Sri Garbarakshambigai

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SRI GARBARAKSHAMBIGAI (Temple specialities, legend and slogans) For Pregnant women

Darani Vasudevan

Preface, Tamilnadu, the southernmost state of India is well known for its beautiful temples and mythologies associated with them. Many temples hold a special piece of importance on Earth for their architectural value as well as their historical importance. There are some notable temples which attract a plenty of devotees with their admirable mythologies and beliefs that surrounds a particular deity of those temples. It is not just a belief, it is actually a trust that is created in the minds of people based on that incidents that occurred in the past and occurring at present. Thirukarukaavur is one such temple whose deity is worshipped by women for achieving the boon of pregnancy, healthy child and a safe delivery. Goddess Garbarakshambigai is an incarnation of Goddess Parvathi who is believed to bestow married women with a happy pregnancy, safe delivery and a happy life. She protects women throughout their pregnancy period and ensures them a safe delivery. Plenty of devotees visit this temple to get blessed with the gift of children in their life. The goddess blesses her devotees and brings glory and happiness in their life. The book is a note on the temple

history, mythology, importance of the goddess, poojas performed and a list of slogams which the pregnant women must recite for a healthy pregnancy and a safe delivery. -V. Darani M.Sc., M.Phil., SET

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Thirukarukaavur Temple – A glance Today, the inventions in the field of science and medicine have reached a peak. One can find solution to almost all the health problems which were once considered incurable by our ancestors. Though there are facilities to deal with adverse situations in the field of medicine, even today some cases stand as questions and are in need of a supreme power apart from manmade inventions to get rid of. We have heard of cases which doctors mention as the miracle happened by the mercy of god. The supreme power is the God who bestows us with courage to withstand difficult situations of life. God stand as a ray of hope in difficult times. There is a strong belief in the world that there is a power beyond man‟s knowledge which controls all the activities on Earth. It is not just a belief, many incidents of the past and occurring at present made people trust in the supreme power. Tamilnadu, the southernmost state of India is well known for its temples, some of which are known by devotees as cure to particular problems. Devotees visit these temples (according to their problem they are willing to find solution for) and perform proper pooja to fulfil their needs. The greatness of such temples is praised and shared generation

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after generations. These temples stand as mythological miracles and historical importance for more than hundreds or









Mullaivananaathar temple at Thirukarukaavur. The goddess Garbarakshambigai of this temple is praised to a peak as she brings happiness in the life of her devotees by blessing them with the boons of early marriage, pregnancy and child birth. She is believed to protect her devotees throughout their pregnancy period and ensures a safe delivery and a healthy child. Married couples visit this temple to get blessed with a healthy child and pregnant women worship her to get a safe and risk free delivery. Pregnancy is a dream and gift in the life of married women; there blooms happiness in the mind of a woman on hearing the news of a new life in her womb. This completes her birth as a woman. The whole family is filled with joy and everyone gets excited about the new arrival. Pregnancy roots the next generation on earth and makes a woman feel complete in her life. The entry into motherhood transforms a woman completely and makes her feel more responsible. A child forms the mother‟s entire world and will implant a great confidence in her to face every day hurdles with

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patience and smile. Life style modifications and various issues create the problem of infertility in some women. They spend money to treat infertility with a hope to give birth to a child. It is hard to explain how a woman will feel deep inside her heart when she failed to conceive after several years of marriage. The society curses her and blames her and even segregates her from actively participating in auspicious occasions. Her mind will suffer from pain which is much adverse than that of death. Goddess Garbarakshambigai stands as a ray of hope for married women as she blesses them with the gift of children in their life. Those who are miscarried, childless and have infertility related issues worship her to get blessed with children and a happy life. It is a miracle that there is no report on maternity death in the village Thirukarukaavur. People strongly believe that it is the blessing of Goddess Garbarakshambigai. Thirukarukavur is a village in Tanjore district, Tamilnadu, India. The temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The tamil words „Thiru‟ means „respect‟, „karu‟ means „foetus/ womb‟, „ka‟ means „save‟ and „oor‟ means „place.‟ Since the goddess is believed to save the womb of women the village got the name Thirukarukaavur. As this place was once

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believed to be covered by a forest filled with „mullai‟ (mullai in tamil means jasmine flowers) plants, this place is also termed as mullaivanam (Mullai- jasmine, Vanamforest). Mullai is the sthalavriksha (temple tree) of this temple. Madhavi is the other name used to denote mullai plants. Hence this place is also termed as “Madhavipuram.” The other names of the village are Thirukalavur and Garbapuri. The temple at Thirukarukaavur is included as one among the „Pancha aaranya sthalams‟ (Pancha- five, Aaranya- Forest, Sthalam- Temple) which were once located at 5 different forests in and around the districts Tanjore and Kumbakonam of Tamilnadu. The Pancha aaranya sthalams are: 1. Sri Mullaivananaathar temple at Thirukarukaavur – Mullaivanam (Forest of Jasminum sambac) 2. Sri Saatchinaathar temple at Avalivallanur, Pathiri vanam (Forest of Stereospermum chelonoides) 3. Sri





Vannivanam (Forest of Prosopis cineraria)

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4. Sri Aapathsahayeshwarar temple at Aalangudi, Poolai vanam (Forest of Aerva lanata) 5. Sri Vilvaneswarar temple at Thirukollampudhur, Vilva vanam (Forest of Aegle marmelos) There is a belief that it is very special to see poojas performed in these five temples on a single day and get the blessings of Lord Shiva. The timings are: 6 AM at Mullaivananaathar temple 8AM at Satchinaathar temple 12 PM at Paadaleswarar temple 5.30 PM at Aapathsahayeshwarar temple 8.30 PM at Vilvaneswarar temple The temple at Thirukarukaavur is 2000 years old. The presiding deity is Lord Shiva in the name Lord Mullaivananaathar.





