ENG AEHL - eJournal - March 2022

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A Word from Nicole Hinrichs Discover New EHL Updates Q&A with EHL Community Global Online Alumni Conference Bottin Exploring New Boundaries

A Word from Nicole Hinrichs

EHL's Pledge to Innovation

Innovation = lifeblood of business. No matter how good your service, product, process, or business model – everything has a shelf life! Yet, while companies in general subscribe to this simple equation, most fail in doing so. In fact, for any radical innovation (meaning not those that are incremental iterations of an existing product or service) companies face a chance of 90% or above to come to nothing. Yet, why is that so? For the past 10 years, I have dedicated my line of research to understanding the psychological and cognitive side of innovation. In other words, how do we address the unknown, what happens when we try to decode the next big thing, why do we pursue the lines of thought we pursue? Here I would like to share three overarching insights that I feel are not ground-breaking if you think about them, but surprisingly difficult for most business to follow:

Technology ≠ innovation. All too often, innovation is equated with technological development. Technology for the sake of technology is not innovation. Technology is a means to an end! In fact, the best technological innovations are those that we don’t even consciously recognize as we apply them in our day-to-day life. Yet, many technical touchpoints end up being neither user-friendly, intuitive, or end up being overengineered for the purpose they were designed for. If a technological application does not serve to solve a customer problem, it has no value.

Innovation = customer-centricity. Innovation is about value creation. Yet, what many companies fail to appreciate is that the value-creation is not assessed internally, but by the customer. As Henry Ford famously said about his customers: “If there is one secret to success, it lies in the ability to get the other persons point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as your own.” You cannot provide a solution to a problem you don’t sufficiently understand! Unfortunately, many companies I have come to study, but also the numerous interactions I have been privy to, have pointed to a simple truth for me: Most people fall in love with the solution, not with the problem.

Innovation = competition for relevance. As the adage goes “nothing is constant but change.” When thinking about change, we often only think about the context we operate in, not however the customer we operate on. Nowadays, who knows a company that does not proclaim their customer-centricity? Yet, how many go back on a regular basis to reassess, whether their customer is still who they have once defined, and the problem is still the problem you need to solve for them? Further, the way customer categorization is often-times pursued is outdated and rests on surface level criteria like age, gender, cultural background – or my personal favorite – an entire generation!

Done right, innovation allows you to compete for relevance as consumers change. Creating value in solving a problem that is relevant to them with a technology (if needed) that makes a relevant difference! I invite you to challenge these three simple points the next time you are asked to innovate!

Dr. Nicole Hinrichs Associate Professor of Strategy & Entrepreneurship

Update from EHL Incubator

My name is Friederike Schnitger. I am an EHL graduate of 2011 and as of January my Start-up - MyHands UG is part of the EHL Incubator. After finishing my masters at ESCP Europe in Paris and London I started running my own country guesthouse. The facility included 10 hotel rooms, a cosy bar as well as a restaurant serving upscale German cuisine.

However, as life brings you challenges along the way and as a single mother, I decided to sell my business after 6 years in 2019 to return to a more child friendly life hood.

What has stayed were experiences between heaven and hell that will last for a lifetime as well as one product idea that came into my mind already in 2016. As a kid I dreamt of becoming an inventor and this product idea was somehow stuck in my head, that shall now become reality in 2022, finally.

The idea was born during wedding season in 2016. At peak times I relied on students working as well as staffing agencies. That evening we had a wedding serving a 4-course menu to 120 people. All external staff members were at the early training stage and as such could not carry 3 plates straight away (2 plates in one hand and one in the other). I could not order trained staff as there was not available on the market as competition was fierce.

During service the mood became more and more tense ending up with a yelling kitchen chef and nearly crying young people. That moment I spoke out loud: ,,Why does no one on this earth invents a serving aid?! This would enable us to do our job without endless discussions!’’ I instantly googled if there was a solution for my problem. Surprisingly there was none, yet to be found on the market.

Back then, the most logical consequence to me was inventing one by myself. A tool that enables inexperienced employees to carry three plates instant moment without any training, straight away from the very beginning. Thus, I started MyHands UG, came up with many prototypes of my future service waiter helper (SWELPER ) and filed my first patent.

Campus Update from EHL Passugg

To evaluate the market need, I have worked for about 6 months as a waitress for an agency. I quickly figured out that other hotels, restaurants, and catering businesses were facing the exact same issues. Many are failing to carry three plates fast, efficient, smiling and still clean while arriving at the guest’s table. Frequently cutlery falls and plates are breaking. My invention will solve all these issues and even more in one go.

