Kepler- The Unexpected visit

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Kepler- The Unexpected Visit

Darani Vasudevan

Preface, Justin a stubborn individual distances himself from technology owing to some terrific incident of his past. Considering the fate of Earth’s future, MEC decides to begin colonization in Mars. The officials approached Justin with this proposal. He accepts the offer of MEC to stay in Mars without technology for a month. On his trip towards mars his rocket got struck by storm of asteroids which changed the phase of his rocket. He was dragged into some darkened area in the galaxy where he is saved by a young lady. Later he realized his presence in some other planet which is far beyond human’s reach. What happens to him? Will he save the future of Earth with the help of the young lady? Turn to know. -V. Darani M.Sc., M. Phil., SET

1 Kepler- The Unexpected Visit

He is in the middle of a dense wood full of tall trees with crowd branches. Branches danced here and there according to the speed of the cool breeze. This is a pleasant walk in his entire life. Bees of pink and blue color flew over his head. They didn't harm him but followed him. His reflection in the pond was disturbed by streaks of light. The streaks are caused by electric eels moving here and there in the pond. His shirt formed the perfect example for pure white. He could feel the chillness of the soil as his feet are unprotected by shoes but he enjoyed that moment. A beautiful pink butterfly landed on his shoulder. When he tried to touch it, it flew up over his head. Without second thought he followed that butterfly. It flew into the space between majestic trunks of two tall trees that stood before him and disappeared. His eyes searched for it in all directions. Suddenly pink Sparks of light appeared from the place where the butterfly disappeared.

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The Sparks turned into a ball of pink light which gradually converted into a pink passage. A beautiful young lady dressed in blue emerged out from the passage and smiled at him. She raised her hand pointing a finger at him. He also raised his finger to touch the finger of the gorgeous lady. A sudden wave of electric shock shook his entire body the moment his finger contacted the lady's finger.

Justin woke up in shock, gasped in shock shivering and sweating. He sighed on realizing that it is again the dream. The dream that is responsible for his present condition; the dream which brought him to this place five years back. He looked around. Everything was normal and could see nothing different in the dim light. The same room, same bed with medications on the side... nothing changed. He slowly got down from the bed walked to the

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washroom to wash his face. The cold water dropped down from his face as warm drops. The dream has increased his body temperature. He felt relaxed closed the tap, came out wiping his face with a cloth. He threw the towel on the mini couch that lay adjacent to the glass window of the room. To realize the reality he just peeked out of the window. The words that reflected on the glass windows of the building exactly opposite to the one in which he is standing remembered him of his past. The words.... "PSYCHOTHERAPY CLINIC, Nevada" These words irritated him often. He tried to escape from that place but the robotic nurse who is stronger than Justin made all his efforts useless. He could never escape the place because the nanobot inserted into his brain reveals his ideas on a computer screen on a single tap. All these years

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he spent his time unwillingly in this building. He looked up the sky thinking of his misfortunes and starred at the stars...  The incidents of his past turned Justin into a stubborn and studious person. He relied upon books to restore peace of his mind though the world has advanced a lot technologically. He lost his hope and feeling for people. No one cared him when he actually needed someone by his side. He learnt to be alone and loneliness turned out to be his best companion. The words "True Love" never knocked his life. He never experienced feelings like love and friendship. People teased him when he tried to get close to them and hence he learnt to keep himself away from the reach of PEOPLE. He hardly speaks especially when he has to purchase something from the vendor. This is not his exact character. His

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inner soul ached for love and care once but the world lacked people who could offer those to him. He was a charming kid who gains everyone's attraction with his charm and cute words. His parents were his world. He was blessed with true love and care in the form of them. They too loved Justin more than their life. His whole world turned upside down in 2020 when he was five years old; the age when he witnessed his parentsâ€&#x; death. They were no more. The blood spilled all around their bodies on the road...a child's heart is not strong enough to experience such a horrible scene. But he did. Fate made him to... That day when signal flashed red, Justin quickly ran across the zebra cross and stood in the opposite end. Unfortunately when his parents reached mid of the zebra cross, a goods truck that lost its control hit them and ran over them. Everything happened in

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few seconds. The police enquiry reported that the truck was one among the recently approved self driving vehicle. No one was blamed for their death as mistakes are common with technology. The officers informed these to his grandmother while Justin hugged her listening to them with tear filled eyes. "Oh! Sweetie be careful...." The last words uttered by his mother when he ran to reach the other end of the road. After which she fell as prey to the predator called fate. According to Justin, it's technology that took his parents far away from him. He began to dislike technological stuffs when everyone else admired new innovation every day. He dumped himself in the room of his parents and refused to meet the outer world. His grandmother tried her best to bring him back to normal but all her efforts went meaningless.

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Justin's father was a voracious reader and he had his self library in his home. Justin spent half day in the library sitting in the chair on which his father used to sit and read with Justin on his lap. Tears ran down silently from his eyes. The death of his parents affected him a lot. He felt as if his entire world





grandmother worried a lot and took him to a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist diagnosed Justin and found the kid was affected by "Post traumatic stress disorder." Grandmother left Justin under the care of Psychiatrist for 5 years. She used to visit him every Sunday. Slowly Justin turned back to a normal kid. When he turned 10, the Psychiatrist declared him to be "fit" to lead a normal life. Young Justin finally got out from the medications and closed environment. He was happy to be back to home and spent his days with his grandmother. But deep within him he still had dislike for technological

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stuffs but he learnt well to control his temper. He behaved as if he got adapted to them in front of others and spent most of his time in reading books left by his father. He was joined in school...he approached his class mates with a hope to gain a treasure called friendship. But his days in so named "Mental Asylum" kept other children away from him. Some were afraid to talk to him and many made fun of him. He spent his school days without friends and the only human who heard his talk was his grandmother. Unfortunately when he was 16 his grandmother passed away. With no one to share his sorrows and happiness, he started to train himself to stay as a stubborn person. He behaved rude and selfless to keep sympathies and criticisms away. His eyes almost forgot an object called tear, maybe it's because his lachrymal glands emptied all its contents so early. With the savings left by his mother and father he somehow managed to clear

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high school studies. He decided to study history in college as he thought that as the only subject that used less technological stuffs for teaching and learning. Moreover that is the only subject that had contact with books. Though he lacked friends and caring souls around him, he was leading his life in a positive way. But fate decided to play its role again in his life.... It all began when he was 29...  Justin started having a dream regularly every day whenever he tried to get some sleep. He visualized a blue girl emerging out from a pink passage in the middle of the woods in his dream. The same dream repeated all nights every day. The girl pointed her finger towards him and every time he touched her finger he felt shock waves all over his body. He woke up tensed, sweating and gasping. He disliked

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the feeling of getting hit by electric shock every day. He stressed himself a lot as he began to suffer from insomnia which brought "Post traumatic stress disorder" back in his life. His brain regained the dark incidents of his past and he was turmoiled. The dream stole his sleep; he behaved rude and even started to beat people. He turned into a menace for his neighborhood. No one was there with him to console him. He struggled deep from within as there was none with him to share his state of desperate. He lived in a flat of a five storeyed building. The neighborhood kids used to play with their dolls in the corridors. Justin lost all his control and he broke their technologically advanced devices and dolls. He began to shut himself in his house. Nothan, Justin's neighbor felt pity for his condition as he was well aware of the struggles faced by Justin in his childhood. One day when Justin came out to buy milk, Nothan approached him and advised him to

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consult a psychiatrist to get relieved from stress. This angered Justin and he began beating Nothan in the public. Policemen rushed to the spot. An officer with a prosthetic arm loaded with bullets dragged Justin by pulling his shirt and arrested him. The officers asked Nothan to file a complaint against him. But Nothan was a kind hearted person. "He






circumstances made him to behave like this. It's definitely not his fault. He needs a psychiatrist and not an armed official" Saying this he narrated how his parentsâ€&#x; death affected him in the past. The officers accompanied by Nothan took Justin to his home and they called a Psychiatrist named Sebastin. Sebastin reached there in a self driven taxi within 15 minutes during which time the policemen checked his entire house for any evidence of mischief. There was nothing.

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everything from the officers. He then took a mini square sheet filled with silver dots, a technological alternative to painful injection. The silver dots are nothing but the medicine that has to be injected into the patient's body. He pasted the sheet on Justin's left arm. After a minute he removed the sheet. The silver dots penetrated his nerves through the pores in the skin and hence the square sheet was now empty. Justin began to sleep. Sebastin then took a mini gun like tool to inject a nanobot into Justin's brain from its needled end. He plugged out the incidents of his past on a mini tab screen and Justin's past got displayed on the screen just like a movie. This is achieved because the nanobot pulled Justin's neocortex out on the screen. Sebastin suggested that Justin needs observation and treatment in his clinic as the "Post traumatic stress disorder" affected him once again.

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The officers agreed and admitted him in Sebastin's clinic "PSYCHOTHERAPY CLINIC in Nevada" Justin was treated with proper psychotherapy and medications for five years. He got a personal robotic







programmed robot with artificial intelligence she took care of Justin very well. This is the last day of Justin in the clinic as Sebastin considered him as "alright." Justin celebrated his 34 th birthday in the clinic. The medications calmed his sub concious mind and hence he learnt to control his temper. He got relieved from stress. Moreover he didn't get the dream for all these years in the clinic. Justin was happy as he thought he got "relieved" from the mysterious lady in the dream.

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Just yesterday Justin got the news of his discharge from Sebastin. But today he got the dream again. Tomorrow he is about to leave the clinic...but the dream struck him again. Justin was confused whether to utter this to Sebastin. If revealed he would have to spend some more years in the clinic. That would be horrible. He decided to remain silent as his days in this closed room are as equal to hell. He really missed his independence. He continued starring at the stars shining bright in the dark sky....  "Mr. Justin...still awake... anything wrong?" Helen's word got Justin's attention. "Is everything alright? any pain or dream?" "No... everything is good... nothing wrong ..just counting the stars...may be the excitement of

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getting discharged tomorrow keeps me awake.....fine absolutely fine..." Helen






expressions exactly match with that of a human nurse. Justin never got the feeling that she is just a robot implanted with artificial intelligence. She is not programmed for sparing time for rest and sleep; the uniqueness that separates her from human. IoT and AI are ruling the world. "Counting stars!!! Risky task even satellites are struggling






yourself....this is the time to get some rest to your brain..." Saying this Helen went near the table along the side of his bed to get sleeping pill. "Take this in case if......."

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"No thanks...I can get sleep on my alright" said Justin before Helen could complete her sentence. Justin closed his eyes and for about 10 minutes







breathing which was a form of exercise taught by Dr.Sebastin. Justin slept peacefully. "Wake up Justin...Dr.Sebastin wish to meet you in his room before your discharge..." Helen's pleasant voice woke him up. He refreshed himself and got ready. He took one last look of the room and walked out. The sensors attached to the door automatically closed it when it sensed no movement. Justin reached Sebastin's room in the ground floor. The sensors in the door opened it for him. "Hello doctor" "Good morning r u feeling now"

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"Feeling great and excited doctor" "Haha... excited for?" "Independence...." "Wish you all success.... Justin you are perfectly perfect now. Just follow some meditating exercises I taught you. Meditation is the best way to gain concentration as well as to keep stress out of your life. Everything in body is controlled by a master called brain. Don't stress it a lot. Good and bad alternate in life. Life is all about experiencing. Some bad incidents ruined your childhood don't allow those to ruin rest of your life too. If you try you can create a wonderful future in this admiring world. Don't spoil your life by letting unwanted thoughts to engulf your potential. Everything happens for a reason. I hope you will do great..." "Thank you doctor for all your support and care"

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"Alright Justin....there is one last thing I have to do..." Sebastin got up and came near Justin. Using his gun like device he removed nanobot from Justin's brain. "Now, you are completely independent" "Thank you doctor" Justin hugged Sebastin and got out from his room. Finally he stepped out from the place after 5 whole years to experience the so imagined independent life without knowing the changes the world had undergone all these years....  The world has changed a lot. Technology advanced to a greater extent in just 5 years. Delivery drones flew here and there delivering parcels to buildings and hospitals. Hyperloops, a high propulsion system connected cities and took people in-between cities.

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Robots with artificial intelligence were appointed for delivering pizza and other food at the doorstep of the customers. Prosthetic equipments altered the damaged parts of the body like arms and legs. Moreover those prosthetic arms and legs are equipped





implants in legs made them stronger. It was like technology merged with the body of humans. Clothing of people facilitated them to possess some super hero powers. The exoskeleton suits helped people to lift heavy objects easily. Justin noticed women with special leggings that helped them to walk fast. He almost hit a woman who wore such a special leggings. Kids wore suits made of polymer gels that improved their strength. Justin found no smartphones. Smartphones vanished from the world and got replaced with pull up screens in AR through a tiny bracelet or other jewels. Self driving vehicles almost replaced man driven ones. Most people are

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accompanied by their own personal robots. Robotic servants






advertisement running in the windows of a tall building




LEAGUE." From this he clearly understood the importance of artificial intelligence to the world at present. Humans admired their own creations. Buildings including house and office were under the control of IoT. Everything is automated and hence there was no need for people to worry about switching on or off the electrical appliances. Internet was made free for everyone everywhere. Anyone can access 6G from anywhere. Justin noticed robotic birds flying all over the city. Are they for surveillance or attraction? No idea for him at present. Mini flights became common which flew all across the city transporting people. One thing was


clear; everything in the

world is

connected to the cloud and to the internet. Justin

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noticed kids using holograms with a swipe a great advancement since his birth. The California at present was totally different from that of his childhood. He noticed no trees on the busy roads. Artificial plants decorated the entrance of the buildings. He preferred walking to his house noticing changes all along the way. Finally he reached the entrance of the building in which his house exists.  The building looked entirely different. The floors are increased. It stood majestic and tall with beautiful infrastructures from top to bottom. The windows displayed advertisement and 3D videos. Each building functioned like a mini city with separate floors for gym, residential area, hospital, shopping mall, pool etc. Construction using 3D printing technology facilitated more benefits in a

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cheaper rate. Construction is cheap with 3D printing and hence the cities got crowded with people. Busy world with busy people but they lacked sufficient time








surroundings. No one seemed to care or listen to others. Robots are rather more friendly thought Justin thinking about the way Helen took care of him in the clinic. But people forgot even to greet each other. He stood before a glass door that looked like the main door pushed and pulled it without knowing the exact mechanism of opening it. "How can I help you?" Just the voice and no one was around. Justin got that it is the voice of the IoT device attached to the door. "Open the door and let me in"

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"Visitor? If yes take the next entrance where your 3D image would be taken along with your purpose of visit...." "I am not a visitor. I am a resident of this building" "If so, please stand before the door and wait for it to finish its scan" "Oh!! Well, thanks" "It's my great pleasure to help you" Justin hasnâ€&#x;t heard such a pleasant reply from any human. He stood before the door and let it to scan him. A yellowish light moved from top to bottom of the door. "I am sorry, you are unidentifiable from my stored data" "I live in the 3rd floor. Flat 214.."

