Veig Magazine

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ummer season fashion means one thing for all budding fashionistas out there and that’s festival. A girls must haves for a festival are a good pair of denim hot pants, a cute, flowing boho dress, a decent pair of welly boots (normally Hunters) and dry shampoo. Team them with a group of friends, some good music and weather and a drink and you have the perfect festival atmosphere for the summer. Here we show you what the celebs were rocking at the summer festivals this year.

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t has been just over a year since I packed up my things and moved out of my home at the time that I shared with The Ex. I met The Ex when I was 17 and we pretty much went through all the typical teenage into adult problems together. We survived University together, went through two family divorces, holidays, moving etc. The decision to break up during our final year at University I now realise was stupid, seeing as we lived together and we couldn’t really get out of our contract. Since moving out and living with friends and on my own I have pulled together a few tips on how to live with The Ex, if a break up ever happens while you are living with them and you unfortunately can’t leave for a while.

!"#$%&'()*+&$%+'#,)* – Can you have other people over while you’re living together? Are you even allowed to date someone else? Talk with The Ex, make sure you both know where you stand with one another. It’s not just about dating as well. Do you still share your grocery shopping together? What about cooking? Washing clothes? There’s so much you used to do together that you don’t anymore which you need to go over so you both know how this new situation works. I was a doormat and still shopped and cooked for The Ex, don’t do a me, make that person make a sandwich for themselves.

*,))-($.+&''&$.)/)$0* – Try and have separate beds ASAP. If that’s not possible for the whole time you’re still living together or for a while then decide what side of the bed you have or who has the sofa. Everyone knows that if you can’t spoon the person next to you then star ðVKLQJ LQ WKH EHG LV WKH QH[W EHVW WKLQJ

-#,,+!&12+"$+03)+4'()$%*3(- - If you’ve managed to come out of the break up and still get on, try and remember you both need space too. My breakup led to countless nights sitting on the sofa together playing games and watching Game of Throne’s when he got back from work. It’s great to still have a friendship out of it but you need to try and distance yourself from each other, it can’t be how it was before. Watch that TV show on your own don’t sit around waiting for The Ex to get home, play video games with another friend. You’ll soon realise you can do it all without The Ex.

2$"5+)&13+"03)'6*+*13)%#,)* - The less time you see each other the easier it is for one another, especially if one of you starts dating someone else. It’s never fun to watch your ex get on with their life while you’re sat there with a tub of Ben & Jerry’s while crying at The Notebook. +DYH D VLW GRZQ DQG WU\ DQG ðJXUH RXW ZKHQ each of you are about, if you attend those parties together anymore and how you handle all that “their my friends” situations. You’re both adults here and need to ensure you make life easy for yourself and for the people around you. And if you’re not getting along, stay out of each RWKHUâV ZD\ RU HYHQ ñDW RXW LJQRUH HDFK RWKHU LI necessary. No one enjoys being in or having to HQGXUH D ðJKW RYHU SRLQWOHVV FUDS

0'7+$"0+0"+*,))-+5(03+03)/ (it’s bound to happen though.) - You’ll both be lonely or drunk or just plain bored and you’ll remember that The Ex knows you and that the sex was good. You’ll think, “What’s the harm, its just sex”. It might well be “just sex” but before you go jumping into their bed or make out with them on the sofa just think about the awkwardness the next morning and the fact that you just don’t work as a couple.

/"8)+"$ – Sooner or later one of you will move on. This can happen while you live together or DUH ðQDOO\ DSDUW 'RQâW JHW OHIW LQ WKH GXVW JRLQJ over old photographs and memories, move on too. Everyone hates that awkward situation when you bump into The Ex and you’re still hanging on, wearing tracksuit bottoms, a hoody with crisps GRZQ WKH IURQW DQG \RXâUH ORRNLQJ ìðQHú 6R WR avoid that awkward moment get up, get out and get going.

%"$60 – Don’t do it, it wont be easy, it will be very messy.

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elationships nowadays are not what they seem. It appears that whenever people meet up for drinks or meet up for a night out, the main topic of conversation always seems to be their love life. The word “relationshipâ€? doesn’t seem to mean anything at all now, and I believe the reason for this is because relationships seem to come into existence quite quickly and then fade away just as fast. People don’t seem to care much about who they hurt or what they do, and why should they? It’s 2014. You can blame the papers, you can blame the TV and all of those terrible reality TV shows but at the end of the day the one thing that people don’t realise is, the reason people get themselves into the situations they do is because everybody loves a drama. Drama is, for most people, the best form of entertainment and also a strange recreational GUXJ WKDW , OLNH WR FDOO D ĂŁOLIH Ă°OOHUâ 3HRSOHâV OLYHV are so empty and meaningless in these current times that they feel the need to create these delusions in their head that they are ‘working through some things’ and ‘they can’t take the pain’ anymore. But it’s not all doom and gloom, there are still good relationships out there. They are the UHODWLRQVKLSV WKDW VWD\ RĎƒ )DFHERRN DQG 7ZLWWHU VWD\ RĎƒ WKH OLSV RI GUXQNHQ PHQ DQG ZRPHQ WKH\ are the relationships that actually work and mean something. There is no real way of preparing to get into a good relationship. It will always be GLĎ„FXOW DW FHUWDLQ SRLQWV DQG at times you will probably want to kill one another but that’s the way it is. Thinking about my own past and current experiences of relationships I feel I have some words of wisdom to share with you about how a relationship works. 7KH Ă°UVW WLPH \RX PHHW VRPHRQH WKHUH PXVW EH a spark. Both of you won’t realise what this spark is, it just seems to happen. At the end of the night you will realise you had a great time, and that great time was because you had met someone special. The self-analysis will begin to happen in your head and you will question actions that you did that night. It will question the looks she gave you, what she meant by saying what she said and that slightly longer eye contact than usual. The next day that person will be on your mind. Not as a giant headline, but more of an interesting little article that you tell your friends about. If she is never seen again then the memory of her and that spark will soon fade and eventually die out until it is struck again. But! If you do see her again then the process will undoubtedly be repeated and subsequently each time you meet up after that, until eventually that spark will ignite something spectacular. You may both decide to take the plunge, but this should be only after getting more and more comfortable with each other. Then you can both put a label to whatever “thisâ€? is. Your newly found relationship opens up a whole new can of worms, but that should be kept for another article. Until next time.

