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Geera‌. Darani Vasudevan


Darani Vasudevan

Preface, Elephants are adorable creatures on Earth. They are the largest mammals on Earth but still could attract anyone with its charming and innocence. They are considered divine and are found in many temples all around India. Moreover they are considered as the incarnation of Lord Ganesha, a Hindu God as per the mythology. Elephants live in forest and move in groups. They live in family and the baby elephants could defeat any human with its charm. But these days elephants are disturbed a lot because of human activities that resulted in the destruction of forests and pollution of water bodies. Their peace is disturbed by us. The poor creatures visit the farm lands nearby the forests to have food resulting in the destruction of agricultural crops. However it is us who devoured its habitat. Elephants are killed for their tusks which are made of ivory an expensive metal. They are smuggled illegally. There are several acts to control these processes but still somewhere some elephant is killed for its tusks. Every living organism deserves a place on Earth. We have no rights to disturb its living. We must ensure not to disturb its habitat and life. This is a short story. I hope you would enjoy reading it!!

-V. Darani M.Sc., M.Phil., SET

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< „Wake is 7 don‟t you remember what we have to do today???‟ a familiar voice alarmed in my ears. Still I was not ready to open my eyes. I cuddled by pillow tightly under the blanket and enjoyed the warmth inside it. The last night work on research writing kept my conscious mind completely under the control of sleep. Suddenly I felt an electric shock shook my entire body. I woke up instantly and realized that my friend Priya poured a mug of water on my face. Who could enjoy such a water treatment in the cold weather of Munnar?. I felt as if my sleep left me forever. I was entirely in my conscious. Sharddha was

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laughing at my pathetic wake up. Both were ready for the day‟s work. It took me few minutes to recover from the shock and react back. By the time I got down of bed, Priya ran out of the room. “Lazy pig!! It is the time for breakfast and plant





downstairs. I realized the task that must be completed by the end of the day, so I postponed my revenge and went to get ready. Before going downstairs, I packed my bags with photographs and notes related to the plants that we were supposed to collect for our project work. I reached down through wooden stairs and found a delicious breakfast waited on dining table. The aroma triggered

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my salivary glands and the taste was more than wonderful. I am a huge fan to my grandmotherâ€&#x;s cooking so are Priya and Sharddha. After the breakfast, I took my sweater and thick scarf to get adapted to the cold climate that prevailed outside. I also took a first aid kit in my bag for precaution. We






grandfather was waiting to guide us into the forest near the village. Life at Munnar differed a lot from our regular routine. Cold weather was pleasant and the sceneries were breath taking. It is a part of Western ghats. It is a hilly area, so we could see enormous plants and animal species. The place will definitely give us the

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feeling of being with nature. Western ghats is regarded as one of the 12 biodiversity hotspots in the world. No wonder obviously!!! It is the home for variety of flora and fauna. An hour travel from Munnar will take us to Anaimudi which is at a height of 2695km above sea level. Anaimudi is also termed as the “Everest of the south.� It is located in the southern region of Eravikulum National Park at the junction of the Cardamom hills, the Anaimalai hills and the Palani hills. We can reach the peak of Anaimudi by hike on grass slopes. These make Munnar a greatest tourist spot. My grandparents live in Munnar and we used to visit them on vacations.

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Priya, Sharddha and I are botanists carrying out research in the field of Herbal Botany and Taxonomy. This time our visit to Munnar was not to enjoy the vacation but to complete our survey work in and around Idukki village. We decided to stay a week at Munnar. This is the







grandparentsâ€&#x; home. They both loved the way my grandparentsâ€&#x; took care of them. Priya and Sharddha used to assist my grandfather in his work whereas I used to be with grandmother assisting her in her work.


the very first day of the visit, we went to the Eravikulum National park and enjoyed there. Priya and Sharddha love hiking so they went for a hike with my grandfather whereas