EHL Passugg Staff Testimonial with Simon Rindlisbacher

In November 2021 I was awarded a gold medal at the iENA Nuremberg for outstanding achievements. After two years of product development, SWELPER will be available this summer. It is a tool that will support those with high staff turnover, high percentage of inexperienced waiters. It will improve the team spirit and service quality in our restaurants but most importantly make carrying plates finally easy – one day hopefully worldwide.

Simon Rindlisbacher has been the Director of Hospitality Services of the EHL Campus Passugg for almost 3 years. Before starting at EHL Passugg he has worked as a General Manager at various high-class hotels in Thailand and Vietnam close to 17 years.

Simon, how did you find your way to EHL Passugg?

Industry Insight - Innovation

I was always interested in what was going on in Switzerland, kept good contacts with my industry friends and led the Swiss Society Bangkok as their president for several years. I always wanted to stay connected to my home, even when I was away for a long time. I am also very thankful to the former Executive Chef, who introduced me to EHL Passugg. It took two phone calls before I decided with my family to come back home and start my new journey here at EHL Campus Passugg.

How does working as a Director of Hospitality Service at EHL Campus Passugg differ from your previous job as a General Manager? And what has been more challenging? Once a hotelier – always a hotelier. And this is how I continuously live and practice it in Passugg. As a former Hotel GM, I used to have guests from all over the world and now I have guests too. Our students. This is not always easy, as I can only achieve this service quality with the help and support of the entire team and our guests, who not only stay with us for leisure, but enjoying to learn and study very hard to achieve their goals to become the talents our hospitality industry needs.

What is your favorite room or part of the historical school building?

The Market Jardin, which used to be the “Computer Room”. We have exciting plans for the future of our Campus and its extensions, and this place is going to be the new heart of this place. I am unfortunately not able to reveal too much, but we are aiming to double the amount of the currently 350 students on site.

Every company provides a vision for what they want to become. A mission of what they stand for along with the corresponding values they rest their fundamental self-conception on. In research, we call this an organization’s identity. Identity provides a filter of appropriateness in what actions to pursue, how a company behaves and the answer to the fundamental question of “who are we as a company”?

What would you change about the campus in your vision if you could make a dream come true?

Open up all our restaurants to the public, so that we would be able to welcome all our guests from near and far. They should be able to enjoy all the delicious specialties and the excellent service delivered by our student

What makes living in the historical school hotel so unique for students?

Innovation is a fundamental building block to EHL’s identity. But what does it mean, when an institution rests its self-conception on a value that requires rethinking itself on a regular basis and relentlessly questioning what it does, and who it is? It provides great opportunities, but also great responsibility. At EHL this means not only rethinking our pedagogical developments through digitalization, providing opportunities that push the boundaries of our knowledge with corporate partners through institutes, giving a home to entrepreneurs to start their ventures from our innovation village…What it also means, is integrating you into the process of designing who EHL will become going forward.

The historical building has a special boutique atmosphere. Not many people have the chance to study and live in such a unique place. It is therefore a “once in a lifetime chance” and sure it will be an unforgettable one too.

Values do not end with an institution’s boundaries. As a graduate from EHL you have become part the ecosystem of internal and external constituencies that enable EHL to live up to its promise for innovation. As graduates from this institution, but also as an active member of the EHL family, I am asking you today, how can we jointly drive, sustain, redefine and further the innovative drive within EHL? We truly believe that jointly the EHL community holds an enormous capacity to innovate and as we are moving out of the paralysis of the past two years, we are more eager than ever to push the potential for innovation together with you!

What is your favorite story you like to tell people about the campus?

There are two donkeys, living a happy life close to our campus. One day, they escaped for a walk and passed by my office window on the main street. It was (kind of) my responsibility to help them find the way back home and make sure they would not get hit by a car. But I guess it looked very funny to see a guy in a suit and tie “playing” the farmer.

Want to get more information on how to collaborate with EHL? Contact us here

Change in the Chairmanship of the International Advisory Board of EHL

The Board of Trustees of the EHL Foundation is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jonathan Stent-Torriani as EHL’s new International Advisory Board President. After 10 years at the helm of the EHL International Advisory Board, Mr. Emanuel Berger, has announced that he will be retiring from his position as Chairman by July 2022.