Garbarakshambigai (an incarnation of Goddess Parvati devi). The temple tree (sthalavriksha) is Jasminum sambac and the holy water bodies are Paal kulam (milk pond) and Brahma theertham. The speciality of this temple is that the

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main deity in the form of linga, Nandhi and Lord Ganesha are swayambumurthis (self manifested statues). The self manifested linga of this temple us one among the 64 self manifested (swayambu) lingas in the world. The shiva linga is a hardened ant-hill mud and hence no abhisekam (which refers to the Hindu ritual of pouring water and other sacred substances on the statue of a deity while chanting powerful mantras) is performed for Lord Shiva at this temple. Moreover, the linga was once surrounded by jasmine creepers and even today one can see the impression of jasmine creepers on the linga. Jasmine is believed to be the








Mullaivananaathar removes all the diseases of his devotees which were caused as an outcome of the sin committed by them









„Pavaroganivaaranan.‟ A special abhisekam for the linga is done by applying a must called „Punugu‟ during Pradosha days of full moon fortnight. The temple is located on the banks of River Vettaru which is a tributary of River Cauvery. It is the 18th temple dedicated to Lord Shiva on the southern banks of Cauvery praised in “Thevaram” hymns. The peculiarity of this temple is that in

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the navagraha shrine, all the planet gods face the sun god who is at the centre and Jupiter directly faces the sun. It is believed that the navagrahas (9 planet gods) bless their devotees and grace them with positive aspects and none retrograde. Goddess Garbarakshambigai adorns the sanctum sanctorum in the form of a beautiful idol, which is about 7 feet tall and decked in Kanchipuram sarees and exquisite jewellery. Her radiant smile incorporates positivity and forms a ray of hope to all her devotees. Raja Raja I, the great Chola emperor, who raised the Chola‟s immense power in South India and Indian ocean mentioned a note on Thirukarukaavur temple in one of his inscriptions as: “Niththavinodha valanaattu aavoork Kootraththuth thirukkarukaavoor” During his reign, the Chola dynasty was divided into eight “valanaadu” and „Niththavinodha valanaadu‟ was one among the eight valanaadus. The temple was located at this part of his dynasty.

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Lord Mullaivananaathar is believed to cure skin diseases, cardiac arrests and blesses his devotees to get a speedy recovery after surgery. Many legends on Earth incorporate the grace and power of Lord Shiva of this temple which induces the devotees to incorporate a strong faith on him for a prosperous life. Lord Brahma, the creator of lives on Earth once had a high degree of self esteem about his work. He was cursed as a result of which he lost his power to create lives on Earth. He realized his mistakes and decided to worship Lord Shiva to get rid of the impact of the curse. He came to Earth and worshiped Lord Mullaivananaathar. He dug a pond to take bath and perform rituals. Lord Shiva was pleased by his devotion, appeared before him and blessed him his power back. The pond created by Lord Brahma is called “Brahma Theertham”. It is believed that if one walks three feet with the intention of seeing and worshipping Lord Mullaivananaathar, he/she could get rid of all the sinful reactions in the first feet, attain immortality in the second and in the third feet he/she could attain Sivasayujjiyam. Even if one thinks of this place or says its name or sees it or lives here or travels to other places

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through it, he/she will be removed of all sins, all the attainment will be attained and will definitely have a place at the feet of Lord Shiva. Here is a note on few devotees who got cured of their curses after worshipping Lord Mullaivananaathar at Mullaivanam: Suvarnakaran, a native of Kerala was cursed to roam as a devil for several years. A sage named Karkiya advised him to






Thirukarukaavur and worshipped Lord Shiva. He took bath in the Brahma theertham as advised by the sage and got back his original form. A king named Kujatvajan was cursed to roam on Earth in the form of a tiger. He reached Thirukarukaavur did pooja and worshipped Lord Shiva on the Sundays in the Tamil month Kaarthigai. Lord Shiva was pleased by his devotion and blessed him back with his original human form. King Kujatvajan did arrangements for Brahmotsava at this temple in the Tamil month Vaikaasi. Sangukarna, who was demonized by the curse of Guru worshipped




Thiruvaathirai and regained his original form.


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The moon worshipped Lord Mullaivananaathar to rescue from the curse of Daksha. Even today one can see the rays of moon falling on the lord on the full moon day in the Tamil month Panguni.

