AGRA 2013 - Katalog razstavljavcev

Page 220

BiOTehNišKi izOBrAžeVAlNi CeNTer ljuBljANA VišjA STrOKOVNA šOlA

Ižanska cesta 10, 1000 Ljubljana Tel.: 01/280 7600 Fax: 01/2807 620 e-mail: Izobraževalni programi: • Živilstvo in prehrana • Gostinstvo in turizem Študente izobražujemo po dveh prenovljenih in aktualnih višješolskih študijskih programih živilstvo in prehrana ter gostinstvo in turizem. Programa trajata dve leti, študent ju zaključi z diplomsko nalogo in si pridobi naziv inženir živilstva in prehrane oziroma organizator poslovanja v gostinstvu in turizmu. Prednosti šole: • Skrb za kakovost izobraževanja • Praktična naravnanost študija ter razvito sodelovanje s podjetij in možnost opravljanja praktičnega izobraževanja v tujini • Skrb za zadovoljstvo študentov • Uspešnost študentov • Svetovanje in tutorstvo vsakemu študentu • Izredni študij prilagojen potrebam študentov • Referat po vaši meri • Dodatna ponudba aktivnosti za študente (športne aktivnosti, študentski časopis) • Odlični prostorski pogoji za izobraževanje z novimi in sodobno opremljenimi laboratoriji in tehnološkimi učilnicami


The programme is designed to meet the needs of our students and help them successfully complete their vocational education. Our main goal is to provide high quality education by establishing solid partnerships with the companies that participate in carrying out practical training and help put theory into practice. Such partnerships are comparable to the European standards of good practice and are particularly welcome in the field of vocational education which is to train students for practical needs. Together with well-experienced lecturers and training experts our objective is to adapt the educational programme to the needs of the labour market and the economy in central Slovenia as well as cultivate friendly relations that will promote understanding and cooperation of all involved. Educational programmes of higher vocational studies have been reformed in accordance with the Bologna and the Copenhagen Declaration. Vocational College at the Biotechnical Educational Centre Ljubljana offers two educational programmes: • Food technology and nutrition (Higher/Post-secondary vocational education - 2 years). Upon the successful completion of Vocational College (this programme), students are awarded the title of Food Technology and Nutrition Engineer. • Hospitality and tourism (Higher/Post-secondary vocational education - 2 years). After successful completion of this programme, students are awarded the title of Hospitality and Tourism Manager. 218

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