Neo Planta, May (2) 2019

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Neo planta V O L . 2


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Microorganisms for you

Structure and composition of Hydrosphere Medicinal Plants of the Month

Research Methodology— Methods for Assessing Antioxidant activity.

Facts: Inventions and Discoveries related to Plant Science.



Bifidobacterium This is a bacterial genus consisiting of anaerobic species. Some species of Bifidobacteria can tolerateoxygen, using the enzyme superoxide dismutase and catalase in their defence against the toxic effects of superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. Simple sugars are the main sources of carbon and are readily present in the upper intestinal tract, as well as complex carbohydrates such as starch, cellulose, hemicelluloses, xylan, pectin, gums that are not digested by human gut. The nitrogen metabolism has also been observed in Bifidobacteria and the species utilize ammonium sulphate as the nitrogen source. This helps in decreasing the amount of ammonia in the colon. Some species are reported to synthesize vitamins predominantly cyanocobalamine and nicotine and also synthesize thiamine, folic acid and pyridoxine. The predominance of Bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract has been confirmed by its high percentage (96%) of occurrence in the infant’s fecal matter samples. It improves intestinal functioning by increasing the absorption rate of human milk protein by removing casein in human milk. In infants, Bifidobacteria plays a significant role in prevention of loss of nutrients by suppressing the growth of competing bacterial species in the intestinal tract. It prevents constipation in the host by producing acids that stimulate peristalsis and promote normal bowel movements. Bifidobacteria also has reported antibiotic activity against pathogens like E.coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Shigella dystenteriae, Salmonella typhi, Proteus sp and Candida albicans by suppressing their growth in the host. Bifidobacteria also inhibit the growth of these enteric pathogens by breaking down conjugated bile acids. In treatment of liver damage, Bifidobacetria (B.bifidum) and lactulose are added to the host’s diet to re-establish normal intestinal microflora in the advanced stages of cirrhosis. Rebalancing the intestinal microflora thus reduces the concentration levels of ammonia and free phenols in the blood. Protein metabolism is also increased due to renormalization of intestinal function.

Bifidobacterium lactis


It is one of the most versatile bacteria in the human body. It helps to fight lactose intolerance and boost the immune system. It supports healthy cholesterol levels, ease ulcerative colitis and even combact the effects of celiac disease. It is found in fermented dairy products and fermented vegetables. Apart from role in lactose digestion, B.lactis is an integral aspect in supporting digestion of all sugars, fibres and macronutrients. It reduces the occurrence of antibiotic associated diaarhoea. It helps in proper bowel movements and support overall bowel health. It inhabits the intestine and colon in great numbers. It is present in raw milk and is used as a starter culture for cheese, cottage cheese and buttermilk. It also helps in decreasing cavity causing bacteria in mouth, fight dental caries, decrease constipation, treat acute diarrhoea and strengthens the immune system by increasing the activity of T-cell as needed, to control increased blood glucose and to decrease cholesterol level.





Bifidobacterium bifidum It is a probiotic bacterium found in the body of mammals including humans. It is a gram positive, non motile anaerobic and non spore forming bacterium. It is rod shaped and found living in clusters, pairs or even independently. Majority of the population is found in the colon, lower part of small intestine, breast milk and often in the vagina. Its use as probiotics may reduce the chance of acute diarrhoea and the risk of E.coli infections and contributes to the maintenance of vagina homeostasis. Transmission of B.bifidum allows a child to begin production of microflora which helps to colonize the child’s intestine after birth. It is used in the treatment of infection by Helicobater pylori, irritable bowel syndrome, restoration of intestinal bacteria after chemotherapy, constipation, lung infection, ulcerative colitis, diarrhoea, necrotizing enterocolitis, pouchitis. It can be produced outside the body and ingested orally. Certain foods are abundant in it like yogurt, kefir, buttermilk, fermented foods (kimchi, tempeh, meso, pickles), cured meats, wines, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, vinegar. The presence of Helicobacter pylori in the stomach indicated the increased risk of stomach ulcers. B.bifidum helps in healing the stomach ulcer caused by Helicobacter pylori.