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holiday away with the girls should be a write of passage. I believe every girl should go through a holiday with her fellow females at some point within her life - whether that be a relaxing break somewhere aesthetically pleasing, filled with coffee shops, reading and cocktail bars; or a mental partying break in one of the grimiest, yet surprisingly endearing resorts in Europe. Personally I prefer the latter. Whatever the holiday, country, or the group there is something that will always remain the same - the routines.

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!"#$%&#'(&)*+),You’re on holiday, so why not treat yourself? A fry up is usually the popular choice. The local greasy spoons rely on routines like these to be your ‘home’ whilst on your retreat. Here you can discuss the day’s ahead- or usually the night before and the antics that the group got up to. (LWKHU Ă°OOHG ZLWK KDQJRYHU KHDGV LQ QHHG RI D good OJ and hash brown, or in-depth chats DERXW WKH PDQLF IDU RĎƒ OLIH DW KRPH <RX FDQ guarantee one thing; breakfast is full of fry-ups, laughter and usually the holy one - WIFI!!

."#$%&#/001#2,#'&)3%#4)( :HOO QDWXUDOO\ 6RPH JLUOV ORYH WKH SRRO DQG some like the beach, but which is better? There LV RQO\ RQH ZD\ WR Ă°QG RXWĂź ),,,*++++7777 1R VHULRXVO\ WKLV LV VHULRXV VWXĎƒ 7KH SRRO KDV the dilemma of no breeze, but then the beach KDVĂź \RXâYH JXHVVHG LW VDQG HZZ *LUOV FDQâW DOZD\V Ă°QG WKH KDSS\ PHGLXP RI DOO DJUHHLQJ but one thing that always seems to settle this argument - the talent. No, I’m not talking about the local belly dancer or tribute act. I am talking about the quality of men. Is there some eye candy? If yes then usually this option wins. It doesn’t matter if the group you’re with are the FRQĂ°GHQW W\SH WR VWDUW FKDWWLQJ WR WKH ER\V WKHQ by 12’oclock you are all drunk in the pool with D YRGND 5HG %XOO LQ RQH KDQG ZKLVW WU\LQJ WR climb up one of the boys backs for a shoulder JDPH RI YROOH\EDOO RI FRXUVH 2U \RXU JLUOV DUH PRUH UHVHUYHG DQG KDSS\ WR MXVW DSSUHFLDWH WKH SOHDVLQJ YLHZ ZKLOVW URDVWLQJ LQ WKH VXPPHU heat- either way a nice face and body is always ZHOFRPHG ZKDWHYHU WKH KROLGD\

5"#63%&7819:;#/1):, 1RZ WKLV KHDYLO\ IDOOV RQ ZKDW KDSSHQHG LQ VWDJH LI \RX KDYH IRXQG VRPH PDOH companions by the pool/beach, usually this is a big group decision “Do we all fancy going somewhere together tonight?â€? and “What time is Pre-drinks going to startâ€?. I’m going to put it RXW WKHUH DQG VD\ WKDW ZKHQ ER\V DUH LQYROYHG with the decision, it’s much easier to make plansELVK EDVK ERVK +RZHYHU ZKHQ LWV MXVW WKH JLUOV there is always the: “Shall we do this?â€?, “or what DERXWßú DQG WKHQ WKHUHâV WKH ĂŹ:H FRXOG DOZD\V doâ€?. This is all round more stressful because VRPHRQH LV DOZD\V XQKDSS\ ,âYH IRXQG PDNLQJ WKH HYHQLQJ SODQV LQ DGYDQFH DW WKH EHJLQQLQJ of the week really helpful. This way you can plan RXWĂ°WV VFKHGXOHV DQG DOVR VDYH \RXUVHOI D ELW RI PRQH\ E\ ERRNLQJ WLFNHWV WR HYHQWV LQ DGYDQFH