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Glory of Thirukarukaavur in Thevaram hymns Saivism is a tradition in Hinduism which worships or praises Lord Shiva as the Supreme Being. Those who follow Saivism are called “Saivites”. During 6th – 8th century CE, there were a group of 63 saints who lived in Tamilnadu and followed Saivism. They were collectively called as Nayanars. They along with Alwars (who follow Vainavam which worship or praises Lord Vishnu as the Supreme Being) influenced the Bakthi movement in the early medieval South India. Sundarar, Thirugnanasambandhar and Thirunaavukkarasar (Appar) were prominent among the Nayanars. They were Saiva poet-saints of Tamilnadu who visited several temples and praised Lord Shiva in their versus. It is believed that Lord Shiva himself showed these saints the way to his temples and was impressed by their hymns. Their works were mentioned in “Tevaram”. “Tevaram” denotes the first seven volumes of “Thirumurai” which is the 12 volume Saiva canocial work by Tamil saints. It is a 12 volume collection of Saiva devotional poetry.

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The temple at Thirukarukaavur finds mention in Tevaram. The saints Sambandar and Appar praised the glory of Lord Mullaivananaatahr in their beautiful versus. It is believed that those who worship Lord Shiva by reciting these hymns will get cured of all kinds of skin diseases. Thirugnana Sambandar praises Lord Shiva as the one with a fire red skin tone; who blesses his devotees and gifts them with a good natured heart. He removes the sins and impurities of his devotees. Lord Mullaivananaathar‟s nature is as sweet as Amirtham (a drink which is sweet in taste) and resides among the fragrant filled Jasmine creepers at Thirukarukaavur. Appar praises Lord Mullaivananaathar as the one who exists in all forms on Earth from a smooth tender substance to hard and rough ones. He mentions the Lord in the form of planets and sun. He mentions Lord Shiva as the amirtham and he is spread in the world like that of ghee in milk and taste in fruit. He mentions Lord Shiva as the Supreme Being in the world and as a friend to all his devotees. He praises the Lord and visualizes him with a milk white skin tone apart from a fire red one. According to Appar, Lord Shiva is invisible to the eyes of his devotees but he stays with them and guides

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them like their own eyes; he exists as the colour and fragrance of jasmine flowers and removes all the hurdles faced by his devotees as well as their anxieties; he destroys people with evil thoughts and protects his devotees from the dangers caused by evil persons. He praises Lord Mullaivananaathar as the one who removes all the sins performed by his devotees, blesses them with a purified heart and adorns them with a happy life. Recite the following hymns by Thirugnanasambandar and Thirunaavukkarasar





Mullaivananaathar. Hymns by Thirugnanasambandhar: Muththi langumuru vallumai yanjavae Maththa yaanaimaru kauvuri vaangiyak Kaththai porththakadavulkaru kaavoorem Aththar vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Vimutha vallasadai yaanvinai yulkuvaark Kamutha neezhalaga laathathor selvamaam Kamutha mullai kamazhkindra karukaavur Amuthar vannammazha lummazhal vannamae.



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Pazhaga vallasiruth thondarpaa vinnisaik Kuzhaga rendrukuzhai yaavazhai yaavarum Kazhalkol paadaludai yaarkaru kaavoorem Azhagar vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Podimei poosimalar koithu punarnthudan Sediya rallavullam nalgiya selvaththar Kadikol mullaikama zhumkaru kaavoorem Adigal vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Maiya linrimalar koithuva nangidach Seiya vullammiga nalgiya selvaththar Kaithan mullaikama zhunkaru kaavoorem Iyar vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Maasil thondarmalar konduva nangida Aasai yaaravaru nalgiya selvaththar Kaaisi naththavidai yaarkaru kaavoorem Eesar vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Vendha neerumei poosiya vethiyan Sinthai nindrarul nalgiya selvaththan Kantha mouvalkama zhunkaru kaavoorem

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Enthai vannammeri yummeri vannamae. Panni nermozhi yaalaiyor paaganaar Mannu kolammudai yammala raanodum Kanna nedavari yaarkaru kaavoorem Annal vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Porththa meiyiner pothuzhal vaarkalsol Theertha mendrutheli veertheli yenmin Kaarththan mullaikama zhunkaru kaavoorem Aaththar vannammazha lummazhal vannamae. Kalava magngnaiyula vunkaru kaavoor Nilavu paada ludaiyaansana neel kazhal Kulavu gnanasam bandhan senthamizhl Solava laaravar tholvinai theerumae. Hymns by Thirunaavukkarasar (Appar): Karukaam vayiramaan kooru naalaam Kollum kizhamaiyaam kolae thaanaam Parugaa amuthamaam paalin neiyaam Pazhaththin irathamaam paattir pannaam Orukaal unmaiyaalor paaga numaam Ulnindra naavir kuraiyaadiyaam

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Karuvaa yulagukku munnae thondrun Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Viththaam mulaiyaagum vaerae thaanaam Vendum vuruvamaam virumbi nindra Paththaam adiyaarkkor paanga numaam Paalniramu maamparanj sothi thaanaam Thoththaam amararkananj soozhnthu potra Thondraathen ullaththi nullae nindra Kaththaam adiyetrkum kaanaa kaattung Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Pooththaanaam poovin niraththaa numaam Pookkulaal vaasamaai manni nindra Koththaanaang kolvalaiyaal koora naakung Konda samayaththaar deva naagi Yeththaathaark kendru midare thunbam Eevaanaa mennenjath thullae nindru Kaath thaanaang kaalan adaiya vannang Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Iravanaam elli nadamaadiyaam Enthisaikkum devanaam ennu laanaam