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"214... Oh!! Old system..Can you give me the present identification tag of your flat.." "Identification tag?...I don't know anything of that sort." "Then I am sorry to inform you that I can't open the door for you" "Wait...wait...I left this building 5 years ago. So I am unaware of all the changes.." "Then let me call Jack..." The device called Jack, the security guard of the building. Jack came there within a minute. Justin was happy that at least the guard remains the same all these years. "Hi Jack!! Do u remember me?" Jack stood at the other end of the door confused for a second but suddenly recognized Justin and smiled.

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" has been a long time. How is your health?" Justin smiled on hearing this. Jack used to greet him every day of his stay in the building in the past and still hasnâ€&#x;t changed. "I am fine Jack. How about you? And is there any idea of letting me in?" Jack laughed. "Of course sir after completing a short interview with the security system...can you just step away from the door please?" "Yeah sure!" Justin moved away from the glass door and Jack allowed the scanner to scan himself. "Building guard" the scanner declared and the door opened after these words. "Welcome sir!!"

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"Thank you Jack ‌.and now?" "Say HELLO to this!" Jack pointed his finger towards a wireless monitor attached to the side of the main door on the inside. "Do I have to speak with this device?" "Yes sir! Say hello and it will automatically gets switched on" Though he disliked this technological world he remained patient as he doesn't wish to spend rest of his life under the control of psychiatrist and medications. He stood before the blank monitor. "Hello" "Hello. Have a pleasant morning. How can I help you?" The computer replied.

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"Yes! Mr.Justin wish to finish his renewal for his access to the building and his house..." Jack replied. “Renewal? Have you already entered your scan?" "No" "Then you have to register your identity as well as renew access to your flat..." "Probably yes" "What is your full name?" "Justin Smith" "Okay Mr.Justin Smith....your flat is in 3rd floor and it has been unused for the past five years...." "Yes..." Justin interrupted but the system doesn't seem to mind his words. "Your flat identification tag is 3F" and a route map to his flat got displayed in the monitor.

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Stand before my scanning lens and provide a 3D image of yours which is going to be your access ID. Justin kept his bag down on the floor and stood before the lens which switched on with a green light. A green light ray ran from his head to toe. A 3D image of Justin got displayed in the monitor along with details like age, height, finger prints, retina details, hair color, eye color etc. Justin was stunned by the accurate details on the screen as he himself is unaware of a few. "Okay Mr.Justin you can now have access to the building. Thank you for sparing your time patiently." Justin tried to thank back but the monitor turned off. Justin shook hands with Jack and used the lift to reach his flat in the third floor. Poor Justin was welcomed by none. He looked all around. Every house had a similar security main door system just like the one he saw in the ground floor. All these security

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systems are connected through cloud. Only his door had the old retina scan system. He allowed the scanner to scan his retina and the door opened.  The door opened and he peeked inside. All he got is the view of a dusty living room. He was shocked but still made up his mind to clean his house. When he was about to enter his house, "Hello Mr. Justin. Nice to see you after a long time" A familiar voice got Justin's attraction. Justin turned back and found Nothan standing behind him. Nothan smiled at Justin. Justin felt guilty for the awkward moment between them in the past. He hesitated to respond back. Nothan understood the meaning behind Justin's hesitation.

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"Aw! Come on man. Past is past. I was worried about you and never got angry on you. I am happy that you are back. How are you feeling now?" "I am terribly sorry Mr. Nothan. You cared for me but I behaved harsh. Thank you for your hospitality. I am good and how about you?" "I am doing great man. Come to my home. Let's have coffee together as a token for our friendship" Justin smiled. "No. I ...." "Come on" said Nothan as he is not interested in hearing Justin's explanations. "Stephie clean Mr. Justin's house. In the meantime I will have a hot cup of coffee with my friend" he said to his servant robotic maid. "Yes sir..." Stephie entered Justin's home and began her task.

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"Mr.Nothan it's okay. I can manage. I don't wish to bother you anymore." Nothan didn't reply back. He simply turned back and stood before the door to his home. The door scanned him. "Welcome back home Mr. Nothan" the door opened after saying this. Justin was astonished to see the technological advancements in side Nothan's house. Everything is automated and hence Nothan got less work in his home. "I owe an electronic agency as a result of which my home got filled with these stuffs. I know you hate technology, but in this century I couldn't cope up with the advancing world without technology by my side. " Nothan handed over a coffee mug to Justin and sat next to him on the couch.

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"The world has changed a lot and the present year 2050 is a technologically enhanced one" "Yes!! I visualized some of those enhancements on my way back to home" Nothan pressed a button on the center table that lay in front of the couch. A mini square shaped art hanging on the wall started unfolding and turned into a 120 inch TV screen. "BBC World" Nothan mentioned the channel name to the screen which displayed it at once. "It's like living with many people" Nothan laughed saying this. Justin smiled back. He felt happy because he is having someone friendly by his side. He had a sip of the coffee and watched news displayed on the screen.

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experience. People are getting selfish day by day. It's too hard to find people in group chatting or playing. They all got addicted to technology. They show high interest in spending time with robotic companions than with a fellow human. It had been a long time since I had a coffee with my friend. Today I am so happy that I got back one at last" Nothan said while having his coffee. "The milk inside is artificial which tastes exactly the same like the original. Made with some chemical combinations I heard..." "But it tastes exactly the same" "Yes Justin. Artificial is slowly turning out to be real and the world blindly following the fake" Justin looked at Nothan. "Oh! I am sorry if I have bored you"

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"No I am not bored Mr.Nothan infact I am excited to have a caring friend by my side. I am extremely sorry for what I did to you in past." "Enough of asking sorries" Both smiled "People are getting smarter every day. Look at him" Nothan pointed out a boy wearing a tattoo like band over his head in the television "that is called neural face which is a wireless brain computer system that could add a digital layer of intelligence to our brain. Children these days are prohibited to use them during examinations. But some cheat by wearing a transparent band. In short people are turned into cyborgs...." "Cyborgs?" Justin interrupted Nothan with this question.

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"Cyborgs.... it's a simple technology that connects people's brain is linked to a computer by which we could turn someone into part machine and part human. This technology is liked by all at present and people are allowing computers to control their mind sometimes." "Brilliant" "I am surprised you are enjoying my words on technology" "I need life Nothan not imprisonment never again...." He placed the coffee mug on the table. There was an advertisement regarding cover story of soldiers in the boundary. The soldiers looked like robots. "Robots in army!!!" Justin exclaimed. "They aren't robots; they are men with super advanced minds or in other words executives hooked up to machines. They are technologically

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advanced when compared to the soldiers of the past. To avoid unnecessary disputes UN has banned the use of robots as soldiers. " "Great. Nothan there was a great energy crisis before 5 years. But today the world is full of electronics. How are you managing all these with minimal supply?" "Minimal? Not minimal. The world has started to rely on renewable energy source. Let me show you..." Nothan swiped up his watch and a hologram appeared. "Browse solar energy source" ordered Nothan to the machine. The hologram displayed vast acre of solar panels in Sahara desert. "Wow"

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"This is the recent supply which determines the entire functioning of the world. The nations of the world have signed various treatises on the healthy use of this solar panels and power" "Great idea" Stephie entered in, "Sir I have cleaned Mr.Justin's house" "Oh! Well thank you Stephie"said Nothan. Justin thanked her too. "It's my pleasure" saying this Stephie entered a room. "Thank you Mr.Nothan for your coffee and time as well. Will catch you after sometime" "Justin one second. Stephie bring the snack pills" "Snack pills?"

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"Pills enriched with proteins and vitamins that could control your hunger. Food prepared with more chemicals than ingredients from natural source." Stephie brought the pills. Nothan handed over it to Justin and asked him to have one. Justin took the pill. " you have any savings of your own?" "Not at present. Have to find a job to start saving for future" Nothan looked at him for a second. "Things in world are too high to afford. You can eat at my home until you start to earn on your own" "You are too genuine. But I don't wish to bother you anymore" "I am alone all these days Justin after my children left home for achieving their dreams. I need a

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companion. I would be happy if you become my best companion. As for our neighbourhood is concerned they lack time for spending with me" Justin's eyes got back its tears. He said nothing but simply hugged Nothan. "Thank you" Justin left Nothan's house and entered his own. He was surprised by Stephie's job. She did brilliant. Every stuff is clean and shined like a glass. Dust got vanished with her work. He smiled and rushed into the room maintained as library by his father. Books welcomed him. He had a pleasant feeling of "Being in home" after five years. He found his history related stuffs collected in University piled at a corner of the room and a frame holding his degree certificate hanged proudly in the wall. The snack pill completely relieved him

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from the feeling of hunger and hence he decided to read. He sat on a chair adjacent to the reading desk with a book titled "The Time Travellerâ€&#x;s wife" and began reading it. Eventually he forgot the real world. He slept on the chair and woke up suddenly hearing a lady's voice in his room. "I am sorry to disturb you Mr.Justin. Mr.Nothan wishes to have dinner with you" Stephie, the beautiful robotic maid of Nothan informed him. "I will join him in five minutes" "Thank you sir" Stephie left his home. Justin went to Nothan's house and was welcomed by a pleasant aroma of delicious food. They had their dinner together. That was a delicious meal Justin had after the death of his grandmother. He was surprised to know that Stephie is also programmed to cook recipes available all over the world. After

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dinner, Justin and Nothan had a glass of wine together. Justin narrated the struggles he faced in his life and Nothan listened patiently. After spending several hours of the night in Nothan's house, he greeted Good night and came to his to have some sleep. Justin felt his heart and mind relaxed as he had someone to listen to his words. He was indeed happy with his new "friend." He slept peacefully to start a fresh life from tomorrow.  Something worried the Mars Exploration Centre (MEC) at Alaska. The administrator Dr. Aaron Johnson called for an immediate meeting with Dr. Amelia Brown, the deputy administrator of MEC, Dr. Natalia Lopez, the Geologist and the head of the new Mars colonization mission, Dr. Grace Lee, the Executive of the project, Dr. Ashley Johnson, Head of the Doctor's Association of the state, Dr.

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Sebastine, Head of the Psychiatrist Association, Dr. David Miller, the Environmentalists and Jacob Jones & Christopher Williams, the senior scientists at MEC. He made this arrangement on the request of Dr. David Miller as he got some important lecture to deliver to save the future of our planet. The







personalities gathered there on time and waited for the
















the short prior

arriving at the meeting hall. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I am extremely sorry for the delay. As you know we used to have face to face meetings only when there is something very important. After several years such a situation arrived. Dr. David has some lecture to deliver to us. Our beloved President Dr. Jayden Hernandez is

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going to join us through the video call" saying this he pressed a button on the wall a huge screen appeared on the wall. "Connect us to the President's office" Within seconds President of the Nation joined them through the screen. "Hello ladies and gentlemen" Everyone stood up from their chair to greet the President. "I am feeling happy to meet you all again. Dr. Aaron called me saying that there is an important issue which needs my attention" "Yes sir, Dr.David Miller, the man who is well known as world's greatest Environmentalist wishes to present his short survey to us today"

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"Dr. David what is that you want to share with all of us?" "With your permission let me present to you a short lecture I have prepared" He placed his ring on the table and clicked a small button like structure in the middle of it. A hologram appeared which displayed videos matching the words of Dr. David. "As you all know, our world had experienced and is still experiencing brilliant advancement in the field of technology. We all are advancing along with it. But there is one thing that is progressing in the opposite






ENVIRONMENT. Human civilization will crumble by the end of this century"

45 Kepler- The Unexpected Visit

The entire hall fell into silence and the people inside







environmentalist continued. "Already one million species vanished from the Earth due to the drastic changes caused to the environment





temperature is increasing at a rate of 5.4 F. Nature is trembling under the pressure. It lost its clean air, water, forest, insects, fish, mangroves, etc. The advancement in the life of a single species is killing the other competing living organism on Earth. Due to which balance of the ecosystem is affected. Brutal drought and settlement killed many trees in the Amazon forest as a result of which the forest had lost its density drastically. Activities like fossil fuel emissions of the past, over-consumption of resources,





deforestation pushed the ecosystem toward a point

46 Kepler- The Unexpected Visit

of no return. About 3 quarters of land, half of Marine







waterways were affected worst by our activities. The increase in heat, in turn, increased the melting of ice sheets of the poles which are swallowing the coastal regions. There is no way to reduce all these. We almost reached the adverse phase. If this continues, the change in climate could cause near to midterm existential threat to the human population. Almost one-third of the land turned into a desert. Apart from these droughts, floods and wildfires affect the rest of the land surface often. We can't refuse the fact that about 1 billion people turned into refugees. We can't control armed conflicts over resources in the upcoming years which may even lead to nuclear war. The result of which is destructive and beyond imagination. It may also result at the end of humanity on Earth. THE END....."