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This is serious shit. Who gets in the shower Ă°UVW" 1LJKWPDUH VLWXDWLRQ ZKLFK RQO\ JLUOV FDQ understand. That feeling when the slowest member of the group gets in the shower last and \RX DOO H[FKDQJH ORRNV DV LI WR VD\ ĂŹ:HâUH QHYHU JHWWLQJ RXW RQ WLPHĂş 1RZ P\ JLUOV DQG PH KDYH WULHG DQG WHVWHG WKLV DQG ZH KDYH GHFLGHG \RX KDYH WZR RSWLRQV *HW WKH VORZHVW PHPEHU LQ WKH VKRZHU Ă°UVW VLPSO\ WHOO KHU WR MXPS LQ straightaway. This way there is a good chance VKH ZLOO EH UHDG\ ZKHQ WKH UHVW RI \RX DUH *HW WKH TXLFNHVW DW JHWWLQJ UHDG\ LQ WKH VKRZHU Ă°UVW this way you can be ready with your glad-rags on, sitting on the balcony with a drink and beginning the pre-drinks. No one wants to be around the heat of the hairdryer or being around the last PLQXWH ĂąDS DV WKH VORZHVW JLUOV JHW UHDG\ , SUHIHU the second option, get ahead with a nice relaxed getting ready session and don’t get all hot and ERWKHUHG ZKLOVW RWKHUV VWUHVV DERXW RXWĂ°WV JUDE a glass of wine and head for an outdoor seating area with your girls!

0\ SHUVRQDO IDYRXULWH SDUW RI WKH QLJKW , ORYH pre-drinks. All your group are looking fresh and FRXOG WDNH RQ WKH ZRUOG 'ULQNV ùRZ RFFDVLRQDOO\ a cheeky fag comes out (only on a girls holiday of FRXUVH DQG FRQYHUVDWLRQ LV DW LWV SHDN 7KH SUH drink chats are important to all girl friendships. The most inappropriate and in-depth chats FRPH RXW ZLWKLQ SUH GULQNV $V WKH DOFRKRO ùRZV ZLWKLQ WKH YHLQV DQG WKH KHDG EHFRPHV KD]\ your group puts the world to right and rightly so. Then the boys - you know the ones from the pool/beach - they turn up to pre’s. Within the 30 seconds of them knocking on the door, before DQ\RQH DQVZHUV HYHU\ JLUO ZLWK GR WKH IROORZLQJ Lipstick, hair check, under eye makeup check, top check, boobs check and do a quick bum check in the mirror, whist stretching the legs. FACT. Once the door is open, your group are all a delight; funny, sexy, crazy and out to show that your girl group is better than the rest. Music, GDQFLQJ DQG VHOðHV DUH WKH ULWXDOV

B"#C9;%-08Mainly a buzz of excitement and newly found ORYH IRU DQ\RQH DQG HYHU\RQH \RX PHHW /LWHUDOO\ RQ KROLGD\ \RX ORYH DQG \RX ORYH KDUGFRUH (YHU\RQH LV MXVW VR QLFH 7KH OLJKWV WKH PXVLF 7+( 3(23/( <28 +($57 /,)( *URXS SKRWRV the generic bathroom mirror picture, the new FUHZ \RX KDYH IRUPHG DQG WKH GXFN OLS SRVHV IRU HYHU\ ,QVWDJUDP :H DOO NQRZ JLUOV \RX FDQâW KHOS the duck-lips, it’s a disease. Whether a cocktail EDU RU VXSHU FOXE WKH GULQN WDNHV RYHU DQG ZKHQ we are happy on holiday, with our best friendsZH DUH YHU\ EORRG\ KDSS\ 7KHQ VRPHWKLQJ KDSSHQV ZH DOO KDYH WKDW IULHQG \RX NQRZ WKH RQH WKDW FDQâW KDYH WRR PDQ\ YLQRV EHFDXVH HYHU\WKLQJ EHFRPHV HPRWLRQDO <HDK \RX NQRZ ZKR ,âP WDONLQJ DERXW WKH ZDWHUZRUNV ĂąRZ DQG ĂąRZ DQG WKHQ K\VWHULD NLFNV LQ 7KH JLUO JURXSV then reunite to calm down the by this time semisuicidal friend and will lead quite nicely onto the next phase of our routines.


D"#E007 It’s a great part of the night. I mean really, really, really great. The greasier the better. Cheesy, FDUE\ VDOW\ SRWDWRH\ QRW D ZRUG EXUJHU\ DOVR QRW D ZRUN PDGQHVV LV DOO WKH EHVW FXUH IRU a hazy head. And its demolished in seconds. *RQH 7KH ZDON EDFN WR WKH KRWHO URRP LV IXQ ,I escorted by the new boy crew its usually bonkers - there is going to be song renditions, games 0DLQO\ VWUHHW UDFHV IURP ZKDW , FDQ UHPHPEHU photo bomb challenges and sometimes still drinking challenges.

F"#'&7 ,WâV FRPI\ \RX PD\ QHYHU ZDQW WR JHW XS <RX PD\ QRW HYHQ UHPHPEHU KRZ \RX HQGHG XS LQ EHG EXW LW LV WUXO\ DPD]LQJ ZKHQ \RX Ă°QDOO\ sober up and you’re still fully made-up, fake eyelashes and all. Then you’ll sit and think “I KDYH QR LGHD KRZ , JRW LQWR EHG ODVW QLJKWĂş <RX wake up in the same room as your girls and the next hour will be hilarious, reminiscing of what happened last night and the realisation that you DOO KDYH PDWFKLQJ WDWWRRV +RO\ VKLW


hile at work I got chatting to some friends about your typical dating do’s and don’ts and the clichĂŠs around such topics as “sleeping with a friends exâ€? and “does the guy pay on the first dateâ€?. Everyone has their own opinions on such matters; some follow their friend’s advice while others stick to their guns on what to do when going on a first date. I decided to sit down with my friend Sam and discuss some of the typical clichĂŠs we all encounter.

