March 2013 - Connect with the Divine Mother

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Mar 2013, issue 3 – free of charge


Cygnus Review heal your body, feed your soul, free your mind, love your planet

All is Well Louise L Hay & Mona Lisa Schulz

Connect with the Divine Mother

Your Soul’s Gift Robert Schwartz Mary, Queen of Angels Doreen Virtue The Importance of Being Extraordinary Wayne W Dyer & Eckhart Tolle Rock Your World With the Divine Mother Sondra Ray Life Changing Crystals Judy Hall Breaking the Spell Kingsley L Dennis Step-by-Step Tapping Sue Beer & Emma Roberts

Ann and Geoff Napier


ear Friends, Well, not unlike you, we suspect, we’ve been through interesting times since the Solstice and it’s been as though the books and articles in this magazine have floated towards us through a mist of illness. I’ve been feeling too unwell (am much better now though!) to do much more than welcome everything in, and see that, as always – however I feel – there is a divine power overlighting Cygnus that brings together just the information it wants you to know and be healed by. The Mother Now I call this power the Mother. This dates back to my teens when I had my first ‘dark night of the soul’ and found that all my beliefs, which until then I had relied on and felt supported by, could be pulled off and jettisoned like the petals of a daisy. But right at the bottom of this void I found something solid, which seemed to call itself ‘the Mother’. And this, I found, could not be jettisoned. So I concluded it was real. I kept quiet about it for many years, until Claire Nahmad wrote The Coming of the Holy Grail (published by Cygnus), in which she puts into words an understanding of the Divine Mother as the first, rather than the second principle of creation (expressed so eloquently on p. 4). And it was very amazing for me to see in print in front of me ideas that I had kept in the deepest recesses of my being for so many years. The Lady of the Lake From early on in its preparation, this issue of Cygnus Review seemed to be wanting to dedicate itself to the Divine Mother, and we’re so grateful for this opportunity to strengthen your connection with Her. That’s why we asked Janet Baxter to take a photograph of Llyn y Fan Fach, a very special lake in Wales for the cover. Because this lake, too, is dedicated to the Goddess, and since childhood I have felt very connected with it. Like me you may have read the fairy story called: The Lady of Llyn y Fan Fach when you were a child.

Divine Mother, Bringer of Miracles, Healer of Causes Well I loved that story and read it over and over again. It’s about Nellferch, a magical lady who emerges from the lake and falls in love with a local farmer. However, before agreeing to marry him she prophesies to him that if he strikes her three times needlessly, she will go back to the lake. Well the poor farmer, not understanding the higher perspective from which Nellferch saw everything, made the three prophesied blunders, and Nellferch went back to the lake, never to be seen again. Behind her though, she did leave children who, with the healing and herbal lore she had passed down to them, became the first in a long line of physicians, known to this day as the Physicians of Myddfai. This story came to my rescue in my early 20s, when it suddenly popped into my mind, delivering a flash of realisation that I was free to leave a disastrous relationship. (Why didn’t I work that out by myself? Because I believed that marriage is for life and I have a very strong sense of duty!). Later, when Geoff and I moved to Wales, not far from Myddfai, we discovered that the very stones from which our house was built, and even our drinking water, came from Llyn y Fan Fach, and we always find it incredibly comforting to feel ourselves sheltered by stones from that very magical lake. So it feels to me as though Nellferch, like many local Goddesses, is an aspect of Divine Mother. Our Lady Then William Bloom sent us a beautiful piece about Our Lady (p. 6) which illustrates the closeness and approachability of Divine Mother, no matter what our beliefs. I have experienced this too. Since I first got cancer 5 years ago I have had a lot of healing sessions with my dear friend Mary Wainwright, who is such a good healer. In almost every single one of them we have both spontaneously experienced Mother Mary spiralling down as a sort of gorgeous indigo blue light until we felt ourselves being enfolded in Her protecting veil and consoling, compassionate, non-judging presence. A Mother’s Love, a Mother’s Grace Then Ciara Longman, a Cygnus reader, shared with us her enthusiasm for Sondra Ray (one of the co-founders of the rebirthing movement) and Sondra’s latest book Rock Your World with the Divine Mother. We were bowled over by this book as well, which really is an induction

into the Grace, so freely available to us all, of the Divine Mother, so you’ll see a feature from it on p. 10. The Gift Tessa Strickland, owner of Barefoot Books told us about a gorgeous children’s book she has just published called The Gift (p.9). It tells the magical story of a little girl – out on a picnic in a beautiful woodland glade with her parents – who suddenly feels a deep wish to be buried in the wood where she is playing when she dies. An old lady appears and, in exchange for the daisy chain the little girl is making, she grants the wish. Many years later, the little girl becomes the old lady, and is buried in the woodland glade by her loving family. This story stirred us profoundly with its love for the Earth and portrayal of the natural cycles of life, and seemed deeply connected somehow with the emerging theme of the Divine Mother. Compassion: the quintessential expression of the Divine Feminine Many books in this magazine, and the articles by Louisa Mills (p. 8) and Louis Botlingk (p. 13) look at compassion from different angles, and what is compassion but the quintessential expression, welling up from within us, of the Divine Mother? Louis urges us to find ways in our working lives and dealings with money to put caring and compassion first, not money. This can sometimes take a lot of courage, especially if you happen to be in a social group in which you are under pressure to put money first. But someone has to make a start, and it could be us, couldn’t it? All is well Finally, I don’t want to end without mentioning the new book by Louise Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz (p.3). It is wonderful! It opens with this beautiful affirmation which places us right in the midst the protecting, nurturing presence of the Divine Mother: Louise advises: whenever there is a problem, repeat over and over: All is well. Everything is working out for my highest good. Out of this situation only good will come. I am safe. This affirmation, says Louise, will work miracles in your life. And I can vouch for that, because I’m still here and still enjoying the precious gift of Life on Earth! With all our love, Ann, Geoff and the Cygnus Team

Our cover photograph of Llyn a Fan Fach is by Janet Baxter, © 2013. Prints can be obtained by calling Cymric Cards on 01970 871333, This magazine is printed with vegetable inks on paper from sustainable PEFC accredited sources by Eclipse Printing Ltd, Cardiff Bay, 029 2054 9266.

Louise L Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz


any people who are interested in spiritual healing and the power of the mind to heal may be tempted to opt out of the healing options modern medicine provides. This could be because they see using these as proof that other options won’t work, or perhaps because of some level of distrust of the modern system. But in my experience—both with my own health and through my patients—I’ve found that medicine is an essential part of the equation. Seismic shifts in health care Around the world over a period of some years, health care has undergone seismic shifts. For centuries or perhaps millennia, when it came to healing, people focused on engaging skilled practitioners who used techniques such as dream interpretation and intuition. Because they didn’t have the technology we use today, they relied on these mystical skills to lead them toward a cause and a cure. For example, in ancient Greece, instead of employing a radiologist to get an MRI or CT scan, ancient physicians would go into an altered, dreamlike state and intuitively accessed information about their patients’ illnesses. Healing involved looking at the whole person and attempting to restore balance to restore health. A balanced approach works best As the field of healing has shifted, many people have moved away from any interaction with the mystical. The miraculous cures that technology has brought about seem to offer more modern and tidy solutions. But remember that technology makes mistakes, too. Blood tests and pregnancy tests frequently come back with faulty results. Medications have side effects. Things go wrong. As a physician and healer, I cannot stress enough the importance medicine plays in healing. If you are ill, you should contact a medical practitioner. These professionals have the knowledge and skill to use technology to your advantage. They can prescribe unique practices and medicines based on the combination of symptoms and ailments you present. But it is also important to remember that medicine has its limits. So what’s my point? That technology without limits is folly. And intuition alone is equally foolish. We must use a combination of techniques – and employ a combination of experts – to achieve true health. In fact, my life is a perfect demonstration of how medicine, intuition, and affirmations can heal your life. Examples from Mona Lisa’s life Back in 1972 when I was 12, my family had a lot of financial stress, and we had many conversations about money. Within a period of three months my spine curved into a severe case of scoliosis, which necessitated surgery. Because of my spine’s altered structure, I developed an enlarged heart and decreased lung capacity as well. The surgery was dramatic and lifesaving

Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition

– complete with rods and screws. I remember walking down Longwood Avenue in Boston before the surgery, looking up at the tall medical buildings and saying to anyone who would listen, ‘Someday, I’m going to come back here, and I’m going to study medicine and science.’ That surgery changed my future. The doctors saved my life by using medicine; as a result, I became a physician and a scientist so I, too, could save people’s lives. But life has a way of not working out exactly the way we expect it to. As a pre-med student, I developed narcolepsy that made my consciousness – my intellect – go on the blink. I couldn’t stay awake in my classes. It looked like my dreams of being a doctor and a scientist were going down the drain. save They simply weren’t going to 36% materialize because I couldn’t keep my grades up if I couldn’t keep my eyes open. So again I turned to medicine. And again the doctors helped; they found a drug that would keep me awake. But I soon had to stop taking it because of a life-threatening side effect. Sadly, my dependable world of medicine had nothing else to help me. This development launched a series of voyages into other healing methods. I tried one after another: alternative, complementary, integrative – you name it. I tried Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and even a macrobiotic healing diet for three years. All these methods helped me somewhat, but none completely worked in my quest to stay awake. A wonderful thing that came out of this exploration was that I learned, through seeking help from a medical intuitive, about my brain’s facility for intuition. Out of desperation, I also went to a shaman, who told me that when I learned how to access my intuition, my health problems would get better. But all these advisors could only take me so far. There was one element of my health that was not being addressed – my emotions! I had begun to see a pattern developing. I found that if I was angry about something for a very long time, or if I

was around irritating, angry people, my narcolepsy would act up and I would end up falling asleep – against my will – within 24 to 48 hours. Believe me, I timed it; it was always 24 to 48 hours. And I figured out that if I was nervous about something, or around anxious, high-strung people, I would eventually start feeling sleepy. Lights out! The value of affirmations The same thing was true for people who were sad or depressed. One day I walked into a bookstore and found Louise’s little blue book. While I had seen that certain thought patterns were associated with illness, I didn’t know how to use this knowledge to get healthy – other than to avoid certain people or situations, which just isn’t practical in the long run. But Louise’s book offered me the tools I needed to neutralize the negative thought patterns that I knew were contributing to my health problems: affirmations! I choose to see life as eternal and joyous. I love myself just the way I am. I love myself just the way I am. I, Mona Lisa, rely on Divine wisdom and guidance to protect me at all times. I am safe. I, Mona Lisa, rely on Divine wisdom and guidance to protect me at all times. I am safe. These are classic Louise Hay–isms. I repeated them over and over again, and slowly but surely my sleep spells decreased. I got into medical school and graduated with an MD and a PhD. I never would have been able to do this without affirmations. I’ve had my share of ups and downs with my health over the years (Haven’t we all?). Each time I had a down, I’d turn to conventional and integrative medicine. I’d also take out Louise Hay’s book, and I’d use medical intuition to find the imbalances in my life. This combination always did the trick. This is how I stay well. Medicine, intuition, and affirmations. It’s also how I help other people. Medicine alone doesn’t do it, and neither do intuition or affirmations. Only a balanced approach holds the full promise of healing. From All is Well: Heal Your Body with Medicine, Affirmations and Intuition © 2013 by Louise L Hay and Mona Lisa Schulz, published by Hay House.

