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“To me, wefie makes more sense. Do we take a photo of us or do us take a photo of us?”

“While there are currently no televised awards shows to honor humans’ achievements in health services and the military, dogs will finally get their time to shine in prime time.”



by the syntax behind “usie,” the term used for a group selfie. AP reports the word, pronounced “uss-EE,” has been gaining traction since at least April 2013. Alternately, there’s the “twofie” or the “threefie” if your snapshot only includes a few friends.

his real disdain for The World Dog Awards, which will premiere on the CW in January 2015. The awards will honor dogs in categories such as “best actor in a supporting role to a dog” and “outstanding achievement in the field,” for dogs who have risked their lives for another animal or human.

“I had the strangest dream last night that some old friends and I had a top 10 record on iTunes.” — @JCCHASEZ confirms that he is just as surprised as fans to hear about the release of “The Essential *NSYNC,” a compilation of the band’s hits and previously unreleased songs. The album is already out of stock on Amazon.

“Witch costumes are not complete without a shoulder kitten. … #MuseumCats” — @SILIBRARIES joins the fun on #MuseumCats Day, on Wednesday, when museums around the world tweeted their best feline material. The ink above is from “Masquerade and Carnival,” an 1892 collection of costumes, available in the Smithsonian Library.

Metrobus routes 32 & 36 are changing for the better. Effective August 24, 2014. Metrobus makes 400,000+ trips every day. As you can imagine, we do a lot of work to keep things running smoothly. In this case, we’ve restructured routes 32 & 36 to improve reliability and frequency along Pennsylvania and Wisconsin Avenues. Want the full details? Visit or call 202.637.7000.

Las líneas 32 y 36 del Metrobús están cambiando para bien. A partir del 24 de agosto de 2014. El Metrobús hace más de 400,000 recorridos todos los días. Como podrá imaginarse, nos esforzamos muchísimo porque las cosas marchen sin contratiempos. En este caso, hemos reestructurado las líneas 32 y 36 para mejorar la confiabilidad y la frecuencia de los recorridos a lo largo de las avenidas Pennsylvania y Wisconsin. ¿Quiere conocer todos los detalles? Visite o llame al 202.637.7000.

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