Bifidobacterium breve It is a great peobiotic that combacts allergies, gastrointestinal infections and inflammations in children. It is also good for skin and treating obesity. It is a beneficial bacterium that can be found in human breast milk and the gastrointestinal tracts of infants and adults. It is used for increasing skin hydration and clearness. Its administration to preterm infants triggers an anti inflammatory response that may be of benefit in attenuating allergic reactions. It reduced the risk of developing eczema. It showed beneficial immunomodulatory activity in allergic asthma. Early administration of B.breve to low birth weight infants is useful in promoting the colonization of Bifidobacteria ans the formation of normal intestinal flora. Oral administration reduced the production of butyric acid in infants, which may help in protecting low birth weight infants from digestive diseases such as necrotizing enterocolitis. It was originally isolated from the feces of human infants. The strains has the ability to ferment mannitol and sorbitol. B.breve is useful in treating childhood constipation.

Bifidobacterium infantis It is a type of lactic acid bacteria naturally found in oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract. It helps in maintaining a healthy digestive tract. It is also found in some food products. It is used in the production of yogurt, olives, sauerkraut, salami and cheese. Frequent bloating and gas indicate there is a problem with our digestive system and probably indicates our intestines are running low in beneficial bacteria. It thrives well in the intestine of infants and helps in breaking down of lactic acid in human breast milk. This probiotic also feeds on natural fructose, glucose and other natural carbs.




FLEMINGIA CHAPPAR Buch.Ham. Family : Fabaceae Medicinal properties: Vermifuge, anticancer, antifungal, and used to treat filarial. Roots are used to treat epilepsy, hysteria and to induce sleep and relieve pain. Phytochemicals reported from the plant:


Chromenochalcone flemichapparin A, Pterocarpan flemichapparin B, coumestan flemichapparin C, anthocyanin, rhamnose, galactose, beta sitosterol, hydroxyl flavanon, flemingin A,B,C, homoflemingin.

plants of


the Month


T. Casperson in 1938 developed ultraviolet photomicrography for the study of nucleic acids.








ERYTHRINA INDICA Lam Family : Fabaceae Medicinal properties: Leaf– cathartic, diuretic, antiseptic, anti inflammatory. Bark– antibilous, anthelmintic, febrifuge, astringent, expectorant. Different parts of the plants are used as nervine sedative antiepileptic astringent, antiasthmatic, antiseptic. Applied externally for curing venereal buboes. Bark is used to treat liver ailments, fever and rheumatism. Phytochemicals reported from the plant: Alkaloids

Facts 

W.N. Haworth and P.Karrer in 1937 received Nobel prize for the discovery of molecular structures of carbohydrates, vitamin C and carotenoids, flavins, vitamins A and B respectively.



DOLICHOS BIFLORUS L Family : Fabaceae Medicinal properties: Plant used to treat measles, small pox, adenitis, burns, sores. Decoction or soup is used to treat infections in liver, spleen and also used to treat intestinal colic, leucorrhoea, menstrual disorders and urinary discharge. Phytochemicals reported from the plant: Pentosan, gum, vitamin A, streptogenin.

Facts 

F. Lipmann (1939– 41) proposed a

central metabolic role of ATP.

A. claude isolated cell components like ribosomes, mitochondria and nuclei in relatively pure form by differential ultracentrifugation.







DESMODIUM TRIFLORUM DC Family : Fabaceae Medicinal properties: Fresh leaves are used internally as galactagogue and for diarrhea; applied externally to wounds and abscesses. Used to cure cough and asthma. Root is diuretic. Phytochemicals reported from the plant: Alkaloids, tyramine, hypaphorine

Facts 

O.T. Avery, C.H. Mcleod and H. McCarty in 1944 showed the significance of DNA in hereditary transmission in bacteria.

K.R. Porter in 1945 discovered the endoplasmic reticulum.