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If you like the person and want to date them then yeah go for it. It also lets you know if you NL[ [OH[ ^OVSL I\[[LYĂ…` PU `V\Y Z[VTHJO Z^LLW TL VɈ T` MLL[ experience.


I for some reason don’t think it matters; I’ve witnessed situations where it’s worked and hasn’t worked. I have been given the advice that if you want a relationship with the person you shouldn’t as it gives the person a wrong impression. But in my opinion surely if that person wants to be with you they wouldn’t mind, or wouldn’t suggest ZSLLWPUN ^P[O `V\ VU [OL ÄYZ[ date. I however didn’t recently and it worked out better for me, so maybe my advice isn’t so valid on this one.



I hate this whole thing. If you like someone then you should just go for it, I don’t like this game at all. Half the time when they don’t contact you they are busy, we all have lives that we have to live and we can’t always revolve our lives around someone new. Regardless of if you are a boy or girl, don’t wait three days just talk to your date, arrange a new date if you get on with them and start something new and exciting. If you’re not interested just say so, or don’t contact them at all.

34/50 >OLU `V\ NV V\[ VU H Ă„YZ[ KH[L either yourself or your date should pay or as the girl you ZOV\SK H[ SLHZ[ VɈLY ,ZWLJPHSS` if you expect the guy to pay for you. I’ve always paid for a round of drinks to make up for not paying for dinner.


I personally want to say no as I know how annoying it is to have that person who won’t leave you alone. However, I have also been that girl who won’t leave the guy alone and I understand both sides. You don’t want to be the girl who doesn’t want to reply etc and seem uninterested but at the same time, the dating game is tough and everyone knows you have to leave it some time to “play it cool� which I think sucks! So just go with your gut instinct. We live and learn.


+H[PUN H[ ^VYR PZ UVYTHSS` Ă„UL As long as you don’t shove it in people’s faces and keep the arguments behind closed doors, then it’s ok for the people around you. You need to ensure there are boundaries and that you both understand that work ultimately JVTLZ Ă„YZ[ (SZV P[ ]HYPLZ MYVT work place to work place. An VɉJL LU]PYVUTLU[ PZ JVTWSL[LS` KPɈLYLU[ MYVT H YL[HPS LU]PYVUTLU[


It depends on how the relationship ended. If you broke up due to drifting apart and still have a friendship then I don’t ZLL OV^ [OH[ ^V\SK HɈLJ[ `V\Y new relationship. As surely it shows that you can come out of a relationship and still be friends with the ex. However I do see how it can cause problems as sometimes it does make your new date feel that you’re not over your ex. Not everyone understands so it is a tricky situation.


There’s girls and guys code with this sort of thing. It hurts your friend and the others around you. Most of the time it’s pointless, however if you do genuinely have feelings for that person and it would become something else then go for it, but most of the time it’s not worth the risk. ;OL WLYZVU TH` ZH` [OL`YL ÄUL with it, but really deep down, they never are.

As long as the date went well then yes. Gives yourself an inkling whether there’s chemistry between the two of you.

12 It gives the person a bad impression, makes the individual seem easy. It also could suggest that they wouldn’t be the type of person you’d want take home to meet the parents. However it depends on what relationship you’re after, if you don’t care where it’s going then go for it. It’s what you want from the date that should make the decision for you, if you’re after something serious then hold out.

12 Don’t wait three days; if you like the person you don’t need to wait, otherwise some people think you’re being a dick. Also if you’re a girl don’t wait for the guy to make contact we’re in an age now where girls can make contact with the guy and we like it. And girls if he hasn’t called you in three days don’t panic; he may just be playing it cool.

/0! The guy should pay for dinner but he shouldn’t be expected to pay for it. The girl should H[ SLHZ[ VɈLY [V [Y` HUK WH` or suggest a round of drinks or something. It makes you think that you’ll be paying for everything in the future which isn’t a turn on.

34/50 You need to show you care, but you can’t over do it, otherwise you will scare [OLT VɈ ;OLYLÂťZ H Ă„UL SPUL between showing you want them and being clingy. For example there’s talking every day and then there’s complaining about them not replying after half an hour or less, and leaving hundreds of messages and missed calls on the phone when they don’t respond to you.

34/50 Sometimes It can work out brilliantly and other times it can work out terribly. You need time apart; you can’t always be on top of each other. But because you have things in common etc, you have that extra support in the work place. It depends on the couple and how they work it in the work place.

12 Makes your current date jealous, it can make it look like you still have feelings for the person and that you are not over them. It can be the start of a fair few arguments. It can cause suspicion in the relationship, which isn’t ULLKLK ^OLU `V\ ÄYZ[ Z[HY[ dating, and then that can continue, which ultimately leads to no trust in the relationship.

12 I’ve seen friendships break apart over situations, which involve this. It then causes problems in the relationship. Do you really want your friends sloppy seconds?


aylor Hiley, 20, is an upcoming comic book writer with a love for Chloe Grace Moretz and Dead Pool. Finding his love for comic books, film and the media at a young age in school, Taylor has dedicated his free time to creating a range of stories that he soon hopes to share with the world.

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I was troublesome at high school, all the teachers would say I was disruptive and they were quite nasty towards me. Due to not always paying attention in class I was told I wouldn’t amount to anything. Which led to media studies, which I found I had a great passion for, especially FUHDWLQJ VKRUW ðOPV

As a kid I would always take a camera and play with my toys and then that spawned into a love of story telling and that expanded from movie making to short stories. Which then led to me wanting to make my own novels into a graphic novel and that novel was End Of The Line.