For two decades, Mr. Emanuel Berger - himself a graduate of EHL – served as member of the Board of EHL, and accepted the following 10 years to lead the International Advisory Board with great passion and commitment. Mr. Emanuel Berger has had a stellar career spanning more than 6 decades. This includes his leadership as CEO of the Victoria-Jungfrau Collection, as well as being Chairman of Swiss Deluxe Hotels.

“We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Berger and wish him a most fulfilling retirement. His love and passion for the hospitality industry has inspired - and continues to do somany young hoteliers from around the world. Today, we look back with tremendous thankfulness and we look forward to welcoming our new president Mr. Jonathan Stent-Torriani”, declares Dr. Carole Ackermann, President of the Board of Directors and EHL Board of Trustees.

Jonathan is no stranger to EHL. He knows the Institution as a graduate, became a member of EHL International Advisory Board in 2004, and of the EHL Foundation for Scholarships and Honorary Loans. His track record in the hotel industry includes roles as Europe President with Gate Gourmet International AG (from 2000 to 2004), as CEO of the Group Compass Southern-Europe (2004 to 2006), Co-owner and Partner of the Ritz Carlton Hotel Montreal, and is co-CEO of Newrest since 2006.

It has been just over a year since we changed our Alumni Platform for EHL Connect and we cannot be happier with the success it has brought so far. We would like to share with you some key figures that will make you discover the potential of this new networking platform!


The number of accounts that have been activated around the globe! This represents almost half of the accounts we have in the database! But we still have some work to do in promoting the platform for us to get even more of you onboard!


Average number of monthly connections to connect.ehl.edu meaning that more than 50% of the activated accounts are using the website every month!


The average age of our Alumni Network when considering the most recent 2022 graduates and those who graduated in the 1950s, like Keith Donaldson (EHL 1951) in Australia & Chantal Hulscher (EHL 1955) in Canada.


The number of emails sent through the platform this past year. Not even considering the notifications sent by the platform. While our team from Lausanne is sending quite a few emails, this is also thanks to our Stamm Committees organizing events and communicating with our community!

EHL Connect: 1 Year in Review

Events organized for our community around the globe, not bad for a year that was still marked by the pandemic!


This is a number we can all be proud of, and most importantly thankful for! This number represents all the committee members, Stammladies and Stammvaters around the globe who are giving their time to keep our community alive and vibrant! A huge thank you to all of them for their time and dedication towards our community!

Finally, we also took the time to implement last month a new tool that allows us to update the professional information of all our alumni accounts. It will help us to have an updated database of job titles and companies, as well as professional contacts!

We have updated over an afternoon more than 58’000 pieces of information on your professional profiles, be it your past and current experiences, professional contact details or even some countries and cities! But like any online tools there might be some discrepancies! So, make sure to login and check your professional details!

Do not hesitate to send us your feedback on the alumni website and let us know what you want to see next!

Our Social and Environmental Report

In 2020, EHL released its first social and environmental report, confirming the start of its journey towards sustainability by publishing a set of commitments approved by the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee.

The report is now released yearly, covering the actions over the course of the previous year.

There is still a lot to be done, but we are devoted to take on the challenges of today’s society and develop our metrics for more precise reporting from year to year, to be able to set precise objectives for positive change over the short, medium and long term.

You may access the reports below:

Access here

Updates from EHL Foundation

Scholarship and Honorary Loans

The purpose of the EHL Foundation for Scholarships & Honorary Loans is to provide financial assistance to deserving students.

Studying at EHL is a dream for many of them but unfortunately sometimes financially unattainable. Our goal is to allow them to achieve this dream while diversifying the type of students we welcome. We have already been able to help a hundred students to complete their studies at EHL. The Foundation is funded by institutional and private donations. Two and a half years ago, we created a boutique to sell EHL-labeled products. All our items respect the standards of the EHL charter for sustainable development and all profits from the store are donated to the EHL Scholarship and Loan Foundation.

The boutique offers a wide variety of EHL branded goodies like beautiful hoodies, caps, pens, totebags and more!

As of May 1st 2022, you will be able to benefit from a 20% discount from CHF 100.00 of purchases online or directly in our store in Lausanne.

More information on this will follow soon!