EDITOR’S CHOICE, MULTIBUY OFFER! ALL IS WELL Louise L. Hay , Mona Lisa Schulz We are passionate about All is Well because its contents are so much needed! It is the first book to bring together the healing power of intuition, affirmations and medicine. Louise Hay has teamed up with MD and medical intuitive Mona Lisa Schulz to produce a riveting book structured around our seven emotional centres, which mirror our chakra system, exploring the connections between these centres and the physical body. Drawing on years of research and experience they explore probable mental/emotional causes for the physical manifestation of illness associated with each centre, and then lay out how to address these health concerns. Louise contributes new thought patterns and offers new affirmations to counteract specific emotional weaknesses, and Mona Lisa helps you listen to your own body’s intuition and suggests medical solutions that are backed up by Western science. They provide real-world examples of people who faced and overcame their illnesses, pointing out the specific emotional and physical prescriptions that helped them heal. This powerful book will enable you to experience on a deep level that, as Louise always says, ‘All is well.’ 272pp, 152mm x 228mm, softback, 2013, RRP £10.99 Code: 230301, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £6.99, 2+ copies £6.49 each

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Claire Nahmad

The Secret of 2


ne of the most challenging aspects of writing The Coming of the Holy Grail and Kick Ass Angels was the gradual realisation that, according to what I was discovering, throughout my life I had failed to grasp the truth about the Divine Feminine, or Mother God. This came as a real shock, as I have always been her devotee. It was certainly true that, in reading spiritual teachings about Divine Mother, I had often sensed a spark of unease and discord deep within my soul, as though I had hit against a false note. I tried to rise above the feeling, thinking it might be an imposter from my lower mind, such as rebelliousness or self-will.

Who came first? Father God or Mother God?

aspect, earth rather than heaven, moon rather than sun, but she was equal, and that was that. It was just that the earthly mind easily became confused. Case closed.

A new (unorthodox) understanding

My own beloved spiritual teacher, White Eagle, whom I know I can trust and whose guidance and enlightenment I hold in honour, speaks of Father God drawing forth Mother God from

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In spite of these continuing and very earnest efforts of inner resolution, the same feeling came without fail, like a strike on cracked crystal, each time I encountered the given spiritual philosophy about Divine Mother. This taught that she was brought forth from Father God and served him as divine vessel for the bringing forth of creation, that she took ‘his’ seed and nurtured it into form, that ‘Mother’ was earth and ‘Father’ was heaven, that she was the moon (a small lightless satellite) to his sun (a great shining star), and that she was the ‘Second Principle’, somehow eternally fixed at the ‘negative’ end of polarity. Even with an enlightened understanding of all these concepts, even with assurances from spiritual masters of her equality with Father God, an impression remained of her as being second, below, unluminous, smaller, an aspect, a vessel first and a being second; equal, of course, but somehow less equal. The solution that offered itself was to ascribe this impression to the limitations of the earthly mind: that with all these words floating around such as ‘second’, ‘below’, ‘aspect’, ‘earth’ compared to heaven, etc., the earthly mind in its frailty got hold of the wrong idea. Therefore, nothing was the matter and there was no need to worry. Mother God was second, below, an

his heart in order to initiate creation, explaining that, that is why she is the Second Principle. Yet, as I entered deeper into contemplation of the truths of the Grail and the new understanding that the angels are bringing to us at this time, I was being asked to move away from this perception of Divine Mother, however beloved and respected the teacher from whom it issued. And although it might entail standing in the stocks of the traditions of spiritual teachings and having the rotten eggs of self-will, rebellion, arrogance, unenlightened perception, failure to grasp aspectual understanding and other accusations hurled at me, I feel that I must remain steadfast to my integrity and quietly maintain what I believe to be revealed truth. During the inner journey of unfolding what was given to me, all paths seemed to lead to one conclusion. The Great Mother contained all within her. She was the Source and the All. She gave birth to Father God and so was the

Mother of God, but the Father came forth from God, the Mother, who was not only the vessel for God, but God Herself. The perfect expression of Mother-Father God is the androgyne, but yet the androgyne is not the Great Originator. The androgyne is an outer manifestation of the inner truth of God. The Great Originator was feminine, yet contained the masculine principle within her.

A swan contemplating her heart

And so we come to the secret of the number 2, which relates to Mother God but, I believe, does not mean that she is the ‘second’ principle. Some schools of thought have associated 2 with a horse’s or a dragon’s head – the Pendragon – for both these creatures signify Divine Intelligence. But perhaps an even more enlightened understanding sees 2 as a swan contemplating her heart, for in the correct rendition of the figure, the upper semicircle leans down much closer to its stem. So the serpentine head, Divine Intelligence, serenely studies the heart: Mother God, the serpent, lovingly holds her heart in her consciousness, for within her heart dwells the All, and within the All is the Father So 2 shows us the Mother containing the All. And she brought forth first from the All the masculine principle – Father God, which is why he can be understood as the ‘first’ principle. But the Mother gave him birth – she dwelt in her being-hood before he was brought forth. The number 2 symbolises her in that perfect being-hood, contemplating the All that is within her. It definitely and decisively does not mean that she came second, and is the ‘second’ principle! No, she is the All. The great feminist Angela Carter remarked that the idea of women coming second is entrenched in our culture, our religions, our perception and our language, and that until this changed there could be no global equity or resolution to humanity’s problems. But with the correct understanding of the number 2 and the secret it softly proclaims, that change will assuredly come. © 2013 by Claire Nahmad. Connect with Claire on Facebook.

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Kick-Ass Angels’ & ‘The Coming Of The Holy Grail’ For £15.98 KICK-ASS ANGELS Claire Nahmad


When life is not all sweetness and light, and when we come up against internal obstacles and blind spots that do not respond to our efforts to remove them, we can call on the clarity and perseverance of the kick-ass angels to instil in us courage, integrity and endurance, to guide our way through the confusion of darkness and misinformation in power around the globe. The emphasis with kick-ass angels is on motivation, action, removing obstacles within us, exorcising our fears and demons, so that we can make personal progress. Writing in a way that spans Zoroastrian philosophy on the roles of angels with biblical, mythical and historical allegory about the Emerald tablet and spiritual alchemy, Claire Nahmad suggests how to use our integrity to see the truth. She reminds us that when the going gets tough we can call on the kick-ass angels as light bringers to dispel shadows and pulsate love.

What is the Holy Grail? Who created it? Who stole it? Who rescued it? Who hid it away for safekeeping? How will humanity recover it? And what will the consequences be? If these questions are close to your heart, you need to read The Coming of the Holy Grail, which shows how the whole of history has been secretly influenced by numerous attempts to keep humanity in the dark about the truth surrounding this most precious of all divine gifts. Why? To obstruct, delay and if at all possible to utterly divert humanity in its God-given quest to establish a full and perfect connection with the divine on Earth. However, the time has irrevocably arrived for the clouds of illusion surrounding the Grail to be dispelled once and for all, bringing to an end the ethos of control, slavery and cruel self-seeking that holds sway today, and heralding a new world order that cherishes all life, enabling every human being to assume the full mantle of her or his soul.

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Order line: 01558 825 500 Query line: 01558 825 503 Website: www.cygnus– Email: info@cygnus–

Robert Schwartz


hen difficult or traumatic experiences occur in our lives, we naturally wonder, ‘Why did this happen? What does it mean?’ Often, such experiences may appear not to have any particular meaning; they may seem to be nothing more than purposeless suffering. Yet, in my years as a spiritual author and teacher, I have found that not only are our greatest challenges rich with meaning and purpose, but also that very often we ourselves planned those experiences before we were born. I explored this premise in detail in my first book, Your Soul’s Plan [200606, £9.99], and I do so again in my new book, Your Soul’s Gift: The Healing Power of the Life You Planned Before You Were Born (now available in the UK from Cygnus). This article, which focuses specifically on suicide, is the first of six I will write for this publication about the pre-birth planning of certain life challenges. In this article I will share with you one of the most profoundly healing pieces of information I have ever discovered in my work.

Your Soul’s Gift A compassionate, healing perspective One of the difficulties Cameron had while he in body was that chronic depression blocked his capacity to feel his love for his family. Jeshua tells us: While physically alive he could not feel his love for them anymore. When dead he realized the full extent of his love, and from the soul’s perspective this was a great breakthrough. The suicide forced change upon Cameron, and in his case it worked out well. It was a turning point for his soul. This is a radical yet powerfully healing perspective. Our society views suicide as perhaps the ultimate failure, and yet Jeshua tells us that from the soul’s perspective it can be a blessing. As souls our highest intention is to give and receive love. While in body Cameron was unable to feel, and therefore unable to express, the great love he held in his heart for his family. Now, in the nonphysical realm, he feels that love intensely, and for his soul that feeling is a triumph. In addition to viewing suicide as a failure, we also tend to see it as a sin. Yet in the conversation with Carolyn, Jeshua tells us: No judgment, no blame From a spiritual perspective, there are no acts that are absolutely wrong or sinful. The deepest act of self-betrayal can lead someone into a state of inner clarity that may help forever. The darkest point may become the starting point for a new direction toward light. You see, spiritual evolution does not proceed in a linear fashion. It uses the polarities of light and dark to create dynamics and change. In saying this I wish to take away the traditional judgment about suicide, that it is the gravest sin. God or Spirit does not feel that way. God has the greatest compassion for people who take their lives in despair. There is always help available for them on the other side. They are never abandoned. Through the medium, we spoke directly with Cameron, who confirmed that indeed

he was not abandoned. Upon returning to spirit, he was greeted by loving guides, who nurtured and supported him through a process of emotional healing and through some very difficult conversations with Carolyn which occurred in her sleep state.