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 "End?" everyone in the hall exchanged looks filled with several questions among themselves. "Are we in the verge of extinction?" The President broke the silence that enveloped the hall after Dr. David's lecture. "Yes sir. I am afraid so" replied David politely "we have already crossed the line of taking precautions and







Resources are getting exhausted from the Earth's surface by our day to day activities. The purity of oxygen is turning out to be a question mark. Increased level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is heating up the Earth's surface as a result of which global warming is at its peak. The hole in the ozone layer increased in its diameter. This permits the direct penetration of harmful UV radiation into the Earth"

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"But Carbon sequestration is controlling the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere" interrupted Dr. Amelia. "Theoretically it's reducing the level of the harmful gas. But in reality, the ozone is acidified with the dumping of the gas and it has started to liberate out the excess gas back to the atmosphere. An invisible transfer is silently happening" answered Dr. David. People inside the hall questioned each other about the way to find solution to the problem but they failed to conclude an appropriate solution. "Dr. David, is there any way to safeguard Earth for our future generation� Dr. Grace raised her question. "Ofcourse there is a way but it is too difficult to execute it in such a short period of time"

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"What is it?" questioned the President. "Shifting half of the population on Earth to Mars or moon which is practically impossible" replied David. "It is practically possible" Dr. Natalia's reply got everyone's attention "If it is the best solution to save the future of Earth, then yes we can achieve it. Our missions have almost succeeded in building human carrying fusion rockets whose speed can take us to Mars within hours or weeks. The only problem is that we need to test the travel experience with animals before directly transporting humans across planets...." "The more we ignore and hesitate the more worse the condition will turn into" said David. "I would like to know in detail about the fusion rocket" The President said to the crew.

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"I will make its concepts clear to you sir" said the Administrator and he continued "The basics for the construction of fusion rocket began with the fusion reactors that are used to generate hundreds of megawatts of power. Those initial fusion reactors were massive and heavy. Based on the principle and working mechanism smaller and lighter fusion reactors were designed to generate only dozen of megawatts of powers and were easy to build. With their immense energy they can help to launch a rocket in space" he asked his super computer that stood wireless in the corner of the room to display the features of fusion reactors and rockets. The computer displayed a hologram explaining the 3D view of the machines "Rockets fly by hurling materials






Conventional rockets used energy from chemical reactions and

ion exchanges. The ion driven

mechanism was more efficient than the chemical

51 Kepler- The Unexpected Visit

driven ones. The fusion rockets are propelled by nuclear reactions. These rockets would not only be efficient but can also generate vast amount of electricity. This can enable robotic or human missions to other planets in the Galaxy. This is the best way to get into the interstellar space" "With just one machine how can we shift half the population in the estimated time?" asked Dr. David. "If this turned into a successful one we can built several rockets at a time with the aid of trained robotic scientists" replied Amelia. "The only drawback is that the nuclear fusion reaction requires extremely high temperature and pressure to force atoms to fuse during which some of the mass of the atoms get converted into energy with which the rocket is driven up" said Grace.

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"But the advantage is that it can provide efficient and long term acceleration in space without the need to carry a large food supply" said Dr. Jacob. "What about its speed?" the President questioned them MEC team. "The fusion requires low frequency radio waves to heat a mix of deuterium, helium -3 and magnetic fields to confine the resulting plasma in the ring. As this plasma rotates in a ring some of it can spiral out and get directed from the nozzle of the fusion rocket for thrust. We can get very high exhaust velocities of upto 25000 kilometres per second with which we can reach Mars in half an hour. Inorder to the physical and mental stability of the living organism or in other words according to the tolerance level of the living organism the speed could be reduced. The large amount of thrust the fusion rocket can deliver when compared to its mass

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Christopher. "It is most important to test the sustainability of human mind and healthy in such a high speed. Some may get affected by trauma or the adverse conditions may even lead to the death. We can't hasten the task of migrating humans across planets without proper testing, training and equipments. Before all these we need to develop confidence in people by successfully sending a man to Mars and live telecasting of his survival level as well as his health condition during his stay in that planet" said Dr. Ashley. "We







conditions in Mars" added Dr. Sebastine. "Before 3.8billion years, Mars might have had a denser atmosphere and high surface temperature allowing vast amount of liquid water on the surface

54 Kepler- The Unexpected Visit

possibly including a large ocean that may have covered one third of the planet. But now the necessary conditions needed to support to life of living organisms are created artificially with the help of robots sent to Mars two years back. They are sending reports of the atmospheric and other living conditions of the Mars at regular intervals of time. The planet is almost converted into a human friendly one" replied Dr. Natalia "during our first exploration we found that most of the water content on the planet existed as ice because of which the planet was dry. Tests revealed the presence




of vapor



atmosphere. Artificial heat melted the ice which also



evaporation, The





and in

carbondioxide about 96%. The introduction of bacteria and algae in the water bodies decreased the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The

55 Kepler- The Unexpected Visit









fertilizers. Trees were planted here and there. Some have thrived well but the other died. Ozone like







atmosphere which allows the penetration of only visible light. The only issue is the heat of the planet due to the increased level of carbon dioxide" said Jacob.  “The main question of the hour is who is going to become the first citizen of Mars,” asked The President. “But sir, it is not that easy,” said Dr. Aaron “Why not?” asked Dr. David. “Establishing settlement or colonization on Mars isn‟t that easy like a settlement on Earth. Mars needs more requirements especially when it comes

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to electricity. People have to sacrifice their machines and smart things for a short duration. We have initiated plans for deriving electricity from water currents on Mars. But we need some time to get it into action. Till then people have to live the life like our great grand ancestors which are probably impossible for someone to accept, as smart things determine activities of human these days. So leaving them behind would be like leaving some body parts at home and traveling to distant lands. Most importantly we need to supply plenty of food items to fulfill the requirements of everyone settled






problematic as we canâ€&#x;t release plenty of radiations and heat to supply requirements all time every day. There are several complications. We need proper plan prior execution otherwise things might take the reverse turnâ€? Dr. Aaron discussed the problems of quick shifting of half of the population to Mars

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according to him an additional 10-15 years time could make things perfect for life on Mars but at present people have to do plenty of sacrifices as well as must learn to get adapted to the conditions there. “Food pills can be used to take care of the nutritional requirements for months but that will never give the satisfaction of having a full meal. No one can lead a happy life with food pills all day” said Dr. Natalia “The surrounding would look weird as there are no ecosystems, any sort of food chain, competing living organisms, symbiosis and neither the predator or preys. It would be hard for people to get adapted to







environment has to be modified artificially to offer comfort to one‟s mind. Without mental health, everything would collapse” added Dr. Sebastine.

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“Yes” agreed Dr. Ashley “Moreover there must be a proper medical facility to ensure the safety of one‟s health as health is the greatest wealth.” “The medical requirements can be fulfilled by the trained robots. The problem is we can‟t use many robots due to lack of electricity. At present, there is a crew of 3 robotic engineers in Mars whose charging requirements are fulfilled by the giant battery in the rocket stationed on Mars. They use a mini solar panel to charge the battery but when the number of robots is increased then the battery requirement would turn into the biggest problem” said Dr. Amelia. “With just oxygen, water and sunlight, a normal man can‟t get adapted to the heat prevalent in the planet. They need sufficient training here on earth. We can‟t all of a sudden ditch them from one planet to another. They have to be prepared physically as

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well as mentally for better adaptation level on Mars. They have to be trained at least for a period of a year in an artificially created environment that resembles the atmosphere and conditions of Mars” said Dr. Sebastine. “That would be possible but we must create awareness among people to minimize their practices that emit heat to the outer world,” said Dr. David “And yes you are correct Mr. Aaron, any immediate decision






circumstances” “As a first step, we must telecast the lecture of Dr. David to the public and must make them clear with the solution. Then we should create a video regarding the present living conditions artificially created for survival on Mars. We can send a human to Mars but we must monitor his health and mental strength frequently. We must also present the

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report to the public regularly to gain their confidence and hope. We must also assure them that we will get back their basic comforts within 2 to 3 years after their settlement on Mars” said Dr. Ashley. “Can we try sending refugees to Mars as an initiative?” asked The President. “No sir, that would not be a valid decision because they already lack sufficient nutrition here and they lack basic requirements too. They are facing adverse health conditions on Earth and hence they can never tolerate the conditions of Mars and hence mass death can occur which would become the worst drawback for our mission. They are the actual ones who need sufficient training to get adapted to the heat conditions on Mars” said Dr. Sebastine. “Can we request people to stop using all the electronics and heat emitting activities to regain

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the environmental conditions of the 20th century?” asked Christopher. “Can you live an hour without using your smart things?” questioned the Administrator. “Far beyond imagination” replied Jacob. “Yes! Things went far beyond what we mention as „worse‟ These days smart things became the indications of smartness of humans. So life without them is inappropriate. With the invention of each and everything the inventor is well aware of both the positive and negative sides of his or her invention, but what they let people know is only the positive side to make their invention a successful one. People start to use those and when they actually realize the negative aspects of the things they can‟t omit them as they turned into their addiction. People will start to feel that their normal

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life would be impossible without those things. They will continue using them” said Dr. David. “Addiction the worst habit that needs several therapies to get someone out of it,” said Dr. Sebastine “Neither I am an exception. If I need to know something I immediately browse and get answers quickly. Yet there is a healthy alternative way called books. This option will also get me the answers but still takes some of my precious time. So I am mentally addicted to browsers. If I am subjected to a condition in which I have to find answers to several questions in a room without internet and with only books holding answers to my questions








enthusiastically search for sometime after which my mind will start to think how good it would be to use browser. Soon mind will start to dislike book searching as it kills plenty of time and energy.

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Comforts are addiction we can‟t leave them without a stubborn mind” added Dr. Sebastine. The hall fell into silence for a few minutes. “Instead of being silent let‟s try our level best to get the cooperation of people” Dr. Jacob broke the silence. “Before which we have to gain the cooperation of Nations worldwide,” said Dr. Aaron. “I can take care of it. An immediate video call conference and telecasting his lecture could get us cooperation worldwide” said the President “All we need is to find someone who could sustain in Mars without technology and other people for a month to support our mission. He must be stubborn physically as well as mentally. He should know to be alone without other‟s moral support. But it is impossible to find someone.....”

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“I am sorry to interrupt you sir, but I know someone with all these characteristics,” said Dr. Sebastine. The crew inside the hall including the President was surprised by Dr. Sebastine‟s hopeful words.  Sun‟s ray hit hard on his face through the open window of his room. Justin rubbed his eyes and woke up. He was surprised to find that he got a peaceful sleep after years without the aid of medications. Maybe it is due to the time he spent with his new friend. He was extremely happy because at last, he found someone on his side in the name of a friend. Though he was subjected to several therapies this is the real therapy he longed for since the death of his grandmother. Someone to be on his side; someone to console him; someone to show the ray of hope in difficult times; someone to

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talk with; someone to laugh with and finally he got that someone, a friend. He removed his blanket, got down wore his room slippers. He went near the window and for the first time in his life, he smiled enjoying the view he got through the window. So many changes in his character in just a single day he spent with his friend. Friendship really matters a lot. He laid a mat on the floor and began his early morning Yoga taught by Dr. Sebastin. After half an hour of refreshment, he went to take a bath. He stood under the lukewarm water fall from his shower. He found it relaxing. No dreams last night. Maybe he is alright. He got recovered from the socalled “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.� This is a good indication. Now he can lead an independent and happy life. After several thoughts, he came out wrapped in a towel. He wore a nice white shirt and a

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black bottom. He looked cool with his trimmed beard. “Sir, are you there?,” his thoughts flew away with the voice of Stephie. He rushed to the main door, opened it. “Yes, Stephie what‟s up?” “Mr. Nothan asked me to get you for breakfast” Justin grabbed his polished shoes “Thanks for this” he thanked Stephie for polishing his shoes. Stephie nodded her head with a smile in a manner of accepting his appreciation. Justin shut the door behind him and rushed behind Stephie into Mr. Nothan‟s flat. “Good morning Justin, I expected you bit earlier” “Good morning. I was just getting ready”

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“Got ready for?” “Facing the world” Both laughed. “How was your night at your home. It has been several years if I am not wrong” “Peaceful and healthy. Had a nice sound sleep after several years. All credits to you” “To me?” Nothan laughed. “Yes, you relaxed my mind with a special and costly medicine called friendship. I forgot to take my medications last night but still, I slept well. Thank you” “You are so formal. Saying sorry and thanks always forgetting that I am your friend” “Sorr.... haha leave it buddy”

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“This sounds cool. No wonder you have a cool personality within you” “Yeah! I am Mr. Cool” “Find a girlfriend Mr. Cool and get settled in life” “Career first with which I can fill my wallet and.....” “Future plans not bad” “Stop teasing me” “Breakfast is ready,” Stephie called them both. “Let‟s have it. I am starving.” Delicious chicken sandwich awaited them. Justin took a knife and started to cut it into pieces. He took a fork and had a mouth full “Whoa,” the delicious sandwich ever.

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“I completely forgot. Where are you going?. Would you mind if I ask that?” “You have the complete rights to know about my moves” “Gonna wander in the streets of Nevada in search of a job” “Any particular focus or ideas” “No. Anything to earn” “Ohh” “Justin, it‟s hard to find a job these days. People began marketing online. Many prefer to work from home. They give advertisements on social media and blogs for assistants but that is not permanent. You have to quit after the completion of the task assigned to you. The shops and other institutions filled






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supercomputers. A single robot can perform the task of several humans. In order to save wages and to gain more profit, people prefer to appoint robots” Justin simply listened to Nothan‟s words and had nothing to argue with. What Nothan said was absolutely






understood the meaning of his silence, “Come on man, cheer up! I said the fact that exists in this smart world. I didn‟t want to discourage you I just said to keep you away from getting disappointed at the end of the day” “Not that Nothan, I need some job so badly as I have nothing as savings. Even Dr. Sebastine treated me for free after knowing my pathetic condition. Someday I have to pay back the debts to him. I

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can‟t accept help often. I need to push life on my own. I should earn just to gain confidence” “Absolutely. You can earn. But change the way. These days multi tasks are common. What I am trying to say is instead of looking for jobs create something on your own” Justin laughed out “Create on my own. Source?” “The source is at your home?“ “Are you kidding?” “Obviously not” Nothan stood up from his chair and went to wash his hand. The sensors attached to the faucet of the sink sensed his hands and turned on. He wiped his hands and mouth using a tissue paper and threw it in a







biodegradable waste into compost within 24 hours.