Odile Tornare, Director of the EHL Foundation for Scholarships & Honorary Loans, is assisted by Patricia Mueller. Both will be happy to answer your questions.. Contact them here:


Campus Updates from EHL Passugg

Student Projects as Innovation drivers Case of Leftovers

Innovative student ideas against food waste

Food loss and food waste is a global issue and has an enormous impact on climate change. In Switzerland alone, 2.8 tons of food remains are thrown away annually, whereby gastronomy is responsible for 10% - and similar ratios are seen across the globe.

However, for many luxury hotels, adopting a sustainable F&B approach is a challenge, since they only want to offer the highest quality food. Within the project management class of the Swiss Professional Degree program at EHL Campus Passugg taught by Daniel Ciapponi, students received the task to create a sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) project for various hotels, one of them being the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz.

Designing a sustainable F&B concept for a 5-star hotel

The Grand Resort Bad Ragaz is a 5* spa hotel situated in the canton of St. Gallen in Switzerland, home of a famous natural spring and a popular health resort destination attracting people worldwide and is led by EHL alumnus Marco R. Zanolari. The Grand Resort Bad Ragaz set the objective to create a sustainable F&B concept, which would have a maximum sustainability approach while supporting its high-end positioning.

In order for the concept to be implemented by the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, it had to fulfill all their requirements and the students delivered. They proposed a holistic concept called: LeftLovers, a pop-up restaurant, which was to be located in the middle of the green park of the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz, serving creatively transformed by-products from the hotel.

The ambitious sustainability-focused concept, which the students developed during their studies, features innovative, anti-waste recipes has convinced the F&B teams of the 5-Star Resort and the project was implemented during the summer season of 2021. Two students from EHL Passugg, Chiang Dinh-Khai Nguyen and Samuel Indermühle were able to execute their internship at their self-designed pop-up restaurant "LeftLovers".

Outcome of LeftLovers concept

The student project with the support of industry leaders like the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz reflects the shared desire of both institutions to promote innovative and sustainable practices in the hospitality industry. Through the cooperation of a well-experienced hotel management team and highly motivated, openminded students, an innovative and sustainable project has been established that can be used as an example for further initiatives.

LeftLovers: the innovative and sustainable F&B concept

What to do with leftover cherry tomatoes or orange peel? Well, easy, you eat them! Unused food can be transformed into creative new dishes that are absolutely delicious, with no guilty aftertaste.

LeftLovers shows how multifaceted unused food is, and how sustainability can work in a luxury setting. For example, the leftover rice from the Sushi Take-Away is transformed into crispy rice balls or the home-made lemonade is created from orange peel. To avoid food waste in the first place, the French fries are made out of unpeeled potatoes, Ketchup and mayonnaise are served from glass bottles instead of plastic packaging and the meals are served on biodegradable plates. For partner products, attention is paid to organic and climate-neutral production, short delivery routes, and sustainable farming.

1. Embracing sustainability while inspiring people

We can see and feel climate change in our everyday lives. Therefore, EHL Campus Passugg students are sensitive to the matter, convinced that something needs to change and that everyone can contribute to avoiding further global warming. Hence, the vision of the LeftLovers concept is to inspire young people and industry leaders to implement sustainable nutrition within their lifestyles and into their business.

"We offer modern and innovative F&B, made almost exclusively from usable leftover grub and food remains. We source the products we use from regional suppliers as much as possible. We limit our product offering to ensure sustainable and environmentally-friendly production."

With that concept, they do not only support the corporate social responsibility objective of the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz but also help make the world a slightly better place.

2. Sustainability beyond F&B

In order to maximize the sustainability of the concept, the students added an aspect to their creative idea called: “Adopt a plant”. In order to have an impact beyond F&B, students proposed to gift older plants or non-flowering orchids to customers and visitors, so they are not thrown away.

Impressed by the creative and thought through concept presented by the students, the management team of the Grand Resort Bad Ragaz decided to bring the concept to life.

3. Success factors of the ecological initiative

● The combination of the luxurious 5*star resort and the ecological F&B concept can be seen as a paradox, but provided a huge storytelling potential. For this reason, the story was picked up, generating a lot of media coverage and visibility for the cause.

● The fact that all the elements which are used within the concept - the huts, the cutlery, the seating arrangements - have been found in the storage facilities of the hotel, gives a strong and coherent sustainable message that resonates.

● The pop-up restaurant location, within a famous outdoor exhibition, guarantees a visitor basis that can be converted to consumers.

● The unique and comfortable setting of the concept not only appeals to international visitors, but offers a meeting place for local and returning guests.

● As the menu is adapted to the food remains, it is dynamic and changes regularly, offering a new experience for returning guests.

