Cygnus Review, 2010 Issue 9

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Do you occasionally have that strange feeling known as déjà vu? Do you sometimes feel that you know what is going to happen next? Do you ever have a strong feeling that actions you are about to take are the right (or wrong) thing to do? All these perceptions may be everyday clues to your immortality. This book proposes a simply amazing theosave ry, based upon solid scientific evidence; a 40%! theory that states that personal death is a scientific impossibility. Using the latest findings of neurology, quantum physics and consciousness studies, Anthony Peake suggests that we never die. After reading this book you will understand the reason for your life and how you can make it better next time.

416pp, 130mm x 196mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 Code: 200921 Cygnus Price £4.20


Can you sense when someone is thinking about you, or do you phone people just as they are about to call you? In situations like this, you are experiencing an energetic connection with another person, explains Seka Nikolic. She helps you realise what can happen when you listen to, and act on, the messages that you pick up through your energy frequencies and guides you in fine-tuning your energetic gift, choosing to receive only the energies that are right for you, while protecting yourself against negative energies. In You Know More Than You Think she describes the energy pyramid – the levels of energy, from body and mind energy, through frequency of attraction to distance powers and on to the SuperSubconscious, where all information since the beginning of time is stored. You will also discover how to nurture your Neutral Mind state, where you have heightened sensitivity to the Super-Subconscious, and where you are simply present. Seka presents a host of exercises to help you focus your intent on positive energies and recognise your hidden powers. 41%!

185pp, 135mm x 216mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £10.99 Code: 200922 Cygnus Price £6.50

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In this unique investigation of cosmic communication, Richard Lawrence presents the evidence for extraterrestrial contact in a whole new light, examining how these benign beings might offer humanity a rare opportunity for spiritual evolution. From multi-dimensional universes, creation myths, string theory and hyperspace, to eyewitness accounts, and his fascinating personal experience of alien contact, Richard also looks at channelled messages from alien beings – and reveals how these messages hold the key to our own cosmic intelligence. Enlightening and controversial, he answers many of our questions about aliens but reveals, too, that understanding the greater universe can be part of our own journey towards higher consciousness in our everyday lives.

192pp, 153mm x 234mm, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200924 Cygnus Price £5.99


Shamanic journeys are doorways to parallel realities. Within these worlds, the journeyer will find helping spirits capable of guiding you towards your goals and dreams. These worlds offer you information about existing dilemmas and show you new possibilities for living a more fulfilling life. This is also a healing world and can help heal and soothe your mind, body, and your personal spirit or soul. For both beginners and seasoned practitioners, Shamanism: The Book of Journeys shows how to learn on your own with the help of your spirit guides. It is for healers who wish to introduce shamanic healing into their practice. It is a self guided tour because the true teachers of shamanism lie within and around you. These teachers are your spirit guides emanating from your innate ability to connect with and relate to the spirit of the animals and plants around you on our beautiful mother, The Earth.

190pp, 139mm x 216mm, softback, 2010, RRP £12.99 Code: 200925 Cygnus Price £7.65

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘UFOs & the Extraterrestrial Message’ & ‘Shamanism: The Book of Journeys’ together for £12.64

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Is There Life After Death?’ & ‘You Know More Than You Think’ together for £9.70

THE FUTURE IN THE STARS Alison Chester-Lambert

How do astronomers’ discoveries affect the astrologer? What did it mean from an astrologer’s point of view when we were told that Pluto was no longer considered to be a planet? Alison Chester-Lambert explains that Pluto was found to be part of a family of newly discovered dwarf planets, which astronomers named Ceres, Charon, Makemake, Haumea, Eris and Sedna after deities from little-known indigenous cultures. In The Future in the Stars, Alison studies the deeper astrological significance of these choices, drawing meaning from their ancient myths and the events surrounding their discovery, to investigate how their astrology can help us understand 21st century challenges. Alison sets out to de-bunk the wild claims and poor astrology she feels are fuelling the doomsday sensation regarding 2012. Alison’s in-depth analysis of the dwarf planets’ influence allows her to set the record straight and to show us how to work with the big changes and opportunities ahead.

221pp, 152mm x 229mm, illus. in b&w, softback, 2010, RRP £9.99 Code: 200923 Cygnus Price £6.99

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PSYCHIC CATS Theresa Cheung

Do cats have healing powers? Do they have a sixth sense? Do they really know when someone is about to die? Psychic Cats is a collection of true stories that demonstrate the remarkable psychic power of cats: angel cats that have refused to let death part them from their human companions, cats who have saved lives, cats who have helped their owners find love. This book confirms that our whiskered friends are divine messengers of comfort with precognitive abilities. Cat-loving spiritualist Theresa Cheung shows that the sixth sense in cats is well and truly alive, and that they have the ability to touch our hearts long after they have purred their last.

217pp, 129mm x 198mm, softback, 2010, RRP £6.99 Code: 200926 Cygnus Price £4.20

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