现季节偏早。 分布于重庆的是亚种 Anax parthenope julius. one unconfirmed sighting during surveys in Jiangjing. This species is either less common than the previous species, or occurs earlier than June/July. The subspecies found in Chongqing is Anax parthenope julius.


3.1.3. 佩蜓属(Periaeschna) 狭痣佩蜓(Periaeschna magdalena)


蜓科 © Sin Syue Li

体型偏小,身体黑色有光泽,腹部前部无斑纹,复眼黄绿色, 胸部侧面有两条明显花纹。 black shiny body, no markings on upper side of abdomen, 2 fine lines on to of thorax, yellowish green eyes; 2 thick yellow stripes on side of thorax. Small sized Aeschnid .

大小 Size 体长 body length : 66 - 74 10

分布 Distribution 历史记录在涪陵有分布。 previous records from Fuling

备注 Notes 2010 年调查中未见。 no sightings or records during the 2010 survey.




3.1.4. 多棘蜓属(Polycanthagyna) 红褐多棘蜓(Polycanthagyna erythromelas)


雌性在产卵 female ovipositing


© unknown

体型大,雄性身体黄黑相间,雌性及未成熟雄性橘红色黄 色相间。 male large black and yellow, female and young male orange and yellow.

Size 大小 雄性 male:Ab 67 HW 53-55; 雌性 female:Ab 59; HW 54

Distribution 分布 历史记录在各区县均有分布。 previously reported from 各区县 ©Keith Wilson

Notes 备注

笔者在武隆两次见到疑似雌性红褐多棘蜓产卵,但没拍到 照片也未获得标本,未能证实其分布。 not confirmed during the survey although probable records were obtained from Wulong where the author twice observed an identified reddish female Aeschnid ovipositing.



melanictera)(疑似 possible)

重庆新记录 new Provincial record


蜓科 olycanthagyna melanictera ♂

Kevin Seo

体型大,雄性身体黄黑相间,面部与复眼蓝色;雌性黄棕 相间,面部黄棕色。 a large species, male yellow and black with blue eyes and frons/ face; female yellow and brown with brown and yellow frons.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab 67 HW 53-55; 雌性 female:Ab 59; HW 54


Distribution 分布 右图可能是雌性,摄于巫溪。 probable female – right – observed in Wuxi.

Notes 备注 没有获得标本,仅据雌性野外照片做识别和重庆新记录 的推断的确有些牵强。但经过与摄于韩国的图片(左图 为雄性)进行比较,笔者认为巫溪拍到的最有可能是雌 性描金晏蜓。 this specimen was not captured, and positive identification is still required given that this is a first record of the species in Chongqing, however comparison with photos from Korea [where the male was photographed] suggest that this is probably the species in question.

雄性描金晏蜓(疑似) 在产卵 P. melanictera female ovipositing



80 80

暗黑色有黄色斑纹的大型蜻蜓。绿色复眼在头顶相接, 是区分伪蜻科与春蜓科、裂唇蜓科(分别见第 160 和 156 页)的主要特征。伪蜻科还有个显著特征是其雌 性的产卵器较大(见下页) Very large, dull black and yellow striped dragonflies whose green eyes just join at top of their heads. This feature distinguishes this family from GOMPHIDS and CHLOROGOMPHIDS [pages 160 and 156], in addition the females have very distinctive large ovipositors [for laying eggs] as shown in the photo below. This is a unique feature to CORDULEGASTRIDAE.



3.2.1. 圆臀大蜓属(Anotogaster)


格氏圆臀大蜓(Anotogastergregoryi)(疑似 possible )

圆臀大蜓侧面观 side view of body of Anotogaster sp.

重庆地区最大的蜻蜓物种之一,复眼深绿色(左下图中的 是未成熟个体)并在头顶相接于一点。亚光黑色的身体, 有黄色环状纹。 some of the largest dragonflies in the region, told by their deep green eyes [the specimen shown below is immature] that join in at a point on the top of the head, and the yellow rings on a matt black body. 雌性圆臀大蜓的产卵器 Ovipositor of the female


确认的圆臀大蜓的分布区 Anotogaster sp. confirmed distribution

Size 大小 雌性 female:Ab 69

Distribution 分布 历史记录在涪陵的大木林场采集到一个标本。 records suggest that specimens of an Anotogaster species was previously collected in Fuling

Notes 备注 张浩淼把这个标本鉴定为额斑圆臀大蜓(Anotogaster gigantica)并认为其:“仅分布于印度,在中国是否有分 布尚无定论”。笔者认为,这条历史记录只初步证实了圆 臀大蜓属的存在,其记录更可能是格氏圆臀大蜓,而不是 当初判定的额斑圆臀大蜓。 the records mentioned previously were ascribed to Anotogaster gigantica of which Haomiao Zhang comments “have no confirmed record of its distribution in China, it is only found in India area”. The author has therefore included this record under a preliminary identification to show that an Anotogaster species is present but that it’s more likely to be A. gregoryi than gigantica.

圆臀大蜓的复眼在头顶相接于一点 Anotogaster sp. eyes meeting on top of head




有着绿色金属光泽的蜻蜓,绿色复眼占据头的大部分并 在头顶成片相连。 Dragonflies with green metallic bodies and green eyes that join over most of the head.


3.3.1. 丽大蜻属(Epophthalmia)



闪蓝丽大蜻(Epophthalmia elegans)

Epophthalmia elegans ♂ 强健的巨型蜻蜓,黄绿色带金属光泽,腹部偏末端有个较 大黄色斑点。 extremely large, robust metallic green and yellow dragonfly with large yellow spot towards the end of its abdomen.

Size 大小 雄性 male: Ab 50-54, HW 48-51; 雌性 female: Ab 58, HW 54


Distribution 分布 历史记录在北碚有分布,调 查中在几个区县都有发现。 recorded in several Counties d u r i n g t h e s u r v e y, a n d previously reported from Beibei.

确认的闪蓝丽大蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of E. elegans

Notes 备注 尽管因其总在飞行难得停息而很难捕获,但其硕大的体型 和腹部末端的大块黄色斑点还是很容易辨认。 this large species cruises over rivers and is readily identifiable in flight by its size and large yellow abdominal spot [despite being very difficult to see perched or to catch].


3.3.2. 异伪蜻属(Idionyx)


突胸异蜻(Idionyx carinata)


重庆新记录 possible new Provincial record

Idionyx carinata ♀

中等大小,绿色有金属光泽,带黄色斑点。本属的雄性 翅 膀透明,雌性 翅基有橘黄色晕。如上图可见,雌性 突胸异 蜻复眼之间有一个非常有特色的“角”样突起,雄性 (未 能拍摄或捕捉到)腹末节上部,钳状肛附器之前,有一个 显眼的纵向“刺”。11 medium-sized dragonfly with metallic green body marked with yellow spots. Males of the genus Idionyx have clear wings, whilst females with orange patches on the hind wing. This female of this species is distinguished by the small ‘horn-like’ projection on its face just between its eyes [see photo]. The male [not recorded or illustrated] has a prominent vertical spike on the upper surface of the final segment of its abdomen just before its anal appendages [which are developed into large claspers]. 11



所有的信息来自帮助鉴定该标本的张浩淼 all information from Haomiao Zhang who helped confirm the identification of this specimen 11

Size 大小 12

雌性 female: Ab 36, HW 38

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查时仅见于江 津,可见数只在飞行。 only recorded once during the 2010 surveys – in Jiangjin, where several individuals were seen in flight. 确认的突胸异蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of I. carinata

Notes 备注 南川金佛山上也见到同样(或极其相似)的物种。推断此 物种在重庆其他适宜生境还有分布。 the same, or a related species, was seen in Jinfo Shan and therefore this species islikely to be found in other suitable areas of Chongqing as more work is undertaken .

Idionyx carinata ♀ 12 12

重庆采集标本的测量结果 from single specimen measured in Chongqing



90 90

蜻蜓家族中种类最多变异最大的一个类群。体 型小到中等,身体尖细,后翅基部较圆,多数 停落时与停落面水平。 Medium-sized dragonflies with slim, short tapering bodies. This is the largest group of dragonflies and their hind wings are always rounded at the base. Most perch/ sit flat [horizontally].


3.4.1. 锥腹蜻属(Acisoma) 锥腹蜻 (Acisoma panorpoides)


蜻科 Acisoma panorpoides ♀ 体型娇小,腹膨大如锥而易识别。雄性黑蓝相间,雌性 与 雄性 相似但更趋绿色。13 Small dragonfly with a very tapering abdomen that makes it easy to recognise. Males are blue and black [not illustrated], whilst the females are similar but greener in colour.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab 15-18, HW 16-21; 雌性 female: Ab 15-18, HW 17-22



确认的突胸异蜻的分布区 from single specimen measured in Chongqing


Distribution 分布 历史记录在北碚有分布, 2010 年调查时发现于云阳。 recorded by the team in Yunyang; previously reported from Beibei. 确认的锥腹蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of A. panorpoides

Notes 备注 在云阳路边一个废弃鱼塘发现。杂草丛生的水塘可能是锥 腹蜻的首选生境。鉴于云阳与北碚之间的距离,此物种的 分布应较广。 apparently favours weedy ponds, such as the disused fish ponds where it was recorded during this survey [see below]. Given the distance between Yunyang and Beibei it is likely to be found in other suitable habitat all over Chongqing.

云阳境内记录到锥腹蜻的鱼塘 .


3.4.2. 红蜻属(Crocothemis) 红蜻(Crocothemis servilia)


蜻科 Crocothemis servilia ♂ 雄性全身红色,后翅基有橘红色晕。红色复眼,翅痣黄色 或淡棕色,沿腹部有一条斑纹。雌性色偏黄。 red-bodied libellulid with orange at the base of its hindwing. Bright red eyes and light brown/ yellow pterostigma, and stripe along centre of abdomen are key characters. Females are yellowish.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 24-35, HW 27-38; 雌性 female: Ab 25-32, HW 31-37


Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中在重庆 4 个区 县均记录到。 recorded in 4 counties across central Chongqing during the 2010 survey. 确认的红蜻的分布区 Crocothemis servilia confirmed presence

Notes 备注 较易与黄翅灰蜻( Orthetrum testaceum,第 122 页)混淆 – 后者复眼色较暗,翅痣为黑色。红蜻比黄翅灰蜻更常见。 potentially easy to confuse with Orthetrum testaceum – page 122 – which has duller eyes, and black pterostigma – but Crocothemis is the more likely species to encounter.

Crocothemis servilia ♀

Kevin Seo


3.4.3. 多纹蜻属(Deielia) 异色多纹蜻(Deielia phaon)


蜻科 Deielia phaon ♀ 雌雄完全不同但都特征明显。雄性 灰色,胸部有白毫,复 眼灰色,面部黄色(常见的异色灰蜻(Orthetrum melania )脸部胸部为黑色,腹部末两节也是黑色但更显著)。雌 性极易识别:翅脉橘红色 ,翅端常有黑色晕带。 Distinctive dragonfly with completely different but equally striking males and females. The male is a greyish looking dragonfly with white hairs on the thorax & grey eyes and yellow face [unlike the similar Orthetrum melania which has a dark face and thorax, and less but more distinct black on the final 2 segments of its abdomen]. Female are immediately recognisable by their orange-veined wings which sometimes have a black stripe on them.

大小 Size Ab 22-24; HW 29-34 14


14 14

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》 from Photo Atlas of the Usual China Dragonflies

Distribution 分布 历史记录在长寿有分布,在 2010 年调查中得到证实。 previously recorded from, and confirmed during the 2010 surveys as being present in Changshou. 确认的分布区 confirmed presence

Notes 备注 初步推断: 此物种似乎对长寿湖边沼泽中(唯一记录到异 色多纹蜻的地点)缓流的水环境情有独钟。该沼泽紧挨着 长寿湖,既有缓流的渠水,也有静止的池水,植被丰富。 调查中见到农民在其中放养水牛。适度放牧也是一种湿地 生境的管理手段,它在维持湿地生境的同时不至于破坏湿 地较高的生物多样性。 i.o.: this species seemed to favour slow moving water that entered the pools, within Changshou marshes – the only site where this species was found. This mix of different microhabitats as well as the vegetation community found in the are may in part be being maintained grazing of buffalo – which has [in other wetlands] been shown as important for managing areas in favorable condition for higher biodiversity if grazing is kept at non-damaging levels.

Deielia phaon ♂

长寿湖边的沼泽 Changshou lake marshes


3.4.4. 蜻属(Libellula) 迷尔蜻(Libellula melli )


蜻科 2010 年调查所摄雄性迷尔蜻 male Libellula melli photographed during 2010 surveys♂

宽宽的腹部让迷尔蜻乍看像只肥肥的马蜂。雌雄两性的翅 膀基部都有浓重的着色。雄性腹部蓝灰色,雌性腹部橘黄 色。. the very broad abdomen give these dragonflies the appearance of fat hornets; both sexes have wings with heavily pigmented bases, the male with a predominantly blue abdomen, the female’s being orange.

大小 Size Ab 22-31; HW 32-3815


15 15

见 Dijikstra 2006 所著《欧洲及英国蜻蜓野外手册》 Dijikstra 2006 – Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Britain & Europe

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中在三个区县都 有记录,笔者 2009 年在黔江 也拍摄到。 recorded from 3 of the Counties surveyed in Chongqing during 确认的迷尔蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of L. melli

2010; and previously observed in Quianjiang during 2009 project activities [as above].

Notes 备注 此蜻蜓曾被误认为是与其亲缘相近外形相似的基斑蜻( L. depressa)。基斑蜻广布与欧洲并以其种群扩散能力强而闻 名,常飞行很远建立新家园。鉴于迷尔蜻在中国南部 16 广 泛分布,迷尔蜻可能与基斑蜻具有同样的种群扩散能力。 the related L. depressa [which this species had been previously identified as] of Europe and is famous for its ability to colonise new habitats, flying large distances to do so; given that L. melli is apparently widespread in southern China16 it may be that this species shares the same dispersal abilities.

Libellula melli ♀

16 16

据张浩淼 2010 年评述 pers. comm.. Haomiao Zhang 2010


小斑蜻(Libelulla quadrimaculata 17) 重庆新纪录 new provincial record


蜻科 Libelulla quadrimaculata♂ 体型较大,两对翅膀上的四个黑斑是其最显著的特征。雄 性 腹部较宽,腹侧有一串黄色斑点 – 雌性 (无照片)也 有同样特征但色泽偏淡。 large and very distinctive due to the four spots on each wing, and broad abdomen with yellow spots on the side – features shared with the somewhat duller coloured female [not illustrated].

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 24-35, HW 27-38; 雌性 female: Ab 25-32, HW 31-37


17 小斑蜻的分类:重庆小斑蜻可能属 asahina 亚种,但一度曾被描述为另一物 种 L. baslinea. 张浩淼同意其目前分类的确与既往不同。 17 With regards the taxonomy of this species. The Chongqing L. quadrimaculata probably belongs to the current subspecies asahinai, but was at one stage described as a separate species: L. baslinea. Haomiao Zhang regards this taxa as in need of revision.

Distribution 分布 调查中仅见于武隆和丰都, 其他区县类似生境可能也有 分布。, only found at two sites, one in Wulong an one in Fengdu, but likely to be present in similar 确认的小斑蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of L. quadrimaculata

habitat elsewhere.