Campus Update from EHL Singapore

Welcome back to our Singapore section of the EHL alumni e-journal! It’s been full steam ahead here at EHL Campus (Singapore), and we’re very excited for 2022 with the growth of our teams and presence here in the region. This March, we are proud to announce that our official Campus Inauguration Ceremony will be held on 21st March – stay tuned to our social media channels to experience the excitement of this historical event! Read on to find out what we’ve been up to this quarter.


The Asia-Pacific regional team has grown significantly, now with 17 members based in Mainland China, India and Singapore. The team is responsible for Communications, Marketing, Student Recruitment and Admissions, and Industry Relations in Asia-Pacific. We finally welcomed them to Singapore this February for our first in-person meeting in two years!

2022 Faculty Team

Q1 Events

EHL Campus (Singapore) x One Million Trees Initiative

Aligned with Singapore’s ‘city in a garden’ vision, and especially seeing as we already had plenty of lush urban greenery on our grounds, EHL Campus (Singapore) organised a commemorative tree planting event on the 24th of January 2022 to celebrate the end of the semester with our first Bachelor intake of students.

As part of our contribution to the Singapore National Parks Board’s OneMillionTrees movement, which aims to restore nature back into the city, we planted 9 trees on our grounds for which the NParks Board will match 1-for-1. We then ended the evening with a lovely garden party-themed dinner for our students and staff.

From left to right: Natthavut Srinara, Dr Luciano Lopez, Dr Guy Llewellyn, Miguel Teles de Menezes, Dr Adam Aoun.

Orientation Week February 2022

We are proud to welcome our first Spring intake of BOSC 1 and 2 students onto EHL Campus (Singapore) this February. Over the four-day program, the students met their staff and faculty team through a series of presentations and interacted with alumni during evening apéro sessions. Alongside the Orientation Week planning team, eleven BOSC 2 student assistants and ambassadors organised teambuilding games, a campus-wide treasure hunt and an Amazing Race around Singapore! Catch up on the highlights here

Sustainability Week

With the support of the Global Sustainability Team, we kickstarted EHL’s Sustainability Week 2022 in Singapore (third for the EHL Group) in collaboration with our CSR Student Taskforce! Catch up on the activities on our Instagram highlights.

Open House

We welcomed young students and their parents during our first in-person Open House of the year on 5th March. Guests discovered our programs and savoir-faire through information sessions, alumni and student sharing and campus tours, and interacted with our current students and alumni over freshly made coffee. We would like to thank Marco (AEHL ‘19) and Audrey Channitanda (AEHL ‘21), and the team from their family-owned business Supresso for supporting the event with their coffee and sharing of their own experiences.

Meet-the-Alumni Sessions

On 11th March 2022, we relaunched our biweekly Meet-the-Alumni sessions on EHL Campus (Singapore). Our first guests were Véronique Augier Nel (AEHL ‘96) and Evelyn Phoa (AEHL ‘16) who shared about their career journeys in marketing & communications. These lunchtime discussions are just one way we bring the industry and alumni network into the classroom; we also have guest speakers, industry case studies and projects to constantly challenge and inspire the next generation.

Short Courses

This April, our short courses for working professionals begin again, starting with Wine Investments: Making Money with Wine Collections. For anyone wanting to take a deep dive into the wonderous world of wine, this course is taught in two parts with theoretical knowledge combined with tastings, simulations and real-world scenario exercises. This will be taught by Dr Philippe Masset, Associate Professor at EHL and founding member of the Alliance for Research on Wine and Hospitality Management.

Fun Facts about Singapore

Although it has now been discontinued, did you know that you can find the national anthem in micro-text on the back of the SGD $1,000 note?

According to a study from over a decade ago, Singaporeans could be the fastest walkers in the world with an average walking speed of 6.15 km/h.

SDG Impact Stories

SDG Impact Stories is a team of 3 dedicated AEHL, with the will to take action towards global challenges and accelerate the transition towards a more fair and sustainable world.

Guillaume Monnier, our Camera-Man and Shaan Madhavji, our Founder, both recently graduated in June 2021. Clarissa, our Co-Founder, and AEHL since June 2019, worked at KPMG as a Junior Auditor and then as a Forensic Consultant for a little more than 2 years.

In 2015, all UN Member States adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. At its core, 17 SDGs were designed to tackle global challenges such as extreme poverty, quality education for all, climate change and many more. Specific targets were set for each goal, and they’re expected to be achieved by 2030.