If suicide can be prevented, it always is And what of Carolyn’s healing? Since Carolyn has no memory of her pre-birth plan – just as most of us don’t – she quite naturally felt that she had failed Cameron. She was filled with guilt and self-blame, wondering what she could have done to prevent her son’s suicide. In response to those feelings, Jeshua shares with us one of the most important, startling, and powerful pieces of information I’ve come across in my research. He tells us, ‘Every suicide preventable by outside forces was indeed prevented.’ What he meant is that if the suicidal person has the slightest openness to changing their mind, the Universe will stage an intervention. It could be something as simple as a bird flying by and distracting the person, or something as dramatic as an angel assuming human form and physically interceding. If you have lost a loved one to suicide, know this: There was literally nothing you could have done to save them. You are not to blame. You are not at fault. You did not fail them. Therein rests your healing. Therein lies your peace. Robert Schwartz is a hypnotherapist who offers Spiritual Guidance Sessions, Past Life Soul Regressions, and Between Lives Soul Regressions to help people heal and understand their life plan. He will speak at St. James Church in London on July 1st 2013. For more information please visit www. Visit Robert online at www.

Discovering the Soul’s intention behind life challenges First, a word about my methodology. In both books I interviewed people who had experienced common life challenges like physical illness, the death of a loved one, addiction, or mental illness. Those individuals then had sessions with gifted mediums and channels in which I asked Spirit, ‘Was this experience planned before birth, and if so, why?’ In my books I present all the wisdom that then came forward. My intentions are to help people see the deeper meaning of their life challenges and, in so doing, heal from them. It’s important to understand that painful experiences can catalyze profound healing for BOOK CIRCLE CHOICE, MULTIBUY OFFER! our souls if we, the incarnate personalities, YOUR SOUL’S GIFT Robert Schwartz respond to those challenges with love You may often have asked yourself why you had or are having some (including self-love) and an open heart, particularly difficult, painful or scarring experience. A lot of people and if we learn the lessons offered by these might tell you that these things happen to balance out some negative experiences. action in a past life, but you know what? That’s what we call ‘tit for In the Suicide chapter in Your Soul’s Gift, tat karma’ and you should love yourself more than to believe in that! I share the story of Carolyn, whose only save Perhaps you are not a reincarnating ‘sinner’ but a beautiful angel 40% child Cameron committed suicide shortly who intended to bring a gift to this planet. In Your Soul’s Gift Robert after he graduated from high school. Carolyn Schwartz looks – with the help of a team of highly skilled mediums – at and I had a channeling session in which we people who have undergone some of life’s most difficult challenges spoke with Jeshua (Jesus). Jeshua began by including miscarriage, abortion, caregiving, abusive relationships, telling us that suicide is never planned prior incest, rape, adoption, poverty, suicide and mental illness. Schwartz to birth as a certainty, but it is often planned brings forth great love and wisdom from ‘the other side’ to explain why as a possibility and sometimes as a high such experiences are planned and chosen before birth – and the deep, probability, as was the case with Cameron. In soul-level healing they can create. The stories in this book will release you from a sense of guilt, other words, Cameron knew that he was taking vengefulness or victimhood, allowing greater self-love and inner peace as you become aware of on so much in this lifetime that a suicide was the tremendous courage it takes for you to plan a life on Earth and to live the life you planned. likely. 544pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2013, RRP £14.99 Code: 230302, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £8.99, 2+ copies £8.49 each

We believe life is precious. Savour it, cherish it and enjoy every moment. Live life and share the love.


William Bloom


he Mother of the World, the Goddess, the female aspect of divinity, has deeply influenced me. Let me tell two personal stories in order to illustrate this. One is about a visit to Lourdes. The other involves me hanging upside down and a wet dog! An overwhelmingly positive experience The first story happened when I was in my twenties and driving with my partner across France and Spain in a Volkswagen camper van. My partner was a left-wing feminist and had no time for Catholicism and its worship of Mary, so was not too happy when our route took us via Lourdes and I said that I wanted to visit the shrine. So she stayed and rested in the van while I went in. Following custom I lit a candle and knelt. I did not say any prayers or even think them. I wasn’t expecting anything. Basically I was just happy to be out of the van and in an unusual and new setting. Within a few minutes I was having an overwhelmingly positive experience of an atmosphere and a vibration I had never felt before. It was strong and oceanic. It was safe and reassuring and healing. A wave of healing grace enfolded me. In those moments, for the first time in my life, I experienced the full presence of the divine mother. Are those the right words? I am not sure. Suddenly I understood all the Lady chapels in every Catholic church across the world and the women who light candles and pray in them. I experienced a deep soothing comfort, that of a loving mother whose light touch could never smother or intrude, but would always just be there as a reassuring and healing comfort. My experience, of course, was not unusual. This is precisely how millions of people experience the female dimension of deity. She gives comfort and healing. As represented in the figure of Mary, she is always delicate and graceful. Her representation in the East, as the Goddess Kuan Yin or White Tara or Lakshmi, is also similarly modest. Be careful though. Do not imagine that this grace and subtlety are signs of weakness. In Qi Gung and Tai Chi, for example, there is a clear teaching that the softer and more subtle the energy, the deeper it can penetrate into us. This is one of the great powers of the Mother of the World, the Madonna: surrender to her and she will comfort you completely. The closeness of the Mother of the World My other story is very different and happened only a few weeks ago. It involves


The Mother of the World one of my dogs, one of my cats and a health device for hanging upside down. Every morning immediately after I wake up I take my two dogs, Daisy and Champ, mother and son, two big white standard poodles, for a walk. Whatever the weather I really like this walk across fields, along the River Brue, with Glastonbury Tor only a mile away. I have all the right gear and am even happy in the pouring rain. The dogs have rainwear too otherwise their coats can be a nightmare to dry. After the walk I then always do my morning meditation. On this particular day there had been a light drizzle and I had not put on the dogs’ rainwear, so I dried them with a towel and went to my room to meditate. My back however felt a bit tight and I decided that before meditating I would hang upside down for fifteen minutes. I stepped into my inversion device, fastened my ankles and carefully allowed myself to tilt backwards until I was hanging upside down. This is wonderful therapy for my spine, opening it up vertebra by vertebra, taking all the weight off it and allowing it to stretch and expand. I have used it regularly since a horrible back crisis twenty years ago and it is a wonderful part of my sustained good health. In fact I have a friend who is ninety-eight and hangs upside down every morning for thirty minutes while chanting hare krisha. And he is definitely still sparkling. As I hung upside down that morning, relaxing and beginning my meditation, I heard the door of my room being pushed open by Millie, one of my two birman cats, who years ago seduced me (I had previously just been a dog person) and who likes to sit on me while I meditate. Of course, she gets confused when I am hanging upside down, so she plodded and prowled around, bonking against my head, rubbing against me, not quite sure where my lap was and why I was inverted. Her tail kept going up my nose. Then my door was pushed more widely open and in plodded Champ who is a huge lovely and well-meaning boy with a heart of gold and the brain of a … dog. He too sometimes

likes to lie against me when I’m meditating. He sniffed around me, sniffed the cat (they are friends and often sleep together) and then with great affection rested his head against mine. He was still wet from the walk and smelt. I now had two animals circling, sniffing each other and me, and rubbing against me or leaning on me. By now I was beginning to smile. Then Champ stepped away a few inches and gave himself a full doggy shake and I was showered with the excess water from the walk. Millie meowed in protest. I laughed. And then they both came back to me, Champ resting his head on one side of my face, Millie purring and licking the other. While I all along remained hanging upside down. I laughed. I loved it. I loved being part of this playful world of well-meaning, friendly and happy animals. I liked the safety and joy of the affectionate rough and tumble game. I liked being a happy creature with other happy creatures. Still hanging, I gave thanks and I found myself thinking of all the times that I, as a parent and friend, had played with children, making homes under sheets spread across chairs in the lounge. Face-painting and decorating each other; splashing, bubbles and balloons. Play is wonderful. There is something truly magical when animals play together in safety and happiness. For me, that joy in our creaturehood is protected and nurtured by Mother Nature. Mother Nature safely holds and supports us. She creates space for her children to play and be joyful. Mother Nature is also surely the Mother of the World, the Madonna of all life. If you have not done so already, perhaps you might like to call her more fully into your life — with a prayer or a candle or a simple thought of gratitude. All my love, William

© 2013 by William Bloom,



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Mary, Queen of Angels is for people, of whatever faith, who would like to develop their awareness of the all-enfolding presence of the Mother of the World. Doreen Virtue shares a collection of true stories from people (including herself) who have experienced dramatic healings by, and visitations from, Mary. Doreen ties these stories together by category – with comments and narrative for those who wish to deepen their own connection to Mary and the angels. Filled with prayers for various life situations, discussions about the history of Mary and details about geographic locations where there have been sightings of her, this book will open a window in your soul to divine grace and compassion. 224pp, 142mm x 222mm, hardback, 2012, RRP £12.99 Code: 230303, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £7.99, 2+ copies £7.49 each

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We believe in Oneness. The more you give to others, the more you give to yourself. Live life and share the love.


Louisa Mills


feel privileged to write Cygnus Books’ email newsletters and grateful for the connection I feel building with so many like minded people. I’m noticing more and more the beautiful consequences of honest communication. Sharing experiences openly with each other creates such superlative support. The more we open our hearts without ego, the more we reflect love in each other. With so many embracing a more cooperative way of life – taking it back to community and realising (or remembering) an innate Oneness – this love is strengthening. Love conquers all Although I’m not a Christian, there is a passage from the Bible that has been resonating with me recently: ‘Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails’. I expect that you have experienced, just as I have, Divine Love at a moment of ultimate need. It comes to all, unconditionally, if we open to it as a flower to the sun. Although it can’t stop the painful things that happen in life, it eases our hearts, giving us strength and understanding. It all starts with you My belief, however, is that Divine Love doesn’t just ‘come to us’ – Divine Love is always with us as an infrastructure of our very beings. I believe that at our very core we glow with a creation spark that was born of Divine Love. Once we really realise this, with absolute faith, we become portals for that grace to fill our lives and the lives of every soul we encounter. Being open and devoted to this Love, to our true Selves, will ease us through this difficult time or, what many refer to as the passage into a new era. Living with love can seem like such a huge change of lifestyle. But I’m not talking flower power, angel wings or living without our naughty pleasures. It can be a simple thing, really, to incorporate love into your everyday life. It’s the simple things that make all the difference and are easy to keep up habitually. It is something that we will come to find kicking in from the moment we wake. I like to do some EFT tapping (see opposite) at night before I sleep – telling my subconscious how I will wake with love, feeling positive and ready for joyful, productive day. When we open the curtains, no matter what the weather, we can spare a