Notes 备注 尽管这是一个重庆新记录,小斑蜻在全球的分布较广,从欧亚 大陆到北美洲都有。这一物种,往往代表着生境内有温带和热 带物种同时存在,与重庆多样的蜻蜓分布相符。调查所得的两 次记录都位于较高海拔的水塘:一个在海拔 1735 m 的武隆仙 女山度假区入口附近,另一个位于相近海拔的丰都境内 。其 中仙女山的调查点内(见下图) 有大量(可能因为过度放牧, 在仙女山别处鲜见的)芦苇。这些芦苇上有不少蜻蜓蜕,显然 是水虿蜕壳羽化时留下的,因此芦苇可能为其羽化提供了重要 的场所。 although these seem to be first records for Chongqing this is a very widespread species globally, being found across much of Eurasia as well as temperate north America. The species reflects the presence of temperate, as well as more tropical dragonflies, in the Province, which potentially makes Chongqing quite a diverse place for Odonata. The habitat where both records were made was upland ponds [one near the entrance to Fairy Mountain in Wulong at 1735 m, and the other at a similar altitude in Fengdu on the border with Wulong]. By far the larger population was at the pond in Fairly mountain [illustrated below] which had good surrounding reeds [seemingly quite rare, as other sites in the same areas had been subject to clear over-grazing]. These reeds are probably important in providing emergence sites for the aquatic dragonfly larvae when they turn into winged adults. 仙女山上的优质小斑蜻生境 Habitat of the best population found, at Fairy Mountain


3.4.5. 宽腹蜻属(Lyriothemis) 闪绿宽腹蜻(Lyriothemis pachygastra)


重庆新记录 possible new Provincial record

©Oleg Kosterin: 成熟的闪绿宽腹蜻雄性 ©Oleg Kosterin: mature male Lyriothemis pachygastra

体型小,外观特征明显但颜色变异较多的一种蜻蜓。成熟雄 性呈蓝色,成熟雌性为黄色,有沿着腹部各节连成三条的黑 纹。未成熟雄性外观酷似雌性,但没有腹部两侧面的黑纹, 越近成熟色泽越黑(见右图的近成熟雄性) a distinctive, small, but very variably coloured species ]. Mature males are blue, females yellow with longitudinal black stripes on their abdomen. Immature males look like females [but lack the two outer longitudinal stripes on their abdomen] and get darker with age [see right photo of sub-adult].

大小 Size Ab 20-22; HW 24-2618


18 小斑蜻的分类:重庆小斑蜻可能属 asahina 亚种,但一度曾被描述为另一物 种 L. baslinea. 张浩淼同意其目前分类的确与既往不同。 18 according to the Photo Atlas of Usual China Dragonflies.

Distribution 分布 无历史记录。但 2010 年调查 时在两个区县 3 个点都记录 到。 apparently not previously recorded from the Province but 确认的闪绿宽腹蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of L. pachygastra

found in 3 sites [in 2 Counties] by the team during 2010 surveys.

Notes 备注 成熟的闪绿宽腹蜻雌性 mature female L. pachygastra

闪绿宽腹蜻似乎偏好如右下 图所示的植被密集的沼泽类 生境,在中国各地、日本和 朝鲜半岛都有分布,在重庆 的分布可能也较广。 this dragonfly seems to prefer very well vegetated swamp areas as illustrated on the right.

接近成熟的闪绿宽腹蜻雄性 subadult male L. pachygastra

It is found across China [as well as Japan & Korea], and is likely to be found elsewhere in Chongqing.

未成熟的闪绿宽腹 immature male

蜻雄性 L. pachygastra


台湾宽腹蜻(Lyriothemis tricolor)


蜻科 Lyriothemis tricolor ♂ ©Graham Reels 成熟雄性台湾宽腹蜻最明显的特征是它鲜艳的橘黄色腹部,以 及胸部粗粗的黑黄相间条纹。与闪绿宽腹蜻一样,台湾宽腹蜻 的未成熟个体颜色不如成熟个体艳丽。 the mature male of this species is very distinctive, being a gaudy orange on the abdomen, with thick black and yellow stripes on the thorax. As per the species above the immature males and females are likely to be less colourful.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 29-30, HW 35; 雌性 female: Ab 27, HW 36 19

Distribution 分布 重庆历史记录称本物种在各区县都有分布,但我们调查时一无 所获。 Although not recorded during our surveys this second species of Lyriothemis has apparently been reported from Chongqing [allegedly from every County]. 19

hina 亚种,但一度曾被描述为另一物种 L. baslinea. 张浩淼同意其目前分类的确与 既往不同。19 measurements supplied by Graham Reels from specimens in Hainan

Notes 备注 台湾宽腹蜻在 IUCN 红色名录中被列为”无危”种。如 果说人们在编辑红色名录时还不甚了解台湾宽腹蜻在中国 的分布情况,现在我们知道它在中国南方很多保护区的 山区森林中都有分布 (Okudaira 等 . 2001, Lieftinck 等 . 1984, Wilson 和 Reels 2001)”。 鉴于不是每个重庆所辖的区县都有山区的森林,笔者对历 史记录的分布情况有所质疑。不过重庆的确有一些台湾宽 腹蜻的适宜生境,因此它在重庆也许确有分布。特别索要 了一张图片供读者参考。 右图片的拍摄人 Graham Reels 这样描述道:“台湾宽腹蜻 在树洞及没有鱼类存在的小水体中繁殖。成熟雄性一般不 会离它们的树洞很远,而在那里等待着雌性配偶的出现。”. L. tricolor is a threatened species, included in the Red Data book as ‘Least Concern’. The 2010 Red List says “Lyriothemis tricolor was listed when its distribution in China wasn't fully appreciated. It is now known to occur in many protected montane forested areas throughout south China (Okudaira et al. 2001, Lieftinck et al. 1984, Wilson and Reels 2001)”. Bearing in mind Chongqing does not have montane forest in all of its Counties the previous records of this species must be regarded as somewhat dubious. However, it may be that this species will be found in suitable habitat somewhere in the Province, and therefore it is illustrated in order to allow positive identification. According to Graham Reels “it breeds in tree holes and other fish-free small water bodies. The mature males do not seem to move far from their tree hole site, where they wait for females”.


3.4.6. 脉蜻属 (Neurothemis) 网脉蜻(Neurothemis fulvia )


蜻科 Neurothemis fulvia ♂

摄于泰国 taken in Thailand Photos ©Dennis Farrell;

绝对不会认错的蜻蜓:雄性双翅红染,仅在翅尖有透明晕, 雌性相似但呈如右上图所示的棕色。 This dragonfly is unmistakeable. The male has solid red wings with transparent tips, whilst the female is similar but a duller brown-brown – as shown above.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 21-26, HW 27-32; 雌性 female: Ab 20-24, HW 26-32


Distribution 分布 历史记录在忠县和江北区有分布。 Zhongxian and Jiangbe

Notes 备注 网脉蜻是一个广泛分布于中国中南部的物种。也许它在重 庆的分布较窄,或者出现季节稍晚,2010 年调查中没有记 录到。 although not recorded during the 2010 survey it is a widespread species that is likely to occur across southern-central China – it may be a localised, late-season species that simply wasn’t on the wing during the survey period.

Neurothemis fulvia ♀

摄于泰国 taken in Thailand Photos ©Dennis Farrell;


3.4.7. 灰蜻属(Orthetrum) 白尾灰蜻(Orthetrum albistylum)


蜻科 Orthetrum albistylum ♂

© E. Bowen –Jones


较纤细的灰蜻,因白色的肛附器与其黑色的腹部末端形成 对比而得名(雄性腹部后 3-4 节完全着黑色)。雌性和未 成熟雄性 male 呈稻草般的棕色,与狭腹灰蜻(O. sabina) 颇相似 ,但胸腹连接处不像狭腹灰蜻那样膨大,腹部也细 得多。 Slender dragonfly distinguished by the white appendages on its dark tipped abdomen [the male having the last 3-4 segments almost entirely black]. Females and young males being a straw brown colour and similar to O. sabina – but lacking the bulge after the thorax, as well as the extremely thin abdomen.


大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 30-36, HW 30-36; 雌性 female: Ab 32-35, HW 31-35

Distribution 分布 常见种, 调查的 13 个区县 中 10 个区县都有记录,生境 类型多样。 common species recorded in ten of the thirteen Counties surveyed, in a range of habitats

确认的白尾灰蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of O. albistylum

Orthetrum albistylum♀

© E. Bowen –Jones



粗灰蜻 (Orthetrum cancellatum)


蜻科 Orthetrum cancellatum♂

摄于英国,仅供参考。 taken in the UK, and included for illustrative purposes only.

雄性外观与白尾灰蜻相似,但没有后者标志性的白色肛附器, 腹部末端黑色着色浅而少。雌性和未成熟雄性黄黑相间,雌性 越成熟越近棕色。 Male similar to O. albistylum but without the white anal appendages, and less obvious black markings on end of the abdomen covering fewer segments; young males and adult females yellow and black, the female becoming browner with age.


Size 大小 Ab 29-35, HW 35-41


Distribution 分布 历史记录在壁山有分布,2010 年调查中未见到。 not recorded during project surveys but reportedly previously found in BiShan.

Notes 备注 欧亚大陆常见种。 a common species throughout Eurasia.

Orthetrum cancellatum♀

摄于英国,仅供参考。 taken in the UK, and included for illustrative purposes only.

20 20

ea. 张浩淼同意其目前分类的确与既往不同。 Dijikstra 2006


褐肩灰蜻(Orthetrum japonicum)


蜻科 Orthetrum japonicum♂

此物种雄性与其他灰蜻的主要区别是:胸部底色淡黄有褐 黑斑。腹部全长均为灰蓝色,无白色肛附器。雌性与雄性 一样有胸部黑斑,腹部黄黑相间,有时较难与其他灰蜻的 雌性区分。 The distinctive pale yellow and brown marked sides of this dragonfly’s thorax with its all grey-blue abdomen and lack of white anal appendages, distinguish the male of this species from other Orthetrum. Females have similar markings to the male on their thorax, the abdomen is also yellow and black, but they may be difficult to distinguish from other species in the genus.


大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 24-28; 雄性和雌性 male&female : HW 29-33.

Distribution 分布 广布种,大部分区县都有记录,生境多样。 A relatively common species recorded in most Counties surveyed, and found in a range of habitats.

确认的褐肩灰蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of O. japonicum

Notes 备注 分布于重庆的褐肩灰蜻是亚种 Orthetrum japonicum internum .16 the subspecies found in Chongqing is Orthetrum japonicum internum .16


吕宋蜻蜓(Orthetrum luzonicum) 重庆新纪录


new provincial record21


蜻科 Orthetrum luzonicum♂

爱撇水的蜻蜓,脸部无任何斑纹。 成熟雄性 male 胸腹部 均着蜡样蓝色。雌性 female 按成熟程度不同而呈棕色或棕 黄色 , 较成熟的雌性 female 也有蜡样着色。 A skimmer with a plain face without spots and stripes. Mature males are heavily pruinosed [blue], including the thorax. The female is brown or brownish yellow, depending on its age, whilst very old female can also be pruinosed.


21 21

张浩淼也对此表示认同 identification confirmed by Haomiao Zhang

大小 Size 雄性 male Ab 28-30, HW 30-32; 雌性 female Ab 28-30, HW 30-32

Distribution 分布 2010 年蜻蜓调查中仅见于江津。 only recorded once during the project’s June 2010 survey – in Jiangjin.

确认的吕宋蜻蜓的分布区 Confirmed presence of O. luzonicum

Notes 备注 中国南方广布种,可能只分布于渝南。 A common species widely distributed in South China but possibly only to be found in southern Chongqing.


异色灰蜻(Orthetrum melania )


蜻科 Orthetrum melania ♂ 成熟雄性胸腹部都呈淡蓝色,且越成熟颜色越深,翅基亦 为蓝色。可能与雄性异色多纹蜻(Deieilia phaon)混淆, 区别在于异色灰蜻除了眼睛,整个脸部也是黑的,胸部没 有灰色毫毛,腹部只有末端最后两节是黑的,且颜色更深。 而且在重庆异色灰蜻远远比异色多纹蜻常见。雌性黄黑相 间。 the adult male of this dragonfly has a light blue thorax and abdomen [that get darker with age], as well as blue bases to the wing. It would be possible to confuse with male Deieilia phaon but its face is dark [not just its eyes] and it has no grey hairs on its thorax, and the black on its abdomen is much darker and only covers the final 2 segments. 0. melanurum is also a much the more common species in Chongqing. The female is boldly marked in yellow and black.


大小 Size Ab 32-35, HW 41-45 22

Distribution 分布 广布种,大部分区县都有记 录,生境多样。 common species recorded in most Counties surveyed in a range of habitats. 确认的分布区 confirmed presence

Orthetrum melania♀

22 22

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》 from Photo Atlas of the Usual Dragonflies


赤褐灰蜻(Orthetrum pruinosum)


蜻科 Orthetrum pruinosum♂

其特征显著:雄性胸部呈黑灰色,腹部红色,脸部褐色, 翅透明有黑色翅痣。雌性(无照片)为淡棕色,没有本属 中多数其他灰蜻种类雌性 female 都有的黑纹。 distinctive bright red and blackish dragonfly with clear wings, and brown face/ frons. Females [not illustrated] light brown, without the dark stripes that most other females in the genus have.


大小 Size 雄性 male Ab 28-31, HW 32-36; 雌性 femaleAb 30, HW 37

Distribution 分布 调查中在酉阳和江津都有记录。 recorded twice during the survey in Youyang and Jiangjin.

确认的赤褐灰蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of O. pruinosum

Notes 备注 中国南方常见种。在重庆调查时或许错过了高峰期,所见 不多。 a common species throughout the region, but possibly less so in Chongqing, unless the surveys missed the peak of their emergence as adult dragonflies.


狭腹灰蜻(Orthetrum sabina)


蜻科 Orthetrum sabina ♂ 雌雄的胸部相似,胸腹连接处膨大成球状,膨大之后的 腹部纤细,越往后越粗。乍看可能误认为是白尾灰蜻(O. albistylum),细看其实较易识别。 thorax of male and female similar colour with 'ball-like' swelling just behind the thorax, after which they have an extremely narrow striped abdomen that gradually expands towards its tip – if examined properly this species is unmistakeable, although at first glance it can look a bit like O. albistylum.

大小 Size 雄性 male :Ab 30-36, HW 30-36; 雌性 female: Ab 32-35, HW 31-35


Distribution 分布 分布较广。 reasonably common throughout Chongqing.

确认的狭腹灰蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of O. sabina

Notes 备注 全球广布。 a globally widespread species.

Orthetrum sabina ♀


黄翅灰蜻 (Orthetrum testaceum)


蜻科 交配中的黄翅灰蜻 mating pair of O. testaceum © Oleg Kosterin

雄性颜色鲜红,易与红蜻(Crocothemis servilla)混淆。黄 翅灰蜻雄性复眼色淡近棕色,有黑色翅痣,而红蜻复眼色 鲜红,翅痣颜色淡。雌性呈不同程度的褐色。 One of only two species where the bright red males look very similar. This species has pale/ brown eyes and black pterostigma. Crocothemis servilla has bright red eyes and lighter coloured pterostigma. Females are varying degrees of brown.


Size 大小 Ab 29-30, HW 38 23

Distribution 分布 历史记录在酉阳有分布,但调查中未见。 not recorded during the surveys undertaken during this project but apparently previously reported from Youyang [which is why it is included in this handbook].

Notes 备注 黄翅灰蜻在偏热带国家如马拉西亚较多见。鉴于重庆的地 理和气候,笔者(及一位中国国内专家)均认为黄翅灰蜻 可能不是重庆蜻蜓大家族中的一员。 Haomiao Zhang comments that the old records from mainland China are probably all incorrect, so it is quite possible this species may not be a member of the Chongqing dragonfly fauna. Indeed it is a species that is better known from more tropical climes e.g. Malaysia.

23 23

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》 from Photo Atlas of Usual China Dragonflies


青灰蜻(Orthetrum triangulare)


蜻科 Orthetrum triangulare♂

雄性腹部末端、胸部、复眼和脸部全为黑色。易与异色灰 蜻(O. melania)混淆,但没有异色灰蜻翅膀基部的蓝染。 若未配对,雌性(无照片)较难与其他灰蜻雌性区分。本 物种无论雌雄,通常比异色灰蜻小一些。 Male with black tip to tail, dark thorax, dark eyes and black frons; can be confused with O. melania but to be certain the male lacks the blue base to its wings. The female [not illustrated] is hard to separate from others in the genus unless mating with the male. Both sexes are usually smaller than O. melania.


大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 29-33, HW 37-41; 雌性 female: Ab 29-32, HW 37

Distribution 分布 或许因为到访季节适当,调查确认物种偏北。因为它在中 国南方有分布,因此重庆南部可能也有。 Seemingly confined to the north of Chongqing, although this could be due to the timing of the survey [since the team was in the north a bit later in the season], and it may well occur further south – since it is found in other parts of southern China.