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Aravanaam alla laruppaanumaam Aagasa moorthiyaam aane rerum Kuravanaang kootrai yuthaiththaan thaanaang Kooraatha vanjak kuyalark krndrum Karavanaang kaatchik keliya numaang Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Padaththaanaam paarai yidanthaa naagum Parison rariyaamai nindraan thaanaam Udaiththaanaam onnaar purankal moondrum Ollazhalal mooti yorukki nindru Adaiththaanaanj soolam mazhuror naaga Masaiththaanaam aaneron rurnthaa naagum Kadaiththaanaang kalla marivaar nenjir Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Moolanaam moorthiyaam munnae thaanaam Moovaatha menimuk kanni naanaam Seelanaanj sernthaa ridarkal theerkkunj Selvanaanj senjutarkkor sothi thaanaam Maalanaam mangaiyor panga naagum Mandraadi yam vaanor thangat kellaam Kaalanaang kaalanaik kaainthaa naagung

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Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Araise raravanaam aalath thaanaam Aathirai naalaanaam anda vaanor Thiraser thirumudith thinga laanaanth Theevinai naasanen sinthai yaanaam Uraise rulagaththaa rullaa numaam Umaiyaalor paaganaam otha velik Karaiser kadal nanjai yundaa naagung Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Thudiyaanth thudiyin muzhakkanth thaanaanj Solluvaar sollellaanj sothip paanaam Padithaanaam paava maruppaa naagum Paalneetra naamparanj sothi thaanaam Kodiyaanaang kootrai yuthaththaa naagung Kooraatha vanjsak kuyalark kendrum Kadiyaanaang kaatchik kariyaa naagung Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Vitturuvang kilaigindra sothi yaanaam Vinnavarkkum ariyaatha soozha laanaam Patturuva maalyaanaith tholkeen daanaam

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Palapalavum panni payindraan thaanaam Etturuva moorthiyaam entho laanaam Ennuchchi melaanaam embi raanaam Kotturuvang kadiyaanaik kaainthaa naagung Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Poruththiruntha pullurvaa nullaa naagi Ullirunthang kulnoi kalaivaan thaanaai Seruthtiruntha mummathilgal moondrum vevach Silai kuniyath theemuttuth thinmai yaanaam Arunththiruntha kaiyaanaam mantharalli Yirunthaanai yoruthalaiyaith theriya nokki Karuththiruntha kanda mudaiyaan polung Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae. Oruththaanaam onnaar purangal moondrum Ollazhai maati yudanae vaiththu Iruththaanaam ennaan mudigai paththum Isainthaanaam innisaigai kettaa naagum Aruththaanaam anjum adakki yanggae Aagaya manthiramu maanaa naagum Karuththaanaang kaalanaik kaalal veezhak Kannaang karukaavoor renthai thaanae.

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Sri Garbarakshambigai - legend Sri Garbarakshambigai amman blessed her devotee Vedikai to conceive and when Vedikai almost lost her foetus, the goddess herself came to rescue. She protected the foetus and blessed Vedikai for safe delivery. Sages Gowthama and Gargeya did penance at Mullaivanam (Forest of Jasmine plants). A couple named Nidhruva and Vedikai stayed in the same ashram and offered their service to the sages. Since the couple had no child, they asked sages for help. The sages advised the couple to worship Goddess Parvati devi. The couple did a severe penance to the goddess. The goddess took the incarnation of Garbarakshambigai appeared before Vedikai and blessed her. Vedikai got conceived. One day her husband was away from home, she was in a faint state due to the strain of pregnancy. A sage named Sri Urdhuvapada came to their place and asked for alms. She didn‟t respond as she was in a mere unconscious state. The sage got angry and cursed her without knowing the exact reason behind her silence. He cursed that she should suffer from a disease called “Rayatchu”, as a result of which she got a foul disease, which began to eat her vital parts of her body. The disease affected the foetus in her womb. Due to

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this her foetus got disintegrated and descended due to the curse. Vedikai prayed to the goddess in distress. The goddess appeared before her, protected and preserved the foetus in a sacred pot. The foetus developed into a male child. They named the child as “Naidhuruvan.” Vedikai requested the goddess to remain at this place and protect the pregnant women and their foetus. The goddess is praised as Garbarakshambigai (Savior of the foetus). When Vedikai lacked mother‟s milk to feed her child, she prayed to the goddess. The Goddess sent Kamadenu to feed milk to the child. Kamadenu scratched the earth infront of the temple with her hoof. The milk came out in huge quantity from the ground and a “milk tank” is formed. The milk tank is named as Ksheerakundam. Thus the goddess Garbarakshambigai is believed to cure infertility related problems blesses the women to conceive and also helps them for a safe and trouble free delivery. It is believed that new mothers with low supply of breast milk can do milk abhishekam to the Goddess to get benefited.