The Divine Truth of Love moment to appreciate the miracle of life and nature – take in the sky, seek out the beauty, give inner thanks according to our own individual beliefs. Whatever we do through the day we can do it with devotional love, look twice at those we deal with until we see the love in them, embrace community spirit, seek out support from our neighbours and offer the same wherever we can. Share whatever is on your mind because a problem shared is a problem halved – be ready to return the favour. Books like Dare To Care by Louis Bohtlingk (see Louis’ article on p. 13) teach us how we can even make money-related choices with love. Give blessings and random acts of kindness. Inject love into our homes with flowers, essential oils, crystals and using devotional house-keeping (as Claire Edwards discussed in the February issue of the Cygnus Review) – open the windows to let the fresh air in, to let the love in! So many of us have been facing hardships and filling our days with these little things can help us to get proactive and take the power of love back. The truth will set you free Wearing my heart on my sleeve, recently, I have noticed some people recoil uncomfortably because we have this premise that we just don’t share private matters. But I’m not ashamed; I don’t feel that difficulties we face are something to be embarrassed or defensive about. As I’ve said before, the face we hold to the great sky, of which we are all a part, is a face that is sometimes beaming with a smile, sometimes creased with frowns and sometimes wet with tears … we share everything and everything is perfect. This is the true, unconditional love of Oneness. This is why I felt okay sharing with you, in a recent newsletter, a loss of faith that I experienced. Believe it or not, after all I’ve said to this point, I began to doubt love. During the floods Like so many others, I’ve been facing one difficulty after the other and I was feeling flooded by it all, to the point that I could no longer keep my head above water. Everything became muffled and blurry and I just wanted to sink deeper and deeper into a numb rest. My thoughts quickly became filled with cold, logical questions like ‘how can we really know that we are loved by the Divine or that there is anything or anyone ‘watching over us’?’. Let love open the door As lost and alone as I felt in this doubt and numb surrender, I managed to start seeing through the blur. As soon as love became an issue, as soon as I began losing my faith, it’s

as though a signal was sent out and those who are dear to me responded instinctively – without me having to say a word. I was blessed with gestures of love from friends and family, with songs, messages and conversations that were all serendipitously based on the same theme … love. A hand was reaching down to me, beneath the surface. I recognised and appreciated it but didn’t know how to grasp hold of it, I felt too tired. At this point I became scared – I’ve always lived with love, I was a particularly affectionate child and love has always been as natural as breathing to me. Why could I not let love in now and would I ever be able to again? Prayers Earlier this evening I took a quiet moment to really address this lull that I’ve been feeling. My son was sleeping, my partner was doing his art work and I was compelled to go outside into the crisp February air. A cup of steaming hot tea warmed my hands as I intently surveyed the last smouldering strands of a sleepy sunset … I was desperately looking for some counsel; I prayed from the heart as if it was the first time I’d ever truly prayed. A familiar feeling of calm warmed my senses. I listened to the voice within which conveyed to me that up until now I had only believed the concept of an unconditional, Divine love. It is true that I have lived with love and given love freely, person to person, and I have felt love reflected. With sincerity of heart I have given myself to a One Love, with healing thoughts and intention to humankind ... just as we all have been instinctively doing. It was made clear to me that evening though, by windswept messages from a red horizon, that this is only a fraction of what Love is. Maybe you are feeling, as I do, that it is time to awaken the deep, innate, devout faith in love that is at the core of who we are. I realise and accept that I had to experience doubt and fear in order to pray hard enough to awaken such faith. Building an ark! I have an idea ... if like me you’ve been flooded by one thing after another, instead of giving up and drowning in it all, how about we choose to reinforce the faith in love?! We could use this strong faith and the power of love to build an ark! As much as the waters around us may have grown, so too has our understanding and our portal of love … a lot of building tools will come from there and working together we’re unsinkable! One Love, Louisa © 2013 by Louisa Mills

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Sondra Ray


Rock Your World with the Divine Mother

stating that on that very day, there was a configuration of planets he author Barbara Marciniak says in a lineup that only happens about every 60,000 years. I believe that the Goddess is going to be it was Sirius A, Sirius B, Pluto and the Earth lining up. The birthed through us no matter what, male main message of the fax was that this was a sign that the Divine or female. She explains how important Mother energy was moving in and the patriarchy would seriously this is for the planet. ‘When you explore start breaking up. (That was already happening in my own the goddess,’ she wrote, ‘you begin to organization... Sometimes pioneers have to go through things first value life. When you value life, you do to learn how to help the others.) not kill.’ The main thing that struck me In Zurich, I told the group I would have to do a ceremony to was that she she stated that the Divine acknowledge the Divine Mother using incense, flowers, and grains Mother should be the foundation for new as an offering to the altar at the exact hour mentioned in the fax. communities and new civilizations. When I read that, I felt happy This came right in the middle of the seminar. I told them that it that I was on the right track. At the same time, my own business was highly unusual that I would do such structure began to fall apart – it was a thing with a new group but they could inevitable because the patriarchal aspects stay and watch if they wanted. had to go. Nobody left the room. Nobody could Falling apart to come together move. Nor could they move for a long There is in India the image of Tara. time after. It was stunning. What a She had around her neck freshly severed feeling! I found out that other people human heads. I never could fathom how to really like ceremonies – even if they understand that, so I read up on it. These are ‘new’, even if they have not been to heads represent the nooses in a person. India, even if they have not been around You can hang yourself on those nooses: me and the work I do, and even if I do lust, anger, greed, envy, delusion, fear, not think they are ready. They were in etc. The Divine Mother chops off your fact thrilled. I have never held myself head to cure you. But we are so attached back since. to these nooses that we shrink from the A gift of sacred, healing ash Divine Mother in fear. It is important to That day my body worker, Kerry, was understand, however, that she only wants feeling ill. I was extremely worried about to kill the false you, the limited you, the her, but I had no time to rebirth her old personality you accrued in so many myself. I sent a fax to one of my teachers births. She wants the real you, which is for help and told Kerry to stay in my quite different. Sondra’s picture of the Divine Mother room by the altar. At midnight Kerry There is another image of the Divine ran to get me and my organizer. She was Mother with many arms. That represents her shouting that sacred ash was coming out of my picture the Divine taking your karmas. Most people wear their karmas like clothes. Mother! We ran into my room to the altar and sure enough, it She wants to take them off. She cremates billions of karmas. It is was true. I told her to eat it. We all three ate it. She was instantly said that there is no escape except by her grace. healed! The Mother was once again showing me her power. I was Once in Puerto Rico, I woke up screaming because I had a dream I was carrying my head in a bag! But later I understood this so glad I had a witness to these things and others could share the miracle. dream as a very good sign. I did not want to die and reincarnate a The Mother is supreme reality. She is light itself. Transcendent. thousand more times. I was hoping and praying I could surrender, It is by her and through her that all things moving and motionless so I said to the Divine Mother, ‘Do what you want with me!’ shine. It is by the light of her, the Divine, that all things manifest. Little did I know, you have to prepare for things to fall apart. Years earlier I had said to Leonard Orr [founder of the Rebirthing/ A yogi told me this: ‘When everything else is stuck, only she is moving.’ Breathwork movement] that I was afraid my business was falling From Rock Your World with the Divine Mother, © 2007 by apart. He said, ‘Good. The ego has to fall apart.’ Things would Sondra Ray, published by New World Library. fall apart in my business fairly often, and I stopped thinking that that was bad. Something new always arose like a phoenix. I made a lot of mistakes, but at the BOOK FOR GIVING, MULTIBUY OFFER! same time, miracles kept happening. ROCK YOUR WORLD WITH THE DIVINE MOTHER Sondra Ray Welcoming the Divine Mother In Rock Your World with the Divine Mother, Ray demonstrates that the Divine energy Mother’s presence is essential for both inner peace and peace in the world. The I was in Switzerland, where I had Divine Mother is known by many names and takes many forms. In Christianity, been asked to teach a course on she is the Virgin Mary. In China, she is universally loved as the goddess of physical immortality. That was rare compassion, Quan Yin. In Hawaii, Pele, the goddess of fire, manifests in the because these were all new students form of a woman near the volcanoes. In India, she is embodied by Kali, Lakshmi, to me and I usually do not teach that Tara and other goddesses. The fusion of feminine qualities from all religions and course to students I do not know. traditions, the Divine Mother can be a nurturing presence and a powerful guide Well, I decided, hopefully the right along your individual spiritual path. Through stories, prayers and teachings, people in Zurich will come. Then Sondra Ray enthusiastically escorts you into the profound reawakening of the I received a fax from my astrologer sacred feminine in the hearts and minds of seekers throughout the world.

242pp, 140mm x 190mm, softback, 2007, RRP £13.99 Code: 230304, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £9.99, 2+ copies £9.49 each


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Judy Hall

Magical thinking: Manifesting Your Soul Plan


f a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon causes a hurricane in the Caribbean then surely a group of writers flapping their arms in the New Forest could shift the jetstream. Let’s do it. I said. Six Village Writers enthusiastically flapped their elbows while four others looked on in quizzical amusement. We had been discussing the abnormally cold and wet early ‘summer’ we were experiencing which, apparently, was due to the jet stream being ‘stuck in the wrong place’. I made my suggestion somewhat flippantly. But, two days later the sun came out: the jet stream had shifted. When I recounted this to a friend she said witheringly: ‘Surely you don’t think you had anything to do with that do you?’ Well, actually, yes, we just might have. I’ve seen such things happen too often for it to be mere coincidence. I believe the intention gets taken up by the universe and reflected back to manifest in the world. That’s the power of magical thinking. Psychologists are scathing about magical thinking – which in their lexicon is defined as believing you have influenced what happens in the world around you when actually it’s just a completely random coincidence. But magical thinking is the basis of the Law of Attraction and the Power of Now. Manifesting is the result of thoughts and feelings projected out to the world. And the more conscious the intention, the more directed the thought, the more positive the result. As the Buddha said: As irrigators lead water where they want, as archers make their arrows straight, as carpenters carve wood, the wise shape their minds. The Buddha True creation starts in the heart rather than the head. Manifesting is not something you do, it is what you are: an outward expression of your inner being. It makes visible your background thoughts and feelings and expresses your core self. We all manifest every second of every day. With each thought, emotion and belief that passes through us, we create our reality whether we intend to or not. When Socrates said that the unexamined life was not worth living he stated a profound truth. If we do not examine our inner life, those thoughts, feelings, mental filters and