确认的青灰蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of O. triangulare


3.4.8. 曲缘蜻属(Palpopleura) 六斑曲缘蜻(Palpopleura sexmaculata)


摄于重庆的雄性六斑曲缘蜻 [ 也能像雌性那样有白色翅痣 ] male P. sexmaculata in Chongqing[can have whiter pterostigma like the female]

小型蜻蜓,宽宽的腹部是其最显著的特征;翅微黄,前后翅 梢都有小眼睛一般的翅痣。 雄性一般为蓝色,雌性黄色。 tiny, very distinctive broad-bodied dragonfly with pterostigma that look like eye spots at the tip of each yellowish wing. Males are predominantly blue, the females yellowish.

大小 Size Ab 13-16, HW 18-20 24

摄于广东的六斑曲缘蜻雌性 female P. sexmaculata from Guangdong


24 24

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》 from Photo Atlas of the Usual Dragonflies

©Kevin So

Distribution 分布 历史记录在长寿有分布 。调 查中仅见于南川金佛山。 only found at one mountain site in Chongqing during the surveys, but apparently previously recorded in 确认的分布区 Confirmed distribution


Notes 备注 有记录说此物种常见于山间草原湿地,停落在灌木和草丛 中。这一描述与我们 2010 年在金佛山见到的唯一的六斑曲 缘蜻生境(见下图)相符。重庆其他区县的相似生境也应 有分布。 others have observed that this species seems to be found in marshy areas in montane grasslands, often perched on prominent grass stems/ bushes. This description fits with the one site where it was found during 2010 surveys [see photo below], and the position in which our single male was recorded. It is probably going to be found in similar habitats elsewhere in the Province.

调查所见唯一一处六斑曲缘蜻 的生境 : 南川金佛山海拔 1200m 高处,有水 流过的草地 Single site where P. sexmaculata was found: montane, marshy grassland at 1200m in Jinfo Shan


3.4.9. 黄蜻属(Pantala) 黄蜻(Pantala flavescens)


蜻科 小型蜻蜓,停落时姿态较特别,总是垂直悬挂着;前翅较 后翅长,后翅因基部宽大呈三角形;有特色的网状翅脉。 雌雄外观相似,雌性 female 颜色稍暗淡。两性都有两条长的, 分开的肛附器。能够滑翔,飞行时也易识别。 A rather delicate dragonfly that always hangs vertically when it perches – which is rarely; it has long fore-wings; whilst its hind wings are very broad at their base looking almost triangular, and having distinctive wavy veins. Both sexes look similar, females being duller. Both have two simple, long, and separated anal appendages. On the wing P. flavescens is distinguished by its ‘gliding’ flight.


大小 Size Ab 26-37; HW 38-42

Distribution 分布 全市各区县都有分布。 confirmed across the Province during surveys, and likely to be found almost everywhere in Chongqing at some stage.

确认的黄蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of P. flavescens

Notes 备注 最为常见的种类,广布全球。能够飞行很远的距离,即使 在远离水栖环境的城镇也能见到它们成群结队。 a pan-global species that flies huge distances, and often gathers in large numbers even in towns [away from breeding habitat].


3.4.10. 玉带蜻属(Pseudothemis) 玉带蜻(Pseudothemis zonata)


蜻科 Pseudothemis zonata♂ 绝不会认错的一种蜻蜓:全身黑色,雄性腹前部绕白色环, 雌性的环为黄色(见下图) unmistakable libellulid being all black except for the obvious white band at the top of the male’s abdomen – a feature that is yellow in females [see photos below].

大小 Size 雄性 male :Ab 28-33, HW38-42; 雌性 female: Ab 28-33, HW 38-42

Pseudothemis zonata♀


Distribution 分布 较常见,特别是在低海拔地区。 对生境的选择性不强,在不宜 很多其他物种的生境(如水库、 明显污染的河流)中也能见其 繁殖。 fairly ubiquitous [particularly at lower altitudes] and seemingly 确认的玉带蜻的分布区 Confirmed presence of P. zonata

able to breed in habitats where many other species cannot e.g. reservoirs and quite polluted rivers.

Notes 备注 此物种在适宜生境内数量一般较多。即使在飞行中,观察 者也能分辨和计数雌雄个体。 the distinctiveness of this species even enables counting of the number of males versus females when on the wing. This species can occur in large numbers at favorable sites.

飞行中的雄性玉带蜻 Male Pseudothemis zonata in flight


3.4.11. 丽翅蜻属(Rhyothemis) 黑丽翅蜻(Rhyothemis fuliginosa)


蜻科 Rhyothemis fuliginosa♂ 黑丽翅蜻非常华美,绝难被认错:双翅大部分黑染并有金 属光泽 25 ,飞行较快但有飘浮感。unmistakable species that has a floating [although quite rapid] flight on characteristically predominantly dark metallic wings .25

大小 Size Ab18,HW30

调查中所见的黑丽翅蜻生境:酉阳境 内海拔 1,153m 的废弃水塘 Upland pond in Youyang [at 1,153m] where this species was recorded



据何时新在《中国常见蜻蜓图说》书中说:此物种的雌雄外观颜色都很相似。 Males and females are similar in coloration according to the Photo Atlas of Usual Chinese Dragonflies. 25

Distribution 分布 历史记录在长寿和北碚有分布。 调查中仅见于酉阳。 only found once during the surveys, although previously reported from Changshou and Beibei 确认的黑丽翅蜻的分布 Confirmed distribution of R. fuliginosa

Notes 备注 此次调查中唯一发现黑丽翅蜻的生境是酉阳高海拔地带的 一个废弃水塘(见下图)。黑丽翅蜻正躲在水塘附近深深 的杂草灌木丛中休息。但下面这幅摄于 2010 年 6 月 26 日 的图片显示的,显然是一只刚羽化不久的雄性 male 个体。 因此推断此物种出现的高峰期稍晚,其分布区应更广。. the site where this species was recorded from is an upland pond in Youyang [as below]; it has lots of tall nearby vegetation [including grasses] where the dragonflies were found roosting. However, the specimen photographed on 26th June [below] was clearly newly emerged and it might be that this is a later species that will be found more widely in the Province than suggested by this initial data [including in other habitats].


3.4.12. 赤蜻属(Sympetrum)


小型蜻蜓。雄性腹部红色,雌性腹部偏橘黄或黄色。翅颜 色不一,足通常为黑色。识别时要综合考虑各种特征,一 定要观察胸部斑纹。本属可能还有其他未记录的物种。 Small dragonflies: males with red abdomens, females more yellow/ orange; variable wing colouration; often with black legs. A combination of factors including the patterns on the thorax are required for identification. There may be more species than currently recorded.


大翅蜻(Sympetrum baccha)


蜻科 Sympetrum baccha♂ 较大而强壮的赤蜻,胸部的黑色斑纹分叉成两条,翅透明。 与其他赤蜻的雄性相比,大翅蜻的雄性颜色偏橘黄。雌性 黄黑相间。 quite a large, robust Sympetrum species with the middle stripe on the thorax forking in two, and clear wings. Males can be more orange than in other species; females are bold yellow and black. 大翅蜻胸部斑纹 Thoracic markings of S. baccha

大小 Size Ab 31-35; HW 38-40


Distribution 分布 2009 年培训和 2010 年的调 查中多处都有发现。 individuals found in several localities during surveys and training trips.

确认的大翅蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of S. baccha

Notes 备注 进一步调查可能确认其为广布种,但仍不如竖眉赤蜻(S. eroticum)那样常见。 likely to be found all over the Province once further monitoring work is undertaken, although seemingly not as common as other species like S. eroticum.

Sympetrum baccha♀


夏赤蜻(Sympetrum darwinianum) 重庆新记录 new Provincial record


蜻科 Sympetrum darwinianum♂

胸部侧面有 3 条黑色纹,其中后面的一条较细;翅透明, 肛附器不上翘。 3 stripes on the side of the thorax – the one towards the back being thinner, no upturned anal appendages, and clear wings. 夏赤蜻胸部侧面条纹 thoracic markings of S. darwinianum

大小 Size Ab 24, HW 2822


Distribution 分布 2009 年在江津培训时记录到,2010 调查中未见。 recorded once in Jiangjin during training activities in 2009. Not recorded during the 2010 surveys.

确认的夏赤蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of S. darwinianum

Notes 备注 尽管是重庆新记录,估计比调查所见的分布更广。只有一 个记录,或许反映此物种出现得稍晚。 likely to be more broadly distributed than suggested by this data, although seemingly a new record for the Province. The single record might purely reflect this species emerging relatively late in the season.


竖眉赤蜻(Sympetrum eroticum )


蜻科 交配中的竖眉赤蜻 mating pair of Sympetrum eroticum

胸部平坦且从侧面看只有一条粗黑的条纹;脸部有斑点; 雌性翅膀或透明,或翅尖深褐色;雄性翅透明,黄色肛附 器向上翘起。 almost plain thorax with a very thick single stripe at its front [viewed from the side]; spots on face; female with either clear or dark brown tipped wings, male clear wings and strongly upturned yellow anal appendages. 竖眉赤蜻胸部侧面条纹 Thoracic markings of Sympetrum eroticum

大小 Size 大小 : Ab 26; HW 29-31 26


26 26

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》。 from Photo Atlas of Usual China Dragonflies.

Distribution 分布 赤蜻中最常见最广布的物 种。调查所至的 13 个区县 均有记录。 probably the commonest and most widespread Sympetrum species, recorded in all of 13 Counties surveyed across Chongqing. 确认的竖眉赤蜻的分布区 Confirmed distribution of S. eroticum

Sympetrum eroticum ♂

Sympetrum eroticum ♀


秋赤蜻(Sympetrum frequens)


蜻科 Sympetrum frequens♂

©Kevin Seo

肛附器不上翘,胸部居中的条纹比较短,翅透明。. identifiable by lack of upturned anal appendages, relatively simple thoracic pattern [the middle stripe being shorter than in other species] and plain wings.

大翅蜻胸部斑纹 Thoracic markings of S. baccha

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab26,HW31;雌性 female: Ab25,HW30


Distribution 分布 历史记录在江津有分布,调查中未见。. not recorded during these surveys but previously reported from Jiangjin.

Sympetrum frequens♀




褐顶赤蜻(Sympetrum infuscatum)


蜻科 Sympetrum infuscatum ♂ © Kevin Seo


摄于韩国 taken in Korea

雌雄两性的翅膀末梢都有棕色晕;胸部侧面有 3 条差不多 等距的黑纹;腹部末端的几节多黑斑。 both sexes with brownish tips to wings, and 3 evenly spaced stripes on the side of the thorax; as well as a lot of black on the final segments of their abdomen. 大翅蜻胸部斑纹 Thoracic markings of S. baccha

大小 Size Ab 30-33; HW 35-37


Distribution 分布 调查中未见。历史记录万州、 巴南、 黔江和酉阳有分布。 not recorded during the surveys, but apparently previously reported from Wanzhou, Banan, Qianjiang, and Youyang

Sympetrum infuscatum ♀


摄于韩国 taken in Korea

© Kevin Seo


小黄赤蜻(Sympetrum kunckeli )


蜻科 Sympetrum kunckeli ♀ © Kevin Seo, 2009 年摄于开县 photographed in Kaixian, 2009

雄性脸部蓝色,肛附器上翘,胸部纹理较多较细,翅基橘 红色。 male with blue face, upturned anal appendages, and side of the thorax with multiple small stripes; wings orange at their base.

小黄赤蜻胸部侧面条纹 Thoracic markings of S. kunckeli

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab23,HW26;雌性 female: Ab22,HW27


Distribution 分布 2010 年 调 查 中 未 见, 但 2009 年培训时有记录。历 史记录在长寿有分布。 not recorded during the 2010 surveys, but seen during training activities in 2009, and previously reported from Changshou. 小黄赤蜻的确认分布 confirmed distribution of S. kunckeli

Sympetrum kunckeli ♂ © Kevin Seo, 摄于韩国 taken in Korea

交配中的小黄赤蜻 photos of mating pair © Kevin Seo, 摄于韩国 taken in Korea


黄基蜻蜓(Sympetrum speciosum) 重庆新记录 new provincial record


蜻科 Sympetrum speciosum ♂ 侧面观 side view

雌性两性后翅基部都有大片黄色的晕(翅脉为红色),胸 部有醒目的纹理,即使在飞行中(下图)也能观察到。 a combination of the large area of yellow on the hind-wings of both sexes [within which there are red veins] and the bold pattern on the thorax distinguish this species – even in flight [see below]. 黄基蜻蜓胸部侧面的斑纹 Thoracic markings on S. speciosum

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab23,HW26;雌性 female: Ab22,HW27


Distribution 分布 2009 年培训和 2010 年调查 期间在山区的多处地方(尤 其是水塘)观察到。 recorded at various sites [particularly ponds] in mountain areas throughout the 2010 survey [and previously during training in 确认的黄基蜻蜓的分布区 confirmed distribution of S. speciosum


Sympetrum speciosum ♀

黄基蜻蜓雌雄相扣,雌性正在水塘中产卵 Tandem pair of S. speciosum laying eggs in a montane pool


3.4.13. 褐蜻属 (Trithemis) 晓褐蜻(Trithemis aurora)


蜻科 Trithemis aurora ♂

雄性紫红色,雌性黄色,两性翅膀的颜色均艳丽,停落时 双翅往前往下压低。 bright violet male, and yellow female, both with a distinctive habit of perching with their wings held forwards in prominent positions, and both with brightly coloured wings.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 21-29, HW 24-34; 雌性 female Ab 19-27, HW 24-31


Distribution 分布 全市都有记录和广布。 recorded across the Province, and widely distributed across the region.

确认的晓褐蜻的分布 Confirmed distribution of Trithemis aurora

Notes 备注 估计各区县都有分布,生境类型多样,包括溪流、水塘、 沼泽等。 Likely to be present in most Counties, its habitat preferences seem to range from streams to ponds and marshes.

Sympetrum eroticum ♀


3.4.14. 斜痣蜻属(Tramea) 大华斜痣蜻(Tramea virginia)


蜻科 Tramea virginia ♂

体型较大,特征明显。雄性胸腹部均为红褐色,腹部末端 黑色;近三角形的后翅基部宽,带有明显的红褐色斑;雌 性(无照片)与其相似但颜色近棕黄。 large distinctive species: the male being red and black bodied with dark/brown red on base of its triangular hind wings; the female [not illustrated] are similarly coloured but more orange/ brown.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 34-37.5, HW43-49; 雌性 female: Ab 35, HW 49


Distribution 分布 历史记录在各区县都有分布。2010 年调查和 2009 年培训中 各记录到一次。 recorded once during surveys, and once the previous year during training exercises. It has been reported from 各区县 .

确认的大华斜痣蜻的分布 Confirmed distribution of T. virginia

Notes 备注 27

据 Wilson 观察:大华斜痣蜻反应很敏捷,难以靠近。但 通过其后翅基部标志性的红褐色斑,笨重的头胸部和滑翔 姿态,即使在飞行中辨认它也不难。. Wilson24 observes that this species is difficult to get close to due to its quick reactions, but that it is recognisable on the wing due to its heavy head and thorax, gliding flight and distinctively coloured wings.

27 27

见 Keith Wilson 所著《香港蜻蜓图鉴》一书 。 Field Guide to the Dragonflies of Hong Kong .


复眼在头顶不相连的蜻蜓 Dragonflies with eyes that don’t touch on top of their heads

154 154




156 156

黑色具黄色条纹和斑点的大型蜻蜓;雌性通常有明显的有 颜色的后翅;但是在重庆发现的这种蜻蜓并没有彩色的翅 膀;雌雄两性都可能与大型的春蜓(GOMPHIDS)甚至大蜓 (CORDULEGASRTIDS,见第 80 页)科的种类混淆。和春蜓 一样,本科物种的复眼在头部不相连,而大蜓科物种的复眼在 头顶部相连。 裂唇蜓科物种的后翅基部呈流线形,没有多数春蜓科(见第 160 页)物种那样的角度(臀角);另外成虫下唇中叶末端纵裂, 翅基室具横脉 , 也是本属的主要特征之一。 Very large dragonflies with yellow and black bodies; the females often have distinctively coloured hind wings. However, the one species so far recorded from Chongqing does not have coloured wings and both sexes could look like large GOMPHIDS or even CORDULEGASRTIDS [page 80]. In this family the eyes do not quite touch – like GOMPHIDAE – and unlike in CORDULEGASTIDAE where the eye touch on top of the head. In Chlorogomphidae the hind wing is rounded on its bottom edge – there is no angled section [like in most gomphids – see page 160], and the ‘median space’ on the wing is divided [see below], which is the key character for this family.