What is the SDG World Tour of social entrepreneurs ?

To put it simply, it’s a World Tour across 20 countries during 6 months to highlight the work of +50 social entrepreneurs who contribute to at least one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. While we are covering all SDGs, we primarily focus on Education, Food and Climate action. The tour started on February 1st, 2022.

At present, we have about 40 entrepreneurs on board, some of which are AEHL! These entrepreneurs are spread out through 20 different countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and North and South America.

For each entrepreneur, the SDG Impact Stories team produces:

• A 3 min video about a social enterprise following this structure: 1) The problem the company is trying to solve 2) The solution(s) designed to address the problem 3) The impact and potential impact of the company;

• A 20 min video of an interview we’ll shoot with the founder/ an executive, in which we discuss the same topics mentioned above (problem, solution, impact) but with more depth. Similar to a visual podcast.

In addition to the social entrepreneurs, as our project grows, we are meeting thought leaders, philanthropists, professors, and renowned change makers throughout the tour. To add perspective on the topics we are tackling, we’ve invited these guests as speakers of our “Walk the Talk” series.

This series will notably feature Magali Silva (former Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Peru), Robert Rubinstein (pioneer in impact investing), Noella Richard (Director of UNDP Youth in N-Y), faculty members of Harvard, MIT and others.

What are you trying to achieve?

Our main objectives are the following:

• Highlight the concept of «social entrepreneurship»;

• Raise awareness on global challenges, the SDGs and simple solutions that exist to accelerate change;


younger generations to pursue a career in the field of social and environmental impact

Our primer focus is to put a spotlight on the concept of social entrepreneurship, and its potential to accelerate social and environmental change. At SDG Impact Stories, we believe that small to medium-sized social businesses can have a major impact on their communities locally, and globally. Social entrepreneurs not only have a positive impact but are profitable as well, which is essential for them to grow in the long-term.

Additionally, we want to raise awareness on the 17 SDGs, which can be considered as a blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The UN describe it as an urgent call for action for governments, corporations, and individuals to reduce inequalities, promote social inclusion and protect the environment.

Finally, younger generations are increasingly interested in driving change. In recent years, young people have been more involved politically, making a conscious effort to consume more responsibly and avoid companies with questionable practices. However, the field of impact careers is still emerging, fragmented and tricky to navigate through. Therefore, we want to expose the numerous opportunities that exist in that field.

Why is it important to tell the stories of social entrepreneurs?

Today, we're faced with unprecedented social and environmental challenges. A lot of inspiring individuals are leading the way towards making the world more sustainable. However, few people know about their work and impact. Telling a story, if well done, can trigger emotions, encourage reflection and ultimately empower individuals to make informed decisions.

We believe social entrepreneurs can locally have the biggest impact on their communities. With their knowledge and perspective, they’re in the best position to design efficient solutions and drive sustainable change. Many of them have demonstrated that you can be profitable and at the same time have a big impact.

How is EHL playing a major part on the SDG Impact Stories project?

We can firstly thank the strong AEHL network, without which we would have never made a team for the SDG Impact Stories. None of us really knew each other prior to the project. It went from an idea Shaan had 1 year ago, to the “recruitment” of Clarissa to further develop the vision, and the arrival of Guillaume to enable the product! All this thanks to our AEHL platforms. Not to mention how each of our unique experiences throughout the EHL Bachelor’s program shaped who we are today and played its role in developing our skills and competencies to come up with this project.

Additionally, Noémie Danthine, Head of Sustainability at EHL, played a huge role in bringing the project to life as she provided advice and support from the very beginning. She also greatly facilitated EHL’s financial contribution to the SDG World Tour.

With its increasing commitment towards sustainability within their curriculum but also as part of their daily operations, EHL fits hand in hand with SDG Impact Stories. Many AEHL share the same vision. Up until now, we have already covered the stories of some of them including Alina Swirski, Country Manager of Too Good to Go Switzerland, Naomi MacKenzie and Anastasia Hofmann, CoFounders of Kitro, as well as Joseph Choueifaty, Founder of Goodvest. Furthermore, AEHL Nicky Gryzcka, became a key partner for the tour as she helped us connect with numerous social entrepreneurs through an organisation she recently founded called the Social Gastronomy Movement.