beliefs, how can we possibly recognise their influence on our outer life? Your thoughts and wishes are instructions that are picked up, magnified and returned to you: dispassionately but accurately and in abundance. Some people seem to believe that it is the universe’s task to give them what they want, to respond to petitions for ‘more money’, ‘more love’, ‘a better life’. They look to something ‘out there’ to create on their behalf because they have a feeling of impotent lack. Those who make demands of the universe in this way are living their lives backwards. They think that if they have more of what they so desperately desire, they save 40%

will be happier. But what they manifest is more of the same: lack. ‘Asking the universe’ gives away your own power to create. It puts the power to direct your life firmly in the hands of another – whether that other is named God, the universe, or whatever. Take back that power – I use Malachite to support this process – and you become a conscious co-creator of your world. Joy and a sense of empowerment radiating out attract an abundant life. Magical thinking creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, a benevolent gifting circle. If there are contradictions within you, if the part that is unconscious is putting out one message while your conscious mind is putting out another, or if two unconscious parts are in conflict, confusion and negative

manifestation results. This is not only true of thoughts and feelings. Perhaps the deepest question of all is can we successfully manifest something that goes against our soulplan? Soulplans are something that interest me greatly. As a karmic astrologer I have examined thousands of soulplans over the last forty years or so and I explored them in depth for The Book of Why [200820, £12.99]. We not only have a plan for the current life, laid down before we incarnated and mapped in the birthchart, but we may well be running out-dated soulplans from other lives too. These trip us up if they cancel out our current plan. I use astrology and crystals to understand these plans but you can find yours by holding your favourite crystal and asking for guidance (see the soulplan meditation). Or, you can follow the longer meditation in Life Changing Crystals, and then apply magical thinking to create the life you were born to live. Soul plan meditation Hold your favourite crystal, gaze at it and ask your soul to show you the purpose of your present incarnation, the soul mission you are on and how you may best carry this out. Close your eyes and breathe gently while you wait for an answer. Note any thoughts or feelings that pop into your mind. Ask your soul if this purpose is still relevant or have things moved on so quickly that you need to make a new plan? Ask your soul to indicate any negative, past-its-sell-by-date soul contract or outdated purpose that may be interfering with your soul plan. If you find one, explain to the part of yourself that is carrying that outdated purpose or contract that it no longer applies, that it is time to dissolve it and let it go so that your current soul purpose can be fulfilled. When you have finished, disconnect from the crystal and thank it for its assistance. © 2013 by Judy Hall. Crystals attuned by Judy are available from

BOOK FOR GIVING, MULTIBUY OFFER! LIFE-CHANGING CRYSTALS Judy Hall Judy Hall introduces the core processes of manifestation and demonstrates how crystals can help you to ask the universe for what you need while taking responsibility for the outcome. She helps you sense the energy of crystals and choose the right ones to work with for manifesting, such as using inspiring visualizations, affirmations, rituals and layouts. Included are detailed profiles for more than seventy crystals which have special manifesting properties, such as Manifesting Quartz, Malachite, Angel’s Wing Calcite, Agate, Brandenberg, Jade, Spirit Quartz, Aurora Quartz (Anandalite’), Goldstone, Turquoise, Mystic Topaz, Citrine and Mohawkite. Beautifully illustrated throughout, this book reveals the crystals and special techniques that can bring about genuine change. With this book and your crystals, you can see your dreams become a reality. 160pp, 190mm x 235mm, softback, 2013, RRP £14.99 Code: 230312, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £8.99, 2+ copies £8.49 each

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HEAL YOUR MIND, HEAL YOUR LIFE REWIRE YOUR BRAIN FOR LOVE Marsha Lucas Imagine, instead of blowing up at an off-hand statement your partner makes, you are able to stop, breathe and respond in a thoughtful manner. In Rewire Your Brain for Love, Marsha Lucas brings together neuroscience and mindfulness meditation in an exciting program to help readers create and sustain better, healthier, juicier romantic relationships. Lucas describes how we developed our current relationship wiring and how to modify it through mindfulness meditation. Focusing on nine benefits, Lucas shows how a short daily meditation practice can change the way you interact with everyone around you. The benefits include increased emotional resiliency, greater insight/self-knowledge, more attuned communication, and enhanced empathy. Each chapter focuses on one of these benefits providing you with clear practical exercises and the science of how and why they work, showing that with regular practice you really can rewire your brain for love! 288pp, 153mm x 230mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.99 Code: 230313, Cygnus Price: £8.99

THE LITTLE BOOK OF HUGS Lois Blyth This inspirational book would make a lovely gift for yourself or a loved one. Besides gorgeous illustrations it also contains an uplifting collection of quotes and stories that help you celebrate hugs in all their guises. A hug is one of the most basic ways two (or more) human beings touch. There is power in a hug. A hug can break down barriers that sometimes words cannot do. At times, it can speak more than any words can say. We bond with a hug. We find comfort with a hug. Hugs cost nothing but the intention to be caring and kind. The Little Book of Hugs looks at all aspects of hugging, from its stress-reducing health benefits to hugging etiquette, different hugs for different occasions, and information about the hugging ‘community. Award yourself or a loved one this lovely book, which is a joy to give as well as receive and will enrich the life of whoever reads it. 64pp, 140mm x 140mm, hardback, 2013, RRP £6.99 Code: 230314, Cygnus Price: £4.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Rewire Your Brain For Love:’ & ‘The Little Book Of Hugs’ For £12.98

KEEPING YOUR HEAD AFTER LOSING YOUR JOB: HOW TO SURVIVE UNEMPLOYMENT Dr Robert L. Leahy We’re all likely to know someone who’s lost their job recently and in these times of media fuelled, banker spawned, governmentally mismanaged economic woe, it’s not so simple to just go out and get another one. No, a person needs very specific cognitive tools with which to weather the storm and sail smoothly to a new, safe harbour. This book draws on cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) as well as practices such as mindfulness to help readers boost their self-esteem and confidence, decrease anxiety and feelings of helplessness, and develop resilience and strength going forward. save 35%

320pp, 154mm x 234mm, softback, 2013, RRP £13.99 Code: 230317 , Cygnus Price: £8.99


BREAKING THE SPELL: AN EXPLORATION OF HUMAN PERCEPTION Kingsley L. Dennis This riveting book examines how we have become largely disconnected from a living, energetic universe through social conditioning. Over generations humanity has lost much of its creative spirit, imagination, and perceptual faculties. In this book the author addresses how we should break the spell of our conditioned perceptions and learn to manage and develop our emotional, mental, and physical energies. Through such chapters as Managing One’s Energy, Being Vigilant, and Stepping Away, the author explains in very simple language the necessity for each person to regain their focus, inner calm, and to observe the chaotic impacts that surround them. The author also discusses how a person can refine their perceptions through inner intent. The book also contains an inspiring collection of teaching stories; and an Appendix on the misunderstandings of modern day spirituality. This timely book explains just how to break the spell of our hypnotic world. 111pp, 140mm x 216mm, softback, 2013, RRP £9.99 Code: 230315, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £6.99, 2+ copies £6.49 each


THE MIRACLE OF SELF-LOVE Barbel Mohr & Manfred Mohr Learning to love ourselves in the same way as we love others can give a serious boost to our health and happiness. This powerful book will help you root out and melt away all those hidden destructive thought patterns and develop the ability to love yourself so that you can love everyone and everything more freely, fully and completely. After years of experience working on herself and with seminar participants, it was clear to Barbel that the universe can only work its healing magic if we are feeling love and appreciation for ourselves, as well as for others. With numerous practical tools, including self-love mantras and visualization exercises, this book teaches you how to cultivate a fundamentally positive and loving relationship with yourself so that you can know the miracle of self-love, and the abundance of joy that it will bring to your life. save 38%

208pp, 131mm x 197mm, softback, 2012, RRP £8.99 Code: 230202, Cygnus Price: £6.49


Many people’s lives, relationships, careers and wellbeing are blighted by the belief that to be liked, loved and accepted they have to limit themselves to the behaviours they believe are approved of by others. This might mean some or all of the following: always being polite, nice, helpful, charming, fun, making people feel good about themselves, not letting people down, never saying ‘no’, avoiding conflict and putting others’ needs before their own. Does that sound like you? In her 15 years of clinical experience as a psychologist Jacqui Marson has coined the phrase ‘the curse of lovely’ to describe this growing trend. Many people would like to be known as lovely, but for a growing number of people it can feel like a curse. They feel unable to put their own needs before those of everyone else, and feel that changing this is not an option. This highly practical and motivational book will show readers how to break curse of lovely to live a more complete, fulfilling life. 240pp, 135mm x 216mm, softback, 2013, RRP £12.99 Code: 230319, Cygnus Price: £7.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘The Miracle Of Self-Love’ & ‘The Curse Of Lovely’ For £13.48

We believe we are all connected by love. That love guides us and nourishes us. Live life and share the love.

Louis Bohtlingk


The Star of Care First: Healing the Harm Done for Money’s Sake

are First means, we let care (our heart) lead the way in all money matters and make sure that money serves the well being of people and the Earth and is not used at their expense (Money First). My wife Sandra and I have just returned from the Netherlands after a great visit of further grounding and expanding Care First. On our first night back I had a beautiful dream. I saw money as a small star, supporting and serving everything, radiating beautifully. I was with a big group of people exploring how we create this beautiful money and let it replace the money we know. We can transform money with our intention and consciousness from what it is as a result of our Money First attitudes to what it can become when we apply Care First. We have decided to spread the Light of Care First worldwide, to inspire everyone to apply it and believe in its power and clarity.

world together. The Care First idea was born in relation to transforming our financial world, but the care can be applied in all directions: care for ourselves, each other, our world, our Earth and our money.

