Question 7

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Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? Since the preliminary task there has been a hugely improvement in our production. This has been a massive progress in the camera angling/ positioning. The camera was for the most part placed in the perfect position. This made our final production more professional. We included many different camera angles to make our thriller opening to be more realistic and to make the story-line as effective as possible. The camera positions allow enhancing certain scene and moments in the product. Filming became so much easier as I, the camera woman, became much more comfortable with the use of the HD camera. It did essentially help speed up time since I could get the necessary shots needed quicker. Whereas, in the preliminary task we had to constantly repeat shots many times before getting the shot needed. This was very time consuming. Unlike the preliminary task, we focused a lot on the clothes we were wearing in each shot. We wanted to our movie to be on one continues day. We could not get all the shots needed in one day so the main actresses had to make sure they wore the exact same clothes and have their hair exactly the same. This was quite difficult at times as some of them did forget to bring the correct clothing a times. But in the preliminary task we did not really focus on this as much.

In the first shot of me entering the room I am wearing a black shirt but then in the next shot I am wearing a blue shirt. This clearly demonstrates what we did not want to happen in our final product because it is quite noticeable. And it would be obvious that we filmed over several days. So we made sure to keep as much as possible the exact same to give a more realistic feel.

The editing in our final product was very smooth and precise. The fast effects that are in our movie really let the audience keep interest and allows the story to carry out efficiently. Since we did not add any effects to our preliminary task we can really see the difference it makes. Adding effects make it look more appealing and much more interesting to watch. We did decide on including the whole group in our thriller opening, so I was asked to be a teacher. Therefore, I also had to make sure that I wore the exact same clothes throughout. The preliminary task did help me see what I needed to improve to be more believable which I tried to incorporate onto the final product.

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