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Justin waited for further words from Nothan‟s mouth. “Your books” “Books?” “Yes. How many books you have with you?” “Around 2000” “Whoa !! That is more than sufficient” “Can you be quite elaborate on your point?. I am blank with your words” Nothan laughed, “These days there is nothing called paperbacks. The books in National libraries were scanned and uploaded as ebooks making them feasible to share and also to reduce the cost of buying. People gradually turned into ebook readers because they can carry thousands of books inside a

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5 or 7 or 10 inches screen. Mobile readers all time everywhere. Gradually the paperbacks got vanished from the earth as no one showed interest to preserve them. ” Justin stood confused and Nothan continued, “Now some people wish to switch back to reading paperbacks and they express their desire through blogs. Have a look” Nothan opened a blog on the monitor attached to the wall. It was a blog written by Mr. Joseph Rich who mentioned the importance of book reading, his childhood experience of reading books in the form of paperbacks in the library and he also mentioned his desire to get paperbacks for reading. He gave his contact number and ID for those who wish to rent books so that he could read and fulfill his desire. Justin and Nothan looked at each other.

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“Got it? This isn‟t the only blog. Many are now longing to get books for rent. That is why I mentioned your books as your source?” “Yes! But how am I gonna contact them” “Just chill and sit back Stephie will take care of it” Nothan called Stephie and gave her instructions to help Justin with the starting procedures for his business. “This may or may not be profitable but it will earn you something until you find some worthy profession.” “Thank you Nothan” “Again?” Both laughed. “Stephie will assist you. I have to leave to California for meeting with the representatives”

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“Enjoy your trip” “Thanks, buddy. Take care. I have informed Stephie to cook for you” Justin simply smiled. Stephie accompanied him to his home. “Mr. Justin, I need some time to give codes to your books and also feed their details” “Take your time” Stephie started her work. After three whole hours, she completed assembling books according to the category. She assigned them codes too. She created a database of the list of books along with their codes and rental rate. “Sir it is almost over. All we need is to create a website for you and promote it through social media.”

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“But I don‟t have accounts in any social media” “No problem sir. Mr. Nothan asked me to send the link of your website for promoting it through his social media accounts.” “Well then, go ahead” Stephie created a website titled “Justin‟s librarypaperbacks for rent” and she also included the database in the website with search engines. One can type the title of the book and can gain information regarding its features and rent rate. The website also included his address as that would help him to work comfortably from home. It also included his image and image of his mini library which Stephie took using the camera in the retina. All set. Now she shared the link to Mr. Nothan who shared it on his social media. Stephie asked Justin to check his mail frequently. She attached a ball

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sized scanner to his computer. It also had a thumb scanner on the side. She asked him to get the thumb impression of the right hand of the people who borrow his book. “But why?” “Sir, these days people register their right thumb impression with the census list. So their thumb impression will automatically upload their address, phone number, and mail ID into the computer through this scanner. Ask them to scan the code impressed inside the book through this scanner, this will register the start and end date of the rent. They can borrow your books for a time period of one month after which you will get automated alerts,” she pointed her finger at the scanner. Justin nodded as if he got her points. “Best wishes sir.”

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“Thank you” Stephie went back to Nothan‟s house.  Gossips and questions filled the hall of Mars Exploration centre on the reply of Dr. Sebastine. “Who is it Dr. Sebastine?” asked The President. “One of my patients' sir. His name is Justin Smith who lives in Nevada” “Can he tolerate in an isolated land without technology and people around?” asked Dr. Aaron. “Obviously yes,” replied Dr. Sebastine. “This is astonishing to hear,” Jacob said. “Indeed” joined Christopher. “Who is this Justin Smith?” asked Dr. Ashley. Dr. Sebastine narrated everything beginning from the moment he diagnosed Justin, the information he

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saw through nanobot and his experience with Justin for five whole years. “He stayed in my clinic for 5 whole years but didn‟t get a single visitor. He preferred to be alone. He never spent time with technological games. He talked only to me and yes to Helen, the robotic nurse who took care of him” “Pathetic human,” said Dr. Amelia “Yes,” The president too felt pathetic for Justin‟s past. “If so then let us call him here and ask him to help us with the mission,” said Dr. Aaron. “He should be handled carefully. We can‟t stress his mind all of a sudden. I have no idea of his present circumstances. It would be wise to visit him and talk to him. I will take care of it. I will convey our message to

him as


part of the


conversation I am gonna have with him,” said Dr. Sebastine.

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“Yes, at present he is our only choice. We must never force him into any sort of circumstances that could lead him to occupy a bed in the clinic,” said The President. “Well then, we leave that to you Dr. Sebastine. Our crew will now focus on building a fake atmosphere here at our centre resembling that of Mars. We need to train our man for a few days before we could shift him there,” said Dr. Aaron. “Okay my dear crew, now it‟s my time to arrange for a video conference with the Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Nations around the world. We would need their help at any moment. Let‟s get this new mission accomplished together,” the President vanished from the screen after saying this. The Crew stood up and thanked the blank screen. “Thank you, Dr. David, for warning us about the future. We should never make the sin of taking away our planet from our future generation. We will contact




arranged,” said Dr. Aaron.




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“Dr. Sebastine do you have the contact ID of Justin?” asked Dr. Amelia. “No,” nodded Dr. Sebastine. “How are we going to find his location?” asked Dr. Natalia “It would be appropriate to check the list of the census of the world.” “That would consume our valuable time,” replied Grace. “Absolutely,” Christopher agreed to Grace‟s words as he had a crush on her. Everyone looked at him and Christopher was looking at Grace. “Don‟t worry, I can track him with the tracker nanobot I had attached to the back of his left ear. I have done that without his knowledge. I will get signals to my watch incase if he is in trouble or if someone is in trouble because of him,” said Dr. Sebastine.

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“Well then we will leave Justin to you,” Dr. Aaron concluded the meeting.  Justin checked his inbox at 4 pm and was surprised to find two messages one from Mr. George Moore and the other from Mr. Robert Banks asking him for the time to visit his house. He replied, “Anytime today or tomorrow.” After two hours, Mr. George visited Justin to borrow a book for rent and Mr. Robert








instruction, he got their thumb impression as well as scanned the book code. The ball-shaped scanner registered the data automatically into an offline database created by Stephie. By the end of the day, he had 15 dollars in his hands. A good start. Finally, he got some source to earn. Stephie brought him dinner. He ate spaghetti with meat balls. He thanked Stephie for the delicious food.

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“Mr. Nothan is on line,” she swiped up her ring and got a screen in the air, Nothan greeted Justin. “How was your day buddy?” “Earned 15 dollars. Credit goes to you and Stephie” “Haha I owe you then” “Yes” Justin smiled “How was your meeting?” “Went well. Will be back there tomorrow night. See you soon. Had your dinner?” “Yes and you?” “Yes yes....unfortunately gotta go some important persons are waiting for me. I just called you to check whether my idea is fruitful or not and hey I have arranged a job for you at my friend‟s company. I informed him about you and he said he will help you. Details I will tell you in person. For now Good night sweet dreams buddy.” “Good night sweet dreams”

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Justin felt proud about the entry of Nothan in his life. He is caring for him like a friend and mentor. Justin slept peacefully after taking his regular medications. The next morning he found three new messages in inbox from new clients about the books they want as well as their time of the visit to his house. Justin got ready for a new day and Stephie brought him breakfast. He had his stomach full. By the time he completed his meal, his monitor alerted him about a new message. He was surprised to see that mail from his Professor from University of California, Dr. Richard Fernandes. “Meet me at the Church in Nevada at 10 am� The church is at a distance of a few miles from his building. Justin was excited as he is going to meet his Professor. He checked the clock which displayed 9.45 am. It would be appropriate if he start his

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walk towards the church. He locked the door, informed Stephie and made his foot steps towards the church. After a walk for about 15 minutes, he stood in front of the church. It had been ages since he visited the church. He hardly remembered his last visit most probably with his grandma before her death. He walked in and found his professor lighting candles for the Lord. He walked in the hall and silently stood before his Professor as he didn‟t wish to disturb him in the middle of his worship. The Professor turned back and was happy to see Justin. He hugged him. “Justin my boy, how are you?” “I am fine Professor. How are you?” “I saw your advertisement in social media and wished to contribute something to your new initiative,” he walked to the desk inside the hall

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where he had kept his bag. The Professor took out some books from the hands, “Take them. I am offering it to you for free. One day these would help you” Justin received the books titled,  A Brief history of time  Black holes, baby universes and other essays  Brief answers to the big questions  A brief history of time  The dreams that stuff is made of  5 books of George‟s series  God created the integers  The grand design  The Large scale structure of space time  My Brief history  The nature of space and time  On the shoulders of Giants  The Universe in a nutshell

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These belonged to a single author who is none other than the great Stephen Hawkins. Justin was surprised







professor. “Thank you so much, sir” “It‟s okay my boy, read them before lending” Justin looked at his Professor in surprise. “They got something to tell you. You will need their help in the future. I can‟t tell you in detail. Time will explain to you. One day the whole world will know you. Hardships will end soon. Keep them safe with you” Justin stood confused as he couldn‟t get the exact meaning hidden behind his professor‟s words. He simply nodded and smiled. “I have to leave now. Keep them safe. They will help you one day”

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“Thank....thank you sir. Thanks a lot for your help. See you soon.” Justin watched his Professor walking back towards the entrance of the church and he gave a glance at the books in his hand one more time. He prayed the Lord and walked back to his home where another surprise was waiting for him.  The main door of the building opened for Justin and as he stepped it he heard the voice of the computer, “Mr. Justin Smith, you got a visitor in the visitor‟s area” “Well. Thank you” Visitor, maybe his client, he thought. He walked to the area where beautifully decorated couches are arranged around a mini aquarium. That is the area where visitors are

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allowed to spend time when the person whom they came to meet is not in their home. They will be provided refreshment in case if they want. Justin had a visitor. No one visited him before. He was happy with his new profession as that provides some visitors for him. He saw a man in a Black suit with a hat on his head. He was sitting on the couch with his back facing Justin. He was reading something from the e-reader in hand. Justin reached him. “Hello sir, I am sorry for the delay,” the visitor turned back and to Justin‟s astonishment, he was Dr. Sebastine. “Hello Doctor, great surprise. I am in the utmost pleasure of meeting you after a long time” “Hello Justin, how are you?” “Great sir. My life has changed a lot than what I have imagined it to be”

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“Is everything alright?” “I am absolutely fine doctor” Justin took Sebastine to his flat. He unlocked the door and let him in. Justin went to Nothan‟s home to inform Stephie that he is back. He came back to his house. “This is the first time you came to my home” “Second time” Justin laughed, “But at that time I wasn‟t in a state of greeting you” “Chill my boy” “Doctor what would you like to have tea or coffee” “Coffee” “Just give me five minutes”

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Justin went to his kitchen with the milk, coffee powder, tea packets and sugar he got from a supermarket on the fifth floor of the building he resides in. He placed the cover with books given to him by his professor on a shelf in the Kitchen. He then turned on his electric stove and started preparing coffee. “Can I have a look around?” asked Sebastine. “You can Doctor” Sebastine went around Justin‟s house and was astonished to find the collection of books in his room. The monitor and the scanners inspired him. He took a book and saw some number impressed on it in its first page. He kept the book back. There in the bedroom, he saw tablets and prescriptions arranged neatly in a drawer attached to the side table.

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“Doctor Coffee is ready” Sebastine went back to the living room and took a Cofee mug from Justin‟s hand. He sat on the couch and started tasting it. “Tasty” “Thanks for your appreciation” Sebastine smiled, “Great collection of books” “They are the actual source of income for me at present” “Impressive. Can you tell me how?” Justin narrated everything happened after his return from the hospital to Sebastine. Sebastine emptied his mug and placed it on the centre table in the living room. “I wish to meet your friend”

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“I am sorry Doctor, I can‟t fulfill your wish right now. He went to California for some business meeting. He will be back tonight. One day we both will come to your clinic to meet you” “Sure....







properly?” “Yes Doctor” “Dream?” “No symptoms of it” “Good” Sebastine lost into thoughts. He didn‟t wish to disturb the peace in Justin‟s new life. Justin had just begun to live his life forgetting all the complications of the past. Sebastine decided to leave and look for some other alternative for the mission assigned to him by MEC.