透翅宽套大蜓(Chlorogomphus tunti28 )(疑似 possible )


中室被横脉隔开 ‘Median space’ showing dividing veins

Chlorogomphus sp.i ♂

黑色具黄色条纹和斑点的大型蜻蜓。雌性腹部末节不膨大, 产卵器很短小(与大蜓科的雌性不同,见第 80 页 ]。 very large species, predominantly black with yellow markings. Female with unexpanded final segments of abdomen, and a small ovipositor [unlike CORDULEGASTRIDAE females – see page 80]

大小 Size Ab 49,HM 55

短小的产卵器 short ovipositorw



张浩淼和 Keith Wilson 协助进行了初步鉴定,还需进一步确认。 initial identification made with assistance from Haomiao Zhang and Keith Wilson. Still needs final confirmation. 28

Distribution 分布 在 2010 年的调查中仅在云 阳境内记录到了一只个体。 Only recorded once in Yungyang during the 2010 survey 确认的透翅宽套大蜓(疑似)的分布 Chlorogomphus sp confirmed presence

Notes 备注 2010 年调查时虽未见到雄性,但捕捉到的雌性当时正在乱 石堆积流速很快的河水中产卵。类似生境在重庆有不少, 因此推测透翅宽套大蜓在重庆别处也应有分布。 no males of this species were found during the 2010 survey, but the female photographed was first observed laying eggs in a rocky, fast-flowing river, of which there are many in the Province. It may therefore turn out that this species is more common or widespread than suggested by the single record so far.

Chlorogomphus sp.♂

Chlorogomphus sp.♀

黄基蜻蜓雌雄相扣,雌性正在水塘中产卵 Tandem pair of S. speciosum laying eggs in a montane pool 侧面观:可见腹末端下方的卵 side view , showing the eggs at the tip of her abdomen


3.6. 春蜓科(GOMPHIDAE)

160 160

本科物种复眼不在头顶相接,腹部末端多膨大。 The eyes of this family of dragonflies do not touch on the top of their head [see below]. They also often have expanded ends to their abdomens.


3.6.1. 异春蜓属(Anisogomphus) 福氏异春蜓(Anisogomphus forresti)


春蜓科 中小型的春蜓

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab23,HW26;雌性 female: Ab22,HW27


Distribution 分布 历史记录曾在巴南采集到标本。 reportedly collected from Banan

Notes 备注 此物种的信息很少,也没找到清晰可用的图片。凡体型中 等、看似马奇异春蜓但又与其不同的种类需仔细辨认并拍 照。 this species is poorly known – there being no accessible, definite photographs. Medium-sized gomphids that look similar to but different from A. maacki should be examined and photographed carefully


马奇异春蜓(Anisogomphus maacki)


春蜓科 Anisogomphus maacki ♂

中等大小的春蜓;腹末端垂直膨大有黄斑。 Medium-sized gomphid with yellow markings on sides of its flat, laterally expanded tip of its abdomen.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab45-47,HW35-37;雌性 female: Ab44-46,HW38-40

Distribution 分布 历史记录在巴南有分布,2010 年调查中在两个区县都记录到。 previous records from Banan; specimen collected


确认的马奇异春蜓的分布区 A. maacki confirmed presence

Notes 备注 考虑调查所得的分布点在重庆的最北和最南,此物种在重 庆的分布可能较广。注意雌性稍大体色偏黄,避免与其他 物种混淆。 likely to be widespread throughout the County given the two survey records come from both north and south. Care should be taken not to attribute the larger, yellower female to a different species.

© Kwang-su Jung


3.6.2. 戴春蜓属(Davidius) 弗鲁戴春蜓(Davidius fruhstorferi)


春蜓科 弗鲁戴春蜓头胸背面观:可见 复眼不相连,和胸部顶端的“7” 字条纹 D. fruhstorferi head, showing separated eyes that are typical of gomphids

小型春蜓,腹部末端无膨大,后足较长。胸部顶端有 "7" 字 形纹,肛附器结构简单(见下图)。 a small gomphid, without any expansion at the end of its abdomen, long hind legs, "7" on its thorax and simple anal appendages [see photos].

大小 Size Ab 32, HW21 雄性肛附器较简单 simple anal appendages of male


Distribution 分布 2009 年 于 江 津 四 面 山,2010 于秀山各记录到一次。历史 记录在万州有分布。 only recorded twice: once during 2010 survey in Xiushan, and once during 2009 training course in Simian Mountain, 确认的弗鲁戴春蜓的分布区 D. frhustorferi confirmed presence

Jiangjin. Previously reported from Wanzhou.

Notes 备注 多数春蜓成虫似乎喜欢高高栖于树顶 ,不易被观察记录到。 实际数量一定比观测到的要多。 This, along with other gomphids, seem to be to spend most of their adult lives quite high up in the tops of trees, only rarely descending. They are therefore probably easy to under-record, and may be more numerous than suggested by these data.

后翅基部内弯的角度大,形成一个“缺口”,是春蜓与裂唇蜓的区别所在 edge of hind wing, showing ‘notch’ that separates this family from the sometimes similar CHLOROGOMPHIDAE


3.6.3. 钩尾春蜓属(Onychogomphus) 环纹钩尾春蜓(Onychogomphus ringens )


春蜓科 Onychogomphus ringens♂ ©Jinsuk Kim

复眼蓝色;黑色的腹部有数条较宽的黄色纹,肛附器如钳状。 blueish eyes, broad yellow bands on a black abdomen, and this with rounded 'pincers' on the end of it.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab45-47,HW35-37;雌性 female: Ab44-46,HW38-40


Distribution 分布 历史记录在万州有分布。 reported from Wanzhou

Notes 备注 2010 年的调查中未见。但因春蜓喜欢栖息在高处,没有见 到并不等于不存在。一旦见到,这个物种应不难识别。 not recorded during 2010 surveys but, as per above, this does not indicate its absence, and it should be quite distinctive if found [due to the characters described above].


3.6.4. 叶春蜓属(Ictinogomphus) 小团扇春蜓(Ictinogomphus rapax )


春蜓科 Ictinogomphus rapax ♂

大型春蜓 , 体型硕大、黄黑相间的春蜓;腹部末端膨大成 单个刀片状。 large gomphids,extremely large yellow and black gomphid, with a single, striped ‘blade’ under the tip of its abdomen.

大小 Size Ab 46-49, HW 40-45 29


29 29

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》 from the Photo Atlas of the Usual China Dragonflies, 2007

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查时未见,但 2009 年在江津培训时见到并拍照, 是重庆的首次记录。 not confirmed during 2010 surveys, but previously recorded [& photographed] during training in Jiangjin – this being the first record for the Province.

确认的小团扇春蜓的分布区 Ictinogomphus rapax confirmed presence

Notes 备注 热带物种,在中国南方及以南广布。在重庆的分布可能仅 限渝南。 this is a tropical species, widely distributed in southern China and beyond, it may turn out to be confined to the southern Counties of Chongqing.


3.6.5. 新叶春蜓属(Sinictinogomphus) 大团扇春蜓(Sinictinogomphus clavatus)


重庆新记录 new provincial record

Sinictinogomphus clavatus ♂

体型硕大黄黑相间,与小团扇春蜓的区别在于腹部末端膨 大分开如两黄色镶黑边的刀片。 very large yellow and black gomphid, told apart from the species above by its two-pronged blade at the end of the abdomen, which is yellow but rimmed with black.

大小 Size Ab 49-52, HW 41-43 30


30 30

见何时新所著的《中国常见蜻蜓图说》 from the Photo Atlas of the Usual China Dragonflies, 2007

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查时见于云阳,历史记录在巴南有分布。。 recorded during 2010 survey in Yunyang; reportedly previously collected in Banan.

确认的大团扇春蜓的分布区 Sinictinogomphus clavatus confirmed presence

Notes 备注 估计为局部常见种。大、小团扇春蜓似乎都偏爱大水塘或 类似生境。 appears to be locally common i.e. where it occurs there may be several individuals in a relatively small area; also, from observations of this and the following species, these large gomphids appear to favour large fish ponds and similar habitats.


3.6.6. 长足春蜓属(Merogomphus ) 帕维长足春蜓(Merogomphus paviei )


春蜓科 Merogomphus paviei ♂

比大小团扇春蜓略小些,但仍算大型蜻蜓。腹部末端膨大 但不呈“刀片”状。后足较长带刺,胸部的顶部中央有“Y” 字形纹。 slightly smaller than the above species, but still very large. Lacks any ‘blades’ on the moderately expanded end to its abdomen. Long spiny hind legs and a ‘Y’ shaped marking in the middle of the top side of its thorax.

大小 Size Ab 48, HW 40


Distribution 分布 2010 年调查仅记录到一次,2009 年培训时同样在江津见到。 历史记录在北碚有分布。 only recorded once during the 2010 surveys, but also seen in the same County – Jiangjing – during training in 2009; previous records of specimen[s] being collected from Beibei

确认的帕维长足春蜓的分布 Merogomphus paviei confirmed presence

Notes 备注 初步判断 , 即使在飞行时,此物种似乎也常将腹部下弯成 弓形,有助于远处识别飞行中的个体。 i.o. this species seems to fly with its abdomen arched downwards, and so is relatively easy to identify from afar and in flight.


4. 束翅亚目 (ZYGOPTERA) 豆娘

176 176

停落时双翅合拢与背垂直的豆娘: 1) 色蟌科(CALEROPTYGIDAE) 2) 隼蟌科(CHLOROCYPHIDAE) 3) 蟌科 (COENAGRIONIDAE ) 4) 扇蟌科( PLATYCNEMIDIDAE) 5) 原蟌科(PROTONEURIDAE) 另外,还有属丝蟌科的色丝蟌亚科 (Sympecmatinae,见第 294 页)的 豆娘,停落时双翅也合拢 Damselflies that rest with their wings folded and held vertically over their backs. 1. CALEROPTYGIDAE 2. CHLOROCYPHIDAE 3. COENAGRIONIDAE 4. PLATYCNEMIDIDAE: 5. PROTONEURIDAE plus, one exception in the group that normally rest with their wings open: Subfamily: Sympecmatinae[see page 294]



178 178

体型中到大、身体及翅膀有金属光泽、翅较宽的豆娘。 broad-winged damselflies [demoiselles] - medium or large damselflies with metallic bodies and wings.


4.1.1. 赤基色蟌属(Archineura)


赤基丽色蟌 (Archineura incarnata)

Archineura incarnata ♂

大型豆娘。雄性双翅基部为红色,顶部透明;雌性色泽较暗, 翅透明有铜光泽。 very large demoiselle: wings of male red at base, transparent at top; female more subdued colours, wings transparent with bronze tint.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 58, HW 45


Distribution 分布 在渝南记录到该物种。 so far recorded from southern Chongqing,

确认的赤基丽色蟌的分布区 Confirmed distribution of A. incarnata

Notes 备注 此物种似乎偏好植被茂密、多岩石的溪流。雌性很警惕不 易被接近。 females in particular extremely difficult to get close to; species seems to favor rocky streams with vegetation around them.

Archineura incarnata ♀


4.1.2. 小色蟌属(Caliphea)


紫闪色蟌(Caliphaea consimilis )

Caliphaea consimilis ♂

特征明显的小豆娘。雄性呈金属红色(腹部有时呈红黑色), 腹部末端有白斑;雌性呈金属绿,腹部末端也呈白色,易 与细色蟌(Vestalis sp)混淆,但雌性紫闪色蟌的翅痣颜色 较淡,其胸下侧边缘的黄斑中有一块绿。雌雄两性停落时, 白色的“尾巴”都稍向下弯曲。 distinctive small demoiselle – particularly the male which has a white end to its metallic red [sometimes almost black-looking abdomen]. The female is dark metallic green a similar light end to its abdomen and could be confused with Vestalis sp but have light coloured pterostigma and a patch of green amongst the yellow of the lower sides of their thorax. Both sexes seem to rest with their ‘tails’ pointing downwards.

大小 Size 雌性 female: Ab 33, HW29


Distribution 分布 调查在多处记录到,过去的 历史分布点还包括武隆,可 见其分布较广,只要生境适 宜即可生存。 recorded across Chongqing, previous reports from other Counties including Wulong 确认的紫闪色蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. consimilis

suggest that it should be found anywhere where there is suitable habitat.

Notes 备注 推测紫闪色蟌偏好植被茂密的溪流生境。 initial observations suggest that C. consimilis prefers small well-vegetated streams.

Caliphaea consimilis ♀


4.1.3. 色蟌属(Calopteryx)


黑色蟌(Calopteryx atrata)

Calopteryx atrata ♂

©Oleg Kosterin

雄性的黑色翅膀及胸部,与其金属绿的腹部形成鲜明对照。 solid black wings and dark thorax that contrasts with the metallic green abdomen in male

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab48-50,HW37-40;雌性 female: Ab43-46,HW36-38


Distribution 分布 调查中未见。历史记录在长寿和彭水有分布。 not recorded during surveys, but previously reported from Changshou, Pengshui.


4.1.4. 单脉色蟌属(Matrona)


透顶单脉色蟌(Matrona basilaris )

Matrona basilaris ♂

特征明显。雄性双翅黑色,基部着金属蓝;雌性翅膀褐色, 比神女单脉色蟌雌性的翅膀稍宽,翅梢白色斑点较大。 very distinctive male demoiselle with metallic blue on bottom half of black wings; females have broader brown wings than those of female M. oreades, and has a larger white spot on them.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 48,HW 35; 雌性 female: Ab 42, HW 42


Distribution 分布 调查中在数区县都记录到。 recorded in several counties across Chongqing

确认的透顶单脉色蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of M. basilaris

Notes 备注 较常见,在江津四面山植被丰富、清澈见底的河流中数量 较多。2009 年夏末时在四面山同一地点见到的种群更大些, 推测此物种出现的季节在夏季稍晚。 appears to be commoner, and at higher densities in the south of the Province on well-vegetated, cleaner streams and rivers. More individuals were seen in the same areas of Jiangjin in 2009 later in the season than the 2010 surveys suggesting that it is quite a late emerging species.

Matrona basilaris ♀




神女单脉色蟌(Matrona oreades)

Matrona oreades ♂

雄性翅膀褐色,比其金属蓝绿色的身体要短得多。雌性与 其他单脉色蟌的雌性相似,与共栖于同一生境的邻居透顶 单脉色蟌(M. basilaris)雌性相比,其翅膀较窄颜色更淡, 翅梢的白色斑更小。 male with brown wings that are much shorter than than the metallic blue-green thorax and abdomen. Females are very similar to those of other Matrona species but can be separated from M. basilaris [which can be found in the same habitats since they have narrower, lighter wings, with smaller white marks on their wings.

大小 Size 雄 性 male: Ab 50-56, HW 37-41.5; 雌 性 female: Ab47-56.5, HW 40-47.5 31


31 此数据来自四川和甘肃标本,由 Matti Hamalainen 提供,四川所采标本体型 要大得多。 31 Measurements courtesy of Matti Hamalainen based on measurements from specimens from Sichuan and Gansu, the former being much larger than the latter.

Distribution 分布 调查中见于江津和丰都,在 其他南部区县可能也有分布。 recorded in Jiangjin and Fengdu, may be found in other Counties of southern Chongqing. 确认的神女单脉色蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of M. oreades

Notes 备注 此物种不久前才被科学界描述。笔者观察到的该物种行为 也有幸被纳入了描述此物种的论文。似乎局限分布于植被 茂密、水质清澈的高海拔溪流中。 this is a very recently described species and information from the ECBP surveys have been used in the behavioral sections of the resultant scientific publication. It seems to be confined to well-vegetated, clean, upland streams.

