Academic Catalog

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century A.D. to the backgrounds of the Protestant Reformation. Includes the ecumenical councils, Augustine, Francis of Assisi, Abelard and Heloise, and Joan of Arc. This course satisfies the proficiency requirement for Oral Communication in the disciplines. Prerequisite: 132 or permission of instructor. RELG 312 History of Christianity II: Reformation to the Present Reformation under Luther, Calvin, Anabaptist and Anglican leaders; pietist reaction to Protestant creedalism; philosophical and scientific challenges of Christianity and rise of 19th-century liberalism. Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Schleiermacher, Harnack. Prerequisite: 311 or permission of instructor. RELG 335X Philosophy of Religion (Philosophy 335) RELG 342 Ministry with Youth Exploration of various aspects of the church’s ministry with adolescents. Inclusion of significant field work through a congregational service learning component. Prerequisite: sophomore status and either 131 or 132. RELG 343 Church and Community Ministries Exploration of the challenge, promise, and problems of church ministries in the community, including action for social justice, work with the poor, and other forms of outreach. Participation in church and community ministry through a service learning component. Prerequisite: sophomore status and either 131 or 132. RELG 345 Psychological Development and Religious Faith Relationship of cognitive, moral, and emotional developmental processes to the formation of religious faith from childhood through older adulthood. Special emphasis on James Fowler’s faith development theory, including psychological and theological sources, critiques, and alternative approaches. Prerequisite: junior status or permission of instructor. RELG 350 Seminar Comprehensive understanding of selected topics through intensive study, discussion, and participation in other learning activities. Prerequisites: 131 and 132, or permission of instructor. RELG 352 Jesus (ct) Exploration of historical, literary, and artistic portrayals of Jesus through the centuries. This course satisfies the proficiency requirement for Critical Thinking in the disciplines. Prerequisite: 132 or permission of instructor. RELG 401 Contemporary Theology Contributions of historic events and theologians to contemporary thinking. Prerequisite: 312 or permission of instructor. RELG 412X Church Music (Music 412) RELG 431 Advanced Old Testament Studies (wc) Concentrated, critical study of a theme or block of literature from the Old Testament, such as the Torah. Instructor may permit student to take two different themes under this course heading. This course satisfies the proficiency requirement for Written Communication in the disciplines. Prerequisite: 131. 141

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