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“What is that doctor? Something seems to bother you” “No. I was just thinking”. So are you enjoying your new life? “100%” “That is great. Okay, Justin, it‟s time for me to make a move,” Sebastine stood up from the couch. “Doctor, till now you didn‟t mention the exact purpose of visiting my home despite your tight schedules” Sebastine doesn‟t know how to begin. “I came here to seek your help...not for me it‟s for the benefit of the world‟s future” His help for the benefit of World‟s future, Justin was confused by those words. Does anyone in the

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world ever know him other than Nothan, Stephie, Doctor and his Professor? Yes, his new clients do. “I can‟t get your words doctor” “I wish to drop it here. I didn‟t wish to ruin your happiness from your life. You are experiencing the best therapy called friendship for which your mind ached for a long time. I can find someone else to help me,” Sebastine tried to make a move. “Doctor you saved my life and this day is not possible without the love and care you offered me in the clinic. I owe you. In fact, you treated me without expecting anything in return from me. I didn‟t pay my medical fee too. I was feeling guilty about that. I even told my friend that one day I have to pay back for all the goods you have done to me in this life. Fortunately, you visited me today. I am extremely happy about your presence at my

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home. It would be a great honor to help you. You chose me for helping you and it is my duty to fulfill your wish. Now tell me, doctor, how can I help you?” Sebastine was happy to hear Justin‟s words. He sat back in the couch. “My boy, you have to watch a lecture before knowing what you have to do for me” “Sure doctor,” Justin sat next to Sebastine in the couch. Sebastine tapped his watch and a screen displayed in the air. Dr. David Miller appeared on the screen “Good morning ladies and gentleman, in today’s lecture, I am going to present to you the fate that our Earth is facing silently due to manmade climatic and environmental changes. I didn’t wish to elaborate on each and every point, so I am

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going to be precise about what you should know






species vanished from the Earth due to the drastic





environment by manmade activities. The temperature is increasing at a rate of 5.4 F. Nature is trembling under the pressure. It lost its clean air, water, forest, insects, fish, mangroves, etc. The advancement in the life of a single species is killing the other competing living organism on Earth. Due to which balance of the ecosystem is affected. Brutal drought and settlement killed many trees in the Amazon forest as a result of which the forest had lost its density drastically. Activities like fossil fuel emissions of the past, over-consumption of resources, illegal poaching, mining, and deforestation pushed the ecosystem toward

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a point of no return. About 3 quarters of land, half of Marine environment and half of the inland waterways were affected worst by our activities. The increase in heat, in turn, increased the melting of ice sheets of the poles which are swallowing the coastal regions. There is no way to reduce all these. We almost reached the adverse






change in climate could cause near to midterm existential threat to the human population. Almost one-third of the land turned into a desert. Apart from these droughts, floods and wildfires affect the rest of the land surface often. We can't refuse the fact that about 1 billion people turned into refugees. We can't control armed






upcoming years which may even lead to

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destructive and beyond imagination. It may also result at the end of humanity on Earth. THE END.....” Justin was shocked to hear this. He looked at Sebastine. “How










environmentalist” “Not that Justin, our Mars Exploration Centre has decided to shift half of the population on Earth to Mars after discussing with many experts including our President. I was one among them” Justin was confused. This announcement has to be made to the entire world. What help could he offer?

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“Justin, we need someone who is stubborn and could live in Mars alone for a month without technology and other people around. That person would be the first to colonize Mars. I uttered your name to the crew and they are eagerly waiting for your arrival at MEC for a short prior training session.” Justin‟s eyes froze in shock. He didn‟t know what to say. Just now he had started to live. Now he has to sacrifice everything. “I know it‟s hard to accept. I am sorry, I said your name thinking of your behavior in the clinic. Now after seeing your present life, even I didn‟t wish to ruin your happiness. Take your own time and let me know” Sebastine stood up, and he is about to press the button in the main door to open it, “I am ready Doctor”

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Sebastine turned back in surprise on hearing Justin‟s words. “Are you sure?” “I owe my life to you”  Sebastine was mesmerized by the reply of Justin. He wondered Justin‟s loyalty. He is going to leave his entire happiness for the sake of the help he obtained from Sebastine in the past. Sebastine hugged Justin as he relieved from the unpleasant situation that he would be subjected to in case if he failed to take Justin along with him to MEC. But still, Sebastine felt guilty inside. Justin has just started to experience happiness in life. The mission could






circumstances. He didn‟t wish to ruin Justin‟s life.

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“Thank you, Justin. Your words are sufficient. I didn‟t wish to force you. This could change your life entirely. Things would be positive if everything turned successful at the end of a month, otherwise, I would feel guilty for ruining the life a great human. I can convince people at MEC. We can find someone else” “Please Doctor, when I was in a pathetic situation you saved me without any expectations. This life and happiness are all because of your kindness and treatment. It would be a sin if I fail to help you when you are in need of it. You asked me for a favor. It is my duty to fulfill it. Let‟s hope for the best. Everything would turn successful by the end. Let me be the first human to settle in Mars for a month. Haha, allow me to create history.” Sebastine stood speechless. He thought loyalty still exists in the world in the form of people like Justin.

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“Doctor, when are you gonna take me to MEC?” “Today. If you wish we can start our trip now” “Now.... can you give me few moments, I have to accomplish some tasks.” “Take your own time. Get me a book from the Sherlock Holmes series, it had been a long time since I read them” “Sure” Justin rushed into his personal library and came out with the book Sebastine wanted for. Sebastine thanked him and began reading it. Justin went in again. He took a pen and paper and started to write down his message to Nothan on it. After writing he folded the paper and kept it inside a box. “Don‟t forget your medicines,” said Dr. Sebastine from the living room. He went to his room picked up his medicines and food pills. Tears filled his eyes

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but he somehow controlled it. Everything is going to end. He is yet to discover the purpose of his life but now he is leaving. Anything can happen in a month. No one can assure what is going to happen the next second. The future is the real mysterious one. He took a few deep breaths, washed his face and came out looking refreshed. “Doctor let‟s leave” Sebastine kept the book on the couch and stood up. Both walked out of Justin‟s house. Justin locked the door. He went to the door of Nothan‟s house and kept his palm impression on the door. “Welcome Mr. Justin” The door opened. Justin went in. Sebastine waited outside. “Stephie” “yes sir”

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“Can you do me a favor?” “My pleasure” “Please handover this box to Nothan” “Sure sir” “And I have some urgent work with Dr. Sebastine. So I am accompanying him. I will return after some days” “But sir, what am I supposed to tell Mr. Nothan about your.......” “Don‟t worry Stephie, give the box to him he will get to know everything” “Okay, sir. Have a happy trip” “Thank you Stephie. Take care of the library until my return. Scan my retina with your eyes so that you can use it to unlock my door” Stephie scanned Justin‟s retina using the micro scanner attached to her eyes. Her scanner took a

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copy of it and it will display it in her retina on need. Hence she could easily get access through Justin‟s security system. He came out and joined Sebastine. They reached the parking area of the building where Dr. Sebastine had parked his car. Soon the car traveled in the road. Justin was silently confused about his life. Whenever he decides to do something, fate plans something else for him. After four hours, the car entered the grand entrance leading to MEC. The security robot in the entrance scanned the car meanwhile







Sebastine‟s thumb impression and also the purpose of his visit. They were allowed in.  The great entrance had a variety of advanced security system. As Sebastine‟s arrival was preinformed they got access through all the security

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systems easily. The door unlocked just like wings of a bird and they entered in. Justin was astonished by the great grand look of the majestic building. There was a beautiful aquarium in the middle of the great hall. Designer couches decorated the hall. He could notice elevators on either side of the aquarium. The elevators are in the shape of rockets. Instead of pressing the button, one should inform their destination. There was a model of the launch vehicle on one of the corners. The secretary of the Administrator, Maria Davis came was waiting at the grand hall for them. She stood up from the couch on seeing her arrival. A digital identity card was attached to her shirt. “Hello Doctor Sebastine, Dr. Aaron has sent me to receive you” “Thank you, Miss.....Ahmm” “Maria....Maria Davis sir, Nice to meet you”

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“Pleased to meet you too Miss. Maria. This is Justin Miller from Nevada” “Hello, Mr. Justin. Dr. Aaron would be so happy with your arrival” “We are eager to meet him” “This way sir,” Maria led them to the elevator on the left side of the hall. On sensing the presence of a human, the elevator door opened, “To the floor of Administrator” “Get in please,” an automated voice replied from the elevator. They got inside and the elevator lifted up. After 5 minutes, “Your destination has arrived,” again a voice came from the elevator. The door opened. They stepped out and the elevator door closed again. The floor was made of transparent glass-like metal. Justin was quite afraid to step foot on it, as it was like

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walking on air. Administrator‟s room was at the corner of the floor. They found several cabinets filled with supercomputers, monitoring robots and some humans most probably space scientists. Maria stood before the door of Dr. Aaron‟s room and said, “Maria Davis,” the voice recognition security system attached to the door recognized her voice and opened to let them in. The entrance had several couches surrounding a center table. Dr. Aaron was reading something from his personal digital library at the corner of the room. There was a huge working area alongside the library. Behind the working area is a huge glass window covered by beautiful curtains. The room was neat and clean. A mini aquarium decorated the wall behind the couches. “Please wait here sir; I will inform Dr. Aaron about your arrival,” Maria asked Justin and Sebastine to

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sit on the couch and she walked into the library. The library was a closed compartment and hence the things inside are hidden from the view of the outer world. “Dr. Aaron, Dr. Sebastine and Mr. Justin Miller are here to see you” On hearing this, Dr. Aaron rushed out of the library and walked towards them. “Hello Dr. Sebastine,” both shook hands. Sebastine introduced Justin to the administrator who shook hands with him too. “Status?” asked Dr. Sebastine. “I received a call from the Secretary of our President. He informed about the President‟s immediate conference with the Presidents and Prime Ministers of the Nations all over the world. After seeing the video lecture of Dr. David, every nation agreed to cooperate with us and that was

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great news indeed. The entire world now has focused on us, especially on our mission. The President is keen to know about our step by step movements. And yes Mr. Justin, the President has personally informed his wishes to you. He also promised to have dinner with you on your return back to Earth” “That would be my honor,” replied Justin politely. “Great,” nodded Dr. Sebastine. “Well if you are ready, can we move to the most important place that you must see?” asked Dr. Aaron. “Yeah!!!” replied Sebastine and Justin nodded in agreement. He was nervous. Dr. Aaron turned towards







attached to the bottom of the aquarium. To their astonishment, the entire wall opened in like a door and a secret passage came before their view. The

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passage was dark until Dr. Aaron said, “lights on.” The entire passage now shined bright like the atmosphere on a sunny day. They went in. As soon as they entered in, the door automatically closed and appeared like a mere wall. Justin admired this secret room. The room was like a narrow passage, they walked a few steps and Justin found a lift. “Take us to the underground compartment G2,” said Dr. Aaron. The lift door opened and they entered in. The lift slid down. “Mr. Justin, I hope Dr. Sebastine might inform everything about our present mission. Are you really willing to be a part of it? We can‟t compel someone to accomplish this. Interest paves way for success. Your will power is the first greatest investment we are expecting. Are you sure? Can you really do this?”

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“Yes sir, it‟s my great honor to be a part of this historic mission” “Well then, once the lift door is opened, I will explain you everything in detail” “Sure,” Justin nodded. Deep inside, he was feeling anxious. “Your destination has arrived,” the door opened. Justin found another narrow passage. The place lacked windows and any contacts with the outer environment. Maybe they are in an underground compartment of MEC. Oxygen gas was supplied artificially inside the cabinet using some tubes. Hence Justin and others didn‟t suffocate for oxygen. The narrow passage ended with a wall. There was no sign for the presence of a door. “Well, here we are,” said Dr. Aaron. Justin looked confused and exchanged looks with Sebastine who was admiring his travel through the secret passage.

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Dr. Aaron placed his palms on the wall. To their astonishment, the wall slid up and a door appeared. The door had a security system just like the one in his building entrance. The door scanned Dr. Aaron and opened. They entered in. There were robots working under the control of Dr. Amelia. Dr. Amelia came near them and greeted the Administrator and Dr. Sebastine who introduced Justin to her. “Is everything going as per the schedule?” asked Dr. Aaron. “Everything is perfect,” replied Amelia. “All set. Now, Mr. Justin, this is where you will be trained for a week under the supervision of Dr. Amelia, ” Dr. Aaron pointed out a room at the center of the huge area. The room was closed with glasses. The room is thus transparent. The room was surrounded on the outer side by some machines, supercomputers and monitoring robots. Justin could

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only say that things around him are definitely not going good. The place was more like a hell. He didn‟t wish to spend his life again in a closed room like this. “Why fate always destines prison like places to me? Why everything turns wrong in my life? Am I cursed?” questions circled in his mind while Aaron, Sebastine, and Amelia engaged themselves in a deep discussion. Justin simply wished to run away from there but couldn‟t. He started sweating. “Are you alright?” asked Sebastine. “No sir, definitely not. Life would turn miserable if I need to spend days again in a closed room.” Dr. Aaron overheard this. “Don‟t worry Mr. Justin. The training session won‟t be hard. We will never let you to struggle or suffer. When you are here, you are our guests and it is our responsibility to take care of you. This closed room

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environment of Mars during the day. The night would be pleasant there but it is the day that is troublesome. We have decided to set time alerts for your everyday training. The day hours in Mars lasts for 8-14 hours depending on the season as per the survey report by our robots. Hence to get adjusted to the day out there, you will be allowed to stay inside the room for 2 hours in the first day, which would be gradually increased to 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 hours and on the final day you would have to stay for 14 hours. Every day after your session proper medical tests will be taken by Dr. Ashley and Dr. Sebastine after which you can stay in a room allotted for you at the 12th floor of MEC.” Justin simply smiled and nodded. “Let‟s start our training from tomorrow, now you can take rest in your room” saying this Dr. Aaron

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instructed a robot named Adam to lead Justin to his room. Dr. Sebastine stayed back whereas Justin followed Adam. Soon they were on the 12th floor. There were several rooms each holding a digital name card at the door. They took a turn and Justin found another long corridor filled with rooms. Adam took him to the fifth room from the turn. “This is your room sir,” Adam opened the door with a card containing some invisible code that is scanned by the security system attached to the door. “Keep this card safe sir. This is hard to recreate in case if it goes missing,” Adam gave the card to Justin. The room was filled with comforts. The windows displayed a clear view of the outer world. “Any need, press this button, sir,” Adam showed a button on the backside of the door. ”This would

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make alerts on my mobile.” Justin nodded. “Clothes are inside the closet. You can have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner for free at the restaurant found at the end of this corridor.” Justin nodded. Adam left the room closing the door behind him. Justin placed the card in his empty wallet. He sat on the bed without knowing the turns that his life is about to take.  It was at 8 PM. The door opened and Nothan entered in. “Stephie get me dinner. I am starving. Where is Justin?” “Sir, place wait in the dining hall I am coming with dinner,” said Stephie from kitchen “and Justin left this morning.”