Matrona oreades♀ 在产卵 laying eggs


4.1.5. 绿色蟌属(Mnais)


亮翅绿色蟌(Mnais gregoryi)

Mnais gregoryi ♂ Matti Hamalainen

雌性和透明翅型的雄性与透翅绿色蟌(Mnais tenuis )相似, 但体型更大;也有的雄性翅膀中部有褐色晕,极具特色。. females and clear winged males of this species are similar to Mnais tenuis – but bigger; the most distinctive examples will be the stripe-winged form of the male.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab48-50,HW37-40;雌性 female: Ab43-46,HW3638


Distribution 分布 还不确定调查中是否见到。历史记录在江津四面山有分布。 not positively recorded during our surveys, but previously reported from Jiangji, Simian Mountain.

Notes 备注 学 名 Mnais maclachlani Fraser, 1924 与 Mnais gregoryi Fraser, 1924 所指的是同一物种,两个学名所描述的物种都来自云 南。所以重庆历史记录中的 M. maclachlani 肯定就是该物 种 2。然而将绿色蟌属的个体鉴定到种笔记比较困难,亮 翅绿色蟌与下面的透翅绿色蟌 M. tenuis 一样,有两种形态 的雄性:一种翅透明,另一种翅膀上有宽宽的晕纹 Mnais maclachlani Fraser, 1924 is synonym of Mnais gregoryi Fraser, 1924, which were both described from Yunnan. The reports from Chongqing of M. maclachlani must therefore be considered this species 32. However, the genus is very difficult to identify to species, and gregoryi [like tenuis, below] has two male forms, the other with hyaline wings and the other form with broad dark bands on wings

Mnais gregoryi ♀(疑似 Probable

32 32

此信息由 Matti Hamalainen 提供。 Information on this species courtesy of Matti Hamalainen.





透翅绿色蟌(Mnais tenuis)

透翅绿色蟌有色翅型的雄性 Mnais tenuis tenuis, coloured winged form

一种雄性(多为占有领地的优势个体)胸上部及腹部有明 显的白色蜡样着色,双翅呈红棕色;另一种雄性身体呈绿色, 双翅透明;雌性与透明翅的雄性颜色相近,但腹部末端较 膨大并有明显的产卵器。. one form of male heavily pruinosed making the dorsal surface of both thorax and abdomen appear almost white, and redbrown wings [this usually being the dominant, territory holding individuals] as well as a green bodied, transparent winged subordinate form; females coloured more like the hyaline winged male but with a heavily expanded end to the abdomen, and an obvious ovipositor.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab48-50,HW37-40;雌性 female: Ab43-46, HW36-38


Distribution 分布 调查在重庆数个区县都记录到。 recorded from several Counties within the Province.

确认的透翅绿色蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of M. tenuis

透翅绿色蟌透明翅型雄性 Mnais tenuis male hyaline/ uncoloured winged form

Mnais tenuis♀


4.1.6. 细色蟌属(Vestalis)


丽细色蟌(Vestalis venusta)

Vestalis venusta ♂ 摄于泰国

photographed in Thailand Dennis Farrell

雌雄都呈现明显的绿色金属光泽, 下唇全黑;翅膀较黑角 细色蟌(V. smaragdina)宽。注意不要把细色蟌属的个体 误认为雌性紫闪色蟌(caliphaea consimilis ):细色蟌属两 个物种的腹部末端一般都向上翘,这可作为重要的野外辨 识特征。此外,它们没有雌性紫闪色蟌有的翅痣,其胸部 下侧边缘为纯黄色、无色斑。 male and female predominantly metallic green, with completely black labium; broader wings than V. smaragdina. Be careful not to confuse Vestalis spp. with female caliphaea consimilis . Both Vestalis species are likely to carry the tip of their abdomen pointing upwards, which might be a useful field identification point. Also, neither will have pterostigma or the patch of colour in the yellow of the lower side of the thorax that female C. consimilis have.


大小 Size 雄 性 male: Ab 43.5-51, HW 32-37; 雌 性 female: Ab 40-44.5, HW 36-39 3

Distribution 分布 历史记录在江津四面山有分布。本次调查中未见。 not recorded during our surveys, but reported from Simian Shan in Jiangjin.

Notes 备注 已有的记录该物种多出现在夏末,如四川的记录是 8、9 月 份,福建的记录甚至到 11 月份。我们的调查时间在夏初, 因此可能没赶上丽细色蟌出没的时节。 apparently recorded flying very late in the year – from August to September in Sichuan, and until late November in Fujian, and may therefore probably missed completely by the surveys to-date.




黑角细色蟌(Vestalis smaragdina)

与丽细色蟌相似,但翅膀窄些,下唇为黑黄两色。 similar to V. venusta but with black and yellow labium and with thinner wings.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab48-50,HW37-40;雌性 female: Ab43-46, HW36-38


Distribution 分布 历史记录称此物种分布于重庆各区县。此次调查中未见。 not recorded during the project but apparently reported from every County in Chongqing.

Notes 备注 黑角细色蟌与丽细色蟌很相似。怀疑是其中一个,还须拍 摄多角度的照片并征求专家建议来鉴定 this species is very similar to the former and both should be photographed comprehensively and expert taxonomic advice sought in order to confirm identification.



198 198

多见于水流速度较快的山涧和溪流中,有小“鼻子” 的豆娘。 Small 'nosed' damselflies that are usually found in fastflowing streams.



4.2.1. 圣鼻蟌属(Aristocypha) 赵氏圣鼻蟌(Aristocypha chaoi)


Aristocypha chaoi♂

有“鼻子”的小豆娘。雄性着黑蓝两色(腹部上段全为蓝色), 被誉为豆娘中的蓝精灵;雌性着黄褐两色。 another small ‘nosed’ damselfly, the male is blue and black [all of its upper abdominal segments being blue], whilst the females are instead brown and yellow.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 16.5, HW 21; 雌性 female: Ab 16, HW22


Distribution 分布 调查中在江津四面山记录到。 recorded in Simian Shan, Jiangjin.

确认的赵氏圣鼻蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of Aristocypha chaoi

Notes 备注 2009 年在历史记录点江津四面山的一条溪流旁观察并拍摄 到个体。2010 年调查时此地因新开采石场而导致溪水被阻 断,没能再见到。显然此物种对生境的变化非常敏感。 found in rocky streams within the region where it has so far been recorded. It seemed to have disappeared from one area where it had been found in 2009 due to a shallow stretch of stream being filled in to facilitate a village mining enterprise in 2010. This suggested that the species is probably quite sensitive to habitat alteration. Aristocypha chaoi♀



4.2.2. 鼻蟌属(Rhinocypha)


线纹鼻溪蟌(Rhinocypha Drusilla)

非常有特色的橘黄色小豆娘,翅长大于腹长,加上隼蟌科 特有的小“鼻子”,较易识别。 an unmistakable small orange species with wings that are longer than its abdomen, and the characteristic ‘nose’ of the family Chlorochyphidae.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab48-50,HW37-40;雌性 female: Ab43-46,HW3638


Distribution 分布 本次调查中未见。但其标本曾在江津四面山被采集并报道。 not recorded to-date but reported as collected in Simian Shan, Jiangjin.



204 204

豆娘中种类最多最常见的一科,翅膀一般较窄。 Narrow-winged damselflies – the largest and commonest group of damselflies.


4.3.1. 小蟌属(Agriocnemis)


杯斑小蟌(Agriocnemis femina)

Agriocnemis femina♂


体型很小易被忽视。较“年轻”的雄性腹部末端橘红,像 橘红色“尾巴”,效显著;“年长”雄性胸部的蜡质白色 也很有特点;雌性或呈红色(与较大的橘红色褐斑异痣蟌 Ischnura senegalensis 相似),或与“年轻”雄性相似但无橘 红色“尾巴”。 a very small species, easily overlooked: younger males orangetailed, and distinctive; older males also easy to identify since they are pruinosed to the point of being white over the thorax; females similar without the orange tail or red [and similar to the larger orange form of Ischnura senegalensis].

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 16-17, HW 10.5-11; 雌性 female: Ab 18, HW 11


Distribution 分布 2010 年调查时在三个区县记录到,2009 年见于万州。 recorded from 3 Counties during 2010, and one more [Wanzhou] during training activities in 2009.

确认的分布区 Confirmed distribution

Agriocnemis femina♂

Agriocnemis femina♀

“年老” older




白腹小蟌(Agriocnemis lacteola)

Agriocnemis lacteola ♂

相当细小的豆娘,雄性几乎全身白色,颇具特色;雌性呈 深绿和黑色(无照片)。 tiny damselfly with a very distinctive male – being so pale coloured, the female being much darker green and black [not illustrated]

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 16-18, HW 9.5-10; 雌性 female: Ab 16-18, HW 15.5-17


Distribution 分布 调查中在三个区县多处地方都记录到。 recorded from several sites in 3 Counties.

确认的白腹小蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of A. lacteola

Notes 备注 体型太细小容易被调查人员忽视,其实际分布可能比之前 历史记录的要广得多。 this species will probably turn out to be much more widespread than suggested by this initial data, since it is so easy to overlook.


4.3.2. 黄蟌属(Ceriagrion)


长尾黄蟌(Ceriagrion fallax)

Ceriagrion fallax ♂

雄性黄色,腹部末端第 7-10 节大部分着黑色;雌性多绿和 深褐色,腹部的黑色和其他物种的雄性一样显著。, male a yellow damselfly with black over most of segments 7 – 10; female more green and dark brown, although black on abdomen can stand out as in the male on some specimens.

大小 Size Ab 32-34; HW 21-22


Distribution 分布 2010 年调查时全市多处都记录到。 found across the Province during 2010 surveys.

确认的长尾黄蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. fallax

Ceriagrion fallax♀




短尾黄蟌(Ceriagrion melanurum)

Ceriagrion melanurum♂

雄性与稍大些的长尾黄蟌(C. fallax)的雄性极其相似,但 其腹部末端的黑斑较小,在上部呈一条细带;调查中未能 辨认出雌性。 male looks very similar to the slightly bigger C. fallax [above] but the black on the final segments of its abdomen is reduced to a strip on the top surface; the female wasn’t properly described during the survey.

大小 Size Ab 26-31, HW 17-22


Distribution 分布 调查的 13 个区县中有 11 个都记录到此物种,估计在重庆 广布。, a common species found in 11 of the 13 Counties surveyed, and likely to be found in most of the others given more monitoring effort.

确认的短尾黄蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. melanurum

Notes 备注 大部分静止水体、有一定植被覆盖的生境都可见到此物种。 2010 年调查时多处都见到。 the habitat of this species seems to extend to most vegetated bodies of still water.




日本黄蟌(Ceriagrion nipponicum)

Ceriagrion nipponicum♂

雄性胸部呈橘红色,腹部及复眼皆呈红色;雌性胸部绿色, 腹部棕色,与褐尾黄蟌(C. rubiae)的雌性较难区别。 male orange thorax, red abdomen with red eyes; female: green thorax and brownish abdomen, and more difficult to distinguish from C. rubiae females.

大小 Size 未知 unknown


Distribution 分布 历史记录在巴南有分布。调查中见于重庆中部及南部。 recorded from across central and southern Chongqing, and previously reported from Banan; specimens collected Shan Banan shengdeng.

确认的日本黄蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. nipponicum

Notes 备注 是黄蟌属两种红色种类中较常见的一种。与其他黄蟌不同, 日本黄蟌似乎偏好稻田生境,常见它与东亚异痣蟌(Ischnura asiatica,第 220 页)做伴。 seems to be the more common of the 2 red Ceriagrion species and was found in rice paddies where most other species were absent [often with Ischnura asiatica see page 220].




褐尾黄蟌(Ceriagrion rubiae)

交配 mating pair

与日本黄蟌很相似,但其雄性复眼为绿色,胸部橘红色更 深。. very smilar to C. nipponicum but male has green eyes and more orange thorax.

大小 Size Ab 27-30, HW 20


Distribution 分布 调查中仅有两次记录:一次在长寿湖边的沼泽地(大部分 个体在此见到),一次在酉阳。历史记录在武隆有分布。 only positively recorded in 2 sites [one in Changshou – where the most were seen - in the marshy area beside the main reservoir, and at one other site in Youyang] but previously reported from Wulong as well.

确认的褐尾黄蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. rubiae

Notes 备注 发现褐尾黄蟌的两处生境都是有放牧的沼泽,可能这是此 物种偏好的栖息地。 the two sites where the team found this species were both grazed marshes, it may be that this is the habitat of preference for this damselfly.


4.3.3. 蟌属(Coenagrion)


多棘蟌 (Coenagrion aculeatum)

交配 mating pair

全身铁蓝色和黑色相间,紧接胸部的腹部第一节(包括上 部和两侧)有“M”形斑纹。 electric blue and black striped damselfly, with 'M' shaped marking on the first segment below the thorax [top and side surfaces].

大小 Size Ab 27.5, HW 18.5 33



于昕、卜文俊,2007。中国红蟌属 Pyrrhosoma Charpentier 研究及一新种描述, 动物分类学报 33 Xin Yu & Yenjun Bu [2007]. Two new species of Coenagrion from China. Zootaxa.

Distribution 分布 模式标本采自江津,此次调查见于石柱和丰都。 recorded during surveys in Shizu and Fengdu, but described from Jiangjin.

确认的多棘蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. aculeatum

Notes 备注 尽管分布较广,在某些地点数量还很多,此物种却直到 2007 年才被正式发现和描述,可见重庆蜻蛉目还有很多亟 待发现之处。仅在石柱一处海拔 1500 米左右的莼菜田,调 查小组就见到了一群至少 500 多只的多棘蟌。 despite being quite widespread [and fairly numberous at some sites] and very distinctive this species was only described in 2007, and illustrates [along with some of the others in this group] that there is still a lot to discover about the Odonata of Chongqing. Well over 500 individuals were seen in vegetable paddies in Shizu [at about 1,500m altitude], for instance.


4.3.4. 异痣蟌属(Ischnura)


东亚异痣蟌(Ischnura asiatica 34)

Ischnura asiatica♂

纤小的豆娘。雄性腹部色暗,第 9 节有蓝斑;雌性不起眼, 色棕黄。 delicate damselfly; male with blue 9th segment to its dark abdomen [compare with I. senegalensis]; female brownish and inconspicuous.

大小 Size 雌性 male: Ab 20-25, HW 20-25; 雄性 female: HW 12-15.



I. lobata 与 I. asiatica 这两个学名所指的是同一物种 - 东亚异痣蟌。. Note that I. lobata is another name for I. asiatica. The former has therefore been omitted from this handbook despite it being on the original ECBP dragonfly checklist.


Distribution 分布 调查中多处见到。历史记录在巴南有分布。 recorded from across the Province, and previously reported from Banan.

确认的东亚异痣蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of I asiatica

Notes 备注 似乎偏好稻田,也见其蛰 伏在缓流周边的杂草丛 中。此物种的适宜生境在 重庆很多,分布较广。 seems to favour rice paddies, and grassy edges to slow-flowing water in Chongqing, where it is very common and widespread.

交配 mating pair




红痣瘦蟌(Ischnura rufostigma)

Ischnura rufostigma♂

雄性特征鲜明。腹部以红色为主,黑色末端有一蓝色大斑点; 雌性偏淡橘黄色,腹部末端也着黑色但无蓝色斑点。 males unmistakable with their red abdomen ending in black segments with a large blue spot; females more dull orange with similar black segments but no blue spot.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 24, HW 16; 雌性 female: Ab 24, HW 16


Distribution 分布 历史记录在有分布南川。此次调查在 3 个区县都有记录。 recorded from 3 different Counties during surveys, and previously reported from Nanchuan.

确认的红痣瘦蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of I. rufostigmata

Notes 备注 从调查结果看红痣瘦蟌 种群数量不算庞大,似乎 偏好鱼塘荷花池等生境。 not abundant during surveys to-date but seems to favour fish and lotus ponds.