F. Lipmann in 1945 discovered coenzyme A and got Nobel prize for this discovery in 1953.




Structure and composition of hydrosphere Hydrosphere is the water on surface of the Earth. It includes all the three states of water— solid (ice), vapor nad liquid. The liquid water exist on the surface in the form of ocean, lakes and rivers and also as ground water (in wells and aquifers). The vapor form is visible as clouds and fog. The frozen part is made of ice: glaciers, ice caps and ice bergs. The frozen part of the hydrosphere is called cryosphere. Water moves through hydrosphere in the form of cycle called water cycle. Water is evaporated from water bodies and enters the atmosphere where water molecules condense to form clouds. Water then precipitate (falls back to earth) in the form of rain or snow. This is called water cycle. Ocean and water trapped in the pore spaces of sediments make up most of the hydrosphere. Rain water is not pure but rather contains dissolved gases and salts, fine particulate matter, organic substances, bacteria. Recent researches showed the high salt content of salt in the rain near coast lines. It was demonstrated that a large percentage of salts in rain is derived from the bursting of small bubbles at the sea surface due to the impact of rain droplets or the breaking of waves, which results in the injection of sea aerosol into the atmosphere. This sea aerosol evaporates, with resultant precipitation of salts as tiny particles that are subsequently carried high into the atmosphere by turbulent winds. These particles may fall in rain or as dry deposition. The salt present in rain water are sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium sulphate, bicarbonate. In addition to these ions, rainwater contains small amount of dissolved silica.







Warm water is less dense or lighter and therefore tends to move up toward the surface, while colder water is more dense or heavier and therefore tends to sink toward the bottom. Salty water is more dense or heavier and thus tend to sink. While fresh or less salty water is less dense or lighter and thus tends to rise toward the surface. The ocean currents are also affected by the motion of the atmosphere, or winds above it. Ocean is the large reservoir of chemicals that can contribute to the green house effect of the atmosphere.










Facts 

Lipmann and Kaplan (1947-50) determined the structure of coenzyme A.

Kennedy and Lehninger (1948-50) showed that the citric acid cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid oxidation take place in mitochondria.

A. Boivin , R.vendrely and C. Vendrely in 1948 demonstrated quantitative constancy of DNA material in various cells of same organism.

C. Du Duve in 1952 identified lysosomes

G.E. Palade in 1952 analysed the fine structure of mitochondria and showed the presence of mitochondrial cristae.

M. Chase and A.D. Hershey in 1952 showed that the gene was DNA.

F. Zernike in 1953 received Nobel prize for the discovery of phase contrast microscope.




Facts 

H. A. Krebs in 1953 received Nobel prize for the discovery of citric acid cycle.

J. D. Watson and F.H.C. Crick in 1953 proposed the double helix model for the DNA molecule and got Nobel Prize in 1962.

F. Sanger in 1954 gave the first complete structure of the protein molecule when he worked out the structure of the insulin molecule.

J.H. Tijo and A. Leva in 1956 gave the first correct human chromosome count (46 chromosomes in the diploid condition)

Seymour and Benzer in 1957 gave the concept of cistron (gene), the unit of function.

A.R. Todd in 1957 got Nobel prize for the discovery of nucleotides and nucleotidic coenzymes.

F. Sanger (1958) received Nobel prize for the discovery of the structure of insulin.

G.W. Beadle and E.L. Tatum in 1958 received Nobel prize for the discovery that one gene regulates one definite chemical process.







Facts 

F.H.C. Crick in 1958 proposed the central dogma of molecular biology that DNA determines the sequence of amino acids in polypeptide.

S. Ochoa in 1959 received Nobel prize for the invitro synthesis of poly ribonucleotides.

A. Kornberg in 1959 received Nobel prize for invitro synthesis of polydeoxyribonucleotides.

Park and Pon in 1960 discovered quantosomes in the chloroplasts.

J. Hurwitz, A. Stevens and S. Weiss in 1960 showed the role of the enzyme RNA polymerase in the synthesis of RNA from a DNA template.

F.H.C. Crick et al in 1961 produced direct evidence that the genetic code is a triplet one.