!! There’s a certain scene in the book that I would have loved to see visualised and I don’t think I KDYH WKH WRROV WR GR LW LQ ðOP VR , GHFLGHG WKDW D comic book would be awesome for that.



Well my guy (his artist) Federico Zumel, whom I wrote a graphic novel script for, he’s created everything I wrote and visualised it how I wanted to. So far he’s created eight pages of the graphic novel and is still continuing the project for me.

! He ain’t no Superhero and I can’t say why as it’ll spoil the ending.

The story is about a detective called Nathanial Richards, he has a very delightful cocaine addiction, and he’s a recluse and doesn’t have any friends in or outside of work. He loves his job but he doesn’t love people. One day he stumbles across a crime, he witnesses it but due to his circumstances he can’t tell the police why he was there. He then decides he has to seek out the criminals and seek justice.

I want to continue to write short stories. I actually started writing a new short story the other day. Which is about an alternative kind of place where the government are really strict and they keep tabs on everyone. There are then basically protests and riots every week and the police have been allowed to use force during the protests. And a man goes to these protests to make sure the people are ok, he’s kind of like a vigilante and one day at one of the protests a YLGHR RI KLP ðJKWLQJ WKH SROLFH LQ ULRW JHDU JRHV viral and he then becomes the most wanted guy.

! If you’re passionate about something do it. If you don’t like it what’s the point? Think before you do things, just because your friend likes something doesn’t mean you like it.


! Female star wise Chloe Grace Moretz, male star wise it would have to be Christian Bale because I’d love a challenge.

! Thanks Emmy.

! !

I’d say it’s Dead Pool. It’s awesome. I also like an independent one called Happy – can’t remember who did it unfortunately.


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rowing up in this iconic era we were totally unaware of the impact our time would have on the world, through music, fashion and lifestyle. In 1960 I was fourteen years old, the Rolling Stones were never my cup of tea – too rebellious for me! I idolised the Beatles even to the extent that I use to catch a later bus to school so I could be on the bus that a gorgeous young man resembling Paul McCartney travelled on. My Mum and Dad approved of the Beatles as they appeared on TV wearing smart suits! We had great TV music programmes like Ready Steady Go and the Six Five Special where we were able to let our hair down and dance to this wonderfully liberating music. I remember my friends and I getting excited ZKHQ WKH Ă°UVW FRĎƒHH VKRS RSHQHG LQ RXU WRZQ we use to go there after school and listen to the ODWHVW KLWV RQ WKH MXNH ER[ VXFK KHDG\ VWXĎƒ The late 1950’s had opened the door for a UHYROXWLRQ LQ PXVLF DQG Ă°OP ZLWK VWDUV VXFK as James Dean and Elvis Presley, and even earlier than Elvis were Bill Haley and the Comets who were the forerunners of Rock ‘n Roll. Other music genres came onto the scene and many clubs opened where you could go and see your favourites playing jazz and soul music. I went and saw names such as Georgie Fame and the Blue Flames and Long John Baldry and the Hoochie Coochie Men. Wonderful names never to be forgotten!

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7KLV PXVLF KDG TXLWH DQ LQĂąXHQFH RQ IDVKLRQ brought about by the various people who followed their favourite music. The Mods were into the Blues style of music, the boys wore long jackets and the girls wore the longer midi skirts and they rode around on mopeds. The Rockers wore leathers, and rode motorbikes and these two tribes would often mark Bank Holidays by converging at seaside towns such as Brighton and Blackpool where the police would be kept busy maintaining the peace. Our parents tut tutted at us thinking we were all causing riots! The revolution in fashion began in the 1950’s ZKHQ 0DU\ 4XDQW RSHQHG KHU Ă°UVW VKRS Bazaar on the Kings Road in Chelsea in 1955. I remember loving her chiselled hair style and thinking how cool she looked, but this was just the beginning of the liberation in fashion that was to follow. It wasn’t long before my girlfriends and I were all wanting to wear mini-skirts and go to London to the Kings Road. The media was DOVR LQĂąXHQFLQJ HYHQWV DV ZH ZHUH QRZ DEOH WR see what was going on around the country via the television. Models like Jean Shrimpton and Twiggy appeared on the covers of Vogue and we all drooled over their fashions and their hair VW\OHV 7ZR VXFK GLĎƒHUHQW PRGHOV \RX FRXOG QRW get, The Shrimp with her lovely long hair and Twiggy just the opposite with her very short cut and incredibly slim body. We could only dream! Jobs were easy to come by. I was able to walk into a bank looking for work, that same day I was taken into see the Manager and he arranged for me to be interviewed in London in a couple of days time. Within two weeks I was working!

