Database Compatibility Configuration

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Database Compatibility Configuration

FoxPro, and IBM DB2.

There are several types of database management systems (DBMS). These are software applications that are used for storing, organizing and manipulating various types of data to make them meaningful and easy to retrieve. Some of the most commonly used DBMS are MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Oracle, Sybase, dBASE,

These software applications can be used for general purposes but there are instances that they need to be customized for specific needs. A human resource office, for instance, may need a system that regularly records the work hours of employees. There will be a need to integrate the time clock with the HR database. A compatibility problem between the software and hardware may arise. Database configurations include software-hardware integration, network configuration and software-to-software configuration. The different types of DBMS make it difficult to have cross-platform compatibility. Some tweaking is almost always necessary to establish communication among the various components of the system. Oftentimes, there is a need for remote access from various computers and locations. The software-hardware configuration is perhaps the most difficult compatibility issue but it is also the least common problem. It may require changing some hardware components or changing some circuitry. Most hardware systems, however, are flexible enough to accommodate various types of software applications. It is just a matter of installing the right drivers. Network configuration of DBMS, on the other hand, is necessary for remote access. Security and encryption features must be integrated. Finally, software-to-

software compatibility is mainly an issue of operating system compatibility. Many software applications may only run on specific operating systems such as Windows and Mac. If you are interested to learn more about the topic discussed in the article, you can visit for other related topics. You may also explore for other details.

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