Schengen 2019 - Vision and Call for Editors and Vice Presidents

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6th National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg

Vision/Call for Vice-Presidents and Editors

Schengen 2019 - 6th National Selection Conference of EYP Luxembourg will happen in Schengen between 7th th 11 April 2019. All Officials will be expected to arrive in the morning of 7th April and will be free to leave in the evening of 11th April. The Session will gather around 70 delegates from Luxembourg and countries all around Europe and will be held under the theme

‘United for Change Making our Future the purpose of our Present’

The Session is presided by Marta Sznajder (PL), who together with the Head Organisers Isabella Siry and Jim Riewer are now looking for the motivated and dedicated individuals to complete the Session’s Leadership! The call for 1/2 Editor(s) and 3 Vice-Presidents will last until 21st October 2018 23.59 CET. You can find the applications on the Members Platform.

Message from the Board:

EYP Luxembourg is celebrating it‘s 5th Anniversary this year! That‘s why we were convinced that, going back to Schengen, where our first session took place, would be the best choice. Not only because it‘s important to always remember your roots but also because of the European importance the name Schengen has. We as an NC are convinced that Jim and Isabella will do an amazing job in creating the session EYP Luxembourg deserves. They are two young, very dedicated members and have already proven that they‘re capable of being fantastic Head-Organisers. With Marta being the President of our 6th NSC, we know that we‘re in good hands and that Jim and Isabella have all the support they need. Schengen 2019 is also important to us, since we want to welcome new members and have a bigger representation at international events. We hope that everyone will be as excited about this project as we are and we can‘t wait to welcome you in Luxembourg!

Message from the Head Organisers:

Dear Applicant, As the Head Organisers of this session, we could not be more excited to be working with our amazing team, and thrilled to be launching the call for Editor(s) and Vice Presidents! This step towards finalising the Leadership of our session, and finding the amazing individuals who will help us and Marta make this session an academic masterpiece is an amazing milestone for our conference, and something we have been waiting for! Our goals, Vision, and expectations of our team, and for our team, are very clear and extremely dear to us. The vision is threefold in its essence, and mainly consists of: Sustainability, Equality and Personal Development, and Unity and Cooperation.

Sustainability: The issue of sustainability is the focal visionary topic of Schengen 2019. It is a subject we as Head Organisers are very passionate and serious about. Having been both delegates and officials at EYP sessions, it has become more and more apparent to us: we as participants at conferences are often oblivious to our use of single use productions such as plastic bottles and flipcharts. We have a fundamental waste issue, which needs to be addressed at a larger level. We want to raise awareness about the climate crisis which unfortunately has become an increasingly urgent daily matter and encourage our participants’ involvement with the great green-life movement we find ourselves in today.

Equality and self-development: Having begun our EYP-journey side by side, and having continued this journey together throughout the past years together, we have seen the personal development of each other , and becoming the people we are today. Having witnessed each other’s growth and development, and seen our friendship grow increasingly over the years through EYP, we wanted this to be also one key point of Schengen 2019. We want to encourage a safe space for every participant and allow them to develop personally and grow to become who they want to be. We will try to encourage this by insuring every teams’ ownership over their own projects, giving them a certain amount of own freedom and responsibility.

Unity and Cooperation: “United for Change: Making our Future the Purpose of our Present� is the theme we saw most fitting for our session, mainly because we think it perfectly embodies the key elements of our conference. We strongly believe that the youth are the only ones that can shape the future we have in Europe, and the future upcoming European-generations will be able to have in Europe. That is, if we stand united together, dedicate everyday of this session, and everyday of our lives towards making that change. By cooperating with each other, and cooperating externally with others, we can make a mark on our world, and our future.

Message from the President:

Dear Potential Applicant, Schengen 2019 will be a session centred around self-reflection and personal development. With no better theme for it than “United for Change - Making our Future the Purpose of our Present� I aim to challenge every individual to contemplate their skills and abilities and help them set objectives for change, in any aspect they wish to improve on. I am thus looking for people who are aware of their weaknesses and passionate to work on turning them into their strengths. Humility and genuinity combined with eagerness to learn and a drive to act are the key qualities I am looking for when forming my team. In return for your commitment to this idea, I will aim to create a safe environment, built on the notion that every participant matters equally - an environment in which you can truly feel yourself and through which you can thrive. My goal will be to build a strong support network for the session, including every individual and adapted to their needs. In Schengen I will commit to emotionally support every individual on a practical level. In providing such support, we will together make the session run smoothly and produce the highest quality output we possibly can while ensuring that every participant is involved and satisfied with the process. What matters the most to me when working with other people is for them to feel satisfied with their experience and feel they grew through it. By building a clear structure of our work, I will encourage every participant to fill in this platform with themselves and their ideas, in order to make it their own. Thus, freedom of creation, as long as it will remain within purpose - oriented boundaries, together with ownership will be the two key underlying principles of my vision.

Schengen 2019 will also be a session greatly focused on balance. Balance between big ideas and doing simple things right, balance between work and fun, balance between EYP and life beyond it. To elaborate, during the entire process, I will encourage everyone to push for change, yet never force it for the sake of it. My view is that the great amount of time we are given prior to the event will allow us to conduct stable and thorough pre-session preparation, centred around individuals’ needs and tailored online training. The Chairs team members will be also encouraged to set their personal development objectives for the process and supported along their ways towards them. Working consistently and systematically before the session will also grant us the chance for a more hands-on and individual-approach during the session itself.

Practically, I imagine acting upon these values in a few ways. Firstly, the Chairs will be encouraged to contemplate their academic passions and asked to create their own topics, with the Board’s guidance and help. Then, through an extensive Topic Overview writing process spread out of a large amount of time, they will be supported in producing high academic quality output, with the main focus being to underline the topics’ relevance to the session’s theme and the Chairs’ personal passions for them. Convinced of the great added value the Chairs cooperation and committees’ collaboration can have, we will work on establishing an efficient and appropriate for the format of the session delegates’ exchange system, in order to enhance everyone’s collective experience which would spread through both pre-session preparation and at-session activities. These are the ideas I have in mind for the main pillars of the Chairs Team’s work, which I would like to further develop and shape together with you.

Finally, something that deeply matters to me and something I will aim to ensure in Schengen is participants’ welfare and well-being. I will treat both of them as my top priority and my highest obligation in order to personally attest that Schengen 2019 will allow everyone to not only feel healthy and in a positive mindset, but, on top of that, feel safe and respected by all. Do you feel like this is something you would like to be a part of and contribute to shaping it with me? Apply as a Vice President or Editor and make Schengen your purpose for the next few months!

For any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to get in touch with me. With excitement and anticipation, Marta


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