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n an almost-a-coincidence-but-not-quite situation, I had the joy and privilege to watch Bastille the day after Bastille day (which also happens to be leading man Dan Smiths birthday) in one of the most beautiful settings London has to offer; the courtyard of Somerset House. First up we’re treated to the dulcet and atmospheric synthy sounds of Kyla La Grange. Floating across the stage like an ethereal land mermaid from heaven, Kyla and her band delivered a sublime set of catchy hooks and VWXQQLQJ KDXQWLQJ KDUPRQLHV 'HĂ°QLWHO\ RQH IRU fans of Kate Bush - be sure to check out Kyla’s album ‘Cut Your Teeth’, which came out earlier this year. Bastille DV XVXDO FDPH RXW Ă°ULQJ RQ DOO cylinders. Yes, they are a pop band responsible for some of the biggest chart hits of the last few years, but One Direction they are not. Taking to the stage to the ‘Twin Peaks’ theme tune before bursting straight into ‘Bad Blood’, Bastille then took the Georgian Courtyard of Somerset House on an incredible aural and visual journey. They played pretty much everything you would want to hear; from the melancholy chords and melodies of ‘Overjoyed’ right through to the all singing, all clapping anthem ‘Things We Lost in the Fire’. For the encore, Woody (Bastilles Drummer and also allegedly the second most famous supporter of league two football giants Plymouth Argyle) led a sing along of happy birthday for Dan, much to the frontmans slight embarrassment. After thanking the assembled crowd, Bastille’s parting gift was an excellent medley of covers, which as an extra special treat brought Ella Eyre out to join in on a cover of TLC’s ‘No Scrubs’. 5RXQGLQJ WKH HYHQLQJ RĎƒ ZLWK WKH KXJH 8. number 1 “Pompeiiâ€?, Bastille at Somerset House will certainly feature in my most memorable gigs of 2014, the one thing making it even more memorable was if they had organised it for the day before’ actual Bastille Day. There’s always next year I suppose‌

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hen this film was announced, even the biggest comic book fans didnโ t expect much or had even read Guardians of the Galaxy previously, only the uber nerds. So to say this was a huge risk for Marvel would be a massive understatement but Marvel being the go to company for great superhero films delivered on a spectacular sci-fi adventure. I honestly canโ t think of a Marvel studios production that I havenโ t disliked. (Except the Amazing Spiderman 2, which technically was done by Sony pictures) The team includes Peter Quill aka Star-Lord played by Chris Pratt (Emmet in Lego Movie.) Drax the destroyer played by Dave Bautista (WWE fame). Gamora played by Zoe Saldana (Star Trek) Rocket Raccoon voiced by Bradley Cooper (Hangover) and everyoneโ s favourite; Groot voiced by Vin Diesel (Fast & Furious) who VD\V H[DFWO\ ZRUGV LQ WRWDO WKURXJKRXW WKH รฐOP no joke. The story follows a band of outlaws, criminals and an assassin who team up to escape a prison, so they can sell an orb for a high price. Everything goes wrong as they get more than they bargained for when they are hunted down by D ORW RI GDQJHURXV SHRSOH 7KH รฐOP KDV D SHUIHFW blend of lovable characters with an awesome Sciรฐ XQLYHUVH FRPLQJ WRJHWKHU WR PDNH D รฐOP WKDW LV so hard to not enjoy, I was certain when I took my family to see it, I knew that they would all love it, (they did). Though it is sad that they had to make a movie for these characters to รฐQDOO\ H[SDQG WKHLU fan base, it does open more doors for comic book characters who are not that well known to have their own big screen DGDSWLRQ รฐQDOO\ )LQJHUV FURVVHG IRU 'HDGSRRO :LWK JUHDW KXPRXU DZHVRPH VSHFLDO Hฯ HFWV great script, fantastic soundtrack and an DZHVRPH FDVW WKLV PDNHV WKLV รฐOP WKH RQH WR beat in the remaining months of this year.

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I know I’m late in reviewing this game as is has been out since November 2011 but when asked WR UHYLHZ D JDPH E\ P\ HGLWRU P\ ðUVW DQG RQO\ thought was Skyrim. This was due to the fact that even though the game is almost 3 years old there is so much content in it that needs to be talked about. As a warning as this game has been out for nearly 3 years there will be spoilers within this review so there be it, you have been warned. For those of you who don’t know Skyrim is the ðIWK LQVWDOPHQW RI WKH HOGHU VFUROOV IUDQFKLVH 7KH elder scroll games are a series of role playing JDPH VHW DW GLσHUHQW SHULRGV RI WLPH LQ D ODQG called Tamriel. Skyrim is set 200 years after the previous game Oblivion in the northern country of the Skyrim. The game opens in a similar way to Oblivion as a prisoner on their way to be executed. On your journey you learn there is a civil war raging within 6N\ULP EHWZHHQ WKH LPSHULDOVâ ðJKWLQJ IRU WKH empire and the Stormcloak rebels. Just as you are to be executed a dragon attacks and during the chaos you escape. The rest of the game you ðQG RXW \RX DUH VRPHWKLQJ FDOOHG WKH GUDJRQERUQ and the only one who can save the world from a dragon called Alduin who is prophesized to destroy the world. Now that the basic overview of the main story is done, the review may begin. My biggest love with WKLV JDPH LV WKH GLσHUHQFH LQ WKH graphics from Oblivion to Skyrim. As you can see from this picture comparing the characters in the two games you can see there is a GUDVWLF GLσHUHQFH $OVR WKH ZRUOG graphics have improved vastly as the terrene varies vastly across the map as you trek through snowy mountains, swamps, ZRRGODQG DQG PDQ\ GLσHUHQW caves and crypts to explore. Along with the graphics the pure amount of content is amazing, personally I have played well over 100 hours of Skyrim admittedly not all in the same saved game but I have still not got close to GRLQJ HYHU\WKLQJ WKH JDPH KDV WR RσHU 1RW RQO\ has the game got a ridiculous amount of content but also every bit of the content is customisable as you have a choice within most side quest