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I donâ€&#x;t like hiking much so I stayed down with my grandmother. The second, third and fourth day were utilized for taking survey in the form of interview from the traditional medicinal practitioners of Idukki village. We had to collect plants mentioned by the Traditional




preparation. So we searched and collected the photographs of the plants from internet and printed them for later use. On the fifth day we had plans to visit some distance inside the forest to collect the samples of plants mentioned






photographs we printed the fourth day. My grandfather was waiting outside the house. We greeted him and we four left the

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place into the forest. I packed some fruits and water bottle because of which by bag looked a bit heavier than that of other two. Grandfather took us a few kilometres into the forest. He warned us to keenly observe the surrounding. It was like a park filled with plants. We stopped in a place where the cell phone tower was good enough to make a phone call. Though the signal was weak and poor but still we were able to call each other. Grandfather






permitted us to complete our survey within a few metres of his reach. We three took three different directions because we had to collect plenty of plants within a short period of time. We have visited many forests for

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survey purpose so we were well aware of how to reach back to the starting area using a compass. The time ticked 9 am and we planned to reach the starting point by 12 noon. It was 11 am and I had almost completed my survey. I sat beneath a big tree to take rest before completing the rest of the work. The land was wet due to the accumulation of water by the fallen leaves on ground. By my legs cried for rest so I didnâ€&#x;t care about the wet ground. I still had to collect only 10 plants. So I decided to complete it tomorrow. I got up and packed my bags with twigs and photographs. When I turned to walk from there, some weird noise gained my attention.

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It is an unusual noise which I have never heard so far. I was afraid. That noise was definitely not that of human. But the noise sounded as if some creature is seeking for help. I forgot that I was not in a National park, I was inside a forest. Something blocked my mind from realizing the present location. I slowly moved in the direction of the noise. It was a few steps away. The noise was like that coming out through a broken trumpet. I saw some movement behind a large tree that stood a few centimetres away. I ran and hid behind a huge tree trunk on my side. “Am I a fool???? How stupid I am?? Following a noise inside a forest!!!� I realized I was

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inside a forest. Fear shook my entire body. I stopped motionless and speechless behind the trunk. As it is a forest, the creature could be anything. If it is a herbivore then it is good, atleast I could escape running. But what should I do when that was a carnivore. If it was a carnivore then it would be the end of my life. I didnâ€&#x;t wish to die a painful death. I hold my breath and decided to run away to my grandfather without turning back. But that noise was pathetic. Then I decided to see what exactly that creature was before I could run away. So I slowly climbed the tree trunk and stood safely on one of its branches. My fear was at peak and I was sweating even in that cool climate.

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I saw an elephant lying on ground. Yes!! The weird noise matched with what I heard in discovery channel. I sighed because I knew I was safe. There were no devouring teeth and I felt relieved. I thanked God for saving me even in my stupid decision of following the noise in a forest. I then made sure that there are no other deadly creatures around especially a herd of elephants. Slowly I got down from the branch and made my foot steps towards the mammal. It seemed tired and something bothered it from getting up. The elephant was not an adult one. Its tusks were small and hence it must be few years old. I hoped it lost its herd.

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I decided to run to my grandfather for help but some sense stopped me from doing so. I am an elephant lover from childhood. I love to feed elephants in the temple with my hands and in return they bless me with their trunk. I even travelled on elephantâ€&#x;s back. But those are trained and made to be domestic but this one was wild. To me elephants are friendly to humans as per my vision and experience I had so far. I longed to befriend an elephant. But that is impossible. Those massive mammals can never be cared as pet animals. They need sufficient freedom to be of their real nature. But still I had a crazy dream of making friendship with an elephant.