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“Left? Where?” asked Nothan “He didn‟t mention his destination. He asked me to inform me that he got some urgent work with Dr. Sebastine” Nothan guessed whom Dr. Sebastine would be as he had heard that name several times from Justin “who visited Justin this morning and took him somewhere” “Is he alright?” enquired Nothan “Who?” asked Stephie “I mean...Justin... is he alright? Any health issues?” “Justin looked, perfect sir. He was in good health when he left” “What might be the issue?” Nothan was thinking when Stephie called him

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“Sir” “Yes Stephie” “He left you something” saying this he rushed into her room and came out with the box that Justin asked her to hand over to Nothan. “This is the thing he left for you” Nothan opened the box and found a folded paper inside it. He unfolded it to find Justin‟s handwritten note to him. It read, “Dear Nothan, My life which I consider as an object of mystery has another test for me now. You are well aware that wherever I turned I ended up miserably. Today I took a totally different turn and am absolutely

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unaware of how the end would be. I never had dreams about my life as I suffered a lot to spend every minute of it with loneliness. Loneliness stood with me all the time. Just like a ray of light inside a dark tunnel you showed up and comforted me with your patience, presence, and

kindness. I


confused right now whether my decision is right or wrong. Smiles are countable in my life and my eyes forgot to shed tears. Believe it or not, now they are shedding tears while writing this letter to you. This is proof of how important you are in my life. You are the only friend I ever got. You may be surprised to find a letter in this century, but this is what I am leaving you as my memory. Keep them and do remember me. Thank you for whatever you have done. You asked me to approach life positively and yes I am approaching the present situation with a positive hope to meet you as soon as possible though I am going too far from you...too far Nothan that

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you can never imagine. I wish to inform all these in person with a goodbye but I lack courage. When I saw you my decision would be different. You remember me of my dad who stood with me in everything. I have mentioned to you about Dr. Sebastine and how I am longing to repay for his kindly help. Now I got the opportunity. I am the unluckiest person on earth Nothan, fate often restricts me from enjoying the so-called happiness. My life lacks purpose as I don‟t understand how to struggle in this machinery world. I was happy for the past three days when I got time to spend with you. It‟s time for me to repay Dr. Sebastine who helped me when I lost everything. I request you not to get angry with him after knowing where he took me. He was happy about my present life and he was eager to meet you too. He didn‟t compel me for this. It‟s me who volunteered. Yet I lack the courage to tell you as you would stop me from doing this. I am

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not gifted enough to lead the life of an ordinary human. You will know the reason soon. I am not so sure about my return. If I return you would be the first person I want to meet. Thanks for your care and kindness Nothan. Hope to meet you. It is goodbye for now or ever is in the hands of almighty. Take care. (P.S: Watch News)â€? Nothan could not understand anything from this letter. When he turned to news channels, he happened to watch Dr. David Millerâ€&#x;s lecture and he was shocked to hear that the world nations have decided to shift half of the human population to Mars. He was terrified when he learned about the first man who

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is going to settle on Mars for a month on a test basis.  Justin was having pancakes at the restaurant thinking of how Nothan‟s reaction would be on reading his letter. The next morning Justin woke up and got refreshed. He used the card to get out of the room and locked it again. “Sir” Justin turned back on hearing Adam‟s voice. “What‟s up Adam?” “Dr. Amelia called you down” “Will be there in 15 minutes”

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Justin went and had a light breakfast and rushed down to the underground cabinet and found Dr. Amelia busy with instruction the researchers gathered there. Justin stood adjacent to her. “Good Morning Mr. Justin” “Good morning Dr. Amelia” “Hope you had a great stay in the centre” “Yes” “Justin I got something to show you” she opened the door adjacent to her cabinet and there hanged a white suit. She took that out and gave to Justin “wear this inside the cabinet. This suit is specially designed to protect from the warmth inside. It will keep your body cool in extreme heat conditions. This is made of ceramic materials mingled with

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cotton fibers which will protect you from the heat that prevails on Mars during the day time.� Justin wore the suit and entered the cabinet. Dr. Amelia closed the door. He was all alone inside the huge cabinet where he had to spend two hours. He had nothing to do inside the cabinet and just watched what is going on around him through the transparent glass that separated the cabinet from the outside. Somehow he spent the two hours inside the cabinet successfully. When Dr. Amelia opened the door, Justin rushed out in relief. Dr. Sebastine and Dr. Ashley took Justin for checking his physical and mental health. Tests were done and Dr. Ashley was busy organizing the reports of the analysis.

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“Doctor, Can I have a word with you?” asked Justin to Dr. Sebastine who was searching for something in his bag. “Yes sure. But I am repeating what I said before if you want to quit, you can. I won‟t compel you to proceed further without willingness” “Not that doctor I just want to know about my health. Am I alright?” “Restlessness and high pressure. If this continues you will end up in my clinic again” Justin looked helpless “Pathetic I” “Indeed” smiled Dr. Sebastine “Leave if you want to leave.” “The mission?”

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“They will find someone or someone will volunteer” “I don‟t want to disappoint you, doctor” “Disappoint? Why would I get disappointed with you? The moment you said yes when I asked you, I admired your loyalty. I am happy you came this far respecting my words.” “When will someone volunteer for my place?” “Problematic question and answer yet to be found,” Dr. Sebastine laughed after saying these words. “Dr. Sebastine I have mailed his health note to the supercomputer. Justin, you need some rest. Doctor can we talk alone” saying this Dr. Ashley took Dr. Sebastine outside the room. The room had a glass door and hence Justin could clearly see that the

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two doctors were arguing something seriously but could not hear anything. “Will he be alright?” asked Dr. Ashley. “He already suffered complications in life due to his mental health. If this continues he will definitely have to quit this mission” replied Dr. Sebastine. “Can we report this to Dr. Aaron?” asked Dr. Ashley “Let‟s wait for a day” answered Dr. Sebastine “When this leak out then no one will volunteer” “But we can‟t make the innocent man‟s life miserable. All he needs is a peace of mind which jumps away every time he gets near it.”

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They looked at Justin through the glass door. Justin felt weird. What the eyes are trying to convey to him? He could clearly sense the sign of sympathy in those eyes. “I am leaving doctor,” Dr. Ashley said after shaking hands with Dr. Sebastine. “Have a great day” “You too” When Dr. Ashley left, Dr. Sebastine entered the room again “Was that conversation related to me?” asked Justin “Precisely” replied Dr. Sebastine.

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Justin wanted to know details on that but hesitated to ask. “What made you feel restless in the cabinet?” “Loneliness. Being alone.....made me feel restless inside the closed room” “All you need is distraction” “Distraction?” “Focus on something you like” “Books” “Can books divert your mind” “Yes doctor, they proved to be my best companions since childhood”

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“What books do you like to have?” “Anything about space. Something interesting” “Let me get you some tomorrow. Have a nice evening and a nice sleep. Don‟t forget to take the pills before sleeping.” Justin nodded “Take care” Dr. Sebastine left the place. He reached the parking area where he parked his car. When he opened the back door to keep his bag, he found some books on the seat. He had no idea how they get there. He decided to give them to Justin the next day. He collected the books kept them in his bag and rode his car towards his home. 

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Justin did meditation for more than 3 hours after which he felt much relieved from stress. The next morning Dr. Sebastine presented him with the following books: Black holes and baby universes and other essays A brief history of time Nature of space and time The Universe in a nutshell Brief Answers to the big questions The dreams that stuff is made of All were the works of the great Scientist Stephen Hawkins.






professor gave him. It contained these titles. But

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before he could read them Dr. Sebastine took him to the center. The successive days were spent lavishly with these new works. They were really interesting and Justin admired the mysteries hidden in the vast universe. He became used to the energy and food pills. The scientists were happy with his progress and adaptation inside the cabinet. Dr. Sebastine and Dr. Ashley tested him and certified that his physical and mental conditions are normal and he is fit for the mission. Justin was given 2 days rest after the vigorous training session. The fusion rocket was analyzed for ensuring Justinâ€&#x;s safe journey to Mars. Justin became famous all over the world. News telecasted about his life history and training details. Question hours circled around him. But Justin was unaware of all these as he spent time inside the room and didnâ€&#x;t turn on the massive television screen that was

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attached to the wall of the room in which he resided in. He spent time thinking of his past life and meditation. Nothan was upset on hearing the news but could do nothing to stop Justin from repaying the one who has cured him when he was in an immense state of helplessness. Justin became famous in a night. The people were worried about leaving the planet. If the mission turned successful, half of the population would be shifted to Mars willingly or forcefully. They are ready to do anything instead of leaving the planet. But Dr. Davidâ€&#x;s reports clearly indicated that there is no quick remedy to eradicate the environmental issues that threaten the earth. People watched the happening and remained silent.

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When the whole world is troubling with confusion, Nothan entered Justin‟s room and spent time going through his medical reports and library. The day arrived, and Justin was denied to take food for the past two days. He took food pills instead. Moreover, the fear prevented his brain from responding to hunger signals brought to it from nerves.  Marvel 75........It is the name of the spacecraft that is designed to take humans to Mars. This is designed like a UFO is Kids tales capable of taking 5 persons at a time. But this time it is going to take Justin alone along with his books and required pills. It is a fusion spacecraft. It had a transparent glass covering it in front. A door is at the back. A pile of books and two boxes of fills were already fitted

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inside it. A comfortable chair is placed in front of the control panel. He can simply sit and watch the happening while the spacecraft would be controlled from the ground station. The spacecraft was coated in silver which added elegance to its appearance. When Justin saw Marvel 75 it remained him of the UFO through which Aliens reach Earth. “Yes, I am an Alien.....travelling from one planet to another” thought Justin. “This is an oxygen bag” Dr. Amelia pointed the closed bag attached to the corner of the UFO‟s inside “and a lot is in there”. She dragged a draw and Justin found numerous oxygen bags inside. From the bag ran a tube into a small square-shaped connector inside which the tube is connected to a pole that had a small circular fan on top. The blades of the fan are so tiny. The bag had a green

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indicator on top “when you find the indicator turned red, plug out the tube from the bag and attach another bag to it before which you must turn off this switch” Amelia pointed at the switch on the top of the connector. “This is for you Mr. Justin,” she opened a door adjacent to the oxygen setup and Justin was astonished to find a whole rack of books each attached to the rack by a wooden clip. “You can‟t detach a book until you reach Mars. Inside this spacecraft, there is a gravity regulator that offers a comfortable stay inside. And here,” she pointed at a green panel on the glass shield in front of the control panel “touch this when you want to communicate with us. We will be monitoring you all the time through the camera on the top but when you touch this” saying this she touched the panel, “the glass shield turned into a screen that displayed the view of the ground station. Plug this into your ear” she gave him a small earplug with an extended

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tube which contained a button-shaped mike at its end “so that you can directly communicate with us as if you are talking with us in person. There is no need for you to view us all the time. You can admire your travel through this transparent glass. If the ground station wants to communicate with you we will send an indication to this” she gave an e-note to him. “Be alert when it displays a message and touch the green panel to immediately communicate with us. She pointed out a draw attached to the corner of the control desk” Justin dragged it out and found



sufficient for a month” “yeah” “Any doubt?” “No”





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“Pleasure. Sit on this seat” when he sat the seat automatically wrapped a belt around his waist and shoulders. And there is a toilet behind that door” she pointed at the door at the right corner of the spacecraft. “I hope you are clear” Dr. Aaron entered in. “Yes sir” replied Justin. Dr. Aaron shook hands with Justin and left the spacecraft. Dr. Amelia followed him. The control unit closed the door of the spacecraft. Fear induced a weird sensation within him. To divert his mind, he closed his eyes and started meditating. When the countdown displayed 10, the circular ceiling above opened and outer space is exposed. Within seconds the spacecraft lifted above and

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carried Justin far away into space with massive speed. Justin didn‟t feel any vibration as the gravity controller provided a home atmosphere inside the spacecraft. Justin opened his eyes after half an hour and was stunned to see the clear outer space. He relaxed in the seat and had a splendid view of stars that appeared before him. After some time he removed the belts around his waist and shoulders and stood up. He plugged the speaker into his left ear and touched the green panel. The ground station appeared on the glass screen. “How are you feeling right now?” asked Dr. Ashley It








interruption in signal. “Much better than what I assumed” replied Justin.

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“Any abnormalities” “No” “Just a few hours to Mars. Relax and enjoy” “Okay” Justin touched the panel again and the glass displayed the space. He took three food pills. The sky glittered with stars of which some appeared close



spacecraft. He noticed sparks at some distance. He admired them. But his reaction turned into shock when the sparks grew bigger and bigger as they approached him. He realized that the sparks are nothing but the burning asteroids. An asteroid storm is going to knock his spacecraft down. He stretched








communicate with the ground station. The crew in

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the ground station already sensed the approaching danger and were trying to divert the spacecraft in a different direction but were failed to gain signal from it. “Justin can you hear us......� Dr. Ashley tried to send messages to Justin but nothing reached him. Justin tapped the panel several times but it remained unresponsive. He lost them and they lost him. He stood helpless. Before he could look for manual control, the spacecraft was subjected to attack by the burning asteroids, which broke the craft into pieces. Two broken glass pieces stabbed Justin in his left leg and shoulder. He screamed in fear and pain. Some force dragged the broken pieces of the spacecraft towards it and it dragged Justin too. The parts burned and disappeared

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before his eyes. He prepared his mind for facing death with constant hope, “Must be a dream” “Must be a dream”  “Dream,” thought Justin He closed his eyes and opened them again but nothing changed. He is dragged by some strong force. He could not oppose it. He could see nothing as if the light penetration was prohibited in that region. But something flew towards him. The pink butterfly of his dreams; everything around him was dark but he could clearly see the pink butterfly that flew towards him from a distance. He saw it glow as it approaches him. When it came near

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Justin, it turned into a pink ball that opened a pink passage. The scenery of his dreams is occurring in reality. A beautiful young lady dressed in a shiny blue garment appeared through the pink passage. She stretched her hand out to Justin in order to grab him. Justin without second thought grabbed the ladyâ€&#x;s hand. As soon as Justinâ€&#x;s hand touched that of the lady, he felt as if electric waves traveled








consciousness and fainted. He woke up gasping in shock of witnessing the dream once again. He was shivering and sweating. But what he experienced is not a dream. He looked around and confused because the place he was lying was entirely new to him. He had never seen such a beautiful place before. The bed was like a nest. The nest was spongy and had a pillow on top. When he tried to get down he saw a tree branch is carved in

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the shape of a ladder. He managed to get down through the ladder. He was surrounded on all the four sides by glass which reflected his own image. He saw bandages on his shoulder and leg, he didnâ€&#x;t feel pain or discomfort in them. He went near the glass wall and touched his own reflection. When his fingers contacted the glass, some light turned off and he could clearly see the outer world that existed on the other side of the glass wall. It was the most beautiful scenery he has ever seen. It was a land full of plants and trees; birds and insects decorated

them. The mild

breeze made the

branches to dance. No sign of pollution. When he looked at the ceiling he found a beautiful aquarium that decorated it. Fishes were pink and blue in color. Among them was a shiny silverfish that glittered and added charm to the entire aquarium. Through the aquarium, he saw a bright sun that decorated the sky. It is somewhat bigger than the

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Sun he knows. When he looked down he saw highly fertile soil as one could say from its texture, but the glass floor prevented him from having direct contact with it. This is the environment which the earth lost years ago. “I am in heaven. My grandmother often said if we didn‟t commit any sins during our life, God will offer a place for us in heaven. The dream so far is about my beautiful afterlife. If these have occurred to me already, I would have preferred death much early. The young lady in blue must be God‟s messenger or an angel” thought Justin. He looked all around to find a way to get out, but couldn‟t. The glass walls didn‟t seem to have a door. He touched all the four sides of the wall with his fingers to see what‟s behind it. The first three walls displayed nature, but the fourth wall had a wooden passage behind it. the passage had ceiling

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lights that added glow to the passage. Suddenly he saw a shadow on the floor of the wooden passage which approached in his direction. Soon the young lady came into vision. She kept her palm on the glass which moved up leaving a huge opening for her to enter inside the room in which Justin was standing. Justin was stunned by her breathtaking beauty. She took a bead, which was black and shiny from a silver box that she held in her hand and pressed it to Justin‟s left ears. She had a similar one on her ear. Before Justin could ask what was that she spoke, “Translator. Now we can communicate without interruption.” “Nice” “Any pain in wounds?”