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Slogams Garbarakshambigai Gayathri: Women who are trying to conceive and who wish for a healthy pregnancy without abortion can recite the following gayathri 108 times everyday to get the blessings of the Goddess Garbarakshambigai. The goddess will bless her devotee and protects the foetus in the womb and ensures its healthy growth. Om Garbarakshambigai vithmahe Mangala devatheye dhimahe Thanno devi prasothayaat. Devi Garbarakshambigai not only blesses the married women with the boon of pregnancy and child birth but also blesses the unmarried girls who wish to get a good and kind hearted life partner. Unmarried girls worship the goddess to get an early marriage with a nice partner. The following stotram can be recited by unmarried girls for a happy marriage life. The stotram can also be recited by the married women who are TTC (Trying to conceive). This can be used as a prayer for those undergoing IVF (Invitro fertilization) and other fertility treatments. Om devendhiraani namosthubhyam Dhevendhira piriya baamini

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Vivaaha baagyam aarogyam Puthra laabam sadhehime Padhim dhehi sudham dhehi Soubaagyam dhehime subhe Soumaangalyam subam gnayanam Dhehime Garbarakshake Kaathyaayini mahaamaayee Maha yoginya dhisvari Nandhagoba seedham dhevam Padhim megurudhe namah. The pregnant women expecting a safe labor and child birth should recite the following stotram during their pregnancy period: Hey sangara shamarahara Pramadhaadhi naadhari Mannaadha shaamba sasisuda Harithiri sulin Sambo sugaprasava kiruthbava me dhayaalo Hey maadhavi vanesa Paalayamaam namasthe Hamavath yuthare paarchve sh Uradhaa naama yakshini Dhasyaa shmarana maathrena

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Visalyaa garbinibavedhu. Sri Garbarakshambigai – 108 potri 1. Om karukaakkum naayagiyae potri 2. Om garbarakshambigaiyae potri 3. Om karukaavoor deviyae potri 4. Om kastangal theerppaai potri 5. Om eswaranin idhyakkaniyae potri 6. Om karukkaavur enthayin kanmaniyae potri 7. Om mullaivananaatharin sundariyae potri 8. Om moovulagam kaakkum annaiaye potri 9. Om maindhan venda varam tharuvaai potri 10. Om maadhar manam maghizhachcheivaai potri 11. Om engum theeraatha kurai theerppavalae potri 12. Om engalai endrum kaappavalae potri 13. Om pillaikali theerkkum peroliyae potri 14. Om piravippayan thanthu arulvaai potri 15. Om pindamaai irukkum karuvalarppaai potri 16. Om brahmanin padaippukku uyir tharuvaai potri 17. Om mullaivanaththil arasaalvaai potri 18. Om niththiruvar thozhutha nithilamae potri 19. Om natravaththirku arulum naayagiye potri 20. Om naadivarum bhakthar thuyar kalaivaai potri

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21. Om sarva vallamai petra eswariye potri 22. Om sarveshwaranin saripaadhiyae potri 23. Om sangadangal theerkkum sangariyae potri 24. Om saarnthu nirporai rakshippaai potri 25. Om pengal karuvaraiyai kaappavalae potri 26. Om piriyamudan engalai vaazhthuvaai potri 27. Om paadhiyil kalaiyaatha karu thanthaai potri 28. Om paarinil magizhvaan vaazh valippaai potri 29. Om neiyalae padimezhuga nee maghzhvaai potri 30. Om meiyaana bakthikku urukiduvaai potri 31. Om thooimaiyudan vananguvor thuyar thudaippaai potri 32. Om vaaimaiyudan varam thathu valam tharuvaai potri 33. Om vedhikaikku arul surantha annaiyae potri 34. Om vendupavar aruginil vanthiduvaai potri 35. Om vanithaiyarin vaalzhvirku varamaalaai potri 36. Om vaazhnaalin vazhikaatum vadivazhagae potri 37. Om kalaintha karbam uruvaakki uyir koduththaai potri 38. Om kaamadhenu azhaithu thaaipaal thanthaai potri 39. Om thambathiyaai varuvorkku thanjamalippaai potri 40. Om thaayae un arul endrum thara vendum potri 41. Om valakkaraththaal abayamalikkum vanithaamaniyae potri 42. Om idayakkaraththaal karbaththaik kaathu nirppaai potri 43. Om padmapeedaththil amarnthirukkum paarvathiyae potri

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44. Om prasavaththil thunaiyirukkum periya naayagiyae potri 45. Om karukaamal karukaakkum kanmaniyae potri 46. Om karbapuriyil vasikkum karpagamae potri 47. Om agila ulagam kaakkum loganaayagiyae potri 48. Om annai endra arul thanthu thuyartheerppaai potri 49. Om maadhavivanechvarin maadharasiyae potri 50. Om mullaikkodi idaiyae vantha melliyanae potri 51. Om eswaranin idhyathil veetriruppaai potri 52. Om erazhu logaththaiyum endrum kaappaai potri 53. Om kadambavana sundariyae karpukkarasiyae potri 54. Om kaalam pooravum karpai kaappavalae potri 55. Om kallaga nindru karunaipozhivaai potri 56. Om kadhiroliyae kanagamae kanmaniyae potri 57. Om maladi endra peyar neekkum mangalamae potri 58. Om mangayyarkku arukilirukkum manthiramae potri 59. Om maruththuvarkkum sakthitharum maadhaviyae potri 60. Om marumaiyilum udanirunthum magizhvippaai potri 61. Om asaiyum karuvai alungaamal kaappaai potri 62. Om agilaththin iyakkathil aananthippaai potri 63. Om amma endrunnai aarathippen potri 64. Om ammavaai ennai aakinaai potri 65. Om mageshwari ulagaiyae aalgiraai potri 66. Om mangalangal pala tharum maadhavae potri