WR FKRRVH WZR GLσHUHQW DFWLRQV )RU H[DPSOH with the dark brotherhood quest line once you have been taken to the abandoned shack to kill the three hooded people and to payback the brotherhood for the contract you stole, there is the second less known option to attack and kill Astrid which leads to the ability to destroy the dark brotherhood sector within Skyrim. Not only are the quest options customizable, your skills set is also. Through out the game you level up allowing you to spend skill points to improve individual skills such as archery, heavy or light armor, one or two handed weapons and my personal favorite skill smithing. Smithing is a great skill as it helps you level up extremely quickly and also allows you to create the best armors early on making you unstoppable very early on. Over all I think this game is a solid game with amazing graphics and content allowing for VR PDQ\ GLσHUHQW ZD\V to play suiting how you like to play whether that be archery single handed or magic. So as a result I give this game a solid 10/10 this may be the fan boy in me but I really don’t care I’m in love with this game and think it is going to be hard to beat. Even though I think Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag comes very close which will be my next review.

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So until next time keep playing game and keep nerding out.

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’ll never forget my first experience of spoken word. This is because I didn’t realise it was until someone had told me. I thought I was watching an extremely well written monologue – a colloquial, personal and SDVVLRQDWH Ă°FWLRQDO VWRU\ DERXW WKH GHDWK RI D \RXQJ girl’s brother. I cried. A lot. :KHQ , IRXQG LW ZDV DOO WUXH DQG WKDW WKH EHDXWLIXO Hibaq Osman was pouring her heart out on stage, UHFRXQWLQJ HYHU\ RXQFH RI WUXWK DERXW VXFK D VHPLQDO PRPHQW LQ KHU OLIH ZLWK LQFUHGLEOH FRXUDJH DQG O\ULFLVP , cried again‌ and a lot more. 6SRNHQ ZRUG LV DQ XQXVXDO DQG DPD]LQJ SHUIRUPDQFH art that seems to have reared its head amongst our JHQHUDWLRQ RI DUWLVWV :KLOVW WKHUH DUH PDQ\ SRHWV such as Benjamin Zephaniah and John Cooper Clarke, and writers like Allen Ginsberg who have utilised live SHUIRUPDQFH WR DPSOLI\ WKHLU PHVVDJH WKLV WLPH LW IHHOV UHDOO\ GLĎƒHUHQW DQG D ORW PRUH FROODERUDWLYH $ SHUIHFW H[DPSOH RI WKLV LV 6KDPH E\ -RKQ %HUNDYLFK This incredible show combines spoken word, dance and DQLPDWLRQ WR H[SORUH Ă°YH VKDPHIXO VWRULHV IURP -RKQâV OLIH +H VR EHDXWLIXOO\ DUWLFXODWHV LW KLPVHOI QRW VXUSULVLQJ as a poet‌): â€œâ€Śby creating a show about all the things I am ashamed about, I hope to create something that I am SURXG RI ZKLFK ZLOO KHOS PH WR VWHS SDVW DQG PRYH RQĂş 7KH SRZHU RI VSRNHQ ZRUG DPRQJVW WKH DUWLVWV VHHPV to be on a semantic level. It’s like the form of spoken word can allow an artist to express themselves in a way that feels more honest and rawer than traditional art forms. 7KURXJK WKDW KRQHVW\ D GHHSHU XQGHUVWDQGLQJ RI VHOI LV FUHDWHG DQG VXSSRUWHG E\ D VXSSRUWLYH DQG HQFRXUDJLQJ DXGLHQFH FDQ EH OLIH WUDQVIRUPLQJ 7DNH IRU LQVWDQFH WKH EULOOLDQW %DQJ 6DLG WKH *XQ %DQJ DUH brilliant at creating a supportive and interactive crowd ò IURP ULFH VKDNHUV WR elected applause starters, every spoken word artist ZKR SHUIRUPV DW %DQJ IHHOV OLNH WKH VWDJH LV their home. It’s certainly inspired me as an artist: I recently began working on a project with Toby De Angeli, an extremely talented spoken word artist who wanted to develop his VWRU\WHOOLQJ WKURXJK FROODERUDWLQJ ZLWK D WKHDWUH PDNHU and a musician. Our show, Lost Boy Sketches, has EHHQ DV IDVFLQDWLQJ WR PDNH DQG ZDWFK DV LW KDV EHHQ UHZDUGLQJ WR OHDUQ IURP (DFK QLJKW D GLĎƒHUHQW DXGLHQFH FUHDWHG D GLĎƒHUHQW SHUIRUPHU LQ 7RE\ (DFK QLJKW GLĎƒHUHQW UHVSRQVHV FUHDWHG GLĎƒHUHQW ZD\V RI WHOOLQJ certain parts. As a director, it couldn’t have been more annoying. +RZHYHU DV D VSHFWDWRU , IRXQG P\VHOI IDVFLQDWHG E\ KRZ PXFK RI WKH SHUIRUPDQFH LV GHSHQGHQW RQ WKH DXGLHQFH VRPHWKLQJ , SHUVRQDOO\ IHHO KDV EHHQ ORVW LQ D ORW RI WKHDWUH DQG QHZ ZULWLQJ LQ WKH 8. I’ll be interested to see where the genre goes and how it continues to grow and develop in the UK over the next few years. I hope that through collaboration with music, theatre, DQLPDWLRQ GDQFH Ă°OP DQG OLYH DUW LW GRHVQâW JHW ORVW LQ the mix. I hope it never loses its honest and raw power. I hope it never loses its connection with audiences. But , GR KRSH WR VHH PRUH DQG PRUH RI LW HPHUJLQJ RQ RXU VFUHHQV LQ RXU WKHDWUHV DQG DW RXU IHVWLYDOV

