Feminine Soul Entrepreneur Magazine - September 2013

Page 25

with greatness instilled in you for a plan

It is helpful to remember that you don’t have

of greatness in life. The only thing limiting

to strive so hard towards accomplishment,

reaching those depths of self-love and

you are perfect exactly where you are now,

outward love toward the world is you!

as you are now. When you were conceived,

Being your authentic self is the greatest

the uniting of the egg and sperm was your

gift of love you can give to yourself and the

first and biggest accomplishment! The


one sperm raced to the finish line and beat millions of other sperm to unite with

When you start to cut yourself down or

the egg to come into existence. In that

wallow in feelings of low self-esteem,

moment, you already had everything you

remind yourself that you are worthy just

needed to become a human being and

because you were born, and that the

thrive in this world.

special light of your being is perfect just the way it was created. There is now and

When we are born, unless we enter the

will ever be only one you in the eternal

universe through trauma, most of us come

universe, this is your authentic self! You

into the world whole and happy. It is all

are magnificent. You are worthy.

the experiences and influences we receive along the way that start to break us down, until we no longer remember what it is like to feel complete within ourselves, and we start the journey of trying to capture those early childhood feelings of complete selfworth and our authentic self. One of the steps in learning to love yourself is understanding just how special 25

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