Sustainable Solutions 2012

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c­limate treaty. As he pre­ dicted, despite everyone pre­ tending to negotiate in good faith, no progress was made. Yet most observers, even envi­ ronmentalists, said things like: “Well yes, it was a disappoint­ ment, but actually a great deal

of progress was made at Co­ penhagen.” So as we discuss what Swe­ den will do now, we can never lose sight of the question: why will Sweden do it? It will take leadership from the top of the political, business and NGO

worlds. And it will take grass­ roots leadership to create a bottom-up movement to stif­ fen the resolve of Sweden’s leaders. And Sweden must de­ cide how to partner with all the other developing countries ­facing the same challenges.

Gro Harlem Brundtland, Prime Minister of Norway, addresses a press conference. 19 October 1987, United Nations, New York.


Sustainable Solutions

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