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outh Africa may not be the first country that springs to mind when planning a backpacking trip but think again, this beautiful country has so much to offer at an affordable price. This is definitely a country you should consider when planning your trip whether you are experienced or a novice. 6RXWK $IULFD KDV DσRUGDEOH DFFRPPRGDWLRQ DSOHQW\ for backpackers, from Cape Town to the empty but stunning beaches of the Eastern Cape. This country manages to combine the amenities and attitudes of a western country with the charm and beauty of an underdeveloped third world country. It also has the added advantage of a common language being widely spoken. &KHFN RXW WKH DσRUGDELOLW\ RI WKH DFFRPPRGDWLRQ and you will be pleasantly surprised and taking along a friend will halve the cost. Most backpacker hostels are double rooms and have good amenities. Having a friend with you will help with any car hire costs, but you can also use the Greyhound and Baz Bus services which RσHU JRRG YDOXH IRU PRQH\ Kruger National Park is world renowned but there DUH QXPHURXV RWKHU QDWLRQDO SDUNV ZKLFK RσHU PXFK cheaper options; Addo Elephant Park in the Eastern Cape is well worth a day trip and it is not just elephants that you will see. A trip along the Garden Route by car can take anything from two to four weeks depending on how long you stop at each hostel and an alternative is an inland route through the Overberg and the Winelands in the Western Cape. Plettenburg Bay and Knysna are popular tourist destinations and possibly should be avoided for your accommodation but well ZRUWK D YLVLW -HσULHV %D\ LV D PXVW IRU surfers and cheap clothing and Dungeons near to Cape Town is a surfer’s paradise. For your accommodation there are a number of websites for backpackers DQG WKHVH VLWHV ZLOO RσHU \RX DGYLFH RQ not only where to stay but help with getting around, volunteer programs and internships. With volunteering you get to visit a wonderful country and get a chance to make a real contribution through community work, education, child care or working with wild animals. For those considering this country as a destination then here are a few tips before you decide, but don’t spend too much time thinking about it. Avoid peak season which for a country in the southern hemisphere is December and January as well as June and July and Easter – at these times tourist hotspots ZLOO EH EXV\ %RRN \RXU ñLJKWV DQG DFFRPPRGDWLRQ LQ advance on line but leave some leeway as there may well be local moneysaving deals. South Africans are very outgoing and friendly and only to eager to help out. Backpackers can make up to 850 Rand a day(about £45) which should cover your accommodation and food as well as transport, but if you are doing voluntary work you may need to cover some of these expenses. When travelling avoid buying food and drink at popular tourist hotspots as they are generally higher but even these prices are better value than at home ! My visits to this country have been unforgettable, for those of you who are thinking of it I say – prepare well, research your trip, take along a trusted friend, stay safe and enjoy.

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iscovering that you are a coeliac when you are in your mid twenties is no joke, and for those that do not know what this is, it is a lifelong autoimmune disease caused by intolerance to gluten. About 1 in 100 people have the condition and once diagnosed, it is treated by following a gluten-free diet for life. Following that discovery you then discover just how many foods contain gluten. It was a huge learning curve for me but luckily my partner was wheat intolerant so she was a great help. We are now both learning how to live with the implications, hard at times but you soon discover that there is help out there. For a start there is the “Free From” section in the supermarket, somewhere you may not have spent any time browsing but for us a great place to start. +HUH \RX FDQ ðQG JOXWHQ IUHH SURGXFWV EXW unfortunately the choice is limited and the prices are high; then there are the Health Food shops and on line specialist companies. We already had a bread maker so we were able to make bread for both of us now, however I do miss the French baguettes, cakes and puddings that were always part of my diet. It is just amazing how many products contain gluten – even those sausages IRU WKH %%4 ò DQG \RX ðQG \RXUVHOI UHDGLQJ WKH small print on the back of glass jars to make sure there is no gluten used. I soon found help by downloading an app from the Coeliac Society available for iphone and Android which I could use to read the bar codes on packaging. There is also a handy book from the Society which lists all of the foods you can eat. Shopping is so much fun now ! Eating out has also presented some challenges as many restaurants do not cater for coeliacs and those that do tend to charge a third more for the equivalent meal. The situation is improving and Pizza Express is amongst the growing number of eating places where you are catered for. We have in the past had to resort to ham, egg and chips or a jacket potato when looking for a reasonably priced lunch and if we were really lucky a tasty risotto. My partner is now trying to master baking for me, a whole new experience for her and so far the cakes have either been like biscuits or have fallen apart and required a spoon to eat them with, still I have manfully eaten them with a smile on my face and secretly hoping there might be some custard as well. The last attempt was a fruit cake and she followed the recipe meticulously. When it was taken from the oven she remarked that had she dropped it on her foot she would have been in plaster for 6 weeks. The cake may have not looked that good but it was very tasty so maybe there will be a second attempt. My diagnoses was made a year ago and now I am more comfortable with what I have to eat, yes I do still miss tasty bread and cakes but I have discovered alternatives and I am doing what it takes to keep me healthy.

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