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67. Pm shri sakravaasini sthreedhanamae potri 68. Om sathru bayam neenga saranadainthen potri 69. Om pilliyillaa thavippukku prasaadhamalippaai potri 70. Om prabanjaththil pengalai kaappavalae potri 71. Om baghavaanin preethiyae paradhevathaiyae potri 72. Om lirathyanaamaai ennudan iruppavalae potri 73. Om urchaagamaai thondrum karbam kaappaai potri 74. Om ozhungaai en pillai pirakkachcheivaai potri 75. Om unnaiyandri yaarumillai saranadainthen potri 76. Om ooraar mecha naan vaazha vaazhthuvaai potri 77. Om kaantha kannazhagi muthuppol pallazhagiyae potri 78. Om minnum mookazhagi pun muruvar sirippazhagi potri 79. Om sornamum vairamum minna jolikkum alagiyae potri 80. Om oyyaara vadivazhagi arul manakkum perazhagiyae potri 81. Om thukkangal theerkkum thunaiyae potri 82. Om thunbamillatha vaazhvarulum deviyae potri 83. Om sangadam theerkkum sangariyae potri 84. Om salanamillaa vaazhvarulum saambaviyae potri 85. Om mazhalaich selvam thara manamiranguvaai potri 86. Om maadharkku nee endrum aranaavaai potri 87. Om kathiyendru nambinavaukku karunai seivaai potri 88. Om kandavudan kashtam theerkkum gowriyae potri 89. Om nenjirk kavalaigal neekkuvaai potri

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90. Om senjudar kunkumam thariththaai potri 91. Om anjumen manaththukku aaruthalae potri 92. Om thanjam neeyae thaamaraiyae potri 93. Om sakthiyin vadivamae potri 94. Om bakthiyudan thozhuvorin paradevi potri 95. Om niththamun arulvendi namaskariththen potri 96. Om neeyirukka poovulagil bayamillai potri 97. Om manamellam nee nirainthaai maheswari potri 98. Om mangala vaazhvuthanthu magizhvippaai potri 99. Om mangaiyarin karppai kaakkindraai potri 100. Om karukaavur arasiyae karunaarasamae potri 101. Om thalaimurai thazhaikkach seiyum thaayae potri 102. Om kulam vaazha magarulum maadhe potri 103. Om sagalarum un sakthi saarnthom potri 104. Om sorvu neenga un paadham saranadainthom potri 105. Om jeyam vendum jeyam vendum potri 106. Om jegaththinil engal sakthi onga vendum potri 107. Om jeevanai janikka vaikkum jaganmaadha potri 108. Om jeyamangalam jeyamangalam jenaniyae potri

By reciting the following slogam one can gain all sort of benefits and conveniences as well as get blessed with child.

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Shri maadhaveekaananashthae Rakshambigae Baagi maam baktham shthuvantham Vaapeethade vaamabaagae vaama Thevashyathevshya Theveeshthithaathvam Maanyaa varaenyaavathaanyaa baaghi Karbashththaa thathaa baktha logaan Shri karbarakshapurayo dhivya Soundarya yukthaa sumaangalya Kaathri Thaathree janathree janaanaam dhivya Roopam thayaarthraam manokngaam Bajaethaam Aashaadamaase supunyae- sukra Vaarae suganthena kanthena lipthaa Dhivyaambaraagalpa veshaa vaaja Peyaathi yaagashtha Bakthaishsuthrushtaa Kalyaana thaathreem namshyae vedhi Kaatyashthriyaa garbarakshaakareem Thvaam Paa laishshathaashaevithaankreem karba

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Rakshaarththamaaraanthu pedhairupethaam Pramhothshavae vipravithyaam vaathya Koshaena thushttaam rathae Shannivishttaam Sarvaarththa thaathreem bajaehum dheva Prunthairapeetyaam jaganmaatharam Thvaam Yethathkrutham shthothrarathnam dhekshi Dhaanantharaamaena Dhivyaashshuthushtyai Nithyam padaethyashthu bakthyaa putra Bowthraathi baagyam pavaeththashya Nithyam. Slogams during pregnancy Following are the slogams that a pregnant woman must recite during her entire pregnancy days for a healthy and safe pregnancy and also to get a safe delivery. Each slogam has to be recited atleast once a day. If time permits one can recite it upto 108 times daily. The slogams are given month wise. The pregnant women must take bath, sit infront of the picture or idol of Goddess Garbarakshambigai with a small offering in the form of milk or fruit or any food item and

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recite the slogams with dedication. One should believe the goddess wholeheartedly to get her blessings. During the first month of pregnancy a pregnant woman must recite the first sloga every day. She should recite it atleast once a day and if time permits she can recite it upto 108 times. During the second month, she should recite the first two slogams everyday. During the third month, she should recite the first three slogams everyday. During the fourth month, she should recite the first four slogams everyday. During the fifth month, she should recite the first five slogams everyday. During the sixth month, she should recite the first six slogams everyday. During the seventh month, she should recite the first seven slogams everyday. During the eighth month, she should recite the first eight slogams everyday and during her ninth month she should recite all the nine slogams everyday. Slogam for the first month of pregnancy: Aehyaehi bhagavan Brahman Praja- karthaha prajaapathae Pragrihneeshva balim saimam Saapathyam raksha gharbineem.

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Meaning: Lord Brahma! Creator of all persons, please accept this sacred offering and protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers.

