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JobTeaser: To help students in their job search and career planning

The JobTeaser service was taken into use by Tampere University at the end of November. There had been a need for a more versatile online service both for students and employers for some time for recruitment purposes and especially to facilitate better interaction between students and employers.

Students have given positive feedback on the new service. The variety of international jobs and other content has been well received. JobTeaser is used in several countries and in approximately 700 higher education institutions across Europe. The service provides students with job and internship offers and much more. JobTeaser includes many company profiles and career related events such as recruitment events and coaching sessions. In current times many of the events are modified into webinars thus giving a lot of new possibilities to participate.


A new feature is that the service is reachable only by logging in. The student logs in with their tuni account and creates a profile with personalized search criteria. The idea is that the JobTeaser provides users with customized job offers and event content according to the profile and search criteria. As the launching of the service proceeds, the amount of Finnish content will increase. Find the link to the log-in from intra's Shortcuts.

More tips available in the students' handbook!



Tick student/alumnus in yours courses when creating your profile in addition to your actual study field – this is the only way to get job offers from the Finnish employers! You can choose multiple study fields.


Make sure you make the right language choices: in addition to your platform language, choose also the language(s) of the content you wish to follow. At least Finnish is recommendable.

JobTeaser service for employers

Companies can reach all students from all Finnish universities using JobTeaser with one click and for free. Employers have taken the new service into use very well in their search for new talents. There is also an option to make a company profile which makes it possible to create a virtual company presentation. The company profile is easy to do and we at the Career Services are more than happy to tell you more!