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will be held 19.1.-21.1.2021

The Job Search Theme Week will be held 19.1.-21.1.2021

This year, due to exceptional circumstances, the Job Search Theme Week will also be held mainly in virtual form, making participation easier and more convenient than ever! Check the schedule of the Theme Week to see which of the workshops will be organized in virtual format and which ones can you participate physically in.


The Theme Week makes it possible to prepare for the upcoming job search with the help of professionals. With the tips and advice from the Theme Week's workshops, you can hone your CV and LinkedIn profile to perfection and work on your job application to make it stand out from the competition. All workshops have pre-registrations this year, so be sure to secure your place soon! You can find the schedules and registration forms for the Job Search Theme Week at: Teemaviikko – Yrityspäivät. All who pre-register will also receive the Job Search Master's overalls badge!

Come collect the tips and tricks that will make you stand out during the recruitments in the spring! See you at the Job Search Theme Week!