Five questions Together with many others we have been asking ourselves Five Questions to empower ourselves into action and explore our common ground for creating a new culture. A culture with an overall focus on happiness and well being and a financial and economic reality to serve this. The five questions relate to fields of operation which we visualise as five sails on a ship. The ship is made of everyone’s unique selves and talents, as a symbol of our interconnectedness and co-operative effort. The Five Questions are: 1) Do we agree that all children and grownups need to be heard and seen in their true essence and called forward to bring their deepest gifts and talents? (Our Emergence) 2) Do we agree that we all need to empower ourselves and each other to govern our world together, be responsible and create the financial, economic reality we want? (Self-governance) 3) Do we agree that by applying Care First – using money in service of the well being of people and the Earth and not at their expense – we can create a huge breakthrough on all levels in our culture? (Care First) 4) Do we agree that money can be seen as a common good to serve us and our beautiful Earth? That together we can decide how to create, use and allocate it? (Global Financial Commons) 5) Do we agree that all beautiful gifts the Earth provides for us, are there for us to receive, share and steward together? (Sacred Earth)

Care for each other to work together and take each other into account to listen deeply to everyone’s unique contribution to see what emerges from our midst and build our world

To care for all things All these questions relate to huge thresholds we can cross. We found a lot of agreement with many on this and are using it to build our

save 44%

Care for ourselves care for our needs, well being and happiness care for what we want to do in life, for our mission care for who we are

Care for our world to see how we can govern it together to create the culture we want on all levels to take responsibility, stand up and let our Voice be counted Care for our Earth care for our resources, eco-systems and all that lives in Nature to share what the Earth provides and receive it as a Gift for us all to take what we need and not more Care for our money care for our financial needs care for the money between us all – our Global Financial Commons

care that our banks, financial networks, credit unions, cooperatives all see money as we do: to care first! Dare to Care – courage and breakthrough It is very clear that as a world we are very confused about money and that it is not common to see money as something we use in service of the Whole, of our well being and happiness. In our Money First World so much harm is done for money’s sake in all areas of life. Another main Dutch Bank SNS had to be bailed out because of irresponsible behaviour with people’s savings. The scandalous Atol disability assessment procedure in the UK to cut benefits, causing people to die through stress and tension. It is unbelievable. Hurt done to people because of how we resolve our deficit, which is part of the crazy way we run our financial world. It is so important that we learn to listen to the language of our hearts and understand its power and intelligence, to listen to the core of our being (our Heart of hearts). It takes courage to go there, to overcome our fears and conditionings and break through social pressures in relation to how we live with money. We live in a world, where it is not easy to live in a Care First manner and Money First governs many things. It is here that we can make a breakthrough both in ourselves and as a culture, so that Care truly leads the way in all things. This is what my book Dare To Care is all about. The change begins with us, with our attitude, responsibility and consciousness. Money First and Care First are attitudes that influence our decisions as individuals and on every level of decision making in our culture. We can make sure we all become well informed citizen’s so that we can decide what steps need to be taken. I believe that with 21 Dec 2012 transition we are entering a New Era of The Heart as a next phase of human evolution, where the Heart becomes the mirror for all we do and where the Heart wants to guide all human affairs. With our heart’s intelligence, co-operation and humility I believe we can resolve the issues at hand.

© 2013 by Louis Bohtlingk.

BOOK FOR GIVING, MULTIBUY OFFER! DARE TO CARE Louis Bohtlingk The message of this book could not be more appropriate or timely. Louis Bohtlingk offers an inspiringly simple yet far-reaching idea for transforming our economy and the world of finance so that it supports, rather than undermines, our human needs and those of our planet. He suggests that, by changing the way we think and feel about money, transforming our approach from a money-first to a care-first attitude, we can all help to create a better world in which greed and fear no longer dominate our financial decisions, and caring and compassion become our primary guides when making money-related choices. Bohtlingk shares his vision for a love-based economy and a care-first world, using examples of businesses, organizations, communities, and individuals who have made this approach work for them and those they serve. Through Dare to Care you will come to view finance and economics from a new perspective, one which urges you to reorganize your approach to money and so become empowered to act and achieve a care-first worldview. 228pp, 152mm x 229mm, softback, 2012, RRP £12.49 Code: 220402, Cygnus Prices: 1 Copy £6.99, 2+ copies £6.49 each

Next issue – April – UK mailings will arrive from 27th March


Fred Hageneder

Yew – Primeval Tree, World Tree, Guardian of Life


he World Tree (or Tree of Life) is doubtless one of the oldest symbols of the mystical union of human and nature.

All life is sacred All streams of life unite in the World Tree and form a single organism which brings forth all living things – among them plant, animal and human – as its leaves, flowers and fruits. The Tree of Life is a manifestation of divine powers. It is sacred, and because everything in the biosphere is a part of it, all life is sacred. This can also be seen as the very heart of all truly ecological consciousness. And it is as old as the cave paintings of the Middle Stone Age! The mythological image of the Tree speaks to our heart: we protect life because we love it, because we are part of it, and not because some cold voice of ‘reason’ tells us in the newspapers that we have to save the planet if we want to survive. It’s not about survival, it’s not about us, us, us. It’s about listening to the heart. And to the Earth. And the Earth speaks – among other channels – through trees. Ancient trees in particular hold deep lessons for us. What they can teach is not mine to relate, you have to go and listen for yourself. The journey through eternity Throughout the ages we find evidence for the yew’s pronounced association with the World Tree. During the Neolithic and Bronze Age periods the spirit of yew was revered in many places across the whole of Eurasia in the guise of a goddess, most often a goddess of birth and a goddess of death, for both transitions are the gates between this world and the other, and the yew was the trusted helper and guardian at these gates. The branches may swing in the winds of time but the centre of the World Tree, its trunk, does not move as the world turns. It is the calm centre of absolute silence and ultimate peace. It is the gate to eternity. When you sit beneath an ancient yew tree, note the sounds from the world around you, noises from far and near, and compare them to the peaceful silence emanated by the

tree. Calm your thoughts and delve into that refreshing silence. The link between yew and eternity is also reflected in its name. The English word yew derives from the Old High German iwe, iwa, which is closely related to ewi, ewa, meaning ‘eternity’. All yew names stem from the IndoEuropean root word ayu, ‘life force’, indeed a fitting association because yew is a tree of extraordinary life force: not only is it an evergreen, but it is the only tree (in Europe) that photosynthesises throughout the winter months and hence is the only tree that does not hibernate but is ‘awake’ at the winter solstice – the most important date in the sacred calendars of ancient tribal Europe. Vitality and long life Yew has a number of biological strategies to secure its survival and prolong its life span. One of them is the capability of branch layering, i.e. lower branches arch down to the ground, take root and produce shoots some of which may develop into ‘new’ trees, whether still connected to the parent tree or not. Hence a single tree can form an entire grove. This ability is most remarkable for a conifer. The most astonishing feature, however, is that of interior roots. As the trunk of an old yew inevitably hollows out (with the help of fungi), the cambium produces roots that grow from the top of the trunk all the way down. Over centuries, such an interior root can develop into a new trunk that increasingly takes over the crown of the tree while the hollow shell of the original

trunk begins to drop away. Thus the yew can renew itself from the inside out and live another life. Yew is unique in many other botanical respects too, and botanists all over the world are fascinated by this species. And in the distant past, when people did not care about science, they saw the tree from an emotional viewpoint – as the symbol of the regenerative force of nature, and a reminder of constant flux, transformation and rebirth. Ecological implications It becomes apparent that this ancient cosmology has strong ecological implications: (1) All life is sacred and all sentient beings participate in that. They have a birthright to live a happy and fulfilled life, according to their own needs, not just as slaves to human whim in factory farming, labs and plantations. (2) Earth’s biosphere is a multitude of life forms and complex relationships; it is not just there to please the human being in its self-centeredness. (3) We were never meant to be the ‘crown of creation’ as in executing arrogant superiority over all life forms, but as loving custodians of the most beautiful planet we know; the whole biosphere is the Garden of Eden. (4) And Britain is a Noah’s Ark for the majority of the ancient yew trees that survived the turbulent last millennium or two. They have no legal protection (yet) so let us take care of them and celebrate them. © 2013 by Fred Hageneder.

YEW: A HISTORY Fred Hageneder The yew is one of the most fascinating and versatile life forms on Earth, botanically rich and intriguing and culturally almost without comparison. In history, mythology, religion, folklore, medicine and in warfare, the yew bears timeless witness to a deep relationship with mankind. The Tree of Life, its association with churchyards in Britain and Europe has given it a particular claim on the popular imagination as a living link between our landscapes and those of the distant past. Fred Hageneder presents in depth the botany as well as the cultural history and remarkable mythology of the genus Taxus. This comprehensive and beautiful study – far more than a coffee table picture book – is the ideal chance to explore the true majesty and mystery of these magnificent trees. 320pp, 194mm x 263mm, illus. in colour, softback, 2011, RRP £20 Code: 171128, Cygnus Price: £13.99

SPECIAL OFFER: buy ‘Yew:’ & ‘Heart Of Yew’ For £22.98 HEART OF YEW Jehanne Mehta Delight your senses and nourish your soul with this gorgeous book of poetry inspired by the spirit of the Yew. Anyone who stands quietly beneath a Yew Tree and allows their mind to absorb the atmosphere it emanates will immediately sense a deep mystery, and a vast store of ancient wisdom. Jehanne Mehta has spent years discovering and absorbing the essence of the Yew Tree, and in Heart of Yew her ponderings come to full flower. Her profoundly moving and evocative poems connect you with the Yew Tree as a powerful teacher and witness to our history (as Yew Trees are capable of living for thousands of years), providing immensely valuable metaphors for the struggles we encounter as we learn to know and express our individual uniqueness more deeply, which is so essential if we are to meet the challenges of the 21st Century. Andy McGeeny’s photographs, which accompany the poems, will provide your senses with another doorway into the mystery of this majestic tree, which is known to many as the physical version of the Tree of Life. On the accompanying CD, Jehanne – whose speaking voice is superbly resonant and beautiful – reads her poems aloud and Fred Hageneder – moved by the words of the poems and his great love of the Yew – plays the most magical music on his yew-wood harp. Anyone who loves trees will find in this book and CD a very great treasure. 48pp, 165mm x 165mm softback book + CD, 9 tracks, total running time 30 mins, 2012, RRP £12.99 Code: 221111, Cygnus Price: £9.99


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Chat Page Star Letter: My Random Act of Kindness After a 3 mile run a lady stopped and asked me if I had seen a little black dog, unfortunately I had not but offered to help her look for it which she declined and off she went on her own. I stopped for a moment and remembered the look of worry and sadness on her face, so off I went running after her. We agreed to split up and meet back at her car and I would call if I found the little dog. I stopped and asked everyone that I came into contact with if they had seen this little dog who goes by the name of Franky – two sightings – great I thought I was getting closer but this little dog was avoiding me, and I started to think I was imagining it all. Three hours and many miles later still no little black dog. I said to the lady I really

must go and collect my children from school. She thanked me profusely and kept saying it was so kind of me to help her look my reply was I hope that if something like this happened to me someone would do the same. That night I called the lady to ask if Franky had been found – yes she said 5 minutes after I left she thanked me again and said I hope I will see you again. Not only did I help someone they too helped me in several ways – my own lack of confidence went away and for the first time in several years I could look strangers in the eye and to be told how very kind and that I had made such a difference left me with an amazing feeling of love and warmth. Emma Yellop

