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lookout unions Gabe, 27, is the executive director of a pro-clean energy think tank. Liza, 29, works for the American Nurses Association. They live in D.C.

Kara Kelly, Sam Miller Kara, 25, is a behavioral therapist. Sam, 27, works for the FDIC. They live in Fairfax. THE MAIN EVENT: They wed June 8 in Wilmington, Del., with 200 friends and family in attendance. HOW THEY MET: She was an intern at the FDIC gym, where he worked out daily. “I sidestepped/ignored her


THE MAIN EVENT: They tied the knot May 31 in D.C., at the Hill Center (near Eastern Market). HOW THEY MET: Snowmageddon had delayed their trains home. They were both stuck on the Metro Center platform and he walked over and introduced himself. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: “He was wearing bright yellow snowpants and a furry Eskimo hat. At the time, I

many advances until she completed her internship. Once we weren’t working in the same building, I quickly asked her out,” Sam says. FIRST DATE: A Nats game. HOW HE PROPOSED: He surprised her with a road trip to Niagara Falls. There, he knelt and proposed just as fireworks shot off. “Unfortunately, the ring was too small (despite months of ‘subtle’ hints about my ring size).” The next day, he suggested they reenact their proposal at a restaurant,

thought he looked a little ridiculous.” FIRST DATE: Coffee at Peregrine Espresso. HOW HE PROPOSED: In the park directly above Metro Center. STUPIDEST FIGHT: “He doesn’t push his sock drawer all the way in, he leaves it open just a half inch.” MOST HATED CLOTHING ITEM: Her fleece pajamas covered in reindeer and snowflakes, his white cotton “flowy pants that are horrific.” WHEN HE KNEW: For their sixmonth anniversary, she surprised him with a photo album of their time together. “I found something she had saved from our first date. I knew then that this might be something special.”

and pulled out a perfectly fitting ring from his sock. “Sam thought it would be funny to purposely buy a fake ill-fitting ring to propose with since I had given him so much grief. I laughed pretty hard.” THEIR SONG: “The Way You Look Tonight” by Steve Tyrell. Kara: “It is romantic, warm and a perfect tempo for the fox trot dance lessons we’ve invested in.” MOST HATED CLOTHING ITEM: Her seventh-grade sweatpants.

By Invitation Only If you’d like to see your wedding or commitment ceremony in B.I.O., send your favorite informal photograph (wacky is fine, but please don’t send a formal engagement shot), plus your names and ceremony date to Please contact us at least one month before your wedding. We’ll get back to you with questions.

Brian Levy, Erica Meade Brian, 29, is a Ph.D. student in sociology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Erica, 28, is an analyst. They live in Arlington; Brian splits his time between Arlington and Chapel Hill. THE MAIN EVENT: They married May 24 on the grounds of a historic mansion in Lexington, Ky. Much of Brian’s family is from New Orleans, so the theme was Bourbon Trail Meets Bourbon Street. HOW THEY MET: In grad school in Austin, Texas, at their program’s first tailgate. FIRST IMPRESSIONS: She was a Kentuckian fish out of water. She saw his University of Georgia shirt and thought, “Oh thank goodness, a Southerner in Texas!” FIRST DATE: Watching a Final Four game with some mutual friends. HOW HE PROPOSED: A cabin in the Shenandoah. After he cooked her steak and crab cakes and let her win at Scrabble, he sent her out of the room and set out chocolate pie, candles and a photo book.

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Gabe Elsner, Liza Heavener

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