Slogam for the second month of pregnancy: Ashvinou dheva dhevaesow, Pragruhneedhan balim dhvimam Saapathyaam garbineem salimam Sa rakshatham poojayaa nayaa. Meaning: Oh Ashwini Devas! who are the doctors of the Gods, please accept this sacred offering and worship and protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers.

Slogam for the third month of pregnancy: Rudhrasha aekaadhasha broktha Pragrahnanthu balim dhvimam Yakshamaagam preethayae vrutham Nithyam rakshandhu garbineem. Meaning: Oh the eleven holy Rudhras, we want to seek your mercy and blessing so please accept our offering which is

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made according to your wishes and please protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers.

Slogam for the fourth month of pregnancy: Aadhithyaa dhvaadhasha brokthaha Pragrimneethvam balim thvimam Yashmaakam thejasaam vridhya Nithyam rakshatha garbineem. Meaning: Oh the twelve holy sun gods may your great lustre increase because of our offerings. Please accept our offering, protect this lady who is the family way from all dangers.

Slogam for the fifth month of pregnancy: Vinayaka ganaadhyaksha Shiva puthra mahabala Pragrihneeshva balim sa imam Saapathyam raksha garbineem. Meaning: Oh vinayaka, Oh Ganesha, Oh son of Lord Shiva, Oh God who is very strong, please accept this sacred offering and protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers.

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Slogam for the sixth month of pregnancy: Skandha shanmuga devaesha puthra preethi Vivardhana Pragrihneeshva balim saimam Saapathyam raksha garbineem Meaning: Oh Skandha, Oh God with six heads, Oh God who is the chief of Devas, Oh God who increases the love for our sons, please accept this sacred offering and protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers. Slogam for the seventh month of pregnancy: Prabhaasaha prabhavashyamaha Prathyoushow maaruthoenlaha Druvodhara dharashaiva vasavoeshtow Prakeerthithaha Pragruhneethvam balim saimam Nithyam rakshatha garbineem. Meaning: Oh Prabhasa, Oh Prabhava, Oh Syama, Oh Prathyusha, Oh Marutha, Oh Anala, Oh Dhruva, Oh Dhuradhura who are the eight sacred vasus. Please accept

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this sacred offering and protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers.

Slogam for the eighth month of pregnancy: Pithurdevi pidhushraeshtae Bahu puthree mahaabale Boodha sreshtae nisha vaasae Nirvrithae shounagapriyae Pragrihneeshva balim saimam Saapathyam raksha garbineem. Meaning: Oh Goddess of my manes, Oh Goddess who is greater than my manes, oh Goddess who has all women as daughters, oh Goddess who is very strong, oh Goddess who is greater than all beings, oh Goddess who protects us at night, oh Goddess, the one who does not have any blemishes, oh Goddess the one who was worshipped by Sounaka, please accept this sacred offering and protect this lady in the family way from all dagers.

Slogam for the ninth month of pregnancy: Raksha raksha mahadeva

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Baktha anugraha karaga Pakshi vaahana govindha Saapathyam raksha garbineem. Meaning: Oh God who is greatest, who is pleased to protect his devotees, and who showers blessing on his devotees, oh Govinda, who rides on a bird, please protect this lady who is in the family way from all dangers.

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Special poojas performed at Thirukarukaavur Persons offering prayers to Goddess Garbarakshambigai:  Childless people who are trying to conceive  Pregnant women who want a safe delivery  Unmarried women pray her for early marriages Persons offering prayers to Lord Mullaivananaathar:  People with incurable diseases  People with skin disorders  People wishing for good health In Hindu tradition, various poojas in combination with recitation of slogans are performed in temples during worship to get the blessings of the deities. If one performs pooja wholeheartedly he or she could please the deity who in turn would bless them a happy life. These poojas are a sort of connection between the deity and the devotee. The steps performed in pooja are followed traditionally generation after generation and its outcome remains fruitful filling the hearts of the devotees with joy and happiness. There are several poojas performed at the temple of Thirukarukaavor and the benefit earned through each is different and the procedures followed are also different. They are,

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 Blessed ghee for pregnancy  Blessed castor oil for safe and easy delivery  Punugu sattam for health  Kattalai archanai for an year  Niranthara kattalai archanai (for life time)  Navakodi nei dheepam  Sandana kaappu  Thanga thottil  Thulaabaaram  Earboring and tonsuring The devotees worship and perform either one of these or a combination for attaining blessings from the deity for achieving what they longed for. After getting their wishes fulfilled, they revisit the temple to thank the deities and perform offerings and archanai. Blessed Ghee for pregnancy: The main pooja performed at Thirukarukaavur is by married women who have not conceived for years after their marriage, with a wish to conceive a healthy child and to get a safe delivery. Newly married couple also worship the goddess to get blessed with the same. The Goddess blesses her devotees with the boon of pregnancy. The married