As part of the agreement related to the EHL sponsorship, following the tour, the SDG Impact Stories team will write a set of written recommendations to help EHL accelerate its commitment towards sustainability and drive sustainable change within the School and the Hospitality industry. Throughout the tour, we are also taking part in several EHL recruitments events, notably in Paris and New-York, to engage in meaningful discussions with potential EHL Students.

In addition to EHL, we’re delighted to count on the support of organisations such as Ashoka, the UN SDG Lab, Aga Khan Development Network, AlphaMundi, Quadia, The Knowledge Society, IKEA Social Entrepreneurship and the UN Development Program. These organisations helped us to select some innovative and impactful companies.

Where you can follow the tour

You can follow our journey on @SDGimpactstories on Instagram, Facebook, Youtube or LinkedIn. We look forward to having you as part of our community.

EHL Masters Program

Sitting with an Alumni

Vendant Gupta

Tell me a bit about yourself…

My name is Vedant Gupta, and I come from Chandigarh, India. I graduated from EHL in July 2021, and I started working as an Academic Assistant (TA) for the Real Estate finance course for final year students at EHL. Working as a TA has been such an adventure. To walk in a class and be greeted by students' smiles, to sense their actual excitement for the lecture to come, definitely is the happiest part of this job!

Generally, I am intrigued by science (engineering) in life, and I am a very finance/numbers-oriented guy. An ideal day for me in the office is crushing numbers on an excel sheet for 8 hours a day non-stop! Following this passion, I recently started a private investment company as a hobby, and I am happy to say that it's going well so far. Fingers crossed!

To describe my personality in a few words, I would say I am a really funny, adventurous guy and someone who's always on the lookout for exciting moments. After a long hard day of work, I enjoy the most being able to share a light-hearted moment with friends over a cold beer. Lastly, funnily, my closest friends would often say that I am like a ray of sunshine in their lives.

What is the difference between student/staff life?

It is undoubtedly two completely different sides. As a student, it would often be slightly more relaxed. In a sense, classes weren't mandatory, and the actual stress would kick in close to the exam weeks and then it would be the holiday season again.

As now faculty at EHL, that part completely changed. You have to meet several responsibilities and deliverables day-in and day-out. Students look up to you and have high expectations for you to be able to teach them complex concepts. The professors expect you to be able to lead a class ideally and assist them as may be essential!

But there are several good sides to the story too. For instance, I have the opportunity to bond on a more personal note with the professors. They treat you more like colleagues and not as 'assistants.' The professors are someone who have learnt inside out the industry and accomplished great laurels in their fields, and to learn from their experiences is such a unique opportunity.

What are your plans post-EHL?

I see myself working in the Hotel Real Estate industry. To work for an organization and be able to buy, sell, evaluate, and finance hotel properties from across the globe would be a dream come true. The ultimate goal is to open my hospitality real estate company, perhaps in advisory or maybe starting a REIT in India that invests in schools one day.



the best place you traveled to? Why?

Dubai is definitely on the top of my list. I have been there a couple of times, and I enjoy how incredibly fast it is booming. I believe Dubai has a dynamic environment. With all the big corporations wanting to be there and all the industry leaders shifting now to Dubai, it is a fascinating city indeed.

What is the story behind this picture?

This was actually a story from 3½ years ago when I was in Bosc-2. My friend River and I thought it would be a very funny idea to be on the wall of Tschumi. Because we would always cross that hall of fame path and look at all the pictures and be so fascinated by them, reading about EHL's history and classes in the 1970's, etc. So, one day, we took a very professional picture of us working on our laptops in the EHL Library. We printed it with the EHL logo in black & white to merge perfectly with all the other pictures in the hall of the fame. And, then we opened one of the frames and placed our picture there. Now, it's been 3½ years, and we have officially become a part of EHL's legacy

Sitting with a Student

Shrey Anand

Who is Shrey Anand?

Shrey Anand is a global citizen of Indian lineage, enrolled in EHL’s Bachelor programme for International Hospitality Management in Lausanne, Switzerland. His work experiences in The Upper House, Hong Kong and HEIMA (a Swiss hospitality start up) are his skillset shapers, towards the actualisation of his aspirations as a hotelier owner, of a boutique hotel chain.

His creative pursuits in addition to poetry, photography has culminated into – "The Boy with Wings " video series exploring alternative perspectives.

His constant endeavour is to bolster his vision of a compassionate and resensitised community by curating sensitivity and respect for all.

What was your first impression of EHL?

My first impression of EHL was like experiencing a radiant spectrum –the distinct warmth of its people, the exacting standards of excellence and professionalism meshed with a striking sense of community.