交配 mating pair




褐斑异痣蟌(Ischnura senegalensis)

Ischnura senegalensis♂

雄性与东亚异痣蟌(I. asiatica )雄性的颜色相似,但腹 部第 8、9 节为黑色(在野外看上去颜色要比东亚异痣蟌 的深好多);雌性或与雄性相似(见下雌雄交配图片), 或呈橘黄色 ,易与较小的红色型杯斑小蟌(Agriocnemis femina)的雌性混淆。 males similar in colouration to I. asiatica but with black on segments 8 and 9 of the abdomen – looking a lot darker when seen in the field; females can either be similarly coloured [see mating pair below] or orange [see individual below], in which case they could be confused with the smaller orange female Agriocnemis femina.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 21-23, HW 13-15; 雌性 female: Ab 20-24, HW 14-16


Distribution 分布 广布于重庆。 widespread in the Province. 确认的分布区 Confirmed distribution

Notes 备注 在新稻田或水库这类其他物 种稀少的生境中,褐斑异痣 蟌常是优势物种。 dominant in some habitats where there are few other species e.g. newer paddy f i e l d s o r t h e m a rg i n s o f reservoirs.

交配 mating pair

Ischnura senegalensis♀


4.3.5. 尾蟌属(Paracercion)


挫齿尾蟌(Paracercion barbatum 35) (疑似 possible )


重庆新记录 new provincial record

粗粗的“U”形纹 Thick U shaped marking

Paracercion barbatum♂ 雄性与捷尾蟌( P. v-nigrum)的雄性非常像,因此需仔细 辨认。雄性挫齿尾蟌的特征是翅基后、腹第二节上有粗“U” 形的黑纹(见图)。雌性也是蓝黑相间但色泽浅。 males of this damselfly are very similar to those of P. v-nigrum, and should therefore be checked carefully. The distinguishing feature of this blue and black species is the thick ‘cup’ shaped marking on the surface of the 2nd abdominal segment immediately behind the wings [see photo ]. Females are paler blue and black.

大小 Size Ab 30, HW 21 36 35

Oleg Kosterin 和 Elena Malikova 协助鉴定,Henri Dumont 确认了鉴定结果。 Identification verified by Oleg Kosterin and Elena Malikova, and species validity confirmed by Henri Dumont 36 2010 年蜻蜓调查时在武隆采集的标本测量结果,标本将收藏于重庆自然博 物馆。 36 From specimens collected during 2010 surveys in Wulong and due to be deposited in the Chongqing Museum. 35


Distribution 分布 调查所至的重庆中北部多个 区县都有记录。 Recorded from most Counties of Central and northern Chongqing. 确认的挫齿尾蟌(疑似)分布区 Confirmed [initial] distribution map of P. barbatum

Notes 备注 和多棘蟌(Coengarion aculeatum)一样,. 此物种在重庆 较常见,在适宜栖息地内数量较多,然而目前我们对挫齿 尾蟌所知甚少。因为它与捷尾蟌(P. v-nigrum 37 )较难区分, 本书呈献的相关数据仅仅是初步结果。请读者多拍野外照 片,仔细观察推敲。 This is quite a poorly known species but quite common in Chongqing where it can be present in very large numbers in good habitat [which it can share with Coengarion aculeatum]. Due to the difficulty in separation from P. v-nigrum 37 the distribution shown is preliminary and all records should be checked and [where possible] verified through high quality photographs that show the key features mentioned.

交配 mating pair

37 据与于昕的个人交流:他(在自己的研究中)未把它们截然分开,但还 是根据两物种雄性斑纹和成熟雌性色泽的差异,将挫齿尾蟌和捷尾蟌( P. v-nigrum)作为两个不同的物种对待。 37 Xin Yu pers. comm. that he doesn't separate this from P. v-nigrum, but listed as two species herein due to variation in male markings, and difference in overall colour of mature females, as seen in mating pairs.



蓝纹尾蟌(Paracercion calamorum)


重庆新纪录 new provincial record

Paracercion calamorum♂

小型豆娘,喜欢在荷叶等浮于水面的植被上休憩。雄性较 易辨识,因为其深黑色的腹部与末端的亮蓝色斑纹形成鲜 明对照;雌性相似但腹部末端无蓝色斑纹。 small species that favours sitting on lily pads or similar floating vegetation e.g. lotus leaves; the males are easily identified by their dark blue bodies that contrast with the electric blue tips to their abdomen. Females are similar but without the blue abdominal tip.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 22-23.5, HW 15-16; 雌性 female: Ab 23-25, HW 16-17


Distribution 分布 调查中见于 4 个区县。

确认的蓝纹尾蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of P. calamorum

Notes 备注 在有浮游植物的适宜生境中较常见数量也较多。 quite a common species that can occur in high densities in good habitat including ponds and rivers with suitable vegetation for the adults to rest on.

© 洪兆春 - 典型生境(莼菜田)中配对的蓝纹尾蟌



捷尾蟌(Paracercion v-nigrum38 )(疑似 possible )


重庆新记录 new provincial record

Paracercion v-nigrum♂

摄于江津 photographed in Jiangjin

雄性蓝黑条纹相间,翅基后腹前端背面有一较大的黑色圆 斑;雌性黄黑相间(如下图所示)。 male: blue and black striped with a large, round black marking on top surface of the abdomen immediately behind its wings; female yellow and black [as in the photo below].

大小 Size 未知 unknown 38


笔者与 Oleg Kosterin 探讨了重庆所见捷尾蟌与西伯利亚东南捷尾蟌的差异, 并做出初步鉴定。但是,进一步鉴定可能将其定为尾蟌属的另一个种 - 钱博 细蟌( P. sieboldi),但据目前文献记载后者仅分布于日本。. 38 After discussion with Oleg Kosterin about the variation in this species as opposed to specimens in SE Siberia this is the preliminary identification reached. However, it may turn out – on closer examination – that this is actually a different taxa within the genus Paracercion. It actually bears close resemblance to P. sieboldi, but this appears to be a Japanese endemic.

Distribution 分布 调查中见于 2 个区县。但因雄性捷尾蟌与雄性挫齿尾蟌( P. barbatum )极其相似,调查组不排除识别失误的可能,所 述分布情况也仅是初步数据。 recorded in 2 Counties, although due the close resemblance of the male to P. barbatum it is likely that other sites host this species too and it may have been missed by the team. Thus, distribution is given as initial only. 确认的捷尾蟌(疑似)分布区 Confirmed [initial] distribution map of P. v-nigrum

Notes 备注 此物种目前的分类仅为初步判断,不排除分类错误的可能。 as mentioned in the footnote this species may turn out to be a different taxa on closer examination.

交配中的捷尾蟌(疑似),摄于巫溪 mating pair of P. v-nigrum photographed in Wuxi




褐斑蟌(Pseudagrion spencei 39)


重庆新记录 new provincial record

Pseudagrion spencei ♂

雄性特征显著。胸部有宽宽的蓝色条纹,肛附器尖锐显眼; 雌性(未见,无照片)颜色偏橘黄。 the broad blue thoracic stripe and obvious, blunt anal appendages identify the male; the female is not shown [and was not recorded] but should is more orange.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 27, HW17; 雌性 female: Ab 29, HW 20


39 39

鉴定得到于昕的认同。 Identification confirmed by Xin Yu.

Distribution 分布 调查中分别见于两个区县的两个地点。 only found at 2 sites in 2 Counties

确认的褐斑蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of P. spencei

Notes 备注 此物种在此次调查中的记录并不多,但它在东南亚和澳洲 很常见。 although this damselfly wasn’t recorded much during the surveys it is common throughout southern Asia and Australasia.



234 234

本科雄性足胫节不同程度扩大,甚至呈薄片状。 Damselflies with males that have expanded legs [to lesser or greater extent]


4.4.1. 丽扇蟌属(Calicnemia)


重庆新记录 new provincial record


朱腹丽扇蟌(Calicnemia eximia 40)

Calicnemia eximia ♂

雄性色泽鲜艳,胸部具黑色和橘红条纹,腹艳红, 头前部 红色,足橘红色,肛附器上下两段长度相等;雌性色浅偏 橘黄,胸部有黄色斑纹。 males very bright red with yellow and orange stripes on the thorax, red on the front of the heads, and deep orange legs – upper and lower anal appendages equal length; females orange with yellow stripes on the thorax.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 30-34, HW 21-33; 雌性 female: Ab 28-30, HW 23-25 41 位于武隆的朱腹丽扇蟌生境 Site in Wulong where this species was recorded 40

鉴定得到于昕的认同。 Identification confirmed by Xin Yu. 41 见《印度蜻蜓》一书。 41 from Dragonflies of India. 40


Distribution 分布 调查中仅有一个记录。此物 种在中国南方广布,在重庆 南部区县应有分布。 recorded from one , but clearly quite a widespread species in southern China, and therefore 确认的朱腹丽扇蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of C. eximia

likely to be present in other sites [particularly in the south of Chongqing].

Notes 备注 调查组在一个颇具特色的地点(见下图)见到朱腹丽扇蟌: 石灰岩地貌,地面有小型沼泽,地下水沁润的陡坡上有丰 富的植被,下有一涵洞。 the habitat where this species was recorded was quite distinctive [see photo below]. It composed a swampy area derived from where a subterranean limestone river surfaced giving rise to very tall vegetation on a steep slope above a concrete culvert. Calicnemia eximia♀



丽扇蟌属未知物种 (Calicnemia chaseni) (疑似 possible )


Calicnemia chaseni ♂ (疑似 possible)

Calicnemia chaseni ♂ 未成熟 immature(疑似 possible ) 胸部顶端的斑纹或红或黄,可能有个体差异;成熟雄性足 为黑色(右侧图可能为一未成熟个体);雌雄两性腹部第 一节均为黄色。 possibly quite a variable damselfly with either red or yellow stripes at the top of its thorax, and dark legs when mature [the male on the right below may be an immature specimen]; both sexes with the first segment of the abdomen yellow.

大小 Size Ab 30, HW 23 42


42 42

测量结果来自图中所示的雌性标本 . Measurements from female specimen pictured above.

Distribution 分布 2009 年见于江津。 one individual found in Jiangjin in 2009 during training. 确认的分布区 Confirmed distribution

Notes 备注 上两图所示的两个雄性 个体也可能为不同物种,但因其出 现在同一地点又极其相似,暂认定为同一未知物种。笔者 依据 Keith Wilson 正在编写的中国丽扇蟌检索表,将此物 种暂定为 C. chaseni。另外笔者所摄于江津的成熟雄性照片 与一张摄于马来西亚的 C. chaseni 照片非常相似。 the two males may turn out to be different species, but both were recorded in the same area and are therefore included as one unknown species at the moment. C. chaseni is suggested from a key to Chinese Calicnemia that Keith Wilson is developing. The first male also looks very similar to photographs of C. chaseni from Malaysia.

Calicnemia chaseni ♀

(疑似 possible)



4.4.2. 长腹蟌属( Coeliccia)


黄纹长腹蟌(Coeliccia cyanomelas)

Coeliccia cyanomelas♂( (未成熟 juvenile)

身体细长的豆娘。雄性腹部黑色,末端(含腹第 7 节一半) 背面着蓝色,肛附器青蓝色;雌性腹部有黄色条纹,末端 蓝色较浅;未成熟雄性与雌性相似。 very slim, long damselflies, males with the upper side of the end of their dark abdomens - including half of segment 7 coloured blue and tipped with cyan blue anal appendages; female with yellow stripes & less blue on abdomen; juvenile males yellow.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 58, HW 45


Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中在 4 个区县的 多个地点都见到,实际分布 可能更广。历史记录各区县 都有分布。 C. cyanomelas was recorded from several sites in 4 Counties 确认的布区 Confirmed distribution

during 2010 surveys, but can be expected to be found in all suitable habitat across the Province. It was previously reported from all the counties.

Notes 备注 一种常见的“森林”物种,总是出现在植被茂密和近水之 处,特别是沟渠和溪流附近。此物种停落时喜欢贴近地面, 一般呈悬挂姿势。 one of the commoner ‘forest’ species, almost always being found in well-vegetated areas around still or slow flowing water [ditches and streams in particular]; this species tends to hang vertically, sometimes very close to the ground.

Coeliccia cyanomelas♂

Coeliccia cyanomelas♀



四斑长腹蟌(Coeliccia didyma )

Coeliccia didyma ♂ 摄于泰国 taken in Thailand photos ©Oleg Kosterin 雄性与黄纹长腹蟌的区别在于其肛附器为黑色,腹部第 7 节无蓝色;雌性腹部有黄色条纹蓝斑面积小,与黄纹长腹 蟌的雌性类似。 male, told from C. cyanomelas by having black anal appendages at end of abdomen being black and no blue on segment 7; female with yellow stripes & less blue on abdomen, very similar to the species above.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab37-43,HW25-28;雌性 female: Ab32-40,HW2728


Distribution 分布 调查中没有记录到。历史记录在丰都、武隆和北碚有分布, 样本采集于北碚。 not recorded during our surveys, but apparently previously reported from Fengdu, Wulong, and Beibei, with specimens collected in 样本采集于北碚 .

Coeliccia didyma ♀

摄于泰国 taken in Thailand

photos ©Oleg Kosterin



4.4.3. 狭扇蟌属(Copera)


白狭扇蟌(Copera annulata)

Copera annulata♂

足节有“毛”的大型豆娘:雄性黑色腹部上有蓝白色环状纹, 腹最后两节及肛附器也呈淡蓝色,足黑白相间;雌性颜色不一, 有时与雄性相似,有时斑纹成黄色或棕黄色,足呈橘黄色。于 昕认为较“年轻”的雌性偏橘黄色(如右下图所示),“年长” 雌性偏青(如左下配对图所示)。 a large damselfly with spiky legs: males have blue-white rings on their black abdomens, and their final 2 segments and long anal appendages are light blue, their legs are black and white; females are very variable in colour, sometimes similar to the males, and sometimes more yellow or yellow-brown with orange legs. Xin Yu comments that: the younger females are probably more orange [as in the first of the female photos below] and the mature ones more blue [as in the photo of the mating pair below].

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 58, HW 4543


43 43

见何时新所著的《中国蜻蜓图说》 From Photo Atlas of Usual China Dragonflies.

Distribution 分布 调查中见于多个区县,有些 地点数量很多。 recorded from all over the County and likely to be found almost everywhere else in time – at some sites they can be very numerous. 确认的分布区 Confirmed distribution

Notes 备注 雌性颜色不一(估计与其成熟度相关),但它们较大的体 型和明显的产卵器可助区分。 the females are quite variable in colour [presumably this is often age-related] but their size and obvious ovipositor should enable them to be distinguished 交配 mating pair

from other species/ confused with males of any other species that might be found to occur in the Province.

Copera annulata ♀



褐狭扇蟌(Copera vittata)

Copera vittata♂

摄于泰国 photographed in Thailand

© Oleg Kosterin

雄性具橘黄色足,易与雌性白狭扇蟌(C. annulata)混淆, 但褐狭扇蟌体型要小得多,且有独特的“杂乱”的胸部斑纹; 雌性色暗淡,无明显产卵器,胸部纹路与雄性相似。 the orange-legged males of this species might be mistaken for female C. annulata [despite being a much smaller species]; but their distinctive ‘untidy’ thoracic markings should be obvious on closer examination, and they obviously lack an ovipositor; the females are very dull in colour, and have the same markings on their thorax.

大小 Size HW 16


Distribution 分布 调查中未见。历史记录在万州有分布。 not recorded during surveys, but apparently reported from Wanzhou.

Notes 备注 Orr 2005 称褐狭扇蟌为热带广布种。因此重庆历史记录的 到底是褐狭扇蟌,还是雌性白狭扇蟌 , 尚难定论。 this is noted by Orr 2005 as a widespread tropical species, but it is questionable whether records from Chongqing are genuine or whether they represent mis-identified female C. annulata. Copera vittata♂ 摄于泰国 photographed in Thailand

© Oleg Kosterin



4.4.4. 扇蟌属(Platycnemis)


叶足扇蟌(Platycnemis phyllopoda)

Platycnemis phyllopoda♂

雄性足中后胫节膨大成白色叶形薄片,腹最后一节上黑下 黄;雌性足有褐黄色“毛”,胫节不膨大,腹部有黄褐色斑纹。 male with huge white expanded legs; last segment black & yellow underneath; female brown spiny legs, and brown stripes on thorax

大小 Size Ab 21-19, HW 16-18


Distribution 分布 调查中在多个区县都有记录, 实际分布范围应更广。 recorded in several Counties, and likely to occur in more. 确认的叶足扇蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of P. phyllopoda

Notes 备注 历史记录很可能将此物种(发现于北碚)误认成了白扇蟌( P. foliacea)。两者很相似,但白扇蟌的只有一条连续的肩 前条纹,而此物种则是两条很细的绿条纹。 possibly previously reported from Beibei as P. foliacea – which is similar but has a single, unbroken ante-humeral stripe, as opposed to this species where there are two thin bands of green.