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In case I called my grandfather he wonâ€&#x;t allow me to touch it. I saw the clock and it showed 11 am and I still had 1 solid hour to return back. I noticed water flown out of its eyes. I assumed it as tears. Slowly I noticed what bothered it from getting up. There was blood oozing out from its foot. I sat down and keenly noticed the reason for the blood. The foot is like cushions. The skin of the elephant may be rough and tight but the foot is like a cushion which supports the whole mass of the body. A nail pierced its foot. Oops!!! Poor creature. It must be tired of its attempt to get relieved from pain. Still I lacked courage to touch its foot. But looking at its tired eyes, I gathered all my courage

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and pulled out the nail from its foot. The elephant made a move and I quickly laid flat on ground holding my breath as I have read that elephants wonâ€&#x;t harm dead humans. I was completely out of sense. I should have called my grandfather for help. As I sensed no further movement I slowly opened my eyes and lifted my head. The elephant was still on the ground. I got up and went to fetch the first aid kit from my bag. I wiped away the blood with cotton. Sprayed sanitizer over the wounded area and applied the healing ointment. I secured the wound with a band aid. My crazy mind triggered me to touch the elephant. Slowly I patted its body. It simply blinked its

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eyes and I took it as the sign of relief from pain. Now I understood that it is of no harm to me. I stood up went to my bag and fetched water bottle. I lifted the trunk and poured water into its mouth. The teeth were arranged like conveyor belt. It drank entire water in the bottle. My mouth uttered the words “Get up” “Get up” Oh common, it is just an animal and it is never going to understand your language....warned my mind. Suddenly the elephant tried to get up. My courage vanished at once and I ran and climbed the same tree trunk and shut my eyes to get lost from reality. Fear covered

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my entire body again. As there was no sign of madness, I opened my eyes and was surprised to see the elephant standing near the tree in which I have climbed. It raised its trunk towards me. With confused thoughts, I came down and stood on the ground. One question circled my mind “Whether it wants me to pat it again?” I raised my right arm and moved slowly towards the animal and it reciprocated by touching my palm with its trunk. My mouth uttered the name “Geera.” I have a doll elephant in my home which I named as Geera. I believed that my Geera is standing infront of me in live form. I laughed when it tried to lift me with its trunk. I touched its hair on its head and they were

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like bristles.

It brought me down and I

reached my bag to get bananas and apples. I gave it to Geera just like I feed elephants in temple and it accepted my offer happily with its trunk. My phone rang and Geera got terrified with the strange sound. I calmed him by patting his trunk and attended the call. It was from Priya who asked me to come back as it was 12pm. I realized the time now and decided to leave. I took my bag and made my move with a hope of meeting Geera once again the next day. I made few steps forward and doubted whether he would follow me. I turned back and to my astonishment he was standing still at the place where I left him. I waved my

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hand as a sign of „Bye- Bye‟ and walked quickly to the starting point where Priya and Sharddha were waiting for me with my grandfather. “Have you completed the collection?” asked Sharddha. “No a few left...” replied I. “So we have to come once again tomorrow. Even I didn‟t complete my collection” said Sharddha. “Bungle in the Jungle” said Priya and we three followed my grandfather back to home. I didn‟t utter a word of what I did that day because my grandfather warned me once that a lonely elephant is more dangerous than that

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in a herd. I didnâ€&#x;t want to create trouble for my Geera. All he needed was rest and I was sure he would get that. We three went to the room and got refreshed. My mind was full of excitement and thrill. Somehow I managed to gain some attention towards my herbarium work. We have completed the herbarium sheets for the plants we have collected on that day. After a mouth watering dinner we enjoyed camp fire outside our home. Priya and Sharddha danced together but I sat simply starring at the sky with a smile on my face. My brain took me to an imaginary world with Geera. Priya hit hard on my head with her fist and got me to reality. Then we three danced till midnight.

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The next morning, I woke up so early because I couldnâ€&#x;t get a sufficient sleep last night. I pulled out the blankets from the other two. Sharddha yelled at me in anger and in half sleep. Priya showed no sign of waking up. She cuddled her pillow tightly and I decided that was the time for my revenge. I poured a mug of water over her face and she woke up as if she got hit by an electric shock. My mission got accomplished. I ran down before she could get out of bed to reach me. Then we had our breakfast and we got ready to visit the forest again. This time I filled my bag with bananas. No one noticed my act. I slipped silently out of the store room and joined the rest.