Dear Friends,

We celebrated the Winter Solstice this year in a local village hall with around 30 like minded folk; after days of torrential rain and flooding, it was with a real sense of gratitude that we awoke to a dry day and drove up to Butser Hill on the South Downs for the sunrise. We held a simple ceremony calling in the four directions and as we faced East the mist cleared to show the huge red disc of the sun rapidly rising over the horizon. Returning to the hall for a welcome breakfast we spent the rest of the day in meditation and discussion on what 2013 will bring and between us we compiled a new Universal Prayer which I would like to share with you Universal Prayer

Thank you for uniting us with an abundance of love, harmony and joy. As we travel through our lives may we find compassion in each other. Love is unconditional and infinite, all we need is love. At the heart of love, there is forgiveness and in forgiving ourselves, we offer forgiveness to the world. May we and the universal energies play our part in supporting and healing the cycle of life, which in turn, nurtures our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health for the good of all. As we return to oneness, may it bring unity to divided minds. We show our gratitude by living in peace and harmony. With love, Sheila Robey

THE WRITER OF OUR ‘STAR’ LETTER OR POEM WILL RECEIVE A £10 VOUCHER. WHY NOT WRITE TO YOUR CYGNUS FRIENDS? Write about whatever inspires you. If you have an insight, experience or poem, please write it down in not more than 250 words (or, if it is a poem, in not more than 24 lines) and send it by post or email. If you send it by email, to info@cygnus–, please include ‘Chat Page’ in the subject line, dropping your text into the body of the email. IF YOUR CONTRIBUTION IS PUBLISHED ON THIS PAGE, OR ON OUR WEBSITE, YOU WILL RECEIVE A £5 CYGNUS VOUCHER

Love We have always been born with this thing called love, It comes to us and latches on, You can never ask when or why it happened, Only how? Love can be pain, Love can be beauty, Love can be extraordinary, Love can be death... It can be all those things, But love, is never limited.

What Is Love? Love can be Heaven but can also be conflict. Love is everlasting but can be broken. A parental love is unconditional as another comes with conditions. We`re told love never dies, but it can also kill. There can be the love for power as well as the power of love. Love can be a summer`s breeze, a sunset a sunrise. Love can be set free or a torture within. It can be `a melody that’s sweetly sung in tune`. Love can be for a home or a Ferrari or an animal that shares a life with you. Love binds us together through the good and bad times. Love has its own language, knows no boundaries religion or race but can lead us to God. In truth, true love can be as wonderful as it is difficult. But love can be kind and tolerant towards strangers and strange lands. Could you imagine a world without love? Love can be painted, sung, danced and written. It can be found on the highest peaks and in the deepest oceans. It is in the still of the night and beside you when your sorrows are full. Love is in life as it is in death. And in this highly competitive capitalistic commercialised world we live in, when sometimes it is hard to fulfill our dreams, remember if you can`t get what you want, you must love what you have. And that`s good enough for me.

James Kaffenberger

Love Begins With Me How to love, unconditionally, Without judgement, but with respect. How to live with love from others, Without judgement, but with acceptance. How to teach with love, how to be in love With all living things, With each other, And more. How to show you love. How to speak with love, With regard for life and liberty. How to love with freedom, Knowledge, Laughter, And gratitude. I give to all, my unconditional love. The love from within me, Is my greatest gift. I freely give it to all. No exception. No expectation. Just love, All my love, As Love begins with me. Stephanie Fletcher © 1/05/2010

Tony Hollis

Order from us by phone: 01558 825 500 Any questions: 01558 825 503 And Online: Email:


FINDING OUR TRIBE – HOW YOU CAN HELP We thought we’d use this page to let you know how we are getting on with putting into practice your marvellous ideas that were featured on our January 2013 Chat Page, and also to invite you to help us make them happen.

SELL E-BOOKS John and Sam are working on it and we’ll keep you posted as to how we get on. HELP CREATE A CYGNUS BLESSING TREE Send us a piece of ribbon with your blessings for 2013 on it. We’ll post all your blessings on our website and share with you a photo of the tree when it is all adorned with your ribbons. There are some very old apple trees in our garden in Wales. We’ll start with one of those! Maybe one day there will be a Cygnus Blessing Woodland. Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Please send your ribbons to: CYGNUS FREEPOST SS1193, LLANGADOG SA19 9ZZ

DISTRIBUTE MORE LEAFLETS If you’d like to help distribute leaflets about Cygnus, please call the office or email info@cygnus-books., say how many leaflets you can distribute and we’ll send them to you. CC

USE TECHNOLOGY AND VOLUNTEERS TO HELP FREE UP MORE TIME Our sons Sam and John are in charge of the technology side of things. If you have any specific suggestions about how technology can help us, please contact Sam at

WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE OUR FIRST ‘CYGNET’ OF THE MONTH If so, please let us know. What we’d like from you is 800 words explaining about yourself and how your spiritual quest is unfolding, your viewpoint on life, what book they would recommend as being influential in their life and a ‘jewel offering’ you would give to other readers. We’ll publish what you write in Cygnus Review. This will help us all to get to know each other a bit better. Please send your contribution to

HOLD EVENTS A couple of venues have offered to host Cygnus events for us. Before we set anything up, however, we’d really love to know what you would like to see happening at these events. Please send your thoughts to


Dylan Yarbrough

WRITE BETTER PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL How does Cygnus benefit you? If you have any ideas about better things we can say about ourselves, please call the office or email THE CYGNUS ROADSHOW Do you have any ideas/visions about what form THE CYGNUS ROADSHOW should take? If so, please let us know. Once this idea is a bit more fleshed out, we will be asking for volunteers. BUILD THE CYGNUS NETWORK The projects we would really like to work on at the moment are increasing the size of our Noticeboard section (involves creating a list of businesses and organisations you love or you think could be of benefit to Cygnus members and contacting them)and building a comprehensive list of all the UK’s therapists and finding out if they would like to receive Cygnus Review to read and to give to their clients (involves building a list of all the UK’s therapists and contacting them). If you would like to help us with either of these projects (we can reimburse expenses), please email

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Noticeboard CYGNUS EVENTS DIARY 2013

Cygnus will have a stand at the following events: Sat 02 Mar – Ursula James – Rewrite the Script of Your Life Sun 10 Mar – David Hamilton – Is Your Life Mapped Out? Mon 18 Mar – Barbara Wren – Cellular Awakening

PERSONAL NICE CARING GORGEOUS GUY, would like to meet any ladies in Milton Keynes/North Bucks area for friendship, fun, possibly more. Please text\call 07917 288537

For more info on the above, phone 0207 287 6711 or visit

SOUL-KISS.COM : Dating for people who care about their world and who they share it with


SPIRITUAL SINGLES – UK. Enthusiastic and motivated people wanted to help set up and promote a new, all-in-one, web site and local groups. For more information contact Neil : Tel: 07754 016779

ANCIENT SACRED SITES TOURS Spiritual journeys to the sacred landscapes of Malta, and Peru. Unique travel experience, ceremonies meditations, in key sites. Expert facilitators, small groups. Tel: 02082 421749 BEAUTIFUL HOUSE, Alderney, Channel Islands. Fabulous views of the harbour, beach and sea. S/C, woodburner, CH, fully equipt, sleeps 6. Also available, various massages, sports injury, aromatherapy, Reiki, reflexology etc. Also Reiki attunements to all levels. Telephone Maggie 01481822633. COMFORTABLE B&B, HAMMERSMITH, LONDON. Central, quiet, close to river, pubs, restaurants, all attractions. Ideal base holidays, courses, exhibitions, business. Double/twin/triple £27pppn. Single £42. Tel. Anne/Sohel Armanios 020 7385 4904 visit SCARBOROUGH, Fountains Court – for spiritual growth, health breaks, rest & recuperation. Suitable for solos, couples, friends or groups. Venue hire. No children or nightclubbers. All diets catered for. Tel 01723381118 HEALING RETREAT in the beautiful Pennines of West Yorkshire with holistic treatments to bring harmony & relaxation for mind body & spirit. Providing delicious home-made food to suit all tastes. 01422 822820 LIVING LIGHTLY AT THE LABYRINTH An old stone coachhouse on our half-mile of Cornish coast near Looe. Very private, offgrid, for 8-10+ peace-loving people. Dogs welcome., 01503-262671 SPECIAL OFFER, Beautiful Thassos Island/Greece, comfortable, well furnished and equipped holiday apartment, sleeps 3, quiet position, overlooking traditional mountain village, excellent walks and beaches.

BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ALWAYS WITH NATURE. 2 linked days (June/July 2013) of nature-guided spiritual/personal development with psychologist Dr John Hegarty and counsellor Janet Heath, MSc. Bloreheath Farm, Market Drayton, Shropshire. Details NEAL’S YARD REMEDIES ORGANIC require Consultants/Therapists. Earn 25%-40% on sales. No experience/targets, flexible hours, free website. Special offer £45 kit (WSL) or £95 kit. Contact Heidi 07918147446 WHO ELSE WANTS TO WORK FROM HOME creating a freer life and pension-style income from helping others? Simply watch FREE online info video or call me: Pamela G Glynn: 01803 867390

EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS AKASHIC RECORD READINGS £60 clears blockages from past lives, gives direction, grace point healing, face to face, phone, email and skype readings. Contact: 01245 290292 mob: 07885 945008 ANGELS, Ascension, Golden Atlantis & Transformational Teacher Training workshops with Diana Cooper School – courses in Scotland with Elizabeth Ann. Also spiritual coaching and angel readings etc. Tel: 01592 743417 visit

STEPS FARM in beautiful Somerset. Vegetarian guesthouse offering warm hospitality. Enjoy fresh air, walking and delicious food. See ‘Courses’ for Animal Healing and Vegetarian Cookery days. Details: 01747 812788 or

ANIMAL HEALING COURSES at Steps Farm in Somerset: 27/28 April; 25/26 May. Vegetarian Cooking: 16 March; 6 April. Other dates available for both courses so please get in touch. 01749 812788 or

VEGIVENTURES HOLIDAYS, tours and short breaks in Britain, Turkey, Peru, Ecuador, India and the Caribbean. Great vegetarian/vegan food, small friendly groups, environment oriented.. Tel: +44 (0)1760 755888, email visit

CRYSTAL THERAPY COURSES Learn with Lauren D’Silva of Touchstones School of Crystal Therapy. ACHO accredited courses in Mid-Wales and Glastonbury. All levels catered for. 01597 822749

HIGHLY ACCLAIMED WELSH COTTAGE. Detached with enclosed garden. Wood burning stove. Sleeps 4. Pets welcome. Broadband. Read our fantastic reviews on our website See Tripadvisor too! Summer rates available now. Tel:01547 330003