Platycnemis phyllopoda ♀


4.5. 原蟌科 (PROTONEURIDAE ) 重庆新记录 [new family record for the Province]

250 250

细长的黑色小豆娘,腹部很长,或尖或圆的翅膀比腹 部短得多。 Small, slim, dark coloured damselflies with very long abdomens, rounded or pointed wings much shorter than the abdomen.


4.5.1. 微桥蟌属 (Prodasineura)





Prodasineura sp. ♀ 调查中只见到 一只雌性个体(见照片)。该雌性体型小、 腹部细、色泽暗淡,显得很不起眼。 the single female observed and photographed is shown below. It was very inconspicuous given its small size, narrow abdomen and dark colouration.

大小 Size Ab 28-31, HW 18-20 45




Identification confirmed by Xin Yu



测量数据参考了 Wilson 对两个香港微桥蟌属物种 P. autumnalis 和 P. croconota 的测量值, 实地采集到的标本未进行测量。 45 From Wilson’s Hong Kong measurements of P. autumnalis & P. croconota; since the single specimen in question was not measured.

Distribution 分布 仅于江津四面山记录到一次。 recorded once in Simian Shan, Jiangjin.

确认的 Prodasineura sp. 分布区 confirmed distribution of Prodasineura sp.

Notes 备注 没有雄性照片,仅依赖一个雌性标本,无法鉴定此物种。 it isn’t possible to identify this specimen from a female specimen. Good photographs of males will be required before species-level identification can be carried out.


停落时双翅展开的豆娘 Damselflies that rest with their wings open or partially open

254 254

1)昔蟌科 (DIPHELBIDAE) 2) 腹鳃蟌科(EUPHAEIDAE) 3) 山蟌科 (MESOPODAGRIONIDAE) 4) 丝蟌科 (LESTIDAE) a) 丝蟌亚科 (Lestinae) b) 色丝蟌亚科(Sympecmatinae)是唯 一例外,停落是双翅合拢。 1. DIPHELBIDAE 2. EUPHAEIDAE 3. MESOPODAGRIONIDAE 4. LESTIDAE 4.1 Lestinae 4.2 Sympecmatinae [the exception to this rule –wings folded over their backs]


4.6. 昔蟌科 (DIPHELBIDAE)

256 256


4.6.1. 大溪蟌属(Philoganga)



粗壮恒河蟌(Philoganga robusta )

Philoganga robusta ♂

巨大健壮的豆娘,停落时双翅展开成 X 形,蓝灰色,乍看 更像蜻蜓,但细看可见复眼分开位于头部两侧。 very big, stocky damselfly with thin wings that it holds in an X position when at rest; blue-grey in colour, and looking at first glance more like a dragonfly than a damselfly [until one looks at the eyes which sit on the sides of the head]

大小 Size Ab 53, HW 52


Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中在渝南和渝北两个区县记录到,其中在江津 多个地点发现,在巫溪则仅有一个记录。推测分布可能较 广但数量不大。 recorded at two Counties at opposite ends of Chongqing during the 2010 surveys – several seen multiple sites in Jiangjin, but only one found in Wuxi; probably therefore widespread but not common.

确认的粗壮恒河蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of P. robusta


4.8. 腹鳃蟌科 (EUPHAEIDAE )

260 260

中等体型、较粗状的豆娘,停落时窄窄的翅膀微微展开。 medium sized, thick-set damselflies that hold their narrow wings slightly open over their bodies when at rest.


4.8.1. 异翅溪蟌属(Anisopleura)


蓝斑异翅溪蟌(Anisopleura furcata)

Archineura incarnata ♂

© Zhou http://www.insect-fans.com/bbs/viewthread.php?tid=12899&page=1

雄性的主要特点是胸部有黑、绿、蓝三色;翅梢有小块褐 色晕,翅痣较长呈黑色,腹部末端色浅。 a distinctive black, green and blue thorax; wings with a brownish tip and long black pterostigma, and the pale end to the abdomen, should enable identification of the male of this species.

大小 Size 雄性 male:Ab37-43,HW25-28;雌性 female: Ab32-40,HW2728


Distribution 分布 调查中未见。历史记录在涪陵有分布。 not recorded during surveys, but previously reported from Fuling.


4.8.2. 尾溪蟌属(Bayadera)


二齿尾溪蟌(Bayadera bidentata)

Bayadera bidentata ♂

雄性蓝灰色,脸部有鲜艳的蓝斑;雌性色暗,胸部有黄和 绿的条纹,脸部有蓝绿色斑。 males pale blue-grey, with bright blue markings on their face; females darker with yellow and green markings on their thorax, and blue-green on their faces.

大小 Size Ab 27-35, HW 31-33 46

Bayadera bidentata ♂


46 46

此处引用了何时新所著的《中国蜻蜓图说》中的数据 Measurements from Photo Atlas of Usual China Dragonflies.

Distribution 分布 调查中仅见于江津四面山一 个地点,估计别处适宜生境 也有分布。 only recorded at one site in Simian Shan, Jiangjin, but likely elsewhere. 确认的二齿尾溪蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of B. bidentata

Notes 备注 雄性常停在树梢上,较醒目。雌性较隐秘。 males tend to perch on prominent twigs, etc. females are more tricky to find. Bayadera bidentata ♀

Bayadera bidentata ♀


巨齿尾溪蟌(Bayadera melanopteryx)


交配中 mating pair

与二齿尾溪蟌(B. bidentata)相似,但雌雄两性的翅膀都 是一半透明一半着黑褐色晕。雌性胸部有更多的黄色条纹。 similar to B. bidentata but easily differentiated by both sexes wings being half transparent and half brown/black. Females are also have more yellow markings.

大小 Size Ab 34, HW 29


Distribution 分布 尾溪蟌属两个物种中广布较 广的一种,调查中多处记录 到。. this species seems to be the more widespread of the two Bayadera and was found in several Counties.

确认的巨齿尾溪蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of B. melanopteryx

Notes 备注 在江津一地点(见下图)曾见大量巨齿尾溪蟌成群配对, 估计该生境是此物种的最佳栖息环境——森林中一条清澈 的小溪,水流缓慢,河床石块堆积,两岸植被茂密,其他 地方的生境也类似。 a large mating aggregation of this specis [shown below] was seen at one site in Jiangjin, which seemed to be optimum habitat for this species – a clean, well vegetated slow-flowing rocky stream in a forested area – similar to that it was found in elsewhere. 成群配对 mating aggregation



268 268


4.9.1. 凸尾山蟌属(Mesopodagrion 47)


藏凸尾山蟌(Mesopodagrion tibetanum)

肩前条纹不连续 Antehumeral stripe broken

见于山区的强健大型豆娘。雄性蓝黑相间比较明显,但更 易辨别的是复眼之间的区域全为黑色,无任何斑点,而 且肩前蓝条纹不连续。这个特征很重要,因为其雌雄的腹 部都是深绿色夹黄色斑纹,看上去和雅州凸尾山蟌(M. yachowensis)很相像 。于昕及卜文俊 200948 提到此物种腹 部末两节常有着色。Kalkman 注意到此次调查我们所拍摄 到的个体以及他本人曾看到过的个体都有偏红色的翅痣。 a very robust, large, damselfly found in mountainous regions. Males, such as the one shown below, can be a distinctive blue and black but are more definitely identified by the area between the eyes being dark/ black and the stripe on the top of the thorax being broken. This is important because both males and females can be dark green with yellow markings on their abdomen, looking very similar to M. yachowensis. Yu & Bu 200948 note that this species often shows pruinosity on the final 47


Vincent Kalkman. 对属种鉴定表示认同。 Identification of this genus to species level confirmed by Vincent Kalkman. 48 于昕、卜文俊 , 2009. A revision of Mesopodagrion. 动物分类学报。 48 Xin Yu & Wenjin Bu, 2009. A revision of Mesopodagrion. Zootaxa. 47

two segments of the abdomen. And finally, V. Kalkman notes that both those specimens photographed during our surveys and those that he has seen have reddish pterostigma.

大小 Size Ab 49-52, HW


Distribution 分布 2010 年 调 查 仅 记 录 到 一 次, 2009 年培训时同样在江津见到。 历史记录在北碚有分布。 only recorded once during the 2010 surveys, but also seen in the same County – Jiangjing – during 确认的 两个凸尾山蟌物种的分布区 confirmed distribution of M. tibetanum & yachowensis

training in 2009; previous records of specimen[s] being collected from Beibei

Notes 备注 初步判断 , 即使在飞行时,此物种似乎也常将腹部下弯成 弓形,有助于远处识别飞行中的个体 50。 i.o. this species seems to fly with its abdomen arched downwards, and so is relatively easy to identify from afar and in flight50.


于昕 , 卜文俊 , , 2009. A revision of Mesopodagrion. 动物分类学报, Xin Yu & Wenjin Bu, 2009. A revision of Mesopodagrion. Zootaxa 参考了 Vincent Kalkman 对此物种位于云南、四川及缅甸东北海拔 1000 米以上生境的描述。 50 Pers. comm. Vincent Kalkman; who describes its previously known range as Yunnan & Sichuan plus NE Myanmar above 1000m or so. 49 50



雅州凸尾山蟌(Mesopodagrion yachowensis)

Mesopodagrion yachowensis♂

重庆至今所见的雄性个体深绿色,胸部有黄色条纹,但同 样最显著的特征是:头后部复眼之间的区域有黄色斑纹, 且肩前黄条纹是连续的。调查中未见雌性,但雌性也有这 些显著特征。 males found in Chongqing so far with dark green bodies and yellow markings on the thorax, but again, more definitely identified by yellow markings between the eyes at the back of the head, and complete stripe on thorax . Female not recorded but shares these key features.

大小 Size Ab35-38; HW 30-31 51


51 51

此数据是 2010 年调查时所采标本的测量结果。. Measurements from two individuals found during the 2010 surveys.

Distribution 分布 调查中在石柱境内两处有发现,其中数量较多的一个地点 内也见藏凸尾山蟌,另一地点位于一公里内的一条河流, 河床中乱石堆积,水流速度相对较缓,植被覆盖密集,但 河岸一侧筑有堤坝。 recorded twice during surveys – in Shizhu at the same site as M. tibetanum [see previous species’ notes & distribution map] where it was quite numerous; and in the river that flowed from this site, less than a kilometer downstream where the bed was rocky, the flow was relatively slow, and there was good vegetation cover despite past river engineering.

Notes 备注 尽管调查组特意寻找,仍未发现雌性。估计雌性要么还未 羽化,要么高高地躲在树冠上。此物种是中国特有种,迄 今仅见于海拔 1,400 米以上的地区。 again, only males were found despite prolonged searching. The females may not have emerged as adults, or they could have been higher up in the trees. This species is probably a Chinese endemic and has, to-date, only been found above 1,400m.

Mesopodagrion yachowensis♂


4.9.2. 古山蟌属(Priscagrion)


古山蟌属未知种(Priscagrion pinheyi)(疑似 possible )

Priscagrion pinheyi ♂

(疑似 possible )

该属物种的一个典型特征是停落后双翅展开。雄性腹部黑 色,腹末端为亮蓝色;雌雄两性翅膀透明但翅梢均有褐色晕, 胸部有黄色条纹;雌性身体更暗,显著特征是产卵器前具 白色斑块 a very distinctive damselfly typical of the family in holding its wing apart at rest; the male has black abdomen tipped with bright blue; both sexes have brownish tips to their clear wings and yellow markings on their thoraxes. The female is otherwise much darker bodied but with a distinctive white patch just before her ovipositor.

生境 breeding habitat


大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 47, HW 35-36; 雌性 female: Ab 42 HW 35-36 52

Distribution 分布 调查中仅见于江津四面山且数 量很多,四面山上有三个地点 都有记录。 to-date only found in Simian Shan, Jiangjin, at 3 separate sites, where they can be fairly numerous. 确认的分布区 confirmed distribution

Notes 备注 此种的鉴定还只是初步的,将来可能会随情况变化。此物 种似乎偏好缓流、河床布乱石、沿岸植被密集的河流。 the species-level identification is still only tentative and may be changed in due-course. This species seems to favour slowflowing rocky rivers in well forested areas.

交配 mating pair

52 52

数据来源于对两个雌性和两个雄性标本的测量结果 from 2 males & 2 females measured during 2010 surveys


4.9.3. 扇山蟌属 (Rhipidolestes)

276 276

扇山蟌属的物种颇具保护价值。本属只分布在热带亚洲,目 前此属已有 7 个物种被纳入 IUCN 红色名录,其中有的“无危”, 有的“缺乏信息”。这反映了我们对扇山蟌属的了解远远不够, 而它们可能就只分布在非常脆弱且日渐缩小的生境中。正因 为所知甚少,目前还没有足够的野外辨识信息来帮助我们进 行野外识别,物种鉴定还须依赖标本。为今后蜻蜓监测工作 之便,我们将记录到的物种特征在此尽可能详细的列出来, 并配更多照片,希望对野外工作人员有所帮助,并有助于今 后对物种进一步鉴定。 This is a genus of conservation interest since it is confined to the tropical Asian region; and 7 species are currently included in the IUCN Red List as being Data Deficient or of Least Concern. This reflects a) the lack of good information on this [and many other] group of damselflies, and b) their being confined to potentially vulnerable and diminishing habitats. The genus is so poorly known that few field characteristics have been established and species identification has to be done through examination of specimens. For monitoring purposes the key thing is to be able to separate the different species present in lieu of their future identification. Therefore, as many photographs have been given as possible in order to maximise the chances of being able to say which of the species so far found is being observed, or if indeed it might be something different.




李氏扇山蟌(Rhipidolestes lii)(疑似 possible )

Rhipidolestes lii♂(疑似 possible ) 摄于万州 from Wanzhou

雄性身体暗绿近黑色,足和脸部淡红色,胸部具黄色条纹。 雌雄两性的翅梢都或透明或有黑色晕,但两性都具较大的 黑色翅痣。雌性与雄性相似,只是色泽偏暗淡,脸部为黄色。 male of this species of damselfly are dark green/ almost black, with pinkish red legs and faces, and yellow markings on their thorax. Both sexes may or may not have dark tips to their wings but more helpfully both sexes have large dull black pterostigma. The females are otherwise similar, but duller in colour, to the males with yellow faces.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 41-42, HW 34; 雌性 female: Ab 44, HW 35


Rhipidolestes lii♂

(疑似 possible ) 摄于万州 from Wanzhou


53 53

数据源于 2010 年调查中实地采集的五个雄性一个雌性标本的测量结果。. From 1 female and 5 males measured during the 2010 surveys.

Distribution 分布 调查中见于三个区县。万州一 个地点的数量较多,南川见到 了配对,江津四面山两个地点 有见到 。 found in 3 Counties: at one site in 确认的李氏扇山蟌(疑似)的分布区 Confirmed distribution of Rhipidoletes sp 1

Wanzhou they appear to be fairly abundant and common; a pair were also found in Nanchuan; and 2 sites in Simian Shan, Jiangin also held them.

Notes 备注 此物种的生境具重庆扇山蟌属物种的典型特点:清水沁润或 冲刷崖石的山涧(见下图)。 历史记录在同一地点曾见过 另一种扇山蟌 R. bastiaani,这个信息是否准确,抑或与我们 见到的其实是同一物种,由于鉴定时出现分歧,仍有待回答。 the breeding habitat of this species is typical of Chongqing Rhipidolestes in being run-offs and seepages from steep rock and rocky hill-sides [see photo below]. A species of Rhipidolestes was previously recorded from the site in Wanzhou and listed as R. bastiaani whether these our records and the previous reports turn out to the one and the same species remains to be seen.

