Sjvewc summary notes 09 14 17

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San Joaquin Valley Energy Watch Collaborative SUMMARY NOTES Thursday September 14, 2017 9:30 a.m.—11:00 a.m. SJVCEO Offices, 4747 N. First St., Ste. 140, Fresno, CA Call #: +1-646-558-8656 ID: 906-919-0071 Invitees: IMPLEMENTERS Bobby Kahn, Madera County EDC Juan Carranza, Fresno EDC Jose Gonzalez, City of Fresno Summer Cecil, City of Fresno Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO Samantha Dodero, SJVCEO Kimberly Fleming, Kern County (Phone)

Alan Hange, Valley Vision UTILITIES GCP/LGP Steve Newvine, PG&E (Phone) Brendan Havenar-Daughton, PG&E

GUESTS Rochelle Thomas, SJVCEO

Agenda: Topic Welcome & Introductions Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, welcomed those in person and those on the phone. Introductions then followed. Business Items 1. Defining the Role of the LG Lead Steve Newvine, PGE, introduced Brendan Havenar-Daughton to the group and let him explain what his role is as well as why he is sitting in on the meeting. BHD, PGE, explained that he has been on with PGE in the LGP leader role since last August but final got a SOW in late May. He comes from a background as a PGE LGP implementer so he can relate to many of the partners who work with PGE. BHD would like to get the BES division on the same page so they can show attribution, since much of the CPUC will at that as a metric/factor. He stated that sitting in on the meeting he gains a better understanding of what the partners are working on and towards. He hopes he can take back a few things to PGE to better the relationship with all implementers. 2.

Program Details • City of Fresno Jose Gonzalez, City of Fresno, covered some of where the cities LGP has been, where it is going and what the future holds. The HETU program was started back in 2009 with funding from ARRA and EECBDG. PGE was brought into the funding mix in 2012 knowing that the program would be non-resource with a large focus on education and not so much kWh savings. JG stated that the city faces the hardship of being understaffed and overworked. Many other local governments say the same thing when they become LGP’s with PG&E. Much of HETU and BETU is analysis and then a referral to either DI or a 3PPP through PG&E. When that happens, the city does not receive attribution on energy savings. The city has begun to track all data related to either program. •

Fresno Energy Watch Juan Carranza, Fresno EDC, is still learning what the role of the EDC is within the EW but truly feels the essentials they cover are inform, educate and connect SMB customers with the right people/programs. Much of what JC sees lacking is the sharing of information from PG&E with LGP’s whether it be contacts or programs.

Kern Energy Watch Kimberly Fleming, Kern County, feels that this change in LGP format is going to hinder some of the counties work with EE. She feels as if the PG&E DI program is her carrot and way in with many partners since it is of no cost. Many of the cities in Kern County do not have the funds to do EE projects on their own within DI. And to get a city to do a project she feels is a much more drawn out process. Partners need a lot of hand holding.

Madera Energy Watch Bobby Kahn, Madera EDC, stated that he has not devoted a lot of time to working in the LGP realm as his budget is too small to devote more time to it. He thinks with the growth of Madera County that there is a lot of opportunity and would like to hire someone part time or full time for the position but it would require more funding from PG&E. His feeling is that they are best suited for the current and evolving model of LGP’s as they have a trusting relationship with a lot of the minorities in the community. He feels a lot of the SMB customers in the county are still underserved so there is a lot of untapped potential.

Valley Vision Alan Hange, Valley Vision, stated that the organization has let Jeremy Terhune go and are looking to backfill his position with a few interns that are already on staff. Much of the previous work that had been done was studying and surveying local governments on implementation of their CAP’s and GHG inventories. Once the study was complete VV was stunned to find that many cities did not even know that they had these reports. Much of that was a lack of consistencies in staff as well as turnover. Now that VV has the information they are hoping to partner with SJVCEO’s METU Program to help guide municipalities to EE and GHG reductions. They have also established a good relationship with the SJVCOG and are hoping to use that organization as a stepping step to cities.

Valley Innovation Energy Watch Courtney Kalashian, SJVCEO, stated that VIEW has been a trusted resource when it comes to EE and energy project implementation. Not much of the focus for the PG&E LGP is on DI. CK is looking to have a larger focus on funds going to RHTR areas. She feels that much of the funding is directed to cities as there is a much larger population. The RHTR working group is looking to partner with Berkeley Labor on redoing a study on flow of funds to RHTR areas. CK believes that the metrics that the CPUC are proposing are very fitting though many may disagree. She believes that they help tell the story of collecting the kWh and EE savings.

Collaborative Items 1. 2017 Small Community Event Updates This item was not discussed during the meeting. Other Business 1. Proposed dates for Leif's visit SN. PGE, would like to propose 10/19 for a visit from Leif. The group agreed that having a meeting in October would be a heavy lift. They proposed holding over the meeting until after the all partners meeting in November. SN and BHD, PGE, agreed and they will propose that to Leif. They are to report back. Concluded at 12:00PM

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