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As soon as we got separated in the forest, I ran to the place where I left Geera the last day, but got disappointed as there was no sign of him. I got worried a lot but decided to






successfully collected 9 out of the 10 plants and I was searching for the last one. Suddenly something touched my back. I dropped the things I had in my hand and stood still. My body was frozen in fear and I found it difficult to swallow my saliva. My heart was beating faster than its usual count. I started to utter slogans of God in fear and I slowly turned back to see what is there behind me. I sighed and shouted laughed in excitement.

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It was my Geera. He recognized me and came to visit me. I felt waves of relief throughout my body. Hurray!!! I befriended an elephant. One of my dreams came true. I hugged his trunk and patted him. I tried to lift his leg for examining his foot but landed in failure. I couldnâ€&#x;t lift his pillar like legs. I stood helpless with my hands on my hips. He himself lifted the wounded leg. I laughed and bend down to examine. The band aid had gone and I noticed a good healing sign. I tried to pull down his leg and he got his foot on ground. Then I fed him with the bananas. He lifted me again. I forgot my survey work and my things were on the ground. He got me down and sat infront of me. He pulled my hand and

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dragged me to his side. I understood he is signalling me to sit on his back. I hesitated. But it was my Geera who is taking me. He wonâ€&#x;t harm me. These sorts of adventures are impossible when my parents and grandparents are around me. I got on his back. He rose from the ground and started to walk. He walked a few miles and I could see a lake filled with crystal clear water. He sat down and I jumped on the ground. I was happy to see the location of the area. It was like



on by

earth. trees






flowers and the songs of the birds were pleasing. I could see fishes beneath the water surface.

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This must be where Geera spent his night. I sat down to enjoy the view and he lay down beside me. I patted him. We sat there for half an hour. I was talking with him the things that appeared in my mind and he blinked his eyes as if he understood the meaning. I was enjoying the day with a gigantic companion. He waved his ears. Elephant‟s ears are thin and filled with blood vessels that keep the elephant cool. They could hear even low frequency sounds. He stood up all of a sudden and made a noise just like that of trumpet. I stood up in shock with no idea of how to react to his behaviour. “What bothered him?” He moved away from me in search of

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something. I was speechless for a moment. Then I managed to react and ran behind him. He stood at a distance and I was shocked to see a herd of elephants walking southwards towards the lake. He found his herd. It was time for him to leave me and join his herd. I patted him from the side and he turned his head towards me. “Join your herd Geera. Be with your family� I said patting him. He started to walk away from me towards the herd at a distance. I stood simply starring at his move. He is not a human to greet good bye. But to my astonishment, he looked back and raised his trunk just like I said bye to him the day before. I waved my

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hands happily and bid farewell to him. He ran and joined his herd. I took a deep breath. I turned back and walked to the place where I left my stuffs. I was shocked to see my grandfather waiting for me there. He shouted in anger because he was worried of my unpicked calls. I left my mobile in my bag. I knew his anger was acceptable. I apologized to him and narrated all about Geera. He was shocked to hear my wild friend. I smiled at him and he starred at me. “Geera is gone grandpa..let us go... I am starving�

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With these words I took my bag and started my move towards the starting point. My grandfather





anything. On the way I found my last plant too. I collected a twig from it and secured it in my bag. At the starting point, Priya and Sharddha were waiting for us. They both yelled at me once I reached them for being irresponsible. Yes!!! I bothered them a lot. I pleaded them to accept my apology. Then I hugged them because they care me every day. True love can only be expected from parents and friends like them. I am blessed to have these girls in my life and Geera is going to rule my imaginary world forever. We returned back

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to enjoy the delicious lunch prepared by my grandmother.

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