F. Jacob and J. Monad in 1961 discovered regulatory genes




Methods for Assessing Antioxidant activity HORAC (Hydroxyl radical averting capacity) Assay: The technique is based on the measurement of metal chelating activity of antioxidants, under the conditions of fenton like reactions. The method uses a CO II Complex and hence evaluates the protecting ability against the formation of hydroxyl radical. Fluorescein is incubated with the sample to be analyzed and then the fenton mixture generating hydroxyl radicals is added. The initial fluorescence is measured after which the readings are taken every minute after shaking. Gallic acid solutions were used for building the standard curve. Research methodology







parameter) Assay: The






exploited to monitor the reactions involving the peroxyl radical. The CL signal is driven by the production of luminol derived radicals, resulted from the thermal decomposition of AAPH. The TRAP value was determined from the duration of the time period during which the sample quenched the chemiluminescence signal, due to







the presence of antioxidants. Lipid Peroxidation inhibition assay: This method uses a fenton like system (Co II + H2O2) to induce lipid peroxidation. Alpha linoleic acid was chosed as a model substrate. It was mixed with the analyzed sample, as well as fenton like mixture to induce lipid peroxidation. After the end of the incubation, the concentration of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was measured as the index of lipid peroxidation. Lipid peroxidation was expressed in n moles of TBARs per 1 ml of mixture alpha linoleic acid per analyzed sample. PFRAP Method (Potassium ferricyanide reducing power): An absorbance increase can be correlated to the reducing ability of anti oxidants or its extracts. The compounds with antioxidant capacity react with potassium ferricyanide, to form potassium ferrocyanide, yielding ferric ferrocyanide, a blue colored complex, with a maximum absorbance at 700nm. CUPRAC (Cupric reducing antioxidant power) Assay: The standard antioxidants or extracts are mixed with copper sulphate and neocuproine. After 30 minutes, the absorbance was measured at 450nm. In the assay Cu (II) is reduced to Cu (I) through the action of electron donating antioxidants. Results are expressed in milligrams of Trolox per litre of extract.













Facts 

M. Calvin in 1961 received the Nobel prize for the work on photosynthetic activity.

R. W. Holley in 1964 described the nucleotide sequence of alanine t RNA molecule of yeast.

M.W. Nirenberg and H.G. Khorana in 1968 receied the Nobel prize for the work on genetic code.

R.H. Holley in 1968 received Nobel Prize for the discovery of base sequence of tRNA.

M. delbrueck, A.D. Mershey and S.E. Luria in 1969 received Nobel prize for the discovery of reproductive patterns in viruses.

Knippers, Kornberg and Gefter; Moses and Richardson in 1970 isolated DNA polymerase II enzyme.

C.B. Anfinsen, S. Moore and W.H. Stein in 1972 got Nobel prize for the discovery of chemical structure and activity of the enzyme ribonuclease.







Facts 

A. Claude, G.E. Palade and in 1974 were awarded Nobel prize for their innovations that started the modern science of cell biology nearly 30 years ago and for their major contributions to the understanding of the inner working of living cell.

R. Dulbecco, H.M. Temin and D. Baltimore in 1975 were awarded Nobel prize for their discoveries concerning the interaction between tumor viruses and their genetic material of the cell.

D.C. Gajdusek in 1976 got Nobel prize for his finding of the cause of a puzzling fatal degenerative disease called Kuru. The agent responsible for Kuru was found to be a slow virus and this discovery has been considered as a great achievement in medical genetics and neurobiology.

Rosalyn Talow, Roger Guillemin and Andrew Schally in 1977 got Nobel prize in physiology and medicine for developing the techniques of readio immune assay for the estimation of hormones in blood and for isolating, characterizing and synthesizing 3 polypeptides involved in the control of the anterior pituitary gland from brain.


Darani Vasudevan

Hi readers, I am a Botanist and writer. This magazine is an outcome of the topics that interested me a lot while doing my research works. I chose this magazine as a platform for sharing many interesting facts related to plant Science and microorganisms.

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