Dachshund Club of America Winter 2011

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Letters to and from the editor Hi members and subscribers, Our cover story: Congratulations to Meg Weiss and Jean Dieden for achieving the goal of another 7-way + titled dachshund - each of the titles proves what an incredibly versatile breed the dachshund is. “Lois” has her coursing title, too!! Kudos to those who put in the time, training and love that it takes to make an “all-around” dog! After 5 years of no price increase for advertising in the newsletter there will be small increase for the full color one page ads - only $10. As of the spring issue it will be $185. All other prices will remain the same. Thank you to all the advertisers who help support the publication of the magazine! And an obvious thank you to all those who submit articles and pictures for the enrichment of the fancy! DCA appreciates all the time and talent you give to the club. NEW!!! In November DCA launched a new service for dachshund fanciers in general. The DCA newsletter will now be published on the web - one month after the printed version has been mailed. All of you reading this probably already receive the newsletter in print version, but now we hope to reach a wider audience. Here is the url (it’s also on the first page of the DCA website): http://issuu.com/dachshundclubofamerica/docs/dca_autumn11 There are no plans whatsoever to discontinue the print version of the newsletter. DCA understands that most fanciers keep these publications for breeding references and it’s sometimes easier to pull out that magazine than to try and find that information on the internet. You will also be able to see the print version first. Please members, keep updated on all the latest laws pertaining to our dogs that many state legislators are introducing. It’s a constant fight to keep our right to own and breed our dogs. Please go to the AKC legislative website for all the latest info. http://www.akc.org/governmentrelations/index.cfm Let’s hope for good 2012. Happy Holidays to everyone!

CH. STONERIVERS KEPHART COGNAC MS A miniature Dachshund with the beautiful look prescribed by the standard, and the heart of a lion. Watch for his sons: Pinot Noir, Zinfandel and Merlot! Owner: Joanne Kephart 2415 Custer Orangevie NE • Burghill, OH 4404-9706 dobedachs@embarqmail.com


WEBSITES TO VISIT http://endangeredowner.blogspot.com/ http://www.adoa.org/ http://www.animalagalliance.org/current/ index.cfm http://www.animalscam.com/ http://humanewatch.org/


http://www.exposeanimalrights.com/ http://www.mydogmychoice.com/

(Ch. Kephart’s Michael X Kephart’s Encore)

Excellence repeats itself!


Ch. Kephart’s Mood Indigo, Ch. Laddland A Wing and A Prayer, Ch. Laddland High Flyer


Owner/Breeder: Joanne Kephart 2415 Custer Orangevie NE • Burghill, OH 4404-9706 dobedachs@embarqmail.com Dachshund Club of America

http://dogpolitics.com/ 79

WINTER, 2011

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