Rhipidolestes lii ♀(疑似 possible ) 摄于万州 from Wanzhou

生境 habitat




(疑似 possible ) 扬氏华扇蟌(Rhipidolestes yangbingi)

Rhipidolestes yangbingi ♂(疑似 possible ) 摄于秀山 from Xiushan

调查中仅见雄性。雄性身体黑色为主,脸部亦黑色 , 足深 红色,胸部有红 / 橘红色条纹(见所拍摄的两只雄性胸部 条纹颜色差异),翅梢着少许褐色晕,翅痣红色。 only males were found of this species, these being very dark in overall colour with a black face, dark red legs, red/ orange markings on the thorax [this varying between the 2 individuals photographed] and red pterostigma on wings that have faint areas of dark brown pigment at their tips.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 42, HW 36

红色翅痣 red pterostigma


♂ 胸部条纹 偏橘红色 more orange markings

Distribution 分布 调查中仅见于秀山的一个地 点。 so far only recorded from one site in Xiushan. 确认的扬氏华扇蟌(疑似)分布区 Confirmed distribution of Rhipidolestes sp 2

Notes 备注 此物种的生境与所见其他扇山蟌属物种的生境略有差异, 是一个植被茂密而隐蔽的山间沟渠。该地点(如下图)所 在的河谷虽位于保护区,但基本被农田覆盖,仅残留少许 自然植被。 the habitat of this species differed from that of the others recorded so far in being a shady stream in a well vegetated gully. The site [below] represented a tiny remnant of habitat otherwise lost due to the agriculture in the valley in question – despite this being within a forest reserve.

生境 habitat




扇山蟌属未知物种(Rhipidolestes sp.)

Rhipidolestes sp.♂

雄性华美,体型较大,翅脉棕色,翅膀中部有黑色晕带, 翅痣黄色;身体呈深灰蓝色,脸部黑色无斑点。雌性与雄 性相似,但无翅膀中部的黑色晕带。 males are large, striking damselflies with brown veined wings, that have a bold black-strip in their centre, they have dark grey-blue bodies, and plain dark faces. They also have yellow pterostigma. All of these features seem to be shared with the female except for the lack of the central bold wing stripe.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 45-50, HW 34; 雌性 female: Ab 41, HW 3254


54 数据源于 2010 年调查采集的两只雄性和一只雌性标本的测量结果 。但雌性 标本的测量结果可能有偏差,不宜作为鉴定参考。 54 Measured from 2 males & 1 female found during 2010 surveys – the female measurements might not be correct, and should not be used for identification purposes.

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查时见于江津四面山的 两个地点,但数量都不多,每处都 采集了两个标本,也都同时见到了 李氏扇山蟌(Rhipidolestes lii)(疑 似) 确认的 Rhipidolestes sp.(未知) 分布区 Confirmed distribution of Rhipidoletes sp 3

found at two sites in Simian Shan, Jiangjin during the 2010 surveys. This species was not common at either site, two specimens being found in both locations. Rhipidolestes sp 1 was present at the same sites.

Notes 备注 照片中所示的雌性(暂定),与此种的另一只雄性同时见于一 处,但雄性没有拍摄到。另一处拍到两只雄性但没有拍到雌性。 雌性显然不同与李氏扇山蟌(疑似),因为她与本种的雄性一 样有着棕色翅脉和黑色无斑点的脸部,因此归入此种。 the female illustrated above is tentatively assumed to be that of the male shown, since she was found at the first site [where a male was also seen but not photographed] whereas 2 males but no female were photographed at the second site. However, the female is clearly different from species 1 and shares both the brown venation of the male shown herein, together with the dark, plain face. Rhipidolestes sp.♀

生境 habitat

Rhipidolestes sp.♀


4.10. 综蟌科 (SYNLESTIDAE)



4.10.1. 绿综蟌属(Megalestes)



褐尾绿综蟌(Megalestes distans)

Megalestes distans ♀

金属绿色的大型豆娘;雄性复眼及腹末两节为亮蓝色,有 两头明显分开并弯曲的肛附器; 雌性复眼为绿色,腹末端 膨大。初羽化的个体几乎呈金黄色,复眼和翅痣黄色。 a large metallic green damselfly; the male with bright blue eyes and final two segments of its abdomen which is tipped with distinctively separated and curved anal appendages; female wit green eyes and a hugely expanded end to its abdomen. Juveniles can be almost golden in colour when freshly emerged, and have yellow eyes as well as yellow pterostigma.

大小 Size 雄性 male: Ab 60; HW: 38


Distribution 分布 调查中见于数 个区县。本物种在中国南方广布 55。 Distribution: recorded from several counties, this is a widespread species across southern China55 .

确认的褐尾绿综蟌分布区 Confirmed distribution of M. distans

Megalestes distans ♂

55 55

于昕补充的信息,他也对笔者的鉴定结果表示认同。 pers. comm. Xin Yu, who verified this identification.

Megalestes distans ♂


赤条华综蟌(Sinolestes editus)


综蟌科 Sinolestes editus ♂

© Kenneth Leung

大型豆娘。有的双翅有晕带(如右图所示),有的双翅透 明无晕。无晕型易与绿综蟌属的物种混淆,但其胸部和腹 部的条纹能把此物种与其他区分开来。 a large damselfly that is apparently quite variable: sometimes having the bands on the wings shown in the more distinctive form in the photo below, and sometimes having transparent wings – when it could be mistaken for a Megalestes spp. The markings on the edges of thorax and abdomen tell these taxa apart.


大小 Size Ab 48-53, HW 36-43

Distribution 分布 历史记录在万州有分布。调查中未见。 not recorded during this survey, but previously reported from Wanzhou.


4.11. 丝蟌科(LESTIDAE ) 丝蟌亚科 Lestidae

290 290

停落时双翅展开,故也称“展翅亚科”。 A group commonly known as ‘spreadwings’.


4.11.1.丝蟌属(Lestes) 蓝线丝蟌(Lestes japonicus)


丝蟌科 Lestes japonicus ♂ © Kwang-Su Jung

与绿综蟌属的物种形似,但此物种要小巧纤细得多,只有 前者约一半大。 superficially similar to Megalestes spp. These damselflies are much smaller and more delicate – about half the size of the latter.

大小 Size Ab 约 30, HW 约 20 56 approximately Ab 30, HW approximately 20 56


56 据 韩 国 的 物 种 科 学 绘 图 估 计 得 出::http://www.jasa.pe.kr/zboard/zboard. php?id=plist&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&select_ arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=89 56 estimated from scientific drawings of Korean odonata:http://www.jasa.pe.kr/zboard/ zboard.php?id=plist&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=off&ss=on&sc=on&select_ arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=89

Distribution 分布 历史记录称其分布在各区县。调查中未见。 not recorded during our surveys, but previously reported from all the counties .

Lestes japonicus ♀

© Kwang-Su Jung


色丝蟌亚科 ( Sympecmatinae)


与“丝蟌亚科”近缘,但停落时双翅合拢于腹部之上。 An aberrant group related to ‘spreadwings’ that hold their wings folded flat over their abdomens.


4.11.2. 印丝蟌属(Indolestes) 重庆新记录 new provincial record

青文赭丝蟌(Indolestes cyaneus)(疑似 possible )


丝蟌科 Indolestes cyaneus♂(疑似 possible ) 摄于台湾 from Taiwan © Sin Syue Li

体型小但不失特色,停落时薄薄的翅膀合拢在腹部之上, 比同科其他物种合的更紧。 a small damselfly with very thin wings held over the abdomen – more together than other members of the family that it belongs too, but quite distinctive.

大小 Size Ab 约 32, HW 约 2257 (估计值) Ab approximately 32, HW approximately 22 57



据韩国近缘物种的科学绘图估计得出: http://www.jasa.pe.kr/zboard/zboard.php?id=plist&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=o ff&ss=on&sc=on&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=86 57 estimated from scientific drawings of a closely related Korean species: http://www.jasa.pe.kr/zboard/zboard.php?id=plist&page=1&sn1=&divpage=1&sn=o ff&ss=on&sc=on&select_arrange=headnum&desc=asc&no=86

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中只记录到一次。 only recorded once during the 2010 surveys

Notes 备注 在巫溪境内一个水塘边的芦苇上,见一雌性个体在产卵。 虽尽力搜寻,仍未发现其他个体。 a single female was found laying eggs in reeds around a pond in Wuxi [see below]; despite extensive searching no other individuals were found.

Indolestes cyaneus ♀(疑似 possible ) 摄于重庆 from Chongqing

生境 habitat


4.11.3. 黄丝蟌属 (Sympecma) 钩纹色丝蟌(Sympecma paedisca)


Sympecma paedisca ♂

© Oleg Kosterin

颜色单调的棕色小豆娘,行踪隐秘较易被观察者忽略。雌 雄外观相似。雄性复眼后半部为蓝色,成熟雌性复眼上有 一蓝色斑点 58。 a small, drab-brown cryptic damselfly that is probably easily overlooked. Both sexes are quite similar. The back half of the mature male’s eyes are blue, whereas the mature female has a blue spot in her eyes 58.

大小 Size Ab 25-29, HW 18-22


58 58

信息和数据源于 Dijikstra 2006。 information and measurements from Dijikstra 2006.

Distribution 分布 2010 年调查中未见。历史记录在江津有分布。 not recorded during 2010 surveys, but apparently previously reported from Jiangjin.

Notes 备注 此物种在欧亚大陆及日本广布,但在重庆最南端的江津是 否有分布 59,笔者有所质疑。只有进一步调查才能找到答案。 this species is very broadly distributed across Eurasia through to Japan, however, it is questionable whether it really occurs in southern Chongqing 59, although only further surveys will address this issue.

59 59

于昕亦有同感。 Xin Yu pers. comm.


附录 Appendix: 物种名录 Species Checklist 拉丁名 / 学名 LATIN NAME/SCIENTIFIC NAME


页码 Pg.no.

ANISOPTERA AESHNOIDEA Gynacantha bayadera Gynacantha subinterrupta Gynacantha japonica Anax nigrofasciatus Anax parthenope Periaeschna magdalena Polycanthagyna erythromelas Polycanthagyna sp [prob

差翅亚目 蜓科 工纹长尾蜓 细腰长尾蜓 日本长尾蜓 黑纹伟蜓 碧伟蜓 狭痣佩蜓 红褐多棘蜓

66 67 68 69 70 72 74 76 77

melanictera] CORDULEGASTRIDAE Anotogaster prob. gregroyi

描金晏蜓(疑似) 大蜓科 格氏圆臀大蜓(疑似) 伪蜻科 闪蓝丽大蜻 突胸异蜻 蜻科 锥腹蜻 红蜻 异色多纹蜻 迷尔蜻 小斑蜻 闪绿宽腹蜻 网脉蜻 白尾灰蜻 粗灰蜻

78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112

CORDULIIDAE Epophthalmia elegans Idionyx carinata LIBELLULIDAE Acisoma panorpoides Crocothemis servilia Deielia phaon Libellula melli Libuella quadrimaculata Lyriothemis pachygastra Neurothemis fulvia Orthetrum albistylum Orthetrum cancellatum Orthetrum japonicum [previously listed as O. internum]




页码 Pg.no.

Orthetrum luzonicum Orthetrum melania Orthetrum pruinosum Orthetrum sabina Orthetrum testaceum Orthetrum triangulare Palpopleura sex-maculata Pantala flavescens Pseudothemis zonata Rhyothemis fuliginosa Sympetrum baccha Sympetrum darwinianum Sympetrum eroticum Sympetrum frequens Sympetrum infuscatum Sympetrum kunckeli Sypetrum speciosum Trithemis aurora Tramea virginia CHLOROGOMPHIDAE Chlorogomphus prob tunti GOMPHIDAE Anisogomphus forresti Anisogomphus maacki Davidius fruhstorferi Onychogomphus ringens Ictinogomphus rapax Sinietinogomphus clavatus Merogomphus paviei

114 116 118 120 122 124 126 128 130 132 136 138 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 156 158 160 162 164 166 168 170 172

吕宋蜻蜓 异色灰蜻 西里灰蜻、赤褐灰蜻 狭腹灰蜻 黄翅灰蜻 青灰蜻 六斑曲缘蜻 庆褐蜻 玉带蜻 黑丽翅蜻 大翅蜻 夏赤蜻 竖眉赤蜻 秋赤蜻 褐顶赤蜻 小黄赤蜻 黃基蜻蜓 晓褐蜻 大华斜痣蜻 裂唇蜓科 透翅宽套大蜓(疑似) 春蜓科 福氏异春蜓 马奇异春蜓 佛鲁戴春蜓 环纹钩尾春蜓 小团扇春蜓 大团扇春蜓 帕维长足春蜓,窄胸春 蜓




中文名 页码 C H I N E S E C O M M O N Pg.no. NAME

ZYGOPTERA CALOPTERYGIDAE Calopteryx atrata Matrona basilaris Matrona oreades Mnais gregoryi Mnais tenuis Vestalis venusta Vestalis smaragdina Archineura incarnata Caliphaea consimilis

束翅亚目 色蟌科 黑色蟌 透顶单脉色蟌 神女单脉色蟌 亮翅绿色蟌 透翅绿色蟌 丽细色蟌 黑角细色蟌 赤基丽色蟌 紫闪色蟌 隼蟌科 线纹鼻溪蟌 赵氏阿鼻蟌 蟌科 杯斑小蟌 白腹小蟌 长尾黄蟌 短尾黄蟌 日本黄蟌 褐尾黄蟌 多棘蟌

176 178 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 180 182 198 202 200 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218

东亚异痣蟌 红痣瘦蟌 褐斑异痣蟌 挫齿尾蟌 苇笛细蟌 捷尾蟌(疑似) 褐斑蟌 扇蟌科 朱腹丽扇蟌

220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236

CHLOROCYPHIDAE Rhinocypha drusilla Aristocypha chaoi COENAGRIONIDAE Agriocnemis femina Agriocnemis lacteola Ceriagrion fallax Ceriagrion melanurum Ceriagrion nipponicum Ceriagrion rubiae Coenagrion aculeatum Ischnura asiatica [also reported as I. lobata] Ischnura rufostigma Ischnura sengalensis Paracercion barbatum Paracercion calamorum Paracercion [prob] v-nigrum Pseudagrion spencei PLATYCNEMIDIDAE Calicnemia eximia




Calicnemia chaseni

丽扇蟌属未知物种(疑 似) 黄纹长腹蟌 四斑长腹蟌 白狭扇蟌 叶足扇蟌 褐狭扇蟌 原蟌科 (待定) 昔蟌科 粗壮恒河蟌 腹鳃蟌科 蓝斑异翅溪蟌 二齿尾溪蟌 巨齿尾溪蟌 山蟌科 藏凸尾山蟌 雅州凸尾山蟌 古山蟌属未知种 扇山蟌属 李氏扇山蟌(疑似) 扬氏华扇蟌 扇山蟌属未知物种 综蟌科 褐尾绿综蟌 赤条华综蟌 丝蟌科 蓝线丝蟌 色丝蟌亚科 印丝蟌属 青文赭丝蟌(疑似) 黄丝蟌属 钩纹色丝蟌

Coeliccia cyanomelas Coeliccia didyma Copera annulata Platycnemis phyllopoda Copera vittata PROTONEURIDAE Prodasineura sp. DIPHLEBIIDAE Philoganga robusta EUPHAEIDAE Anisopleura furcata Bayadera bidentata Bayadera melanopteryx MEGAPODAGRIONIDAE Mesopodagrion tibetanum Mesopodagrion yachowensis Priscagrion pinheyi Rhipidolestes Rhipidolestes lii Rhipidolestes yangbingi Rhipidolestes sp. SYNLESTIDAE Megalestes distans Sinolestes editus LESTIDAE Lestes japonicus Sympecmatinae Indolestes Indolestes cyaneus Sympecma Sympecma paedisca

页码 Pg.no.

238 240 242 244 248 246 250 252 256 258 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274 276 278 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294 296 296 298 298


中国 - 欧盟生物多样性项目 EU-China Biodiversity Programme,ECBP 这是目前欧盟资助的最大规模的海外生物多样 性保护项目

重庆市环境保护局 Chongqing Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, CEPB 是 ECBP 重庆示范项目的执行机构,具体实施、 协调与质量控制由自然生态处负责

野生动植物保护国际 Fauna & Flora International,FFI 是 ECBP 重庆示范项目的唯一合作伙伴,具体 负责项目日常管理及提供技术支持。

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