EHL's compelling history and reputation instill a sense of pride in belonging. It provides the perfect backdrop for a supportive ecology that fosters confidence. The interweaving of the professional and soft skills curates a narrative of experience with excellence. Like the final slide of the presentation in AP, EHL truly embodies – The first day for the rest of your life.

EHL is more than a brand - it is a legacy!

What inspired you to start creating motivational videos / podcasts / campus KNCT?

Funnily enough, COVID-19 inspired "The Boy With Wings."

The past 3 years have been riddled with tremendous uncertainty and anxiety. However, it was also a catalyst for critical change and unprecedented adaptability, globally.

My aim was to celebrate the human spirit of resilience. This series is a smorgasbord of introspective insights, perspectives and ideas. It is a sharing of learnings and musings to provide clarity through conversation.

The Boy With Wings is a medium of self expression to spread compassion, positivity and to build a safe place, to ask questions and find those answers for yourself. Connection through communication.

The other - Campus KNCT was an opportunity that provided a gateway to strengthen bonds between students, as they evolved towards their actualisations. My contribution was to promote the sense of fraternity by harnessing the core sense of community.

What is the most important lesson you have learned in the past year?

Uncertainty is an opportunity, it is the stepping board of possibilities. It sets the course for innovative ideas and new realities. Growth is facilitated by change. The only way forward is through the momentum of actionable ideas and a positive, determined mindset. And above all gratitude, tremendous gratitude.

What has been the most enriching moment of your video /podcast / campus KNCT projects?

The narrative of relatability has been the greatest reward. The ability to explore different perspectives and instantaneously connect with numerous people, on a deeper level and learn from their perspectives, has been invaluable. Each video segment on The Boy With Wings has provided me a chance to assess and address my perspectives, while exploring others. Similarly, my time with Campus KNCT was an insight into the viewpoints of upcoming professionals, current students and graduates. Each of these pursuits has been a journey of self realisation and continues to be a refreshing, enriching and educational pathway towards my evolution. My learnings about the language of compassion, connect, sensitivity, respect and inclusivity is the language of humanity. Each interaction has enriched me. In these learnings lie my biggest wealth.

Shrey Anand Bosc 5

EHL Group Virtual Career Fair Spring 2022

On Saturday, March 19th, EHL Group successfully hosted the fourth edition of the Virtual Career Fair. More than 150 companies worldwide, from start-ups to leading corporations participated in this online event to e-meet and recruit EHL talents.

On the other hand, over 1,000 attendees joined the fair to develop their network, reconnect with their #EHLFamily or find their next professional challenges.

On behalf of EHL Group, the Alumni & Industry Relations Team would like to extend their gratitude to all participants for their presence and loyalty.

SAVE THE DATE! We are also pleased to let you know that the Fall 2022 edition of the Career Fair will be back on October 22nd in a hybrid model, both online and on campus in Lausanne. More information will be shared in due course.

This edition’s Company Webinars are available to watch on replay:

The Lo & Behold Singapore

The Peninsula Hotels

ZFV-Unternehmungen / Sorell Hotels Switzerland

Choco Communications GmbH

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group


Apaleo GmbH

Your feedback is highly valuable for us to improve future editions. Please support us by answering our short Feedback Survey if you attended the event. Thank you for your contribution!

Kind regards,

Your Alumni & Industry Relations Team


Congratulations to:

Philipp Blaser (EHL 2006) for the birth of his daughter

Heleri Rande (EHL 2014) for the birth of her daughter

Maria Volodina (EHL 2015) for the birth of her daughter

Samantha Marion (AEHL 2015) for the birth of her son

SAVE THE DATE Global Online Alumni Conference 2022

After a successful 1st edition, we are delighted to share with you that we will be organizing the 2nd Global Online Alumni Conference from the 1st to 2nd of June 2022. This will be the perfect opportunity to connect with alumni from around the world, talk about industry trending topics, participate to round table discussions as well as to some more relaxed sessions.

Please save the date and register to our event page on EHL Connect so that you stay up to date with the latest information.

EHL Alumni Network Route de Cojonnex 18 CH - 1000 Lausanne +41 21 785 13 60 alumni@ehl.ch
Your Alumni & Industry Relations Team
"You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take."
Daniel, Oliver & Stéphane
- Wayne Gretzky
Grégoire, Fabienne, May, Yuhan, Sébastien ,
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