FY21 Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

Page 32

City of Coral Springs, Florida Management’s Discussion and Analysis (Unaudited) The City’s governmental activities net position decreased from $158.9 million in 2020 to $156.3 million in 2021. Total revenues from governmental activities increased by $5.9 million from fiscal year 2020. The increase is due primarily to a $3.1 million or 5.0% increase in property tax revenues which is from a 4.9% increase in the City’s total taxable assessed value, and a $4.2 million increase in charges for services. Charges for services increased because many services such as classes, summer programs, facility rentals that were canceled in fiscal year 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic, were partially resumed in fiscal year 2021. Expenses during fiscal year 2021 increased $17.4 million or 9.9% primarily as a result of general government, police and fire and emergency services activities. The City’s business-type activities net position increased from $62.3 million in fiscal year 2020 to $67.4 million in fiscal year 2021. The $5.1 million increase is primarily due to a $2.9 million increase from current year operations in the Water and Sewer Fund, $2.0 million increase from current year operations in the Stormwater Fund, and a $0.2 million increase from current year operations in the Solid Waste Fund. The Water and Sewer Fund’s operating earnings are primarily due to a rate increase implemented in October 2020. The water conservation rate structure modification increased certain rates by an average of 3.5%. The operating and administrative costs increase is primarily due to an increase in wastewater treatment fees charged to the City by Broward County and an increase of 3% for salaries and benefits. The Stormwater Fund’s revenues are derived from a special assessment which is levied based upon a flat rate per equivalent residential unit (ERU). The Fund’s operating earnings are primarily due to a 3.5% rate increase offset by an increase in operating expenses due to a 3% increase in salaries and benefits. The Solid Waste Fund residential assessment rate of $30 per single family home remained unchanged from the prior year. As a result, the Solid Waste Fund revenues remained flat while operating costs increased due to a rate increase from third-party haulers. Capital grants and contributions increased $543,000 in fiscal year 2021. These contributions typically vary from year to year based on activity and fluctuations are expected. Financial Analysis of the City of Coral Springs’ Funds As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to help ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance-related legal requirements. Governmental Funds The focus of the City’s Governmental Funds is to provide information on near-term inflows, outflows, and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the City’s financing requirements. In particular, an unassigned fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government’s net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year.


Articles inside

Government Auditing Standards 174

pages 175-176

value 152

pages 153-154

Table 19 – Full-time equivalent city government employees by function

pages 169-170

Combining statement of cash flows 133 Self-Insurance Fund – Schedule of revenue and expenses (budgetary basis)

page 134

Combining statement of revenue, expenses and changes in fund net position

pages 132-133

Schedule of changes in the net OPEB liability and related ratios – Plan Reporting

page 106

120 121 122 123 Nonmajor Enterprise Funds: Combining statement of net position

page 124

Schedule of City contributions – OPEB – Employer and Plan Reporting

page 105

Notes to financial statements 37

page 91

Required supplementary information (Unaudited): Schedule of revenue, expenditures, other financing sources (uses) and changes in fund balances – budget and actual (budgetary basis) – General Fund

page 92

Schedule of contributions 100

page 102

Schedule of revenue, expenditures, other financing sources (uses) and changes in fund balances – budget and actual (budgetary basis) – Fire Special Revenue Fund

pages 93-98

Fiduciary funds: Statement of net position

page 35

Statement of activities 22 Fund financial statements: Governmental funds:

pages 23-24

Statement of revenue, expenses and changes in net position

pages 32-33

Government-wide financial statements: Statement of net position 20

pages 21-22

Statement of cash flows 33

page 34

Management’s discussion and analysis (Unaudited) 4 Basic financial statements:

pages 19-20

fund balances 27

page 28

Reconciliation of the balance sheet of governmental funds to the statement of net position Statement of revenue, expenditures and changes in

pages 26-27

Balance sheet 24

page 25
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