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women who worship her for pregnancy are asked to clean the steps of Goddess Garbarakshambigai‟s Sanctum sanctorum with ghee obtained from Cow‟s milk and beautify the floor with kolams. They must decorate their kolams with flowers. They can also offer flowers to the deity and perform pushpanjali to please her for her blessings. Unmarried girls whose marriages are getting delayed and those in search of a good life partner are also advised to clean the footsteps of the Goddess‟ sanctum sanctorum with ghee obtained from cow‟s milk and decorate the floor with kolams and flowers. For married women who worship her for pregnancy, the prasaadham (offering) given is ghee that was placed at the feet of the Goddess and charged with powerful slogans. The couple is advised to mix this ghee with ½ kg of cow‟s ghee at home and consume continuously for 48 days. The couple must take one teaspoon full of ghee before going to bed together. Women must avoid consuming this ghee during their menstruation (monthly period). The ghee should not be mixed with any other food items and must be consumed separately. The couple can avoid travelling during these 48 says as they should try not to forget consuming the prasaadham continuously for these 48 days. The couples are advised to sit infront of the Goddess‟s picture after taking

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bath and recite slogans to get her blessings as well as to calm the mind. This is also continued for 48 days. A notable point is that, there is no restrictions to consuming foods while taking prasaadham including non- vegetarian food items. Blessed castor oil: The pregnant women who worship goddess for a healthy and safe delivery are provided with castor oil as prasaadham. The castor oil has been placed under the feet of the goddess and charged with powerful slogans. They are advised to apply the oil in small amount over the abdomen every day from the 3rd month onwards. It is believed that, applying castor oil over abdomen during labour could ease the labour pain. Punugu sattam for health: As mentioned, Lord Mullaivananaathar cures skin diseases, cardiac arrest and enhances quick recovery after surgery. Devotees worship him to achieve these benefits. The Lord is worshipped for better health as well. Since Linga is made of ant hill mud, no abhisekam is performed and hence the devotees offer punugu sattam (a cosmetic paste) to the deity and worship him. Punugu sattam is being offered on Valarpirai Pradosham day which is the 11th day after the

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new moon day. As punugu has healing powers, it is given as prasaadham for those who suffer from incurable skin diseases and heart related problems. It is also taken by devotees for a quick recovery after surgery. Kattalai Archanai: It is a type of archanai which is done on a particular date or star for a particular purpose as per the wish of the devotees. The devotees perform this archanai as manner of thanksgiving after their wishes are fulfilled or to get their wishes fulfilled. It is done for a particular period at the temple (minimum 1 year) or for a life time. The devotees will send stipulated amount for archanai. The temple authorities will perform the archanai and send the prasaadham to the devotees on monthly basis. Usually pregnant women perform kattalai archanai during their pregnancy period with a wish to have a healthy child and safe delivery. Navakodi Ghee lamps: Light has the ability to remove darkness and bring glory to the place. Light can lit up joy in one‟s life and is symbolized as knowledge. Lord Mullaivananaathar is praised as the light as he has the potential to remove darkness in his devotee‟s life. Lord is the „knowledge principle‟ (chaitanya), who is

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the source and illuminator of all knowledge. To praise his powers, devotees lit ghee lamps and worship him. The ghee in the lamp is considered as our negativities and the wick as our sin. On lighting the lamp, the negativities in our mind slowly vanishes along with our sins. The married women who wish to conceive are asked to light 11 ghee lamps, of which 1 is for Lord Ganesha, 1 for Lord Mullaivananaathar and 9 for Goddess Garbarakshambigai. The pregnant women who wish to get a safe delivery are advised to light 5 ghee lamps of

which 1 is for Lord

Ganesha, 1 for Lord Mullaivananaathar and 3 for Goddess Garbarakshambigai. Sandana Kaappu (sandalwood paste smearing): Sandal wood paste or powder occupies an important place in pooja performed in Hinduism. They form one of the ingredients in divine bath of deities in temples. The sandalwood paste has the ability to cause cooling effect to one‟s mind and soul. In this temple the devotees offer sandana kaappu to Goddess Garbarakshambigai on Friday evenings to get blessed with her blessings. Thanga thottil: This is done by a devotee in a manner of thanking the Goddess for blessing them with a healthy baby. The couple

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Garbarakshambigai revisit this place and keep their child in temple‟s „Tanga thottil‟ (Golden cradle) for some time performing archanai. After this they circumvent Goddess‟s sanctum sanctorum with their child. Thulaabaaram: This is an age old tradition. The couple who are willing to do this visit this place with their child. They keep their child on one pan of the weighing scale and balancing the other with goods to equalize the weight of their child. This practice is called thulaabaaram. The goods offered by devotees are ghee, oil, food grains, fruits, currency, coins etc. Earboring and Tonsure: These two are the regular practices followed after the birth of child in Tamilnadu. People celebrate these practices as a grand function. Earboring and tonsure for children are performed at this temple.

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For those who believe that there is some superpower which govern and guide us throughout our lives, places like Thirukarukaavur do exist on earth and stand as a stunning mysterious wonder. This temple is of great importance as it holds the history of blessing couples with children. A child is the reason for the happiness of a family and has the power to vanish all the worries with a smile. People praise Goddess Garbarakshambigai as she lit one‟s life with happiness. She is indeed a standing wonder on the earth. On summarizing, the following benefits are enjoyed by devotees who worship the deities of Thirukarukaavur:  The childless couple are blessed with a child  For safe and easy delivery  Quick relief from labour pain  For good health  To get rid of skin diseases  To recover from cardiac arrests  Quick healing after surgery These are the outcome of believes people had on the deities of this temple for generation. A belief is something which can keep one alive and motivated. People believe Goddess Garbarakshambigai and Lord Mullaivananaathar as the saviour of their lives.

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