DIANA COOPER SCHOOL teacher training courses and workshops 2012 and Beyond, Golden Atlantis, Angels, Ascension, Unicorns and Transform Your Life, in Warwickshire with Principal Teacher Jillian Stott 01926 851898 07989 676 648

PEACEFUL, HILLSIDE RETREAT, North Wales. Treat yourself to some special time. Enjoy beautiful, restful views from your lovingly refurbished en-suite room. Also on offer: soul-counselling, meditation, Reiki, spiritual library, walks... whatever feeds your soul. Details: or Helen 01352 780281 WELLBEING RETREAT to be held at Tekels Park Centre, Camberley, from17th to 19th May 2013 (inc). Retreat programme includes meditation, Tai Chi, Yoga Nidra, Angel Cards, EFT. Contact Karl on 07973714335 or WOODLAND WATERFALLS WITH HUGE SECLUDED GARDEN. From £165/week. Panoramic views over thickly wooded valleys and rolling hills, set in garden/mature woodland, with streams, 5 pools, and waterfalls. 11 benches, swinging benches, hammock and hanging chairs. Huge library. 01686 414949

PRODUCTS & SERVICES COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES SCHOOL seeks part-time editor to create and continue a newsletter. Someone interested in related subjects and or personal development would be welcome – please email details to: NINA HEATON – Creating opportunities for change. My work now includes art as a powerful tool for change; painting your intention as a type of Mandala. Visit or phone 01733 236476

HOLISTIC WEEKEND WORKSHOP RETREATS, luxury Belle Tents accommodation, fully catered, peaceful, adults only garden site in North Cornwall. £160 inclusive – Friday to Sunday. – or tele.01208812403 LEARN CHINESE ASTROLOGY from an experienced Master. Classes from beginners through advanced, starting April in Warwickshire. Commission your personal chart, full written report with recommendations. Satisfied clients worldwide 07989 676 648 LEMURIAN CRYSTAL ATTUNEMENTS & EGYPTIAN HEALING COURSE WEEKENDS in Buckinghamshire. Certificated including comprehensive manual. Change your life with these two amazing courses. Tel: 01908240400 or E-mail or MEDITATION & PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT Tuesdays 7 30-9pm Chakra Healing & Development Groups for Integrity Growth & Connection Monthly Thursdays 7:30 – 9:30pm The Relaxation Place maxine Glover 07913270675

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EVENTS, COURSES & WORKSHOPS continued POSITIVE LIVING GROUP NETWORK. Positively inspirational events in Bath Next Event – 30th March – Personal and Spiritual Development 2pm – 9pm only £5 POWER OF NOW based weekend retreats near N.Yorkshire coast in April and September. Help stop your mind’s chatter, empowering healing and meditation. Regular day workshops in Leeds. 07884332644 WHITE HORSES RETREAT Snowdonia 2013 Workshops include: Phyllis Furumoto ‘Game of Transformation’; Science meets Spirituality; Landscape Painting; Meditation; Holistic Wellbeing; Animal Communication; the Enneagram – for details visit or call 01341-430617 WORKSHOPS IN WEST YORKSHIRE Numerology Workshop with Molly Entwisle 11am-5pm Sat 23rd March The Healing Code Workshop with Ann & Jack Stewart 10am – 5pm Sat 27th April O1422 822820 YORKSHIRE SCHOOL OF NATURAL HEALING training in 12-month IFPAaccredited Diploma in Holistic Aromatherapy in Brighouse HD6 – Enrol now, Induction 24 March, starts 20/21 April 2013. Contact Emmalene 0845 6832559 / 07951 011423 KARUNA REIKI (R) Next step for Reiki Masters (all lineages) seekers of Universal Truth and Compassion. Classes set in beautiful Peak District. (All levels of Usui Reiki taught). Tel 01629 733227 e.mail: visit DIANA, A PRINCESS IN HEAVEN. Anne Stewart channelling Diana on March 21st at The Grove, Malvern 7 to 9 p.m. £15. Day workshop on Diana Divine Healing on March 23rd [same venue], £75. Call Anne on 01925 479257 and go to DRUGLESS PSYCHIATRIST Dr Pradeep Chadha marries science with spirituality to create a unique, drug-free, approach to mental and emotional wellbeing. This training on 20th April is designed to add insight for professional hypnopsychotherapists. For more details 01371 859994 or GREECE Findhorn-inspired community-based summer holistic holiday Centre combines healing retreats, creative arts workshops, workcamps and living-incommunity weeks with lush forest, gorgeous beaches and Greek vegetarian meals. Also, August Family Fortnight., Email:, Tel: 0208 816 8533 STAR CONNECTING COURSE near Avebury – with Amuna Ra guided by Metatron and Melchisedek. 23 – 24 March – Awakening to your Soul Origins; 20 – 21 April – Channelling the Star Beings; 18 – 19 May – Star Portals/ Ascension Practices. £140 p/wkend. 07532-195256 STAR TEMPLE WORKSHOPS near AVEBURY – with Amuna Ra. Crop circles – sacred landscape visits. 6 – 7 April: Soul Balance – Energy Awareness; 4 – 5 May: Chakra Painting 1-2 June: Soul Origins & Star Families (Regression). £140 per weekend. 07532-195256

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HEALING, COACHING & READINGS FEATHER TOUCH THERAPIES – Offering Reiki and Energy Healing sessions for £20 – Helping You To Help Yourself – – 01787 463809 – 07922166883 – just mention Cygnus Review – Limited Offer For March and April 2013 ASTROLOGICAL CHILD PROFILE Beautifully presented in a luxury silver hardback cover, this 45 plus page detailed report is a wonderful gift. It will help all parents to understand their children better and make more suitable choices for them as they develop. Tel: 01540 661828 ASTROLOGICAL guidance and support. Reports, charts. Highly qualified and caring professional astrologer. Western and Vedic Astrology. Birth chart, prediction, relationship and child. Michael Conneely Email Tel 07799296821. CHANNELLED READINGS AND MEDIUMSHIP: Phone sessions densely packed with clear, accurate, waffle-free information, pointers to your growth and development, healing messages from family, pets, loved ones. Corinne Jeffrey 01594 829491/ +44 1594 829491 COMPANION ANIMAL LOSS LISTENING LINE (CALLL) Christine cares and truly understands the pain of pet loss. She is fully trained in pet bereavement. Calll 0115 840 2737 visit email: DISTANCE CORRESPONDENCE Courses in Runes and Ogham. Personal, inspired sharing on your spiritual life-journey. Munay-Ki initiations. Michael and Maggie. Tel 07799296821 EVER FELT YOUR ISSUE ISN’T ACTUALLY YOURS? Nikki Wyatt, The Karma Coach, helps release ancestral issues. Karmic Flower and Crystal Essences. Learn your gifts with a FREE soul flower reading available at: HARRY, EXPERIENCED CLAIRVOYANT – Accurate clairvoyance given for any area of your life to help you reach a positive solution for your concerns. Readings by telephone: £25 per session. Call: 0117 330 7435 HILARY CLAIRVOYANT. Postal readings now available. Send SAE with up to 3 questions. Include cheque or PO for £30 to Hilary Miles. 3 Poplar Road Taunton, TA1 2SB IVY – GENUINE ROMANY Clairvoyant & Medium. Est.35 yrs. Is your future uncertain? I have the answers you seek! Immediate telephone consultations: 01843 866862 Not an agency! KARMIC ASTROLOGY Fascinating interpretation of your birth chart. Find direction, understand your spiritual life purpose and soul lessons. Only £35 approx.40 pages. tel: 01522 589148 KRYSTA-ANNA. Mature, compassionate, psychic personally giving all readings, 9.45am to 8.45pm. Helping you understand and deal with your situation. 30mins £29, 45mins £39 Tel. 0121 2887503 (local call rate cost) payment by card. ONLINE CRYSTAL THERAPY. Heal yourself in your own time and space. Kate’s Crystals offers email consultations with a trained crystal therapist, with personalised crystal layouts sent direct to you. RECONNECTIVE HEALING is a powerful and intelligent hands-off energy, which works at whatever level you require. Personal or remote sessions, also for animals. Sussex based. 01323 871150 REIKI, ANGEL READINGS and more at The Emerald Ray Healing Sanctuary, Ilford, Essex. Qualified Reiki Master/ Therapists. For information, offers and appointments call Stephanie 07956597537 or Alka 07950368190. Email: SHAMANIC DIVINATION BY KATERINA: insights offered from journeying/ dreaming with my spirit teacher, plants and animals. By email. Variable price, depending on your income. Email: STENHOUSEMUIR – Beautiful purpose built cabin for your relaxation, reflexology,Indian head massage, Reiki,meditation, all you need to soothe the soul from top to toe. Self-awareness teachings also available. Tel/01324554518 JESSICA – CLAIRVOYANT/MEDIUM. Professional, Experienced – Readings for relationships, career, direction etc. also natural medium – communicate with loved ones who have passed over. Telephone readings: £25 per reading. Tel: 0117 3737 405 or 07800 929257

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THE FISHER KING CENTRE Cleansing for change – Detox retreats Britain’s longest established detoxification clinic and award winner for services to the health industry, offers continuous six day residential programmes for cleansing the colon, liver and lymphatic system. Incorporating: colon hydrotherapy, deep tissue massage, shiatsu, reflexology, quality probiotics, fresh organic juices, re–hydration with purified energised water, trampoline, inversion table, saunas, yoga, lymph drainage, consultations.

THE INCREDIBLE CHI MACHINE (Beware of imitations) The original Sun Ancon Chi Machine and the only one to have been the subject of extensive clinical trials and medical research. The Quantum Magnetic Analyser – a device for analysing and determining a person’s physical health status and problem areas without blood tests, giving 85% accuracy in one and a half minutes! (Therapists) The iMRS Mat – uses the square wave which has been shown by NASA to be the most effective for joint/muscle pain, circulatory, respiratory and digestive problems. New to this country – Exciting, simple and affordable! tel: 01458 831182

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13/14 April 2013, Romsey, Hampshire Learn the original form of Reiki healing as developed by Chuujiro Hayashi from the spiritual teachings of Usui Sensei. Dave King was privileged to learn these teachings from people who studied with Usui and Hayashi and will share the first two levels with us in this workshop, including the real meaning and use of the symbols. Powerful and elegant – the key is mindfulness! Please contact:

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BODIES OF LIGHT 10 months healing journey combining BARBARA BRENNAN HEALING SCIENCE with THE SPIRIT OF FINDHORN At present group 10 is up and running!!! 01309 – 674107

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