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“Not a sign” “Leupah increased the recovery rate. You will be back to normal soon” “Leupah?” “It is a plant here with amazing healing properties” “Woah! Even heaven offers medical care!!” “Heaven? What is that?” “Is this not heaven...I thought I am dead and you are an angel who took me to heaven” The young lady stared at him as she couldn‟t understand his words. Justin understood from her looks and asked,

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“Where am I?” “Pura” “Pura?” “It is like Earth. Humans named our planet as Kepler” Justin knew about Kepler. He had read about it from articles when he was in Dr. Sebastine‟s clinic. “So you are an Alien” “No, we are residents of this planet. You are an alien” “Probably yes” “Am I dead?”

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“Of course not” the young lady laughed. “Kepler is 1400 light-years from earth. How did I reach here crossing such a huge distance?” “Science is not within our imagination. It has solutions for mysteries that is far beyond our imagination” Justin couldn‟t get the exact meaning behind her words. She smiled at him. “Drink this Justin,” she took a tiny vessel from a kit and gave it to him. “This extract will give you a nice sleep which will enhance the healing process” “How do you know my name?”

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“Sleep for some time. I will be back after some hours to take you to a place where you will get answers to all your wandering questions.” Justin drank the juice in the vessel. It was sweet. The girl closed the glass wall and went out through the passage. He lied back on the bed and looked up at the aquarium. The fishes disappeared and the clear water displayed the sun and the sky. He tried to recall the points his mind registered about Kepler.

Kepler is 60% wider than earth and is rocky. It is 5 times massive than earth and hence got the nickname “Super-Earth.” It possesses a thick atmosphere, lots of water and active volcanoes. It completes one orbit every 385 days which is slightly larger than the earth. The sun-like star which the Kepler circles is 10% bigger and 20% brighter than the sun which the Earth circles.

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Sleep brought an end to his thoughts and soon he fell asleep. 

Justin woke up from a nice and peaceful sleep. “It must be hours,” he thought. He felt relaxed and relieved. Stress absolutely vanished from his mind. The sense of tiredness was no more. He got down the ladder and found the young lady reading something in the hologram that appeared before him. The letters are unfamiliar and hence Justin couldn‟t understand the content displayed. All the appliances inside the room were made of either glass or wood. The room was so eco-friendly and it merged



decorated the outside.




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“Do you have any name?” asked Justin. She tapped a string he wore around her wrist and the hologram disappeared. “Yes, You can call me Ginn” “Ginn?” “Yeah that how others call me. How are you feeling now” “Good. Can I get something to eat” “Yeah” Ginn gave him a parcel wrapped in banana plantain. He unwrapped it and found a chocolate bar like material. “Multigrain





understanding the question he raised through his eyes.

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“Grains, it had been decades since I ate them. They are on the verge of extinction or in other words endangered” he said while eating the bar he held in his hand. “It is because you humans went against nature in a million ways” Justin nodded in agreement. “Follow me,” Ginn said after Justin finished the multigrain bar. She took him out of the glass building into the wooden passage which had a circular wooden door like structure at its end. When he got down his feet touched the grass that decorated the ground. He realized that his shoes are missing. “Wait”

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Ginn turned back on hearing Justin‟s voice “What‟s wrong?” “My shoes” “You won‟t find them and you are prohibited wearing shoes on this land” Justin noticed Ginn‟s feet and yes she stood there with her barefoot. “We live in harmony with nature. No animal here or even on earth wear shoes except humans. We interact with nature and respect the land for sheltering us with all the basic needs. We acquire a natural treatment in this way and hence we don‟t suffer much from illness or ailments. The pressure exerted by various particles on the soil strengthens nerves that end at the foot. Some of those nerves

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serve vital organs of the body. We stay healthy and nature helps us to stay healthy.” “Brilliant” She walked casually but Justin struggled as it was the first time for him to walk with his barefoot. At some distance, another wooden building came into view. All the way Justin saw was plants and birds. The view was pleasing and “it is what the earth is longing to have at present,” he thought. Ginn placed her palm on the wooden wall, a laser light scanned it and a glass door appeared on it. She unlocked the door with some passcode and entered in. She signaled Justin to follow her. There was a massive egg-shaped structure coated in silver on three sides and one side had a glass. The glass reflected their images and hid what is behind it. Ginn used another



it. When the


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insertion was successful, rotor and blades appeared on the top of it and landing skids appeared on the bottom.






helicopter. She clicked a button that pushed the glass to one side paving way for them to enter in. Justin followed Ginn into the helicopter. Inside were two comfortable couches in front of them was a








instruments are made of copper and wood. It included a cyclic stick, the collective lever, and the anti-torque pedals. Ginn operated it while Justin admired the beauty that surrounded them. Justin found the entire land was filled with plants. The air was pure and the atmosphere was clear. Here and there were small buildings that are made of glass and wood. People were busy with their work and there were many similar helicopters that crossed them.

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“Won‟t the glass break due to adverse external conditions?” asked Justin. “They are highly resistant and do not break easily. They are made of special material from sugarcane waste” replied Ginn. The glass buildings had aquariums on top. The water bodies like lakes, ponds, streams, and falls are contained crystal clear water. People didn‟t use motor vehicles for traveling on the ground as that transportation may affect the vegetation. They preferred walking if the distance is small. They are indeed living in harmony with nature. Agriculture flourished in some areas. Each building has a solar panel which fulfilled the electricity need of that particular building. There were no transformers or wires that interrupted their path. Hills were very

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high such that their top pierced the clouds and extended beyond it. After about traveling half an hour, Ginn landed the helicopter in front of a building. The building was entirely made of wood with a glass door in the front. This is the largest of all the buildings that Justin encountered on the way. 

Ginn took Justin in through the glass door. There was a narrow water body and many coracles were parked on its so assumed bank. Ginn and Justin rode a coracle. There were small rooms on both the sides of the water body all with a digital board on them. After a few turns, Ginn stopped the coracle near a room. She helped Justin to get out of it. The door had a digital board and when Ginn allowed the scanner adjacent to it to scan the retina, some

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stars appeared on the board following which the door unlocked. Inside were several types of machinery all concerned with spacecraft and were tested and analysed by those who seemed to be experts of that land. “Ginn” They stopped on hearing the voice. “Alb,” said Ginn. They both greeted each other. “This is Justin of whom I mentioned you early” “Nice to meet you, Justin. I am Alb, her colleague” “Oh! Nice to meet you Alb” but Alb couldn‟t understand what Justin told him. Ginn signalled Alb to use the translator. Alb then took a translator from his pocket and pressed it on his ear. The walls, floor and ceiling of the room were made of wood.

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They were surrounded by many people who were busy with their regular work. “Have you informed him in detail?” asked Alb “Not a word” replied Ginn Justin stood confused. “Justin, do you wish to see what‟s happening at present in your place?” “What?” There was a large screen in the centre of the hall and it resembled LED screen on earth. Ginn placed the string she wore on her wrist in a cup-like structure at the bottom end of the screen and pressed a button in front. The screen at once displayed a hologram which was realistic as if they are visualizing things in real life with naked eyes.

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The definition of the display was so high. She typed some letters on the screen. A video started playing. Justin was stunned by the video as it displayed the present situation in Mars Exploration centre. “Amelia, try to get signal from Marvel 75. We need to get him back.” It was Dr Aaron. “We are trying sir.” Dr Amelia and her crew were busy in trapping the missed spacecraft. “How is this possible?” asked Justin to Ginn. “Through our secret surveillance system we have installed at your centre through our satellite” replied Ginn. “Satellite!!





aliens....I mean you cannot explore space” “Why can‟t we explore space?” asked Alb.


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“To launch a rocket on Kepler you would need to have a mass of about 440000 tons” Ginn and Alb looked at each other with a smile while Justin continued “the great mass of the planet provides a stronger gravitational pull, so they could hold thicker atmosphere to enable better shield from harmful cosmic rays from outer space. The strong gravitational pull makes it more difficult for extraterrestrials to blast off their planets. This planet has an escape velocity which is much greater than earth and hence you would need a more fuel content for launching a rocket. I mean launching a rocket from this planet requires a lot of fuel which makes the rocket heavy. Since rockets were better in the vacuum of space than in an atmosphere, you have to launch it from a mountain top to accomplish your task. However, the strong gravitational pull would squash down the surface of the planet, leading to smaller mountains....”

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“All these are true but we found a solution from nature,” said Alb. “How is that possible? When you launch a rocket by burning a lot of fuel, your planet would be the most polluted than ours...But your atmosphere is healthy and your surrounding is clean!!” “Because we burn nothing; We simply charge them...with Blackhole” replied Ginn. “Blackhole!!!”  Justin was unable to accept that they are using a black hole as an energy source. “As I mentioned before, science is far beyond what we have achieved so far. Many unexplored areas are hidden inside, which could demolish the word

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„impossible‟ if explored. Do you know that people of Kepler and earth once had direct communication with each other?” asked Ginn. “Obviously not” replied Justin. “It is true. Our researchers revealed the existence of communication between our ancestors but still, they are trying to find out the exact way of communication they had in the past. It was Sant Gill who first revealed the existence of communication between our ancestors. He mentioned that their intentions were in harmony with nature. With time, the inventions in science and technology rose to a peak.







inventions to make things easier. On Kepler, the inventions in science rose in harmony with nature whereas on earth they went against nature. Our ancestors tried to warn people on earth but the

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level of comfort their inventions provided made people on earth deaf to our words. So our ancestors stopped communicating with earth. The information on the existence of such communication between the planets vanished with time. After Sant Gill‟s discoveries triggered us to re-establish such communication






inventions. But our people warned us to check the present status of the earth prior to re-establishing communication with you. Hence we prepared a special satellite to collect details on earth as well as to insert our surveillance cameras at vital places on earth. We understood how far human betrayed earth






discussions, we decided to help people on earth to save the earth. Finally, we chose you as our representative.” “Me? A representative?”

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“Yes, I travelled in time to know the future of the earth and I came to know about you and your fate on space. We decided to save you for restoring the prosperity on earth” “Travelled in time?” Justin asked Ginn took a pen-like structure which shined black from her robes. “This enables us to travel against other words this is a device that enables us to travel forward and backwards in time and this” she took a copper square-shaped box from an adjacent table “enables us to reach wherever we want to explore in this universe” the box contained beautiful designs on it. When she opened it, a red coloured button came into view. Ginn pressed it and the pink butterfly appeared. Before it turns into a pink passage Ginn pressed the button again and the

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butterfly vanished. “I hope you understood how I got you here.” “I have been trying to convey you an idea for healing earth through some writings by one of your great scientist named Stephen Hawkins,” said Alb. “But before you could take things to your mind the drastic changes on earth landed you in our place.” “The books were presented to me by my professor, Dr Richard Fernandes” “I left the parcel of those valuable books collected from your university‟s non-functioning library on his desk with a note „Give it to Justin Smith‟ using this” Alb pointed at the copper box in Ginn‟s hand.”Your professor knows you well and he successfully accomplished what we had expected him to do” he added.

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“But you didn‟t read those books as you left to the Mars centre....” said Ginn. “No, I have read them during my training” “Because we made you read those,” said Alb “It was me who took the books from your home and dropped it in Sebastine‟s car. This way they reached your hands again” “Why do you want me to read them?” “To know some basics about the universe and a black hole so that you can understand well when I explain to you how artificial black holes can bring back the charm and prosperity of earth.” Ginn turned back to the huge screen, typed something and videos were played matching her words:

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“A Blackhole is not just a hole that drags everything that crosses it. It has an immense gravity and as you know even light cannot escape it. It is not a hole; it is actually a dark star that is massive and compact and possesses a strong gravitational field that even light could not escape. Any light emitted from the surface of such star, would be dragged back by the star‟s gravitational attraction, before it could get very far. That‟s why we are unable to see such stars. Space and time are not separate independent entities. Instead, they are different directions in a single object which your scientist Albert Einstein referred to as „space-time.‟ This spacetime is not flat, but is warped and curved by the matter and energy in it.” “Spacetime?”





understand Ginn‟s explanation on space-time.


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“Listen, consider a rubber sheet with a weight placed on it, to represent a star. The weight will form a depression in the rubber and will cause the sheet near the star to be curved, rather than flat. If marbles are rolled on the rubber sheet, their paths will be curved rather than being straight lines. A star will curve and distort the space-time near it. If a massive star that has burnt up its nuclear fuel, cools and shrinks below a critical size, it will quite literally make a bottomless hole in space-time, that even light can‟t get out of it. These were termed „Black holes.‟ From the outside, one can‟t tell what is inside a black hole. Whatever we throw inside a black hole, it will consider only the total mass and state of rotation of the object that we threw inside it. A black hole has a boundary where the gravity is strong enough to drag light back and prevent it from escaping. Imagine going over a waterfall in a canoe, when we are above the

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falls, we can get away if we paddle fast. But once we are over the edge, there is no way back. The current gets faster as we get nearer the fall. It pulls harder on the front of the canoe than on the back. It is the same with the black holes. If you fall towards a black hole with your feet first gravity will pull harder on your feet, than on your head as your feet are nearer to it. The result is you will be stretched out longwise and squashed in sideways. The same happens when an object falls into it. The black hole with smaller masses can break the objects into pieces before it reaches the boundary. But when an object falls into a black hole of mass million times greater than the sun, the object will reach the boundary without any difficulty. Particles can leak out from the black hole. A black hole of the mass of a mountain, would give off X-rays and gamma rays at a rate of about 10 million megawatts

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which is enough to power a planet‟s electricity supply. This is because of a property called singularity. A singularity is what all the matters in a black hole gets crushed into. Black holes are generally a place where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. The gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space. At the centre of a black hole is the gravitational singularity where gravity and density are infinite and space time extends into infinity.”  “Black holes became an idea of our thirst to run the planet in an eco-friendly way. Moreover, a black hole can provide us with an ultimate idea for alternate and less harm energy source. We decided to build an anthropogenic black hole on the planet for deriving energy for running life on the planet. Some inputs were required to derive energy as output

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from the black hole and what we got as inputs were the material waste generated by people on kepler. The artificial black hole engulfed the waste that was dumped around it and released X-rays, gamma rays and even small amount of infrared rays.” Justin stood confused as he couldn‟t devise a proper picture in his mind of Ginn‟s words. Ginn turned back to the screen and swiped some screens to display what she is trying to explain Justin through her words. An animated video made Justin clear about Ginn‟s explanation. “This is the model of our planet‟s black hole that we successfully created at a place called Kampa, a land that is totally devoid of fertile soil. Hence we decided to utilize this land for harvesting energy.” Now Ginn played a 3D video of the land on the screen. The land extended for acres and was

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dumped with waste collected from dwelling areas. In the middle of the vast land, there was a majestic cylinder-like structure which they mentioned as a replica of the black hole on space. The land was bordered on the four sides by glass made from sugarcane molasses. The thickness of the glass was such that it prevented the leakage of rays to the surrounding. This was in turn surrounded by a concrete wall of several inches thickness. “How is this possible?” asked Justin. “Anything can be replicated when we know what exactly makes the parent object. Our black hole is a horizontal cylinder-like structure made up of several thousand circular copper plates with a hole in their centre. The last few concentric circles lack holes and hence the cylinder has a closed bottom. The length and diameter of the cylinder equalized

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the tallest mountain on Kepler. At the centre of the cylinder lies the optical fibre whose refractive index is analogous to the gravitational pull that exists inside a black hole. To be precise, the gravity is equal to the gravity inside the sun-like star which the Kepler revolves. The concrete wall around the field acts as a radiation shield and prevents the leakage of radiation in case of any damage to the glass covering. The cylinder has a lid in the front, opening and closing of which is monitored by our expert through this monitor. The lid is also made of copper. Whenever necessary a signal is sent to activate optical fibres from which emerges out gravity-like force. When the lid has opened the gravity inside the cylinder leaks out and it drags in the non-biodegradable wastes that are dumped in front of its mouth. The lid is closed after the cylinder dragged in all the wastes otherwise the force would act on the glass wall and could damage

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it. The percentage of gravity to pull the wastes in is altered using this monitored and all the mechanisms inside the cylinder are monitored and regulated by our expert using this monitor. ” “Inside the cylinder, the wastes are broken down into minute pieces and destroyed. We get an indication on the monitor screen when the digestion process is over. The indication is due to the absorption of X rays produced by the lead tubes fitted inside the cylinder....” “Lead?” asked Justin “Yes. Because lead has the ability to absorb X-ray and gamma rays” replied Ginn. Justin nodded in agreement.

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“....Our signals will now activate the electricity generator, which will send a tube made of lead to fit the hole that is in the centre of the lid. Lead absorbs X rays and gamma rays produced inside the cylinder. Through the tube, the radiation enters a generator which consists of layered tiles of carbon nanotubes packed with gold and surrounded by lithium hydride. The radiations hit the gold and are pushed out like a shower of high energy electrons. These electrons pass through the carbon nanotubes and into the lithium hydride from where they are received by electrodes. Current flow occurs. The electricity





transformers to various parts of the planet. The transformers between continents are connected through glass tubes coated on the inside by a copper-like conducting material. This lengthy glass tube communication is made possible with the help of a 3D printer. Through this glass tube, the

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current is passed as a narrow beam without any interruption. Underground cables are built wisely to supply electricity to various units for fulfilling demands. Apart from X-rays and gamma rays visible light is also emitted but in a minute quantity. This visible light has a special power to boost the growth of plants. Hence we convert a part of this electricity to light energy for enhancing the growth of plants. Sometimes we generate heat energy from electrical energy but all these energy sources have a single origin point and that is our black hole. We never burn fuels for running vehicles. Our vehicles and industries are battery-driven so we protect our planet from the adverse effects of harmful wastes and gases emitted from these sources.”  “You guys are amazing!” exclaimed Justin.

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“Amazing?” laughed Ginn. “We are also inventing day by day as you are doing but our inventions consider the health of the planet in which we are dwelling. But your inventions polluted the planet and slowly killing it.” “Almost killed it. Now attempts are made to shift lives to some other planet” replied Justin. “How selfish you people are?” “What else to do?” “Save your planet” “But it‟s too late” “Not really” Justin looked at Ginn in amazement. “What are you saying?”

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“Build it” saying this Ginn pointed at the black hole displayed on the screen. “Haha..... you must be kidding” “Not at all Justin. I am totally serious about it. That is why I risked bringing you here. Create this on Earth; input all the human-generated wastes into this, within minutes radiations begin to emerge out of it. The energy could be stored for further positive implementations. The light energy obtained from these radiations has the potential to double the growth rate in plants. Hence you can grow a sapling into a complete plant within days. This would enable afforestation and regeneration in a rapid manner.






produced by such plants will exhibit normal growth rate until exposed to this light source. But keep in mind, once you reached the limit do not explore it

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further. Once the earth is healed avoid exploiting her further. Just utilize energy in a limited trace to enhance your day to day living. Never imagine repairing and healing her again and again because one-day things can turn upside down and everything can go out of our control. Discuss this with David. He would definitely help you to execute our plan on earth.” Ginn took a book from the adjacent draw and handed it over to Justin. The book was titled “Blackhole to energy” and it was authored by Zin. “Take this with you. This book is all about what I have described so far. You would find the building mechanism







associated energy trapping devices inside it. In fact, Zin is the one who invented this great thing on Kepler. He has described in detail on how to

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construct an artificial black hole with copper plates and optic fibres as a note to future generations.” Justin turned the pages of the book and was astonished to find the words written in English and there were a clear pictorial representation of the construction mechanisms of the black hole and the energy generating sources. “English?







language...” “Mexi translated the original copy into English on my request a few months ago. Grew more plants; They will heal your planet. Utilize this alternate energy source effectively and avoid further burning of fuels. Be with nature Justin and teach your people to be with nature. Everything will be fine. You are often confused about the purpose of your struggle filled life and here is your ultimate purpose

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SAVING EARTH from tragedy. All the struggles you underwent so far have made you stubborn enough to reach Kepler. Achieve this target and enjoy the remaining days of your life peacefully. On your success ceremony, I will be present to appreciate your great effort.” Saying this she took out a blue coloured band and gave it to Justin. “Wear this around your head and get ready to travel back in time. This will restore your memory though you travel back in time so that you would be able to recollect what I have explained to you so far. Never utter a word about your visit to Kepler and meeting us and always remember to maintain this as the greatest secret of your life.” Justin nodded yes and wore the band around his head. With a firm grip on the book, he entered

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inside the spacecraft that reappeared before him inside the chamber. “Get ready to travel back in time” Ginn tuned the cap of the pen and tapped the cap on the spacecraft. Justin could feel everything getting reversed around him and slowly Ginn vanished from his view. He reached a time just before getting hit by the asteroid storm. He quickly managed to tap the green panel to communicate with the centre down on earth. Dr Amelia screamed in the joy of gaining back the communication from the spacecraft which was lost a few minutes back according to their time. “We thought we lost you, Justin....Are you...” “Dr Amelia we lack time; just get me down....An asteroid storm is approaching the spacecraft...”

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“No Justin you are safe...there is no sign of asteroid storm....” Amelia was searching something on her computer “Oh my gosh!! An asteroid storm...get him back...get the spacecraft down...” all of a sudden the entire team on earth was in rush and Justin could feel that he is going back to the crust. Dr Aaron decided to bring the spacecraft down to earth because he didn‟t wish to face another tragedy of bursting spacecraft that would create fear among people which would turn into a drastic hindrance for what they are upto. Soon Justin landed back on earth. He climbed down and reached Dr Aaron who noticed the blue band around Justin‟s head... “What is this?”

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“oh!! Just a band this is nothing...” he removed the band and placed it inside his pocket. “Dr Aaron, I need to meet Dr David as soon as possible...” “Dr David...but why?” “To change the fate of earth” “Take rest Justin, we will think about it later....” “You can‟t be so irresponsible by doing so...Dr. Aaron, please do not become the reason for killing Mother Earth. Allow my meeting with Dr Aaron as we can‟t let Earth die before our eyes.” Dr Aaron agreed and asked Maria to take Justin to Dr David. “I want to have some words in private with you Dr David....” saying this Justin gave the book he held in his hand to Dr David.

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Dr. David locked the door behind Justin...He turned the pages of the book and his eyes widened in astonishment.... “From where did you get this? I have never heard of this before...” “This is our solution, Dr. David. Never mind from where I got this...Just look into the content. This is what we need at present - An alternate energy source from our dumped wastes. We can get rid of the wastes and also can generate enormous energy from it....” Justin explained the mechanism of building an artificial black hole on earth and its purposes to Dr David who was in a state of whether to believe his words or not. He hesitated for a few minutes.... “Sir, this mission” Justin pointed his finger at the outfit he wore ”was carried out without evaluating

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the success percentage. I almost escaped death. By god‟s grace I am sitting before you and talking to you...and this” now his finger pointed at the book written by Zin “is the only solution to all our persisting problems. This will definitely save the life of our planet. Let‟s try this...only you can get the approval for the execution of this project.” Dr David couldn‟t say no. Maybe this can turn into a solution...he thought. Dr David discussed this with Aaron who got approval from the President for executing the project after several minutes of argument with Dr David. They decided to build this huge black hole in the middle of Sahara. Expert Scientists from all over the world worked in Sahara day and night on the guidance of Justin. Within a month they successfully created an artificial black hole and were also successful in connecting and controlling

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its mechanism from a supercomputer. The waste products were brought from various parts of the earth and were dumped before the opening of the black hole. From the control centre, the gravity was set and the lid was opened. When the switch is turned on, nothing changed...everything remained as such...everyone





hope...But all of a sudden, the objects began to rise up in air and entered the hole in mass. Within few hours they got indication from the lead tubes attached








rays....radiations were monitored and received by receivers. The rays are converted to electrons which on reaching the electrodes turned into electrical energy. A part of this energy is converted into light energy which was bestowed on saplings planted all over the earth...and within month Earth showed patches of greenery here and there. Oxygen level improved and she is now cleared of all

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the wastes dumped on her. Fuel-burning was stopped and everything became battery controlled. People offered their support in building ecofriendly industries, vehicles and products. They planted trees around their dwelling area.... after an year the earthâ€&#x;s atmosphere indicated a healthy condition and everyone was happy about this information. Justin advised the scientist to stop bestowing plants with artificial light energy and asked them to allow plants to grow on their own using Sunâ€&#x;s natural radiation. People got unpolluted air for breathing and non-contaminated water for drinking. After five years things improved a lot and the earth became the best place for living. A grand ceremony was arranged to celebrate this joy with Justin as the main man of honour of the hour. The ceremony






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Presidents from all over the world addressed the gathering and advised people about the measures they have to follow to maintain the happy progress of nature...when Justin was asked to address the gathering; everyone maintained silence and their main interests were the words from his mouth... “Dear people, I thank you for helping us in accomplishing this great deal. Thank you for all your efforts in restoring Mother Earth for future generations. This is not a simple thing, what we achieved














solutions on how to repair the mistakes of our past. Letâ€&#x;s take an oath to teach our future generations to respect the values of Mother Earth and to take good care of her because her health is far most important for our healthy living. Letâ€&#x;s take another oath to never repeat the mistakes of our past to

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repair her once again because repairing and healing is not what she is expecting from us; instead, she is requesting us to live in harmony with her natural wealth and resources. I request all the experts and budding scientists that your inventions should never disturb the peace of Mother Earth. I express my ultimate thanks to Dr David for his timely understanding and kind help and efforts.â€? Justin didnâ€&#x;t wish to elaborate his lecture any further because he now knew people are ready to go in hands with him for saving Earth. With these words, he waved his hands at the crowd. He could see a widened smile on Nothanâ€&#x;s face and his cheering applause. At a distance, he noticed Ginn in her blue dress smiling at him. The people enjoyed in joy and the day was celebrated in a grand and ecofriendly manner.

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